Sunday, February 24, 2019

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Clumsy Kamala

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 01:30 AM PST

Clumsy KamalaNo Democrat running for president has had a better 2019 than Kamala Harris. The numbers tell the tale. The California senator was in the low single digits in polls conducted before her official launch on January 28. She is now in the low double digits, running third behind Joe Biden, who enjoys cosmic name recognition, and Bernie Sanders, whose devoted supporters brought him a second-place finish last time. But polls do not tell the whole story.Harris raised $1.5 million in the day after declaring her candidacy. That number, impressive for a senator not even a third of the way through her first term, has been bested only by Sanders, a socialist who has a venture capitalist's talent for raising money. He brought in $5.9 million in the first 24 hours of his campaign. Harris, however, has something Sanders does not.She is a fresh face of middle age (54 years) and of diverse background (her father is Jamaican, her mother Indian) whose chief rivals at the moment are two geriatric white men. As Democrats search for someone new to lead them against President Trump, Harris has distinguished herself from the field. Her CNN town hall drew record ratings, while Amy Klobuchar's flopped. And Harris leads the 2020 Democrats in social-media interactions, according to an Axios/Newswhip study. She's had a good launch. But there's a caveat.David Axelrod has described presidential campaigns as MRIs for the soul. He means that a candidate is subjected to pressures strong enough to reveal his or her true character. What voters get at the end of the process is a fuller picture of the men and women they choose to inhabit the White House. In these early weeks of what is certain to be a seemingly endless and certainly vitriolic campaign, Harris has demonstrated both strengths and weaknesses. Her strength is that she seems a perfect fit for the current shape of the Democratic party. Her weakness is a blithe and insouciant manner that is sure to cause her trouble. In fact it already has. Consider three recent slipups.The first took place during that CNN special. An audience member asked Senator Harris for her "solution to ensure that people have access to quality health care at an affordable price," and "does that solution involve cutting insurance companies as we know them out of the equation?" You bet it does, was Harris's answer. "We need to have Medicare-for-all. That's just the bottom line." Following up, Jake Tapper mentioned that Harris has co-sponsored a bill that would end employer-based insurance, which covers some 180 million Americans. "So," Tapper asked, "for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it?"Harris seemed not to understand the magnitude of the change she supports. She mentioned the "process of going through an insurance company," how "going through all of that paperwork" has caused delays and headaches for many. "Let's eliminate all of that," she said. "Let's move on."Actually, let's stay still for now, and ask the following questions. Harris promises to end the health coverage of millions without providing a satisfactory rationale for, or explanation of, her position. Does she really believe there won't be paperwork in government-run health care? Paperwork is government's specialty. And if the Obamacare mandate was unpopular, how will voters greet President Harris's mandate to "eliminate" the status quo that covers the vast majority? The substance of her answer was obvious catnip for Republicans always eager to "pounce," and the style was no less harmful. Harris did not give the impression that she took either the question or the implications of her answer all too seriously. This is something that happens often.Moment two: On January 29, after Jussie Smollett claimed he had been attacked in a hate crime by two white Trump fans in the middle of a wintry Chicago night, Harris tweeted her support for the actor. "This was an attempted modern day lynching," she said. "No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate." What Harris did not mention were the curious details of the story — details that the Chicago Police Department investigated and finally debunked. It turns out Smollett was attacked not by white supremacists but by two Nigerian immigrants whom he had put up to the job. The "modern day lynching" was a bogus, disgusting, and exploitative affront to the real victims of hatred. A prepared candidate would have expressed regret at her tweet and familiarity with the case. Harris was not prepared.During a visit to New Hampshire last weekend, a reporter asked Harris if she would like to revisit her words about Smollett. Harris clearly had no idea what the reporter was talking about. "Which tweet? What tweet?" she said. The reporter read the tweet back to Harris. Who stood there, agog, looking to her aides for help. And who finally answered, "I think that the facts are still unfolding, and, um, I'm very, um concerned about obviously, the initial, um, allegation that he made about what might have happened." Except it didn't happen. Nor is it clear if Harris actually wrote the tweet in support of Smollett. She might hold positions, including on health care, the details of which she is unaware. Which is a problem.Anecdote three is a family matter. On February 11, Harris appeared on the Breakfast Club podcast. One of the hosts wanted to know if she was against legalizing marijuana. "That's not true," she said. "Look, I joke about it, I have joked about it. Half my family is from Jamaica, are you kidding me?" She's smoked weed herself. "I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale. It was a long time ago, but yes. I just broke news." She went on to explain that she smoked a joint, not a blunt. And that marijuana "gives people joy." Her father felt no joy, however, at Harris's answer.In a statement released to the website Jamaica Global Online, Donald Harris, an economist, wrote: "My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to their family's name, reputation, and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this controversy." Father's Day should be interesting.What trips up Kamala Harris is an evident desire to please her audience. She wants no enemies to her left, no identity politics left untouched. She can't run as a prosecutor — crime fighting is so 1990s — but she can run as brash, bold, and woke. Her verbal miscues are possible evidence that this latest political fashion doesn't quite fit. She has made a habit of making unforced errors, and the game is only in its first month. Harris's Democratic opponents may be too blinkered or bashful to exploit this weakness. That will not be a problem for her Republican opponent.This article was originally published in the Washington Free Beacon.

