Tuesday, June 16, 2020

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Coronavirus warnings ratchet up in Tulsa ahead of Trump rally as cases surge

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

Coronavirus warnings ratchet up in Tulsa ahead of Trump rally as cases surgeThe city's paper and public health director have urged the president to postpone his rally scheduled for June 20.

Supreme Court rejects cases over 'qualified immunity' for police

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Supreme Court rejects cases over 'qualified immunity' for policeThe U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear eight cases involving a legal defense called qualified immunity that can be used to shield government officials from lawsuits, including seven involving police accused of excessive force or other misconduct. In six of the seven cases involving police, plaintiffs who sued officers were challenging actions in lower courts that protected the defendants through qualified immunity. Among the cases the justices declined to hear was a dispute over whether officers in Tennessee can be sued for using a police dog that bit a man who has said he had put up his hands in surrender.

Rayshard Brooks' killing is 'personal,' Atlanta mayor says

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:11 AM PDT

Rayshard Brooks' killing is 'personal,' Atlanta mayor saysRayshard Brooks was shot to death by police in a Wendy's parking lot in Atlanta on Friday night.

Atlanta officer Garrett Rolfe was fired after fatally shooting Rayshard Brooks. He had recently been trained in de-escalation tactics and cultural awareness.

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:34 PM PDT

Atlanta officer Garrett Rolfe was fired after fatally shooting Rayshard Brooks. He had recently been trained in de-escalation tactics and cultural awareness.Garrett Rolfe attended 2,000 hours of police training, his personnel record shows. In January, he attended a course in the use of deadly force.

At least 20 Indian soldiers killed in hand-to-hand fighting on Chinese border

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:37 AM PDT

At least 20 Indian soldiers killed in hand-to-hand fighting on Chinese borderTwenty Indian soldiers were killed in violent hand-to-hand clashes with Chinese troops on the disputed border in the Himalayas late on Monday as the threat of a full-blown war flared. The soldiers died after intense fighting in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh where there has been a tense stand-off for more than a month, and were the first at the disputed border in 45 years. The Indian army confirmed the higher total late last night after initially saying only three had died, including a colonel, and India blamed China for starting the fighting. One tweet from a senior reporter at the pro-Beijing Global Times in China suggested five of its troops had been killed, and eleven injured, but that remained unconfirmed. His editor, Hu Xijin, posted on Twitter: "Based on what I know, Chinese side also suffered casualties in the Galwan Valley physical clash. I want to tell the Indian side, don't be arrogant and misread China's restraint as being weak. China doesn't want to have a clash with India, but we don't fear it." They are the first casualties to be suffered by either Asian superpower along their 3,488km border since 1975. Chinese and Indian troops typically do not carry weapons on the Line of Actual Control, in an attempt to avoid fatalities or diplomatic escalation of tensions, and it is understood these clashes were with stones and batons. India and China have been facing-off for over a month in Ladakh in Kashmir after Chinese troops crossed the so-called Line of Actual Control on May 5 and 6 to occupy over 60 kilometres of Indian territory at four locations - Pangong Tso, Galwan River, Demchok and Hot Springs.

18 of America’s Best Historic Homes to Visit

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:00 PM PDT

Kim Yo Jong: North Korean leader's increasingly powerful sister

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:34 AM PDT

Kim Yo Jong: North Korean leader's increasingly powerful sisterOn Tuesday, Pyongyang reduced it to rubble. Kim Yo Jong is one of her brother's most trusted advisers and among the most powerful women in the isolated regime, but her public profile is mounting rapidly and she has been mooted as a potential successor. The first statement issued in her name came only in March this year, but in recent days and weeks, she has been at the forefront of Pyongyang's denunciations of defectors in the South sending leaflets across the border.

U.S. General Throws Mike Pompeo’s Iran Policy Under the Bus

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

U.S. General Throws Mike Pompeo's Iran Policy Under the Bus"There's actually no military component of what's known as the maximum pressure campaign."

