Tuesday, October 1, 2019

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Giuliani says he will cooperate with Trump impeachment inquiry — only if the president gives him the green light

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:14 PM PDT

Giuliani says he will cooperate with Trump impeachment inquiry — only if the president gives him the green lightPresident Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said Sunday he would cooperate the House impeachment inquiry, but only if directed by his client.

Chinese fugitive: Police use drone to find man who had been on the run for 17 years

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:13 AM PDT

Chinese fugitive: Police use drone to find man who had been on the run for 17 yearsPolice in China have managed to arrest a man they'd been hunting for 17 years, thanks to drone technology.

Iran sentences man to death for spying for the CIA

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:10 AM PDT

Iran sentences man to death for spying for the CIAIranian courts have sentenced one person to death for spying for the CIA and jailed two others for 10 years for the same crime, as well as imprisoning a fourth person for 10 years for spying for Britain, the judiciary said on Tuesday. The verdicts come amid spiraling tensions between Tehran and the United States since President Donald Trump last year withdrew from Iran's 2015 nuclear deal with major powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran's economy in order to force Tehran to renegotiate the pact. It was not immediately clear if any of the cases were linked to Iran's announcement in July that it captured 17 spies working for the CIA.

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American Problem Isn’t Going Away

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:52 PM PDT

Elizabeth Warren's Native American Problem Isn't Going Away'I have listened and I have learned," said Elizabeth Warren at a forum of Native American voters in Iowa last month. "Like anyone who's being honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes. I am sorry for the harm I have caused." Did any reporter ask her what harm, specifically, she'd caused, or what, specifically, she'd learned? Did any reporter ask her if her "mistakes" were ones anyone could have made, or ones she believed any of her peers, either at Harvard or in the Senate, had also made?No, they did not.I suppose people think that the controversy over Warren's past claims of Native American ancestry has been put to bed, with Warren rising in the polls because she has plans for everything, including for Native Americans. But in fact, the controversy has not been put to bed, and it shouldn't be. It points to Elizabeth Warren's ambitions and lack of integrity, and forces us to ponder whether the rules really apply to those who would make them.The media have certainly done their best to help Warren in putting the controversy to bed, though. The Boston Globe -- in a story that briefly acknowledged that Warren's "political enemies have long pushed a narrative that her unsubstantiated claims of Native American heritage turbocharged her legal career" -- gave ample space to her own much-more-charitable version of events. Her reporter-defenders have pointed out that until a certain time in her life, she declined to participate in affirmative-action programs, though even they have had to admit that the crucial leaps in her academic career — her landing a job at the University of Pennsylvania and then moving on to Harvard — occurred after she began listing herself as a racial minority. The year before Harvard Law School hired her — and trumpeted her as the first woman of color so hired — it had been subject to major, headline-grabbing protests for giving tenure to four white men.Of course, Warren could have been deluding herself as well. She claims that her belief in her Cherokee heritage came from longstanding family lore. But the fact that she participated in the now-cringe-inducing Pow Wow Chow cookbook and plagiarized her recipes from a French cookbook suggests a certain awareness that she was perpetrating a racial fraud. And then there is the fact that Cherokee Indian is not so much a "socially constructed" racial category as a specific, legally defined identity: You are a Cherokee when the Cherokee nation recognizes you as a member on its rolls. Surely someone who identified as a Native American academically and socially in the way Warren once claimed she did would have sought such official status. But she didn't.Warren has repeatedly claimed over the years that her parents' marriage was rejected by racist grandparents because of her mother's Cherokee ancestry. But Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes has said there's simply no evidence of Cherokee genealogy in Warren's family. Warren's mother was not some racial outcast, but the popular daughter of a prominent local family. And there's no evidence of the romantic elopement, or racist animus on the part of her paternal grandfather, Grant Herring, who regularly played golf with Carnal Wheeling, a recognized Cherokee.The media haven't really known how to handle this story. Like a Geiger counter in a North Korean nuclear-weapons lab, the reaction of the "smart set" on Twitter was wildly disconcerting when Elizabeth Warren announced the results of her spectacularly ill-conceived DNA test earlier this year. At first, the trace amounts of Native American heritage were held up as proof against Donald Trump's attacks. Then, as geneticists and common sense intervened in the discussion, it became obvious that Warren's Native American roots were negligible.As the social-climbing Warren begins to gain over actual socialist Bernie Sanders, I expect the Sandernistas to unload on the contradictions between the upwardly mobile Left's hatred of cultural appropriation and the changing racial identity and falsified family history of its darling Warren. If she survives that and wins the nomination, she'll face a general election in which the same basic problem remains.I predict that should she make it that far, everyone will just try to change the subject.

