Wednesday, February 26, 2020

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Sanders gets hit early and often at Democratic presidential debate

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

Sanders gets hit early and often at Democratic presidential debateAt the start of Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina, frontrunner Bernie Sanders came under fire from his rivals.

Trump official says coronavirus death rate same as flu – despite it being 100 times worse

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

Trump official says coronavirus death rate same as flu – despite it being 100 times worseIn congressional testimony today, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf claimed that the mortality rate for coronavirus is similar to the flu, both at about 2 per cent.In response, Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana asks: "Are you sure of that?"

Firefighter who found brother in rubble dies of 9/11-linked cancer

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

Firefighter who found brother in rubble dies of 9/11-linked cancerDaniel Foley, who helped find the remains of his firefighter brother in the rubble of the World Trade Center, died at the age of 46 after a battle with pancreatic cancer, officials said.

Iran says it won't quarantine any towns or cities, despite recording the most coronavirus deaths outside of China

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:01 AM PST

Iran says it won't quarantine any towns or cities, despite recording the most coronavirus deaths outside of ChinaIran said two people died from the coronavirus the same day it discovered its first case, leaving many questioning the honesty of the official count.

Supreme Court rules Mexican parents can't sue Border Patrol agent who killed their son

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

Supreme Court rules Mexican parents can't sue Border Patrol agent who killed their sonThe ruling was a defeat for the parents of Sergio Hernandez Guereca, who was on the Mexico side when he was shot in 2010 by a Border Patrol agent who fired from the U.S. side.

China to Russia: End discriminatory coronavirus measures against Chinese

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:57 AM PST

China to Russia: End discriminatory coronavirus measures against ChineseChina's embassy in Russia has demanded authorities in Moscow end what it said are discriminatory anti-coronavirus measures against Chinese nationals, saying they are damaging relations and alarming Chinese residents of the Russian capital. The complaint, detailed in an embassy letter to the city's authorities and published by Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta late on Tuesday, deplored what it called "ubiquitous monitoring" of Chinese nationals, including on public transport in Moscow. Russia, which enjoys strong political and military ties with Beijing, does not currently have any confirmed cases of coronavirus, but has temporarily barred many categories of Chinese nationals from entering the country.

Beijing’s Handling of Coronavirus Has Undermined Chinese Public’s Trust in State Media

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:51 AM PST

Beijing's Handling of Coronavirus Has Undermined Chinese Public's Trust in State MediaChina's government is facing widespread criticism from its own citizens over its handling of the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus.Beijing has launched a massive propaganda campaign with stories of Chinese heroism in the struggle to contain the coronavirus, meant to unify the country's citizens behind the government. However, the government's efforts have faced scorn on Chinese social media, where citizens are openly complaining about the government's response to the crisis, New York Times reported Wednesday.The Times cited a blog post by a lawyer, Deng Xueping, excoriating the government over the coronavirus. Deng mentioned a story circulated on state media about a woman who was treated at a Wuhan hospital, but liked staying in the hospital so much that she didn't want to leave."When many patients in Wuhan were struggling to get treatment, our TV camera chose to turn to one happy outpatient," Deng wrote in the post. "By magnifying one individual's happiness while hiding the sufferings of most people there, it's hard to say such coverage was truthful about the epidemic."Some stories put out by state media are completely unbelievable. A newspaper in the city of Xi'an in central China was forced to retract a story detailing how a nurse's newborn twins asked their father where their mother had gone. The Times cited another Chinese newspaper which reported that another nurse's husband, who has been in a vegetative state since 2014, would smile whenever he "heard" his wife's name, "as if he knew that his wife was engaged in a great endeavor."There is also widespread anger over the government's initial condemnation of eight doctors who tried to warn others about the outbreak of the SARS-like illness in Wuhan in late December-early January, before the outbreak took hold in earnest. One of those doctors, Li Wenliang, tried to warn medical school friends of the illness.After Li was reprimanded by the local Wuhan government for spreading "rumors," he contracted the virus from a patient he did not know was infected. Li has since died.China has also changed its diagnostic criteria for the coronavirus multiple times, leading to confusion over the number of confirmed cases in the country. A health official from Hubei Provice, the epicenter of the outbreak, has accused the government of a lack of transparency and accuracy regarding its reporting of cases.

McConnell warns Republicans speculation on Sanders as the nominee 'may be a bit foolish'

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

McConnell warns Republicans speculation on Sanders as the nominee 'may be a bit foolish'"I'll leave it up to the Democrats to pick who they'd like to be their candidate," he says.

