Thursday, May 14, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Supreme Court appears split on whether Congress and prosecutors can see Trump's tax returns

Posted: 12 May 2020 04:16 PM PDT

Supreme Court appears split on whether Congress and prosecutors can see Trump's tax returnsThe Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in two cases that could help decide whether President Trump can keep his tax returns private.

Coronavirus drains Vatican coffers as income falls, deficits loom

Posted: 13 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

Coronavirus drains Vatican coffers as income falls, deficits loomLate last month, the Vatican announced the coronavirus pandemic had forced Pope Francis to postpone an annual fund raising campaign among Catholics worldwide to help him carry out his ministry. The delay of "Peter's Pence" by more than three months to the first weekend in October has come at a particularly bad time, as other revenues, notably from the Vatican Museums, slow to a trickle. The pandemic has wreaked havoc with the Vatican's finances, forcing it to dip into reserve funds and implement some of the toughest cost control measures ever in the tiny city-state.

Tropical storm will likely miss Florida this weekend. But beach conditions may get dangerous.

Posted: 13 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

Tropical storm will likely miss Florida this weekend. But beach conditions may get dangerous.As the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season gets an early start near Florida, Typhoon Vongfong is approaching the Philippines.

Goodbye offices? Working from home might be here to stay

Posted: 13 May 2020 05:53 AM PDT

Goodbye offices? Working from home might be here to stay"The views around work from home have completely changed," one expert said.

US military offers condolences over Iran accident killing 19

Posted: 13 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

US military offers condolences over Iran accident killing 19The U.S. military offered condolences Thursday to Iran over a friendly fire incident in the Islamic Republic that saw an Iranian missile kill 19 Iranian troops, identifying the weapon that detonated as an anti-ship cruise missile. Iranian authorities on Monday said that the missile struck the Iranian navy vessel Konarak near the port of Jask, some 1,270 kilometers (790 miles) southeast of Tehran in the Gulf of Oman.

FBI Arrests NASA Researcher for Failing to Disclose China Ties

Posted: 13 May 2020 06:34 AM PDT

FBI Arrests NASA Researcher for Failing to Disclose China TiesFederal agents have arrested a NASA researcher for allegedly failing to disclose ties to Chinese government entities, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday.University of Arkansas-Fayetteville professor Simon Saw-Teong Ang, 63, was arrested on Friday and charged with wire fraud."Ang made false statements and failed to report his outside employment to UA, which enabled Ang to keep his UA job as well as obtain [US government] research funding," an affidavit in the case reads. According to the DOJ, Ang defrauded NASA and UA "by failing to disclose that he held other positions at a Chinese university and Chinese companies."Ang has been an electrical engineering professor at UA since 1988, and has engaged in several projects for NASA and other U.S. government agencies. Ang's ties to China were discovered by a university employee who was attempting to ascertain the owner of a hard drive placed in the university's lost-and-found. While searching through the hard drive, the employee discovered emails between Ang and a visiting researcher from Xidian University in Xi'an, China."You can search the Chinese website regarding what the US will do to Thousand Talent Scholars," Ang wrote in one email. "Not many people here know I am one of them but if this leaks out, my job here will be in deep troubles [sic]."The criminal complaint against Ang states that while he did disclose participation in a Thousand Talents program in 2014, he failed to report connections to other programs between 2012 and 2018.The Thousand Talents program is a Chinese government-funded initiative whose stated purpose is to encourage scientific research, but which U.S. intelligence agencies warn have led to Chinese attempts at espionage and intellectual property theft. Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have launched a probe into Chinese funding and influence at American universities."We  cannot allow a dangerous communist regime to buy access to our institutions of higher education, plain and simple," Representative Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) said earlier this month. "We owe it to the American people to hold China accountable and to prevent them from doing further harm to our country."

Moscow says it ascribed over 60% of coronavirus deaths in April to other causes

Posted: 13 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

Moscow says it ascribed over 60% of coronavirus deaths in April to other causesThe city of Moscow said on Wednesday it had ascribed the deaths of more than 60% of coronavirus patients in April to other causes as it defended what it said was the superior way it and Russia counted the number of people killed by the novel virus. At 242,271, Russia has the second-highest number of confirmed cases in the world after the United States, something it attributes to a massive testing programme which it says has seen almost 6 million tests conducted. The disparity between the high number of cases and the relatively low number of deaths has prompted Kremlin critics and various Western and Russian media outlets to question the veracity of Russia's official death statistics.

