Sunday, October 18, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Trump won 81 percent of white evangelicals in 2016. Ralph Reed says he’ll do better this year.

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:07 PM PDT

Trump won 81 percent of white evangelicals in 2016. Ralph Reed says he'll do better this year."I think polling is at this point, it's a discredited science," Reed said.

A Kansas man was arrested on suspicion of threatening to kidnap and kill the mayor of Wichita over the city's mask mandate

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:46 AM PDT

A Kansas man was arrested on suspicion of threatening to kidnap and kill the mayor of Wichita over the city's mask mandateMayor Brandon Whipple said he believed that the threat against his life from was credible and not just "some guy popping off on social media."

Almost all of Wisconsin is classified as a COVID 'hot spot'

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

Almost all of Wisconsin is classified as a COVID 'hot spot'Officials in the state report some hospitals have already reached 90 percent capacity in their intensive care units.

Opponent of Pence's brother alleges racist threats, gunfire

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

Opponent of Pence's brother alleges racist threats, gunfireA Black woman who says she has received numerous racist and threatening messages as an Indiana congressional candidate against Vice President Mike Pence's brother called police after hearing what she thought was gunfire before a campaign event. Democrat Jeannine Lee Lake, who faces long odds against Republican Rep. Greg Pence in the GOP-dominated 6th District, said she had just parked Thursday evening outside Vera Mae's Bistro in Muncie when she heard what she believes were three gunshots outside the driver's side window. Muncie Police Capt. Steve Cox said officers responded to the scene shortly after 8 p.m., and an investigation is ongoing.

Poultry firm denies any link to US Senator of same name who mocked Kamala Harris

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:35 PM PDT

Poultry firm denies any link to US Senator of same name who mocked Kamala HarrisPerdue Chicken assures angry customers it has no links to Georgia politician

Merkel's old rival Merz says Germany has become 'sluggish' under the Chancellor in first CDU husting

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

Merkel's old rival Merz says Germany has become 'sluggish' under the Chancellor in first CDU hustingAngela Merkel's old foe Friedrich Merz said that Germany had become "too sluggish" under its veteran leader, as the three candidates for the Christian Democratic Union party leadership met in Berlin for the first hustings on Saturday evening. Mr Merz, a pro-business millionaire who has been out of frontline politics for the best part of two decades, argued that the government has dropped the ball on issues such as digitalisation and clean energy technologies. "This country has become too slow, we have become too sluggish," he said, complaining that a lack of digitalisation in schools had been exposed during the pandemic. The 64-year-old is up against the governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, and foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen. Mr Röttgen is only seen as having an outside chance of winning the vote among party delegates at the party convention on December 4th. Mr Laschet, a centrist and close confidant of Ms Merkel, told the meeting that he was the man to continue the success that she had brought Germany. The leadership race takes place just two years after the last contest to take over the dominant party of German post-war politics. The woman who won on that occasion, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, beat Mr Merz in a closely fought contest. But she stood down at the beginning of this year after failing to reverse slumping polling figures. It was just a few weeks after her resignation that the party's fortunes were turned around because of strong public approval for how Berlin managed the coronavirus pandemic. Unusually, the public's favourite to take over from Ms Merkel is not a member of the CDU. Instead Markus Söder, leader of the Bavarian CSU, a sister party to the CDU, is enjoying strong polling figures thanks to his safety-first approach to the pandemic. Mr Söder, state premier in Bavaria, has however signalled that he does not intend to run for the top job.

Police given access to details of people told to self-isolate by UK government's system

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:05 PM PDT

Police given access to details of people told to self-isolate by UK government's systemA spokesman for the department said it agreed with the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) that officers could have access on a case-by-case basis to information on whether a specific individual has been notified to self-isolate. The development was reported earlier by Sky News, which also cited an NPCC statement saying police will continue encouraging voluntary compliance but will enforce regulations and issue fixed penalty notices (FPN) when needed. The test and trace system, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would be world beating, has seen setbacks including a glitch identified earlier this month that delayed the upload of nearly 16,000 cases into computer systems, including for contact tracers.

Trump's national security adviser pushes back at top general, says troops won't be home by Christmas

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT

Trump's national security adviser pushes back at top general, says troops won't be home by ChristmasO'Brien's comments Friday were not the first time he has said the United States would draw down its forces in Afghanistan to 2,500 by January.

