Saturday, December 7, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

'He'd do it again': Former Obama official says Trump must be impeached

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:17 AM PST

'He'd do it again': Former Obama official says Trump must be impeachedFormer acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, the author of the new bestseller "Impeach: The Case Against Donald Trump," believes the GOP notion that Congress can responsibly let voters decide if President Trump's conduct is impeachable at the ballot box "makes no sense."

Nikki Haley claims Dylann Roof 'hijacked' the 'heritage' of the Confederate flag in church massacre

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

Nikki Haley claims Dylann Roof 'hijacked' the 'heritage' of the Confederate flag in church massacreNikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said that white supremacist Dylann Roof "hijacked" the Confederate flag by carrying out a mass killing of African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church in 2015.

Republican who 'wanted to destroy' Bill Clinton during 1998 impeachment has regrets

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

Republican who 'wanted to destroy' Bill Clinton during 1998 impeachment has regretsHe led the effort to impeach Bill Clinton. Years later, he sought Clinton out to apologize.

California congressman Duncan Hunter announces resignation after corruption plea

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:39 PM PST

California congressman Duncan Hunter announces resignation after corruption pleaHunter's announcement that he would step down came days after the leading California lawmaker, a former U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran, entered his guilty plea in federal court in San Diego. "Shortly after the Holidays I will resign from Congress," Hunter, 42, said in a written statement released by his communications director.

Pearl Harbor veteran to be interred on sunken ship

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:24 PM PST

Pearl Harbor veteran to be interred on sunken shipOn Saturday, the 78th anniversary of the 1941 sneak attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, the remains of one of the survivors of the assault will be interred on his sunken ship, the USS Arizona. Lauren Bruner, who was among the last sailors rescued from the Arizona as it exploded into flames and sank, died in September at age 98. "It's a historical event and this is the last surviving crewman of the USS Arizona being returned to his ship and his shipmates," Pearl Harbor National Memorial spokesman Jay Blount told AFP.

Michael Bloomberg on the all-white Democratic debate: 'Don't complain to me that you're not in the race'

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

Michael Bloomberg on the all-white Democratic debate: 'Don't complain to me that you're not in the race'Michael Bloomberg doesn't see anything wrong with being another white man in the increasingly less diverse 2020 field.As Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) recently pointed out after Bloomberg's entry to and Sen. Kamala Harris' (D-Calif.) departure from the 2020 presidential race, there are now "more billionaires than black people" running for president. But when confronted with that fact in a CBS This Morning interview, Bloomberg, one of those aforementioned billionaires, didn't seem to think it was a problem.In the interview aired Friday, Gayle King asked Bloomberg if it was a "problem" that the December Democratic primary debate might not have any people of color on the stage. "It would be better the more diverse any group is, but the public is out there picking and choosing," Bloomberg responded. He then pointed out that there was a more diverse field earlier in the race.Then, King asked Bloomberg to response to suggestions that he's "another old, white gentleman" in the race, and that it's "time for change." "Maybe," Bloomberg acknowledged, and then added "If you wanted to enter and run for president of the United States, you could have done that. But don't complain to me that you're not in the race."> .@MikeBloomberg on candidates' diversity: "Don't complain to me that you're not in the race"> > — CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) December 6, 2019Bloomberg also explained his recent decision to apologize for the "stop and frisk" policy he pursued as New York City mayor by asserting he only said he was sorry for it now because "nobody asked me about it until I started running for president."More stories from Trump's pathological obsession with being laughed at The most important day of the impeachment inquiry Jerry Falwell Jr.'s false gospel of memes

Germany: 'No understanding' for Russia outrage on expulsions

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:59 AM PST

Germany: 'No understanding' for Russia outrage on expulsionsGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief of staff is urging Russia to support the investigation of a killing prosecutors say appears to have ordered by Russian or Chechen authorities, and says he has "no understanding" for outraged reactions from Moscow. Germany expelled two Russian diplomats on Wednesday over the brazen killing of a Georgian man on the streets of Berlin in August. German federal prosecutors said evidence suggested the slaying was ordered either by Moscow or authorities in Russia's republic of Chechnya.

