Saturday, February 2, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Mike Pence tells Venezuelan exiles in Miami: 'This is no time for dialogue. This is time for action'

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:47 PM PST

Mike Pence tells Venezuelan exiles in Miami: 'This is no time for dialogue. This is time for action'Mike Pence, the vice president of the United States, has said that Venezuela needs "action" rather than dialogue, rallying Venezuelan exiles in Miami to the cause of "interim president" Juan Guaido and demanding that President Nicolas Maduro step down. Mr Pence told the Florida gathering that "all options are on the table", and warned Mr Maduro "not to test the resolve of the United States". "This is no time for dialogue. This is time for action," he said. "The time has come to end the Maduro dictatorship once and for all." Removing Mr Maduro has been a priority for Mr Trump right from the beginning of his presidency, but has become an obsession for the White House since Mr Guaido, president of the national assembly, declared himself "interim president" on January 23. Mike Pence addressing Venezuelan exiles in Miami On Friday John Bolton, the national security adviser and one of the most strident Venezuela hawks, attempted to reduce the temperature somewhat, saying he did not believe US military intervention was imminent. He reacted angrily to reports that Mr Maduro was planning to send 15 tonnes of gold from central bank vaults to the United Arab Emirates in coming days, in return for euros in cash. Oil sanctions announced by the US last week are hitting hard, and Mr Maduro is becoming increasingly desperate to find means of keeping his regime afloat – including accessing $1.5 billion of gold kept in the Bank of England's vaults. "Not only does Maduro require foreign paramilitary support to keep remaining threads of a failed dictatorship, but reports show he is flying out Venezuelan assets by the plane full," Mr Bolton tweeted. "Is he stealing resources from the people to pay for Russian intervention?" Venezuelan exiles listen to Mike Pence in Miami on Friday Mr Guaidohas urged his supporters to take to the streets on Saturday and demand the resignation of Mr Maduro, who is clinging to power with the support of Russia, China and Iran. Mr Maduro, 56, on Friday tweeted a video of himself inspecting troops. The military, which has so far remained largely loyal, is seen as holding the key to Mr Maduro's future. Mr Guaido has appealed to the forces to defect, and wrote an open letter to soldiers offering amnesty – which many of them publicly burnt. Comandos de Alto Vuelo dispuestos a defender la Patria con la misma valentía de nuestros Libertadores. ¡Dios los Bendiga Muchachos!— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 1, 2019 The 35-year-old published an open letter to Mexico and Uruguay, turning down their offer of mediation in talks with Mr Maduro and saying he would only consider talks "when the usurpation is over". He argues that Mr Maduro's May election was fraudulent, and so the end of his term, in January, marked the end of his legitimate rule. He insists that, with the presidency "vacant", he, as the president of the national assembly, becomes under the constitution the "interim president". Juan Guaido with his 20-month-old daughter at his home in Caracas, which was visited by Venezuelan police on Friday Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, expressed dismay at Mr Guaido's position, siding instead with his friend Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, president of Mexico, and criticising the British foreign secretary for calling for further sanctions. "The future of Venezuela is a matter for Venezuelans. Jeremy Hunt's call for more sanctions on Venezuela is wrong. We oppose outside interference in Venezuela, whether from the US or anywhere else. "There needs to be dialogue and a negotiated settlement to overcome the crisis." The European Parliament officially recognised Mr Guaido on Thursday, and urged the European Union to follow suit. A series of European countries, among them Britain, Spain, France and Germany, have set a deadline for Sunday for Mr Maduro to call elections, or else they will join the US, Canada, Australia, Israel and many Latin American nations in recognising Mr Guaido. Pro-Maduro protesters holding up a poster of the late Hugo Chavez take to the streets of Caracas on Thursday Francisco Sucre, the head of the international committee of Venezuela's national assembly, on Friday called on Mr Maduro to step down. Speaking in Spain, at the end of a trip designed to rally support for Mr Guaido, he said that the "international contact group" announced on Thursday by the EU's top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, "should help to cease the usurpation of power by Maduro and establish a transitional government until new elections." He added: "There is no possible discussion here, Maduro has to leave." He said Venezuela, under Mr Guaido, welcomes the EU's involvement "because we are going to need its cooperation during the initial stages of the recovery of our country." "Power is evaporating from Maduro's hands with the passing of the hours," he said. "We have been contacted by diplomatic workers across Europe who are ready to take a step forward, but they are waiting for the right moment."

