Wednesday, February 19, 2020

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There are only three viable presidential candidates, according to Mike Bloomberg's campaign

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

There are only three viable presidential candidates, according to Mike Bloomberg's campaignOnly three candidates out of the more than half dozen vying for the White House have a viable path to the nomination, a senior official for the Mike Bloomberg campaign told reporters Tuesday.

Abbott says top Malaysian leaders suspected pilot of MH370

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:02 AM PST

Abbott says top Malaysian leaders suspected pilot of MH370Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said the "top levels" of the Malaysian government long suspected that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 almost six years ago was a mass murder-suicide by the pilot. Australia, working on Malaysia's behalf, coordinated what became the largest search in aviation history, but it failed to find the plane before being ended in 2017. Speaking in a Sky News documentary to air on Wednesday and Thursday, Abbott said high-ranking Malaysian officials believed veteran pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah deliberately downed the jet.

Man arrested after allegedly tracking U.S. source for Russia

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

Man arrested after allegedly tracking U.S. source for RussiaA U.S. official told CBS News that the government source is someone who has provided information on Russian intelligence services.

Tennessee flooding: 'Unprecedented' floods make homes slide into river

Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

Tennessee flooding: 'Unprecedented' floods make homes slide into riverAuthorities managing dams in Tennessee and Mississippi must make difficult decisions as floodwaters swell along the states' rivers; the surging water pressing against the dams has to be released at some point, and when it does, it often spells disaster for individuals living downstream from the dams.Case in point: two large homes slid into the flood-swelled waters of the Tennessee River over the weekend.

The cruise industry has been rocked by the coronavirus. Here's you how can find out if your ship has been impacted.

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

The cruise industry has been rocked by the coronavirus. Here's you how can find out if your ship has been impacted.Cruise companies like Carnival Corp. and Royal Caribbean Cruises have been affected by the Wuhan coronavirus.

The Syria Trap: How Erdogan Made New Enemies and Enraged the Arab Community

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

The Syria Trap: How Erdogan Made New Enemies and Enraged the Arab CommunityAs Recep Erdogan sends Turkish troops and Syrian rebel fighters into Libya, it has become clear that the Syrian forces Turkey-backed were never meant to fight against Assad but instead do Turkey's bidding.

China expels Wall Street Journal reporters over 'racist' headline on coronavirus op-ed

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

China expels Wall Street Journal reporters over 'racist' headline on coronavirus op-edChina expelled three Wall Street Journal reporters in retaliation for a headline on a column about coronavirus that Beijing said was "racist."