Trump news — live: President's coronavirus response slammed as 'shameful' as he spends morning picking apart 'crazy' Democrat debate

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:21 AM PST

Trump news — live: President's coronavirus response slammed as 'shameful' as he spends morning picking apart 'crazy' Democrat debateDonald Trump's White House is facing criticism for its "insane and depressing" decision to hire 23-year-old college James Bacon for a post in its powerful Presidential Personnel Office under new director John McEntee.The president has just returned from his two-day visit to India where he set in place a lucrative arms deal with Narendra Modi and toured the country's beauty spots while being shielded from the outbreak of anti-Muslim riots, which left at least 20 people dead in New Dehli.

Louisiana governor: Judge should resign after racial slurs

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST

Watch Out! Russian Submarines Are Prowling Off the U.S. Coast

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

Watch Out! Russian Submarines Are Prowling Off the U.S. CoastThe number of Russian submarines sailing in distant waters increased by half between the summers of 2018 and 2019, one U.S. general warned.

U.S. appeals court rules Trump 'gag rule' on abortion referral can be enforced

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:19 PM PST

U.S. appeals court rules Trump 'gag rule' on abortion referral can be enforcedA sharply divided federal appeals court on Monday said the Trump administration may enforce a rule labeled by critics as a "gag rule" that could deprive abortion providers of federal funding for family planning.

Pete Buttigieg called Mike Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk record 'racist' before admitting he had a 'lot of issues' with policing in South Bend

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:12 PM PST

Pete Buttigieg called Mike Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk record 'racist' before admitting he had a 'lot of issues' with policing in South BendThe two candidates have faced scrutiny over their records on policing and racial bias as mayors of New York and South Bend, Indiana.

Coronavirus pandemic inevitable, U.S. warns as disease spreads across globe

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

Coronavirus pandemic inevitable, U.S. warns as disease spreads across globeSHANGHAI/SEOUL (Reuters) - Asia reported hundreds of new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, including the first U.S. soldier to be infected, as the United States warned of an inevitable pandemic, and outbreaks in Italy and Iran spread to more countries. Asian shares fell on Wednesday as the U.S. warning to Americans to prepare for a likely coronavirus pandemic jolted Wall Street again and pushed yields on safe-haven Treasuries to record lows. The disease is believed to have originated in a market selling wildlife in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year and has infected about 80,000 people and killed more than 2,700, the vast majority in China.

A Florida woman is being accused of zipping her boyfriend into a suitcase and leaving him to die

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

A Florida woman is being accused of zipping her boyfriend into a suitcase and leaving him to dieSarah Boone, 42, claimed it was just an accident. But police saw troubling videos of her taunting him as he struggled to get out of the luggage.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it was 'horrifying' the debate didn't have any climate change questions. Bernie Sanders agrees.

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it was 'horrifying' the debate didn't have any climate change questions. Bernie Sanders agrees.Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) watched Tuesday night's Democratic debate, and one thing stood out to her."Not a single climate change question," she tweeted. "Horrifying." One of the participants, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), agreed, responding, "A disgrace." The Democratic candidates don't shy away from talking about climate change on the campaign trail; billionaire investor and environmentalist Tom Steyer told voters in South Carolina on Tuesday that climate change is his "No. 1 priority," and if elected, he will declare a climate emergency on his first day in office.Poll after poll has shown that climate change is a key issue for voters; last week, the Pew Research Center released a survey showing that for the first time in two decades, a majority of Americans believe that tackling climate change should be a main priority for the president and Congress.Another poll released last week by the nonpartisan nonprofit Climate Nexus found that for Democrats, climate change is one of the two most important issues facing the country right now. "This is the first time in American political history where climate change is not just a top-tier issue, it is the top-tier issue," Anthony Leiserowitz, a senior research scientist at Yale who helped conduct the poll, told The Atlantic.More stories from Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity Jim Clyburn gives Joe Biden key South Carolina endorsement Weinstein juror laments 'the way things went' for Annabella Sciorra

U.S. soldier in South Korea tests positive as coronavirus pandemic fears grow

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:02 PM PST

U.S. soldier in South Korea tests positive as coronavirus pandemic fears growAs 52 more deaths and 406 new cases were reported in mainland China, here is the latest for Tuesday, Feb. 25.

Coronavirus: How many US cases are there and where?

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

Coronavirus: How many US cases are there and where?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Americans on Tuesday that they should be ready for a substantial coronavirus outbreak as the respiratory ailment has continued to spread throughout the world.Dr Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said an outbreak event wasn't a question of if, but when.

