Tuesday, November 5, 2019

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Anchor says Buckingham Palace pressure killed ABC's story on Epstein

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

Anchor says Buckingham Palace pressure killed ABC's story on EpsteinIn a leaked video released Tuesday, ABC News anchor Amy Robach said the network killed her story on wealthy pedophile Jeffrey Epstein under pressure from the British royal family.

California illegal pot seizures top $1.5 billion in value

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

California illegal pot seizures top $1.5 billion in valueAuthorities seized more than $1.5 billion worth of illegally grown marijuana plants in California this year — an amount an industry expert said is roughly equal to the state's entire legal market — as part of an annual eradication program, officials said Monday. The raids netted more than 950,000 plants from nearly 350 growing operation sites this year through the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting program, an effort known as CAMP that dates to 1983 and is considered the nation's largest illegal marijuana eradication program. Consumers are projected to spend $3.1 billion in California's legal cannabis industry and $8.1 billion in the illicit market this year, according to a report from industry advisers Arcview Market Research and BDS Analytics.

Exclusive: Ukraine to fire prosecutor who discussed Bidens with Giuliani - source

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

Exclusive: Ukraine to fire prosecutor who discussed Bidens with Giuliani - sourceUkraine plans to fire the prosecutor who led investigations into the firm where Joe Biden's son served on the board, a central figure in the activity at the heart of impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Donald Trump, a source told Reuters. Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has acknowledged meeting the prosecutor, Kostiantyn Kulyk, to discuss accusations against the Bidens. The decision to sideline someone who played an important role in Giuliani's efforts to find out damaging information about the Bidens comes as Ukraine has tried to avoid getting drawn into a partisan fight in Washington.

A woman was impaled by a metal pole while riding in the passenger seat of a car, but somehow miraculously survived

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:39 PM PST

A woman was impaled by a metal pole while riding in the passenger seat of a car, but somehow miraculously survivedA large piece of metal fell off the back of a big rig truck and burst through the woman's car, piercing her leg and pinning her to her seat.

A Freak Radioactive Refueling Accident Killed This Russian Submarine

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:00 AM PST

A Freak Radioactive Refueling Accident Killed This Russian SubmarineThe radiation still lingers to this day.

Ranking House Oversight Republican Rejects Whistleblower Offer of Written Answers

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:24 AM PST

Ranking House Oversight Republican Rejects Whistleblower Offer of Written AnswersThe ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee on Sunday rejected an offer from the whistleblower's lawyer to answer questions from House Republicans in writing, saying it is imperative that lawmakers hear from the whistleblower "in person."The whistleblower's lawyer Mark Zaid made an offer Saturday to House Intelligence Committee ranking Republican Devin Nunes to submit written answers from his client "in writing, under oath and penalty of perjury" to Republicans' questions."Written answers will not provide a sufficient opportunity to probe all the relevant facts and cross examine the so-called Whistleblower," Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) said in a statement. "You don't get to ignite an impeachment effort and never account for your actions and role in orchestrating it.Jordan added that lawmakers have "serious questions about this individual's political bias and partisan motivations" and accused the whistleblower's counsel and House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff of "attempting to hide these facts from public scrutiny."Zaid responded late Sunday night to Jordan's statement, accusing Jordan of "deliberate deflection and disinformation" despite his client's offer to "rise above partisanship.""Congressman Jordan's statement highlights his misunderstanding of fed WBer laws & protections," the attorney said in a tweet.The intelligence community inspector general found that the anonymous whistleblower, a member of the intelligence community, exhibited "arguable political bias" but said the allegations included in his complaint were nevertheless worthy of investigation, according to a Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinion.The whistleblower's complaint alleged that President Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky included a request for an illegal campaign contribution. According to the whistleblower, Zelensky's offer to investigate former vice president Joe Biden's connection to a Ukrainian natural gas company may represent a campaign finance law violation because foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to American political campaigns in any way, including by conducting opposition research on rival candidates.The phone call between the two presidents has become the crux of the impeachment inquiry against Trump.

