Thursday, February 28, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

5 North Koreans Weigh in on the Second Trump-Kim Summit

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 03:32 AM PST

5 North Koreans Weigh in on the Second Trump-Kim Summit"The more Kim develops his image as a normal leader, the quieter the voices calling for human rights for North Korean people will become."

Ivanka Trump occupies a different reality from most working women

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 03:00 AM PST

Ivanka Trump occupies a different reality from most working womenResponding to a question about Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposed Green New Deal and its call for a federal job guarantee, Ivanka Trump this week offered sage wisdom: "I've spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last four years," she said. In light of this recent controversy, it's worth revisiting Ivanka Trump's views on work through the lens of her now defunct, eponymous website dedicated to building her personal lifestyle brand – think Goop for the recently lobotomized, with fewer jade eggs and a hint of Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In. Judging by the kinds of women highlighted on her site, the working women she has in mind mostly are CEOs for jewelry and wellness companies, including her fellow bootstrapping go-getter Lauren Bush Lauren, niece of George W Bush.

Cohen, Jim Jordan Clash Repeatedly During Testimony: ‘Shame on You’

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 10:07 AM PST

Cohen, Jim Jordan Clash Repeatedly During Testimony: 'Shame on You'Michael Cohen's testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday saw several heated exchanges between Cohen and the Committee's ranking Republican, Jim Jordan, who called Cohen -- President Trump's former personal lawyer -- a "patsy" for Democrats."The Democrats don't care," Jordan told Cohen. "They just want to use you. You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president."Cohen, who worked for Trump as his personal lawyer for a decade, appeared before the Committee on Wednesday after months of criticizing his former boss and cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election.He pled guilty to federal prosecutors in New York in December and was sentenced to three years in prison for financial crimes, campaign-finance violations, and lying to Congress about how deep into the 2016 campaign negotiations over a proposed deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow continued."His remorse is nonexistent. You just debated a member of Congress saying, 'I really didn't do anything wrong with the false bank things that I'm guilty of and going to prison for,'" Jordan said during one of the most dramatic moments of the hearing."Shame on you, Mr. Jordan," Cohen shot back. "That's not what I said and you know that that's not what I said. I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions. Shame on you.""I am remorseful and I am going to prison," Cohen said. "I will be away from my wife and family for years, so before you turn around and cast more aspersion, please understand, there are people watching you today that know me a whole lot better. I made mistakes. I own them."A number of Republicans echoed Jordan's comments during the course of the hearing, including Georgia representative Jody Hice, who called the hearing a "shameful mockery," and Tennessee representative Mark Green, who called Cohen a "fake witness."

Woman Says She's Receiving Threats After Posting Photo of What Group Calls `Trophy Kill`

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:43 AM PST

Woman Says She's Receiving Threats After Posting Photo of What Group Calls `Trophy Kill`A Colorado hunter is being blasted on Facebook for hunting a mountain lion. The hunter says her kill was legal, but members of an environmental group are taking her to tasksaying she is nothing more than a gory-hungry trophy hunter.

Tesla's Musk must address SEC contempt bid as he calls agency 'broken'

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 02:18 PM PST

Tesla's Musk must address SEC contempt bid as he calls agency 'broken'A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Tesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk to explain by March 11 why he should not be held in contempt for violating his fraud settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The order by U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan came hours after the billionaire criticized SEC oversight as "broken," in the wake of the regulator's request on Monday night that he be held in contempt. Lawyers for Tesla and Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Parts of human body found at cargo plane crash site

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 02:52 PM PST

Parts of human body found at cargo plane crash siteDALLAS (AP) — Texas authorities have found part of a human body at the site where a Boeing 767 cargo plane crashed Saturday, although it's unclear whether it belongs to the missing crew member.

Many disabled Walmart greeters are being replaced by 'customer hosts,' causing backlash

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 05:05 AM PST

Many disabled Walmart greeters are being replaced by 'customer hosts,' causing backlashWalmart is replacing blue-vested people greeters with customer hosts, a move that is affecting many disabled employees.