21 People Died in Weather-Related Incidents During the Polar Vortex

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:53 AM PST

21 People Died in Weather-Related Incidents During the Polar VortexAt least 21 people have died in weather-related incidents brought on by the extreme cold snap that hit much of the United States this week

FedEx worker found frozen to death outside Illinois facility

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:03 AM PST

FedEx worker found frozen to death outside Illinois facilityAuthorities in Illinois say the bitter cold played a role in the death of a FedEx employee whose body was found on Thursday morning.

Defense lawyer: Government case against El Chapo 'a fantasy'

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:57 PM PST

Defense lawyer: Government case against El Chapo 'a fantasy'NEW YORK (AP) — A defense attorney for Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman assailed the federal case against the Mexican drug lord as "a fantasy," telling a U.S. jury Thursday that the prosecution relied on a parade of cooperating witnesses who "lie, steal, cheat, deal drugs and kill people" for a living.

State Bank of India fixes glitch that may have exposed customer data

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:29 AM PST

State Bank of India fixes glitch that may have exposed customer dataA report by the U.S.-based TechCrunch news website on Wednesday had said SBI had secured an unprotected server that could have allowed anyone to access information on millions of its customers, including bank balances and recent transactions. The server, hosted in a Mumbai-based datacenter, stored data from SBI Quick, a text message and call-based system used to request basic information about their bank accounts by SBI customers, the report had said.

Cory Booker: city councilman, mayor, senator now seeking White House

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 09:08 AM PST

Cory Booker: city councilman, mayor, senator now seeking White HouseAs mayor of Newark, Cory Booker would get out during snowstorms to shovel the driveways and sidewalks of residents of the New Jersey city. Now a Democratic senator from the northeastern US state, Booker is planning to bring that personal touch to the 2020 race for the White House. "We are better when we help each other," Booker said in the video he released on Friday announcing he was a candidate for his party's presidential nomination.

5 of the Best Stocks to Buy for February

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:02 PM PST

5 of the Best Stocks to Buy for FebruaryAlso one of U.S. News' 10 best stocks to buy for 2019, SFIX shares sold off in December, despite reporting a quarter of 24 percent revenue growth, 250 percent earnings per share growth, and active client growth of 22 percent. In hindsight, it looks like AAPL stock may have achieved its 2019 lows within the first week of the year.

Vehicles Engulfed in Flames at Newark Airport Parking Garage

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 12:12 PM PST

Vehicles Engulfed in Flames at Newark Airport Parking GarageCrews are working to put out a fire at a parking garage at Newark Liberty Airport Thursday morning.

U.S. Blocks Venezuela Oil Deals Using Its Financial System

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 04:11 AM PST

U.S. Blocks Venezuela Oil Deals Using Its Financial SystemThe U.S. already announced it would effectively prohibit imports of Venezuelan crude and bar companies from selling cargoes of light oil to the Latin American country, which are needed to keep its pipelines flowing. The latest measures posted on the U.S. Treasury's website suggest the sanctions could have an even wider impact on the petroleum exports that constitute the nation's economic lifeline. Any transactions with Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or any entity in which it has a controlling stake, involving U.S. citizens or passing through the country's financial system must be wound down by April 28, the Treasury said.

Arctic cold doesn't refute global warming

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:14 PM PST

Arctic cold doesn't refute global warmingPolar vortex is a forecast of weather extremes to come. This is tragically lost on Donald Trump and other climate-change deniers: Our view

The Polar Vortex Is Causing Striking Solar Phenomena Called 'Sundogs.' Here's What to Know

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:06 PM PST

The Polar Vortex Is Causing Striking Solar Phenomena Called 'Sundogs.' Here's What to KnowSundogs form when sunlight refracts off ice crystals in the atmosphere and result in colored spots of light near the sun.

Top US cardinal let priest accused of sexual abuse lead Mass

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 03:18 PM PST

Top US cardinal let priest accused of sexual abuse lead MassHOUSTON (AP) — The cardinal who leads the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops allowed a priest to celebrate Mass the same day his name was among those released on a list of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse.