'Log off! Log off!' teacher orders students when sexual assault livestreamed during first grader's remote learning class

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

'Log off! Log off!' teacher orders students when sexual assault livestreamed during first grader's remote learning classCHICAGO - An 18-year-old man out on bond for a gun case was held without bail after he livestreamed himself during a sexual act with a 7-year-old first grader on break from her Chicago Public Schools remote learning class on Thursday prosecutors said. Catrell A. Walls, of the West Chesterfield neighborhood on the South Side, was arrested Thursday afternoon shortly after 3:30 p.m., after he was ...

A Kentucky postal worker who trashed over 100 absentee ballots was fired and could face federal charges

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

A Kentucky postal worker who trashed over 100 absentee ballots was fired and could face federal chargesThe report comes at a time of heightened anxiety over voting, amplified by President Donald Trump's widely debunked claims of rampant fraud.

Biden email episode illustrates risk to Trump from Giuliani

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

Biden email episode illustrates risk to Trump from GiulianiA New York tabloid's puzzling account about how it acquired emails purportedly from Joe Biden's son has raised some red flags. One of the biggest involves the source of the emails: Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani has traveled abroad looking for dirt on the Bidens, developing relationships with shadowy figures, including a Ukrainian lawmaker who U.S. officials have described as a Russian agent and part of a broader Russian effort to denigrate the Democratic presidential nominee.

Pakistan stops bid to smuggle endangered falcons

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:36 AM PDT

Pakistan stops bid to smuggle endangered falconsThe falcons are on the endangered species list and are said to be worth almost £1m.

Galapagos Islands | With tour boats moored due to the coronavirus pandemic, the animals are out

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Galapagos Islands | With tour boats moored due to  the coronavirus pandemic, the animals are outThe Galapagos marine reserve faces threats from industrial fishing, climate change and a drastic drop in tourism and funding for conservation.

Can Jacinda Ardern’s Landslide Re-Election Convert Stardom into Concrete Reform?