Airlines admit having cameras installed on back of passengers’ seats

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 09:28 AM PST

Airlines admit having cameras installed on back of passengers' seatsThree of the world's biggest airlines have admitted some of their planes have cameras installed on the backs of passenger seats. American Airlines, United Airlines and Singapore Airlines have new seat-back entertainment systems that include cameras. Companies that make the entertainment systems are fitting them with cameras to offer passengers options such as seat-to-seat video conferencing, according to an American Airlines spokesman.

First bloodshed linked to Venezuela aid standoff

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 06:06 PM PST

First bloodshed linked to Venezuela aid standoffVenezuelan troops shot dead at least two people and wounded several others on Friday near the Brazilian border, witnesses said, in the first bloodshed linked to efforts to bring aid into the South American country against the orders of embattled President Nicolas Maduro. Jillian Kitchener reports.

Feinstein Unveils Green Deal Alternative After Kid Confrontation

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 07:30 PM PST

Feinstein Unveils Green Deal Alternative After Kid ConfrontationFeinstein's proposed draft plan seeks to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - 20 years later than the Green New Deal - and also explicitly calls for achieving those reductions through a price on carbon, among other ways. During a meeting with youth activists from the progressive Sunrise Movement, some of whom the group said were as young as age 7, the California Democrat suggested the ambitious climate plan was not achievable. "You didn't vote for me," Feinstein told one 16-year-old after learning she was under the legal voting age.

Extra 1,000 troops to be sent to US-Mexico border, says senior defence official

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 10:51 AM PST

Extra 1,000 troops to be sent to US-Mexico border, says senior defence officialThe Pentagon will increase the number of active-duty troops along the US-Mexico border to about 6,000 by the start of next month, a senior US defence official has said. The troops currently stationed at the border have also been ordered to string more concertina wire and install detection systems in remote areas away from official ports of entry, the senior defence official said. The official, who was authorised by the Pentagon to speak to reporters only on the condition of anonymity, said that so far active-duty military forces had installed 70 miles of concertina wire, reinforced ports of entry, provided medical support to migrants and helped transport Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents by aircraft.

Pope, ending conference, calls for 'all-out battle' against abuse of minors

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 02:28 AM PST

Pope, ending conference, calls for 'all-out battle' against abuse of minorsVATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, ending a landmark Vatican conference on clergy sexual abuse of minors, called on Sunday for an "all-out battle" against a crime he called abominable and that should be "erased from the face of the earth". Francis vowed that the Roman Catholic Church would "spare no effort" to bring abusers to justice and will not cover up or underestimate abuse. He promised that guidelines used by national bishops conferences to prevent abuse and punish perpetrators will be reviewed and strengthened. (Reporting by Philip Pullella; editing by Jason Neely)

British Steel May Face $130 Million Hit From Brexit Carbon Hitch

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 06:39 AM PST

British Steel May Face $130 Million Hit From Brexit Carbon HitchThe costs relate to the private equity-owned steelmaker's carbon pollution bill for 2018, which is due by March 15, according to the people, who declined to be identified discussing a commercially sensitive matter. British Steel is the most prominent name on an official analysis detailing U.K. companies affected by a European Union decision to freeze the allocation of free carbon permits that can be used to comply with the rules. The steelmaker's financial headache highlights the difficulties that Brexit uncertainty is causing British industry.