Modi calls for calm as Delhi riots toll rises to 27

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

Modi calls for calm as Delhi riots toll rises to 27Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for calm Wednesday after Delhi's worst sectarian violence in decades left at least 27 people dead and prompted demands for a military curfew. This week's battles between Hindus and Muslims have seen mobs armed with swords, guns and acid raze parts of a northeastern district of the Indian capital. The clashes, which also left more than 200 injured, were triggered by protests against a citizenship law seen by many critics as anti-Muslim and part of Modi's Hindu nationalist agenda.

The world's biggest iPhone maker has hired the scientist known as the 'SARS hero' to oversee its reopening as it resumes production

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

The world's biggest iPhone maker has hired the scientist known as the 'SARS hero' to oversee its reopening as it resumes productionApple's main manufacturing partner, Foxconn, just hired the head of China's coronavirus investigation as an adviser.

The F-35 Will Soon Become a Nuclear Bomber?

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:07 AM PST

The F-35 Will Soon Become a Nuclear Bomber?Bad news for America's adversaries.

Two Chinese nurses call for overseas help in stretched virus wards

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:37 AM PST

South Carolina debate crowd's support of Bloomberg leads some to wonder if they were being paid

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:36 PM PST

South Carolina debate crowd's support of Bloomberg leads some to wonder if they were being paidFormer New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg may have been pummeled at a Democratic debate less than a week ago, but the crowd in South Carolina sounded surprisingly sympathetic to the billionaire candidate on Tuesday night. Attacks on Bloomberg often spurred the audience to loudly boo, while his attacks on his opponents would receive enthusiastic cheers:> Burning Question: Was the Debate Audience Booing Bernie Sanders for Slamming Billionaires, or Booing Billionaires? DemDebate> > I think it's a Bloomberg crowd fwiw> > — Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) February 26, 2020The tone was so markedly different from that of the debate in Nevada that many viewers were suspicious of the authenticity of the hecklers:> how much does bloomberg pay someone to boo?> > — maura quint (@behindyourback) February 26, 2020> Bloomberg got mocked and laughed at so bad at the last debate he literally paid people to come cheer for him and boo his opponents didn't he> > — Jonathan Myerson Katz (@KatzOnEarth) February 26, 2020> Did Bloomberg seed the crowd with supporters to boo Bernie because this is insane> > — chris person (@Papapishu) February 26, 2020Tickets to attend the South Carolina debate were prohibitively expensive, some have pointed out; the only way to obtain a ticket was to sponsor the debate, with such sponsorships ranging from $1,750 to $3,200 each. Whether that meant the demographic of the attendees naturally skewed toward a group that was more tolerant of billionaires — or if the hecklers' seats were being paid for by someone else — wasn't immediately clear. More stories from Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity Jim Clyburn gives Joe Biden key South Carolina endorsement Weinstein juror laments 'the way things went' for Annabella Sciorra

Trump squabbles with CNN's Jim Acosta over Russia coverage during news conference in India

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:38 AM PST

Trump squabbles with CNN's Jim Acosta over Russia coverage during news conference in IndiaTrump went after CNN's Jim Acosta at a news conference in India. Acosta responded: "our record on delivering the truth is a lot better than yours."

Coronavirus: Four maps and charts that show how serious the deadly virus is

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:59 AM PST

Coronavirus: Four maps and charts that show how serious the deadly virus isAs coronavirus continues to spread to countries across the globe, health organisations are urging governments to prepare for the worst.Currently, there are 81,191 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 2,768 people have died from the respiratory virus.

Cambodian refugee deported 2 years ago set to return to US

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:33 AM PST

Trump ignites backlash with demand Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from cases affecting him

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

Trump ignites backlash with demand Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from cases affecting himPresident Trump has lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices and demanded they recuse themselves from cases related to his administration in an extraordinary attack on the judicial system.

South Korea is testing 200,000 members of a doomsday church linked to more than 60% of its coronavirus cases

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:20 AM PST

South Korea is testing 200,000 members of a doomsday church linked to more than 60% of its coronavirus casesIt is the latest drastic step taken by authorities in South Korea, where more people have caught the coronavirus than any nation other than China.

'Fear and panic' as virus threatens Afghanistan, Pakistan

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

'Fear and panic' as virus threatens Afghanistan, PakistanWith porous borders, creaking hospitals and large illiterate populations, Afghanistan and Pakistan face a potentially devastating health crisis after the new coronavirus erupted in neighbouring Iran. Islamabad has closed official border crossings while Kabul has suspended all travel to the Islamic republic, which has reported 19 deaths and a total of 139 infections -- making it one of the hardest hit countries outside the virus epicentre China. The virus has spread to more than 30 countries, killing over 2,700 and infecting 80,000, mostly in China.