In warning to Netanyahu, House endorses 2-state solution

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

In warning to Netanyahu, House endorses 2-state solutionThe House on Friday threw its weight behind a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, in a warning to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he mulls annexing the West Bank.

A dozen senators, not Trump, will decide who testifies in Senate impeachment trial

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:11 AM PST

A dozen senators, not Trump, will decide who testifies in Senate impeachment trialPresident Trump's characterization of how a Senate impeachment trial might go glosses over the reality of who gets to call the shots. 

Should America Fear the Chinese H-20 Stealth Bomber?

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST

Should America Fear the Chinese H-20 Stealth Bomber?Or is it even real?

Indiana judge grants stay of execution for federal inmate

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:31 PM PST

Indiana judge grants stay of execution for federal inmateA convicted murderer set to become the first federal inmate to be executed in 16 years was granted a stay of execution on Thursday by a judge in Indiana. Daniel Lewis Lee, a white supremacist convicted in Arkansas of murdering a family of three, was granted the stay by U.S. District Judge James Patrick Hanlon. Lee's execution had been set for Monday, but a separate ruling by a judge in Washington last month put his execution and that of three other federal inmates on hold.

13 Mythical Creatures, Ranked

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:01 AM PST

13 Mythical Creatures, Ranked

The acting Navy secretary promises he'll fix the Ford aircraft carrier because he's tired of it being a 'whipping boy for why the Navy can't do anything right'

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:30 AM PST

The acting Navy secretary promises he'll fix the Ford aircraft carrier because he's tired of it being a 'whipping boy for why the Navy can't do anything right'Explaining that the president is "very concerned" about the Ford, Modly said that he is making fixing this flattop a top priority for the Navy.

Bloomberg says his reporters must 'live with' limits on coverage

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

Bloomberg says his reporters must 'live with' limits on coverageDemocratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg on Friday defended the policy implemented by his news agency to steer clear of investigating him, saying doing so would not be credible. Bloomberg told CBS News he "hired somebody outside" to run the Bloomberg News organization and establish policies for ethics. When asked about complaints from Bloomberg journalists that the policy to avoid investigating him or other Democratic candidates, he replied, that they "have to live with some things" about the job.

Ceremony to remember those killed in Pearl Harbor attack

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

Ceremony to remember those killed in Pearl Harbor attackMore than 2,000 people are expected at a ceremony Saturday to remember those killed when Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor 78 years ago and launched the U.S. into World War II. Organizers of the public event at the Hawaii naval base say attendees will include about a dozen survivors of the Dec. 7, 1941, attack, the youngest of whom are now in their late 90s. U.S. Air Force fighter jets flying overhead in missing man formation will break the quiet.

Judge Allows Criminal Trial to Proceed against Pro-Life Investigators

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:47 AM PST

Judge Allows Criminal Trial to Proceed against Pro-Life InvestigatorsA San Francisco judge ruled Friday that the criminal trial may move forward against the pro-life investigators who went undercover to record abortion industry executives talking about procuring fetal body parts.Judge Christopher Hite deemed the evidence sufficient to send to trial the case against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress, who are charged with nine felony counts, one count of conspiracy and eight counts of illegal taping. Six additional counts were dropped.Daleiden, 30, and Merritt, 64, several years ago surreptitiously recorded executives from Planned Parenthood and other organizations haggling about compensation for the procurement of fetal parts for researchers who request them.The Thomas More Society, representing the two pro-life investigators, announced the decision on Friday in a tweet.> BREAKING NEWS: 6 counts in David Daleiden's criminal case have been thrown out of court and 9 remain. Judge Hite deems the evidence enough to go to trial on 9 counts. More to follow!> > -- Thomas More Society (@ThomasMoreSoc) December 6, 2019Lila Rose, president of the pro-life group Live Action, called the charges against the investigators "unfounded and outrageous" in a statement on Friday's decision, saying they "have nothing to do with violating privacy or video recording laws but everything to do with protecting the powerful and wealthy abortion industry.""The same year David and Sandra published their recordings of Planned Parenthood employees haggling over the price of aborted baby body parts, videos taken by undercover animal rights activists were praised and led to investigations of abuse in the poultry industry," Rose said.Last month, the jury in the separate civil case against Daleiden and Merritt handed Planned Parenthood a win under federal racketeering statutes, awarding the abortion giant over $2.2 million.