Trump picks ambassador to Canada for UN post

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 09:29 PM PST

Trump picks ambassador to Canada for UN postWASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump announced Friday that he has selected Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, as his nominee to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Venezuela breaks diplomatic relations with Colombia over aid, Maduro says

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 11:19 AM PST

Venezuela breaks diplomatic relations with Colombia over aid, Maduro saysVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Saturday his government had broken relations with Colombia and would expel some Colombian diplomatic staff after Colombia assisted the opposition's efforts to bring humanitarian aid into the country. "Patience is exhausted, I can't bare it anymore, we can't keep putting up with Colombian territory being used for attacks against Venezuela. For that reason, I have decided to break all political and diplomatic relations with Colombia's fascist government," Maduro said in a speech.

Saudi Arabia names first woman envoy to Washington at critical time

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 05:21 PM PST

Saudi Arabia names first woman envoy to Washington at critical timeSaudi Arabia on Saturday named a princess as its first woman ambassador to the United States, a key appointment as the fallout over journalist Jamal Khashoggi's murder tests relations between the allies. Princess Rima bint Bandar replaced Prince Khalid bin Salman, the younger brother of the powerful crown prince who was appointed vice defence minister in a flurry of late-night royal decrees announced on state media. The reshuffle comes as Saudi Arabia seeks to quell an international outcry over Khashoggi's murder last October in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which strained relations with its key ally Washington.

Twitter rips PETA for criticizing Steve Irwin's Google doodle on the late conservationist's birthday

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 11:58 AM PST

Twitter rips PETA for criticizing Steve Irwin's Google doodle on the late conservationist's birthdaySteve Irwin would have turned 57 on Friday, and to honor "The Crocodile Hunter" host, Google changed the logo its search page, which PETA criticized.

Photos of Bentley's New 2019 Continental GT

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 12:45 PM PST

Photos of Bentley's New 2019 Continental GT

R. Kelly Charged with 10 Counts of Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 01:01 PM PST

R. Kelly Charged with 10 Counts of Aggravated Criminal Sexual AbuseKelly was previously indicted in Illinois in 2002 after a similar tape emerged

Jussie Smollett crying wolf helps no one: Readers sound off

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 04:00 AM PST

Jussie Smollett crying wolf helps no one: Readers sound offFrom the Green New Deal to the opioid crisis to Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential run, our readers sound off on recent headlines.

Storm dumps record-breaking snow in Arizona on way to Texas

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 08:05 PM PST

Storm dumps record-breaking snow in Arizona on way to TexasFLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — A winter storm dumped record-breaking amounts of snow in Arizona and forced the closure Friday of roads, schools and government offices across the Southwest.

Warren Buffett's Message to Washington: Bipartisanship Works

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 06:39 AM PST

Warren Buffett's Message to Washington: Bipartisanship Works"Our country's almost unbelievable prosperity has been gained in a bipartisan manner," he wrote in his annual letter to shareholders as he traced the growth of U.S. economy over the last 230 years. The billionaire investor's annual letter, which ran 13 pages this year and quoted Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Wren, typically goes beyond Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s results to discuss investing principles and his and business partner Charlie Munger's thoughts on a wide range of topics. Buffett has taken a careful approach to the political conversation since the 2016 election.

'Too early' to tell if Ocasio-Cortez will help New York: Governor Cuomo

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 03:55 PM PST

'Too early' to tell if Ocasio-Cortez will help New York: Governor Cuomo"It's early yet to find out what she actually produces," Cuomo told reporters after a news conference in Washington in which he argued for Congress to reverse a provision in the new federal tax code that disproportionately hurts his constituents. "You know, New York is very basic in our approach, we're sort of, 'What have you brought home for us lately?' I think it's a little early in the session yet for the evaluation." Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated a long-time Democratic lawmaker to get elected to Congress in 2018, has pushed her party to embrace a more liberal platform and ruffled feathers with her quick rise. Cuomo and Ocasio-Cortez ended up on opposite sides of the debate about opening a new headquarters in New York.

