Monday, October 17, 2011

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Many Don't Believe Their Obesity is Unhealthy: Study (HealthDay)

Posted: 17 Oct 2011 09:05 AM PDT

HealthDay - SATURDAY, Oct. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Many overweight and obese patients seen in hospital emergency departments don't believe their weight poses a risk to their health, and many say doctors have never told them otherwise, a new study finds.

No cupcakes here! Gold-medal school fights obesity (AP)

Posted: 17 Oct 2011 03:29 AM PDT

In this Sept. 20, 2011 photo, Naomi Woods, left, eats lunch with her classmates at Northeast Elementary Magnet, in Danville, Ill. The curriculum at the public school is focused on health and wellness, and families have to sign a contract agreeing to abide by that. School lunches are low-fat or no-fat, with fresh fruit or veggies every day, and no dessert. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman)AP - Five-year-olds dance hip-hop to the alphabet. Third-graders learn math by twisting into geometric shapes, fifth-graders by calculating calories. And everyone goes to the gym — every day.

Ailing and overweight Americans cost billions in productivity (Reuters)

Posted: 17 Oct 2011 01:25 AM PDT

Reuters - Full-time U.S. workers who have chronic health troubles or are overweight cost more than $153 billion in lost productivity each year from absenteeism, according to a Gallup-Healthways study released on Monday.

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