Friday, May 8, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Most Americans deny Trump virus response is a 'success' — nearly half say Obama would be doing better

Posted: 07 May 2020 06:43 AM PDT

Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Most Americans deny Trump virus response is a 'success' — nearly half say Obama would be doing betterThe unfavorable comparison between the current president and his predecessor is one of the clearest signs to date of an emerging dynamic that will define the remainder of Trump's term and the presidential election.

Neighbor of father and son arrested in Ahmaud Arbery killing is also under investigation

Posted: 08 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

Neighbor of father and son arrested in Ahmaud Arbery killing is also under investigationThe ongoing investigation of the fatal shooting in Brunswick, Georgia, will also look at a neighbor of suspects Gregory and Travis McMichael who recorded video of the incident, authorities said.

A 1996 court declaration written by Tara Reade's ex-husband shows she spoke of harassment in Biden's Senate office

Posted: 07 May 2020 11:12 PM PDT

A 1996 court declaration written by Tara Reade's ex-husband shows she spoke of harassment in Biden's Senate office"It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on (Reade), and that she is still sensitive and effected (sic) by it today," Dronen wrote.

New Zealand says it backs Taiwan's role in WHO due to success with coronavirus

Posted: 07 May 2020 08:20 PM PDT

EU agreed to Chinese censorship over coronavirus origins

Posted: 07 May 2020 05:43 AM PDT

EU agreed to Chinese censorship over coronavirus originsThe European Union agreed to Chinese censorship of a public letter by its ambassadors that removed any mention of the fact the coronavirus pandemic originated in China, it has emerged. The EU's foreign affairs service agreed to cut out a reference to the "outbreak of the coronavirus in China" as a reason for a cancelled EU-China summit in the letter, which was published in the state-run China Daily newspaper. The European External Action Service (EEAS) excised the reference after coming under pressure from China's foreign ministry. Two weeks ago, the EEAS was forced to deny it had bowed to Beijing by watering down language in a report accusing China of a campaign of disinformation about the virus. It was revealed EU officials softened some of the language condemning China after repeated calls by Chinese officials. "It is of course regrettable to see that the sentence about the spread of the virus has been edited," said Nicolas Chapuis, the EU's ambassador to China, who co-signed the opinion piece with the 27 ambassadors to China of the bloc's member states.

N. Korea lashes South as Kim praises China's Xi

Posted: 07 May 2020 07:11 PM PDT

N. Korea lashes South as Kim praises China's XiNorth Korea condemned the South Friday for holding military drills, saying the situation was returning to before the diplomatic rapprochement of 2018, as leader Kim Jong Un -- whose health was the subject of intense speculation in recent weeks -- reached out to traditional ally Beijing. Kim sent Chinese leader Xi Jinping a diplomatic communication congratulating him for China's "success" in controlling the novel coronavirus epidemic, the state news agency KCNA reported. Kim told Xi he was as pleased with China's successes as his own, KCNA reported, adding he "sent militant greetings to every member of the Communist Party of China".

Indian migrant deaths: 16 sleeping workers run over by train

Posted: 08 May 2020 01:02 AM PDT

Indian migrant deaths: 16 sleeping workers run over by trainThe workers fell asleep on the tracks while trying to make their way home during India's lockdown.

US northern border illegal crossings rise; many are Mexicans

Posted: 07 May 2020 11:16 AM PDT

US northern border illegal crossings rise; many are MexicansThe number of people apprehended for illegally crossing from Canada into the United States along its northern border has nearly tripled over the past three years, and a growing portion are Mexican citizens, according to federal data. One Mexican man who crossed illegally to work on a Vermont dairy farm said it was easier than trying the southern border. U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics obtained by The Associated Press after a public records request provide new detail on what was apparent anecdotally: Along the border from Maine to Washington, 446 of the 1,586 illegal crossers apprehended in the 2019 fiscal year were Mexican, or 28%.