Student who made elevator noose pleads guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct

Posted: 13 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT

Student who made elevator noose pleads guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conductA student pleaded guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct for making a noose out of string and leaving it in a residence hall elevator.

Storm Arthur: First named storm of 2020 could form this weekend in US

Posted: 13 May 2020 12:09 PM PDT

Storm Arthur: First named storm of 2020 could form this weekend in USHurricane season may kick off early, with the potential for the year's first named storm to form off the coast of Florida and the Bahamas.Tropical (or, potentially, Subtropical) Storm Arthur, as it will be called if conditions develop into a named storm system - has a 70 per cent chance of forming over the next five days, according to the US National Hurricane Center.

An Illinois woman was mauled to death by pet French bulldog, officials say

Posted: 14 May 2020 07:53 AM PDT

An Illinois woman was mauled to death by pet French bulldog, officials sayA woman was attacked by a French bulldog that she recently adopted.

Bolsonaro orders gyms and hair salons to reopen despite Brazil becoming 'global epicentre' of virus

Posted: 13 May 2020 07:47 AM PDT

Bolsonaro orders gyms and hair salons to reopen despite Brazil becoming 'global epicentre' of virusBrazil witnessed another record breaking daily death toll from coronavirus as it cemented its place as an emerging global epicentre for the disease. The official toll of 881 deaths was second only to the US, while its total of 177,589 cases surpassed Germany and came within touching distance of France. The total death toll now stands at 12,400, the sixth worst in the world, but experts say the real figure is far higher due to lack of testing and poor record keeping. The rising numbers came as hard-Right president Jair Bolsonaro has issued a decree to reopen all gyms and hair salons in Latin America's largest economy, even in regions with strict lockdowns in place. Mr Bolsonaro, who gained the 'Tropical Trump' moniker even before the crisis, has turned Brazil into a pariah in the region and much of the world for playing down the severity of the disease. He referred to the virus as a "little flu" and has been battling with state governors to lift lockdowns before the peak of the infection curve. His latest decree — classifying gyms, fitness centers, hair salons and barbershops as "essential services", which may remain open during isolation measures — has been branded as "irresponsible" by several of Brazil's states, with governors refusing to obey the president's orders. Rio de Janeiro governor Wilson Witzel said President Bolsonaro was "edging towards the precipice, and trying to take Brazil with him". In the northeastern state of Maranhão, left-wing governor Flavio Dino reckoned that the president is only looking to "cause trouble".

Israel eyes closing down evangelical channel

Posted: 13 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

Israel eyes closing down evangelical channel"There are 9 million people in Israel who need to hear the gospel of Jesus," channel CEO Ward Simpson said.

Taliban claim deadly attack on Afghan army base

Posted: 14 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

Taliban claim deadly attack on Afghan army baseThe Taliban said they carried out a deadly attack Thursday on an Afghan army base after the government ordered forces to resume strikes against the militants. The defence ministry said a truck bomb targeted the base in the eastern city of Gardez, killing five civilians. It comes after a particularly violent week which saw President Ashraf Ghani rescind the government's recent "defensive" stance aimed at promoting peace talks with the Taliban, and order troops back onto the offensive.

The White House is testing its staff for coronavirus using a device that often gives false negatives

Posted: 13 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

The White House is testing its staff for coronavirus using a device that often gives false negativesAbbott Laboratories has said its ID NOW test system, which gives results in 13 minutes, can wrongly say someone is virus-free when they are not.

France requires face masks but still bans Islamic face coverings

Posted: 13 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

France requires face masks but still bans Islamic face coveringsAll citizens must wear a mask — but women in face-covering Islamic garb could be punished.

Russia slams New York Times, Financial Times on virus deaths

Posted: 14 May 2020 04:14 AM PDT

Russia slams New York Times, Financial Times on virus deathsRussia's Foreign Ministry has criticized the Financial Times and The New York Times after they reported that Russia's coronavirus death toll could be much higher than government officials are saying. The articles said that they were based on a spike in total mortality rates reported by officials in Moscow, who said the capital registered about 1,800 deaths more in April 2020 than the monthly average. The New York Times reported that total is far higher than the official COVID-19 death count of 642, which the newspaper said was an indication of significant underreporting by the authorities.

