Friday, March 11, 2011

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Animal Study May Explain Low Birth Weight-Obesity Link (HealthDay)

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 08:47 PM PST

HealthDay - THURSDAY, March 10 (HealthDay News) -- Newborns with a low birth weight due to their mother's poor nutrition during pregnancy may be "programmed" to eat more, research in animals suggests.

Blood pressure drugs feeding the obesity epidemic? (Reuters)

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:05 PM PST

Reuters - Blood pressure drugs known as beta-blockers could be helping to fuel the obesity epidemic, by dampening the body's ability to burn calories and fat over the long term, researchers say in a new report.

"Apple" obesity heart risk theory goes pear-shaped (Reuters)

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:04 PM PST

Reuters - New research is challenging previous medical notions that "apple-shaped" people with more fat around their waist are at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes than "pear-shaped" people with fatter bottoms and hips.

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