Jetliner hits and kills person as it lands at Austin airport

Posted: 08 May 2020 09:33 AM PDT

Jetliner hits and kills person as it lands at Austin airportSouthwest Airlines says pilot spotted the person shortly after it touched down and maneuvered to try to avoid the person.

Trump Wanted a Softball Interview. ABC’s David Muir Obliged.

Posted: 06 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

Trump Wanted a Softball Interview. ABC's David Muir Obliged.With the sort of near-mystical media savvy on which Donald Trump built his celebrity brand as a novice politician and reality-television star, his White House aides specifically asked for World News Tonight anchor David Muir—and not chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, according to knowledgeable people—to conduct Trump's first broadcast television interview of the COVID-19 pandemic.It was This Week and Good Morning America host Stephanopoulos, a seasoned Democratic political operative-turned-astute political journalist, who, in a series of interviews with the president over two days last June, produced a headline-making primetime special notable for Trump's self-immolating bombshell that he'd welcome dirt on a political rival from a foreign government.This time, while Trump was willing to venture from the safety of Fox News toward the potential hazards but bigger audience of ABC—a calculated risk as he faces an increasingly difficult re-election race in which his approval ratings have plummeted for his mishandling of a pandemic that has killed more than 72,000 Americans—Stephanopoulos was apparently a risk too far.Thus by most accounts, including Trump's, the White House got exactly what it wanted from Tuesday's network exclusive, which the Disney-owned network hyped in an afternoon special report, on its 24-hour online outlet ABC News Live, on Nightline, and on Good Morning America—not to mention Muir's flagship weeknight news program, which, with an average of 10.5 million viewers, happens to be the highest-rated show in all of television, catnip for a ratings-obsessed president.What the Trump White House got from Muir's interview was the strangely calming image of a somber, restrained, message-disciplined president—hardly the whopper-spewing, insult-sniping bully of Trump's coronavirus briefings and Twitter feed—fielding gently posed questions from the imperially slim anchorman who wore an expression of perpetual concern and empathy on his finely chiseled face.Among ABC News' journalists, however, it was a different story. As the interview broadcasted from Phoenix, Arizona, where Trump was touring a Honeywell factory that had been retooled to make N95 face masks, some of them watched with growing dismay as Muir let Trump utter well-worn talking points and market-test new falsehoods unchallenged—such as the president's complaint that Barack Obama had left behind "broken tests" for a virus that didn't even exist when Obama left office three years ago—while failing to ask pertinent questions.For instance, Muir didn't grill Trump on his apparent failure to invoke the emergency Defense Production Act to force private companies to mass-produce much-needed coronavirus tests and personal protection equipment for frontline healthcare workers; he didn't ask him about Vice President Mike Pence's public prediction that the White House Coronavirus Task Force is soon to be disbanded—a revelation that Trump ultimately contradicted elsewhere; he didn't ask Trump's response to Dr. Larry Bright's whistleblower complaint that the National Institutes of Health removed him from directing the government's vaccine research because he questioned the president's bizarre treatment recommendations; Muir didn't press him on the seeming lack of a comprehensive national testing strategy to identify and isolate carriers of the virus, a program that Dr. Anthony Fauci, among other experts, says is necessary; he didn't ask Trump his reaction to red-state governors who are relaxing or simply rescinding safety measures in opposition to Trump's own White House guidelines.It was, in the view of some of Muir's colleagues, a squandered opportunity—a presidential interview that barely made news."This is literally a matter of life and death, and there was no news," a television journalist from a rival outlet told The Daily Beast. "I don't know how you get an interview with the president and not make news."CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy was especially critical, writing that "Muir didn't challenge Trump in any meaningful way. And worst of all, Muir allowed the President to float brazen misinformation with no pushback to his 10 million+ viewers."Yet several media critics, notably Poynter's Tom Jones, credited Muir for his "tough but fair and not contentious…professional demeanor," and praised Muir for his ability to "plow through many topics and call out many of Trump's past missteps."While ABC News officially declined to comment, a high-level news division source defended Muir's Trump interview to The Daily Beast: "David's interview speaks for itself. He repeatedly pressed the president in several tense exchanges, which comes with the territory when you conduct a presidential interview."Television news analyst Andrew Tyndall, however, was among those who didn't feel a whole lot of tension."Muir's interviewing style," he said, "is 'I'm going to sit in a room with you and be your interlocutor, and you can get all your talking points off your chest. I'm not going to be there in order to grill you.' Nobody would call it forensic."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Off-duty officer body slams Walmart shopper irate over face mask rule