Woman apologizes after criticism for confronting homeowner

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:10 PM PDT

Woman apologizes after criticism for confronting homeownerThe CEO of a cosmetics company has issued an apology after a video went viral showing her and her husband confronting a man and threatening to call police because he wrote "Black Lives Matter" in chalk on his San Francisco property.

U.S. Supreme Court turns away 10 gun rights cases

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:54 AM PDT

U.S. Supreme Court turns away 10 gun rights casesThe U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a series of cases seeking to expand gun rights, showing that even with its conservative majority it remains hesitant about wading into the contentious issue. The court rejected 10 different appeals that had piled up in recent months challenging whether various firearms restrictions violated the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment right to bear arms. Two conservative justices, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, said they would have heard one of the cases, a dispute from New Jersey over that state's concealed-carry gun permits.

Police officer shot during Las Vegas protest paralyzed

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT

Police officer shot during Las Vegas protest paralyzedA police officer who was shot in the head during a Las Vegas Strip protest of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis is paralyzed from the neck down, on a ventilator and unable to speak, his family said in a statement released by police. Officer Shay Mikalonis, 29, was shot June 1 during protests over the death of Floyd at the hands of police. The family statement released on twitter by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Saturday said he is expected to stay on the ventilator.

Coronavirus: US withdraws emergency use of hydroxychloroquine

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:03 PM PDT

Coronavirus: US withdraws emergency use of hydroxychloroquinePresident Trump defends promoting hydroxychloroquine as the FDA says there is no evidence it works.

Making it illegal for an adult to store a gun in a place where a child might access it could result in nearly 2,500 fewer gun deaths a year in the US, new research shows

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:04 PM PDT

Making it illegal for an adult to store a gun in a place where a child might access it could result in nearly 2,500 fewer gun deaths a year in the US, new research showsStricter background checks and prohibiting domestic abusers from owning guns are also policies that reduce gun violence.

China warns "very high" risk of new Beijing COVID cluster spreading

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

China warns "very high" risk of new Beijing COVID cluster spreading"Beijing will not turn into a second Wuhan," one city official has vowed amid fears of a possible second wave of coronavirus infections.

Partygoers have been packing Arizona bars. Now the state is a coronavirus hot spot

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT

Partygoers have been packing Arizona bars. Now the state is a coronavirus hot spotData show that Arizona, which had seen a falling number of new coronavirus cases, recently marked its largest week-to-week increase since the pandemic began.

What It’s Actually Like inside Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

