Monday, July 20, 2020

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Chris Wallace to Trump: Cognitive Exam 'Not the Hardest Test’, Involves Identifying an Elephant

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:28 AM PDT

Chris Wallace to Trump: Cognitive Exam 'Not the Hardest Test', Involves Identifying an ElephantFox News anchor Chris Wallace found himself entangled in a weird and bizarre debate with President Donald Trump over the president's cognitive tests boasts, pointing out how easy the test is and that one of the questions merely asks the taker to identify a picture of an elephant.Speaking to Fox News host and close confidant Sean Hannity earlier this month, the president bragged that Walter Reed doctors were "very surprised" that he recently "aced" a cognitive test, calling on former Vice President Joe Biden to take the same exam."They said, 'that's an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did,' Trump told Hannity on July 9. "But [Biden] should take that same test."In a tense and heated interview with Wallace that aired Sunday, Trump first complained about all the "fake polls" that have Biden dominating before taking some shots at the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's mental acuity—a favorite line of attack by Republicans and conservatives.Chris Wallace Schools Trump on Masks, Biden in Heated Fox News Interview"Biden can't put two sentences together," he exclaimed. "They wheel him out. He goes up, he repeats, they ask him questions. He reads a teleprompter and then he goes back into his basement."Wallace, meanwhile, took that opportunity to directly ask Trump: "Is Joe Biden senile?"Trump insisted he didn't "want to say that" but instead would rather say "he's not competent to be president," adding that Biden "doesn't even know he's alive" while repeating his claim that the ex-veep never leaves the basement.The Fox host, however, showed a recent Fox News poll that reveals that more Americans feel that Biden is more mentally fit than the president, prompting Trump to once again boast about his cognitive test results."Let's take a test right now," he bellowed. "Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took."Wallace jumped in to note that he personally took the test after Trump said he "aced" it, pointing out that "it's not the hardest test.""They have a picture and it says 'what's that' and it's an elephant," Wallace added while airing an image of the test page."No, no, no," Trump shouted back. "You see, that's all misrepresentation."After the veteran Fox anchor said that's what the test shows on the web, Trump again complained that Wallace was misrepresenting the exam."The first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions," Trump proclaimed. "I'll bet you couldn't, they get very hard, the last five questions."Wallace, for his part, explained that another question was "count back from 100 by seven," quickly informing the president that the first step was the number 93."You couldn't answer many of the questions," an undeterred Trump continued. "I'll get you the test, I'd like to give it. I'll guarantee you that Joe Biden could not answer those questions. I answered all 35 questions correctly!"Al Sharpton Fires Back at Trump's Fox News Interview Dig: 'You Are a Bigot'Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters jumps out of her car to intervene as black man stopped by police

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:32 AM PDT

Congresswoman Maxine Waters jumps out of her car to intervene as black man stopped by policeCalifornia congresswoman Maxine Waters went to assist a black man who was pulled over by police in Los Angeles this weekend.In a video shared online, Ms Waters parked her SUV and said she intervened to see what Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers were doing when they pulled a black man over.

Women in Portland formed a human 'Wall of Moms' to protect Black Lives Matter protesters from federal officers

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:51 AM PDT

Women in Portland formed a human 'Wall of Moms' to protect Black Lives Matter protesters from federal officersThe group of mothers thought their non-threatening appearance would help them protect protesters. They were still hit with tear gas on Saturday.

Trump says Confederate flag proud symbol of the South

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

Trump says Confederate flag proud symbol of the SouthPresident Trump would not say the Confederate flag was an offensive symbol in an interview broadcast on Sunday, saying it is a point of pride for people who love the South.

China blasts dam to release floodwaters as death toll rises

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:39 PM PDT

China blasts dam to release floodwaters as death toll risesAuthorities in central China blasted a dam Sunday to release surging waters behind it amid widespread flooding across the country that has claimed scores of lives. State broadcaster CCTV reported the dam on the Chuhe River in Anhui province was destroyed with explosives early Sunday morning, after which the water level was expected to drop by 70 centimeters (more than 2 feet). Water levels on many rivers, including the mighty Yangtze, have been unusually high this year because of torrential rains.

Can you get the coronavirus twice?

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:12 AM PDT

Can you get the coronavirus twice?Recent studies suggest that the immunity acquired from antibodies to the coronavirus may diminish within a few months — which would be bad news for those hoping to achieve herd immunity without a vaccine. 