Posted: 07 May 2020 07:28 PM PDT

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo receives backlash for tapping tech billionaires Bill Gates and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to help rebuild the state

Posted: 07 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo receives backlash for tapping tech billionaires Bill Gates and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to help rebuild the stateCritics say the tech billionaires are "not people who should determine" how to rebuild life for New Yorkers.

Man killed in Indianapolis police shooting livestreamed chase, final moments

Posted: 07 May 2020 12:31 PM PDT

Man killed in Indianapolis police shooting livestreamed chase, final momentsA man who was shot and killed by police following a chase in Indianapolis livestreamed the incident and the final moments leading up to his death.

Rare Saudi resistance hits futuristic megacity project

Posted: 07 May 2020 09:07 PM PDT

Rare Saudi resistance hits futuristic megacity projectA rare revolt by a Saudi tribe has spelt fresh trouble for a planned Red Sea megacity, a linchpin of the crown prince's economic vision already beset by low oil prices. The $500 billion NEOM project, set to be built from scratch along the kingdom's picturesque western coast, is billed as a futuristic cityscape evocative of a sci-fi blockbuster -- with everything from flying taxis to robot-maids. Before the shootout, Abdulraheem al-Huwaiti posted a series of scathing videos in which he likened the forced displacement of his sprawling tribe, based in the northwestern Tabuk province for generations, to "state terrorism".

Amnesty slams Palestinians' freedom of expression arrests

Posted: 06 May 2020 10:08 PM PDT

Amnesty slams Palestinians' freedom of expression arrestsAmnesty International on Thursday censured Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip for detaining critics and opponents for expressing their views. The London-based human rights group said five people were arrested in March and April, including a peace activist for holding a video call with Israelis and a writer who criticized authorities in Gaza for a deadly market fire. Amnesty called the detentions a "pattern of arbitrary arrests" of Palestinians for voicing their opinions.

Airline middle seats won't stay empty forever in the name of social distancing. Here's why

Posted: 08 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Airline middle seats won't stay empty forever in the name of social distancing. Here's whyPermanently blocking middle seats and limiting the number of passengers per flight is a costly move for airlines and would increase ticket prices.

Trump news - live: Second White House staffer tests positive for coronavirus as president claims Joe Biden and Barack Obama tried to undo his election win

Posted: 08 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

Trump news - live: Second White House staffer tests positive for coronavirus as president claims Joe Biden and Barack Obama tried to undo his election winA second White House staffer, an aide to vice president Mike Pence, has tested positive for the coronavirus. The news briefly halted the departure Mr Pence's flight to Iowa as those that had been in contact with the aide deplaned, according to reports.Donald Trump joined eight Second World War veterans for a brief wreath-laying to mark 75 years since VE Day. White House officials described the veterans as "choosing nation over self" by taking part in the ceremony.

Seattle to close 20 miles of streets for good

Posted: 07 May 2020 11:14 PM PDT

Seattle to close 20 miles of streets for goodThe move is intended to get people out of the their cars and on their feet.