Pakistan ready to free India pilot if leads to 'de-escalation'

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 02:00 AM PST

Pakistan ready to free India pilot if leads to 'de-escalation'Pakistan said Thursday it is prepared to release a captured Indian pilot if doing so will ease soaring tensions with India that have fuelled fears of conflict between the nuclear-armed rivals. "We are ready to hand over the Indian pilot if it leads to de-escalation," foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal told AFP, attributing the statement to Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi. The incident was the latest in a dangerous sequence of events between the two countries that have sent tensions rocketing, as major world powers including China, the US and the UN urged restraint.

Maduro and Trump should meet to 'find common ground': Venezuela minister

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 12:11 PM PST

Maduro and Trump should meet to 'find common ground': Venezuela ministerJorge Arreaza, addressing the U.N. Human Rights Council, suggested that Maduro and Trump meet to "try to find common ground and explain their differences." He also said his country had lost $30 billion in assets "confiscated" since November 2017 under sanctions. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence ruled out prospects of talks. "The only thing to discuss with Maduro at this point is the time and date for his departure," Pence said on Twitter.

Porsche to make electric SUV: the Porsche Macan gets an overhaul

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 10:52 AM PST

Porsche to make electric SUV: the Porsche Macan gets an overhaulThe Porsche Macan is getting an electric makeover. The Porsche SUV will be converted into a battery-powered model, the VW luxury brand announced.

Was the media biased against the Covington students?

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 05:12 AM PST

Was the media biased against the Covington students?Conservatives accuse media organizations of trafficking in stereotypes that Trump supporters are bigots. Two recent incidents have strengthened conservatives' belief that liberal journalists are implacably opposed to Donald Trump and his supporters: the 18 January encounter between a group of Kentucky students and a Native American activist on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and the claims by Jussie Smollett that he had been attacked by hoodlums shouting racist and anti-gay slurs.

Wells Fargo Sees ‘Possible’ Legal Losses Rising by $500 Million

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 02:35 PM PST

Wells Fargo Sees 'Possible' Legal Losses Rising by $500 MillionThe higher estimate for "reasonably possible" legal losses -- essentially a worst-case scenario -- shows risks grew as the bank and authorities examined abuses in recent months and discussed potential penalties. The change stems from "a variety of matters," including probes of its sales to retail customers, Wells Fargo wrote Wednesday in an annual regulatory report.

Nigeria's opposition to launch legal challenge after Buhari wins second term

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 10:03 AM PST

Nigeria's opposition to launch legal challenge after Buhari wins second termNigeria's opposition leader is to mount a legal challenge after President Muhammadu Buhari secured a second term in an election marked both by apathy and violence that claimed hundreds of lives. The electoral commission officially declared Mr Buhari the victor of Saturday's poll, saying he had won 56 percent of the vote, against 41 percent secured by his main challenger, Atiku Abubakar. But Mr Abubakar insisted he had been cheated of the chance to lead Africa's most populous state after a conspiracy between the commission and the president's ruling party. "It is clear that there were manifest and premeditated malpractices in many states which negate the results announced," Mr Abubakar, a former vice president, said as he announced that he would file a legal petition to overturn the vote. Mr Buhari, a former military dictator who returned to office as a civilian in 2015, insisted that the election was "free and fair", claiming the vote was "another milestone in Nigeria's democratic development." Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari walks to the lectern to address the crowd gathered at an electoral commission ceremony in Abuja Credit: AP Observers have so far raised no objection to the conduct of the vote, although analysts say there were troubling aspects to it.  Most controversially, the president suspended the country's chief justice last month after accusing him of improperly declaring his assets. In so doing, he removed an independently minded figure who would have presided over the hearing of Mr Abubakar's case. As a result, the petition is thought unlikely to succeed. The suspicion of some Nigerians was also raised after the electoral commission delayed the vote by a week just hours before polling was due to start.  Because many voters who had travelled to their rural homes to cast their ballots were forced to return to work, turnout was barely more than a third. Many Nigerians, particularly in the predominantly Christian south, were little enthused by either candidate, both of whom are Muslim northerners. Despite the apathy, at least 327 people have been killed since campaigning began in October, an independent group that monitors violence in Nigeria said. Most died in attacks by Islamist jihadists or in fighting between gangs and the security forces close to polling stations. More than 60 have died since Saturday. Illustrating the challenges facing the president in a country struggling to emerge from recession and plagued by violence, a non-Islamist insurgent group in an oil region in the south has said it would resume its rebellion after a two-year lull should Mr Buhari win. The president will face less opposition in parliament, however, after his most formidable opponent, Bukola Saraki, the head of the senate, lost his seat.