Gaza protesters call on Palestinian leader to quit

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 07:21 AM PST

Gaza protesters call on Palestinian leader to quitThousands of protesters in the Gaza Strip Sunday called on Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to resign after attempts to pressure his rival Hamas with financial cuts in the impoverished enclave. "Leave!" yelled crowds made up mainly of supporters of Hamas and Mohammed Dahlan, an Abbas rival expelled from the president's Fatah party and who now lives in exile.

South Africa's Ramaphosa appoints graft tribunal

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 03:57 AM PST

South Africa's Ramaphosa appoints graft tribunalSouth African President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed a tribunal to fast-track legal proceedings from graft investigations by the country's Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the presidency said on Sunday. The tribunal will adjudicate over any civil proceedings brought before it by the SIU, which investigates malpractice in state institutions, state assets and public money, the presidency said in a statement.

Journalist, 12, faces off with police officer who threatened to arrest her

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 11:00 PM PST

Journalist, 12, faces off with police officer who threatened to arrest herHilde Lysiak films her interaction with Arizona law enforcement. Hilde's scoop became a bigger story than the murder. Now Hilde is making headlines of her own once again, after she filmed an Arizona town marshal, Joseph Patterson, threatening her.

Will Google, Amazon and Facebook fix the affordable housing crisis?

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 04:46 AM PST

Will Google, Amazon and Facebook fix the affordable housing crisis?The housing crisis must be addressed by a careful collaboration between politicians, advocacy groups and corporate entities, activists says.

Saudi crown prince defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration camps

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 12:32 PM PST

Saudi crown prince defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in concentration campsMohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia''s crown prince, on Friday defended China's use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing's "right". "China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremisation work for its national security," Prince Mohammed, who has been in China signing multi-million trade deals much to the annoyance of his Western allies, was quoted as saying on Chinese state television. Xi Jinping, China's leader, told the crown prince the two countries must strengthen international cooperation on de-radicalisation to "prevent the infiltration and spread of extremist thinking". China has detained an estimated one million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps, where they are undergoing re-education programmes allegedly intended to combat extremism. The Uighur are an ethnic Turkic group that practices Islam and lives in Western China and parts of Central Asia. Beijing has accused the minority in its Western Xinjiang region of supporting terrorism and implemented a surveillance regime. Uighur groups had appealed to Saudi's powerful young prince to take up their cause, as the ultraconservative kingdom has traditionally been a defender of the rights of Muslims worldwide. But Muslim leaders have so far not broached the issue with China, which has in recent years become an important trading partner with the Middle East. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's president, became the first to condemn Beijing, however, describing China's treatment of its Uighur population as "a great cause of shame for humanity" last month and asking it to close the "concentration camps". Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had once accused China of "genocide" but has since established closer diplomatic and economic relations with Beijing. Imran Khan, prime minister of Pakistan, where Prince Salman has just visited, said he "did not know" much about the conditions of the Uighurs.

Iran launches cruise missile from submarine during drill

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 08:01 AM PST

Iran launches cruise missile from submarine during drillTEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran launched a cruise missile from a submarine for the first time during an ongoing annual military drill in the Strait of Hormuz, local media reported Sunday.

An Organization-Obsessed Store Owner’s Top Storage Essentials

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 02:33 PM PST

An Organization-Obsessed Store Owner's Top Storage EssentialsYour clutter never looked so good

Fake news: Kim and Trump lookalikes draw crowds in Hanoi

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 02:38 PM PST

Fake news: Kim and Trump lookalikes draw crowds in HanoiDays before the second summit between Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump, to be held in Vietnam's capital, a Kim impersonator appeared at the Metropole Hotel, a back-up location for the meeting. Howard X, an Australian, has been cashing in on his resemblance to North Korea's leader, especially his haircut. It looks awful," Howard X said, adding it takes him three hours to prepare his outfit and get into character.