Democrats Still Haven’t Come to Terms with 2016

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:50 AM PST

Democrats Still Haven't Come to Terms with 2016In an otherwise excellent Politico article advising Democrats how to avoid the fate of 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney, former Obama staffer Dan Pfeiffer offers his team some self-soothing revisionism regarding the 2016 election:> When all is said and done, the 2016 election might end up being a black-swan event. The combination of Russian interference, Comey intervention and multiple third-party candidates make that election a hard one to extract guidance from.Guess what? Every election is conducted under a unique set of circumstances. Every election is a black-swan event. But that doesn't mean you should rewrite history to excuse your side's performance.The so-called "Comey intervention" has become a security blanket for Democrats unable to acknowledge that Hillary Clinton was merely acting in the same reckless and corrupt manner she always had. In reality, Democrats were incensed that the FBI director didn't bury evidence pertaining to an ongoing congressional investigation of their preferred candidate. They had demanded Comey operate as a political actor even before Trump won.Comey, a bureaucrat who likely had zero interest in angering the consensus front-runner for the presidency, had no choice but to inform Congress of this evidence. Not only because Department of Justice rules stipulate that relevant congressional committees should be apprised of new evidence when it appears, but because Comey had promised Congress after letting Clinton off the hook in July 2016 that he would notify it if new evidence emerged.New evidence did emerge, and there was nothing Comey could do about it. A high-level Hillary staffer, Huma Abedin, was in possession of classified emails that should have been handed over to the FBI. Moreover, her high-profile husband, Anthony Weiner, then under investigation for carrying on with an underaged girl, had access to those emails. If Comey had kept silent and that story had leaked out in bits and pieces later, it surely would have destroyed his career (and badly damaged Clinton).What's more, it takes some chutzpah to claim Comey doomed Clinton by revealing that story when he had previously intervened in the campaign to save her from becoming the first major-party presidential candidate to have to run under an indictment. The mass of evidence in the broader Clinton email scandal showed, at the very least, that her staff had engaged in lawlessness and obstructed justice in ways that make the actions of George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn look piddling in contrast.What about the Russians? Well, they did not "meddle" or "interfere" in the presidential election as Pfeiffer claims. They tried but failed to interfere in the election, and probably could have changed votes, but didn't. Such an attack by a foreign power is a serious issue, but there is absolutely no evidence that a few Facebook ads or John Podesta's hacked emails changed voters' minds about the election.Nor is there any evidence that Clinton was uniquely hurt by third parties. Democrats might hate Jill Stein, but she won 1,457,218 votes, or around 1 percent of the vote. The Libertarian Party ticket of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld pulled in 4,489,341 votes, a better-than-usual performance for the party driven by antagonism toward the decidedly non-libertarian Trump. The Never Trump McMullin/Finn ticket won 731,991 votes from, one assumes, mostly disgruntled Republicans. Another 203,090 votes went to the Constitution Party, which definitely doesn't sound like a group that would appeal to most Democrats. In short, if anyone was hurt by third-party candidacies, it was probably Trump.In reality, there is plenty of guidance we can extract from 2016. "How did the party lose one of the most winnable elections in recent history?" Pfeiffer asks. Well, Trump's populism connected with voters in places such as Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, voters who had been throwing Democrats out of office for almost the entirety of Obama's two terms. Clinton was a uniquely terrible candidate undone by her own grating personality, her insincerity, and her policy positions, all of which the party was aware of when it nominated her.Pfeiffer offers three really good pieces of advice to Democrats for winning in 2020: "do not make this election solely about Donald Trump," "find ways to frame this economy on your own terms," and "get out of the liberal Twitter bubble." But like most members of his tribe, he still hasn't come to terms with the reality of 2016.

Michael Bloomberg is not the candidate who can beat Donald Trump

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:21 AM PST

Michael Bloomberg is not the candidate who can beat Donald TrumpMichael Bloomberg is trying to hide his Republican New York City mayoral record.

Neighbor Found Dead in Home Abducted, ‘Asphyxiated’ 6-Year-Old Faye Swetlik: Police

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

Neighbor Found Dead in Home Abducted, 'Asphyxiated' 6-Year-Old Faye Swetlik: PoliceEvidence shows that 6-year-old Faye Swetlik was strangled to death by her neighbor within hours of being abducted from her front yard in South Carolina last week, authorities revealed Tuesday.Police said Coty Scott Taylor, a 30-year-old neighbor who killed himself inside his home last week, was the "sole perpetrator" behind Swetlik's tragic slaying on Feb. 10. Taylor was found dead in his South Carolina home on Feb. 13, which is about 100 to 150 feet away from the Swetlik residence, just minutes after the first-grader's body was discovered in a nearby wooded area after an exhaustive three-day search around their Churchill Heights neighborhood. Police said Tuesday her body had been moved to the wooded area between her home and a nearby auto-body shop shortly before she was discovered. Body of Missing 6-Year-Old Faye Swetlik Found in Her South Carolina NeighborhoodThe Lexington County Coroner's Office confirmed the 6-year-old, who was last seen by her family playing in her front yard around 3:45 p.m., died from asphyxiation a few hours after she was abducted. An autopsy showed that Taylor died by suicide."This was not just an investigation or case for us. Faye Swetlik quickly grabbed all of our hearts. This case will remain very personal for each of us. Faye will never be forgotten. There are no words that can adequately convey sorrow to her family," Cayce Public Safety Sgt. Evan Antley said during a press conference. Cayce Department of Public Safety Director Byron Snellgrove said investigators interviewed Taylor last Wednesday, and he gave authorities consent to look through his home, but they didn't find anything linking him to the case at the time. Authorities previously said Taylor, who had no criminal history and was not known to law enforcement, was not considered a friend of Swetlik's family.Case of 6-Year-Old Faye Swetlik 'Linked' to Neighbor Found Dead in Home: AuthoritiesThe next day, however, police found a polka-dot boot the 6-year-old was wearing at the time of her disappearance and a soup ladle with fresh dirt on it in Taylor's trash can. Around the same time officers found Swetlik's body on Thursday morning behind the neighborhood's townhomes, other deputies were responding to reports of a "man bleeding on the back patio" of a nearby house, Snellgrove said. When officers arrived, Taylor was found dead. Snellgrove added that DNA collected from both crime scenes "connected the unknown pieces of this horrific crime" and said video surveillance footage showed Taylor "doing some suspicious things." Authorities declined on Tuesday to provide details on the video. "The loss of Faye Marie Swetlik will never leave our thoughts or minds. I hope today, we can start to process this horrific crime and grieve the loss of this precious life," Antley said.The city of Cayce is holding a vigil for the first-grader on Tuesday at city hall, and a funeral will be held Friday at 7 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church in Cayce, according to an online obituary.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Russia raises eyebrows with blanket ban on Chinese visitors