The Latest: More remains found at Texas plane crash site

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 01:58 PM PST

The Latest: More remains found at Texas plane crash siteANAHUAC, Texas (AP) — The Latest on the crash of a Boeing 767 jet freighter into Trinity Bay in Texas(all times local):

Forget about North Korea: Pakistan and India Are Near the Nuclear Abyss

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:43 PM PST

Forget about North Korea: Pakistan and India Are Near the Nuclear AbyssWhat happens now?

Steven Avery attorney: 'We won!'; court to hear new evidence in 'Making a Murderer' case

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:34 AM PST

Steven Avery attorney: 'We won!'; court to hear new evidence in 'Making a Murderer' caseKathleen Zellner, attorney for "Making A Murderer" subject Steven Avery, tweeted "We won!" after the Wisconsin Court of Appeals decision.

Photos of the 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLE53

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:10 AM PST

Photos of the 2021 Mercedes-AMG GLE53

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:30 AM PST

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?A moral catastrophe unfolded on the floor of the U.S. Senate on Monday. Forty-four Democratic senators voted against legislation that would have required doctors to give the same care to infants who survive abortion procedures that they would give to any other infant.One after another, Democratic senators took to the floor to smear the bill as an attack on women's health care, a baseless criticism that they failed to substantiate. In the process, they revealed their belief that allowing unwanted infants to perish after birth constitutes a form of women's health care.Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) reintroduced his Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in direct response to Virginia governor Ralph Northam's endorsement of permitting mothers and doctors to let infants die of neglect. "The infant would be delivered," Northam said, explaining a hypothetical case in which a woman in labor wanted an abortion. "The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."This "discussion" is what Democrats voted on Monday to preserve — a discussion not about health-care options for women but about whether or not to extend health care of any kind to newborn infants. With their votes and their speeches, 44 U.S. senators embraced Ralph Northam's position, which, despite attempting to clarify, he has never retracted."I want to ask each and every one of my colleagues whether or not we're okay with infanticide," Sasse said at the start of floor debate on Monday. "This language is blunt. I recognize that. It is too blunt for many people in this body. But frankly, that is what we're talking about here today. Infanticide is what [the bill] is actually about."Though Sasse's bill failed to pass, it succeeded in forcing Democrats to take a stance on infanticide, and though they refused to do so explicitly, the reality of their disgraceful position was abundantly clear.During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill "puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference."Democratic senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii said it represents the idea that "the moral judgment of right-wing politicians in Washington, D.C., should supersede a medical professional's judgment and a woman's decision.""It makes no sense for Washington politicians who know nothing about these individual circumstances to say they know better than the doctors, patients, the family," said Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.). "The bill is solely meant to intimidate doctors and restrict patients' access to care and has nothing, nothing, nothing to do with protecting children.""This is how our medical system is supposed to work," Smith added later in her remarks. "Physicians and patients making decisions together based on patients' individual needs."Democratic senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois labeled the bill an effort to "bully doctors out of giving reproductive care." And Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) said the legislation "would interfere with the doctor–patient relationship and impose new obstacles to a woman's constitutionally protected right to make her own decisions about her reproductive health.""Conservative politicians should not be telling doctors how they should care for their patients," Hirono said. "Instead, women, in consultation with their families and doctors, are in the best position to determine their best course of care."All of these statements take as their premise a fundamental lie about the legislation. No part of the born-alive bill limits abortion access or regulates abortion methods in any way. It involves abortions only to the extent that the infants in question survived them. Nor does the bill mandate any particular kind of care for these infants; it merely requires that these nearly aborted newborns be afforded "the same degree" of care that "any other child born alive at the same gestational age" would receive.But these statements from Democrats are more than mere falsehoods. They expose a sinister reality: There is no daylight between their argument and that of Ralph Northam. They have admitted that they believe that denying medical care to infants can constitute legitimate women's health care, classified under the untouchable umbrella of "reproductive rights."That was the ultimate triumph of the attempt to pass the born-alive bill. Though Democrats managed to block the legislation, it forced the moral equivocators of the Democratic party to step out from behind their smokescreens. It demanded that they put their name to a vote permitting doctors to turn a blind eye to dying babies. It compelled them to defend Ralph Northam's indefensible comments.This — and not because it would impede women's "reproductive rights" — is why Democrats were so afraid of Ben Sasse's bill. They knew that nothing in the text restricts access to abortion. But they knew, too, that it would expose them.To support the bill would betray a logical and philosophical inconsistency — Democrats would affirm the dignity and rights of a newborn infant, even as they dehumanize that same life, at the same stage of development, inside its mother's womb. To oppose the bill would reveal the ghastly, consistent principle of the abortion-rights movement — that a child's rights depend not on her size or location, but on whether she is wanted by her mother.The Democrats chose consistency, and consistency means infanticide.

