Friday, December 21, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Court rules in favor of asylum seekers, against Trump policy

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 06:39 PM PST

Court rules in favor of asylum seekers, against Trump policyThe ruling is the latest legal setback for the White House on immigration. Last month, a judge in San Francisco ordered a halt to a policy that prevented those entering illegally from Mexico from seeking asylum. The policy at the center of Wednesday's ruling sought to limit the ability of immigrants to fight expedited deportation by narrowing the grounds for claiming "credible fear" if they returned home, the first step in a long asylum process.

Alabama police department blames crimes on rejection of God

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:43 AM PST

Alabama police department blames crimes on rejection of GodOPP, Ala. (AP) — A rural Alabama police department that used social media to scold community members for rejecting God came under fire from a group that opposes mixing government and religious faith.

Delta apologizes to deaf activist Nyle DiMarco for providing unnecessary wheelchair

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 09:51 AM PST

Delta apologizes to deaf activist Nyle DiMarco for providing unnecessary wheelchairActivist and model Nyle DiMarco tweeted "apparently being deaf at an airport means I need a wheelchair." Delta apologized for their mistake.

Police consider shooting down drone after London airport shutdown

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 10:30 PM PST

Police consider shooting down drone after London airport shutdownBritish police were Friday considering shooting down the drone that has grounded flights and caused chaos at London's Gatwick Airport, with passengers set to face a third day of disruption. Police and airport authorities believe the drone is being flown in a deliberate act to disrupt the airport at one of the busiest times of year, leaving tens of thousands of passengers stranded just days before Christmas. "We will do what we can to take that drone out of the sky and remove that disruption so we can get Gatwick back to normal," Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingley said, despite earlier concerns that shooting the drone would be dangerous due to the danger of stray bullets.

Natural Christmas trees could harbor thousands of unwanted insects

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:39 AM PST

Natural Christmas trees could harbor thousands of unwanted insectsWith 33 million Christmas trees sold every year, there are bound to be bugs on some of them. According to Safer Brand, up to 25,000 bugs could be on your Christmas tree.

Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska accused of interfering in Montenegro's elections

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 01:50 PM PST

Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska accused of interfering in Montenegro's electionsOleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch, was yesterday accused by the United States of working with a former Kremlin intelligence officer to interfere in Montenegro's 2016 elections. The US Treasury announced sanctions against Victor Alekseyevich Boyarkin, once a member of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency but now working for Mr Deripaska, according to the department. The Treasury said that Mr Boyarkin "reported directly to Deripaska and has led business negotiations on Deripaska's behalf". It added: "Deripaska and Boyarkin were involved in providing Russian financial support to a Montenegrin political party ahead of Montenegro's 2016 elections." That election, it has been alleged, featured an assassination attempt on the country's prime minister by the pro-Russian opposition to stop its accession to Nato. Russia has denied involvement, and it is not suggested Mr Deripaska or Mr Boyarkin were involved in the attempt. The plot, reported extensively by The Daily Telegraph last year, has become a focal point for Western fears about Russian election meddling and led to legal action being taken against leaders of the Montenegrin opposition and two Russian nationals. Mr Deripaska at the World Economic Forum Credit: Reuters Mr Deripaska is one of Russia's best-known businessmen and was head of the aluminium companies EN+ and Rusal until earlier this year. He is a well-known figure in London where he floated EN+, raising more than £1 billion, and is believed to own several properties. He once had links at the top of British politics, infamously hosting Lord Mandelson and George Osborne on his yacht in 2008. The US action is likely to increase pressure on Theresa May, the Prime Minister, who has vowed to take action against Russian oligarchs in the UK in the wake of the Skripal poisoning. The Telegraph reported earlier this month that Mr Deripaska was on a list of Russians to be targeted by British intelligence in a campaign to disrupt Vladimir Putin. This newspaper has previously asked about links between Mr Deripaska's company Rusal and the former GRU officer. A spokesman for the company said at the time that Mr Boyarkin was no longer a Rusal employee. The US Treasury sanctioned Mr Deripaska in April 2016, claiming he "acted or purported to act for" a senior official in the Russian government. It also took action against EN+. Russian President Vladimir Putin (L), Nizhny Novgorod region Governor Valeriy Shantsev (C) and billionaire Oleg Deripaska (R) examine a new Gazon Next vehicle Credit: Getty Images Europe Yesterday, the department announced that it would be dropping sanctions against three companies linked to Mr Deripaska: En+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo. Steven Mnuchin, the US Treasury secretary, said: "Treasury sanctioned these companies because of their ownership and control by sanctioned Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, not for the conduct of the companies themselves. These companies have committed to significantly diminish Deripaska's ownership and sever his control. The companies will be subject to ongoing compliance and will face severe consequences if they fail to comply." The action was taken following fierce lobbying in Washington DC led in part by Lord Barker of Battle, the former Tory climate change minister who is chairman of EN+. Mr Deripaska's agreement with the US Treasury department includes cutting his direct and indirect share ownership below 50 per cent in each company and overhauling the boards of En+ and Rusal. The sanctions spooked the energy markets, with Rusal seeing its value plummet since being targeted. Congress could yet block the Treasury's lifting of sanctions and has 30 days in which to call a vote. At the same time as lifting the sanctions on Mr Deripaska's companies, the US Treasury imposed punishments on several new Russian figures. They included Russian military intelligence operatives over the US election meddling, and Mr Boyarkin, who will have any assets in US financial institutions frozen. Banks dealing in dollars or companies trading in the US will also not be allowed to work with Mr Boyarkin. The Treasury cited an executive order which takes action against those working on behalf of senior Russian government officials in justifying its move. Donald Trump joined Britain in expelling Russian diplomats over the Skripal incident but has repeatedly appeared reluctant to publicly criticise the Russian president, though his administration has pushed ahead with sanctions. The alleged coup plot during Montenegro's elections in 2016 remains, in the eyes of Kremlin critics, one of the most shocking examples of Russian election meddling. Members of the pro-Russian Montenegrin opposition were accused of planning with factions close to the Kremlin an attack on the country's parliament and trying to kill Milo Djukanovic, the prime minister. It was seen as a last ditch attempt to stop Montenegro joining Nato. The plot was foiled and its alleged leaders put on trial. Montenegro went on to join Nato. This newspaper approached representatives at En+, Rusal and JSC EuroSibEnergo for a comment from Mr Deripaska or Mr Boyarkin but did not receive a response.     