Portland Police Union Head Slams City Officials: They ‘Have Condoned the Destruction and Chaos’

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:25 AM PDT

Portland Police Union Head Slams City Officials: They 'Have Condoned the Destruction and Chaos'Portland Police Association president Daryl Turner slammed elected officials at a press conference on Sunday, a day after the union's offices were set on fire amid continuing riots in the city.Since the death of George Floyd, an African American man killed during his arrest by Minneapolis police officers, Portland has seen 50 days of protests and riots. Federal law enforcement officers have deployed to the city over the past several weeks, clashing with protesters.Turner alleged that Oregon officials have allowed the violence to continue unabated."The elected officials have condoned the destruction and chaos," Turner said on Sunday, standing with 20 faith and business leaders from Portland. "They have placed their political agenda ahead [of the] safety and welfare of the community. This must stop."Turner continued, "This is no longer about George Floyd, racial equity, social justice reform or the evolution of policing," Turner said. "This is about violence, rioting and destruction. Our city is under siege by rioters."Portland mayor Ted Wheeler on Friday accused the Trump administration of fanning the violence by ordering federal law enforcement to crack down on the riots and protests."Last week, we were seeing the deescalation of the violence. We were seeing things calm down. But the intervention of federal officers reignited tensions," Wheeler said in an online press conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell. "I think we would have seen the end of this nightly engagement by now."Lovell indicated that federal officers and local police were not coordinating with each other."The federal officers have their objectives, and the Portland police has our objectives. We don't direct federal officers' actions, and they do not direct ours," Lovell said.

Ohio governor who has refused to issue a statewide mask mandate warns the state 'could become Florida'

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

Ohio governor who has refused to issue a statewide mask mandate warns the state 'could become Florida'DeWine on Sunday said Ohio is "now headed in the wrong direction, and frankly, I'm very, very concerned about that."

Trump Shrugs Off COVID Death Toll in Fox News Interview: ‘It Is What It Is’

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT

Trump Shrugs Off COVID Death Toll in Fox News Interview: 'It Is What It Is'President Donald Trump refused to believe that America has one of the highest coronavirus mortality rates in the world and brushed off the rising death toll from the pandemic during a combative and contentious Sunday interview with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace.In his first interview with the veteran news anchor in nearly two years, the president immediately grew incensed when Wallace pressed him on the surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, something that Trump has insisted is due to just "burning embers" and increased testing."That's because we have great testing, because we have the best testing in the world. If we didn't test, you wouldn't be able to show that chart," Trump grumbled. "If we tested half as much, those numbers would be down."Wallace, meanwhile, pointed out that this "isn't burning embers" but more like a "forest fire," prompting Trump to retort that he'll "put out the flames" of those "embers" before complaining that other countries are also dealing with rising cases."Why don't they talk about Mexico?" Trump bellowed. "Which is not helping us. And all I can say is thank God I built most of the wall because if I didn't have a wall up we would have a much bigger problem with Mexico."The Fox host, highlighting numbers from Johns Hopkins University, shot back that the United States currently has the "seventh highest mortality rate in the world" and that the European Union is currently banning American travelers.Trump, however, falsely claimed that America has among the lowest fatality rates, asking White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to bring him a document to prove him right. He further accused Wallace of being "fake news." Wallace, for his part, inserted a separate reporting segment at that point in the interview, informing viewers that the White House used a misleading chart to make Trump's case.The president would continue to assert that the only reason American cases are spiking is due to increased testing, causing Wallace to retort that while testing has risen by 37 percent, cases are up 194 percent and the positivity rate has increased in recent weeks.After the president claimed the vast majority of cases were just young people "with the sniffles," Wallace said he was going to do Trump "a favor" by allowing him to convince the audience that he isn't playing down the virus."I can tell you the death chart is 1,000 cases a day," Wallace added when the president insisted he was taking the pandemic seriously."Excuse me, it's all too much, it shouldn't be one case," Trump shot back. "It came from China, they should have never let it escape, they should have never let it out but it is what it is."Wallace also pressed Trump on his administration's attempts to smear top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, which Trump blamed solely on one single White House official going rogue. At the same time, Trump made sure to say that Fauci is an "alarmist" and has been "wrong" on the pandemic many times.The Fox host told Trump that he has been wrong quite a few times himself on the virus, playing him a series of clips showing Trump predicting that the disease would quickly disappear and cases would soon go down to zero."I'll be right eventually," he confidently stated. "I said it's going to disappear, I will say it again...and I'll be right."Chris Wallace Schools Trump on Masks, Biden in Heated Fox News InterviewRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Mike Pompeo accused of 'questionable activities' in new whistleblower complaint

