Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Report: Tips on creating fat-fighting communities (AP)

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 04:43 AM PDT

An obese child steps on a scale.The Bulgarian government on Thursday banned potato crisps, soft drinks, instant soups and high sugar-content cakes from school canteens to fight obesity.(AFP/File/Francois Guillot)AP - Where you live matters when it comes to children's waistlines, says a report that finds lots of options localities could and should use to fight child obesity — from easy bike paths, to luring healthier stores, to taxes on junk food.

Tax junk food, drinks to fight child obesity: report (Reuters)

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:21 PM PDT

Reuters - A strongly worded report on child obesity released on Tuesday recommends that state and local governments tax junk food and soft drinks, give tax breaks to grocery stores that open in blighted neighborhoods and build bike trails.

Mediterranean diet tops low-fat diet for diabetics (Reuters)

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 02:25 PM PDT

A man pours olive oil on a Dakos dish at Dakos fast food restaurant in Athens March 13, 2007. REUTERS/Yiorgos KarahalisReuters - A low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean-style diet is more effective than a typical low-fat, calorie-restricted diet for diabetes management, according to a study released Monday.

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