Sunday, February 23, 2020

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Bernie Sanders' Nevada win is a breakout moment. The others are toast

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:45 PM PST

Bernie Sanders' Nevada win is a breakout moment. The others are toastThe Vermont Senator will soon be going toe to toe with Donald Trump There are no second prizes in presidential contests. No silver medals. No participation trophies.There are, however, endless numbers of delusional candidates and campaigns who insist that they will sweep the later states, or take their delegates to the convention, or contest the legitimacy of the nomination process.This was the position of one Bernie Sanders four years ago, not to mention his die-hard fans.Today, after his resounding win in Nevada on Saturday, America's favorite socialist can look forward to trashing the arguments of the also-rans, just like the Clinton campaign trashed his protracted case of the race in 2016.Because there are no second prizes for Joe Biden, even if he pulls off a win in South Carolina, where the next primary takes place next Saturday. And there are no second prizes for Mike Bloomberg, even if he performs respectably on Super Tuesday, just three days later. And for Warren and Buttigieg, beating expectations is not the same as beating the opposition.Nevada is the breakthrough moment for Bernie, after squeaking out a win in New Hampshire, and squeaking out something like a tie in whatever happened in Iowa.You can easily dismiss Nevada's bizarre connection to reality in the tourist version of Las Vegas. You can happily downplay the small number of caucus voters, or the weirdness of the caucus process itself.But Nevada shares some similarities with two key neighboring states: California and Arizona. Unlike the early voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, California's Democrats are not obsessed with politics.They are what the consultants call low-information voters: they have day jobs, like the union workers in Las Vegas. But those union voters defied their bosses, at least among the Culinary Union, and voted heavily for Sanders at the caucus sites in the big hotel-casinos.So Sanders' poll lead in California – somewhere between 8 and 18 points in recent polls – looks big enough to give him a delegate advantage that nobody will overturn after early March. In Texas, the other big Super Tuesday state, Biden was leading as recently as a month ago, but recent polls suggest a narrow Sanders lead. Texas is unlikely to help the rest of the pack catch up to Bernie.This leads us to the first and last argument that Sanders faces, which is the single most important factor for Democratic voters in every poll in this cycle: who is best placed to beat Donald Trump?The remainder of this primary contest will revolve around a never-ending, unresolvable discussion about Bernie's prospects against Trumpian and Russian disinformation, targeted most obviously at the massive government spending he proposes.Yet the polls for all the Democratic candidates show a marginal difference between them in the notional head-to-head contests against Donald Trump. For now, a Biden or Bloomberg is a slightly better bet than a Sanders. But Sanders still beats Trump in Michigan, Pennsylvania and even Ohio.If Trump keeps hold of one of the swing states he surprisingly took in 2016, like Wisconsin, then Democrats will need to take back another state to have a couple of paths to victory in November. That's where Arizona comes in: a state Trump won by 3.5 points last time around.Arizona and Nevada have similar percentages of Latino population: around 30% in both states. Among the Nevada caucus goers, Sanders swept Latino Democrats, taking 54% of their support – a full 40 points ahead of Joe Biden, according to CNN's entrance poll.Those voters cannot be dismissed lightly. They are a good reason why Arizona is now a finely balanced state where Sanders holds a nominal one-point lead over Trump, and Biden was tied with Trump in the most recent head-to-head.The non-Bernie candidates have almost run out of runway. But you wouldn't know it by listening to them.According to Joe Biden, his crushing defeat in Nevada was some kind of comeback victory. "Well you all did it for me," he told a crowd of over-excited supporters in Las Vegas. "Now we're going on to South Carolina and we're going to take this back."One of his louder fans screamed out the inevitable: "The comeback kid!""Well you're sending me back," said the former vice-president, before smacking the media for declaring him dead. "We're alive and we're coming back and we're going to win."At that point, the voting count placed Biden some 25 points behind Sanders. Which only counts as alive in the sense that zombies can walk the streets at night..Biden wasn't the only one engaging in this kind of Trumpian projection of braggadocious fantasy over the cold hard reality of math, facts and truth"As usual I think we have exceeded expectations," said Amy Klobuchar, who spoke before the final results were known, at a point where she was rock bottom among the candidates on the debate stage this week. To exceed expectations with a single digit percentage of the vote suggests you have the kind of expectations that doesn't exactly inspire confidence.At that point the Minnesota senator started fondly recalling her announcement speech in a snowstorm, before she talked about traveling to South Carolina. Since she was talking from Minneapolis, the theme and logistics made more sense than the political strategy.The only candidate who made any strategic sense on Saturday was Sanders, who held his victory rally in San Antonio, Texas. If the Sanders campaign is going to end the hopes and dreams of its rivals early, they will do so in Texas."Don't tell anybody. I don't want to get them nervous," Sanders said as soon as he got on stage. "We're going to win the Democratic primary in Texas. And, you know, this is also important. The president gets very, very upset easily. So don't tell him we're going to beat him in Texas."Can Sanders come close in Texas? Possibly but not probably. Recent polls suggest he is only trailing Trump by a couple of points, marginally ahead of the other Democratic candidates."No campaign has a grassroots movement like we do," Sanders said on Saturday.No campaign except the Trump campaign, that is. It won't be long before Bernie's grassroots go toe-to-toe with Donald's."Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the Great State of Nevada," tweeted the craziest president in recorded history. "Congratulations Bernie, & don't let them take it away from you!Judging from Nevada's results, he won't.