U.S. envoy calls for full list of North Korean weapons programs

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:51 PM PST

U.S. envoy calls for full list of North Korean weapons programsIn a speech at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, envoy Stephen Biegun said North Korea would need to declare all its nuclear and missile programs and warned that Washington had "contingencies" if the diplomatic process failed. Biegun, in his most detailed public remarks on his approach to North Korea after five months in his role, said Washington would have to have expert access and monitoring mechanisms of nuclear and missile sites and "ultimately ensure removal or destruction of stockpiles of fissile material, weapons, missiles, launchers and other weapons of mass destruction." Pyongyang has rejected declaring its weapons programs for decades. Biegun also said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un committed during an October visit by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the dismantlement and destruction of plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities.

GM to lay off about 4,000 salaried workers: source

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 05:22 PM PST

GM to lay off about 4,000 salaried workers: sourceGeneral Motors is expected to lay off about 4,000 salaried workers under a reorganization announced late last year, a person familiar with the matter said Friday. The layoffs are part of a cost-cutting plan GM announced in November, which will slash 15 percent of its salaried and contract staff and shutter seven plants, including five in North America. Media reports estimated the total job cuts of salaried staff and union workers at about 14,000, including about 6,000 union workers.

Howard Schultz defends voting record as he considers independent 2020 presidential run

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:19 AM PST

Howard Schultz defends voting record as he considers independent 2020 presidential runHoward Schultz, the billionaire former chief executive of Starbucks, who is considering running as an independent candidate in the next US presidential election, has defended his voting record. Mr Schultz, 65, blamed his busy travel schedule and a lack of local engagement for missing dozens of state, county and midterm elections. "Listen, I traveled all over the world. It's not an excuse," Mr Schultz told a packed auditorium. "I've not been as engaged locally as perhaps I could have been".  He made the comments while speaking at an event to promote his new book 'From the Ground Up: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America' in his hometown of Seattle on Thursday night. Mr Schultz added that he has voted in every presidential election since he turned 18 years old. On Wednesday, The Seattle Times ran a column which said that he had failed to vote in 27 out of 38 elections since 2005. A supporter of Mr Schultz's White House run in Seattle Credit: Reuters The event was Mr Schultz's first public appearance in Seattle, home to the company he ran for 36 years, since he announced on Sunday that he is considering running for the presidency as an independent candidate in the 2020 election.  "Profound concern for where we are as a country", as well as "the revenge politics on both sides", have driven him to seriously weigh a bid, he said. Mr Schultz has been heavily criticized by Democrats who worry that if he runs he will split the vote and re-elect President Donald Trump for a second term. Outside the auditorium several dozen protestors gathered, some were holding signs which read "Pick a party" and "Grande ego, Venti mistake", a play on words using Starbucks names for large cups of coffee.  "I'm worried about what happened in 2000 where Ralph Nader ran and stole away enough of the votes from Al Gore, when it was really really close", said Susan Glicksberg, 61 from Issaquah, Washington who was demonstrating against Mr Schultz standing. "Bush got the presidency because it was so close." Inside the event, Mr Schultz pitched himself as a "centrist independent", but offered few of his own policies. He did discuss his objections to policies from both the Democratic and Republican parties, including universal healthcare and corporate tax cuts respectively.  Mr Schultz said that he plans to travel the country with his wife Sheri over the next few months before making a final decision on whether to stand in the spring or summer of this year. A vocal critic of Donald Trump, he said that he will not stand for the White House if it leads to a second term for the president. "I'm not going to do anything whatsoever to re-elect Donald Trump", Mr Schultz said. "I'm trying to win the hearts and minds of the American people". Despite the backlash, the businessman who is worth roughly $3.4bn (£2.6bn) said he has no plans to back down. "The negative reaction isn't going to dissuade my conviction I have about what I feel in my heart that I need to do," he said,

Elizabeth Warren apologises to Cherokee Nation for DNA test, tribe says

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:59 PM PST

Elizabeth Warren apologises to Cherokee Nation for DNA test, tribe saysElizabeth Warren has reportedly apologised for previously relying on a DNA test to prove her Native American ancestry. The Massachusetts senator "reached out to us and has apologised to the tribe", Cherokee Nation spokeswoman Julie Hubbard said in a statement relayed by CNN. The Independent has contacted Ms Hubbard and Ms Warren's team for more information.