Mueller witness bragged about access to Clintons secured with illegal campaign cash, says Justice Department

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

Mueller witness bragged about access to Clintons secured with illegal campaign cash, says Justice DepartmentAn emissary for two Arab princes boasted to unnamed officials of a Middle Eastern government about his direct access to Hillary and Bill Clinton while funneling more than $3.5 million in illegal campaign contributions to the 2016 Clinton campaign and Democratic fundraising committees, according to a federal indictment.

History Book Nightmare: Russia Could Have Nuked Away America's Submarine Fleet

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:30 PM PST

History Book Nightmare: Russia Could Have Nuked Away America's Submarine FleetBy cutting off communications.

UPS driver identified in fatal Florida shootout; Video shows how gunfire unfolded

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:58 AM PST

UPS driver identified in fatal Florida shootout; Video shows how gunfire unfoldedA photographer captured a video of a fatal shootout in Florida Thursday after jewelry robbers stole a UPS truck and led police on a high-speed chase.

Official documents shed light on Tokyo's role in 'comfort women': Kyodo

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:38 PM PST

Official documents shed light on Tokyo's role in 'comfort women': KyodoThe Imperial Japanese Army asked the government to provide one "comfort woman" for every 70 soldiers, Japan's Kyodo news agency said, citing wartime government documents it had reviewed, shedding a fresh light on Tokyo's involvement in the practice. "Comfort women" is a euphemism for the girls and women - many of them Korean - forced into prostitution at Japanese military brothels. The issue has plagued Japan's ties with South Korea for decades.

Reddit has said that Russia likely posted leaked UK trade documents as part of a vast covert influence campaign

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:50 AM PST

Reddit has said that Russia likely posted leaked UK trade documents as part of a vast covert influence campaignThe documents were cited by the UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn to attack Prime Minister Boris Johnson over a planned US trade deal.

Susan Collins facing massive ad buy attacking tax vote

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

Susan Collins facing massive ad buy attacking tax voteThe outside group Maine Momentum is attacking Collins over her 2017 vote.

Iraqi officials raise toll to 25 killed in Baghdad bloodshed

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

Iraqi officials raise toll to 25 killed in Baghdad bloodshedIraqi officials said Saturday the casualty toll had risen to 25 dead and 130 wounded after a bloody night of attacks by unknown gunmen that targeted anti-government demonstrators in the capital. Influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the head of parliament's Sairoon bloc, said a drone had targeted his home in the holy city of Najaf on Saturday, according to statements from the political party. The attack Friday was among the deadliest since Oct. 1, when thousands of Iraqis took to the streets calling for sweeping political reforms and the end of Iran's influence in Iraqi affairs.

Bloomberg says ending 'nationwide madness' of gun violence drives his presidential bid

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:41 PM PST

Bloomberg says ending 'nationwide madness' of gun violence drives his presidential bidDemocratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said on Thursday he wants to become president to end "the nationwide madness" of U.S. gun violence, calling it evil and saying he would allow its victims to file lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