Missing 6-month-old boy found dead in cemetery after mom's arrest

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

Missing 6-month-old boy found dead in cemetery after mom's arrestThe body of Chi-Liam Cody Brown-Erickson was found hours after his mother was arrested and an Amber Alert was issued on his disappearance.

Iran's neighbours impose travel bans as coronavirus toll rises

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

Iran's neighbours impose travel bans as coronavirus toll risesIran's confirmed death toll from the new coronavirus rose to eight on Sunday, the highest outside China, sending neighbouring countries scrambling to contain the outbreak. Turkey said it would "temporarily" shut its border with Iran, while Pakistan also said it was closing its frontier with the Islamic republic and Afghanistan banned all ground and air travel between the two nations. Lebanon on Friday confirmed its first case -- a 45-year-old Lebanese woman who had travelled from Qom in Iran -- and Israel on Sunday quarantined at home nearly 200 school pupils who came into contact with South Korean tourists who contracted the virus.

Here Comes 1984: China's Regime Is An Existential Threat to the World

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

Here Comes 1984: China's Regime Is An Existential Threat to the WorldOne expert tells you why.

10 Amazing Facts About Polar Bears

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

Driving home from the hospital 3 days after giving birth, a woman saved a man from a burning oil tanker

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:39 PM PST

Driving home from the hospital 3 days after giving birth, a woman saved a man from a burning oil tankerHolly McNally saw the driver of an oil tanker on fire. She stopped her car and ran over to him, eventually helping him to safety with two others.

CDC is preparing for the 'likely' spread of coronavirus in the US, officials say

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:44 AM PST

CDC is preparing for the 'likely' spread of coronavirus in the US, officials sayWhile coronavirus has not spread in the United States, CDC officials said they're preparing for the coronavirus to become a pandemic.

California rejects Trump administration's effort to cut off federal funds over abortion

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:02 PM PST

California rejects Trump administration's effort to cut off federal funds over abortionCalifornia on Friday fought back against a Trump administration threat to withhold federal funds for some health programs unless it stopped requiring health insurers to cover abortions, saying it would undermine the state's authority to protect women's reproductive rights.