Big storm sets sights on California, evacuations ordered

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:30 PM PST

Big storm sets sights on California, evacuations orderedSAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A powerful storm bearing down on California on Friday was expected to produce heavy rainfall, damaging winds, localized stream flooding and heavy snow in the Sierra Nevada, forecasters said.

Judge in Roger Stone case says she's considering gag order

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 03:48 PM PST

Judge in Roger Stone case says she's considering gag orderWASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Friday cautioned longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone not to treat the charges against him like a public relations campaign or book tour, and said she may issue a gag order in the case.

Touring One of the Best Classic Ford Collections I've Ever Seen

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:22 AM PST

Touring One of the Best Classic Ford Collections I've Ever SeenHe bought his 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429 in 1972 and it is untouched apart from oil, a battery, and tires. One of these sold in 2015 for $465,000.

Rival rallies begin in tense Venezuela as air force general defects

Posted: 02 Feb 2019 09:29 AM PST

Rival rallies begin in tense Venezuela  as air force general defectsTens of thousands of protesters poured into the streets of Caracas Saturday in rival displays for and against embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, as an air force general became the highest-ranking officer to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as the crisis-torn country's acting president. The rival rallies, convened in different parts of the city, come on the eve of a deadline set by the EU and other European powers for Maduro to call "free elections" or have them recognize Guaido. Carrying Venezuelan flags and blowing horns and whistles, his supporters began massing at five locations around the city for a march on EU headquarters in eastern Caracas.

New Jersey man accused of staging a slip-and-fall incident at business

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 06:30 AM PST

New Jersey man accused of staging a slip-and-fall incident at businessA 57-year-old man is facing insurance fraud and other charges in connection with allegedly staging a slip and fall incident at a local business.

IAG boss says 'very confident' of Brexit aviation deal

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 07:13 AM PST

IAG boss says 'very confident' of Brexit aviation dealWillie Walsh, chief executive of British Airways owner IAG, said Friday that he was "very confident" that London and Brussels would reach a "comprehensive agreement" on post-Brexit aviation. Walsh, speaking at a relaunch of global airline alliance Oneworld, added that a chaotic no-deal Brexit would not deter passengers from flying. "I remain very confident that we will see a comprehensive agreement between the UK and the EU on aviation," Walsh told journalists at the event in central London.

Stephen King announces 'good vs. evil' novel 'The Institute'

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 06:50 AM PST

Stephen King announces 'good vs. evil' novel 'The Institute'According to the book flap synopsis, the story will focus on a boy named Luke Ellis, who is kidnapped from his quiet house in suburban Minneapolis and taken to The Institute, where he meets many kids with special talents who got there the same way. No one, he learns, has ever escaped from The Institute. "The Institute" will go on sale on September 10.

US weather forecast: Northern states to be colder than Antarctica as temperatures drop to -40C

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 12:19 PM PST

US weather forecast: Northern states to be colder than Antarctica as temperatures drop to -40CParts of America are enduring temperatures colder than Antarctica this week as a blast of Arctic air from the polar vortex has caused the mercury to plunge as low as -40C (-40F). US officials are urging residents from northern states to stay inside as the deep freeze sets in across the country, bringing with it life-threatening conditions that have forced rail workers in Chicago to start track fires to keep them warm enough to function, and led to warnings not to breathe too deeply when outside. Brian Hurley, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's weather prediction centre in Maryland, said: "The heart of this cold ... is hitting us now.

Southern California storm: Zuma Beach, Pacific Coast Highway closed in Malibu

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 11:12 AM PST

Southern California storm: Zuma Beach, Pacific Coast Highway closed in MalibuAs the first in a series of storms moved into the Southland on Thursday, lighting, mudslides and flooding led to road and beach closures.

Foxconn again shifts Wisconsin plan after Trump intervenes

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:49 AM PST

Foxconn again shifts Wisconsin plan after Trump intervenesMADISON, Wis. (AP) — Foxconn Technology Group has shifted its stated strategy yet again on Friday for a massive Wisconsin campus, crediting a conversation with President Donald Trump for cementing plans to proceed with building a factory to make high-tech liquid display screens.