U.S. border patrol officer kills suspected undocumented immigrant

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:19 PM PST

U.S. border patrol officer kills suspected undocumented immigrantThe Customs and Border Protection officers were investigating in an area close to the border between the United States and Mexico, which is when they encountered the suspect and chased him on foot, the New Mexican state police said in a statement posted online. "At some point during the chase, the suspect fired a weapon at the two border patrol agents," officials said. New Mexico State Police are investigating the case.

China is reportedly sending men to sleep in the same beds as Uighur Muslim women

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:01 AM PST

China is reportedly sending men to sleep in the same beds as Uighur Muslim womenChinese men assigned to monitor the homes of Uighur women whose husbands are in prison camps frequently sleep in the same bed with the women, Radio Free Asia reported last week.

Trump floats new defense: The quid pro quo didn't happen, but if it did, so what?

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

Trump floats new defense: The quid pro quo didn't happen, but if it did, so what?While the president continues to insist there was no quid pro quo in his withholding of U.S. military aid from Ukraine, on Sunday he appeared to try out a different argument.

The Ukrainian orphan at the center of an adoption scandal says she's a teenager, and none of her adoptive parents' claims are true

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

The Ukrainian orphan at the center of an adoption scandal says she's a teenager, and none of her adoptive parents' claims are trueNatalia Grace Barnett at down with. Dr. Phil for a segment in which she discusses her former adoptive parents' claims that she's an adult.

Persons of interest identified in deaths of New Hampshire couple found buried on Texas beach

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

Persons of interest identified in deaths of New Hampshire couple found buried on Texas beachBodies of the New Hampshire couple were found buried on a South Texas beach. Police said persons of interest have

Every Mid-Engined Sports Car—Including a Few You Might Afford!

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

Every Mid-Engined Sports Car—Including a Few You Might Afford!

South Dakota executes man in '92 slaying of former co-worker

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:31 PM PST

South Dakota executes man in '92 slaying of former co-workerCharles Rhines was executed by lethal injection at 7:39 p.m., after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to halt the execution despite three late appeals. "Ed and Peggy Schaeffer, I forgive you for your anger and hatred toward me," Rhines said, before thanking his defense team. Rhines, 63, ambushed 22-year-old Donnivan Schaefer in 1992 when Schaefer surprised him in the midst of burglarizing a Rapid City doughnut shop where Schaeffer worked.

Mali’s president says existence of his country at risk after deadly jihadist attack

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:25 AM PST

Mali's president says existence of his country at risk after deadly jihadist attackMali's president has warned the very existence of his country is at risk after an attack by Islamic State militants killed at least 49 soldiers.  President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has declared three days of mourning after the attack last Friday on an army base in Indelimane, in the northeast of the country. Fighters overran the base, killed the troops and posed in videos afterwards with looted heavy weaponry and military vehicles.    "The stability and existence of our country are at stake, our only response must be national unity … around our national army," Mr Keïta said on national television on Monday night.    The Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) claimed the massacre and another IED explosion which killed a French soldier on Saturday.   While Islamic State (Isil) has been largely defeated in the Middle East, the group's cousin in the Sahel, a vast arid region running underneath the Sahara, is going from strength to strength.    In recent weeks Mali has suffered repeated attacks on its military. Last month, jihadists allied to al-Qaeda killed at least 40 troops near the border with Burkina Faso. Mali's conflict began in late 2012 when jihadists and ethnic-Tuareg separatists, heavily armed with weapons from Libya's civil war, surged out of the Sahara desert and took over the northern half of the country.  France, the former colonial power, intervened in early 2013. With the help of around 2,000 Chadian troops, French forces drove the fighters out of northern towns like Timbuktu. The UN launched a mission with over 10,000 blue helmets and France has permanently stationed some 4,500 troops across the Sahel.  But international troops have not been able to stop the insecurity spreading. Jihadist groups and ethnic militias have proliferated and fighting has spread into Mali's populous central regions and into neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger.  Many security analysts fear the violence could spread south into countries like Ivory Coast, Togo and Benin. Both the UN and France are deeply unpopular among Malians who see them as incapable of protecting them.  In the address, Mr Keïta reaffirmed his support for the international forces saying that they were "more [necessary] than ever".