Entrance polls show Sanders winning nearly every demographic in Nevada

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

Entrance polls show Sanders winning nearly every demographic in NevadaWhat do union households, non-union households, men, women, and just about every other demographic in Nevada have in common?They're all caucusing for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), entrance polls for Saturday's Democratic caucuses in Nevada show. Not only did Sanders have a sizable lead when it came to early caucus results on Saturday, but these polls indicated his message has proved universal.According to entrance polls taken Saturday for The Washington Post and other news outlets, former Vice President Joe Biden is leading the Democratic field in attracting black caucusgoers and those age 65 and older, by nine and eight percentage points, respectively. Sanders is meanwhile leading the field in voters age 17–29 by 56 percentage points, in Hispanic voters by 37 percentage points; and among independents by 36 percentage points.> On initial preference in the Nevada caucuses, Bernie Sanders is currently winning independents by a large margin — 49%, according to CBS News entrance polls> > — CBS News (@CBSNews) February 22, 2020Sanders is also winning voters age 30–44 and 45–64; white voters; somewhat liberal and very liberal voters; and both college graduates and those without a college degree — along with every other identifiable group. Those results, combined with the fact that Sanders had more than twice the votes of nearest competitor Biden with 10 percent of precincts reporting on Saturday, indicate Sanders may end up with a blowout win in the most diverse state that's had its say on the Democratic nomination so far.More stories from The stunning Southern Baptist controversy over Donald Trump and Russell Moore, explained National security adviser says what he's heard about Russia aiding Trump re-election doesn't 'make any sense' A moderate's 2020 lament

Girl, 11, gave birth to baby allegedly fathered by brother

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

Girl, 11, gave birth to baby allegedly fathered by brotherThe 17-year-old boy told police he had sex with his sister about 100 times but did not know she was pregnant, according to charging documents.

Helicopter pilot in Bryant crash had FAA violation in 2015

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

Helicopter pilot in Bryant crash had FAA violation in 2015The pilot of a helicopter that crashed into a Southern California hillside, killing Kobe Bryant and eight others, was reprimanded five years ago for flying without permission into airspace while he had reduced visibility, according to a Federal Aviation Administration enforcement record. Ara Zobayan was counseled by an FAA investigator after he violated FAA rules by crossing into busy airspace near Los Angeles International Airport on May 11, 2015, according to the record, which was first reported Friday by the Los Angeles Times. Zobayan, 50, died Jan. 26 when his helicopter plunged at high speed into a hillside in Calabasas, northwest of Los Angeles.

The Vegas way: Buttigieg backer pulls winning card to break tie at Nevada caucus

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

The Vegas way: Buttigieg backer pulls winning card to break tie at Nevada caucusThat's how Democrats settle matters in the state that's home to the nation's most famous gaming mecca.

Chris Wallace Relentlessly Grills Top Pence Aide on Russia Briefing: ‘You Say None of This Happened?!’