What It's Actually Like inside Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous ZoneMedia outlets left and right have turned their spotlight to an emerging "nation" in one Seattle neighborhood: the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), a six-block occupied space that a group of Antifa, anarchists, and progressive community activists took by force. But a lot of them are getting key details wrong in their coverage.After several nights of tense, violent protests in the area around the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct building, Mayor Jenny Durkan made the controversial decision to pull the barricades and officers defending the precinct. After hastily removing important documents, expensive equipment, and personal items, the building was boarded up, fenced off, and abandoned completely. Then the activists took over.The result is CHAZ, which has met with very different reactions from different outlets. Some on the right believe the moment you step foot into the autonomous zone, you'll be assaulted. President Donald Trump recently tweeted that CHAZ is run by "terrorists" intent on burning down the city. On the left, some claim it's a utopian commune advancing the cause of social justice. Mayor Durkan compared it to a block party and suggested it could represent a "summer of love." The New York Times declared it "a homeland for racial justice."The truth is somewhere in-between. CHAZ has no singular leader, which explains why it has already changed considerably since its occupation just days ago. At times, it's run by a who's who of Seattle community activists. When firebrand socialist city councilwoman Kshama Sawant is on the scene, she tries to take over. Other times, seemingly random people show up and start to make speeches and proclamations.While it's not dangerous to enter, it's not quite peaceful either. Security, some armed, are stationed at borders fortified with metal and plastic traffic barricades. There's only one entrance that allows drivers, but you must first check in with CHAZ security. One protester said they monitor who comes in and out, looking for white supremacists they think may show up to start trouble.Inside, it's an overwhelmingly white crowd, but organizers and speakers are represented by people of color. In the daytime, it's become a tourist attraction. Locals lounge on the artificial turf of the nearby field eating or playing frisbee. Behind the park, a loosely organized group has set up a camp of tents and several small gardens. A mobile medical unit is parked near the community square where activists deliver speeches, and a No Cop Co-op hands out free snacks to anyone who wants them (except, of course, the cops).On the other hand, CHAZ is also a spot where self-proclaimed Antifa members and anarchists hang out, and clashes are all too common. This past Saturday, a white man started a fight on stage as black women were set to speak about their experiences. The man, who later claimed his cell phone was stolen, was immediately taken to the ground by organizers and CHAZ security. One of the organizers grabbed the mic to ask for "white people who have experience in security" to help because "it really isn't the job of the black people to handle this situation." Cops would have made an arrest. Without them, the man was released, only to start a fight five minutes later with a new set of activists.Once the sun goes down, CHAZ sees more frivolity (e.g. dodge-ball games), but also more skirmishes. Last week, one man was falsely accused of stealing and almost beaten by what appeared to be a CHAZ security member with a bat. And over the weekend, there were tense fights over disagreements on changing the name from CHAZ to the Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest (CHOP). (Indeed, protesters still haven't decided what the "O" stands for in CHOP, or who made the decision to push for the name change.)When fights break out, nearby activists caution you not to record them for posting online, as it may bring the wrong kind of attention to the commune they're portraying as peaceful. When I recorded the Saturday afternoon fight, one of the CHAZ security members repeatedly bumped into me to try and prevent me from doing so. He used the same strategy to stop a colleague from another outlet trying to film the fight. And on Twitter, self-proclaimed Antifa groups and other CHAZ activists post the photos and names of people in the crowd so they can be targeted for possible harassment or watched in case they cause trouble.In CHAZ, you're welcome to deliver ideologically driven speeches preaching the most extreme left-wing positions. But free-speech rights are not universally respected. A local reporter was mobbed and assaulted because of her perceived connection to FOX News. When I was all set to do a live hit on Tucker Carlson Tonight from CHAZ, we had to move locations because the cameraman was getting harassed.The Daily Beast has claimed that local businesses simply adore CHAZ, but in reality many are too scared to speak up. Some area businesses have told my colleagues off the record that they don't feel comfortable or safe, and they fear that speaking publicly would earn the scorn of the angry CHAZ residents. Others most certainly are down with the cause: Many of the city's activists live in this neighborhood and it's safe to say some of the business owners share their ideology.Outlets and commentators across the political spectrum have tended to paint CHAZ as exactly what they want it to be. Many on the left have romanticized it, ignoring the ample evidence that undercuts their view. Many on the right continue today to associate CHAZ with the violence that created it days ago, when the danger it poses has clearly subsided somewhat since then. The reality isn't as neat: CHAZ is at times a street fair and at other times a social-justice workshop, with an unhealthy dose of violence and intimidation mixed in.

Palestinian security shred files in fear of Israeli incursion

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:19 AM PDT

Palestinian security shred files in fear of Israeli incursionPalestinian security services have been destroying secret files, fearing Israeli raids on their offices as the Jewish state weighs annexing parts of the occupied West Bank, sources in such organs say. "We have been ordered to destroy confidential documents in our possession and we have obeyed this order," a Palestinian security source told AFP on condition of anonymity, saying that the instructions came from "high up". During the Palestinian uprising known as the Second Intifada, which erupted in the early 2000s and included waves of suicide bombings, Israeli security forces repeatedly stormed Palestinian security services' offices and removed confidential documents.