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:09 AM PDT

Can Jacinda Ardern's Landslide Re-Election Convert Stardom into Concrete Reform?As a Kiwi overseas you soon get used to the questions. From trendy Colombian nightclubs, to dingy departure lounges of East African airports and bustling Turkish bazaars, as soon as people hear you're from New Zealand, they're eager to share their unbridled enthusiasm for Jacinda Ardern."We are so grateful for what she did for the Muslim community," one middle-aged Somalian construction worker told The Daily Beast while sipping coffee in an open-air market in Djibouti. Her celebrity truly reaches all corners of the globe.Even NZ's biggest exports aren't immune. Sam Neill, the face of the global Jurassic Park phenomenon told TIME magazine: "Wherever I go people say, 'You think we could have Jacinda this week? Could we just borrow her for a while?'"Ardern has become celebrated all over the world for her spectacular handling of the coronavirus pandemic and last year's Christchurch mosque shooting. On Saturday early results were showing her overwhelmingly re-elected with around 50% of the vote.So will we finally see the transformational government Kiwis have been promised? When she was first elected PM in 2017, Ardern promised a game-changing government that would create a "fairer, more just New Zealand."On many of her policy pledges, her government has performed poorly.So how do you explain the electoral tidal wave that has swept over New Zealand on Saturday? If early results hold, Labour will hold a majority government for the first time in the history of New Zealand's MMP electoral system. The polls suggested a landslide, but it seems they underplayed it. It is a thumping endorsement of her management of the one issue that has dominated the campaign—Ardern's leadership in the COVID-19 pandemic.In New Zealand, life is already back to normal. Kiwis watch the rest of the world with a mixture of horror and pity. Children pile into schools without worry, young people dance and drink their nights away in packed clubs and bars. Thousands just watched the All Blacks play the Australian rugby team in a packed stadium with not a mask in sight. Social distancing measure considered mandatory in the rest of the world are seen as eccentric here.'Aunty Jacinda,' as she's fondly known, is given full credit for this. She enforced a clear plan that she communicated with efficacy and empathy. "Go hard and go early" was her motto, enlisting the New Zealand population as her "team of 5 million." Eliminate the virus and we could get life back to normal as quickly as possible.While many world leaders dithered over their response to the pandemic, Ardern took decisive action. She ordered one of the world's harshest lockdowns and slammed the borders shut. These tough but effective measures allowed New Zealand to eliminate the virus almost completely. Only tough border restrictions remain. When a local outbreak in August threatened to undo all of this progress, her government snapped into action, locking down Auckland literally overnight. Again, the virus was quashed. She was praised by the World Health Organization, The Lancet, and feted by media all around the world. Bloomberg called it a "masterclass in crisis management." She did all of this as a woman in the macho, male-dominated environment of New Zealand politics, and she turned 40 less than three months ago.Even before COVID-19 hit us, her compassionate and sensitive responses to the horrendous mosque massacre in Christchurch, as well as a volcanic eruption that killed 21 people on White Island, earned her global esteem. It was more than just kind words that marked her responses. Within a week of the shooting she pushed through New Zealand's most significant gun control bill in a generation. Even at the lowest moments of her government, her ratings for personal leadership and her reputation for honesty remained high. The conservative National party by contrast has been treated to a mostly dismal year in opposition and cycled through three leaders in less than two months. Yet her ability to lead in a crisis is matched by a record on public policy that is decidedly mixed. It is hard to recall that less than a year ago, in the same month that she graced the cover of TIME magazine, she fell behind in polls to a deeply disliked opposition leader. Her personal popularity was flagging and major initiatives on climate change, child poverty, infrastructure and affordable housing had floundered. She had promised a 'transformational' government that would change the lives of those left behind in New Zealand society. Auckland, New Zealand's biggest city, has some of the most expensive housing anywhere in the world, which has precipitated a large cost of living crisis. As it has accelerated in prices, New Zealand property has become a magnet for well-heeled overseas investors.In her last election campaign in 2017, Ardern promised strong action on affordable housing. Chief among these schemes was Kiwibuild, a well-meaning if politically naïve scheme to build 100,000 affordable houses in ten years, which has now been abandoned. Construction experts in New Zealand always thought it was a pipe dream, but the promise was politically popular. Another infrastructure project, a light rail system in Auckland, has struggled to get off the ground.The COVID crisis has allowed Ardern to focus the election on her leadership style, and in a world gone mad, Jacinda's empathy, pragmatism and frankly her sanity give Kiwis great comfort. Our leader does not suggest that the virus will disappear, maybe with the help of a little bleach. Nor do we have a fiendishly complex set of restrictions that vary so much even the British Prime Minister who makes the rules can't tell you what they are.Yet there are also a number of deeply rooted issues in New Zealand society that its international reputation abroad has allowed to be covered up. New Zealand has by far the largest teen suicide and childhood obesity rates in the 41 countries of the developed world. In terms of health and wellbeing, defined by UNICEF as "neonatal mortality, suicide, mental health, drunkenness and teen pregnancy" it languishes with Bulgaria and Chile in the bottom four. These are some statistics you never see in New Zealand's glossy tourist brochures. The problems affect all of society, but primarily fall on disadvantaged youth from Maori and Pacific Island backgrounds.In her first election, Ardern promised a $5.3 billion New Zealand dollar (around $3 billion USD) 'Families Package' to cut child poverty by 50 per cent over her parliament. Yet the numbers remain stubborn.There has been no statistically significant reduction in child poverty since Labour took office. Too many of New Zealand's poorest children still go to school hungry. There is still the odd Jacinda-skeptic, even if most of the public ones are just the politicians trying to run against her. They grumble that she was playing the pandemic on easy mode—an isolated country with a small, spread out population made it easy to slam shut the borders and eliminate the virus. She was too young and inexperienced they claim, having ascended to lead the Labour party merely four weeks before the 2017 election. This forced her to make pie in the sky policy pledges with little knowledge of how they would play out in practice. Perhaps Ardern's biggest self-criticism would be over climate change. A millennial woman seemed ideally placed to tackle what she described as the "crisis of our generation." Climate change was, she said, "our nuclear free moment." This meant a clear chance for New Zealand to use its moral leadership on an issue of conscience and be an example to the world. After a series of compromises both with her coalition partners and the National Party, she ended up with a tough sounding Zero Carbon Bill that experts say will do almost nothing to reduce New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions. The climate crisis has barely appeared as an issue in the leadership campaign. What three years ago was the world's great existential crisis has been relegated by more pressing concerns. Professor Bronwyn Hayward, a lead author on the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report and a political scientist at the University of Canterbury, says NZ politicians have chosen to play this election safe. "It isn't just Jacinda, both major parties have avoided structural reform and are competing for the center ground," she told The Daily Beast. "By and large the campaign has been very conventional, thinking about economic growth as the driver of the COVID recovery, for Labour an emphasis on investment on education and training with some concessions to low carbon work, and a gradual transition to some greener energy. But policy wise, she is really an incrementalist." Ardern has earned global acclaim and serious political power at home with her quick response to the world's greatest pandemic in a century. Now she has a chance to cure the epidemics of poverty and inequality that have plagued New Zealand society for generations. Professor Hayward says: "After tonight, once we settle the election, the really hard work starts."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Hong Kong protester 'Grandma Wong' reappears after 14 months stuck in China