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

Chris Wallace Relentlessly Grills Top Pence Aide on Russia Briefing: 'You Say None of This Happened?!'Marc Short, Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff, struggled during a pair of Sunday morning talk show appearances as he was grilled relentlessly over the White House's assertion that Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire wasn't fired over a House briefing on Russian interference in the 2020 election to assist President Donald Trump.In an interview on Fox News Sunday, after host Chris Wallace asked why Trump was attacking Democrats over the Russia story, Short insisted early on that "there's no intelligence that said the Russians are trying to help Donald Trump win elections," prompting Wallace to immediately push back."I know that's the White House argument," Wallace stated. "There is a consistent story that came out this week and we've heard it from members of the committee, from members of the intelligence community, we've heard it from people in your own White House."The Fox News anchor noted that intelligence community official Shelby Pierson briefed Congress on Russia's latest interference attempt to help Trump, which eventually resulted in Trump firing Maguire and replacing him with Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, who has very little intelligence experience."You say none of this happened?" Wallace pressed Short.Team Bernie Fingers Richard Grenell for Leaking Russia StoryShort, meanwhile, argued that it's "disconcerting" that they were discussing a classified briefing, accusing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) of leaking details to the press. (The president has made similar claims since this story broke.)"You can't say it didn't happen and then say they leaked it!" Wallace pushed back, adding: "You're denying that Shelby Pierson, who is the election security czar, you're denying that under questioning from Democrats, she gave any indication that the Russian efforts to meddle in the election was because they have found a preference for President Trump?"The two briefly went back and forth, with Wallace pressing the White House aide over his contradictory arguments before finally declaring: "I don't understand, you're saying it's not true and they leaked it!"Short also faced heat in a separate interview with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, who also took issue with Short roundly dismissing the notion that Russia is looking to aid Trump in the 2020 election.Todd, for his part, wanted to know why the president wasn't concerned about Russia interference, prompting Short to deflect and insist that the administration had made moves to improve overall election security. When Todd continued to grill him on the subject, noting that Trump's de facto response is to say Democrats are making it all up, Short eventually claimed Trump is frustrated with intel briefings because Schiff will leak it out and distort it."So what you're saying is because he believes it could get leaked, he's not going to essentially inform the legislative branch of what's happening?" Todd wondered aloud, adding: "What does that do to enhance security? Doesn't it undermine the very thing you're telling me you're doing?"Short, meanwhile, contended that Trump's "frustration remains more with Adam Schiff and those in the House Intelligence Committee who will not take the information honestly and will not represent it honestly."Elsewhere in the Meet the Press interview, Short repeatedly insisted that Maguire was not dismissed due to the briefing, claiming his end date as acting director was March 12 and that he was going to be replaced soon anyway. Todd, however, pointed out that Trump could have nominated Maguire to take the job permanently, prompting Short to wave off that idea, saying he never heard from anyone that the acting director was ever in consideration for the position.Short wasn't the White House's only representative on the Sunday shows arguing that Trump did not fire Maguire because his briefer told Congress that Russia wanted to help him. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien also made the case in multiple appearances, further asserting that there's "zero intelligence" supporting claims that Russia is boosting Trump. O'Brien did, however, noted that it would be "no surprise" that the Kremlin preferred Democratic presidential frontrunner Bernie Sanders since the Vermont senator "honeymooned in Moscow." Sanders, meanwhile, has blamed Grenell for leaking details about a briefing he received a month ago informing him that Russia was meddling on his behalf in the Democratic primary.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Grave of slain Iraq commander, a new anti-US magnet

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST

Grave of slain Iraq commander, a new anti-US magnetClad in black, they joined wailing women and men beating their chests in grief at Wadi al-Salam (valley of peace), an ever expanding cemetery. All eyes were on the grave of Iraqi paramilitary commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Killed alongside top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in a US drone strike in Baghdad on January 3, Muhandis is now revered as a martyred icon of anti-American resistance.

China reports 648 new cases of coronavirus on Feb 22, 97 more deaths

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

20-Year-Old Woman, Boyfriend Arrested Over Rental Dispute Triple Homicide

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:40 PM PST

20-Year-Old Woman, Boyfriend Arrested Over Rental Dispute Triple HomicideA 20-year-old woman and her 18-year-old boyfriend were arrested in Las Vegas on Thursday after the woman's three roommates were found dead inside their shared home in Hemet, California.Hemet police Chief Eddie Pust on Friday told reporters that Jordan Destinee Guzman, and her boyfriend, Anthony Damion McCloud, were apprehended in connection to the triple homicide—which allegedly stemmed from a dispute over the rental agreement. The three victims—46-year-old Wendy Araiza, her 21-year-old daughter Genesis Araiza, and Trinity Clyde, the 18-year-old girlfriend of Wendy's son—were found dead Wednesday evening after officials received a call about a woman lying in a pool of blood.According to KABC, officials said they died of blunt force trauma and strangulation. Stabbing was also present, but it's unclear if a knife was used.The father of one of the victims reportedly walked into the home while Guzman and McCloud were still there—but the pair fled the scene in Clyde's car, which was also found in Las Vegas.A family member of Araiza, Cheryl Mead, said they were trying to get Guzman to move out of the house. "I guess that this is how she retaliated, which is pretty horrific," Mead told KABC.Pust told reporters that police still didn't know if the "horrific, egregious" crime was "interrupted" or if Guzman and McCloud were going to continue their alleged killing spree. According to news station KCAL 9, he said the investigation was still active.Guzman's mother said the women let her stay in the home so her daughter could get back on her feet, and claimed Guzman was scared of McCloud. She also told KCAL 9 that her daughter was previously asked to leave other homes and did so without incident. "We can't be more sorry to the families that have lost their family members," she said.Guzman and McCloud face three counts of murder and are currently being held on $2 million bail at a Nevada jail. Police say they will soon be extradited to Riverside County, California.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Mike Bloomberg's social media strategy is under fire as Twitter suspends 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts for platform manipulation