Australian Cardinal Pell, top Vatican official, found guilty of sexual abuse

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 03:50 PM PST

Australian Cardinal Pell, top Vatican official, found guilty of sexual abuseThe verdict was made public on Tuesday following the lifting of a court suppression order on the trial, after a second abuse case against Pell -- the most senior Catholic clergyman worldwide to be convicted for child sex offences -- was dropped by the prosecution. Pell's lawyers have said they will appeal the verdict, which embarrassed the Vatican because it became public just two days after a major conference on preventing sex abuse. In the Vatican's first response, spokesman Alessandro Gisotti told reporters the conviction was "painful" for many but that the cardinal had proclaimed his innocence and had the right to "defend himself until last level" of judicial process.

N.J.'s Record High Property Tax Bills Show a Glint of Good News

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:42 AM PST

N.J.'s Record High Property Tax Bills Show a Glint of Good NewsFor the first time in at least a decade, one-year growth fell below 1 percent, according to a Bloomberg analysis of state Department of Community Affairs data. Trump's $10,000 limit on residents' deductions on their federal tax returns is being felt widely in the Garden State. It may also make it harder for New Jersey to balance its budget this year because income-tax revenue has fallen short of expectations after some people shifted income into 2017 before the tax overhaul took effect.

Miami-Dade cop caught on tape slapping suspect

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 07:11 AM PST

Miami-Dade cop caught on tape slapping suspectTwo Miami-Dade Police officers are facing charges after surveillance video appeared to show one sergeant slapping a teenager who was handcuffed and another trying to destroy evidence.

The Latest: Pompeo urges restraint in India, Pakistan

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 07:45 PM PST

The Latest: Pompeo urges restraint in India, PakistanISLAMABAD (AP) — The Latest on India-Pakistan tensions (all times local):

9 Awful Dividend Stocks to Sell Now

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:59 AM PST

9 Awful Dividend Stocks to Sell NowIn an unpredictable market, dividends can be one of the few reliable sources of investor returns. General Electric Co. (ticker: GE) investors know all-too-well how quickly a huge dividend yield can be cut to just 1 cent per quarter if a company is in dire financial straits. In addition, plenty of dividend stocks reached such high yields because the stock's share price has dropped so much.

