Friday, June 26, 2020

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

New U.S. COVID-19 cases surpass peak set in April as states rethink strategy

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:55 AM PDT

New U.S. COVID-19 cases surpass peak set in April as states rethink strategyStates stretching from Florida to California are seeing record highs in cases as hospitals begin to fill up and Republican governors urge the use of masks.

CDC maps show Florida's deepening coronavirus crisis, as state shatters daily case record

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

CDC maps show Florida's deepening coronavirus crisis, as state shatters daily case recordThe Sunshine State reported nearly 9,000 new cases on Friday as its death toll ticked over 3,400.

Mandatory masks? Biden says as president he would require wearing face coverings in public

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT

Mandatory masks? Biden says as president he would require wearing face coverings in publicThe presumptive Democratic nominee said he would use all the powers at his disposal to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

U.S. and states' Google antitrust probe nears finish line

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:14 AM PDT

U.S. and states' Google antitrust probe nears finish lineThe U.S. Justice Department is seeking the final documents to complete an antitrust investigation of Alphabet Inc's Google , said three sources familiar with the probe, which is expected to end with a lawsuit this summer. State attorneys general have separate probes into Google, and the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee has ongoing investigations into Google, Inc , Facebook Inc and Apple Inc .

Volcanoes Have Shaped Human History Since the Beginning

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

Mississippi mayor in tears after ordering removal of state flag from city buildings

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

Mississippi mayor in tears after ordering removal of state flag from city buildingsA black mayor in Mississippi held back tears as he signed an executive order to remove the state's flag from outside Laurel City Hall and other city properties.The order signed by Mayor Johnny Magee reads that "there comes a point in time in the annals of history when it becomes necessary to re-define who we are and what a collection of people represent" and the state's flag — which includes the Confederate battle flag — "should be a unifying image of our ideals and values".

‘Leadership Matters.’ Researcher Says Rate of Fatal Police Shootings Is Lower in Cities With Black Police Chiefs

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:23 AM PDT

'Leadership Matters.' Researcher Says Rate of Fatal Police Shootings Is Lower in Cities With Black Police ChiefsThe study looks at five years of police-involved shootings in the nation's 60 biggest cities.

Donald Trump Should Be Worried: The U.S. Military Could Fall Behind Russia and China

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:49 AM PDT

Donald Trump Should Be Worried: The U.S. Military Could Fall Behind Russia and ChinaIt is already happening in certain areas.

Philly police head decries tear gas usage against protesters

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:11 PM PDT

Philly police head decries tear gas usage against protestersPhiladelphia's police commissioner, along with the mayor, apologized to the public Thursday for giving statements that were inaccurate in the days after tear gas, bean bags and pepper spray were used against protesters who were trapped on a highway. At least one high ranking commander took a voluntary demotion, and Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said a member of the city's SWAT team who was seen in videos spraying protesters with pepper spray will be notified Friday that he is suspended with the intent to dismiss him.

Supreme Court Sides with Trump Admin. in Landmark Asylum Case

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:44 AM PDT

Supreme Court Sides with Trump Admin. in Landmark Asylum CaseThe Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration on Thursday in a landmark immigration case involving the asylum process.In the case, Dept. of Homeland Security v. Thuraissigiam, the court ruled 7-2 that if an asylum seeker is denied asylum during the beginning of the intake process, the applicant may not appeal that decision in federal court. The ruling also defines how the right to habeas corpus is applied to asylum seekers.The case was brought by Vijayakumar Thuraissigiam, a Sri Lankan national and ethnic Tamil who fled the country after he was blindfolded, beaten, and abducted by unknown assailants. Thuraissigiam sought asylum in the U.S. His claim was rejected because he did not know the identity of his attackers and therefore could not establish a credible threat of persecution.Thuraissigiam subsequently filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, saying that his experience was similar to instances of persecution against Tamils in Sri Lanka.Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the opinion that Thuraissigiam's request for "relief falls outside the scope of the common-law habeas writ."In addition, the court ruled that asylum seekers detained inside the U.S., including Thuraissigiam who was detained 25 yards inside the border, should be treated the same as people detained at the border itself. This means that the government is entitled to reject asylum applications at the intake level, without appeal, for foreigners who are detained anywhere inside U.S. borders.Liberal Justices Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined the majority ruling, but wrote that they believed the ruling only applied in Thuraissigiam's case.Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dissented, with Sotomayor writing, "Today's decision handcuffs the Judiciary's ability to perform its constitutional duty to safeguard individual liberty and dismantles a critical component of the separation of powers."