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:14 AM PST

Russia raises eyebrows with blanket ban on Chinese visitorsMoscow is to impose a blanket ban on Chinese visitors over coronavirus fears in a move that will hit its tourism industry as experts question the need for such "draconian" measures. Moscow will ban all Chinese citizens from entering its territory from Thursday. It has already halted visa-free tourism for Chinese nationals and stopped issuing them with work visas and suspended rail links and restricted air travel.

Bernie Sanders splits from AOC and says Medicare for All is 'already a compromise'

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

Bernie Sanders splits from AOC and says Medicare for All is 'already a compromise'"My view is that Medicare for All, the bill that we wrote, is in a sense already a compromise. It is a four-year transition period," Sanders said.

Virginia lawmakers reject assault weapons ban over fears of potential civil war

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:11 AM PST

Virginia lawmakers reject assault weapons ban over fears of potential civil warVirginia Gov. Ralph Northam's push to ban the sale of assault weapons has failed after members of his own party balked at the proposal. Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to study the issue, an outcome that drew cheers from a committee room packed with gun advocates.

Two women dead after car plunges off ferry into waters off exclusive Miami island

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

Two women dead after car plunges off ferry into waters off exclusive Miami islandThe ferry shuttles people and their vehicles between Miami Beach and Fisher Island, a "private luxury community ... consistently ranked as one of the wealthiest zip codes in the U.S."

China threatened to harm Czech companies over Taiwan visit - letter

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

Klobuchar campaign reportedly isn't sure it's feasible to compete in high-delegate states like Texas and California

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:53 AM PST

Klobuchar campaign reportedly isn't sure it's feasible to compete in high-delegate states like Texas and CaliforniaThe campaign team for Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) believes the Democratic presidential candidate is surging after a strong showing in the New Hampshire primary last week, but they're also acknowledging they face an uphill battle because of a lack of resources.For example, per The Washington Post, the campaign had to drive the New Hampshire bus to Nevada because they didn't have one there, and Klobuchar's Iowa caucus specialist is handling the same task in the Silver State. "We're putting the airplane together as we're flying," an anonymous Klobuchar campaign adviser told the Post.One of the key issues outside of Nevada the Klobuchar campaign faces is what to do about Super Tuesday in March, when 14 states will vote for the Democratic nominee, providing one-third of all delegates selected. The Klobuchar team reportedly spent hours this past weekend debating whether it's worth it to even really compete in some of the more delegate-rich Super Tuesday states like Texas and California given the amount of cash it could require to make a dent. As one Klobuchar adviser said, "it's a little bit more difficult" in those situations given "the sheer dollars" necessary. Read more at The Washington Post.More stories from Mike Bloomberg is not the lesser of two evils Andrew Yang is headed to CNN Trump's pardon of Bernie Kerik also apparently wiped out Kerik's $103,300 debt to taxpayers

DOJ: Two federal prosecutors are coordinating Ukraine-related matters, including information supplied by Rudy Giuliani

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:13 PM PST

DOJ: Two federal prosecutors are coordinating Ukraine-related matters, including information supplied by Rudy GiulianiThe Justice Department says anyone, not just Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, can pass on allegations and information related to Ukraine.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:13 PM PST

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in IsraelOne woman who helps track suspects down says the little-discussed problem is widespread; "the exact same thing" as the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

Russia Hates This: Why the Astute-Class Submarine Is the Pride of the Royal Navy

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:45 PM PST

Russia Hates This: Why the Astute-Class Submarine Is the Pride of the Royal NavyAn excellent submarine.

Meghan McCain Confronts AOC: How Do You Defend ‘Bernie Bros’?