Cohen unloads on Trump in explosive testimony

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:00 AM PST

Cohen unloads on Trump in explosive testimonyPresident Trump's longtime lawyer Michael Cohen blasted his former employer as a racist, conman and cheat in House testimony.

The 2020 Jaguar XE Ditches the V-6, Gains Sharper Styling and More Touchscreens

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 03:45 PM PST

The 2020 Jaguar XE Ditches the V-6, Gains Sharper Styling and More TouchscreensThe lineup has been simplified, but the XE receives a number of improvements for 2020.

Republican Harris will not run again after tainted U.S. House election

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 01:59 PM PST

Republican Harris will not run again after tainted U.S. House electionHarris attributed his decision to health concerns. The unanimous vote by North Carolina's bipartisan elections board followed four days of evidence showing an operative for Harris' campaign had orchestrated a ballot fraud scheme in the state's 9th Congressional District. Harris, a pastor who previously edged out then-incumbent Republican Congressman Robert Pittenger in a close primary, had sought for months to fend off a general election rerun.

Stick to Marx not 'ghosts and spirits', China warns party members

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:13 AM PST

Stick to Marx not 'ghosts and spirits', China warns party membersChina's ruling Communist Party warned party members on Wednesday to stick to Marx and Lenin and not believe in "ghosts and spirits", in the latest effort to root out superstitious practices. China officially guarantees freedom of religion for major belief systems like Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, but party members are meant to be atheists and are especially banned from participating in what China calls superstitious practices like visiting soothsayers. There have been numerous scandals in recent years where senior party members have been accused of involvement in superstition.

Nuclear Nightmare: India and Pakistan are on the Brink

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:46 AM PST

Nuclear Nightmare: India and Pakistan are on the BrinkWhatever happens next rests in the fates of political decisionmakers in India.

Pioneer Woman slow cookers on sale at Walmart — get two for less than $20

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:57 AM PST

Pioneer Woman slow cookers on sale at Walmart — get two for less than $20No potluck is complete without dips. Almost everyone can get behind a good buffalo chicken dip or queso, and small slow cookers are arguably the best vehicle for these types of side dishes.Transport your dips in style with a set of two Pioneer Woman 1.5-quart slow cookers by Hamilton Beach, on sale for $19.99 at Walmart. Image: the pioneer woman Image: the pioneer womanThese 1.5-quart cookers are ideal for dips, sides, desserts, appetizers, fondue, and small servings. No need to lug around a large slow cooker when a smaller one will do the trick. Plus, these Pioneer Woman models have super cute floral designs. Three different heat settings allow you to cook food and maintain temperature before serving. The removable stoneware crock and glass lid are both dishwasher safe, so cleanup is easy.Get this set of two 1.5-quart Pioneer Woman slow cookers from Hamilton Beach for $19.99 at Walmart -- quite the steal. Image: The pioneer woman The Pioneer Woman set of two 1.5-quart slow cookers -- $19.99 at Walmart See Details

At least 4,500 abuse complaints at migrant children shelters

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 06:45 PM PST

At least 4,500 abuse complaints at migrant children sheltersWASHINGTON (AP) — Thousands of accusations of sexual abuse and harassment of migrant children in government-funded shelters were made over the past four years, including scores directed against adult staff members, according to federal data released Tuesday.

Twitter bans Trump-supporting hoaxster after USA TODAY exposé

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 05:56 PM PST

Twitter bans Trump-supporting hoaxster after USA TODAY exposéJacob Wohl left a career in finance amid fraud allegations to create deceitful schemes and spread false claims in support of President Trump

Rolls-Royce pulls out of race to power future Boeing plane

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 02:35 AM PST

Rolls-Royce pulls out of race to power future Boeing planeRolls-Royce no longer wishes to be a candidate to make the engine for a new midsize passenger jet proposed by US planemaker Boeing, the troubled British group said Thursday. Rolls gave the update alongside news that it had dived into a net loss last year as its Trent engines were hit by costly repairs and a decision by Boeing's European rival Airbus to stop making the A380 jumbo. "Rolls-Royce has decided to withdraw from the current competition to power Boeing's proposed middle of the market -- or New Midsize Airplane (NMA) -- platform," the British group said in a statement.