A picture and its story: Black personal trainer carries suspected far-right protester to safety

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:27 AM PDT

A picture and its story: Black personal trainer carries suspected far-right protester to safetyProtests have erupted across British cities and around the world after George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.

Supreme Court refuses to hear new challenge to gun restrictions

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:59 AM PDT

Supreme Court refuses to hear new challenge to gun restrictionsBy refusing to take a new case so soon, the justices denied gun rights groups a chance to put state and local limits before the conservative court.

New York attorney general called to probe the 2008 firing of a Black Buffalo police officer who jumped on a white colleague's back to stop him from using a chokehold

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:51 PM PDT

New York attorney general called to probe the 2008 firing of a Black Buffalo police officer who jumped on a white colleague's back to stop him from using a chokeholdThe officer who tried to use the chokehold was sentenced to four months in prison a decade later for use of excessive force against four Black teens.

Airlines are cutting in-flight alcohol service as a result of the pandemic

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:10 AM PDT

Airlines are cutting in-flight alcohol service as a result of the pandemicEconomy passengers on most airlines will not have the option of purchasing a drink while the service will stay largely the same in first class.

'Golden State Killer' suspect to plead guilty, won't get death penalty

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:33 AM PDT

'Golden State Killer' suspect to plead guilty, won't get death penaltyThe man accused of being the Golden State Killer is expected to plead guilty on June 29 in return for being spared the death penalty, a source familiar with the matter said Monday.

China says asks Canada to investigate pests found in logs

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:11 AM PDT

Should the World Be Worried About the 'Explosive' New Outbreak of Coronavirus in Beijing?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:23 AM PDT

Should the World Be Worried About the 'Explosive' New Outbreak of Coronavirus in Beijing?Since 106 new cases emerged around a food market, the Chinese capital has been plunged into what officials are calling "wartime mode."

Lawyer: No quick extradition from W. Africa for US suspect

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

Kim Yo-jong: North Korea's most powerful woman and heir apparent?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

Kim Yo-jong: North Korea's most powerful woman and heir apparent?Kim Jong-un's sister is North Korea's most powerful woman and a possible successor to her brother.

Russia’s Ka-52 Helicopter Gunship to be Upgraded with Long-Range Missiles

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Russia's Ka-52 Helicopter Gunship to be Upgraded with Long-Range MissilesWhat can they do?

'Embrace the change': Black officers sidestep unions to support police reform

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

'Embrace the change': Black officers sidestep unions to support police reform"We're talking about Black men dying. We're talking about systemic racism in police work," said a leader of one Black law enforcement association.

'Some day you're going to regret this': CNN anchor clashes with Trump campaign lawyer over 'fake news' attacks

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:17 AM PDT

'Some day you're going to regret this': CNN anchor clashes with Trump campaign lawyer over 'fake news' attacksCNN anchor Brian Stelter and senior Trump campaign legal advisor Jenna Ellis traded barbs during a segment on Sunday where Mr Stelter predicted the president's advisers would one day look back with regret on their strategy to attack the integrity of traditional media outlets.When Ms Ellis derided the "fake news media" as "peddlers of false information," Mr Stelter interrupted her with a plea to her future self not to use such terms.

De Blasio Tells Covid Contract Tracers Not to Ask Positive Cases If They’ve Attended BLM Protests