Japan says Nigerian died of starvation after immigration hunger strike

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:18 AM PDT

Japan says Nigerian died of starvation after immigration hunger strikeJapanese immigration authorities said Tuesday a Nigerian man who died in detention in June starved to death while on hunger strike, in the first officially acknowledged case of its kind. "An autopsy has found the man died of starvation," an official at the Immigration Services Agency told AFP. The man in his forties, whose name has been withheld, died on June 24 after falling unconscious at Omura Immigration Center and being taken to a hospital in southern Japan.

Meghan Markle stuns in Banana Republic trench dress while on royal tour

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:52 AM PDT

Meghan Markle stuns in Banana Republic trench dress while on royal tourMeghan Markle stepped out solo Tuesday morning on the second to last day of the royals' South African tour.

Iran general says destroying Israel is an 'achievable goal'

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:18 AM PDT

Iran general says destroying Israel is an 'achievable goal'The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said Monday that destroying Israel has become an "achievable goal" due to his country's technological advances.

McConnell reaffirms he has 'no choice': Senate will take up impeachment if it passes House

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:32 AM PDT

McConnell reaffirms he has 'no choice': Senate will take up impeachment if it passes HouseSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that if the House impeaches President Trump he will "have no choice" but to hold a trial in the Senate and a vote on removing the president from office.

Las Vegas massacre anniversary sparks debate on gun control

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:52 AM PDT

Las Vegas massacre anniversary sparks debate on gun controlIn the two years since the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, the federal government and states have tightened some gun regulations. "People are genuinely afraid of going places," Nevada Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui said. You can't even go to school and feel safe," said Jauregui, an advocate for gun control in Nevada.

10 Non-Hybrid Crossovers and SUVs That Get 30 MPG or More

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:42 PM PDT

10 Non-Hybrid Crossovers and SUVs That Get 30 MPG or More

This is the most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 11:20 AM PDT

This is the most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.The most popular Halloween candy in America is and oldie but a goodie. And here's a hint: It comes in a ton of chocolatey flavors.

One killed, 10 injured in sabre attack at Finnish college

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:56 AM PDT

One killed, 10 injured in sabre attack at Finnish collegeOne woman was killed and 10 injured at a college in eastern Finland on Tuesday when a male student attacked his fellow students and staff members with a sword, Finnish police said. The attacker, whose motive remained unclear, used "a sabre-type of bladed weapon", chief inspector Mikko Lyytinen told a news conference in Kuopio where the attack took place. The wounded included a police officer and the attacker, who was seriously hurt when police opened fire to stop him at the college located at a shopping center, Lyytinen said.