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Flynn case: This has become a complete joke

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:59 AM PDT

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Flynn case: This has become a complete jokeTrump calls out corruption after the Michael Flynn case ruling; South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, weighs in on 'Fox and Friends.'

COVID-19 cluster among migrants causes angry confrontations in southern Italian town

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:49 AM PDT

COVID-19 cluster among migrants causes angry confrontations in southern Italian townItaly has sent soldiers to restore order in a coastal town near Naples after a coronavirus outbreak at an apartment complex illegally occupied by hundreds of migrant workers caused angry confrontations with residents. The authorities announced on Thursday that more than 40 people living at the abandoned buildings in Mondragone, 45 km from Naples, had tested positive for COVID-19, and warned the entire town could be quarantined if the outbreak proves widespread. Italian residents on the street chanted "Mondragone is ours" and gathered outside the sealed off are, resulting in both sides shouting abuse at each other, footage showed.

DR Congo's deadliest Ebola outbreak declared over

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:07 AM PDT

DR Congo's deadliest Ebola outbreak declared overMore than 2,000 people died in an area where decades of conflict have led to widespread mistrust.

White House abruptly cut off funding to coronavirus grant research, Dr Fauci says

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

White House abruptly cut off funding to coronavirus grant research, Dr Fauci saysThe White House has abruptly cut off funding to the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) coronavirus research, said Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.Mr Facui made the revelation when speaking to Congress on Tuesday about the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Iran explosion: Blast seen near military base in Tehran

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:12 PM PDT

Iran explosion: Blast seen near military base in TehranIranian authorities are investigating after an explosion east of the capital near a site linked to the regime's nuclear testing programme. A bright and large flash of light was seen in the night sky over Tehran early on Friday in images shared widely on social media, Iran's Fars news agency reported. "In the early hours after midnight on Friday, a number of social media users reported seeing an orange light in the eastern part of Tehran," said Fars. "In the videos sent by (our) readers, this light is seen for a few seconds," it reported, adding it was following up the issue with the relevant authorities. Fars said later that the flash was caused by "an industrial gas tank explosion" near a facility belonging to the defence ministry.

'Please for the love of God do not vote for my dad': Republican's daughter voices opposition

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:20 AM PDT

'Please for the love of God do not vote for my dad': Republican's daughter voices oppositionRobert Regan blames daughter's 'socialist university' but says he's 'happy she feels confident' to oppose him publiclyIt's not the usual rallying cry one might expect from a political candidate's child as their father runs for office, but the daughter of a Republican candidate has urged people in Michigan to "please, for the love of God" not vote for her father."Tell everyone," Stephanie Regan wrote in a viral tweet – which has now been liked more than 180,000 times on Twitter.In a follow-up tweet, she called on voters to research the background of her father, Robert Regan, for themselves, writing: "I don't feel safe rn sharing further information regarding his beliefs, but please look him up and just read for yourself."Regan is running in Michigan's primary for a state house seat this August.> if you're in michigan and 18+ pls for the love of god do not vote for my dad for state rep. tell everyone> > — STEPH (@streeganz) June 23, 2020Stephanie Regan's words seem to have come as a blow to her father, who has espoused a commitment to his family on his campaign website, using multiple photos of himself and his children to support his campaign.Robert Regan has spoken on local TV since his daughter sent out the tweet, blaming her liberal college education for her views."When they go off to college, quite frankly they get involved with these Marxist, socialist universities ,and they start getting indoctrinated with things that are completely polar opposite from where you raised them," Regan told local TV.Regan, who describes himself on his own website as "so conservative [he] makes Rush Limbaugh look like a liberal," says he and his daughter have disagreed on systemic racism, white privilege and Black Lives Matter."She's a big believer in that," he told the Hill. "The only place where I really see systemic racism would be the abortion clinic, because they seem to target the African American community."His tone seems to have taken a turn since Thursday, when he posted a lengthy statement to Facebook that seemed appreciative of his daughter's political engagement."I am happy that she feels confident enough in our relationship to express her opposing thoughts so publicly" while encouraging her and others to voice their own opinions, he said. * This article was amended on 26 June 2020 to correct a misspelled name in a photo caption.