China's H-20 Stealth Bomber Is Soon Coming To Asian Skies

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST

China's H-20 Stealth Bomber Is Soon Coming To Asian SkiesAmerica and its allies are on notice.

Mexico's drug gangs churning out deadly fentanyl-laced pills: DEA

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

Mexico's drug gangs churning out deadly fentanyl-laced pills: DEAMexico's cartels have for years diversified into a wide variety of illicit activity, helped by porous domestic law enforcement agencies as well as long-standing trafficking routes into the United States, their biggest market. Meanwhile, opioid deaths in the United States have soared over the last two decades, driving a wave of government-backed efforts to disrupt illegal distribution and treat addicts. The DEA said that 27% of a sample of counterfeit pills tested in the United States during the first three months of this year contained potentially lethal doses of fentanyl.

Andrew Yang Has the ‘Yang Gang’ to Thank for His Lasting Primary Power

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

Andrew Yang Has the 'Yang Gang' to Thank for His Lasting Primary PowerAndrew Yang has filled the 2020 Democratic presidential primary outsider lane well enough to pluck along a crowded with more traditionally qualified candidates.

Trump says he could send US military into Mexico to ‘wage WAR’ on drug cartels

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST

Trump says he could send US military into Mexico to 'wage WAR' on drug cartelsDonald Trump has suggested sending the US Army over the border into Mexico to "wage WAR" on drug cartels.The US president said his country stood "ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively" if Mexico's president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, asked him for help.

Turkey’s Halkbank Seeks Dismissal of Iran-Sanctions Case

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:39 PM PST

Turkey's Halkbank Seeks Dismissal of Iran-Sanctions Case(Bloomberg) -- A major Turkish state-run bank is seeking to dismiss a U.S. indictment against it for allegedly helping Iran evade sanctions on billions of dollars frozen in foreign accounts.Halkbank has refused to respond to the charges in court since the case was filed last month. On Monday, a lawyer for the bank filed papers in federal court in Manhattan seeking special permission to seek the case's dismissal. He also said the bank would request the recusal of U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman, who presided over a previous trial on the matter and has been assigned the new case as well.But the bank also said it continues to refuse to accept a U.S. legal summons or recognize the U.S. court's authority over it. In his filing, Andrew Hruska said the U.S. has no jurisdiction over Halkbank because the bank has no American physical presence or operations."The bank's conduct alleged in the indictment has no connection to the U.S. sufficient to create jurisdiction," Hruska said.Read More: Turkey's Halkbank Faces U.S. Charges as Tensions Mount Though the case against Halkbank was in the works for years, it languished amid a full-court press by Turkey to get the Trump administration to drop the charges. The indictment was unsealed, along with a package of sanctions against the country, only after Turkey invaded Syria last month.That has led Turkey and Halkbank to claim that the charges are politically motivated and without merit."Because this case has been widely publicized and brought in a highly-charged atmosphere between the U.S. and Turkey, it is essential to address reasonable questions about the court's impartiality," Halkbank said in the filing.A decision on the recusal would be up to Judge Berman, who has asked prosecutors from the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan to weigh in. A hearing on the case is scheduled for Tuesday.Prosecutors said in a filing they oppose the request of Halkbank's lawyer to make a special appearance in court and urged the judge to impose contempt sanctions if the bank's legal team doesn't show up for Tuesday's hearing.The case is 15-cr-867, U.S. v. Halkbank, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).(Updates with filing by prosecutors in final paragraph.)To contact the reporter on this story: Christian Berthelsen in New York at cberthelsen1@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: David Glovin at dglovin@bloomberg.net, Peter Jeffrey, Steve StrothFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

Wildfires, power outages, now flooding? California has a dam problem – and desert communities might be in danger

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST

Wildfires, power outages, now flooding? California has a dam problem – and desert communities might be in dangerA new report by the Army Corps of Engineers says Californians may have to add risk of flooding in desert communities to their list of hardships.