India may see 0% GDP growth this fiscal year - Moody's

Posted: 08 May 2020 12:48 AM PDT

India may see 0% GDP growth this fiscal year - Moody'sThe impact of the coronavirus outbreak will exacerbate the material slowdown in India's economic growth, with the country expected to see 0% expansion in the current fiscal year, analysts at Moody's said on Friday. The ratings agency said it expected India to see no growth in financial year 2021 and bounce back to a 6.6% GDP growth in FY22, while the fiscal deficit is seen rising to 5.5% of GDP in FY21 versus the budgeted estimate of 3.5%. The COVID-19 spread in the country has also "significantly reduced the prospects of a durable fiscal consolidation," it said in a report.

This Is the Closest Black Hole We've Ever Discovered

Posted: 07 May 2020 09:27 AM PDT

This Is the Closest Black Hole We've Ever DiscoveredAt 1,000 light-years away, it's practically knocking on our celestial back door.

Coronavirus deals 'powerful blow' to Putin's grand plans

Posted: 07 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT

Coronavirus deals 'powerful blow' to Putin's grand plansThe bombastic military parade through Moscow's Red Square on Saturday was slated to be the spectacle of the year on the Kremlin's calendar. Standing with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron, President Vladimir Putin would have overseen a 90-minute procession of Russia's military might, showcasing 15,000 troops and the latest hardware. Now, military jets will roar over an eerily quiet Moscow, spurting red, white and blue smoke to mark 75 years since the defeat of Nazi Germany.

After weeks at sea, 277 Rohingya land in Bangladesh

Posted: 08 May 2020 05:05 AM PDT

Should Schiff step down from House Intelligence Committee after release of Russia docs?

Posted: 07 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

Should Schiff step down from House Intelligence Committee after release of Russia docs?Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is reportedly in 'panic mode' as House transcripts appear to contradict claims on collusion evidence in the Russia probe; Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe and former D.C. Democrat Party Chair Scott Bolden debate.

CNN legal analysts say Barr dropping the Flynn case shows 'the fix was in.' Barr says winners write history.

Posted: 08 May 2020 05:23 AM PDT

CNN legal analysts say Barr dropping the Flynn case shows 'the fix was in.' Barr says winners write history.The Justice Department announced Thursday that it is dropping its criminal case against President Trump's first national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn twice admitted in court he lied to the FBI about his conversations with Russia's U.S. ambassador, and then cooperated in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. It was an unusual move by the Justice Department, and CNN's legal and political analysts smelled a rat."Attorney General [William] Barr is already being accused of creating a special justice system just for President Trump's friends," and this will only feed that perception, CNN's Jake Tapper suggested. Political correspondent Sara Murray agreed, noting that the prosecutor in the case, Brandon Van Grack, withdrew right before the Justice Department submitted its filing, just like when Barr intervened to request a reduced sentence for Roger Stone.National security correspondent Jim Sciutto laid out several reason why the substance of Flynn's admitted lie was a big deal, and chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin was appalled. "It is one of the most incredible legal documents I have read, and certainly something that I never expected to see from the United States Department of Justice," Toobin said. "The idea that the Justice Department would invent an argument -- an argument that the judge in this case has already rejected -- and say that's a basis for dropping a case where a defendant admitted his guilt shows that this is a case where the fix was in."Barr told CBS News' Cathrine Herridge on Thursday that dropping Flynn's case actually "sends the message that there is one standard of justice in this country." Herridge told Barr he would take flak for this, asking: "When history looks back on this decision, how do you think it will be written?" Barr laughed: "Well, history's written by the winners. So it largely depends on who's writing the history." Watch below. More stories from Sen. Joe Manchin forgot to mute a call with Senate Democrats while he went through an Arby's drive-through Trump reportedly got 'lava level mad' over potential exposure to coronavirus Did we just witness one of the nuttiest foreign policy blunders in American history?