Japan’s Version of Bill Barr Provokes an Epic Tweetstorm

Posted: 13 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

Japan's Version of Bill Barr Provokes an Epic TweetstormTOKYO—Shameless autocrats all over the world seem to share one thing in common: an irresistible urge to subvert the criminal justice system to benefit themselves and their cronies, often by placing at least one unscrupulous puppet in a key power position. President Donald Trump already has William Barr. Now Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is trying to put his own man in place to be, at once, lapdog and guard dog. It hasn't gone unnoticed. You wouldn't think the hashtag "I object to changing the laws governing the public prosecutors office" would trend to the tune of 10 million tweets, but in Japan it has caught on. The prime minister is trying to set in stone legal groundwork making his ally Hiromu Kurokawa the most powerful prosecutor in the land. (Kurokawa is widely known in the press as Abe's "guardian deity," which might sound like guardian angel, but is a little more elevated.)Public opposition is surprisingly fierce, with millions of people, including some of Japan's most famous celebrities, making their voices known. Opposition parties, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and former prosecutors have joined the protest. Even conservative media have had to address the many references to Abe as a crass and sinister opportunist kajibadorobo—a thief who would rob a burning house while the occupants were trying to douse the flames.Kurokawa's face—usually the same picture, hair parted in the middle peering over his glasses—has been plastered on front pages with headlines like "Angry Voices Toward Abe Regime" and, "A Thief at a Fire in the Middle of the Coronavirus Pandemic."As the government is urging citizens to avoid "not necessary and not urgent" business during the COVID-19 epidemic, the ruling coalition has been in a huge rush to pass into law not necessary and not urgent legislation—apparently under the impression no one was looking. Abe has a long history placing subservient and unqualified individuals in key posts at agencies and ministries that are supposed to maintain a certain degree of independence from the government. He appointed a man who had never used a computer as the Minister of Information Technology. His current pick for Minister of Justice didn't seem to know that defendants in Japan are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Not So Fast, Shinzo Abe! Trump's Tricky Bromance With Japan's PMUsing "candy and the whip," as we say in Japan, Abe has managed to make most government agencies fall in line. The bureaucrats in Tokyo are all under strong pressure to avoid criticizing or dissenting from the administration's policies and decisions if they want to thrive, or even survive. This has resulted in multiple scandals involving cover-ups and falsification of official documents.In 2018, bureaucrats in the Ministry of Finance were willing to alter, destroy, and hide documents incriminating Abe and his wife in a dubious land sale to right-wing acolytes; this is known as the Moritomo Gakuen scandal. The Osaka Prosecutor's Office refused to indict any of the bureaucrats involved. But this year the diary of Toshio Akagi, a high-ranking bureaucrat involved in the cover-up, was published by his widow. Akagi was 54 when he committed suicide in protest. His diary, which names the people involved in the cover-up, has sparked intense public interest in reopening the investigation–even from Abe's mentor, former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.Several other scandals are simmering that threaten to put Abe and possibly some of his LDP cronies in jail. "Sakuragate," under review by the Tokyo prosecutors, looks at allegations Abe violated election laws by using public funds to win favor from his constituents. An influence peddling scandal threatens to show that not just one but many LDP members received bribes related to Japan's legalization of casinos. Prosecutors in Hiroshima are looking at election law violations that could be traced to the top of the LDP, and also involve Abe's last pick as Minister of Justice, Katsuyuki Kawai. To fend off all these assaults, Abe and his pals definitely need the best "guardian deity" they can find: veteran prosecutor Kurokawa. They've been counting on him to continue to work his magic in 2020. But there was a problem. Kurokawa—who is currently the second most powerful prosecutor in Japan as head of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutor's Office—was due to retire on February 7, before turning 63, which is the mandatory retirement age for most high-level prosecutors. On January 31, the Abe cabinet decided to extend Kurokawa's tenure by six months. When opposition leaders and scholars pointed out this decision probably was illegal, Abe decided to put forth legislation to make it possible, after the fact. In the shadows of the coronavirus panic, last Friday, the Japanese government decided to push forward the laws that would legalize the extension of Kurokawa's tenure and thus pave the way for him to become the top prosecutor when the current placeholder retires this year. With everyone distracted by the day to day announcement of COVID-19 infections and deaths, Abe must have assumed this new bill would sail through without being noticed. But he was mistaken. Over the weekend a single tweet with the ubiquitous hashtag from a 35-year-old working woman in Tokyo set off a wave of protests. She was joined by many A-list actresses, actors, singers, writers and comedians. Beloved actress Kyoko Koizumi spoke out; Tadanobu Asano, a staple in Hollywood films about Japan, made himself heard. Even the queen of "kawaii" (cuteness), singer and fashion icon Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, with over 5 million followers on Twitter, went online to express her concerns. Abe has repeatedly dismissed concerns about the proposed changes, saying,"There are absolutely no concerns that any personnel decisions will be made arbitrarily." Former Special Prosecutor Nobuo Gohara isn't so sure.  "In the Japanese justice system, the prosecutors have a monopoly on the right to publicly prosecute an individual. What happens if prosecutors won't do their job? If the administration decides who stays and who goes, it is a serious problem that shakes the separation of powers. It threatens democracy in Japan as we know it."Yukio Edano, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, has condemned the prime minister not only for his intentions but also his timing.  "Rather than focusing on overcoming the coronavirus crisis, he is prioritizing putting convenient laws in place for himself and turning his back on public opinion. He is a thief amidst a roaring fire, politically abusing this crisis."The comparison of Abe to an opportunistic burglar may seem harsh. But if you're a thief looting the town while the masses are watching the flames, you want to be sure that someone has your back. With friends like Kurokawa behind you, you can be sure that even if you get arrested, you won't wind up in jail. The only problem is that once you let a democracy burn down, it's very hard to rebuild it from the ashes.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