Chevy and Carhartt Go to Work on 2021 Silverado HD Special Edition

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:29 PM PST

Chevy and Carhartt Go to Work on 2021 Silverado HD Special EditionTwo Detroit companies that make hard work look good, Chevrolet and work-clothing maker Carhartt, reveal a ruggedly handsome Silverado pickup that you can buy next fall.

US envoy calls EU decision on Balkans 'historic mistake'

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:18 AM PST

US envoy calls EU decision on Balkans 'historic mistake'A U.S. envoy for the Western Balkans on Monday described European Union's decision not to open membership talks with North Macedonia and Albania as a "historic mistake" that sends a bad message to the region. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer said the U.S. will do all it can to persuade the EU to reverse the decision before a planned leaders' meeting in May in Croatia. "America wants the Western Balkans to have a European perspective," Palmer said after talks in Belgrade with Serbia's president, Aleksandar Vucic.

Afghan chief executive slams president's 'wishlist' peace plan

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:47 AM PST

Afghan chief executive slams president's 'wishlist' peace planAfghanistan's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah dismissed Tuesday a new peace proposal by his election rival President Ashraf Ghani as an unrealistic "wishlist", and again questioned the validity of thousands of votes from recent polls. US President Donald Trump in September ended year-long talks with the Taliban amid ongoing insurgent violence, leaving Afghans wondering what comes next in the gruelling conflict. Ghani's team last month released a seven-point proposal meant to build on those talks and bring an end to Afghanistan's 18-year-old war with the Taliban.

'It's not abuse, it's rape': protesters denounce Spanish assault ruling

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

'It's not abuse, it's rape': protesters denounce Spanish assault rulingHundreds of people protested in Spain's capital on Monday against a court ruling last week that cleared five men of gang-raping a 14-year-old girl and instead found them guilty of the lesser charge of sexual abuse. Barcelona's High Court sentenced the five on Thursday to 10 to 12 years in prison, saying the 2016 assault was not rape because the victim, who was drunk and unconscious, could neither "agree to (nor) oppose the sexual relations". A similar ruling in the so-called Wolfpack case sparked mass protests across Spain last year over chauvinism and sexual abuse and it was eventually overturned by the Supreme Court in June.

More than 11,000 scientists have declared a 'climate emergency.' One of the best things we can do, they say, is have fewer children.

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PST

More than 11,000 scientists have declared a 'climate emergency.' One of the best things we can do, they say, is have fewer children.After analyzing 40 years' worth of data, thousands of scientists from around the world say our planet is in the midst of a "climate emergency."

NASA probe provides insight on solar system's distinct boundary

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:27 PM PST

NASA probe provides insight on solar system's distinct boundaryThe journey of NASA's dauntless Voyager 2 spacecraft through our solar system's farthest reaches has given scientists new insight into a poorly understood distant frontier: the unexpectedly distinct boundary marking where the sun's energetic influence ends and interstellar space begins.

View Photos of the 2020 BMW 8-series

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

View Photos of the 2020 BMW 8-series

Trump impeachment: Fired Ukraine envoy claims she was told to tweet praise of president to save her job

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

Trump impeachment: Fired Ukraine envoy claims she was told to tweet praise of president to save her jobMarie Yovanovitch, who was abruptly fired as US ambassador to Ukraine after clashing with Donald Trump's personal lawyer, claimed she was told to tweet praise of the president help her keep her job.The House committees leading the impeachment inquiry against Mr Trump have released a full transcript of the evidence she gave to them behind closed doors on 11 October.