Biden Says He Would Consider Giving Ambassadorships to Donors

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:29 PM PST

Biden Says He Would Consider Giving Ambassadorships to Donors(Bloomberg) -- Joe Biden said Friday he would not rule out appointing donors as ambassadors, but wouldn't make decisions about those roles based on someone's financial contributions."Nobody in fact will be appointed by me based on anything they contributed," he told a group of reporters aboard his "No Malarkey" bus in Decorah, Iowa."But, for example, you have some of the people who are out there that are prepared to in fact, that are fully qualified — head of everything from being the ambassador to NATO to be the ambassador to France or any other country — who may or may not have contributed, but that will not be any basis upon which I in fact would appoint anybody."Other Democratic presidential candidates, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, have criticized the longstanding practice of appointing donors to governmental positions. Warren, who has sworn off high-dollar fundraisers, has vowed to not nominate wealthy contributors as ambassadors.In a wide-ranging 20-minute interview, Biden also defended his response to an Iowa voter who confronted him Wednesday over his son's work in Ukraine, which has come into sharp focus during the U.S. House impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. He said he wanted to keep the focus on Trump, but reacted because the man made accusations that were false.Biden said his son did nothing wrong and referred to a statement by Hunter Biden that he exercised "poor judgment" in joining the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings."My son speaks for himself," the former vice president said. "He's a 47-year-old man. He didn't do anything wrong."Joe Biden, who is at the end of an eight-day bus tour across Iowa, again spoke about the need for bipartisan cooperation. He emphasized the vital role that the two-party system plays in American democracy, and the importance of having a robust Republican Party."I'm really worried that no party should have too much power," he said. "You need a countervailing force."He added: "You can't have such a dominant influence that then you start to abuse power. Every party abuses power if they have too much power."Biden also touted his ability to help other Democrats get elected, as he argued why he is best suited to bring about gains for party candidates as the presidential nominee.Biden, who often cites polls in swing states that show him defeating Trump, said the requests from candidates in swing districts for him to campaign on their behalf in the midterms is evidence of his appeal."I don't have to go out and look at a poll," he said. "Just go into those states. You can feel it. You can taste it."(Michael Bloomberg is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. Bloomberg is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News.)To contact the reporter on this story: Tyler Pager in Decorah, Iowa at tpager1@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at, Max Berley, John HarneyFor more articles like this, please visit us at©2019 Bloomberg L.P.

Weak Arctic ice sees 56 polar bears descend on Russian village

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:38 AM PST

Weak Arctic ice sees 56 polar bears descend on Russian villageMore than 50 polar bears have gathered on the edge of a village in Russia's far north, environmentalists and residents said, as weak Arctic ice leaves them unable to roam. The Russian branch of the World Wildlife Fund said climate change was to blame, as unusually warm temperatures prevented coastal ice from forming. The WWF said 56 polar bears had gathered in a one-square-kilometre (0.4-square-mile) area near the village of Ryrkaipy in Chukotka on the northeastern tip of Russia.

Viral video shows border wall being scaled at Mexicali. Border Patrol says system 'worked exactly as designed'

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST

Viral video shows border wall being scaled at Mexicali. Border Patrol says system 'worked exactly as designed'The viral video shows two men scaling the border wall. Immigration officials said they apprehended the individual who made it to the U.S.

Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin is working with the Federal Reserve to curtail another repo rate crisis, report says

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:13 AM PST

Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin is working with the Federal Reserve to curtail another repo rate crisis, report saysMnuchin told the House that he and Fed Chair Jerome Powell met multiple times to discuss liquidity concerns ahead of year-end reserve obligations.

GOP Rep. pitches LGBTQ rights bill with religious exemptions

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:12 PM PST

GOP Rep. pitches LGBTQ rights bill with religious exemptionsAs Democrats champion anti-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community and Republicans counter with worries about safeguarding religious freedom, one congressional Republican is offering a proposal on Friday that aims to achieve both goals. The bill that Utah GOP Rep. Chris Stewart plans to unveil would shield LGBTQ individuals from discrimination in employment, housing, education, and other public services — while also carving out exemptions for religious organizations to act based on beliefs that may exclude those of different sexual orientations or gender identities. Stewart's bill counts support from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but it has yet to win a backer among House Democrats who unanimously supported a more expansive LGBTQ rights measure in May.

Thousands of Las Vegas shooting victims will have to split an $800 million settlement. Now, 2 retired judges have to decide which victims deserve the most.

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:50 PM PST

Thousands of Las Vegas shooting victims will have to split an $800 million settlement. Now, 2 retired judges have to decide which victims deserve the most.Though $800 million seems like an enormous settlement, some 4,500 people joined the lawsuit against MGM Resorts. Some will need more than others.