The Army’s Next-Generation Squad Weapon Is a Big Hit With SOCOM

Posted: 14 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

The Army's Next-Generation Squad Weapon Is a Big Hit With SOCOMThe Army is in the final phase of evaluating NGSW prototypes.

Casinos in survival mode during pandemic

Posted: 12 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

Casinos in survival mode during pandemicCaesars Entertainment Corp. missed quarterly revenue estimates on Monday as it shuttered its casinos amid nationwide lockdowns to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spanish antibody study suggests 5% of population affected by coronavirus

Posted: 13 May 2020 03:38 AM PDT

Spanish antibody study suggests 5% of population affected by coronavirusPreliminary results from a nationwide coronavirus antibody study showed on Wednesday that about 5% of the overall Spanish population had contracted the novel virus - about 10 times more than the tally of diagnosed cases suggests. The results point to 2.3 million of Spain's 45 million population being affected by the virus, if without symptoms in many cases, considerably more than the official count of under 230,000 cases. "We have not been surprised" by the results, Illa said.

Man repeatedly punched by LAPD officer files lawsuit

Posted: 13 May 2020 07:21 AM PDT

Man repeatedly punched by LAPD officer files lawsuitThe officer used closed fists to repeatedly strike Richard Castillo for 20 or more seconds while a female officer "failed to intervene," the lawsuit states.

Elon Musk sent a thank-you note to Tesla's workers returning to work — but some employees fear for their jobs if they don't go back

Posted: 13 May 2020 04:43 AM PDT

Elon Musk sent a thank-you note to Tesla's workers returning to work — but some employees fear for their jobs if they don't go backMusk has grown increasingly frustrated with Tesla having to cease operations due to lockdown orders brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

German firms plan charter flight to send staff back to China

Posted: 12 May 2020 05:49 PM PDT

German firms plan charter flight to send staff back to ChinaGerman firms plan to charter a flight to China this month, business leaders said Wednesday, as Beijing appears ready to further ease a ban on foreigners imposed over coronavirus fears. The idea is to eventually extend a similar plan to other European countries, Joerg Wuttke, president of the EU Chamber in China, told AFP. Talks are under way for "a fast-track procedure" allowing employees of German companies to re-enter China on the special flight, said Jens Hildebrandt, executive director for the German Chamber of Commerce in North China.