Al Franken Faces New Sexual Harassment Allegation

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:12 AM PDT

Al Franken Faces New Sexual Harassment AllegationAl Franken was accused of sexual harassment by an anonymous woman on Monday, the latest in a string of misconduct allegations that forced the former Democratic Minnesota senator's resignation last year.In a piece published by New York magazine's The Cut, the woman, a current "senior staffer at a major progressive organization" came forward on condition of anonymity to accuse Franken groping her at an fundraising event in 2006 for U.S. Senator Patty Murray."At the time of the incident, I think, I'm going to go to law school. All I want to do is run for office in my home state. This created a moment of reflection," she told The Cut. " … It rocked my confidence. As I look back on my career, I am always in deputy roles and support roles."Franken resigned in July 2018 at the behest of Democratic leadership after a conservative talk radio host accused him of forcibly kissing her during a skit performed as part of a 2006 U.S.O tour.The latest allegation comes in the midst of a bit of public comeback for Franken, who on Saturday launched a weekly program on SiriusXM titled "The Al Franken Show."Franken also appeared on Conan last Thursday, during which he claimed "there were no good choices" during his ousting from the Senate in 2017 in the face of multiple sexual misconduct allegations, and said that "people who know me, know I'm not that guy."A July profile in The New Yorker revealed he regretted his decision to resign without due process, and that seven Democratic lawmakers now had qualms in the initial decision to force Franken out.One of the biggest proponents for Franken's resignation was New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand, who dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary last month after struggling to raise poll numbers and donations. A New York Times article noted Gillibrand was "shunned" by many powerful party donors for her stance on Franken.

Woman dons absurd costume to surprise sister at engagement: 'It totally made the moment'

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:03 AM PDT

Woman dons absurd costume to surprise sister at engagement: 'It totally made the moment'A Wisconsin woman surprised her sister with an incredibly hilarious costume during her engagement last week. 

A couple planned for a fall wedding in Washington state. A 'historic' snowstorm changed everything

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:39 AM PDT

A couple planned for a fall wedding in Washington state. A 'historic' snowstorm changed everythingSean and Brittany Tuohy were ready for a fall wedding in Spokane, Washington. A snowstorm changed their plans, but not their positive attitude.

Trump's 'Civil War' threat is 'beyond repugnant,' says GOP Rep. Kinzinger

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:57 AM PDT

Trump's 'Civil War' threat is 'beyond repugnant,' says GOP Rep. KinzingerRep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., an Air Force veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, criticized the president for quoting an evangelical pastor who warned that a "Civil War like fracture" would occur if Trump is removed from office.

Man had his heart shocked 34 times following heart attack: 'I'm still here'

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:23 PM PDT

Man had his heart shocked 34 times following heart attack: 'I'm still here'A 63-year-old man from Ohio who had his heart shocked 34 times is coming forward with his near-death experience to educate others

Nigerian police free 19 women and girls from Lagos 'baby factory': statement

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 11:33 AM PDT

Nigerian police free 19 women and girls from Lagos 'baby factory': statementPolice in Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos, have freed 19 women and girls who had mostly been abducted and impregnated by captors planning to sell their babies. The girls and women, aged from 15 to 28, had been brought from all over Nigeria with promises of work, Lagos police said on Monday. "Baby factories", as such premises are widely known, are most common in parts of eastern Nigeria.