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:08 AM PST

Mike Bloomberg's social media strategy is under fire as Twitter suspends 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts for platform manipulationA Twitter spokesman said the identical posts violated its policy against manipulation and spam that was created in response to the 2016 election.

Charter bus rollover kills 3, injures 18 outside San Diego

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

Charter bus rollover kills 3, injures 18 outside San DiegoA charter bus swerved on a rain-slicked Southern California highway and rolled down an embankment Saturday, killing three people and injuring 18 others, authorities said. Several passengers were thrown from the bus, and one of the dead was trapped under the vehicle after it landed on its roof shortly after 10 a.m. off Interstate 15 in Pala Mesa, an unincorporated community about 45 miles (72 kilometers) north of San Diego, North County Fire Protection District spokesman John Choi said. "There were no seat belts on this bus," Choi said.

Coronavirus updates: South Korea reports big jump in cases, virus spreading in Chinese prisons

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

Coronavirus updates: South Korea reports big jump in cases, virus spreading in Chinese prisonsAs the total number of COVID-19 cases reaches 76,000 globally, here is the latest news on Feb 21.

Poll: Trump Expected to Double 2016 African American Support if He Draws Buttigieg Challenge

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

Poll: Trump Expected to Double 2016 African American Support if He Draws Buttigieg ChallengePresident Trump would double the support he received from African American voters in 2016 if he ends up facing former South Bend., Ind. mayor Pete Buttigieg in the upcoming election, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Friday.Trump, who recorded eight percent of the African American vote against Hillary Clinton in 2016, hits 16 percent in the 2020 estimate against Buttigieg. Both men are tied with three percent of "enthusiastic" black voters — with Buttigieg having the lowest percentage of enthusiasm in the entire Democratic field.Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, told the Journal that Buttigieg has "simply not made a connection with African Americans," and added that he thought Buttigieg would struggle "anywhere where African Americans are a chunk of the vote."A further breakdown of the vote by gender shows that African American women support Buttigieg overwhelmingly by an 87-6 margin over Trump. Among African American men, however, the margin shrinks to 59-29 in favor of Buttigieg.Despite strong performances in Iowa and New Hampshire, Buttigieg has been dogged by weak support among minority voters.In November, Buttigieg's campaign made headlines for being "intentionally vague" in promoting endorsements from prominent black leaders in South Carolina as part of the rollout of Buttigieg's "Douglass Plan for Black America." ABC News reported on Tuesday that Buttigieg described how he had "proudly partnered" with two local restaurants in a South Carolina op-ed last week as part of investing in African American small businesses, only for one of the owners to say she had never agreed to be in a partnership.The president featured African Americans prominently in his State of the Union address earlier this month, prompting CNN commentator Van Jones to issue a "warning to Democrats" that Trump was making a play for black voters.

Vietnamese dissident monk who was a Nobel Prize nominee dies at 93

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:50 PM PST

Vietnamese dissident monk who was a Nobel Prize nominee dies at 93Thich Quang Do, a dissident Buddhist monk who has effectively been under house arrest since 2003 and was nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize, has died aged 93. Head of the banned Unified Buddist Church of Vietnam (UBCV), the vocal patriarch was born on November 27, 1928 in northern Thai Binh province and spent most of his life advocating for religious freedom and human rights in communist-run Vietnam.