Deutsche Bank struggles to rebound, merger rumors hit shares

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 07:18 AM PST

Deutsche Bank struggles to rebound, merger rumors hit sharesFRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Germany's struggling Deutsche Bank suffered another loss in the fourth quarter as it faces a raft of issues including a steeply lower share price, merger speculation and continuing legal questions.

Israel Rejects Netanyahu Plea to Delay Indictment Decision

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:44 AM PST

Israel Rejects Netanyahu Plea to Delay Indictment DecisionThe move increases the likelihood that Netanyahu will be forced to campaign for a record-setting fifth term facing legal peril. The Justice Ministry said in an emailed statement that Attorney General Avihai Mandelblit can "consider filing an indictment in some or all of the cases involving the prime minister, subject to a hearing, before the elections." It saw "no impediments" to that decision being published.

Mike Pence: Physical barrier needed on southern border

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:45 AM PST

Mike Pence: Physical barrier needed on southern borderVice President Mike Pence is urging Congress to provide money for a border wall during a visit Thursday to the headquarters of the Drug Enforcement Administration. (Jan. 31)

32 Palestinians wounded in border clashes: Gaza ministry

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:17 AM PST

32 Palestinians wounded in border clashes: Gaza ministryThirty-two Palestinians were shot and wounded by Israeli troops in renewed clashes along the Gaza border Friday, the health ministry in the Hamas-run enclave said. The Israeli army said approximately "10,000 rioters and demonstrators" gathered in different locations along the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel. "The rioters are rolling tyres and hurling rocks at (Israeli) troops," a spokeswoman said, adding a number of explosive devices were thrown towards the Jewish state's forces.

Assault reported by 'Empire' actor condemned by family as 'hate crime'

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:08 PM PST

Assault reported by 'Empire' actor condemned by family as 'hate crime'Chicago police said detectives have been unable to obtain cell phone records to "independently verify" a key part of Smollett's story - that he was talking with his manager by phone at the time he was accosted.

Polar vortex: 12 dead as US weather system brings record low temperatures approaching -50F

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:25 PM PST

Polar vortex: 12 dead as US weather system brings record low temperatures approaching -50FThe polar vortex in the US continued inflicting severe conditions across the country on Thursday, with temperatures reaching minus 40F - and a town in Michigan called Hell quite literally freezing over. Chicago was on track to break the city's record of -32C (-26F), set more than 30 years ago as the cold snap intensifies. Some nearby isolated areas could see temperatures as low as -40C (-40F), that would break the Illinois record of minus 38C (-36.4F) set in 1999.

Subaru teases 2020 Legacy one week before Chicago debut

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:26 AM PST

Subaru teases 2020 Legacy one week before Chicago debutAccompanying an extremely brief announcement by Subaru stating that it would be revealing the 2020 Legacy at the Chicago Auto Show next week, the company shared two five- and six-second teaser clips on Twitter of the upcoming model: one of the high-tech cabin and another of the shadowed, gray exterior. Subaru has given us not one but two 2020 Legacy teasers just six days before its official reveal in Chicago next week. The first clip that was posted to Twitter is a six-second video of a dim spotlight making its way across the  shadowed body of the new Legacy.

The Latest: Valero stops importing Venezuela crude oil

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:39 AM PST

The Latest: Valero stops importing Venezuela crude oilCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The latest on the political crisis in Venezuela (all times local):

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:13 PM PST

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this weekA roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these is legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked these out. Here are the real facts:

Moving? Switching jobs? Your lifestyle changes could mean more money in the bank

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:50 AM PST

Moving? Switching jobs? Your lifestyle changes could mean more money in the bankIf you purchase something through MashStash, Mashable might earn some cash through an affiliate commission. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus sagely said that change is the only constant. In modern times, that couldn't be truer. With the rise of flexible and remote job opportunities, millennials especially tend to live life in flux, making geographical shifts as frequently as job shifts. It follows then that we need more flexible ways to manage our money and our spending habits. Good news: Bank of America brought that shift to 12 million Bank of America Cash Rewards cardholders who were automatically switched over to the new Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card. If you weren't among them, consider the benefits of earning smarter cash back with this new credit card.  The Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card gives you the ability to earn 3 percent cash back in a category of your choosing, 2 percent at grocery stores and wholesale clubs (up to $2,500 in combined quarterly purchases in these categories), and 1 percent on everything else. Read on to see how these points could play into big moments of change. ## Starting a new job Finding a workplace with great culture is totally worth going the extra mile -- even if that extra mile means a longer commute and spending more money on gas. The new Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card allows you to choose from six categories to earn 3 percent cash back. The default category is set to gas, but you can choose from online shopping, dining, travel, drug stores, or home improvement/furnishings expenses. You can also switch your category once per calendar month.  ## Hopping flights like it's your job For those times when you know you'll be booking a ton of flights and hotels with your credit card, you can switch to earn more cash back in the travel category, and while you're away, enjoy the convenience of using your card at chip-enabled terminals in more than 130 countries. ## Moving to a new apartment From finding the perfect new pad (did someone say in-unit washer/dryer?) to buying new furniture, moving can be stressful. During crunch time, it's important to stay focused on the benefits that lie ahead -- including a sweet little uptick in cash back for big spends on home improvements and furnishings -- especially when you and your S.O. nearly call it quits after wrestling that couch up the stairs. ## Growing your family Congrats on one of the most exciting times of your life -- and one of the most expensive. You may be gifted some essentials at the baby shower, but babies need a surprising amount of stuff for such small creatures! In addition to earning more cash back for online shopping, you can protect your credit card number and shop securely with ShopSafe® so you don't need to worry about diaper fraud.  Bank of America's new Cash Rewards credit card is ready for whatever lifestyle shifts you've got on the horizon, both near and far.  Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer.

Honda Covers the Civic Type R and NSX in Gold for Australian Anniversary

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:52 PM PST

Honda Covers the Civic Type R and NSX in Gold for Australian AnniversaryFor Honda's 50th anniversary in Oz, even the company's premium lawnmower gets the Midas touch.

The Polar Vortex Is Causing Startling 'Frost Quakes.' Here's the Science Behind Them

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:32 AM PST

The Polar Vortex Is Causing Startling 'Frost Quakes.' Here's the Science Behind ThemAs if the freezing cold wasn't bad enough on its own

These Are the 10 Basic Types of Vehicles

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:46 AM PST

These Are the 10 Basic Types of Vehicles

USAID assistance in the West Bank and Gaza has ceased: U.S. official

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:38 PM PST

USAID assistance in the West Bank and Gaza has ceased: U.S. officialThe halt was requested by the Palestinian Authority but is certain to bring further hardship to people in the already deprived territories. The deadline also sees the end of about $60 million in U.S. aid for the Palestinian security forces, whose cooperation with Israeli forces helps maintain relative quiet in the West Bank. The Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA) empowers Americans to sue foreign aid recipients in U.S. courts over alleged complicity in "acts of war".

Super Bowl: Missing businessman stole $750k from community including his mum in ticket scam

Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:03 PM PST

Super Bowl: Missing businessman stole $750k from community including his mum in ticket scamA Georgia businessman is missing after allegedly scamming his friends, family, and mother out of $750,000 in exchange for non-existent Super Bowl tickets before skipping town. Ketan Shah, a businessman described as "squeaky-clean" by one of his victims, apparently left his Gwinnett County town after staging the months-long scam, which involved taking large sums of money from roughly a dozen people while promising tickets to the upcoming game between the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams. Among those who found themselves allegedly falling victim to Mr Shah was his own mother, who reached out to police after losing $36,000 in her son's scam, but did not file charges.

US banks shifting some London staff ahead of Brexit deadline

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:28 PM PST

US banks shifting some London staff ahead of Brexit deadlineWith two months until Brexit takes effect, US banks have begun transferring some London staff to Continental Europe and drawing up contingency plans in case of a "hard" Brexit. Around 400 Bank of America employees are set to transfer to Paris and Frankfurt starting in February, according to a person familiar with the matter. About half of this group -- or 200 people -- will be in place before the March 29 Brexit deadline, with the remainder following soon after.

Courts turn away hundreds of immigrants, blame shutdown

Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:33 PM PST

Courts turn away hundreds of immigrants, blame shutdownMIAMI (AP) — The already backlogged immigration courts faced more hurdles Thursday when hundreds of immigrants arrived with government-issued notices to appear in court for hearings that were never scheduled.

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