Former police officer and his son charged with murder of unarmed black man  in Georgia

Posted: 07 May 2020 06:21 PM PDT

Former police officer and his son charged with murder of unarmed black man  in GeorgiaA former white police officer and his son were arrested on Thursday in Georgia and charged with murder in the death of an unarmed black man in an incident that has touched off a furor in the community and among civil rights activists nationwide. Gregory McMichael, 64, and his son Travis, 34, were taken into custody by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and would be booked into jail in connection with the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in the town of Brunswick, the agency said in a written statement. The Feb. 23 shooting death of Arbery, 25, as he ran through the small town was captured on video by an unnamed witness in a vehicle near the scene. Its wide broadcast in recent days had ignited outrage over the failure of police or prosecutors to take action against the McMichaels. A district attorney appointed to handle the high-profile case after two other prosecutors recused themselves had said on Wednesday that he would ask a county grand jury to weigh charges against the two men. The arrest and charges brought by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation appear to make that process moot.

WHO: If lockdowns go on for 6 months, there could be 31 million new domestic violence cases globally

Posted: 07 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

WHO: If lockdowns go on for 6 months, there could be 31 million new domestic violence cases globallyWomen and children are experiencing unprecedented levels of abuse and violence at home as stress and anxiety continue to mount due to the pandemic.

Moderate Iran quake kills two, draws many into Tehran streets

Posted: 07 May 2020 10:50 PM PDT

Armed black citizens escort Michigan lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protest

Posted: 07 May 2020 06:31 PM PDT

Armed black citizens escort Michigan lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protestState representative Sarah Anthony says she wanted to highlight failure of policing after armed white protesters demonstratedA black lawmaker came to Michigan's capitol with an escort of armed black citizens on Wednesday, days after white protesters with guns staged a volatile protest inside the state house, comparing the Democratic governor's public health orders to "tyranny".The state representative Sarah Anthony, 36, said she wanted to highlight what she saw as the failure of the Michigan capitol police to provide legislators with adequate security during the protest, which saw demonstrators with rifles standing in the legislative chamber above lawmakers."When traditional systems, whether it's law enforcement or whatever, fail us, we also have the ability to take care of ourselves," she told the Guardian. Anthony became the first African American woman elected to represent her district in Lansing, Michigan's capital, in 2018.> As of today, Michigan has seen 45,054 COVID cases and 4,250 deaths. There's real work to do and I'm here to work for the people...without intimidation or fear.> > — Sarah Anthony (@SarahAnthony517) May 7, 2020One of Anthony's constituents, a black firefighter, organized Wednesday's capitol escort. While early reports focused on three black men with large rifles escorting Anthony, there were six participants, including two women, and some of them were armed with handguns, Lynn said. Five of the participants are black and one is Hispanic. Michael Lynn Jr, a Lansing resident, said he was frustrated to see his legislator being violently intimidated in her workplace. He said the escort was the first time he had ever chosen to openly carry his AR-15 rifle.Lynn said he did not want to see a black woman who had been elevated to political office feeling threatened "because of the white supremacists in the yard" and wanted "to make sure that would never happen again"."Being a black and brown female Democrat in the capitol now is a dangerous job," Lynn said. "This is an environment that Donald Trump has nurtured."Anthony described last week's protest, which drew hundreds of people, as "one of the most unnerving feelings I've ever felt in my life"."If I don't vote the way that these people want me to vote, are they going to rush the and start shooting us?" she said. "You could feel the floor rumbling. You could hear them yelling and screaming."Despite the armed escort, Anthony said she was "actively working to prohibit open carry" of firearms in the state capitol, which is currently legal.Anthony said her goal was not to encourage more armed citizens to volunteer to protect lawmakers, but to ensure that the law enforcement officers paid by taxpayers to keep legislators safe would do a better job in the future.Lynn, 38, is a gun rights advocate who has a permit to carry a concealed handgun in public, but he called the armed white protesters' behavior "ridiculous" and "barbaric"."What they did and what they intended to do," he said, was to "derail democracy".Lynn said he was frustrated after last week's protests when he saw black Americans sharing comments that they would never be allowed to carry guns in the capitol and scream into the faces of police officers.There was truth to those perspectives, he said; the response would have been different. But he also wanted to "change the narrative"."We can't normalize that narrative to where it seems as if we're supposed to be scared to exercise our second amendment rights as everyone else does," he said.Wednesday was a quiet work day at the capitol, and "the state troopers were very accommodating. Nobody acted as if we should not be there," Lynn said.Michigan's state capitol has been the scene of several large protests demanding that the state's Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, reopen the economy. While police at the capitol usually do an adequate job of protecting lawmakers, Anthony said, she felt law enforcement had simply left them to their own devices during last week's protest.A spokeswoman for Michigan's state police said that they were "constantly reviewing" their practices and "adjusting protocols as needed".The state police hosted a call with legislators on 4 May to brief them on available security services, including security escorts, after " learning that some representatives were fearful for their safety" during the protest, a spokeswoman, Shannon Banner, wrote in an e-mail.Anthony said it had been meaningful to receive a personal offer from constituents to help ensure her safety. But, she said, "the thing that I hope does not happen with this photo is that this creates an environment that would feel like more guns are needed in order to protect ourselves.""The thing that keeps me up at night is the fear that we are becoming more polarized, more angry," Anthony said. "My fear is real that we are creating an environment that is a powder keg, and I don't want to see citizens of all stripes getting hurt."