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT

De Blasio Tells Covid Contract Tracers Not to Ask Positive Cases If They've Attended BLM ProtestsNew York City's coronavirus contact-tracing force are not asking those who test positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a Black Lives Matter demonstration, a city spokesperson confirmed."No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest," Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, told THE CITY about the directive. "If a person wants to proactively offer that information, there is an opportunity for them to do so."De Blasio, who announced his program last month to hire 1,000 "contact tracers," has promised to reveal Monday how many city residents have been questioned so far.Tracers are supposed to ask those who test positive for Covid-19 to "recall 'contacts' and individuals they may have exposed," Cohen explained. Tracers also probe for any "close contacts" of the patient — anyone that has been within six feet of the infected person for at least 10 minutes.New York City officials have taken a soft stance over fears that mass protests could lead to a spike in coronavirus cases. "Let's be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don't blame the protesters. Blame racism," Mark Levine, head of the city council's health committee, tweeted earlier this month.The mayor, whose daughter was arrested during a Manhattan protest over the death of George Floyd, is facing a lawsuit from Catholics and Jews for violating the constitutional rights of religious New Yorkers by placing restrictions on religious services. But De Blasio has pushed back on claims that he has been hypocritical in allowing protests to proceed while keeping religious services shuttered."When you see . . . an entire nation, simultaneously grappling with an extraordinary crisis seated in 400 years of American racism, I'm sorry, that is not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services," de Blasio said in a press conference earlier this month.

Secret drug cave discovered by Spanish police

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:51 AM PDT

Secret drug cave discovered by Spanish policeA secret operations centre buried in a garden belonging to alleged drug traffickers has been discovered by Spanish police, accessed via steps hidden under an ornamental fountain. It was only after Guardia Civil officers in the Costa del Sol town of Mijas began to investigate the three men accused of trafficking cannabis that they made the discovery, realising a small ornate fountain positioned next to a barbecue lifted up to reveal a shaft into the ground. At the bottom of the stairwell, officers advanced along a cramped tunnel before entering a shipping container buried under the garden, where the gang hid drug consignments. "It seems like something out of Hollywood, but we see this kind of thing in the local drug trafficking scene," a Guardia Civil spokesman told The Telegraph.

Netanyahu turns to rich friend to fund corruption trial fees

Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:02 PM PDT

Netanyahu turns to rich friend to fund corruption trial feesIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on trial for accepting gifts from wealthy friends. The awkward arrangement opens a window into the very ties with billionaire friends that plunged Netanyahu into legal trouble and sheds light on the intersection of money and Israeli politics. Netanyahu has asked an Israeli oversight committee to allow a 10 million shekel ($2.9 million) donation from Spencer Partrich, a Michigan-based real estate magnate, to fund his legal defense.

Qatar Airways to slash foreign pilots' pay: memo

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

Qatar Airways to slash foreign pilots' pay: memoQatar Airways will slash some pilots' salaries and make others redundant to offset the revenue collapse caused by the novel coronavirus travel crisis, it said in a memo seen by AFP Monday. The Gulf airline, which flew to more than 170 destinations with 234 aircraft as of March, has been hit by airport closures and travel bans imposed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 disease. The International Air Transport Association warned in April that air traffic in the Middle East and North Africa would plummet by more than half this year.

A Crisis Is Brewing Between India and China. But This Time There Is a Big Difference.

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:59 AM PDT

A Crisis Is Brewing Between India and China. But This Time There Is a Big Difference.America has inserted itself deeper into the China-India-Pakistan triangle, altering the shape of the regional order, pushing it toward a bipolar one with Beijing and Islamabad on one side and New Delhi and, to some extent, itself on the other.

George Floyd protests: Man shot in clash over Albuquerque statue

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

George Floyd protests: Man shot in clash over Albuquerque statueA group of armed men tried to stop protesters pulling down a statue of a colonist, reports say.

What Are These Enormous Blobs 1,800 Miles Beneath Our Feet?

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:30 AM PDT

What Are These Enormous Blobs 1,800 Miles Beneath Our Feet?Meet the strange structures at Earth's core-mantle boundary.

‘I just don’t understand how any of them can sleep’: Parents of seven-year-old allegedly maced at Seattle protest speak out against police

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

'I just don't understand how any of them can sleep': Parents of seven-year-old allegedly maced at Seattle protest speak out against policeThe parents of a seven-year-old child who was allegedly sprayed with mace by police at a peaceful protest in Seattle have spoken out about the traumatising incident.Footage of the protest that showed the boy screaming in pain while protesters attempt to help by using a milk-like substance to wash the child's eyes went viral online at the beginning of June.

