Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

College Students Struggle with Obesity (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 09 Feb 2011 08:54 AM PST

ContributorNetwork - Ask a college student what they had for dinner and they're bound to say pizza and beer. The two have always been synonymous with college students, but studies show their fast food diets are causing health problems.

Teen obesity could shrink Australian lifespans (AFP)

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 09:11 PM PST

Australia is one of the world's fattest nations, with the most recent National Health Survey classifying 25 percent of people aged 18 or older as obese, and 37 percent as overweight. The total cost of obesity, including health and productivity costs, was estimated to be around Aus$58 billion ($58 billion) a year in 2008, the most recent available figures.(AFP/File)AFP - Health experts warned that Australia's life expectancy could be sent into reverse after a new study found alarming levels of obesity among teenagers.

Can money motivate weight loss? Perhaps at first (Reuters)

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 06:19 PM PST

Reuters - Obese people may be more likely to slim down if they have money riding on their success through financial incentives -- but the weight might creep back once the monetary carrot is gone, according to a U.S. study.

Study: Global obesity rates double since 1980 (AP)

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 06:01 PM PST

AP - The world is becoming a heavier place, especially in the West.

First Lady to visit Atlanta for health campaign (AP)

Posted: 09 Feb 2011 05:09 AM PST

FILE - In this Jan. 27, 2011 file photo, U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama discusses nutrition at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C.  Obama will visit Burgess-Peterson Academy, a public elementary school in Atlanta on Wednesday Feb. 9, 2011 to tout the school's work on promoting healthy eating. She also will give a speech at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta just north of the city about the work of her 'Let's Move!' campaign. (AP Photo/Virginia Postic, File)AP - First lady Michelle Obama is coming to Atlanta to celebrate the first anniversary of her campaign to reduce childhood obesity.

Pounds for dollars: Can money motivate weight loss? (Reuters)

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 11:15 AM PST

Reuters - Obese people might be more likely to lose weight if they have money riding on their success -- but the pounds may creep back once the financial carrot is gone, a small study finds.

Program helps obese kids keep weight off long-term (Reuters)

Posted: 08 Feb 2011 10:30 AM PST

Reuters - Kids in an intensive obesity program were able to slim down and maintain a healthier weight a year after it ended, according to a new study.

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