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:45 AM PDT

Hong Kong protester 'Grandma Wong' reappears after 14 months stuck in ChinaA Hong Kong protester nicknamed "Grandma Wong" who disappeared more than a year ago has resurfaced in the city, saying Chinese authorities had detained her on the mainland and prevented her return. Alexandra Wong, 64, had been a familiar face at anti-government protests that erupted last year, and was often seen waving a large British flag. The Hongkonger lived in Shenzhen, a city in mainland China, but travelled frequently across the border to protest until her disappearance in August last year. Having had minimal public contact since then, she finally re-emerged at a press conference on Saturday, saying that she had been detained by Chinese police at the border as she was returning home on Aug. 14, 2019. Ms Wong claimed she was detained for 45 days, forced to renounce her activism in writing and record a video statement declaring that she had not been tortured. She was then sent on a "patriotic tour" of China's north.

Shark eats seal off Cape Cod beach

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

Shark eats seal off Cape Cod beachThe two animals tussled in the shallows off Cape Cod Beach, ending with the shark eating the seal.

'Stupid and obnoxious': Trump attacks GOP senator who accused him of pandering to dictators

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT

'Stupid and obnoxious': Trump attacks GOP senator who accused him of pandering to dictatorsPresident Trump lashed out at Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., on Saturday, calling him "stupid and obnoxious" after he lambasted the president for his coronavirus response and accused him of being friendly with dictators and white supremacists.

French leader decries terrorist beheading of teacher

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT

French leader decries terrorist beheading of teacherFrench President Emmanuel Macron denounced what he called an "Islamist terrorist attack" against a history teacher decapitated in a Paris suburb Friday, urging the nation to stand united against extremism. The teacher had discussed caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammad with his class, authorities said. Macron visited the school where the teacher worked in the town of Conflans-Saint-Honorine and met with staff after the slaying.

Elon Musk's SpaceX keeps winning US military contracts — here's why, according to an aerospace expert

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Elon Musk's SpaceX keeps winning US military contracts — here's why, according to an aerospace expertSteve Nutt, professor at the University of Southern California, says Elon Musk's SpaceX is now the main alternative to traditional contractors.

CIA, other spy agencies gathered intel on Rudy Giuliani's dealings with alleged Russian agents

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 11:14 AM PDT

CIA, other spy agencies gathered intel on Rudy Giuliani's dealings with alleged Russian agentsThe U.S. wasn't spying on Giuliani, but on people with whom he talked, including Andrii Derkach, identified by the Treasury Department as a Russian agent.

Merkel urges Germans to reduce contacts and travel as infections rise

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:57 AM PDT

Merkel urges Germans to reduce contacts and travel as infections riseChancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to curb social contacts and keep travel to a minimum on Saturday after federal and state governments struggled to agree on how to contain a second wave of coronavirus infections. While Germany's infection rates are lower than in much of Europe, they have been accelerating and hit a daily record of 7,830 on Saturday, according to the Robert Koch Institute for infections diseases.