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:35 AM PDT

Mike Pompeo accused of 'questionable activities' in new whistleblower complaintAn anonymous official who said they possess detailed evidence of Mike Pompeo's "questionable activities" as US Secretary of State was blocked from reporting those issues within the State Department, according to a newly-public whistleblower complaint.The complaint was released during the weekend following legal challenges by the government watchdog group American Oversight, which sued the State Department in an effort to obtain access to whistleblower complaints filed against Mr Pompeo.

What we know about the manhunt for killers of three Florida friends on fishing trip

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

What we know about the manhunt for killers of three Florida friends on fishing tripFlorida police are offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of suspects who killed three friends on a fishing trip in Florida.

Atlanta mayor says Georgia governor's actions are "simply bizarre"

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

Atlanta mayor says Georgia governor's actions are "simply bizarre""This blame game is most unusual," Bottoms said.

Black Lives Matter skirts North Africa despite everyday racism

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

Black Lives Matter skirts North Africa despite everyday racismThe global wave of anti-racism protests sparked by the US police killing of George Floyd has barely touched North Africa, despite everyday discrimination in a region with a long slave-trading history. Black citizens in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as migrants from sub-Saharan Africa who come to work, study or try to reach Europe, say they suffer endemic day-to-day racism. "Floyd's death awakened the anger and rage dormant within us," said Fabrice, an undocumented Cameroonian in his 40s who lives in Algiers, adding that it twisted "the knife in the wound".

Climate change: Polar bears could be lost by 2100

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:02 AM PDT

Climate change: Polar bears could be lost by 2100Scientists say we have time to save polar bears if we act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Replace the Alexander Hamilton Stephens Statue With One of John Lewis

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:06 AM PDT

Replace the Alexander Hamilton Stephens Statue With One of John LewisIt's time for Americans to make a choice about who should be honored in the Capitol.

Republican governors have been holding secret conference calls to complain about Trump's chaotic coronavirus response, report says

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:58 AM PDT

Republican governors have been holding secret conference calls to complain about Trump's chaotic coronavirus response, report saysSeveral Republican governors and lawmakers have in recent weeks broken with Trump to support increased coronavirus restrictions in their states.

Out of Portland tear gas, an apparition emerges, capturing the imagination of protesters

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:05 PM PDT

Out of Portland tear gas, an apparition emerges, capturing the imagination of protestersAn iconic image has emerged on Twitter since early Saturday morning in Portland, when a woman wearing nothing but a mask and cap strode toward federal agents as they fired tear gas at protesters — a surreal image of human vulnerability in the face of an overpowering force.

Florida must delay reopening of public schools, lawsuit says

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:18 PM PDT

Man charged after fatal crash in Texas that killed 3, hurt 9

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:49 PM PDT

Oxford coronavirus vaccine induces strong immune response

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:57 AM PDT

Oxford coronavirus vaccine induces strong immune responseThe vaccine was found to produce both antibodies and virus-killing T cells.