Brexit latest news: Boris Johnson set to unveil his plans to the EU

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 11:43 PM PDT

Brexit latest news: Boris Johnson set to unveil his plans to the EUBoris Johnson poised to reveal his final Brexit plan to EU leaders William Hague: The rule of law is integral to conservatism. The Tories should not fight it Michael Deacon: Francois is breakout star of Brexit. And on Monday he showed why No-deal Brexit odds: Latest predictions on leaving EU without deal Sign up: Brexit Whatsapp updates and the Brexit Bulletin  ​Reported plans by the British Government to create customs posts along both sides of the Irish border to replace the backstop, have been dismissed by Simon Coveney. Irish State broadcaster RTE reported the suggestion sent to the European Union by the UK would lead to the posts being built between five and 10 miles back from the current border. The idea for the customs posts are contained in the so-called 'non-papers' submitted by UK officials during recent technical discussions. The deputy Irish premier poured cold water on the plans, saying Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland "deserves better." He tweeted: "Non-Paper Non-Starter. Time the EU had a serious proposal from the UK Govt if a £Brexit deal is to be achievable in October. NI and IRE deserves better!" Brexit | The best comment and analysis Mr Johnson will finally unveil his detailed plan for Brexit to EU leaders within the next 24 hours, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. Downing Street will set out the Prime Minister's preferred alternative to the Irish backstop in a series of calls to EU capitals ahead of a formal text being delivered to Brussels after his speech to the Conservative Party conference on Wednesday. The UK plan, which could be delivered as early as Tuesday, is expected to be based on the creation of an all-Ireland "economic zone" which would allow agricultural and food products to move between Ulster and the republic without checks at the border. A proposal to align regulations on industrial goods is expected to be included. Q&A; | The Brexit backstop The proposal will also suggest ways for Northern Ireland's political parties to have a say in the application of any EU rules and regulations in order to build democratic legitimacy for the replacement to the backstop. But on the critical question of customs – which the EU side says is a potential deal-breaker – the Johnson plan is still expected to rely on technology and so-called "alternative arrangements", such as trusted-trader schemes and exemptions for small businesses.   7:43AM Good morning from Manchester Boris Johnson's plans for Brexit are set to be revealed in the next few days. Legal text for a deal has been drawn up and will be given to the EU after the Prime Minister delivers his conference speech tomorrow. His plans for customs checks have, however, already been attacked by Ireland. He'll be doing the media rounds so we'll report any worthy nuggets. Priti Patel will today unveil a £10 million investment in stun guns to arm police in the battle against knife crime as well as a major offensive against "county lines" drug gangs. We will keep you posted with all the latest developments. 7:30AM Front pages today It's a mixed bag from today's national newspapers, but the Prime Minister featured in one way or another on the majority of them.  7:23AM What's coming up today?  Well, it's all about Boris Johnson this morning.  He is scheduled to appear on BBC Breakfast at 7.45am after news filtered through about the imminent release of his Brexit plans.  The Prime Minister is also down to appear on BBC Radio 4's Today programme in its coveted 8.10am interview slot.  And it's not just Brexit on the news agenda - there is the allegations that the Conservative leader squeezed a woman's thigh in the 1990s, a claim he has denied.

Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake off Chile coast: USGS

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:24 AM PDT

Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake off Chile coast: USGSA 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific off the coast of Chile on Sunday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. "There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage," the USGS said of the earthquake, which it earlier reported as a magnitude 7.2, and which occurred 41 miles (66 kilometers) west-southwest of Constitucion, Chile. Chile's National Seismological Center (CSN) put the quake at 6.6 magnitude.

People's Views of China Are Mixed, According to Global Study

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:08 PM PDT

People's Views of China Are Mixed, According to Global StudyThe People's Republic of China celebrates its 70th anniversary on Tuesday, and the views of the country by people around the world are mixed, according to new research by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. Negative views of China have turned most sharply turned negative in North America, Western Europe and across the Asia-Pacific, while positive views of the East Asian giant were recorded in Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, according to the report, released on Monday. Overall, a median of 41% in a total of 32 countries included in the Pew Global Attitudes survey expressed a favorable opinion of China, while a median of 37% said they had an unfavorable opinion.

Support for Trump's impeachment over Ukraine jumps 8 points in one week, Reuters polls finds

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:58 AM PDT

Support for Trump's impeachment over Ukraine jumps 8 points in one week, Reuters polls findsA majority (66%) said elected officials who work with a foreign government to attack their rivals should be removed from office.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi says impeachment inquiry is worth losing the House in 2020

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:37 AM PDT

Speaker Nancy Pelosi says impeachment inquiry is worth losing the House in 2020California Democrat Rep. Harley Rouda says he is in favor of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's impeachment inquiry.