Klobuchar congratulates herself for 'exceeding expectations' as early Nevada results show her in distant 5th

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 04:48 PM PST

Klobuchar congratulates herself for 'exceeding expectations' as early Nevada results show her in distant 5thSen. Amy Klobuchar's (D-Minn.) 2020 momentum may be sputtering, but she doesn't seem to notice.While the Democratic presidential candidate turned out a surprising third place finish in New Hampshire's Democratic primary earlier this month, that luck hasn't seemed to extend to Nevada's caucuses. Still, Klobuchar delivered a self-congratulatory speech on Saturday where she praised her team for having "exceeded expectations," despite early results showing her in a distant fifth place.With four percent of caucuses reporting Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had secured more than 6,000 votes to former Vice President Joe Biden's 2,700 and Klobuchar's 1,068. That put Klobuchar in the bottom half of candidates as Saturday's results came in, and entrance polls taken earlier in the day didn't show a more positive future. Still, Klobuchar thanked her team while thousands of miles away from Nevada, saying "as usual, I think we have exceeded expectations," Klobuchar said. "A lot of people didn't even think that I would still be standing at this point," or at several other points in her campaign, she continued.> WATCH: Amy Klobuchar speaks to supporters as Nevada caucus results come in> > — CBS News (@CBSNews) February 23, 2020Former Vice President Joe Biden's Saturday speech sounded even more victorious, though even his second-place standing at the time he spoke was tenuous. Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg had only about 250 votes less than Biden, but Biden said he could still "win this state outright" when speaking in Nevada. Ironically, NBC News cut away from Biden's speech to project that wasn't happening.More stories from The stunning Southern Baptist controversy over Donald Trump and Russell Moore, explained National security adviser says what he's heard about Russia aiding Trump re-election doesn't 'make any sense' A moderate's 2020 lament

How China Is Humiliating Pakistan

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

How China Is Humiliating PakistanPakistan sees itself as a major regional power but recent events show that Beijing considers Pakistan little more than a subordinate colony to be exploited but not heard.

Couple Suspected of Killing Three Women in California Home Over Possible Rental Dispute

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

Couple Suspected of Killing Three Women in California Home Over Possible Rental DisputeAuthorities have identified a couple who are suspected of killing three women in a Hemet home earlier this week and provided details about a possible motive.

For Virginia Tech parents, new gun laws a long struggle

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

For Virginia Tech parents, new gun laws a long struggleWhen Virginia lawmakers pass sweeping new gun control laws in the coming days, it will mark the culmination of nearly 13 years of often thankless work for two parents whose children were shot in one of the country's worst mass shootings. Lori Haas and Andrew Goddard started pressing lawmakers to enact new gun laws shortly after a gunman killed 32 people and wounded more than a dozen others at Virginia Tech in 2007. Haas and Goddard have been Virginia's most visible gun-control lobbyists for years, but until recently had little to show for their work.

Coronavirus updates: Italian towns locked down as almost 150 test positive

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:57 AM PST

Coronavirus updates: Italian towns locked down as almost 150 test positiveAs Italy experiences a surge in coronavirus cases, here is the latest for Sunday, Feb. 23.

Trump 'eats burned steak' and 'cheats at golf', new Bloomberg-funded billboard says

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

Trump 'eats burned steak' and 'cheats at golf', new Bloomberg-funded billboard saysPresidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg is moving offline for his latest attacks against President Donald Trump.The former New York City mayor's campaign has begun hanging billboards in Phoenix and Las Vegas lampooning Mr Trump, according to CBS News.

U.S. takes steps to prepare for pandemic as global coronavirus cases rise

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:16 PM PST

U.S. takes steps to prepare for pandemic as global coronavirus cases riseIn the U.S., the number of confirmed cases rose to at least 34.