Retired Marine takes down gunman trying to rob his bar in Pennsylvania

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 04:11 AM PST

Retired Marine takes down gunman trying to rob his bar in PennsylvaniaVeteran seen on surveillance footage grabbing the suspect's gun.

What Were the Biggest Automotive Recalls of 2018? How About the Smallest?

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:14 PM PST

What Were the Biggest Automotive Recalls of 2018? How About the Smallest?

Moody photo from Mars shows a giant crater loaded with ice

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 08:38 AM PST

Moody photo from Mars shows a giant crater loaded with iceFlying over the frigid northern reaches of Mars, the orbiting Mars Express satellite captured images of the 50-mile wide Korolev crater filled with ice. Korolev is an especially alluring sight, not just because it's a well-preserved impact crater but because it's loaded with ice over a mile deep year round.  Launched 15 years ago by the European Space Agency (ESA), Mars Express often focuses on glaciers and ice in the Martian polar regions.  The Korolev crater's ice is resistant to melting during the warmer summer seasons because the massive plain of ice creates a "cold trap," ESA explains. When air travels above the crater, it cools and sinks over the ice, building a sort of cool "shield" over the ice.  The Mars Orbiter looking down upon the Korolev crater.Image: esaSo even as the seasons change, Korolev remains brimming with ice. Most Martian craters, even in cooler regions, don't remain full year-round.  As Mars Express zips over the desert planet, it takes photos of different strips of land, and then transmits the pictures back to Earth.  ESA scientists then combine the images together to build a coherent picture of different Martian landforms, dried-up lakes, and masses of frozen water.  These Korolev images above are composites of five different photos, each taken during a separate orbit across Mars. SEE ALSO: Scientists spot the farthest known object in our solar system, and it's pink Korolev is named for a giant in space history: rocket scientist Sergei Korolev.  Korolev headed the Soviet space program and famously beat the Americans into space. The Soviets, under Korolev's leadership, sent both the first human and satellite into space.  "He's a key figure in space history — though he died much too early," space historian Robert Pearlman said. Mars Express continues to actively scour the red Martian terrain and transmit truly brilliant extraterrestrial images back to Earth. WATCH: NASA announces its servers were hacked

Mattis quits as defense secretary, citing differences with Trump

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 03:14 PM PST

Mattis quits as defense secretary, citing differences with TrumpThe defense secretary is the latest member of the administration to jump ship.