Tucker Carlson Laments That Black Lives Matter Is Now More Popular Than Trump

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 06:52 PM PDT

Tucker Carlson Laments That Black Lives Matter Is Now More Popular Than TrumpFox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night once again devoted a lengthy monologue to attacking Black Lives Matter, this time bemoaning the social justice movement's rising popularity while wondering why the federal government hasn't filed conspiracy charges against it.Carlson, who has seen advertisers flee in recent days after saying Black Lives Matter "is definitely not about black lives," kicked off Monday night's program by noting that the group is gaining momentum among the American public as protests rage over George Floyd's death and police brutality."Here is breaking news we never expected to report," Carlson lamented. "Black Lives Matter is now more popular than the president of the United States and not slightly more popular than the president, much more popular."Noting that right-leaning pollster Rasmussen now finds 62 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of BLM, the Fox News host pointed out that the racial justice movement also outpolled presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and the pope. Describing BLM as the nation's most powerful political party, Carlson went on to claim that while Americans can criticize other political parties, "Black Lives Matter now enjoys complete immunity from criticism." Claiming use of the phrase "All Lives Matter" is now "considered hate speech," Carlson said the nation is in a "dangerous moment" before wondering aloud why Black Lives Matter hasn't been brought up on federal charges over the violent protests and looting that took place days after Floyd's death."Is there a reason the DOJ hasn't filed federal conspiracy charges against the people who organized and led these riots?" Carlson grumbled. "It's not as if we don't know who they are. Their crimes are on YouTube. You know the reason. BLM was involved."The Fox News host concluded his latest anti-BLM rant by claiming that it is gaining popularity because its supporters are "getting exactly what they want" and are doing it with "force.""They flood the streets with angry young people who break things and they hurt anyone who gets in the way," the conservative host declared. "When they want something, they take it. Make them mad and they will set your business on fire.""Annoy them and they will occupy your downtown and declare a brand-new country," he continued. "You will not do anything about it. They know that for certain."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Trump to sign police reform executive order on Tuesday

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:28 PM PDT

Trump to sign police reform executive order on TuesdayU.S. President Donald Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday that will seek to improve how police officers treat African Americans and others by improving credentialing, training and mental health resources, administration officials said. The order comes after Trump has struck a strict "law and order" tone in his response to protests around the country sparked by the death of African American George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis. Trump has faced criticism from Democrats for his response and some allies are concerned that his handling of the protests and the coronavirus pandemic are hurting his and other Republican leaders' chances of re-election in November.

Harvard won't require SAT or ACT scores for the class of 2025 as colleges adjust requirements for coronavirus

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:43 PM PDT

Harvard won't require SAT or ACT scores for the class of 2025 as colleges adjust requirements for coronavirusHarvard joined the rest of the Ivy League and other universities who dropped standardized tests as part of this fall's admissions process.

Joe Biden rising in polls and raising big money

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT

Joe Biden rising in polls and raising big moneyFormer presidential rival Elizabeth Warren hosts Biden fundraiser; Peter Doocy reports.

Justices reject Trump bid to void California sanctuary law

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

Justices reject Trump bid to void California sanctuary lawThe Supreme Court on Monday rejected the Trump administration's bid to throw out a California immigrant-sanctuary law that limits local police cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas voted to hear the administration's appeal. The administration said the 2017 state immigrant-sanctuary measure conflicts with federal immigration law and makes it harder to deport people who are in the country illegally.

India says multiple soldiers killed in clash along contested border with China

Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:51 AM PDT

India says multiple soldiers killed in clash along contested border with ChinaIt would be the first such incident in decades between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

COVID-19 far more dangerous for patients with heart disease or diabetes, CDC says

Posted: 15 Jun 2020 12:14 PM PDT

COVID-19 far more dangerous for patients with heart disease or diabetes, CDC saysCOVID-19 is particularly dangerous for those 80, or with heart disease, or diabetes

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