Pete Buttigieg begs Democrats to 'take a sober look' at Bernie Sanders

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:26 PM PST

Pete Buttigieg begs Democrats to 'take a sober look' at Bernie SandersFormer South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg wants America to look before it leaps into a Sanders presidency.Buttigieg remained stuck in third place in Nevada's Democratic caucuses as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was projected the winner on Saturday night. And while Buttigieg congratulated Sanders and acknowledged they have many goals in common, he still had some reservations about nominating Sanders and asked Democrats to "take a sober look at what's at stake" before doing so in his concession speech."This a great day for our campaign," Buttigieg said Saturday as he asked for campaign donations to keep his candidacy running through Super Tuesday. "I congratulate Sen. Sanders on his strong showing tonight," Buttigieg said, but pivoted to ask that "before we rush to nominate Sen. Sanders ... let us take a sober look at what is at stake." "Sen. Sanders believes in an inflexible, ideological revolution that leaves out most Democrats, not to mention most Americans," Buttigieg said, and even accused Sanders of furthering a "tenor of combat, division, and polarization" that would never change "the toxic tone of our politics."Buttigieg had about a third of Sanders' vote count when the projection was made — though that happened with just 4 percent of precincts reporting. Former Vice President Joe Biden was barely ahead of Buttigieg at that point, but his speech took on a much more victorious tone as he moved on to focus on South Carolina.More stories from The stunning Southern Baptist controversy over Donald Trump and Russell Moore, explained National security adviser says what he's heard about Russia aiding Trump re-election doesn't 'make any sense' A moderate's 2020 lament

Israel's 'most vulnerable' hit by political stalemate

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:22 PM PST

Israel's 'most vulnerable' hit by political stalemateIsrael's grinding political deadlock has squeezed funding for programmes helping troubled youths, disadvantaged communities and the disabled, forcing state-backed social organisations to rely on crowd-funding to get by. Polls indicate the country's March 2 election, the third in less than a year, will not produce a clear win for right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or his main rival Benny Gantz of the centrist Blue and White party. Former Bank of Israel governor Karnit Flug told AFP that a caretaker government without a majority in parliament, the Knesset, like the one currently led by Netanyahu, had no chance of passing a budget.

This is the Bloody Baptism American Forces Faced in the Korean War

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

This is the Bloody Baptism American Forces Faced in the Korean WarThe Korean War was no joke and millions died.

Mother of missing Idaho children told police her friend had her son. The friend said she was asked to lie.

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:29 PM PST

Mother of missing Idaho children told police her friend had her son. The friend said she was asked to lie.Tylee Ryan, 17, has not been seen or heard from since Sept. 8. Joshua Vallow, 7, was last seen alive on Sept. 23.

Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before.

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

Joe Biden says he was arrested in South Africa on a visit to see Nelson Mandela. He has never mentioned the arrest before.Former Vice President Joe Biden, 77, has mentioned at three campaign events about being arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in the 1970s.

Moscow targets Chinese with raids amid virus fears

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST

Moscow targets Chinese with raids amid virus fearsBus drivers in Moscow kept their WhatsApp group chat buzzing with questions this week about what to do if they spotted passengers who might be from China riding with them in the Russian capital. The befuddlement reflected in screenshots of the group exchanges seen by The Associated Press had a common source - instructions from Moscow's public transit operator Wednesday for drivers to call a dispatcher if Chinese nationals boarded their buses, Russian media reported. A leaked email that the media reports said was sent by the state-owned transportation company Mosgortrans told dispatchers who took such calls to notify the police.

Inmate falls through ceiling during failed escape

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

Inmate falls through ceiling during failed escapeA inmate's attempt to escape ended in humiliating fashion when she fell through the prison's ceiling. Surveillance video from an Ohio jail captured the moment 42-year-old Jessica Boomershine came crashing down. (Feb. 21) A jail inmate's attempt to escape in Dayt on, Ohio ended in shameful fashion when she fell through the facility's ceiling.