Why Indian American spelling bee success is more than just an endearing story

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:08 AM PDT

Why Indian American spelling bee success is more than just an endearing storyOver the past 20 years, Indian Americans have come to dominate the Scripps National Spelling Bee even though they comprise only about 1% of the U.S. population.The bee was canceled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. But there were eight co-champions in 2019, seven of whom were Indian American – bringing the total number of Indian American champions since 1999 to 26. There's even a documentary on this this endearing story, "Spelling the Dream." But I contend that their commitment to these competitions stems partly from perceived hurdles they face in higher education. And I believe that their achievements inadvertently further educational inequalities. The academic trackI spent years with Indian American, white and other families engaged in spelling bees, math competitions and other after-school academics while doing research for my book, "Hyper Education: Why Good Schools, Good Grades, and Good Behavior Are Not Enough."In one chapter, I explained why Indian Americans have come to dominate bees. I believe that their success has to do with a firm commitment by families to spend the time and money necessary to help their kids fully prepare. These children excel not just in spelling bees but also in geography, math and other academic competitions.Most of my book addresses a more revealing question: why families care about such competitions and advanced academics in the first place and the implications around that.Most U.S. kids participate in activities outside school, usually involving sports, the arts, religious or civic activities. Indian immigrant children do these things too, but many of their parents also make them at least try extracurricular academic activities, especially competitive ones.The more than 100 Indian American parents I interviewed between 2011 and 2018 believed that for their children to have a good shot at getting into a prominent university their children would need an undeniably strong academic record to compensate for what they saw as weak networks and a lack of college legacy status.Parents also worried that college admission officers might hold their children, as Asian Americans, to a higher standard in expected test scores. "We have to have 130 points above other groups," one father of a spelling contestant said about the SAT college entrance exam. He assured me that tutoring centers and spelling bees would help his daughter get a higher score, an attitude echoed by other parents and children alike. [Expertise in your inbox. Sign up for The Conversation's newsletter and get expert takes on today's news, every day.]Pursuing after-school education to help their children eventually become more competitive college applicants makes sense to these immigrant parents given their own upbringing with similar tutoring. I think it's only natural for parents to promote what they are most familiar with, and many of these parents have advanced degrees and grew up with intense academic expectations. A cost of achievementAs Indian American children boost their test scores and other academics through studying words, mastering quadratic equations and other intellectual endeavors, they inadvertently contribute to what I see as a troubling trend: the widening educational gaps between higher-income and lower-income families.Achieving in these competitions often requires spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Hexco, a publisher specializing in contest preparation, sells word guides and packages of eight coaching sessions that cost US$1,725. According to its website, 94% of spellers who "advanced to the Scripps finals on ESPN were Hexco customers" in 2019. Indian Americans have an average household income of $100,000, well above the national average of $53,600. Many use this economic edge to advance their children's grades and scores.So, while Indian Americans gravitate toward academic competitions because they worry about otherwise their children will lack equal opportunities, they reinforce educational inequality in the process.This is related to the growing trend of supplemental education by higher-income families generally, which I also studied. The expansion of after-school learning for children who are not struggling at school seems bound to continue as the COVID-19 pandemic keeps going. A fear for parentsMany parents are worried that their children aren't going to learn much while school buildings are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many tutoring companies are advertising their services to families who can afford them as a way to stop the academic backtracking known as the the "COVID slide."The pursuit of after-school education, whether through competitions or tutoring centers, is increasingly common for middle class families. I'm certain that it's prone to grow even more. Why parents pay for and encourage it can have something to do with their ethnic backgrounds, but one outcome is the same: growing educational inequality.This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.Read more: * The Scripps spelling bee is off this year, but the controversy over including foreign words is still on * What does the spelling success of Indian American kids tell us?Pawan Dhingra volunteered as a spelling bee pronouncer at a North South Foundation regional spelling bee in 2016.

Trump news: President accuses Obama and Biden of spying as his coronavirus response comes under fire in Fox News interview

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

Trump news: President accuses Obama and Biden of spying as his coronavirus response comes under fire in Fox News interviewDonald Trump has again accused former President Barack Obama and Joe Biden of spying on his administration, which has never been proven. The president claimed if he were to pull a similar stunt then he would face "50 years for treason".This comes as Mr Trump's interview with Fox News Sunday is set to air. Host Chris Wallace challenged the president on his coronavirus response by playing clips of him saying the virus would soon disappear. To defend himself, Mr Trump said he would "be right eventually" about the virus going away. The US reached 140,000 Covid-19 deaths this weekend.

Disney World bans walking and eating after some guests used the move as a loophole to not wear masks

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:46 AM PDT

Disney World bans walking and eating after some guests used the move as a loophole to not wear masksFlorida continues to bear the brunt of the United States' coronavirus outbreak, with more than 24,000 confirmed cases over the weekend.

COVID-19 shows a downward trend in Pakistan - government official

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:57 AM PDT

COVID-19 shows a downward trend in Pakistan - government officialThe spread of the novel coronavirus has lately been showing a downward trend in Pakistan, which is the main reason for a marked drop in daily testing, a top government official said on Monday. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended Pakistan increase daily testing to above 50,000, but after peaking at 31,000 tests exactly a month ago, the South Asian nation tested less than 20,000 people on Sunday. "There is no magic number that you have to achieve, what you have to do is a good contact tracing that you are able to find the maximum numbers of exposed persons," Faisal Sultan, the key person on COVID-19 for Prime Minister Imran Khan, told Reuters.

