Saturday, May 9, 2009

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Obesity May Raise Kids' Allergy Risk (HealthDay)

Posted: 08 May 2009 08:50 PM PDT

HealthDay - FRIDAY, May 8 (HealthDay News) -- Obese children and teens are at increased risk for allergies, especially food allergies, say U.S. researchers.

Probiotics may help ward off postpartum obesity (Reuters)

Posted: 08 May 2009 01:36 PM PDT

Reuters - Pregnant women who take probiotic supplements starting in the first trimester are less likely to develop central obesity after they've given birth, according to a new study.

Overeating to blame for U.S. obesity epidemic (Reuters)

Posted: 08 May 2009 09:11 AM PDT

Reuters - The major reason for the obesity epidemic that has gripped the United States in the past three decades is increased food intake, not reduced physical activity, according to a study released Friday at the European Congress on Obesity in Amsterdam.

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