Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Study Reveals Bariatric Surgery Less Effective in Middle-Aged Adults (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 01:06 PM PDT

ContributorNetwork - If you're morbidly obese and middle-aged, weight-loss surgery may not decrease your chances of dying, according to a study published Sunday in the online Journal of the American Medical Association. Morbidly obese is defined as having a body mass index greater than 39 and generally means someone who is 100 pounds or more overweight.

How Overweight Pregnant Women Can Limit Weight Gain (

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 11:44 AM PDT - Overweight pregnant women who weighed themselves weekly and received text-message reminders about weight early in their pregnancy gained less weight than women who didn't, a new study shows.

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