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:38 AM PST

Meghan McCain Confronts AOC: How Do You Defend 'Bernie Bros'?"I'm really glad that you decided to come and talk to us," Meghan McCain said when it was her turn to question Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on The View Wednesday morning. "I feel like you're the boogie woman of the right and I'm the bogey-woman of the left so it's interesting to be talking to you." After explaining that as a conservative she believes "big government is very, very dangerous," McCain admitted that similar to how Fox News views the senator, she does believe Bernie Sanders' "complete paradigm shift of the American system" is "like the apocalypse." Ocasio-Cortez has her own primary and re-election campaign to run this fall, but she was primarily there on The View representing Sanders, who she endorsed last fall to great fanfare, possibly helping push him into the frontrunner status he now enjoys.'Fox & Friends' Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez 'Trap'With that in mind, McCain and the rest of her co-hosts pressed Ocasio-Cortez to answer for all aspects of his campaign, from how he will pay for his big proposals to what should be done about the "Bernie bros" on Twitter.On the former issue, Ocasio-Cortez was eager to defend Sanders' plan to spend $2.2 trillion over 10 years to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. "It's funny because progressive policies are always talked about in 10-year price tags, conservative policies are always talked about in one-year price tags," she said, noting that the military budget has increased about $100 billion since President Trump took office. "We don't ask how he pays for that," she added. "When we talk about big government, we don't talk about big government interjecting themselves into the bodies of women and gender-nonconforming people for anti-choice policies. So I'm happy to talk about the reduction of government's role in places that I think are harmful."After Ocasio-Cortez explained the various corporate and Wall Street tax increases that will pay for Sanders' ambitious plans, McCain moved on to a topic on which she hoped they could find more "middle ground." Bernie Bros Are Loud, Proud, and Toxic to Sanders' Campaign"I want to talk about the Bernie bros," McCain said. "The one thing that connects women on the left and women on the right, I have found at least a lot of guest co-hosts, a lot of guests that have come on over the three years I've been here, is the abuse that we have all been subjected to by the Bernie bros.""It is by far, of anything I've ever seen in my life, the most violent, most misogynistic, the most sexist, the most harmful, my mother has cried over doctored photos that Bernie brothers have sent me," she continued. "He has a real problem and I don't think he's doing enough to tamper it down." As an "extremely powerful woman," McCain asked Ocasio-Cortez, "How do you feel that he's attached to this deeply misogynistic—and I would go so far as to say violent—sector of people?" This question seemed to make Ocasio-Cortez more visibly uncomfortable than the ones about Sanders' policies. She responded that, as a whole, "internet culture can often be very toxic" and noted that women of color are often the biggest targets. "I think that to a certain extent we have to always reject hate, reject vitriol, and denounce that kind of behavior," she said, before adding that "anonymous" actors online are "difficult to control." "Do you think he's done enough to try and stop it?" McCain asked."I think he works very hard," Ocasio-Cortez answered, pointing to "messaging emails" from the campaign as evidence and turning the issue around on ICE and CBP officers who targeted her in a private Facebook group. But at least one other host of The View was unconvinced. "He's got to do more," Whoopi Goldberg said. "He's got to stand up and say it every day if he needs to, stop this, we're not accepting it." Alec Baldwin and 'The View' Clash With Meghan McCain Over Rush Limbaugh HonorRead more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

A Japanese disease expert who inspected the Diamond Princess said he was 'so scared' of catching the coronavirus because hygiene on the cruise ship was so bad

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:07 AM PST

A Japanese disease expert who inspected the Diamond Princess said he was 'so scared' of catching the coronavirus because hygiene on the cruise ship was so badKentaro Iwata said that while he had weathered the Ebola, SARS, and cholera crises, he was scared of catching COVID-19 on the quarantined cruise ship.

Bloomberg pledges to reduce deadly force by police

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:39 AM PST

Bloomberg pledges to reduce deadly force by policeDemocratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is pledging to reduce police use of deadly force and lower recidivism rates as part of his criminal justice plan.

'Gun Girl' Kaitlin Bennett's appearance on Ohio University campus sparks protests

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

'Gun Girl' Kaitlin Bennett's appearance on Ohio University campus sparks protestsThe provocateur posted video of herself in a truck as students threw drinks and shouted expletives at her as the vehicle attempted to leave.

China expels Wall Street Journal reporters over 'racist' headline

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:57 AM PST

China expels Wall Street Journal reporters over 'racist' headlineChina on Wednesday ordered three reporters from The Wall Street Journal to leave the country over what Beijing deemed a racist headline, in one of the harshest moves against foreign media in years. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said a Journal opinion piece -- titled "China is the Real Sick Man of Asia" -- had a "racially discriminatory" and "sensational" headline, and slammed the newspaper for not issuing an official apology. "As such, China has decided that from today, the press cards of three Wall Street Journal reporters in Beijing will be revoked," Geng told a press briefing.

