Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Brisk Daily Walk Could Counter 'Obesity Genes'


WEDNESDAY, March 14 (HealthDay News) -- People who walk briskly an hour a day could beat back a genetic predisposition to be overweight, compared to those who plant themselves in front of the TV, new research suggests.

Sedentary life amplifies obesity genes: US study


A sedentary lifestyle can amplify a genetic disposition to obesity, but walking each day can cut effect in halfA sedentary lifestyle can amplify a genetic disposition to obesity, but just walking briskly, and briefly, each day can cut that effect in half, a new study showed Wednesday.

Obese kids have hard time sticking to low-carb diet


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to managing children's obesity, cutting portion sizes and cutting carbohydrates can work equally well -- though carb control is tough for many kids, a new clinical trial finds. Many adults have tried to win the battle of the bulge by shunning carbohydrates, especially highly refined or starchy carbs like white bread and potatoes. But much less has been known about how those eating plans work for kids, including whether they are safe and nutritionally sound -- since low-carb diets tend to be relatively high in fat. ...

Obese kids have hard time sticking to low-carb diet


Jazmine Raygoza blows into an incentive spirometer at her home in DenverNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When it comes to managing children's obesity, cutting portion sizes and cutting carbohydrates can work equally well -- though carb control is tough for many kids, a new clinical trial finds. Many adults have tried to win the battle of the bulge by shunning carbohydrates, especially highly refined or starchy carbs like white bread and potatoes. But much less has been known about how those eating plans work for kids, including whether they are safe and nutritionally sound -- since low-carb diets tend to be relatively high in fat. ...

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