Venezuela deports US-based anchor Jorge Ramos who showed Nicolas Maduro footage of food scavengers

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 03:39 PM PST

Venezuela deports US-based anchor Jorge Ramos who showed Nicolas Maduro footage of food scavengersVeneuzela on Tuesday deported a celebrated US television anchor from the country, after his interview with President Nicolas Maduro turned sour and he was briefly detained for asking unpalatable questions.   "We're leaving, expelled from Venezuela, for asking questions - simply for that," said Jorge Ramos, the high-profile anchor for Miami-based Latino network Univision. "Our cameras and video memory cards have been stolen by the government. But we're going to keep asking questions," he added, walking through Caracas airport. Ramos was detained beneath Miraflores presidential palace late on Monday night, after a televised interview with Mr Maduro took a turn for the worse. Ramos, a household name in Latin America, was 17 minutes into the interview when he showed Mr Maduro footage of young Venezuelan men in Caracas following a bin lorry, rifling through the rubbish as it was thrown into the back and eating the filthy scraps of food they found. "He didn't like the things we were asking him about the lack of democracy in Venezuela, the torture and the political prisoners," said Ramos. Soldiers unleash tear gas during trouble at Venezuela border, in pictures He said he and his team were held for more than two hours, and their equipment confiscated – including their phones and memory cards. "We don't have anything," he said. "They confiscated the interviews." Venezuela's communications minister did not deny that Ramos was held, but blamed the reporter for staging "a cheap show" which he said was directed by the US state department. He added: "Hundreds of journalists have come through, who have received the decent treatment that we always give to those who do journalistic work." Short detentions and deportations have become common, especially as reporters facing delays for official permissions seek shortcuts to report in Venezuela. This has come into the spotlight over the past month as Mr Maduro faces his biggest political challenge since he replaced Hugo Chavez six years ago, with dozens of countries recognising his rival Juan Guaido as the country's legitimate leader. Venezuelan children, who attend school on the Colombian side of the border, have been blocked from class after the border between both countries was closed  Credit: AP Photo/Fernando Llano At least seven foreign journalists who flew in to cover the turmoil were briefly detained in January. A group of MEPs were also turned back at the airport, with the Venezuelan government claiming they came to Venezuela with suspicious intent. Mr Guaido was on Tuesday still in Bogota, having left the country ahead of the planned delivery of humanitarian aid on Saturday. It was unclear when, or how, he would return, given that Mr Maduro banned him from entering the country. The aid delivery ended in fiasco as the convoys were blocked, a truck of supplies was burnt, four died and 300 were injured in violent skirmishes between Venezuelan troops and Mr Guaido's supporters. A Colombian police officer in Cucuta, Colombia, looks across the border at Venezuelan security forces  Credit: RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFP/Getty Images Mr Maduro says that the aid convoy was an excuse for US military intervention. "They are trying to fabricate a crisis to justify political escalation and a military intervention in Venezuela to bring a war to South America," he said, speaking to ABC news in his first interview with a US network in many years. "The extremist Ku Klux Klan government that Donald Trump directs wants a war over oil, and more than just oil." Jorge Arreaza, Venezuela's foreign minister, was in New York on Tuesday night for a meeting of the UN Security Council on Venezuela. The US wants the Council to vote this week on a draft resolution calling for elections and the delivery of aid, but Russia and China would block such a resolution. Mr Arreaza told the Security Council that the US-led campaign to oust Mr Maduro had failed. "That was the last chapter in the coup on Saturday," he said. "Read my lips - it failed. Now is the time for us to return to sanity." Vassily Nebenzia, Russia's ambassador to the UN, supported Mr Arreaza and questioned what other countries would have done if confronted with "an attempted illegal state border crossing for the delivery of unknown cargo." Turning to the US, he pointedly noted: "One country even wants to build a huge wall on the border of another country to prevent an illegal border crossing."

