Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Many Don't Believe Their Obesity Poses Health Risks: Study (HealthDay)

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 09:02 AM PDT

HealthDay - SATURDAY, Oct. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Many overweight and obese patients seen in hospital emergency departments don't believe their weight poses a risk to their health, and many say doctors have never told them otherwise, a new study finds.

Obese Mothers Increase Risk for Asthma in Children, Study Shows (ContributorNetwork)

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 07:06 AM PDT

ContributorNetwork - A Swedish study shows that pregnant women who are obese or overweight have an increased risk of giving birth to a baby with asthma. With more than one-third of women obese, and with asthma the most common childhood illness, this is an alarming link. Here is a by-the-numbers look at obesity in pregnancy, asthma in children and the connections between them.

Weight loss bypass surgery may muffle temptation (Reuters)

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:15 PM PDT

Reuters - People who've had gastric bypass surgery might make healthier eating choices than those who opt for the weight loss procedure known as gastric banding, say UK researchers who found bypass patients less tempted by sweets and other fattening foods.

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