Trump Seems Resigned Biden Will Win: ‘He’s Going to Be Your President’

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:12 PM PDT

Trump Seems Resigned Biden Will Win: 'He's Going to Be Your President'For the second time this week, President Donald Trump appeared almost resigned to the idea that former Vice President Joe Biden will beat him in November, telling Fox News' Sean Hannity that Biden "is going to be president because some people don't love me."During a town hall in key swing state Wisconsin, Trump fell back on his well-worn attack lines against his Democratic opponent, painting Biden as too old and suffering from cognitive decline."Whenever he does talk, he can't put two sentences together," Trump exclaimed. "I don't want to be nice or un-nice. The man can't speak."At the same time, the president seemed to acknowledge current polling, which shows the ex-veep up by double digits nationally and leading in most battleground states—including Wisconsin, a must-win for Trump."And he is going to be president because some people don't love me, maybe," Trump said. "And all I'm doing is doing my job."The president insisted that before the "China plague" hit, the country was enjoying the "best job numbers we ever had" and the "best economy we ever had." He then pivoted to complaining about China, which he said "ate our lunch" before he entered office.The president used similarly interesting language while speaking about the possibility of a Biden presidency earlier this week.Asked during a trip to Arizona to react to Biden saying he may not complete construction on the border wall if elected, Trump said: "No, he will complete it. You'd have a revolution if they didn't do it."A number of conservatives have recently begun to sound the alarm on Trump's plummeting poll numbers and declining re-election chances. In a fiery Thursday night monologue, Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned Trump that he "could well lose this election" if he doesn't turn things around soon.Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Reveal Why Biden Is the Right Man to Lead America Past TrumpRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Mick Mulvaney rates Trump's campaign strategy, says John Bolton is working to prevent president's re-election

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

Mick Mulvaney rates Trump's campaign strategy, says John Bolton is working to prevent president's re-electionFormer acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney joins Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier with insight on 'Special Report.'

States retreat as confirmed virus cases hit all-time high

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:08 PM PDT

States retreat as confirmed virus cases hit all-time highTexas and Florida reversed course and clamped down on bars again Friday in the nation's biggest retreat yet as the number of confirmed coronavirus infections per day in the U.S. surged to an all-time high of 40,000. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered all bars closed, while Florida banned alcohol at all such establishments. "It is clear that the rise in cases is largely driven by certain types of activities, including Texans congregating in bars," Abbott said.

‘This Is About True Reparations.' Rep. Ayanna Pressley on the Movement to Defund Police

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT

'This Is About True Reparations.' Rep. Ayanna Pressley on the Movement to Defund Police'This is simply about a refund. This is about true reparations. This is about investment in communities'

Meet the South Korean Marines Who Could Be Used One Day to Destroy North Korea

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT

Meet the South Korean Marines Who Could Be Used One Day to Destroy North KoreaWherever in North Korea they land, the ROK Marines are in for a very tough fight.

Coronavirus: What's happening in Peru?

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

Coronavirus: What's happening in Peru?Peru has one of the highest case totals and excess death rates in the world - but why?

'A Karen in the wild': More than $22,000 in donations pour in for a Starbucks employee who refused to serve a customer not wearing a face mask

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:26 PM PDT

'A Karen in the wild': More than $22,000 in donations pour in for a Starbucks employee who refused to serve a customer not wearing a face mask"She flipped me off, and she said, 'No, I don't need one,' and she started cursing up a storm," Lenin Gutierrez said. San Diego County requires masks.

US Navy’s chief learning officer announces departure as Pentagon exodus continues

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:20 AM PDT

US Navy's chief learning officer announces departure as Pentagon exodus continuesAnother Navy leadership shakeup, and another high-profile Pentagon departure.

Trump says Biden's 'going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe'

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:29 AM PDT

Trump says Biden's 'going to be your president because some people don't love me, maybe'In an admission that Americans might not reelect him as US president in November, Donald Trump has said that Joe Biden "is going to be president because some people don't love me."His comments on Thursday night came amid national and state-wide polls that showed the president trailing the Democratic presidential nominee, Mr Biden, at the ballot box.

UN Security Council to meet Monday on Ethiopia dam

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:29 PM PDT

UN Security Council to meet Monday on Ethiopia damThe United Nations Security Council plans to meet Monday to discuss Egypt and Sudan's objections to Ethiopia's construction of a mega-dam on the Nile River, diplomatic sources said Thursday. The public video conference was called by the United States on behalf of Egypt, according to the sources. Ethiopia wants to start filling the reservoir for the 475-foot (145-meter) Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in July, with or without approval from the two other countries.

Germany, France shore up political, financial aid to beleaguered WHO

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:26 AM PDT

Germany, France shore up political, financial aid to beleaguered WHOFrance and Germany expressed political and financial backing for the World Health Organization in its fight against the coronavirus on Thursday, with Berlin saying it would give a record half billion euros in funding and equipment this year. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the agency, criticised by the United States for being slow off the mark in tackling the pandemic, was getting the support it needed and that the talks had been "very productive". U.S. President Donald Trump said last month that the United States was cutting ties with the "China-centric" WHO, but he has still not formally notified the U.N. agency.