University of Michigan investigates doctor sex abuse claims

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:05 AM PST

University of Michigan investigates doctor sex abuse claimsSeveral former patients have alleged that a late University of Michigan physician sexually abused them during exams going back decades, prompting the Ann Arbor school to ask others with information to come forward, officials said Wednesday. The university said in a statement that an outside, independent investigation has been launched into the allegations against Robert E. Anderson, the former director of University Health Service and an athletic team physician. Hundreds of young women and girls said they were molested by former Michigan State University sports physician Larry Nassar, who was sentenced in January 2018 to up to 175 years in prison in the abuse.

Federal judges association holding emergency meeting over DOJ interference in Stone case

Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:47 PM PST

Federal judges association holding emergency meeting over DOJ interference in Stone caseThe Federal Judges Association will hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss concerns members have over President Trump and top Justice Department officials intervening in the case of longtime Trump friend and adviser Roger Stone.The association has more than 1,000 members, and says it supports a "fair, impartial, and independent judiciary." The group's president, U.S. District Judge Cynthia Rufe, told USA Today that members decided they "could not wait" until the organization's spring conference to address the matter. "There are plenty of issues that we are concerned about," added Rufe, a George W. Bush appointee. "We'll talk all of this through."Stone was found guilty of lying to Congress and witness tampering, and last week, Trump complained about federal prosecutors recommending Stone receive a sentence of seven to nine years. Attorney General William Barr and other DOJ leaders quickly reversed course on the recommendation, which resulted in the four Stone prosecutors quitting the case. On Friday, it was reported that Barr has also appointed an outside prosecutor to review the criminal case of Michael Flynn, Trump's first national security adviser. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, but has since backtracked, claiming he was coerced.Since an open letter was released on Sunday night, more than 2,000 former Justice Department officials have signed on, calling on Barr to resign. The letter says it is "unheard of for the department's top leaders to overrule line prosecutors, who are following established policies, in order to give preferential treatment to a close associate of the president, as Attorney General Barr did in the Stone case."More stories from Mike Bloomberg is not the lesser of two evils The family of 1 new Trump pardon recipient donated $200,000 to Trump's re-election effort last fall Trump's pardon of Bernie Kerik also apparently wiped out Kerik's $103,300 debt to taxpayers

A cab driver saved a 92-year-old woman from a $25,000 scam

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

A cab driver saved a 92-year-old woman from a $25,000 scamRajbir Singh, the owner Roseville Cab in Roseville, California, had been called to pick a woman up from her home and take her to a nearby bank.

Hunter Biden Served on Board of Trade Group That Lobbied Obama Admin for Increased Ukraine Aid: Report

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

Hunter Biden Served on Board of Trade Group That Lobbied Obama Admin for Increased Ukraine Aid: ReportHunter Biden, son of former vice president Joe Biden, was on the board of a trade group that lobbied the Obama administration for increased U.S. aid to Ukraine, according to a report Tuesday.From 2012 through 2018, the younger Biden served as a director for the Center for U.S. Global Leadership and was connected as well with its affiliate, the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, The Daily Caller reported. The two groups, which include about 400 larger corporations and non-government organizations, lobbied for increased spending abroad by the State Department's International Affairs Budget, including a special focus on Ukraine.At the time, Joe Biden was also advocating for increased U.S. spending in Ukraine.Hunter Biden's small private equity firm, Rosemont Seneca, featured other well-connected politicos as well, including his partner Devon Archer, who was a former adviser on Obama Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, and another partner, Kerry's son-in-law Christopher Heinz."Hunter Biden works for [Archer]. So we've got the top level politicos with us. All of my guys, is as top tier as it gets," a businessman named Bevan Cooney wrote in text messages released in connection with an unrelated criminal case against Archer. "You don't get more politically connected and make people more comfortable than that."In 2013, the groups held an event honoring Joe Biden for his work supporting increased spending abroad, an event Hunter Biden was also introduced as having a "very special relationship with our honoree."Biden's separate lucrative position on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while his father was vice president and in charge of addressing corruption in Ukraine has also drawn scrutiny and featured prominently in the impeachment proceedings against President Trump. That position earned Biden at least $50,000 a month for his advice on "transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities."During a July 25 phone call with Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump asked Zelensky to help his administration investigate allegations that Joe Biden used his position as vice president to help the Ukrainian gas company avoid a corruption probe soon after Hunter Biden was appointed to its board of directors. That phone call led to an Intelligence Community whistleblower complaint that ultimately sparked a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump's actions.Biden has said that in the spring of 2016, during his tenure as vice president, he called on Ukraine to fire the top prosecutor investigating the energy company paying his son. Biden suggested he would withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if the country did not fire the prosecutor, who was accused by the State Department and U.S. allies in Europe of being soft on corruption.