Coal States Urge Trump Administration to Tackle Plant Closures

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:58 PM PDT

Coal States Urge Trump Administration to Tackle Plant Closures(Bloomberg) -- Six coal states are pressing the Trump administration to wrap up an almost two-year inquiry into whether coal and nuclear plant retirements are threatening the electric grid.In letters to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which overseas U.S. power markets, utility commissioners from Alabama, Kentucky, Montana, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wyoming warned that plant closures are accelerating and "bringing increased attention to grid resilience and fuel security."The appeal comes almost two years after the commission rejected a Trump administration bid to bail out money-losing coal plants, dismissing the proposal as unlawful. But the agency left the door open to future action, by opening an inquiry into whether regulatory changes are needed to keep the lights on. More than 200 comments have been filed with the commission since then, and more than a dozen coal-fired power plants have been decommissioned.Now the states hardest hit by coal's decline are asking the energy commission to finalize its review of the electric grid and, again, consider imposing market rules that could curb the closure of fossil-fuel generation.They may find a sympathetic ear in commission Chairman Neil Chatterjee, a Kentucky Republican and a longstanding champion of the coal industry who has faced criticism for pushing an ill-fated proposal to curb coal retirements by paying generators for having fuel on-site. Chatterjee has since said that the independent agency can't put its thumb on the scale to favor any one source.Chatterjee said he would address the issue of grid resilience this fall and, on Oct. 21, will co-host a University of Kentucky energy forum in the heart of coal country. Speakers include Bob Murray, the chief executive officer of coal producer Murray Energy Corp., who has repeatedly called on the Trump administration to take steps to revive the domestic coal industry.The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, which represents coal producers, said it was time for the agency to take action to "help address concerns over grid resilience as a result of the continued retirement of fuel-secure coal units across the country."To contact the reporters on this story: Stephen Cunningham in Washington at scunningha10@bloomberg.net;Ari Natter in Washington at anatter5@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: David Marino at dmarino4@bloomberg.net, Catherine Traywick, Reg GaleFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

Court: No statute of limitations in Dutch colonial crimes

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

Court: No statute of limitations in Dutch colonial crimesIn a groundbreaking decision, an appeals court in the Netherlands ruled Tuesday that the statute of limitations does not apply to allegations of colonial era crimes committed by Dutch forces in what is now Indonesia. The Hague Court of Appeal issued rulings in two cases linked to torture and summary executions by Dutch forces during Indonesia's struggle for independence after World War II.

San Francisco tour guide charged with carrying U.S. secrets to China

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:49 AM PDT

San Francisco tour guide charged with carrying U.S. secrets to ChinaXuehua Peng, also known as Edward Peng, was arrested on Friday in the San Francisco suburb of Hayward, California, and was denied bail during an initial court appearance by a U.S. magistrate judge that same day, federal prosecutors said at a Monday morning news conference. "The conduct charged in this case alleges a combination of age-old spycraft and modern technology," U.S. Attorney David Anderson said.

Saudi prince warns regional war with Iran could lead to 'total collapse of global economy'