WikiLeaks founder Assange faces new indictment in US

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

WikiLeaks founder Assange faces new indictment in USWikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought to recruit hackers at conferences in Europe and Asia who could provide his anti-secrecy website with classified information, and conspired with members of hacking organizations, according to a new Justice Department indictment announced Wednesday. The superseding indictment does not contain additional charges beyond the 18 counts the Justice Department unsealed last year.

McDonald's says it has made more Black millionaires than any other company. But Black franchisees say they face systemic inequality.

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

McDonald's says it has made more Black millionaires than any other company. But Black franchisees say they face systemic inequality.McDonald's Black franchisees netted $68,000 less a month, on average, than McDonald's overall franchisee average, as of late 2019.

Fact: A French Nuclear Submarine 'Sunk' an American Aircraft Carrier

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:30 PM PDT

Fact: A French Nuclear Submarine 'Sunk' an American Aircraft CarrierHow did a tiny submarine kill a ship almost fifty times larger than itself?

Lightning kills more than 100 in northern India

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:55 PM PDT

Lightning kills more than 100 in northern IndiaPM Narendra Modi said relief efforts were under way and expressed condolences to victims' families.

US Army suspects 'foul play' was involved in the disappearance of Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

US Army suspects 'foul play' was involved in the disappearance of Fort Hood soldier Vanessa GuillenFort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen, age 20, was last seen at about noon on April 22 on the Texas Army base.

Schools to scrap social distancing in September

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

Schools to scrap social distancing in SeptemberSocial distancing will not be applied in schools and "bubbles" will be expanded to enable all pupils to return to their classes full-time in September, the Government will announce next week. Pupils will not be expected to keep two metres or even one metre apart at all times while in school buildings, The Telegraph understands. Instead, schools will be asked to focus on limiting the extent to which children mix outside their class or year group and on implementing strict hygiene regimes. The solution to reopening schools will involve groups of children being placed in "bubbles" – as is already the case in primaries – and is seen by the Government as removing the need for social distancing. The Prime Minister told the Commons this week that primary and secondary schools will reopen in September with "full attendance", but declined to explain how this will be achieved. His remarks came as ministers face rising criticism over their failure to reopen schools ahead of shops, cinemas, theme parks and zoos.

Trump suddenly has a bigger problem than his plummeting poll numbers | Analysis

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:21 AM PDT

Trump suddenly has a bigger problem than his plummeting poll numbers | AnalysisLosing politicians rarely miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Donald Trump is undefeated in political races, but he missed a major opportunity on Thursday night.During a friendly interview at a town hall event in Wisconsin -- a state he needs to win and collect its 10 Electoral College votes – Fox News commentator and host Sean Hannity lobbed what in basketball terms should have been alley-oop for the president.

UK teen who threw French boy off gallery balcony jailed for life

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:33 PM PDT

UK teen who threw French boy off gallery balcony jailed for lifeA troubled British teenager who threw a six-year-old French boy from a viewing platform at London's Tate Modern art gallery was on Friday jailed for life. Judge Maura McGowan told Jonty Bravery, 18, he would spend at least 15 years in custody for attempting to murder the boy in front of horrified crowds on August 4 last year. McGowan said what Bravery had done was "callous" and "beyond imagination".

Trump administration opens sensitive Arctic areas to oil development

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:48 PM PDT

Trump administration opens sensitive Arctic areas to oil developmentThe Trump administration on Thursday released its plan to open environmentally sensitive areas in Arctic Alaska to oil development, overturning some protections that go back decades. The plan released by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management revokes an Obama-era management system for a huge swathe of federal land on the western North Slope, the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. The Trump plan, contained in a final environmental impact statement, opens 18.7 million acres of the 23 million-acre reserve to development.

2 brothers change minds, will cooperate in Smollett case

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:11 AM PDT

2 brothers change minds, will cooperate in Smollett caseTwo brothers who admitted helping actor Jussie Smollett stage a racist and homophobic attack in Chicago last year are again willing to help in the case after initially saying they were done cooperating with prosecutors, their attorney said Thursday. In yet another strange twist in a story that has been full of them, attorney Gloria Schmidt Rodriguez said in a statement that Abimbola (Abel) and Olabinjo (Ola) Osundairo changed their minds after a 9mm handgun that was seized during a search of their home last year was located after it went missing. "Abel and Ola will recommence their cooperation in the Smollett case now that the handgun has been produced by the Special Prosecutor's Office," Schmidt Rodriguez wrote, referring to Special Prosecutor Dan Webb, who is now handling the case.