Philippine TV network fights closure with court petition

Posted: 07 May 2020 06:42 AM PDT

Philippine TV network fights closure with court petitionThe Philippines' largest TV and radio network, which was shut this week by a government regulator, asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to allow it to return to the air amid an uproar over its closure. ABS-CBN Corp. said in its petition to the court that the Tuesday closure order by the National Telecommunications Commission muzzled freedom of the press and removed a major provider of news and entertainment while millions are under a coronavirus lockdown. "The public needs the services of ABS-CBN, now more than ever, as the country grapples with the effects of COVID-19," the broadcaster told the court.

Woman killed by alligator after doing client's nails during lockdown in South Carolina

Posted: 07 May 2020 10:10 AM PDT

Woman killed by alligator after doing client's nails during lockdown in South CarolinaCynthia Covert, 58, drowned after an alligator pulled her into a pond on while she was visiting a client for an in-home nail appointment.

Venezuela's Maduro says captured US 'mercenaries' to be tried

Posted: 06 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

Venezuela's Maduro says captured US 'mercenaries' to be triedVenezuela will try two Americans allegedly captured during a failed bid by mercenaries to invade the country, President Nicolas Maduro said Wednesday, as the US vowed to "use every tool available" to bring them home. Venezuela announced Monday that it had arrested the two former US special forces soldiers on suspicion of trying to topple Maduro in an operation supported by the US-backed opposition. "They are convicts, confessed, caught red-handed and are being judged by the republic's attorney general, by Venezuela's civil courts, and the process will be full of guarantees and fair," said Maduro.

Texas governor amends lockdown and orders salon owner freed from jail

Posted: 07 May 2020 05:44 PM PDT

Texas governor amends lockdown and orders salon owner freed from jailThe governor's order names the Dallas hairdresser who was jailed on Tuesday for staying open.

Russia is fast becoming a coronavirus epicenter, with health workers still reporting PPE shortages. Putin is already thinking about reopening.

Posted: 08 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT

Russia is fast becoming a coronavirus epicenter, with health workers still reporting PPE shortages. Putin is already thinking about reopening.On Thursday, the country reported its largest one-day increase in new cases of 11,231 — yet President Putin already has his eyes on reopening.

8 of our top opinion columns this week: ICYMI

Posted: 08 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

8 of our top opinion columns this week: ICYMIFrom coronavirus reopening to binge-watching to the sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden, here are some of our top columns of the week.