Highlights of Democrats' $3 trillion-plus virus relief bill

Posted: 12 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

Highlights of Democrats' $3 trillion-plus virus relief billDemocrats controlling the House have unveiled a $3 trillion-plus coronavirus relief bill — the fifth coronavirus response legislation so far — and are planning to pass the measure on Friday. The legislation replenishes existing accounts to respond to both the COVID-19 health care crisis and to try to ease the economic impact of the pandemic, which has produced record job losses and fears of a depression. The Democratic bill provides more than $900 billion to states ($500 billion), local governments ($375 billion), as well as Indian tribes and territorial governments ($40 billion) to help prevent layoffs of public workers, cuts to services, or tax hikes.

Schools start opening amid Covid-19, but for children nothing is the same

Posted: 13 May 2020 08:10 AM PDT

Schools start opening amid Covid-19, but for children nothing is the sameAround the world school gates are reopening after months of lockdown which left playgrounds empty and classrooms forlorn. But where there were once excited shouts as children arrived for a new day, there are now instructions to keep your distance and regularly wash your hands. As children return to class in countries that have begun to ease their lockdown measures, new school regimes have been introduced to minimise the risk of renewed infections leading to a second wave of Covid-19. How countries manage the return of pupils is being watched closely in Britain, where the Government has asked primary schools to reopen on June 1 for reception, Year 1 and Year 6. France Parisian nursery teacher Dominique Sicard has been pouring over a 57-page protocol from the French education ministry on how to respect social distancing with a class of five-year olds and is categorical. "If the people who govern us think we can respect all this to the letter, there's no point in re-opening at all," said the 53-year-old. "I've already warned parents that while children will have a table and chair with their name on, it is impossible for them to remain at that desk all day. Most are happy with it." As France slowly re-emerges from two months of confinement, the Ecole des Trois Bornes in Paris is one of tens of thousands of the country's nursery and primary schools opening its doors to around 1.5 million pupils this week, roughly a quarter of the total.

Coronavirus travel: Disney Cruise Line won't sail again until end of July at the earliest

Posted: 13 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

Coronavirus travel: Disney Cruise Line won't sail again until end of July at the earliestThe extension doesn't come as a surprise after Disney CEO Bob Chapek warned that the cruise line would be the last travel business to return.

Carice Van Houten says the Me Too movement made her question her nude scenes in 'Game of Thrones:' 'I became very aware of the male gaze'

Posted: 14 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

Carice Van Houten says the Me Too movement made her question her nude scenes in 'Game of Thrones:' 'I became very aware of the male gaze'In an interview over Zoom, Van Houten told Insider: "In retrospect, I thought, 'Why did that scene have to be nude? Why was that normal?'"

French coronavirus death toll overtakes Spain's, now world's 4th largest

Posted: 12 May 2020 10:47 AM PDT

French coronavirus death toll overtakes Spain's, now world's 4th largestFrance's death toll from the coronavirus rose by 348 to 26,991 on Tuesday, overtaking Spain to become the country with the world's fourth-highest number of fatalities after the United States, Britain and Italy. Official data had showed France's coronavirus casualty rate trailing Spain's closely for several weeks, with both countries' tolls above 22,000 since April 24 and Spain's less than 100 more than France's over several days last week.

CNN Buries Its Own Poll Results on Trump’s Favorability. Guess Why.