Belarus crowds rally against closer Russia ties

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

Belarus crowds rally against closer Russia tiesRoughly 1,000 Belarusians joined an unauthorised demonstration on Saturday against the prospect of a closer union with Russia. Long-time ruler Alexander Lukashenko was meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Russia on Saturday to discuss "key issues in our bilateral relations, including the prospects for deepening integration", according to the Kremlin. Police quickly intervened to oversee the demonstration but made no arrests.

Developing weather pattern has forecasters on early alert for potentially significant storm

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

Developing weather pattern has forecasters on early alert for potentially significant stormAs a stormy pattern resumes in the eastern United States during the second week of December, meteorologists are pondering the path and impact of a storm around the middle of the month.Forecasters are considering a range of scenarios that include a major disruptive storm with high winds, heavy rain and back-breaking snow to less severe impacts ranging from beneficial rain and nuisance snow to cold and mainly dry conditions.Americans with travel plans for Saturday, Dec. 14, to Sunday, Dec. 15, should keep tabs on the latest forecasts as this storm could potentially have crippling effects on travel and daily activities.At this point, there is a wide range of possibilities. "In the more extreme scenario, a storm will strengthen rapidly while moving northward from the Gulf of Mexico and take a path inland of the Atlantic coast or perhaps over the spine of the Appalachians," Randy Adkins, AccuWeather meteorologist, said.Such a dynamic storm may bring coastal flooding and even more flash flooding along the Eastern Seaboard as strong winds would pump moisture from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico inland. The weather system could be volatile enough to spawn some severe thunderstorms along its eastern side.In this extreme scenario, the storm may unleash very heavy snow from parts of the Tennessee Valley to a portion of the Ohio Valley and central Great Lakes. Under a scenario like this, weather would cause significant impacts to travel and shipping at a busy time of the year and could cause delays or full cancellations of schools for students in these regions."On a more toned-down scenario, a much weaker storm would travel from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico then off the Carolina coast before heading out to sea," Adkins said. If the storm takes a track along the Southeast coast, it might cause minor disruptions and delays, but conditions would be manageable.A narrow swath of accumulating snow and/or a wintry mix would occur from the southern Appalachians to the mid-Atlantic coast and eastern New England in this scenario.On the southern side of a weaker storm, drenching rain would arrive in areas of the Southeast, which could use some precipitation."The realm of scenarios are in the dozens this far out, including an even more eastward track out to sea or even farther to the west," Adkins said.Should the storm track out to sea, it would spare much of the Northeast any precipitation whatsoever, Adkins observed.A solution in between the two most likely scenarios is also possible, bringing some snow to interior portions of the Northeast, with rain along the Interstate 95 corridor.But if the storm takes a track toward the Mississippi Valley, it might allow a cold wedge of air to set up an ice storm for the Carolinas and the Virginia Piedmont region, as well as the central Appalachians and interior Northeast. No matter what the outcome ends up being for the eastern U.S. next weekend, it does appear that part of the Southeast in need of rain will get some precipitation."Areas from South Florida to northern Georgia and upstate South Carolina are experiencing abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions," AccuWeather Meteorologist Dave Bowers pointed out."Most scenarios with the storm next weekend should offer some rainfall in the Southeast," he added. AccuWeather's global headquarters in State College, Pa., where forecasters will be keeping a watchful eye on storm potential for the East Coast next weekend. AccuWeather meteorologists are confident there will be a storm that travels northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico next weekend and they will be monitoring this developing weather pattern nonstop in the coming days.There are storms and weather whiplash ahead of this emerging weather system prior to next weekend for the Central and Eastern states. If one storm does not have a significant impact for your area, another one just might. Download the free AccuWeather app to check the forecast in your area. Keep checking back on and stay tuned to the AccuWeather Network on DirecTV, Frontier and Verizon Fios.

If Russia Invaded Europe, Britian Would Need to Bring Back This 1 Weapon

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

If Russia Invaded Europe, Britian Would Need to Bring Back This 1 WeaponHint: It's a certain type of bomb.

