Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Weight loss, exercise improve mobility in diabetes


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Losing weight and improving fitness may ward off some of the mobility problems that older overweight people with type 2 diabetes often face, according to a new study. The lifestyle changes helped mobile people stay that way and eased severe mobility problems in others, at least over the short term. Lead author W. Jack Rejeski from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, said the trends show the importance of encouraging people to get their weight down and exercise sooner, rather than waiting until they develop problems getting around. ...

Obesity Rates Rise Among Mexican-Americans: Report


WEDNESDAY, March 28 (HealthDay News) -- The obesity rate among Mexican-American adults aged 20 to 74 increased from about 21 percent to nearly 35 percent between 1982 and 2006, a new federal report reveals.

Weight loss, exercise improve mobility in diabetes


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Losing weight and improving fitness may ward off some of the mobility problems that older overweight people with type 2 diabetes often face, according to a new study. The lifestyle changes helped mobile people stay that way and eased severe mobility problems in others, at least over the short term. Lead author W. Jack Rejeski from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, said the trends show the importance of encouraging people to get their weight down and exercise sooner, rather than waiting until they develop problems getting around. ...

Complicated link between diet drinks, health: study


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Studies have hinted that diet-soda lovers could face higher risks of diabetes and heart disease, but new findings suggest that overall diet may be what matters most in the end. Several studies have found that people who regularly down diet soda are more likely than people who don't to have certain risk factors for those chronic diseases -- like high blood pressure and high blood sugar. And one recent study became the first to link the beverages to the risk of actual heart attacks and strokes (see Reuters Health story of February 17, 2012). ...

Complicated link between diet drinks, health: study


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Studies have hinted that diet-soda lovers could face higher risks of diabetes and heart disease, but new findings suggest that overall diet may be what matters most in the end. Several studies have found that people who regularly down diet soda are more likely than people who don't to have certain risk factors for those chronic diseases -- like high blood pressure and high blood sugar. And one recent study became the first to link the beverages to the risk of actual heart attacks and strokes (see Reuters Health story of February 17, 2012). ...

Weight Watchers to buy back 25 percent of shares


Weight Watchers International Inc. said Wednesday that it plans to buy back nearly 25 percent of its outstanding shares through a tender offer and an arrangement with its largest shareholder.

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