Posted: 13 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

CNN Buries Its Own Poll Results on Trump's Favorability. Guess Why.Well, that's interesting, I thought, as I noted that the RealClearPolitics homepage stated that President Trump was tied for his all-time high in CNN polling. Then I went over to the CNN homepage for confirmation. Guess what I found?The main story was about a church that lost 44 parishioners to COVID-19. The second-most prominent story told us that "Grocery Prices Are Soaring" (which is true if you think that a 2.6 percent increase in April should be called "soaring"), the third-most-prominent item told us, "Doctors treating coronavirus patients are seeing odd and frightening syndromes." Running down the rail on the right we were given such important developments as "Man refusing to wear a mask breaks arm of Target employee," "CNN Investigates: He's willing to get Covid-19 to speed up vaccine efforts," "Five surfers die after huge layer of sea foam hampers rescue" and "How coronavirus spread from one member to 87% of the singers at a choir practice."Only after all of this stuff did we learn that CNN has a new poll out, under the headline, "CNN Poll: Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump." Polls are expensive, news organizations tend to hype them breathlessly to generate headlines in rival media outlets, Wednesday was (obviously) a slow news day, and politics is one of CNN's core topics. Yet CNN seemed oddly unenthused about its own poll. And the story to which the homepage linked doesn't mention that Trump had never scored higher in a CNN poll. True, there are lots of noisy data in the piece, most of which cut against Trump. But on the other hand the single most surprising and hence most newsworthy detail of the poll was that Trump holds a seven-point lead over Biden in the battleground states. The CNN story doesn't even tell us what that figure is -- seven points seems like a pretty big number -- and downplays its own finding by noting, "Given the small sample size in that subset of voters, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether the movement is significant or a fluke of random sampling."The headline of a different CNN news story about the same poll carries the headline, "CNN Poll: Negative ratings for government handling of coronavirus persist" over a picture of Trump looking downcast. This story, unlike the other one, mentions (but not till the fourth paragraph) that Trump's approval rating of 45 percent "now matches his high point in CNN polling dating back to the start of his term."I don't want to spin this poll as great news for President Trump -- he has a 55 percent disapproval rating, and only 36 percent think he's a trustworthy source of information about the crisis -- but the story of the 21st century has been persistently low faith in  presidents, government, Congress, and the direction of the country. President Obama had an approval rating of about 48 percent at this point in May of 2012, on his way to being reelected by a wide margin. Joe Biden has an approval rating of only 45 percent, as against 46 percent disapproval, and that's with Biden mostly shielded from public view. Biden's penchant for gaffes largely escape notice when his public appearances mainly consist of reading from a Teleprompter in his basement, whereas Trump's gaffes make headlines. Biden bears no responsibility for all the things that have gone wrong, whereas Trump not only gets heaped with blame, but the pressure of managing a crisis spurs him on to more gaffes. Trump probably doesn't need to win a plurality of voters to win a majority of Electoral College votes. And being disliked by a majority didn't stop him before: The day he was elected president, he had a 37.5 percent approval rating, according to the RealClearPolitics poll of polls.Biden does appear to be the favorite at the moment; he is, after all, leading in nationwide polls by an average of 4.5 percent, according to RealClearPolitics. He appears to have carved out a substantial lead among older voters, whom Trump has to thank for his win in 2016. Yet betting markets still rate Trump a big favorite. After three and a quarter years of the media talking themselves into believing the "walls are closing in," "the noose is tightening," and "the endgame has begun," the voters don't seem to be confirming that Trump is toast. On the contrary, they have substantially more positive views about Trump than they did when they elected him president. And Biden can't hide in that basement forever.

One of Elon Musk's most vocal supporters just wrote a 3,000-word op-ed slamming his opinions on the coronavirus and reliance on 'Tesla superfans'

Posted: 12 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

One of Elon Musk's most vocal supporters just wrote a 3,000-word op-ed slamming his opinions on the coronavirus and reliance on 'Tesla superfans'A writer who owns three Teslas has been criticized for "forwarding the rosy narrative" of the company isn't writing such a rosy narrative anymore.

Asia Today: Japan easing emergency, Wuhan starts new testing

Posted: 13 May 2020 07:31 PM PDT

Asia Today: Japan easing emergency, Wuhan starts new testingJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Thursday the lifting of a coronavirus state of emergency ahead of schedule in most of the country except for eight high-risk areas. Abe lifted the measure in 39 of the country's 47 prefectures. It remains in effect in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hokkaido and three other prefectures.

Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco trapped by virus and poverty

Posted: 13 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco trapped by virus and povertyDeprived of work and access to aid, thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa living in Morocco are struggling to make ends meet under COVID-19 restrictions. "The misery is across the board," said Ousmane Ba, head of the Collective of sub-Saharan Communities in Morocco. At least 20,000, the vast majority from sub-Saharan Africa, are trapped "in a humanitarian emergency", said sociologist Mehdi Alioua of the anti-racism foreigners' support group GADEM.