Bernie Sanders Campaign Says Asking for His Health Records Is a ‘Smear’ Like Birtherism

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:08 AM PST

Bernie Sanders Campaign Says Asking for His Health Records Is a 'Smear' Like BirtherismYou might think it's not too big of an ask to see comprehensive medical records from Sen. Bernie Sanders, the 78-year-old potential president who suffered from a heart attack just months ago, especially as he promised "full disclosure" of his medical history in an interview last year.But, not only has he failed to fulfill that promise so far, his campaign team is now condemning people for requesting that information—and appearing to invent medical problems for rival Democratic candidates.In an interview with CNN's New Day on Wednesday morning, the campaign's national press secretary, Briahna Joy Gray, compared requests for Sanders' full medical records to the birtherism attacks volleyed at former President Barack Obama. She also claimed that fellow candidate Mike Bloomberg has suffered from "heart attacks" in the past—although she later said in a tweet that she "misspoke" after it was pointed out that there was no evidence for that.While Bloomberg has released medical information confirming he underwent coronary-stents placement back in 2000 for a blocked artery, and that he has an irregular heartbeat, that is not the same as a heart attack. Bloomberg's adviser Tim O'Brien called Gray's claim a "Trumpy lie," and confirmed that his boss has never experienced a heart attack.Asked by CNN if people deserve to know more about Sanders' health, Gray said: "I think the American people deserve to know exactly as much as every other candidate has released in this race currently and historically. What you're seeing right now is really reminiscent of some of the smear and skepticism campaigns that have been run against a lot of different candidates in the past, questioning where they're from and aspects of their lineage."The press secretary went on: "It's really telling, given that none of the same concern is being demonstrated for Michael Bloomberg, who's the same age as Bernie Sanders and has suffered heart attacks in the past." O'Brien from the Bloomberg campaign responded angrily to the heart attack claim on Twitter: "Mike Bloomberg has *never* had a heart attack. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, has had a heart attack. Those are the facts. It's a dangerous time when Sanders goes all in with Trumpism."Gray later clarified: "I mispoke when I said Bloomberg had a heart attack. Rather, he underwent the same stent procedure as Bernie. Bernie released 3 detailed medical reports in December—just like the other candidates."Gray's rejection of the idea of releasing full medical records comes the day after Sanders was asked about it. He told CNN that his campaign had already released three letters about his health, and said he's "comfortable" with the level of information released. He also said, if anyone has concerns about his health, they should join him on the campaign and "I'll let you introduce me to the three or four rallies a day that we do."Sanders was rushed to a hospital after suffering a heart attack in October 2019 following a Las Vegas fundraiser. He remained hospitalized for two days and then returned home to recover, before he went back to the campaign trail about two weeks after the incident.In an interview with CNN last October, he said: "The people do have a right to know about the health of a senator, somebody who's running for president of the United States—full disclosure."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Police filmed a woman trying to sneak into Shanghai in the trunk of a car to avoid being quarantined for coronavirus

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:43 AM PST

Police filmed a woman trying to sneak into Shanghai in the trunk of a car to avoid being quarantined for coronavirusThe woman had visited her hometown in Hubei Province, the center of the outbreak, and was returning to Shanghai, where she works. She was quarantined.

Thought Israel's Air Force Was Powerful? It Now Has A New Launched Ballistic Missile

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:00 AM PST

Thought Israel's Air Force Was Powerful? It Now Has A New Launched Ballistic MissileIt's very difficult to intercept.

'It’s reunion porn': Military wives say Trump’s SOTU surprise disrespected families of servicemen

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:14 PM PST

'It's reunion porn': Military wives say Trump's SOTU surprise disrespected families of servicemenThe State of the Union served as President Donald Trump's moment to grandstand his administration's achievements to Congress while also introducing guests he brought in from across the U.S. Among them that evening was army spouse Amy Williams and her two children. But many expressed raw emotions and outrage of the "reunion porn."