Watch Out, Kim Jong Un: These Are the Five Weapons the U.S. Marines Will Use Against You

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:15 AM PDT

Watch Out, Kim Jong Un: These Are the Five Weapons the U.S. Marines Will Use Against YouThe Marines would be the tip of the spear.

Top Trump officials and Republicans are encouraging followers to migrate to Parler, an alternative social network beloved by far-right agitators kicked off Facebook and Twitter

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:36 PM PDT

Top Trump officials and Republicans are encouraging followers to migrate to Parler, an alternative social network beloved by far-right agitators kicked off Facebook and TwitterAccording to data from Apptopia, Parler has around 1 million lifetime downloads, and had its biggest spike ever in daily installs on Wednesday.

George Floyd death: What US police officers think of protests

Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:35 AM PDT

George Floyd death: What US police officers think of protestsSome think change needs to come from the top, others say they are doing a tough job and under attack.

U.S. couple "angry" after barely surviving deadly volcano eruption

Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT

U.S. couple "angry" after barely surviving deadly volcano eruptionMatt and Lauren Urey suffered severe burns and were both put in medically induced comas.

Sen. Josh Hawley says Democrats will learn that Americans are tired of cancel culture and the woke mob

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:34 PM PDT

Sen. Josh Hawley says Democrats will learn that Americans are tired of cancel culture and the woke mob	Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joins Laura Ingraham with insight on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump’s Use of ‘Kung Flu’ by Attacking Asian-American Reporter

Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:43 AM PDT

Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump's Use of 'Kung Flu' by Attacking Asian-American ReporterWhite House counselor Kellyanne Conway flip-flopped on her previous position that the use of the racist term "Kung Flu" is "highly offensive," defending President Donald Trump's use of it on Wednesday while bizarrely attacking an Asian-American reporter for not having the "courage" to out a White House official who said the phrase months ago.During a White House driveway gaggle with reporters on Wednesday morning, Conway was immediately confronted by NBC News reporter Monica Alba over the president's recent habit of tossing out the phrase and Conway's March denouncement of the term, which the Trump adviser called "wrong" while noting she is "married to an Asian."Conway, meanwhile, turned the question back around on the press corps, seemingly placing the blame on CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang, who reported in March that a White House official referred to the novel coronavirus as the "Kung Flu" to her face."I also asked Weijia to reveal to us who said it, I think that would have gone a long way," Conway said to Alba before saying the reporter should confront Jiang.Alba, however, pressed forward and asked Conway if she would react to Trump's repeated use of the loaded term, prompting the presidential aide to claim that Trump was merely making it "very clear" that the virus originated in China. Conway then pressed Jiang to reveal her source."I still invite you up here to tell us who said that," Conway taunted the reporter. "And I think that that would be a very important revelation for us. That's not a source for you to protect. That's somebody who shouldn't have said that, and you're claiming did say that, and we still don't know who that was."While Conway accused her of "changing the subject," Jiang noted that at the time Conway said the phrase was "hurtful," asking the Trump official if she was going to tell that to the president now."I speak to the president daily on many different topics," Conway replied, causing Jiang to ask again if she'd tell Trump his use of "Kung Flu" is offensive."We don't always agree on everything, and that's why I work here," the veteran pollster shot back before pivoting to another subject. Moments later, however, Conway circled back to the topic, defending the president by saying "it's incredibly important" for Trump to "not let China escape responsibility here." Jiang wondered aloud if Conway could explain the "logic" on how Kung Flu accomplishes that as it doesn't refer to a particular place."How do you know, excuse me, how do you know the way people, how do you know that people aren't anticipating that or are not connecting that?" Conway exclaimed, her voice rising. "You don't know that! Excuse me, while the president is saying it, he's also saying this virus came from China. China is responsible!"Interestingly, Conway refused to actually use the phrase, instead saying that Trump has "said it's called many different things," such as "the Wuhan virus, the Chinese virus, and then he used another term."As Jiang continued to press her on Trump's embrace of the racist term, Conway eventually placed the blame squarely on the CBS reporter's shoulders."You should have come forward a hundred days ago when you had the chance. You lost your opportunity, you lacked the courage to tell everybody who said that to you," Conway fumed. "You like to stoke this instead of solving it. I'm here to solve things not stoke them. You did the opposite on this issue."Conway flailing on this issue comes on the heels of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany struggling to fend off questions about the president using the racist term. Earlier this week, McEnany insisted the president was just trying to point out where the virus came from while blaming the media for "trying to play games with the terminology."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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