NASA greenlights SpaceX crew capsule test to ISS

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 10:56 PM PST

NASA greenlights SpaceX crew capsule test to ISSNASA on Friday gave SpaceX the green light to test a new crew capsule by first sending an unmanned craft with a life-sized mannequin to the International Space Station. "We're go for launch, we're go for docking," said William Gerstenmaier, the associate administrator with NASA Human Exploration and Operations. A Falcon 9 rocket from the private US-based SpaceX is scheduled to lift off, weather permitting, on March 2 to take the Crew Dragon test capsule to the ISS.

Japan's Okinawa votes against controversial US base move

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 08:46 AM PST

Japan's Okinawa votes against controversial US base moveVoters on the Japanese island of Okinawa have rejected the relocation of a controversial US military base, according to official results from a non-binding referendum Sunday. Some 72 percent voted against the move with 19 percent in favour from a 52 percent turnout, the local government said. Opponents of the relocation -- some 434,000 -- had turned out in sufficient numbers to meet the threshold required for Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki to "respect" the result of the symbolic referendum, it said.

Virginia GOP leader pushes for investigation into Lt. Gov. Fairfax

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 08:19 PM PST

Virginia GOP leader pushes for investigation into Lt. Gov. FairfaxRepublicans from the state's House of Delegates announce a hearing into sexual assault allegations against Virginia's Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax; Gillian Turner reports.

More than 100 separatists detained in Kashmir in pre-election crackdown

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 07:50 AM PST

More than 100 separatists detained in Kashmir in pre-election crackdownOn Saturday there were increasing signs that the military clampdown in Indian-controlled Kashmir and the government's threats against Pakistan were prompting panic buying of fuel, medicines and food. Mohammad Amin Rather, owner of A-Z grocery Store in the Rajagh area of Srinagar, said: "People are buying rice, edible oil, pulses, eggs and other essentials in bulk. "People in the valley, especially the cities and towns, are taking everything said or done as a sign that some big trouble is just around the corner," said Omar Abdullah, a former chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir.

Retirement: How do your financial habits compare with others?

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 04:02 AM PST

Retirement: How do your financial habits compare with others?Fact: Retirement saving is simple, like losing weight. Sadly, like with shedding pounds, most people just won't do it.

Fourth-grader dies same day she's diagnosed with flu, strep throat: 'Our hearts are completely broken'

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 01:28 PM PST

Fourth-grader dies same day she's diagnosed with flu, strep throat: 'Our hearts are completely broken'An elementary school girl in Ohio died the same day she was told she had the flu and strep throat, her school and family says.

Democrats launch resolution to stop Trump border emergency

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 01:31 PM PST

Democrats launch resolution to stop Trump border emergencyHouse Democrats introduced the resolution early on Friday, taking the first step to challenge Republican Trump's assertion that he could take money Congress had appropriated for other activities and use it to build the wall. Pelosi predicted the resolution would pass the Democratic-controlled House. In any case, Trump vowed on Friday to veto the measure if it passes both chambers and gets to his desk.

Facebook threatens the economy, health and democracy

Posted: 24 Feb 2019 03:00 AM PST

Facebook threatens the economy, health and democracyTransparency and technocratic reforms will not be a sufficient response to this challenge – at the end of the day, what's at stake is far more important than a few likes 'It has been a wild 15 years.' Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters

US actor's allegedly fake assault could cause 'real harm'

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 12:14 PM PST

US actor's allegedly fake assault could cause 'real harm'American advocacy groups and police have a shared concern over the fallout from allegations that an openly gay black TV actor faked a hate-motivated assault: that future victims will face more skepticism even as hate crimes are on the rise. Chicago police have accused Jussie Smollett of engineering an elaborate hoax to exploit Americans' anxieties over political and racial divisions in order to generate publicity and a bigger paycheck. The 36-year-old star of the Fox drama "Empire" allegedly sent himself a threatening letter and then hired two acquaintances to stage a street attack in downtown Chicago, complete with homophobic and racial slurs, while invoking Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan.

North Korea's Kim begins long train trip to Vietnam for summit with Trump: report

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 06:16 AM PST

North Korea's Kim begins long train trip to Vietnam for summit with Trump: reportThe reports of Kim's departure from North Korea came after Vietnam announced that Kim would make an official visit in "coming days", as the Southeast Asian country prepares to host the summit with Trump on Wednesday and Thursday. Trump and Kim will meet in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, eight months after their historic summit in Singapore in June - the first between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader - at which they pledged to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The Trump administration has pressed North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program, which threatens the United States, before it can expect any concessions.