WWI helmet was better blast protection than new one: US study

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

WWI helmet was better blast protection than new one: US studyA helmet used by French soldiers in World War I provided better protection from overhead blasts than a modern American model, according to a US university study. Biomedical engineers from North Carolina's Duke University tested the performance of several models of World War I helmet and the US Advanced Combat Helmet by subjecting them to shock waves. "While we found that all helmets provided a substantial amount of protection against blast, we were surprised to find that the 100-year-old helmets performed just as well as modern ones," said study author Joost Op 't Eynde.

Group of more than 1,000 judges calls emergency meeting amid Trump concerns

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:58 AM PST

Group of more than 1,000 judges calls emergency meeting amid Trump concernsJudges will meet to address alarm over the president intervening in politically sensitive casesA national association of federal judges has called an emergency meeting to address growing concerns about the intervention of Donald Trump and justice department officials in politically sensitive cases, according to US media reports.Cynthia Rufe, a Philadelphia US district judge who heads the independent Federal Judges Association, which has more than 1,100 members, told USA Today the group "could not wait" until its spring conference to discuss the matter."There are plenty of issues that we are concerned about," Rufe told USA Today. "We'll talk all of this through."Megan Cruz, the executive director of the group, told CNN the meeting would take place on Wednesday. She said a nine-member executive committee of the group had decided the emergency meeting was necessary.The meeting comes after more than 2,000 former US justice department officials, including some of the top government lawyers in the country, called on the attorney general, William Barr, to resign in the wake of the Roger Stone scandal.Alumni of the Department of Justice posted to Medium on Sunday a group letter that tore into Barr for "doing the president's personal bidding" in imposing on prosecutors the recommendation of a reduced sentence for Stone, a longtime friend of Trump who was convicted of lying to and obstructing Congress and threatening a witness in the Russia investigation.Barr, the officials said, had damaged the reputation of the department for "integrity and the rule of law".The spiralling constitutional crisis began last week when Barr imposed his new sentencing memo, slashing a seven- to nine-year proposed prison term suggested by career prosecutors. In the fallout, the four prosecutors who had handled the case resigned in disgust.US district Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who is presiding over the Stone's case, has ordered both sides to participate in a conference call on Tuesday to discuss the status of the case. Following the call, it was confirmed that Stone's sentencing would go ahead on Thursday.Rufe voiced her strong support for Jackson, according to USA Today."I am not concerned with how a particular judge will rule," Rufe said. "We are supportive of any federal judge who does what is required."It was not clear whether the FJA would issue a statement after the emergency meeting. The Guardian contacted the FJA for comment.

Grandparents, uncle charged in beating death, torture of Montana boy

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:48 PM PST

Grandparents, uncle charged in beating death, torture of Montana boyDuring the investigation into the boy's death, police seized cellphones belonging to the suspects that showed the family torturing him, the affidavit says.

Andrew Yang is headed to CNN

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

Andrew Yang is headed to CNNAndrew Yang's presidential bid failed, but it did land him a gig with CNN.The entrepreneur who made a run at the Oval Office before dropping out last week after a poor showing at the New Hampshire primary will be joining the network as a political analyst. He's doing so just in time for Wednesday night's Democratic debate in Las Vegas, as the remaining candidates take the stage before the Nevada caucuses Saturday.The big story leading up to Wednesday's showdown is the presence of billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who will be making his first debate appearance since his latecomer campaign began. But Yang -- who was famous for keeping it casual on the debate stage -- could steal some headlines if he decides to wear a tie for his first day on the job. > Will be on @CNN tonight to talk about the debate! Maybe I'll wear a tie . . .> > -- Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) February 19, 2020More stories from Mike Bloomberg is not the lesser of two evils Trump's pardon of Bernie Kerik also apparently wiped out Kerik's $103,300 debt to taxpayers How to ensure it's a boy (according to 100-year-old pregnancy guides)

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:33 AM PST

China kicked out 3 Wall Street Journal reporters after it published an op-ed using a term that invokes the biggest humiliation in Chinese history

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:32 AM PST

China kicked out 3 Wall Street Journal reporters after it published an op-ed using a term that invokes the biggest humiliation in Chinese historyChina's foreign ministry cited a February 3 headline, titled "China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia," as the immediate reason for the expulsions.