Women who painted over NYC Black Lives Matter mural identified as right-wing gadflies

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:52 PM PDT

Women who painted over NYC Black Lives Matter mural identified as right-wing gadfliesNEW YORK - Two women charged with splashing paint over the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Manhattan's Trump Tower were identified Sunday as attention-seeking anti-abortion protesters who have pulled similar stunts before. Bevelyn Beatty, 29, and Edmee Chavannes, 39, who live together on Staten Island, were arrested Saturday after they allegedly started to smear black paint over the ...

What The U.S. Can Learn From Other Countries About Reopening Schools in a Coronavirus Pandemic

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

What The U.S. Can Learn From Other Countries About Reopening Schools in a Coronavirus PandemicLessons from Denmark, South Korea and Israel

'My Nigerian great-grandfather sold slaves'

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

'My Nigerian great-grandfather sold slaves'Colonial slave-traders are seeing their legacies reassessed, but what about the Africans who profited?

It's not poachers killing elephants in Botswana. That worries conservationists.

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:30 AM PDT

It's not poachers killing elephants in Botswana. That worries conservationists."The only thing that kills elephants quickly is people killing elephants," said Keith Lindsay, a conservation biologist.

A woman was shot eight times after asking man to stop lighting illegal fireworks, report says

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

A woman was shot eight times after asking man to stop lighting illegal fireworks, report saysShatavia Walls was shot in Brooklyn, New York days after the July 4 holiday when she asked a man to stop setting off fireworks, police sources said Saturday.

US appeals court overrules Texas GOP's in-person convention

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 06:30 PM PDT

Commentary: Trump's failures leave conservative media figures, acolytes exposed

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

Commentary: Trump's failures leave conservative media figures, acolytes exposedFrom Tucker Carlson to Rush Limbaugh, Trump's failure to slow the coronavirus' spread and address systemic racism has left his conservative acolytes hanging.

Details released about plane crash involving Earnhardt Jr.

Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

Details released about plane crash involving Earnhardt Jr.Dale Earnhardt Jr. and a pilot struggled to open a crashed airplane's wing emergency exit as the aircraft started to burn before the race car driver and his family managed to escape from the main door, according to new details about the 2019 accident.

'This could happen in your city': Portland mayor issues stark warning over Trump admin's use of federal troops to quell protests

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:02 AM PDT

'This could happen in your city': Portland mayor issues stark warning over Trump admin's use of federal troops to quell protestsPortland's mayor has called the Trump administration's use of federal agents to quell protests there "a direct threat to democracy" which could be replicated in other cities across the country.Local lawmakers and national Democratic leaders have called for the removal of the masked, militarised federal agents from the city, following their deployment ostensibly to protect federal buildings.

Whole Foods punishes workers wearing Black Lives Matter face masks: lawsuit

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:01 AM PDT

Whole Foods punishes workers wearing Black Lives Matter face masks: lawsuitThe 14 plaintiffs in the proposed nationwide class action accused Whole Foods, a unit of Inc, of sending workers home without pay or imposing disciplinary actions for wearing the masks and related apparel. Whole Foods said the masks violate its longstanding dress code banning clothing with "visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising" unrelated to the company.

Missouri's GOP governor says kids who go back to school will get COVID-19 but they'll 'get over it'

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:34 AM PDT

Missouri's GOP governor says kids who go back to school will get COVID-19 but they'll 'get over it'"These kids have got to get back to school," Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said. "They're at the lowest risk possible."

India coronavirus: 'Our neighbours made us Covid-19 pariahs'

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:04 AM PDT

India coronavirus: 'Our neighbours made us Covid-19 pariahs'As the virus spreads across India, so do fear and stigma attached to the disease.

Amid school reopening uncertainty, affluent parents hire private tutors

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:41 AM PDT

Amid school reopening uncertainty, affluent parents hire private tutorsAs the schooling dilemma continues to daunt millions of parents, some with the means to front the steep costs are hiring private educators and tutors.

