Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

The Best Diets and How They Work (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 09:38 AM PST

ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | I have had issues with weight control and self-esteem most of my adult life. My efforts at weight loss and a healthy lifestyle have been complicated by other health issues, in particular being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. When I am having a "flare" of this disease, I cannot tolerate fiber, I am prescribed medications such as steroids, which make me want to eat continuously, and I have to pay special attention to potassium and sodium intake. When I am having a flare, it is hard for me to ingest and retain enough potassium and sodium, when I am well, the opposite is true. Over the years, I have personally tried five of the 25 "top diets" that U.S. News recently ranked, as well as dozens of other weight loss fads. The following are some of my experiences with these diets.

Fewer heart attacks after weight-loss surgery: study (Reuters)

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 09:08 PM PST

Reuters - Obese people who had weight-loss surgery were less likely to later suffer a heart attack or stroke, or to die from one, compared to people who did not have the surgery, according to a Swedish study.

Georgia Taking Wrong Tactic to Combat Childhood Obesity (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 02:48 PM PST

ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | An ad campaign by the organization Strong4Life and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta has raised the question as to whether it is better to shame and belittle someone into losing weight. The ads feature overweight children and slogans such as "It's hard to be a little girl if you're not" and "Big bones didn't make me this way. Big meals did."

Fewer heart attacks seen after weight-loss surgery (Reuters)

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 02:29 PM PST

Reuters - In a new study of obese Swedes, those who had weight-loss surgery were less likely to go on to suffer a heart attack or stroke, or die from one, compared to people who were managed without surgery.

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