New Texas rule lets social workers turn away clients who are LGBTQ or have a disability

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

New Texas rule lets social workers turn away clients who are LGBTQ or have a disabilitySocial workers called the change "incredibly disheartening," while Gov. Greg Abbott's office said it was necessary

Eight passengers test positive for COVID-19 on Costa Cruises ship

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

Eight passengers test positive for COVID-19 on Costa Cruises shipEight passengers who sailed on Costa Cruises' Costa Diadema in Italy have tested positive for COVID-19.

Missile fired where Turkey cleared way for S-400 test -video

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:59 PM PDT

Missile fired where Turkey cleared way for S-400 test -video

The video, taken in the coastal city of Sinop, showed a narrow column of smoke headed high into the blue sky.

In recent days Turkey had issued notices restricting air space and waters off the coastal area to allow firing tests.

A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Turkey had tested the S-400 system on Friday but did not provide details. Tests of the S-400s, if verified, could stoke tensions between Turkey and the United States, which sharply opposed Ankara's purchase of the weapons from Moscow on grounds they compromise shared NATO defence systems.

State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said the United States has expressed to the most senior levels of the Turkish government that the acquisition of Russian military systems such as the S-400 is unacceptable, adding that Washington has been clear on its expectation that the system should not be operationalized.

US woman faces first federal execution since 1953

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

US woman faces first federal execution since 1953Lisa Montgomery is due to become the first woman to face federal execution in the US in 67 years.

Republicans boycott House intel hearing on the risks of QAnon and other misinformation

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

Republicans boycott House intel hearing on the risks of QAnon and other misinformationThe virtual hearing was unclassified and featured testimony from non-government experts about the risks posed by the rapid expansion of the QAnon conspiracy theory and the role of elected officials, including President Trump, in spreading unverified rumors.

Black immigrants find camaraderie, divide amid protests

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT

Black immigrants find camaraderie, divide amid protestsInspired by the global protests against systemic racism and police brutality, Nigerian American blogger Nifesimi Akingbe donned a black shirt that read "I am Black history," and began recording a video. Akingbe then went on to list her frustrations about racism in America and directed her message to Black immigrant communities like her own: This is your battle, too. Akingbe, of suburban Baltimore, is among the many young Black immigrants or children of immigrants who say they are speaking out for racial equity while also trying to convince older members of their communities that these issues should matter to them, too.

Utah landlord evicted an 18-year-old woman for disturbing the peace in her apartment after she shared suicidal thoughts with her roommates, reports say

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

Utah landlord evicted an 18-year-old woman for disturbing the peace in her apartment after she shared suicidal thoughts with her roommates, reports sayThe woman was given six days to move out after her landlord said she interfered with her roommates' "quiet enjoyment" of their apartment.

A year after disputed ballot, Bolivians return to polls, and ex-president Evo Morales looms large

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

A year after disputed ballot, Bolivians return to polls, and ex-president Evo Morales looms largeBolivians vote Sunday a year after the resignation of President Evo Morales. Morales remains in exile, but his socialist party leads in polls.

Former UK PM Blair accused of breaking quarantine rules after U.S. trip: Sunday Telegraph

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

Former UK PM Blair accused of breaking quarantine rules after U.S. trip: Sunday TelegraphFormer British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been accused of breaking UK COVID-19 restrictions after failing to self-isolate for two weeks following a two-day trip to the United States, the Sunday Telegraph reported. The newspaper said it had obtained pictures showing Blair, who served as prime minister from 1997 to 2007, leaving a London restaurant 10 days after his return from Washington last month. The Sunday Telegraph said it understood that Blair appealed to Whitehall officials for special dispensation from the COVID-19 rules, but that he was not issued with the formal exemption letter he would have needed to avoid a 14-day isolation period.

New York officials say they put stop to planned 10,000-person wedding due to Covid

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

New York officials say they put stop to planned 10,000-person wedding due to Covid"You can get married, you just can't have a 1,000 people at your wedding," said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Coronavirus study finds air on planes is safer than homes or operating rooms

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT

Coronavirus study finds air on planes is safer than homes or operating roomsThe study by United Airlines and others found that HEPA filters and high air turnover reduces the rate of COVID-19 infection by 99.7%.

'Home Improvement’ star Zachery Ty Bryan arrested for allegedly choking girlfriend

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT

'Home Improvement' star Zachery Ty Bryan arrested for allegedly choking girlfriendBryan was arrested at an Eugene, Oregon apartment complex late Friday night.