North Korea's U.N. envoy says denuclearization off negotiating table with United States

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:25 AM PST

North Korea's U.N. envoy says denuclearization off negotiating table with United StatesNorth Korea's ambassador to the United Nations said on Saturday that denuclearization is off the negotiating table with the United States and lengthy talks with Washington are not needed. Ambassador Kim Song's comment appeared to go further than North Korea's earlier warning that discussions related to its nuclear weapons program, the central focus of U.S. engagement with North Korea in the past two years, might have to be taken off the table given Washington's refusal to offer concessions.

The Story of Henry Lee Lucas, the Notorious Subject of Netflix’s The Confession Killer

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:09 PM PST

The Story of Henry Lee Lucas, the Notorious Subject of Netflix's The Confession KillerThee self-proclaimed serial killer confessed to committing as many as 600 murders. Most of those claims turned out to be lies

Another 1,000 truck drivers lost their jobs in November, and it's a chilling sign for the economy

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

Another 1,000 truck drivers lost their jobs in November, and it's a chilling sign for the economyAfter an uptick of 700 trucking payrolls in October, the industry slashed another 1,000 jobs in November.

Carjackers’ Plan Foiled Because They Can't Drive Stick

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:30 PM PST

Carjackers' Plan Foiled Because They Can't Drive StickIn case you needed another reason to buy a car with a manual transmission.

UN office: Iranian forces were ‘shooting to kill’ protesters

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

UN office: Iranian forces were 'shooting to kill' protestersIranian security forces were "shooting to kill" in their deadly crackdown against protesters in recent weeks, according to credible video footage, the U.N. human rights chief said Friday. The unrest left at least 208 people dead nationwide, the office of High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said, echoing a count also tallied by Amnesty International. Iran disputes death toll figures released by foreign organizations but has so far refused to any countrywide casualty or arrest figures.

A bride was angry her African American friend didn't want to attend her wedding at a plantation, and people think she's in the wrong

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

A bride was angry her African American friend didn't want to attend her wedding at a plantation, and people think she's in the wrongA woman was criticized for how she reacted to her bridesmaid's decision to drop out of her plantation wedding, as she wrote in a since-deleted Reddit post.

AOC blasts Trump policy, says her family used food stamps

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

AOC blasts Trump policy, says her family used food stampsFreshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., slammed the Trump administration on Thursday over new changes to the food stamps program that will cause nearly 700,000 people to lose access to benefits.

Thunberg urges climate action because 'people are dying'

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:32 AM PST

Thunberg urges climate action because 'people are dying'Teen activist Greta Thunberg on Friday urged world leaders gathered in Madrid for a UN climate conference to take urgent action to fight climate change, warning "we can't afford" more delays because "people are dying".

How World War III Begins in 2029 (A U.S.-China Battle Over Taiwan?)

Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:00 AM PST

How World War III Begins in 2029 (A U.S.-China Battle Over Taiwan?)That's what one fictional article that went viral last week suggests. Could it come true?

Justin Amash: Dems 'missed an opportunity' to 'persuade people' about Trump impeachment

Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:27 PM PST

Justin Amash: Dems 'missed an opportunity' to 'persuade people' about Trump impeachmentAmash tweeted Thursday that "Democrats made a strategic error in not engaging more with" Jonathan Turley, who was the sole witness called by the GOP.

Evidence tampering alleged in police chief firing case

Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

Evidence tampering alleged in police chief firing caseA female Chicago police officer who was reportedly seen on video drinking with and kissing the now-fired police superintendent the night he was found asleep behind the wheel of his SUV has been accused of tampering with a cellphone investigators wanted to examine, a police department spokesman said Friday. Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said officials noticed that the phone was damaged when the woman left then-Superintendent Eddie Johnson's security detail to join the evidence and recovered property unit, three days after the incident. According to the Chicago Tribune, which first reported the allegations about the phone, a sergeant in the unit that the officer was joining noticed that the SIM card was missing and filed a formal complaint against the officer.

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