APNewsbreak: Arpaio aides ignored order to halt sweeps

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:11 PM PST

APNewsbreak: Arpaio aides ignored order to halt sweepsA court-appointed investigator concluded that high-ranking managers for former metro Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio disregarded a federal judge's order for Arpaio to halt immigration sweeps targeting Latinos, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. The investigator also found an internal probe was whitewashed to shield the managers from accountability. The investigator's findings cover alleged misconduct in Arpaio's office from late 2011 through 2016.

North Korea Hates This: Meet South Korea's Very Special F-15 Fighter

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:00 AM PST

North Korea Hates This: Meet South Korea's Very Special F-15 FighterA deadly plane.

Indian Muslims anxious as court prepares to rule on destroyed mosque

Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:39 PM PST

Indian Muslims anxious as court prepares to rule on destroyed mosqueIn the Indian town of Ayodhya, minority Muslims are feeling under siege as they await a Supreme Court ruling on a centuries-old religious dispute that has cast a shadow over their relations with the majority Hindu community. After a tangle of legal cases, the Supreme Court in August decided to hear arguments every day in an effort to resolve the dispute over what should be built on the ruins of the 16th-century Babri Masjid, destroyed by a Hindu mob in 1992. The uproar over the mosque triggered some of India's deadliest riots, in which nearly 2,000 people, most of them Muslim, were killed.

Far-right leader and Washington officers face civil rights lawsuit over violent incident

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:00 PM PST

Far-right leader and Washington officers face civil rights lawsuit over violent incidentState officers collaborated with Patriot Prayer members and leader Joey Gibson in illegal arrest of man on college campus, suit allegesRightwing group Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson speaks during a rally in support of free speech in Berkeley, California, in April 2017. Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/APFar-right leader Joey Gibson, several current and former associates and three Washington state patrol (WSP) police officers are facing a civil rights lawsuit over a violent confrontation at Evergreen State College on 15 June 2017.Gibson is the leader of the rightwing activist group Patriot Prayer and the suit is one of a proliferating set of legal efforts associated with Gibson's activities in Oregon and Washington throughout the Trump era.The violent incident, which was captured on several videos made by Gibson associates, took place during a rally staged by Patriot Prayer in support of Professor Bret Weinstein, who was at the center of national controversy over his opposition to a day of absence for white staff and students at the college.The suit has been brought by Washington state civil rights lawyer Larry Hildes on behalf of his client, Joseph Robinson. It alleges WSP officers collaborated with Patriot Prayer members in the illegal arrest and detention of Robinson at the College.In a phone conversation, Hildes said that the aim of the suit was to "get the state patrol reined in" and to encourage policy changes. In relation to Patriot Prayer, Hildes said: "I want to shut them down.""I want them out of business," Hildes said of the far-right protest group. "I want them out of existence as an entity."Patriot Prayer's incursion on to the campus on a rainy afternoon was counter-protested by anti-fascist activists, students and staff. Over a number of hours, Patriot Prayer and anti-fascists exchanged blows and pepper spray. Gibson and others were covered in silly string by antifascists, and Gibson at one point sustained a facial wound.A large number of WSP riot police struggled to contain the melee.The suit focuses on one incident in which it alleges WSP and rightwing demonstrators collaborated in violating Robinson's civil rights when he was allegedly grabbed by Patriot Prayers members at the direction of Gibson, and then handed to the police, who arrested him "without asking any questions".Video of the incident shot by Gibson-aligned videographer Robert Zerfing shows Robinson being dragged by the neck with a bandana he had been wearing as a mask. After Robinson was arrested, he was jailed and charged with disorderly conduct. A criminal case was pursued against him for 11 months before being dropped by the Thurston county prosecutor.Hildes's complaint alleges that WSP's posture effectively "authorized Patriot Prayer" to make arrests.The suit is one of many arising from Gibson's street protests, and his conflicts with leftists in Washington and Oregon.Contacted by phone, Gibson said he had not previously heard about the suit. Asked generally about the range of legal actions and prosecutions against him, Gibson said: "They're just trying to silence me. We've just got to push through."A WSP spokesman said via email that "it would be unfair to all concerned to comment on until resolved in court".Gibson and other associates are also defendants in a suit brought by Cider Riot, a Portland cidery popular with the city's radical left that was the center of a violent brawl in May this year, after Gibson and his associates made their way there, some armed with bricks, batons and chemical weapons.The cidery's owner, Abram Goldman-Armstrong, is seeking $1m from Gibson and his co-defendants.