View Photos of the 2019 Ram 2500 and 3500

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:01 PM PST

View Photos of the 2019 Ram 2500 and 3500

J&J resumes production of baby talc in India after tests find no asbestos

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 06:08 AM PST

J&J resumes production of baby talc in India after tests find no asbestos"Johnson & Johnson has resumed production of its Johnson's Baby Powder at plants in Baddi and Mulund, India, after government sanctioned testing reaffirmed that the product does not contain asbestos," J&J said in a statement to Reuters. Reuters reported earlier on Thursday that the federal regulator had not found any asbestos in the company's talc, citing sources familiar with the matter. The federal regulator and its counterparts in Indian states launched an investigation into J&J's Baby Powder following a Reuters report in December that the firm knew for decades that cancer-causing asbestos could be found in the product.

North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 02:21 PM PST

North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud schemeThe operative, Leslie McCrae Dowless, was charged with three felony counts of obstruction of justice, two counts of conspiring to commit obstruction of justice and two counts of possession of absentee ballots, according to court documents. Allegations that operatives working for Dowless illegally collected, and sometimes filled in, absentee ballots on behalf of Republican Mark Harris' campaign emerged shortly after the Nov. 6 election. The state Board of Elections, during four days of hearings last week, heard evidence of what election officials called a well-funded and well-organized campaign to tip the election for the state's 9th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, which stretches southeast from Charlotte.

India-Pakistan tensions ground thousands of air travellers

Posted: 28 Feb 2019 07:26 AM PST

India-Pakistan tensions ground thousands of air travellersThousands of air travellers worldwide were left stranded on Thursday after Pakistan closed its airspace in response to escalating tensions with India. Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said it would keep airspace shut until at least 1.00pm on Friday local time (0800 GMT), disrupting major routes between Europe and South East Asia. Thai Airways has cancelled nearly 30 flights, affecting 5,000 passengers.

Can CBD Help Your Child?

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 10:33 AM PST

Can CBD Help Your Child?When a child is sick and conventional medicine isn't helping, parents understandably often turn to alternative treatments. Recently, that includes cannabidiol, aka CBD, which is a cannabis compou...

India launches air strike in Pakistan; Islamabad denies militant camp hit

Posted: 26 Feb 2019 07:06 PM PST

India launches air strike in Pakistan; Islamabad denies militant camp hitPakistan said it would respond at a time and place of its choice, with a military spokesman even alluding to its nuclear arsenal, highlighting the escalation in hostile rhetoric from both two sides since a suicide bombing in Kashmir this month. The spokesman said a command and control authority meeting, which decides over the use of nuclear weapons, had been convened for Wednesday, adding: "You all know what that means." The air strike near Balakot, a town 50 km (30 miles) from the frontier, was the deepest cross-border raid launched by India since the last of its three wars with Pakistan in 1971 but there were competing claims about any damage caused. The Indian government, facing an election in the coming months, said the air strikes hit a training camp belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), the group that claimed a suicide car bomb attack that killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir on Feb. 14.

Upland PD: Mother to face charges after daughter dies, son thrown off balcony

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:45 AM PST

Upland PD: Mother to face charges after daughter dies, son thrown off balconyAn Upland mother is expected to face charges for killing her infant girl and throwing her son off a balcony, police say.

Southwest Airlines wing scrapes runway during aborted landing in Hartford

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 05:56 PM PST

Southwest Airlines wing scrapes runway during aborted landing in HartfordA Southwest flight from Orlando to Hartford, Connecticut, ended up diverting to Rhode Island after trying to land three times in high winds.

Michael Cohen: ‘Lying for Mr. Trump was normalized’

Posted: 27 Feb 2019 08:56 AM PST

Michael Cohen: 'Lying for Mr. Trump was normalized'"I have lied, but I am not a liar," said Cohen. "I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your 'fixer,' Mr. Trump."

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