Paraguay violence flares as smugglers battle coronavirus border closure

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:30 AM PDT

Paraguay violence flares as smugglers battle coronavirus border closure* Marine killed in shootout with suspected smugglers * Military allegedly responds by torturing 35 civiliansViolence has escalated along the triple border between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, as smugglers attempt to get round strict frontier controls imposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus.One marine was killed in a fierce shootout between smugglers and the Paraguayan military last week, in an episode which then allegedly led to the detention and torture of 35 civilians.While Brazil and Argentina are struggling with surging coronavirus caseloads, Paraguay boasts some of the lowest rates of Covid-19 infection in Latin America – thanks in part to the fact that its borders have been closed since 24 March.But the lockdown has hit businesses in the country's second city, Ciudad del Este – both legitimate and otherwise – which rely on Brazil for 90% of their sales.Smuggler groups – who move billions of dollars in drugs, cigarettes and electronic goods across the tri-border from Paraguay each year – have adapted to continue their trade despite pandemic restrictions.In addition to the more than 250 clandestine smuggling ports on the Paraná river, smugglers are reportedly using remote control speedboats and drones to take high-value goods over the river.Such tactics appear to be working. According to Brazilian police, drug confiscations in the border state of Paraná – almost all smuggled in from Paraguay – were up 500% in the first half of 2020 compared with the same period in 2019.The naval commander of Ciudad del Este said that Paraguayan border forces – as well as those of Brazil and Argentina – were seeing escalating violence and a strong presence of notorious Brazilian gangs such as Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) in the region."The situation here has been getting more and more dangerous", he told local press. "Every night in multiple locations … we are being fired at". However, Paraguay's anti-contraband minister, Emilio Fúster, told local press that large-scale smuggling was largely enabled by official corruption."There are agents who have become corrupted through the illegal trafficking of all types of different products," he said.On 16 July, tensions came to a head when a patrol boat from the Paraguayan navy was fired upon by suspected smugglers in what military sources have described as an ambush. One marine, was shot and later died.Following the gun battle, military personnel arrested 35 people, including several adolescents, from the poor riverside neighbourhood of San Miguel in Ciudad del Este, claiming that they had aided the smugglers.Witnesses said that arrests were made at gunpoint and that officials had entered homes without permits. CCTV video was circulated of men being beaten while they were forced into the back of a 4x4 vehicle.Photos and videos were subsequently circulated of deep wounds on many of the men's bodies. One man said that he had been tortured."We all have marks from violence and torture," he said. "They poured hot water and alcohol on my head. A vein exploded inside."José Galeano of the Paraguayan National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture said the marines had clearly committed human rights violations."They may have been affected by the loss of their colleague, but under absolutely no circumstances should this have happened," he said. "These men were flung about like bits of meat."Adm Carlos Velázquez, head of the Paraguayan navy, has called for an official investigation and suspended the local naval commander.

Kuwait's ruler, 91, undergoes a 'successful' surgery

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 01:22 AM PDT

Kuwait's ruler, 91, undergoes a 'successful' surgeryKuwait's 91-year-old ruler underwent a "successful" surgery Sunday that required the oil-rich nation's crown prince to be temporarily empowered to serve in his place, its state-run news agency reported. Kuwait has yet to elaborate what required Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah to seek a previously unannounced medical treatment beginning Saturday. The state-run KUNA news agency had described Sheikh Sabah's hospitalization Saturday as "medical checks," citing a statement from the country's royal court.

Polls show Biden routing Trump. Here's how to read them.

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Polls show Biden routing Trump. Here's how to read them.A survey from ABC News and the Washington Post is the latest high-quality poll to show Biden with a double-digit lead.

These states require travelers to self-quarantine or present negative COVID-19 test

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:52 AM PDT

These states require travelers to self-quarantine or present negative COVID-19 testStates are opening back up, but some still require or recommend visitors self-quarantine for two weeks. Find out where.

Letters to the Editor: How Prop. 13 reform will kill off your local dry cleaner or cafe

Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Letters to the Editor: How Prop. 13 reform will kill off your local dry cleaner or cafeProposition 15 will increase taxes on many commercial properties, costs that landlords will surely pass onto their small-business tenants.

Ex-SS guard apologises to Holocaust victims ahead of verdict

Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:50 AM PDT

Ex-SS guard apologises to Holocaust victims ahead of verdictIn what could be one of the last such cases of surviving Nazi guards, Dey stands accused of complicity in the murder of 5,230 people when he worked as an SS tower guard at the Stutthof camp near what was then Danzig, now Gdansk in Poland. "I would like to stress again that I would never have voluntarily signed up to the SS or any other unit -- especially not in a concentration camp," he said in his final statements before the court delivers its verdict.

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