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:20 AM PDT

Saudi prince warns regional war with Iran could lead to 'total collapse of global economy'A war with Iran would lead to "a total collapse of the global economy", Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has said, as he called for a political solution and endorsed talks between Donald Trump and Iranian leaders.   Speaking two weeks after Iran allegedly bombed major Saudi oil facilities, and as new footage of the attack surfaced, the kingdom's de-facto ruler said that a full-scale conflict in the Persian Gulf would cause oil prices to jump to "unimaginably high numbers that we haven't seen in our lifetimes". "The political and peaceful solution is much better than the military one," Crown Prince Mohammed told CBS News.  Saudi Arabia has taken a relatively mild approach since the September 14 attack on oil facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais, which the US blames on Iran, and has not called for military retaliation.  That stance is believed to reflect Saudi concerns that they would be the main target for Tehran if a regional war did break out, and that the kingdom's military would struggle to defend against experienced Iranian forces.  Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman spoke for the first time since the air strikes Credit: Mandel Ngan/Pool Photo via AP, File The crown prince was pressed on the imprisonment and alleged torture of around a dozen female activists who were arrested last year by Saudi authorities. Most of the women, including campaigner Loujain al-Hathloul, had been involved in calls for women to be allowed to drive.  Crown Prince Mohammed said he was powerless to interfere in the Saudi judicial system and appeared to claim that he was hearing of the issue for the first time, even though the women's cases have been widely reported in international media for a year.   "If this is correct, it is very heinous. Islam forbids torture. The Saudi laws forbid torture. Human conscience forbids torture. And I will personally follow up on this matter," he said.  He said he was "pained" by the perception that he did not support women's rights. "This perception pains me. It pains me when some people look at the picture from a very narrow angle," he said.  A metal part of a damaged tank at the damaged site of Saudi Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq Credit: REUTERS/Hamad l Mohammed Meanwhile, questions continued to surround the sudden death of one King Salman's bodyguards. General Abdulaziz al-Faghem, a personal bodyguard to the Saudi monarch, was shot dead by a friend during a personal dispute, according to state media.  The two men reportedly got into an argument in the city of Jeddah on Saturday night and the friend killed Gen. al-Faghem and wounded two other people. The man, who has not been identified, was then killed by Saudi security services.  It remains unclear what the dispute was about.

Every Angle of the 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon

Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:14 PM PDT

Every Angle of the 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon

Canada, US seek to reduce dependency on China for rare earth minerals

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 11:18 AM PDT

Canada, US seek to reduce dependency on China for rare earth mineralsCanada is in talks with the United States to seek ways for both to reduce their dependance on China for rare earth elements, key minerals for high-tech products, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday.

16 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Anyone, Any Time of the Year

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT

16 Eco-Friendly Gifts for Anyone, Any Time of the Year

As Democrats Rally Around Adam Schiff, President Trump Redoubles His Attacks

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:05 PM PDT

As Democrats Rally Around Adam Schiff, President Trump Redoubles His AttacksMany Democrats see Schiff as the natural choice to head up the impeachment inquiry

The Ukrainian orphan accused of being an adult was found living with another family in Indiana

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 03:15 PM PDT

The Ukrainian orphan accused of being an adult was found living with another family in IndianaAs the case makes its way to court, plenty of questions remain about Natalia, the orphan at the center of an adoption scandal.

Guess Who Might Want to Purchase Russia's Powerful Armata Tank?

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:00 AM PDT

Guess Who Might Want to Purchase Russia's Powerful Armata Tank?There are several potential customers.

S.Korea displays F-35 stealth jets seen by the North as a threat

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:30 PM PDT

S.Korea displays F-35 stealth jets seen by the North as a threatSouth Korea showcased newly acquired F-35 stealth fighter jets to mark Armed Forces Day on Tuesday as President Moon Jae-in tries to allay concerns that his policy of engagement with North Korea may be weakening the South's commitment to defence. North Korea has criticised the South's weapons procurements and its joint military drills with the U.S. military as undisguised preparations for war that were forcing it to develop new short-range missiles. Moon has thrown his support behind dialogue to end the North's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, urging that working-level negotiations between the North and the United States be held soon.

