Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Weight-loss surgery cuts cancer rate in obese women (AFP)

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 06:31 AM PDT

Shadows of patients at a weight reduction clinic. Weight-loss surgery that curbs food intake by stitching up parts of the stomach or small intestine reduces the risk of cancer in obese women by more than 40 percent, according to a study.(AFP/File/Frederic J. Brown)AFP - Weight-loss surgery that curbs food intake by stitching up parts of the stomach or small intestine reduces the risk of cancer in obese women by more than 40 percent, according to a study released Thursday.

Obesity While Young Boosts Pancreatic Cancer Risk (HealthDay)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 08:49 PM PDT

HealthDay - TUESDAY, June 23 (HealthDay News) -- Being overweight or obese as a young adult increases the risk for pancreatic cancer, and obesity in middle age is linked with poorer survival from the disease, a new study finds.

Stomach stapling may lower cancer risk in women (AP)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 05:13 PM PDT

AP - Women who have their stomachs stapled not only lose weight, they also may reduce their cancer risk by up to 40 percent, new research says. In a study of more than 2,000 obese people who had surgery to reduce the size of their stomachs, Swedish researchers found women who had the procedure were less likely to get cancer than those who did not.

Weight-loss surgery cuts cancer risks in women (Reuters)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 05:10 PM PDT

Shadows of patients at a weight reduction clinic. Weight-loss surgery that curbs food intake by stitching up parts of the stomach or small intestine reduces the risk of cancer in obese women by more than 40 percent, according to a study.(AFP/File/Frederic J. Brown)Reuters - Weight-loss surgery may help obese women lower their risk of developing cancer, Swedish researchers said on Tuesday.

Many overweight youngsters underestimate weight (Reuters)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 03:28 PM PDT

Reuters - In a study of urban-living mostly African American adolescents, nearly 40 percent were overweight or obese, and 27 percent of these youngsters underestimated their weight, researchers report.

Early obesity raises pancreatic cancer risk: study (AFP)

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 01:13 PM PDT

Obesity during early adulthood raises the chances that a person will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, according to a study released Tuesday.(AFP/File)AFP - Obesity during early adulthood raises the chances that a person will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, according to a study released Tuesday.

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