American Airlines employees allege new uniforms are 'toxic,' caused health problems

Posted: 21 Dec 2018 06:50 AM PST

American Airlines employees allege new uniforms are 'toxic,' caused health problemsThousands of American Airlines employees claim they experienced symptoms following the introduction of new uniforms, according to an unsealed lawsuit.

Britain removes word 'unlikely' from no-deal Brexit guidance

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 07:14 AM PST

Britain removes word 'unlikely' from no-deal Brexit guidanceThe British government has removed the word "unlikely" from its official Brexit guidance telling companies and citizens how to prepare for a disorderly exit where the UK leaves the European Union without a deal. Theresa May's government has issued a string of technical notices in recent months with advice on what needs to be done before the country leaves the world's largest trading bloc on March 29. The notices had originally referred to the "unlikely" chance that Britain leaves the EU without a deal.

Island exile the latest Danish blow for 'unwanted' migrants

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 07:06 PM PST

Island exile the latest Danish blow for 'unwanted' migrantsDenmark's ruling coalition has approved a controversial plan to put some 125 "unwanted" migrants on Lindholm, an uninhabited island, sparking outrage at home and abroad. To get that message across, the government has multiplied the obstacles for would-be immigrants and introduced almost 100 amendments restricting the rights of migrants. The island exile idea was proposed by the populist, anti-immigration Danish People's Party (DPP), which is not part of the government but the idea was snapped up by the ruling centre-right coalition.

Drones paralyze British airport, grounding Christmas travelers

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 03:21 PM PST

Drones paralyze British airport, grounding Christmas travelersAs thousands of passengers waited at Gatwick Airport, south of London, police hunted unsuccessfully for the operators of the large drones which reappeared near the airfield every time the airport tried to reopen the runway. "The assessment earlier on today was that we wouldn't be using firearms," Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingley said late on Thursday. "This is continually reviewed so you will know and have seen that we have firearm officers deployed." Europe's air traffic control agency Eurocontrol said the airport would remain closed until 0600 GMT on Friday.

Watch Ukrainian MPs punch one another in the face as a fight breaks out in Parliament

Posted: 21 Dec 2018 05:57 AM PST

Watch Ukrainian MPs punch one another in the face as a fight breaks out in ParliamentPunches were thrown in the Ukrainian parliament yesterday after a bill was passed that would require the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to change its name to indicate its ties to Russia. Fighting broke out after Nestor Shufrych, a member of the Opposition Bloc, removed a poster from the podium which accused pro-Russian Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk of being an "agent" of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mr Shufrych was then punched in the face by People's Front politician Yuriy Bereza before the fighting escalated and other members piled in. Mr Medvedchuk is the leader of Ukrainian Choice, an organization that is considered to be pro-Kremlin and has been linked to the unofficial exchange of captives between Kiev and Russian-backed separatists. The speaker of the house announced a break on December 20th after the brawl ended. The proposed law, if signed by President Petro Poroshenko, could require the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to call itself  the 'Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine'. The bill comes amid rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia following Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. The situation escalated last month when three Ukrainian naval vessels were seized off the coast of Crimea by Russian forces. Martial law was temporarily declared in Ukraine following the incident, under which all Russian men aged between 16 and 60 were banned from entering the country. Ukrainian forces have been fighting Russian-backed separatists and volunteers in eastern Ukraine since 2014. The Ukrainian parliament has a long history of brawls, particularly in relation to disagreements over the country's relationship with Russia. In 2012 a huge fight broke out over proposals to give the Russian language equal status to Ukrainian, whilst in 2013 clashes broke out after a speech was made to the parliament in Russian. More recently, blows were exchanged in the house in 2017 over a law regarding state sovereignty in the separatist-held territories in eastern Ukraine.

Trump’s Syria ‘Victory’ Likely to Be Celebrated in Iran, Russia

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 04:43 AM PST

Trump's Syria 'Victory' Likely to Be Celebrated in Iran, RussiaWith his abrupt order to pull troops out of Syria, Trump took a step toward keeping his first promise -– and triggered a firestorm in Washington as critics said he's going soft on the second. Trump declared that the U.S. had won the battle against Islamic State, saying that was "my only reason for being there." But that decision leaves both Iran and Russia to wrap up their victory in the wider -- and still ongoing -- Syrian war.