A Chinese pilot was suspended over a viral photo of a woman posing and flashing a V-sign in his cockpit during a flight

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PST

A Chinese pilot was suspended over a viral photo of a woman posing and flashing a V-sign in his cockpit during a flightThe unidentified woman is seen sitting in the captain's seat with drinks in front of her on an Air Guilin flight in January this year.

Billionaires Only? Warren Errs in Saying Whom Her Health Plan Would Tax

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:21 AM PST

Billionaires Only? Warren Errs in Saying Whom Her Health Plan Would TaxWASHINGTON -- When Sen. Elizabeth Warren laid out her plan for "Medicare for All" Friday, she said she would raise taxes on the top 1% of households to help pay for it. The middle class, she said, would not pay "one penny" more.On Saturday night, Warren presented an even narrower description of who would face higher taxes under her plan. She told reporters that billionaires would be the only people to see their taxes go up -- a misstatement of what she had proposed a day earlier."It doesn't raise taxes on anybody but billionaires," Warren told reporters in Dubuque, Iowa, when asked what income bracket she defined as "middle class." She added, "And you know what? The billionaires can afford it."Anyone with under $1 billion in net worth, she said, "is not paying a penny more." Asked again how she defined middle class, she repeated the assertion. "Understand this," she said. "This is no increase in taxes for anyone except billionaires. Period. Done."But that is not what she proposed Friday. Warren's plan for Medicare for All, which calls for $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over a decade, would be financed through a mix of sources, including taxes on businesses and $3 trillion in total from two proposals to tax wealthy Americans.One of those measures would steepen her proposed wealth tax on net worth above $1 billion. But the other -- accounting for $2 trillion of the $3 trillion total -- would go far beyond billionaires. For the top 1% of households, Warren would increase taxes on investment gains. She would put in place a new system in which capital gains are taxed annually instead of when investments are sold, and she would raise the tax rate on capital gains to be the same as on ordinary income like wages.Asked about Warren's comments, a spokeswoman for her campaign acknowledged that taxes would increase for the top 1%, but said Warren had been referring to her wealth tax proposal when she said taxes would increase only for billionaires.The campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden, one of Warren's top rivals, quickly criticized her over the comments."The American people have to be able to trust whoever our party nominates to take on Donald Trump to be straight with them about health care," Kate Bedingfield, a deputy campaign manager for Biden, said in a statement late Saturday night. "Sen. Warren said tonight that her single-payer plan won't raise taxes on anyone but billionaires, but that's simply not true."Bedingfield argued that two other taxes proposed by Warren would also affect a broader population than just billionaires: a tax on employers that is similar to what they are currently spending on their employees' health care, and a tax on financial transactions like stock trades.The issue of Medicare for All has been a major and escalating point of tension between Warren and Biden and a central fault line in the Democratic presidential primary. Biden supports adding a public health insurance option that people can purchase and building on the Affordable Care Act. He has cast Warren's more expansive plan as costly and unrealistic, telling reporters in Des Moines on Saturday that "getting that plan through even a Democratic Congress would be difficult."Warren's proposal to increase taxes on investment gains did not precisely describe how she would define the top 1% of households. In 2017, the top 1% of tax returns had income above roughly $515,000, according to the Internal Revenue Service -- about 1.4 million tax returns in total. Earlier this year, Forbes said there were 607 billionaires in the United States.The other measure to tax wealthy Americans that Warren put forward Friday would increase her proposed wealth tax on net worth above $1 billion to 6% annually, from 3%. (Her wealth tax also includes a 2% tax on net worth over $50 million, but that remains unchanged from what she proposed in January.)On Sunday, speaking to reporters in Davenport, Iowa, Warren offered a broader description of who would face higher taxes under her proposal. "We ask the big corporations and the top 1%," she said, "to pay a little more."This article originally appeared in The New York Times.(C) 2019 The New York Times Company