India's Military Is Quite Deadly (China and Pakistan Should Worry)

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

India's Military Is Quite Deadly (China and Pakistan Should Worry)Missiles, carriers, and more.

A 6-year-old was held in a mental health center for 2 days without her mother's consent, and her lawyer says other parents have come forward to claim the same thing happened to their children

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:32 PM PST

A 6-year-old was held in a mental health center for 2 days without her mother's consent, and her lawyer says other parents have come forward to claim the same thing happened to their childrenNadia King, 6, was taken from her elementary school in a sheriff's department cruiser to a mental health center, where she was held for two days. Her mother's attorney will sue in federal court.

Devices found in missiles, Yemen drones link Iran to attacks

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:05 AM PST

Devices found in missiles, Yemen drones link Iran to attacksA small instrument inside the drones that targeted the heart of Saudi Arabia's oil industry and those in the arsenal of Yemen's Houthi rebels match components recovered in downed Iranian drones in Afghanistan and Iraq, two reports say. The discovery further ties Iran to an attack that briefly halved Saudi Arabia's oil output and saw energy prices spike by a level unseen since the 1991 Gulf War.

UN envoy warns of 'imminent danger' of escalation in Syria

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:18 AM PST

UN envoy warns of 'imminent danger' of escalation in SyriaThe UN envoy to Syria said Wednesday that the country was on the brink of worsening violence after an exchange of threats between key players Turkey and Russia. Syrian aid workers have called for an urgent ceasefire and international help for nearly a million people fleeing the regime's onslaught in northwestern Idlib province -- the biggest wave of displaced civilians in the nine-year conflict. "I cannot report any progress in ending the current violence in the northwest or in reconvening the political process," Geir Pedersen told the UN Security Council.

Judge rejects request from Trump ally Roger Stone to delay sentencing hearing

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:57 PM PST

Judge rejects request from Trump ally Roger Stone to delay sentencing hearingThe decision comes after a contentious week for the Justice Department, as it faces allegations of political meddling in criminal cases tied to the president.

Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg are both 78. And both, it turns out, have had heart operations.

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:59 AM PST

Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg are both 78. And both, it turns out, have had heart operations.Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg turned 78 years old last Friday. That makes him the same age as his top rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and six months older than former Vice President Joe Biden.> Today is @MikeBloomberg's birthday; he's turning 78 years old. > > Yesterday, a voter told me he was interested in Bloomberg because "Biden & Bernie are too old."@JoeBiden is 77. @BernieSanders is 78.> > — Maura Barrett (@MauraBarrettNBC) February 14, 2020Everybody is expected to pile on Bloomberg in Wednesday night's Democratic debate in Nevada, and Sanders tested out his salvos in a CNN town hall on Tuesday night. But age isn't the only thing Bloomberg and Sanders have in common. Neither has been a Democrat for most of the past two decades, for example, and both have had two coronary arterial stents inserted near their hearts to relieve blockages.Sanders, who had a heart attack in October, said Tuesday night that he won't release his full medical records. After getting out of the hospital, he had said "the people do have a right to know about the health of a senator, somebody who's running for president of the United States — full disclosure." On Tuesday night, Sanders said the three letters he released from doctors equal "a detailed medical report," and when pressed on whether he plans to release his medical records, he said, "I don't think we will, no."Bloomberg disclosed his 2000 heart operation for the first time in 2007. In December, he released a letter from his longtime physician, Dr. Stephen Sisson at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, attesting that Bloomberg is "in outstanding health," though he developed an irregular heartbeat called an "atrial fibrillation" last year and is treating it with blood thinners. Bloomberg "has had normal cardiac stress testing annually" since he had the stents inserted in 2000, Sisson wrote, and the artery has not become clogged again."Heart problems are extremely common in older adults," The Associated Press notes. At the same time, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found that 53 percent of voters have "some reservations" or are "very uncomfortable" with a candidate who had a recent heart attack.More stories from Mike Bloomberg is not the lesser of two evils The family of 1 new Trump pardon recipient donated $200,000 to Trump's re-election effort last fall Obama poked Trump on the economy. Trump took the bait.

Turkey reveals new plan to buy drones, helicopters and air defense systems

Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

Turkey reveals new plan to buy drones, helicopters and air defense systemsTurkey's defense procurement agency has unveiled an ambitious procurement plan for 2020, even as its economy seeks to recover from a recession and the government spends money fighting wars in multiple theaters, including Iraq and Syria.

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