The Latest: Exec: 4 on jet that crashed with no survivors

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 02:57 PM PST

The Latest: Exec: 4 on jet that crashed with no survivorsATLANTA (AP) — The Latest on the crash of a business jet in Atlanta (all times local):

39 years later, man charged in cold-case killing of high school student Michelle Martinko

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 06:42 PM PST

39 years later, man charged in cold-case killing of high school student Michelle MartinkoCedar Rapids police have charged Jerry Lynn Burns, 64, with murder-degree murder in the 1979 killing of Michelle Marie Martinko.

Israel begins destroying Hezbollah tunnels: army

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:41 AM PST

Israel begins destroying Hezbollah tunnels: armyThe Israeli army on Thursday night began destroying cross-border tunnels dug by Hezbollah, it said, more than two weeks after announcing their discovery on the frontier with Lebanon. "The neutralisation and destruction phase of the cross-border attack tunnels... has begun," the army said in a statement. Since launching an operation to cut off the tunnels on December 4, the army says it has located four underground passageways infiltrating Israeli territory.

In-Depth Photos of the 2019 Volvo XC60 T6 R-Design

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:24 PM PST

In-Depth Photos of the 2019 Volvo XC60 T6 R-Design

Charging of Chinese hackers signals aggressive new cyber strategy here to stay

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 09:35 AM PST

Charging of Chinese hackers signals aggressive new cyber strategy here to stayThe Justice Department indicted two Chinese nationals allegedly involved in an international hacking scheme that targeted "dozens of companies in the United States and around the world," Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced Thursday.

Mattis Quit After Trump's Syria Pullout. Here Are All the Times He Publicly Split With the President

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 08:25 PM PST

Mattis Quit After Trump's Syria Pullout. Here Are All the Times He Publicly Split With the PresidentHe and Trump disagreed over the conflict in Syria, among other things

Toyota teases 2019 Supra's power with clip of its roaring engine

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 04:11 AM PST

Toyota teases 2019 Supra's power with clip of its roaring engineAs the world is patiently waiting -- some of us not-so-patiently waiting -- for the reveal of the 2019 Toyota Supra, the company continues to feed us more teasers, and, this time, we got far more than words and camouflaged images. In the 30-second long video that Toyota uploaded to its European YouTube channel, we got half of a minute of pure Supra engine sounds accompanied by some blurred imagery of the bright red model sans camo. Chief engineer Tetsuya Tada indicated back in July that the new Supra holds true to its characteristic inline six-cylinder engine (the same as BMW's new Z4), which is reiterated in the video.

Illinois Catholic church allegedly failed to investigate 500 priest sex abuse allegations

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:48 PM PST

Illinois Catholic church allegedly failed to investigate 500 priest sex abuse allegationsIllinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says "the Catholic Church has failed in its moral obligation to provide survivors, parishioners and the public a complete and accurate accounting of all sexually inappropriate behavior involving priests."

Ford recalling 874,000 pickup trucks in North America for fire risks

Posted: 21 Dec 2018 06:32 AM PST

Ford recalling 874,000 pickup trucks in North America for fire risksFord Motor Co said Friday it is recalling 874,000 pickup trucks in North America with engine block heaters for fire risks.

Brazil judge freezes Boeing-Embraer deal, again

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 09:38 AM PST

Brazil judge freezes Boeing-Embraer deal, againA Sao Paulo judge on Thursday froze a deal between US planemaker Boeing and Brazilian company Embraer to create a $5.26-billion joint venture at the request of Embraer unions, the state news agency Agencia Brasil reported. It is the second time this month the judge, Victorio Guizio Neto, has suspended the tie-up. Two weeks ago he ordered the accord be put on ice until the next Brazilian government takes over under a far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, who assumes office on January 1.

U.K. Unveils Post-Brexit Immigration Plan, Angering Business

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 01:46 PM PST

U.K. Unveils Post-Brexit Immigration Plan, Angering BusinessReducing immigration has been a major issue for British voters and was a key motivation for many who chose to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum. The Cabinet was itself divided, and it was only after last-ditch negotiations between Prime Minister Theresa May, Chancellor Philip Hammond and Business Secretary Greg Clark Tuesday that publication of the white paper went ahead.

This is Carroll Shelby's personal 1983 Dodge Shelby Charger

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 02:38 AM PST

This is Carroll Shelby's personal 1983 Dodge Shelby ChargerThought that Carroll Shelby only worked on Mustangs? This Dodge Shelby Charger was his personal car, but now it could be yours at it heads to auction.