China's Military Is Stealing Its Way To Superpower Status

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:30 PM PST

China's Military Is Stealing Its Way To Superpower StatusAnd America and Russia aren't happy.

Girl, 11, brings AR-15 to Idaho gun hearing

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

Girl, 11, brings AR-15 to Idaho gun hearingAn 11-year-old girl holding a loaded AR-15 assault weapon appeared at a gun legislation hearing in Idaho on Monday with her grandfather, who is supporting legislation that would allow visitors to Idaho who can legally possess firearms to carry a concealed handgun within city limits.

Arizona congressional candidate suspends campaign after overdosing on heroin: 'I'm not going to hide from this'

Posted: 24 Feb 2020 08:02 PM PST

Arizona congressional candidate suspends campaign after overdosing on heroin: 'I'm not going to hide from this'A Republican running for Congress in Arizona announced on Monday he is suspending his campaign following a heroin overdose last week.Chris Taylor is an Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan and a member of the City Council in Safford. He has a history of opioid addiction dating back to his high school years. "I'm not going to hide from this," Taylor told The Arizona Republic. "I'm not ashamed of what happened. I wish to sincerely apologize to the amazing people who have supported me."Taylor told NBC News he is seeking treatment for substance abuse, having relapsed "after having so many solid years in sobriety. I have to figure out where I went wrong. Thankfully I have every resource available to me through the Veterans Affairs Administration and I have the strongest support system one could dream of. The only thing I can do is face this head on in complete humility and put one foot in front of the other so that I can get the help needed to be the father and husband that my family deserves."Taylor was running in Arizona's 1st Congressional District, hoping to unseat Rep. Tom O'Halleran (D). In his campaign ads, Taylor promised to support President Trump, cut taxes, and defend the Second Amendment.More stories from Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity Democratic candidates yell, interrupt each other during most chaotic debate yet Bloomberg accidentally claims to have 'bought' the 2018 midterm results

Democratic candidates slam 'great genius' Trump for botching coronavirus response

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

Democratic candidates slam 'great genius' Trump for botching coronavirus response"There's nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing," Mike Bloomberg said at the debate in Charleston, South Carolina.

A Wrongfully Convicted Kansas Man Who Spent 23 Years in Prison Is Awarded $1.5 Million

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

A Wrongfully Convicted Kansas Man Who Spent 23 Years in Prison Is Awarded $1.5 MillionLamonte McIntyre was convicted and sentenced to two terms of life in prison for the murder of Donald Ewing and Doniel Quinn back in 1994. The two victims had been shot in the middle of the day while they sat in their car

AP FACT CHECK: Dems implore fact checkers to back them up

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:07 PM PST

AP FACT CHECK: Dems implore fact checkers to back them upThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports about 413,000 gun deaths from 2007 to 2018, a far cry from 150 million, which equates to close to half the U.S. population. More than half of the gun deaths in 2018 were from suicide, says the CDC.

India's Modi appeals for calm as riot toll in capital rises to 24

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:23 PM PST

India's Modi appeals for calm as riot toll in capital rises to 24Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed for peace in Delhi on Wednesday after days of Hindu-Muslim clashes over a disputed new citizenship law sparked some of the worst sectarian violence seen in the capital in decades. At least 24 people were killed and hundreds more wounded in the riots, according to hospital officials, with many suffering gunshot wounds, amid incidents of stone-pelting, arson and looting that coincided with U.S. President Donald Trump's first visit to India. Modi's appeal came after criticism from opposition parties over the government's failure to control the violence, despite the use of tear gas, pellets and smoke grenades.

'People need to know what happened': Soldier fatally shot in domestic violence case

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:01 AM PST

'People need to know what happened': Soldier fatally shot in domestic violence caseAngel Conner was shot six times. To raise awareness about domestic violence, her family had an open casket at her funeral.

Italy is sealing off entire towns and canceling major events after 322 cases and 12 deaths made it the most infected country outside Asia

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:23 AM PST

Italy is sealing off entire towns and canceling major events after 322 cases and 12 deaths made it the most infected country outside AsiaCases of COVID-19 have soared in Italy, making it the most infected country outside Asia. Neighboring countries with open borders are worried.

Meet the "Koksan" Big Guns North Korea Has Aimed at South Korea

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:33 PM PST

Meet the "Koksan" Big Guns North Korea Has Aimed at South KoreaLet's hope it never happens.

Should you wear a face mask to protect against coronavirus?

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:37 PM PST

Should you wear a face mask to protect against coronavirus?The CDC has asked Americans to be prepared for the COVID-19 illness to spread in the United States.