Court dumps Nunes' suit against Trump dossier firm

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 05:06 PM PST

Concern over coronavirus spread as cases jump in South Korea, Italy and Iran

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

Concern over coronavirus spread as cases jump in South Korea, Italy and IranSEOUL/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - International concern about the spread of coronavirus outside China grew on Sunday with sharp rises in infections in South Korea, Italy and Iran. The government in Seoul put the country on high alert after the number of infections surged over 600 with six deaths. A focal point was a church in the southeastern city of Daegu, where a 61-year-old member of the congregation with no recent record of overseas travel tested positive for the virus.

MSNBC host urged to quit after comparing Bernie Sanders win in Nevada to Nazi invasion

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

MSNBC host urged to quit after comparing Bernie Sanders win in Nevada to Nazi invasionMSNBC's Chris Matthews is under fire after comparing Bernie Sanders' victory in the Nevada caucuses to the Nazi invasion of France in 1940.The 'Hardball' host is now under pressure to resign after invoking the historical comparison during an on-air conversation with Brian Williams.

White House reportedly to ask Congress for coronavirus funds but the amount may not be enough

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:41 AM PST

White House reportedly to ask Congress for coronavirus funds but the amount may not be enoughThe White House is about to turn to Congress and request emergency funds in an attempt to curb the coronavirus outbreak, four people with knowledge of the request told Politico.So far, the vast majority of cases of the respiratory virus are in China where it originated, but it has been spreading across the globe, and over 30 people are infected in the United States. Because scientists know so little about the virus, including its incubation time, they're worried an outbreak could eventually hit the U.S.But it looks like the amount the White House plans to ask for — $1 billion — might be lower than some public health officials consider necessary, per Politico. If that's all there is, it could reportedly be exhausted swiftly by vaccine development, lab tests, and other investments. For comparison, the Obama administration requested $6 billion to fight Ebola in 2014 and received $5.4 billion.One White House official told Politico the amount is still subject to change, however. Read more at Politico.More stories from The stunning Southern Baptist controversy over Donald Trump and Russell Moore, explained National security adviser says what he's heard about Russia aiding Trump re-election doesn't 'make any sense' A moderate's 2020 lament

Does The Eurofighter Have Any Chance Of Beating Russia's Su-35 Flanker?

Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:00 AM PST

Does The Eurofighter Have Any Chance Of Beating Russia's Su-35 Flanker?We take a look.

Two arrested as search for missing 15-month-old girl continues

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

Two arrested as search for missing 15-month-old girl continues"This case is unlike anything I've ever been involved in," a sheriff said. Toddler Evelyn Mae Boswell has not been seen in nearly two months, but it "was just reported this week."

One key indicator will tell us when the coronavirus outbreak is winding down — but we're not seeing it yet

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

One key indicator will tell us when the coronavirus outbreak is winding down — but we're not seeing it yetThe continued spread of the deadly coronavirus in China prompts an obvious question: When will this end?

San Diego sheriff agrees to share immigration information

Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:50 PM PST

San Diego sheriff agrees to share immigration informationThe San Diego County Sheriff's Department will share records of people who were criminally arrested with immigration authorities, becoming the first local law enforcement agency in five states to comply with unusual demands for information, authorities said Friday. In recent weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued 'administrative subpoenas' — signed by an immigration official, not a judge — to state and local law enforcement agencies in Colorado, Connecticut, New York, Oregon and California. Sheriff Bill Gore's announcement, in a statement from his department late Thursday, came less than a week after ICE issued four subpoenas, the only ones so far in California.

George Washington's turbulent retirement

Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:19 PM PST

George Washington's turbulent retirementAfter eight grueling years of war and another eight as the first president, the "Father of Our Country" returned to his beloved Mount Vernon, where his final years were filled with controversy, intrigue, and personal torment

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