US 'will end airstrikes against Isil in Syria after American forces withdraw'

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:06 AM PST

US 'will end airstrikes against Isil in Syria after American forces withdraw'The US has reportedly decided to halt its airstrikes against the Islamic State (Isil) in Syria after it withdraws its troops, a move that would effectively bring an end to the entire Western air campaign against the jihadists.  US officials said that Donald Trump's decision to pull US forces out of Syria would also mean an end to American airstrikes against Isil fighters in the country, according to Reuters.  The Pentagon did not deny the report and refused to say if US airstrikes would continue after American forces withdraw in March next year.      "As long as there are US troops on the ground we will conduct air and artillery strikes in support of our forces. We will not speculate on future operations," a Pentagon spokeswoman told The Telegraph.  The US provides the overwhelming majority of the firepower for the Western air campaign against Isil and is responsible for around 95 per cent of the air strikes in Syria, according to Airwars, a monitoring group.  Britain and France have both signalled that they intend to continue striking Isil even after the US withdraws its ground troops but Airwars said that might not be possible if America withdraws from the air campaign.  "Even if the UK and France wished to continue strikes against Isil in Syria, their campaigns are so intertwined with key US assets - intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, refuelling, targeting - that it may not be possible," the group said.  The UK warned earlier in the day that the West "must not lose sight of the threat" Isil poses, even if all its territory is lost. France said it planned to keep around 1,000 troops in northern Syria. Some Kurdish troops are already moving north in anticipation of a Turkish offensive Credit: DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP/Getty Images The most immediate concern for the SDF is that Turkey will take the US pull out as a green light to launch a major offensive against the Kurds in northern Syria. Turkey considers the Kurdish armed groups in Syria to be terrorists.  Hulusi Akar, the Turkish defence minister, said Kurdish fighters "will be buried in their ditches" when Turkish troops advance against their positions east of the Euphrates River.  The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), the SDF's largest constituent force, has already begun moving fighters from the frontline against Isil in eastern Deir Ezzor province to towns along Syria's northern border with Turkey.  One YPG fighter said: "All Kurds expected this to happen at some point, but not like this, not in a tweet with no real explanation, just after Turkey threatens the Kurds with a massacre." SDF commanders have discussed releasing some of the thousands of Islamic State suspects they are holding in response to the US decision, sources said.  Does the USA want to be the Policeman of the Middle East, getting NOTHING but spending precious lives and trillions of dollars protecting others who, in almost all cases, do not appreciate what we are doing? Do we want to be there forever? Time for others to finally fight.....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2018 The SDF is currently holding 2,000 Isil suspects from more than 44 different countries, including six British men, four British women and some eight of their children. Among those are the so-called Beatles torturers Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee ElSheikh from London. Their home countries have so far refused their return and the SDF had previously warned they would neither try them in Syria nor hold them forever. Another possibility is the SDF could turn them over to the Syrian regime.  In the face of widespread confusion and frustration by American allies, Mr Trump took to Twitter to defend his decision, saying the US had borne too much of the burden of fighting against the jihadists.    "Russia, Iran, Syria & others are the local enemy of ISIS. We were doing there work," he wrote. "Does the USA want to be the Policeman of the Middle East, getting NOTHING but spending precious lives and trillions of dollars protecting others who, in almost all cases, do not appreciate what we are doing?"  The US has around 2,000 troops in Syria Credit: DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP/Getty Images Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, said he agreed with Mr Trump that Isil had been defeated and he said "illegitimate" US forces should leave Syria.  "In this Donald is right, I agree with him," Mr Putin said at his annual press conference. "As for US troops in Syria, I don't think they're needed, let's not forget that presence of your troops there is illegitimate."  Appearing to take advantage of Mr Trump's announcement, Isil launched a major counterattack on Wednesday on the town of Hajin, which had been captured by the SDF last week.  Turkish state media reported that a convoy of US military vehicles began leaving eastern Syria on Wednesday night and crossed over the border into Iraq.  SDF forces have been fighting to drive Isil from Hajin Credit: DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP/Getty Images Appearing to take advantage of Mr Trump's announcement, Isil launched a major counterattack on Wednesday on the town of Hajin, which had been captured by the SDF last week.  US diplomats began evacuating Syria immediately after Mr Trump's withdrawal announcement on Wednesday. The White House would not say how quickly US troops would be withdrawn but US officials told Reuters they would all be out by the end of March.  Mr Trump's own tweets seemed to show a level of confusion about Isil's capabilities. After declaring that the jihadists were defeated on Wednesday, Mr Trump said Thursday they "are doomed" if they attack the US. "Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us," Mr Trump said.  Both US and Israeli officials have warned that the US withdrawal will allow Iran to entrench itself more deeply in Syria. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, avoided criticising Mr Trump but said Israel would "increase" its efforts against Iran in Syria.  Moshe Kahlon, Israel's finance minister, was more blunt. "The American decision is not good," he said. 