After seeing a FedEx worker walk 12 miles home for months, co-workers rally to buy her a car

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

After seeing a FedEx worker walk 12 miles home for months, co-workers rally to buy her a carDarlene Quinn, 60, had her car break down and couldn't afford to fix it, so she walked home from work. Co-workers and strangers rallied to help her.

‘We'll see what happens’: Trump refuses to rule out government shutdown if Democrats continue impeachment inquiry

Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:29 PM PST

'We'll see what happens': Trump refuses to rule out government shutdown if Democrats continue impeachment inquiryDonald Trump has refused to rule out forcing a government shutdown if Democrats do not stop their impeachment inquiry into him."We'll see what happens," the US president said when asked about the possibility of agencies being shuttered.

Islamists vow to continue Pakistan protest after PM refuses to resign

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

Islamists vow to continue Pakistan protest after PM refuses to resignA Pakistani Islamist leader who led thousands of supporters into the capital and demanded Imran Khan's resignation vowed to continue his protest Monday, after the prime minister ignored his 48-hour deadline. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, a firebrand cleric who heads one of the country's largest Islamist parties, has accused Khan of taking power last year with the help of the military, which has ruled Pakistan for roughly half its history. Khan and the military have denied the accusations, which have swirled since the July 2018 election.

EU hopes US will rethink choice to pull out of climate pact

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST

EU hopes US will rethink choice to pull out of climate pactThe European Union has voiced regret at the U.S. government's decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement and expressed hopes that one of the world's biggest CO2 emitters will backpedal on its decision and rejoin. Despite the U.S. departure, Andreeva added that the 28-member bloc will continue working with various U.S.-based entities and stakeholders who remain committed to the deal. "The Paris agreement has strong foundations and is here to stay.

Stealth Killer: The Su-35 Might Be Too Effective For Its Own Good

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

Stealth Killer: The Su-35 Might Be Too Effective For Its Own GoodWhat exactly is the Su-57 replacing?

View Photos of the 2021 Polestar 1

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:01 AM PST

View Photos of the 2021 Polestar 1

Brexit prompts N. Ireland electoral pacts that could shake DUP grip

Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

Brexit prompts N. Ireland electoral pacts that could shake DUP gripDivision among Northern Ireland's pro-British and pro-Irish parties over Brexit has prompted tactical electoral moves that put at risk some of the seats that had given the province's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) the balance of power in London. The DUP, a mainly Protestant party that fervently favours continued British rule of Northern Ireland, used its 10 seats in parliament in London to help keep Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservatives in power with a minority government.

AOC settles a lawsuit charging that she violated the First Amendment

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:39 AM PST

AOC settles a lawsuit charging that she violated the First AmendmentRep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reached a settlement in a lawsuit filed by former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who accused the lawmaker of violating the First Amendment by blocking him on Twitter.

The Latest: 2 inmates escaped jail through hole in ceiling

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

The Latest: 2 inmates escaped jail through hole in ceilingAuthorities say two inmates accused of murder escaped a central California jail over the weekend through a hole they made in a bathroom ceiling that's in a blind spot from the guards. Monterey County sheriff's Capt. John Thornburg said Monday that 21-year-old Santos Fonseca and 20-year-old Jonathan Salazar climbed through the hole measuring about 8 inches (20 centimeters) tall and 22 inches (56 centimeters) wide, slipped into the walls of the county jail and made it outside Sunday.

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