Border Wars

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

Border WarsPrime Minister Boris Johnson's government has finally made its proposal for an alternative to the Irish backstop, which I've discussed in several Brexit columns before.Basically, the idea is to not have full customs posts on the border, which they think could be targets of paramilitary violence and destruction.Instead, they'll have customs centers miles away from the border, on both sides. (I'm imagining one near where my great grandfather lived, in Monaghan.) Frequent trade over the border would be handled by a kind of trusted trader scheme, and mostly monitored electronically.There would be no customs border in the Irish Sea, on manufacturing and agrifoods. Northern Ireland would be out of the European Union's custom's union. But Northern Ireland would be part of an all-Ireland livestock regulatory zone, and Northern Ireland's citizens must have some democratic input into the EU, according to the proposal. Boris Johnson has been quoting Ian Paisley, "Our people may be British, but our cows are Irish."With one month to go, this is a pretty large ask. It crosses several red lines set by the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, who is in a precarious position. Parliament has three times voted down a deal that met his conditions. Johnson has declared it dead. If no-deal Brexit were to be the actual result, the consequences for Ireland would be serious and the political fallout for Varadkar impossible to calculate. Backing down and accepting Johnson's proposals will probably be used against him in an election by their current coalition partners, Fianna Fail. The whole strategy was to use the Irish border to bounce the United Kingdom into something like a permanent customs union with the EU. Worse for Varadkar, Irish political media exists within an ideological bubble that could fit safely into a Guardian comments section. In this environment, Brexit is still considered an inexplicable mental breakdown by their nearest neighbor, one that is so impractical it can probably never actually happen. But legally, it's set to happen in one month. Is this the Brexit that can make it over the line in Brussels and Westminster?

Homeless subway singer who mesmerized with beautiful singing voice is identified

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:17 PM PDT

Homeless subway singer who mesmerized with beautiful singing voice is identifiedA homeless woman who captivated the world with her angelic singing voice last week has been identified.

Firms in Cuba running afoul of US banking squeeze

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:23 PM PDT

Firms in Cuba running afoul of US banking squeezeThe bank used by a Swiss NGO operating in Cuba has refused to handle any more transfers to Havana over fears of US sanctions, a concern replicated across the international financial system when dealing with the communist-run island. "We don't know what to do," said Luisa Sanchez, coordinator of MediCuba, an NGO operating in Cuba since 1992 providing HIV, cancer and pediatric assistance. "On August 27, our bank called our accountant to inform him that from September 1, there would be no more transfers to Cuba," Sanchez told AFP in Havana.

Bernie Sanders follows up 'wealth tax' proposal with new 'income inequality tax'

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:26 AM PDT

Bernie Sanders follows up 'wealth tax' proposal with new 'income inequality tax'After rolling out his "wealth tax" plan, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is out with another new proposal for what he's calling an "income inequality tax."The 2020 Democrat announced a proposal Monday to increase the corporate tax rate on large companies whose top-earning employee makes more than 50 times what their median employee earns, The Washington Post reports. The average S&P 500 company CEO makes 287 times more than their median employee, Vox reports.This corporate tax rate increase would apply to companies with more than $100 million in yearly revenue, with the increase starting at 0.5 percentage points and rising depending on how large the gap is. If the top employee earns more than 500 times more than the median employee, the rate increase would be 5 percent. The corporate tax rate is currently 21 percent.Sanders in an interview with the Post said it's "bad policy" for CEOs to be "making 500 or 1,000 times more than the median income worker," saying this tax would apply to "the most egregious examples." The progressive think tank that worked with Sanders' campaign on the plan described it to Vox as a "sin tax."In his announcement, Sanders calls out specific companies whose CEO makes at least 50 times more than the median worker, including Walmart, Home Depot, and Nike.This announcement comes after Sanders last week announced his "wealth tax" proposal, which went further than a similar proposal from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Under his plan, net worth above $32 million would be hit with a one percent yearly tax, which would increase up to eight percent for net worth above $10 billion, The New York Times reports. In an interview with the Times, Sanders said, "I don't think that billionaires should exist."

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' obtains photo of Joe Biden golfing with his son and Ukranian business partner

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:28 PM PDT

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' obtains photo of Joe Biden golfing with his son and Ukranian business partnerGovernment Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer on Hunter Biden's business deals in Ukraine and China.

'Unreasonable decisions' or 'horrible mistakes'? Jury to decide in murder case of Dallas officer Amber Guyger

Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:18 PM PDT

'Unreasonable decisions' or 'horrible mistakes'? Jury to decide in murder case of Dallas officer Amber GuygerAfter hearing differing versions of the events that led a Dallas police officer to gun down a neighbor she mistook for a burglar, a jury will decide which to believe.

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