Shoes and stripes: Brits present Ferragamo, Cavalli shows

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 08:23 AM PST

Shoes and stripes: Brits present Ferragamo, Cavalli showsBritish designers on Saturday presented fashion collections for two Italian houses at Milan fashion week, with one inspired by shoes as key items, and the other by tiger motifs. Paul Andrew presented Italian fashion label Salvatore Ferragamo's latest collection, just days after being announced as the group's creative director.

New Bottega Veneta designer Lee mixes modern and classic at Milan show

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 10:50 AM PST

New Bottega Veneta designer Lee mixes modern and classic at Milan showBottega Veneta's new creative director, Daniel Lee, premiered his first catwalk show for the Italian luxury label at Milan Fashion Week on Friday, in which he said he added a touch of modernity to the brand's classic looks. Lee, who was previously at French label Celine, kicked off the show in all leather looks - a décolleté dress, zipped biker jacket and trousers - and plenty of A-line quilted skirts that were held at the front with chunky golden chains. Coats and jackets had very large V-necklines, while tops and long shirt and other dresses were adorned in tiny mirror shapes that added a touch of sparkle.

U.S. judge will not block Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan health venture's new hire

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 10:12 AM PST

U.S. judge will not block Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan health venture's new hireA federal judge on Friday declined to block a UnitedHealth Group Inc unit's former executive from working at a new healthcare venture launched by Inc, Berkshire Hathaway Inc and JPMorgan Chase & Co. The decision by U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf in Boston came in a lawsuit closely watched in the industry for clues about the future plans of the venture, which was announced in January 2018 with a goal of lowering healthcare costs. UnitedHealth's Optum unit had sought a court order blocking David Smith from working at the venture, saying he could share trade secrets that would give it a competitive advantage.

Walt Disney World announces updates to Epcot, including new pavilion, 'experience center'

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 12:10 PM PST

Walt Disney World announces updates to Epcot, including new pavilion, 'experience center'Walt Disney World is making updates to Epcot theme park, announcing a new play pavilion, a reimagined main entrance and a new Experience Center.

Fallon reveals Nike's new slogan in Best of Late Night

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 11:07 AM PST

Fallon reveals Nike's new slogan in Best of Late NightThat and more on the latest in sports from the late-night comics.

S&P 500 posts highest close since November 8 on trade optimism

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 01:53 PM PST

S&P 500 posts highest close since November 8 on trade optimismInvestors assessed a slew of headlines on the talks, with top trade negotiators from the two countries meeting to wrap up a week of discussions on some of the thorniest issues in their trade war. If the two sides fail to reach a deal by midnight on March 1, then their seven-month trade war could escalate. "People are expecting some sort of positive news on trade and tariffs with China fairly soon," said Peter Tuz, president of Chase Investment Counsel in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Police say they have identified a potential suspect in the assault on a conservative activist on Berkeley campus

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 05:08 AM PST

Police say they have identified a potential suspect in the assault on a conservative activist on Berkeley campusReaction from founder and president of Turning Point USA Charlie Kirk.

2020 Vision: Bernie Sanders launches, like a rocket

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 11:23 AM PST

2020 Vision: Bernie Sanders launches, like a rocketVermont Sen. Bernie Sanders jumps into the race, raises $6 million and immediately mixes it up with the president.

Virgin Galactic takes crew of three to altitude of 55 miles

Posted: 23 Feb 2019 09:38 AM PST

Virgin Galactic takes crew of three to altitude of 55 milesVirgin Galactic's spacecraft reached an altitude of more than 55 miles (88.5 kilometers) on Friday, carrying for the first time a passenger in addition to its two pilots. SpaceShipTwo, built by British billionaire Richard Branson to carry tourists into space, launched from California's Mojave desert and flew to an altitude of 55.87 miles (89.9 kms), the company said. The US definition of space is anything over an altitude of 50 miles.