Amid ruins of a Syrian town, Ramadan meal reunites a community

Posted: 08 May 2020 04:42 AM PDT

Amid ruins of a Syrian town, Ramadan meal reunites a communityAmid mounds of rubble and the ruins of buildings destroyed during nearly a decade of war, a Ramadan iftar meal has reunited a community in northwestern Syria. Dozens of men and children sat out on a long line of blankets on the ground in the town of Atareb for the iftar, when Muslims break their daily fast at sundown during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. "This is the first time that we've got together since the enormous destruction that happened in the district," said Mohamad Jabar, 30, who attended the iftar on Thursday with his children.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says jailed Dallas salon owner should be home with her kids

Posted: 06 May 2020 08:28 PM PDT

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says jailed Dallas salon owner should be home with her kids	The 'vindictive' judge should have exercised compassion and mercy, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick tells Shannon Bream on 'Fox News @ Night.'

Suspect in 3 Houston killings arrested, charged with murder

Posted: 07 May 2020 11:19 PM PDT

Suspect in 3 Houston killings arrested, charged with murderJoshua Kelsey, 35, was arrested Thursday morning in connection with the three killings.

US pulls anti-missile systems from Saudi Arabia amid dispute

Posted: 07 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

US pulls anti-missile systems from Saudi Arabia amid disputeThe U.S. is pulling two Patriot missile batteries and some fighter aircraft out of Saudi Arabia, an American official said Thursday, amid tensions between the kingdom and the Trump administration over oil production. The official said the decision removes two batteries that were guarding oil facilities in Saudi Arabia but leaves two Patriot batteries at Prince Sultan Air Base in the Saudi desert, along with other air defense systems and jet fighters. The decision scales back the American presence in Saudi Arabia just months after the Pentagon began a military buildup there to counter threats from Iran.

Man hit by plane, killed on Austin-Bergstrom airport runway, officials say

Posted: 08 May 2020 04:03 AM PDT

Man hit by plane, killed on Austin-Bergstrom airport runway, officials sayA person died Thursday night after being hit by a plane as it was landing at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, according to airport officials.

The 'mind-blowing' story of the ex-Green Beret who tried to oust Venezuela's Maduro

Posted: 08 May 2020 05:04 AM PDT

The 'mind-blowing' story of the ex-Green Beret who tried to oust Venezuela's MaduroJordan Goudreau once pushed a plan to protect U.S. schools. Then he moved on to a more daring pursuit, which also didn't end well.

Who was Joe Biden's first wife, Neilia, and how did she and their daughter die?

Posted: 06 May 2020 12:46 PM PDT

Who was Joe Biden's first wife, Neilia, and how did she and their daughter die?Joe Biden's ongoing recovery from the trauma of the deaths of his first wife and youngest child have dramatically shaped his career, from the ways in which he speaks to crowds about grief and mourning to his views on health care.Though not unique to his brand of politicking, the former vice president and 2020 Democratic nominee for president has famously framed his current ideas through the lens of his past.

Tennessee is one of the first states to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic. Here's what life is like in my home state, which had crowded checkout lines at the grocery store even at the height of social distancing.

Posted: 07 May 2020 10:01 AM PDT

Tennessee is one of the first states to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic. Here's what life is like in my home state, which had crowded checkout lines at the grocery store even at the height of social distancing.Gov. Bill Lee issued a "safer at home" order in March but stopped short of a shelter-in-place citing personal liberties.

US hopeful for new Russian cooperation on Syria

Posted: 07 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

US hopeful for new Russian cooperation on SyriaA US envoy voiced guarded optimism Thursday at renewing cooperation with Russia to seek an end to Syria's brutal civil war, assessing that Moscow is getting frustrated with President Bashar al-Assad. "Russia may be more willing now -- we've seen some indications in the Russian media and in certain Russian actions -- to be more flexible on the constitutional committee," said James Jeffrey, the US pointman on Syria. "Because it's very clear at this point to Russia that they're not going to get a military victory -- certainly no time soon."

Ugandan hospital, Somali town washed away by East Africa floods

Posted: 08 May 2020 06:39 AM PDT

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