Report: Distributors, DEA failed to abate US opioid crisis

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 05:01 PM PST

Report: Distributors, DEA failed to abate US opioid crisisCHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A congressional report on prescription pill dumping in West Virginia blames U.S. prescription drug distributors and the Drug Enforcement Administration for not doing enough to help mitigate the nation's opioid addiction and overdose crisis.

Airbus shares plunge on reported US corruption probe

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 04:28 PM PST

Airbus shares plunge on reported US corruption probeShares in European aircraft maker Airbus tumbled more than nine percent Thursday after French daily Le Monde reported it could face record fines of several billion dollars in a US corruption inquiry. The newspaper said the US Department of Justice had opened a probe for "improper practices" at the end of 2017 and informed Airbus it was under investigation at the end of the summer. The inquiry stems from Airbus's disclosure in early 2016 that it had neglected to inform authorities about payments to middlemen in securing several contracts, in particular in Asia.

Honduran migrant gunned down shortly after U.S. deportation

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 03:34 PM PST

Honduran migrant gunned down shortly after U.S. deportationNelson Espinal, 28, was shot 15 times on Tuesday night shortly after leaving his home in the capital Tegucigalpa, said his sister, Patricia Espinal. Espinal was deported from the United States in late November and barred from returning for five years, according to documents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. "He said that if he did not leave, they were going to kill him," Patricia Espinal said as her mother, Sara Matamoros, wept.

Facebook Faces Intensifying Pressure From Washington on Privacy

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 11:13 AM PST

Facebook Faces Intensifying Pressure From Washington on PrivacyThe suit alleges Facebook violated the district's Consumer Protection and Procedures Act as a result of lax oversight of the company's third-party applications. It came just hours after an explosive New York Times report that the social media giant had allowed, even after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, more than 150 companies to access more users' personal data than it had disclosed, prompting renewed calls for Congress to act.

Best Car Safety Performance

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 11:00 AM PST

Best Car Safety PerformanceA vehicle with good braking and emergency handling can help you avoid an accident. Typically, smaller, sportier vehicles perform well in these tests and larger trucks are slower to maneuver. Cons...

US government shutdown: what is it, will it happen and who's to blame?

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 02:14 PM PST

US government shutdown: what is it, will it happen and who's to blame?Donald Trump and Congress face a Friday night deadline to avert a partial shutdown. The US Capitol is seen in Washington DC on Tuesday as the deadline for lawmakers to agree on a new spending deal to avert shutdown approaches. Donald Trump and Congress face a deadline of midnight on Friday to pass federal funding bills or see the government partially shut down, with the budget fight centered on Trump's demand for $5bn to fund a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Markets Right Now: Stock sink in choppy trade after Fed news

Posted: 19 Dec 2018 01:13 PM PST

Markets Right Now: Stock sink in choppy trade after Fed newsNEW YORK (AP) — The latest on developments in financial markets (all times local):

Lithuania wraps tree in plastic to protest Christmas consumerism

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 08:21 AM PST

Lithuania wraps tree in plastic to protest Christmas consumerismLithuanian artists on Thursday said they have placed a giant plastic bag over a fir tree in the capital Vilnius to warn against consumerism taking over the holiday season. "This is a Christmas tree but we are using it as a piece of art to protest against the negative effects of hyper-consumerism," reads the message printed on the plastic. Adorned with breathing masks, the art installation is located at the Vilnius railway station, which the city has turned into an alternative Christmas market this year.

An aquarium apologized for calling its sea otter 'thicc.' And she isn't even overweight

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 12:54 PM PST

An aquarium apologized for calling its sea otter 'thicc.' And she isn't even overweight'Abby is a thicc girl,' the Monterey Bay Aquarium tweeted. That sparked backlash on Twitter, but it turns out the sea otter is an average weight.

Man charged in connection to deaths of Chicago Police Officers Conrad Gary, Eduardo Marmolejo; funeral arrangements finalized

Posted: 20 Dec 2018 03:01 AM PST

Man charged in connection to deaths of Chicago Police Officers Conrad Gary, Eduardo Marmolejo; funeral arrangements finalizedA 24-year-old man has been charged in connection to the circumstances that led to the deaths of two Chicago police officers who were struck and killed by a train Monday night.

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