First to close and last to open? California takes 'appropriately cautious' path in combating coronavirus

Posted: 14 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

First to close and last to open? California takes 'appropriately cautious' path in combating coronavirusCalifornia was the first state to lock down because of the coronavirus. Will it be the last one to open? The Golden State is taking measured steps.

Surviving the coronavirus is one thing. Recovering is another

Posted: 13 May 2020 10:10 AM PDT

Surviving the coronavirus is one thing. Recovering is anotherThe coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is so new that patients and doctors face considerable uncertainty about what they can expect in recovery and beyond.

Taiwan says WHO has 'forgotten' neutrality by barring island

Posted: 14 May 2020 02:28 AM PDT

Taiwan says WHO has 'forgotten' neutrality by barring islandThe World Health Organization (WHO) has "forgotten" its professionalism and neutrality in locking Taiwan out of the body for political reasons, Taiwan Vice President Chen Chien-jen said on Thursday. Taiwan says China and the WHO have conspired for political purposes to keep it out of key meetings, that the WHO has not responded to requests for coronavirus information and has misreported the number of its infections. The WHO and China have strongly dispute the accusations, saying Taiwan has been given all the help it needed, but that only China, which claims democratic Taiwan as one of its provinces, has the right to fully represent it in the WHO.

2 Target customers who refused to wear face masks were arrested after a brawl that broke an employee's arm

Posted: 13 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

2 Target customers who refused to wear face masks were arrested after a brawl that broke an employee's armA video posted by the LAPD shows a fight that resulted in the arrests of Phillip Hamilton, 31, and Paul Hamilton, 29 for battery.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and John Kerry lead Biden-Sanders 'Unity Task Force' on climate change

Posted: 13 May 2020 09:33 AM PDT

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and John Kerry lead Biden-Sanders 'Unity Task Force' on climate changeFormer Vice President Joe Biden has extended another hand to supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).After Sanders suspended his 2020 campaign and endorsed Biden as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Biden pledged to make inroads with Sanders' backers and adopted some of the progressive's policy proposals. That promise continued Wednesday as Biden and Sanders unveiled six "Unity Task Forces" made up of top supporters of both candidates.The task forces on climate change, criminal justice reform, the economy, education, health care, and immigration are each a mix of progressive and more moderate Democrats. They're all aimed at "identifying ways to build on our progress and not simply turn the clock back to a time before Donald Trump, but transform our country, Biden said in a statement.Notable names include Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who has pushed for Sanders' Medicare-for-all and will co-chair the health care task force along with Obama administration Surgeon General Vivek Murphy. Former Secretary of State John Kerry and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), meanwhile, will co-chair a task force on climate change. > ICYMI this AM: @JoeBiden & @BernieSanders announced the 48 members serving on their six "Unity Task Forces" that will shape policy recommendations for his campaign & the DNC platform committee. > > More on this from me, @sahilkapur & @philhelsel here:> > -- Marianna Sotomayor (@MariannaNBCNews) May 13, 2020More stories from The conservative victimhood complex has made America impossible to govern Delta is retiring its newly-retrofitted Boeing 777 fleet to help 'stem the bleeding' during the coronavirus crisis Coronavirus will win. America needs to make a plan for failure.

The US Navy has released incident reports from pilots describing their encounters with UFOs, including one detailing a silver object 'the size of a suitcase'

Posted: 14 May 2020 04:02 AM PDT

The US Navy has released incident reports from pilots describing their encounters with UFOs, including one detailing a silver object 'the size of a suitcase'The documents were released following a Freedom of Information request. While some appear to be drone sightings, others seem more mysterious.

France gives online firms one hour to pull 'terrorist' content

Posted: 14 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

France gives online firms one hour to pull 'terrorist' contentWebsites will have just one hour to pull content reported by police, or face huge fines.

Israel waging 'imaginary battle' against Iran troops in Syria: Hezbollah

Posted: 13 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

Israel waging 'imaginary battle' against Iran troops in Syria: HezbollahLebanon's Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah charged Wednesday that Israel had been waging an "imaginary battle" against Iranian troops in Syria, insisting that Tehran had sent only "military advisers and experts". Nasrallah also denied Iran and its allies were in a battle for influence with Russia in the neighbouring country and said their chief aim was "preventing Syria from falling under the hegemony of America and Israel".

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