Duke and Duchess of Sussex to embark on walkabout-free royal visit, after violent protests in Morocco

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 04:01 PM PST

Duke and Duchess of Sussex to embark on walkabout-free royal visit, after violent protests in MoroccoThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex's royal visit to Morocco will go ahead despite violent demonstrations in the capital this week, with a walkabout-free programme keeping them safely out of harm's way.  The couple will spent two days in the country in what is expected to be their final tour before the arrival of the Sussex baby, travelling to the Atlas mountains and conducting engagements inside homes, hotels and walled gardens. The safety of the couple, including the seven months pregnant Duchess, has been made a priority, with plans assessed in the wake of protests in Rabat on Wednesday in which teachers' unions marched near to the royal palace. The Association Press reported that police officers had beaten several protesters to the ground, with multiple teachers injured and water cannons used. Coincidentally, the Duke and Duchess's first full day of engagements will focus particularly on education, taking them out of Rabat to the Atlas mountains to see the work of charity Education For All. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex during a walkabout in Birkenhead Credit: Reuters Unusually for a royal visit, no walkabouts are planned, with the couple only meeting members of the public invited to carefully-controlled engagements.   It is understood that the security services in each country have been in contact to ascertain the probability of further disruption, with the couple's protection officers supported on the ground by local police. Morocco sees an average of 48 protests daily according to the ministry for human rights, AP reported, while official Foreign Office travel advice states that "demonstrations and protests can occur at short notice across the country". Neither Kensington Palace or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office would comment on matters of security.   Prince Harry and Meghan in Australia Credit: Reuters   During the royal tour to Fiji last year, the Duchess was rushed from a public market in Suva ahead of time amid what the palace later described as "crowd management issues". Since then, the couple have undertaken numerous successful walkabouts in their away-days to British cities, often overrunning as they got carried away greeting the public and answering questions from admirers. In Morocco, no such event is planned although they may make an impromptu decision to greet people if the situation allows it. Their schedule will see them emphasise the Duchess' particular interests, shining a light on the importance of girls' education in rural Morocco and cooking with children from underprivileged backgrounds.   Security forces charge at protesting teachers during a demonstration in Rabat, Morocco Credit: AP   They will also visit a programme which helps children with special educational needs through riding, see a market with arts and crafts from young social entrepreneurs, and attend an evening reception with the British Ambassador in Rabat. When the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall made an official visit to the country in 2011, they were faced with similar conditions and a 4,000-person-strong anti Moroccan monarchy protest just a day before they arrived.   Protesting teachers run from security forces attempting to disperse a demonstration in Rabat, Morocco Credit: AP   Clarence House said security arrangements would be monitored "closely" and the trip went smoothly, with the Prince and Duchess only seeing protestors camped outside the education ministry to demand better pay and conditions as they drove past. The protest on Wednesday marked the eight year anniversary of the Moroccan Arab Spring protest movement.     The Sussex visit has been made at the request of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and is intended to help build the bilateral relationship between the UK and Morocco. And so here we are, buffeted and rocked by the winds of fate, yet still holding fast. Borne on a lucky tide towards the moment of arrival of the RoyalVisitMorocco now only 25 hours away. What a sense of anticipation and excitement. To coin a phrase: « It's gonna be Great »— Thomas Reilly (@TSAReilly) February 22, 2019   British Ambassador to Morocco, Thomas Reilly, shared his excitement about the visit on Twitter with a daily countdown, saying on Thursday: "Off to get my haircut. Then final preparations. Feels like the day before an exam. There is nothing more you can do to make it go right.    "A wonderful mix of excitement and anticipation."

CORRECTED: Microsoft workers demand it drop $480 million U.S. Army contract

Posted: 22 Feb 2019 03:30 PM PST

CORRECTED: Microsoft workers demand it drop $480 million U.S. Army contractThe organising effort, described to Reuters by three Microsoft workers, offers the latest example in the last year of tech employees protesting cooperation with governments on emerging technologies. Microsoft won a contract in November to supply the Army with at least 2,500 prototypes of augmented reality headsets, which digitally displays contextual information in front of a user's eyes. In a petition to Microsoft executives, posted on Twitter, workers said they "did not sign up to develop weapons, and we demand a say in how our work is used." They called on the company to develop "a public-facing acceptable use policy" for its technology and an external review board to publicly enforce it.

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