New cases of coronavirus in other countries exceeded those in China for the first time on Tuesday

Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

New cases of coronavirus in other countries exceeded those in China for the first time on TuesdayThe coronavirus may be slowing down in China, but World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday that it's no time for complacency.In a weekly briefing, Gehbreyesus had some good news about China, especially beyond the Hubei province, where the virus originated. There were reportedly only 10 new cases detected outside of Hubei on Tuesday. On the other hand, Tuesday was the first day in which the number of new cases in other countries exceeded the number in China, in large part because of rapid increases in countries like Iran, Italy, and South Korea. Outside of China, there are now 2,790 reported cases in 37 countries, and 44 deaths.Still, Gehbreyesus pointed out there's been progress in containing the virus' spread, as 14 of those countries haven't reported a new case in more than a week and nine haven't reported a new case in more than two weeks. Of course, that doesn't mean those countries are out of the woods, since more cases could eventually seep their way in, but it does signal the cases that had already made it to those countries have been contained. Read the rest of Gehbreyesus' address here.More stories from Harvard scientist predicts coronavirus will infect up to 70 percent of humanity Jim Clyburn gives Joe Biden key South Carolina endorsement Weinstein juror laments 'the way things went' for Annabella Sciorra

‘Wake up America, he’s creating a dictatorship’: Trump ignites backlash with demand Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from cases affecting him

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:25 AM PST

'Wake up America, he's creating a dictatorship': Trump ignites backlash with demand Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from cases affecting himDonald Trump has lashed out at two liberal Supreme Court justices and demanded they recuse themselves from cases related to his administration in an extraordinary attack on the judicial system.Mr Trump attacked Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Twitter over perceived slights against himself and his administration.

Whoopi Goes Off on Bernie’s Castro Remarks: ‘There’s Nothing Groovy About a Dictatorship!’

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

Whoopi Goes Off on Bernie's Castro Remarks: 'There's Nothing Groovy About a Dictatorship!'The women of The View continued to rail against Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Tuesday, this time taking issue with the democratic socialist senator doubling down on his praise of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's literacy program."There is nothing groovy about a dictatorship," host Whoopi Goldberg exclaimed at one point.Sanders has come under fire, including by many Democrats, for telling 60 Minutes that it was "unfair" to say "everything is bad" with Castro's regime. Noting that he was opposed to the "authoritarian nature" of Castro's government, Sanders did commend the communist leader for launching a "massive literacy program.""Is that a bad thing?" Sanders wondered aloud. "Even though Fidel Castro did it?"After Sanders defended his comments in a Monday night CNN Town Hall— adding that "teaching people to read and write is a good thing"—the hosts of the ABC talk show all took turns blasting the Vermont lawmaker over his remarks.Liberal co-host Joy Behar expressed exasperation over Sanders' position, claiming he should have also said that Cuba is "an oppressive dictatorship" where the "quality of life is awful." (For his part, Sanders did say that he condemned the regime's imprisoning of political dissidents and that he'd been "extremely consistent and critical of all authoritarian regimes all over the world.")'Senator Sanders, I'm Sorry': Chris Matthews Apologizes for Nazi AnalogyConservative colleague Meghan McCain followed up by saying "this will not play well in Florida" if Sanders becomes the Democratic nominee, something co-host Sunny Hostin agreed with."That is not going to do well in Florida, a swing state for that Latino contingent," Hostin added. "They are not going to forgive him for this position.""It's a dictatorship," Goldberg shouted in response. "There is nothing groovy about a dictatorship!"McCain, meanwhile, insisted that Sanders offering praise of Castro or Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro is "no different than saying Hitler was a good orator." "It's that insane," she shouted. "It's that bat-blank insane!"After Behar added a Mussolini reference for good measure, Goldberg brought it back around to comparing Sanders' remarks to one of President Donald Trump's most infamous moments."There's no way around that," the Oscar-winning actress stated. "This is as bad as you-know-who saying there were good people on both sides. It's the same thing."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Mom of 2 missing Idaho kids wants $5 million bail reduced

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

Mom of 2 missing Idaho kids wants $5 million bail reducedA mother arrested in Hawaii over the disappearance of her two Idaho children wants a judge to reconsider her $5 million bail. A court hearing for her request is scheduled Wednesday on Kauai, where Lori Vallow was arrested last week on an Idaho warrant. Seven-year-old Joshua "JJ" Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan have not been seen since September.

Bloomberg girlfriend Diana Taylor on concerns over NDAs: 'Get over was a bro culture'

Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:09 AM PST

Bloomberg girlfriend Diana Taylor on concerns over NDAs: 'Get over was a bro culture'The campaign later distanced itself from her comments after a "Women for Mike" rally in Texas.

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