Trump laughs as Michigan rally chants "lock her up" to Governor Whitmer following foiled plot

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:50 PM PDT

Trump laughs as Michigan rally chants "lock her up" to Governor Whitmer following foiled plotA group of right-wing radicals was just arrested for trying to kidnap and kill Michigan's Democratic governor

Iran announces its virus death toll passes 30,000

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:34 AM PDT

Iran announces its virus death toll passes 30,000Iran announced Saturday that its death toll from the coronavirus has passed the milestone of 30,000, in what has been the Mideast region's worst outbreak. Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari announced that the total death toll from the outbreak had reached at least 30,123. Iran has been struggling with the coronavirus since announcing its first cases in February, with more than 526,000 confirmed cases to date.

A groundbreaking new British drug offers hope to opioid addicts

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:58 AM PDT

A groundbreaking new British drug offers hope to opioid addictsBuvidal, is an injectable form of Buprenorphine, that acts as a slow-release drug that blocks the opioid receptors in the brain.

How many US presidents have lost out on a second term?

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

How many US presidents have lost out on a second term?Only ten presidents have failed to win re-election

Italy to announce new COVID-19 restrictions as infections spike: PM's office

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:14 AM PDT

Italy to announce new COVID-19 restrictions as infections spike: PM's officeItalian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will announce on Sunday another set of measures to counter the new wave of COVID-19 cases, his office said, after the country registered a new daily record in infections on Saturday. Conte's office said the government is discussing new restrictions with local and health authorities, aiming to stem contagion while limiting the impact on individuals and businesses. Italy was the first major European country to be hit by COVID-19 and had managed to get the outbreak under control by the summer thanks to a rigid two-month lockdown on business and people's movement.

Patriotic artist running for NYC mayor says city is 'so aggravated'

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:29 AM PDT

Patriotic artist running for NYC mayor says city is 'so aggravated'Scott Lobaido joins 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to discuss his platform to rebuild New York City.

Rapper who bragged about getting rich off unemployment benefits in music video arrested for $1.2 million scheme, federal prosecutors say

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:53 PM PDT

Rapper who bragged about getting rich off unemployment benefits in music video arrested for $1.2 million scheme, federal prosecutors sayRapper Nuke Bizzle attempted to "exploit" California's Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program helping those who lost their job during the pandemic.

How a Strip Club Named Tootsie’s Could Doom Miami’s Coronavirus Plan

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

How a Strip Club Named Tootsie's Could Doom Miami's Coronavirus PlanA local strip club could doom a business curfew in Miami implemented to curb the coronavirus pandemic in Florida's largest county.Over the past several months, local regulations in Miami-Dade have required businesses close early in the evening, a measure county officials took with hopes of slowing the spread of coronavirus.But on Friday, a Miami-Dade judge ruled in favor of Tootsie's strip club in Miami Gardens, which sued the city, arguing that the club should be allowed to stay open past the midnight curfew.In her Friday ruling, Judge Beatrice Butchko wrote that the county's regulations conflict directly with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' order that coronavirus-related restrictions not prohibit Floridians from working.COVID-Skeptical Florida Guv Outdoes Himself, Lifts All Restrictions on Restaurants and Bars"The Miami-Dade curfew orders conflict with [DeSantis' executive order] because they prohibit Tootsie's from operating; they prohibit employees and contractors from working; and they reduce capacity to zero for the entire time subject to the curfew," Butchko wrote.While the strip club made a somewhat unorthodox argument in court, seemingly claiming that dance was an expression of constitutionally-protected free speech that was being violated by the county, the Friday ruling could nonetheless have major implications for businesses in the county.Some observers believe the ruling could essentially nullify the county's curfew, allowing restaurants, nightclubs and other businesses to remain open all night.> This order by Judge Butchko signals the end of Miami-Dade's COVID curfew if the county can't overturn it on appeal. For now, it only applies to Tootsie's.> > — Doug Hanks (@doug_hanks) October 16, 2020In a statement on Saturday, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said the city would not be enforcing the curfew, so as not to confuse local businesses. But as the Miami Herald notes, Miami-Dade County could decide to enforce the curfew, which would potentially put the county in conflict with the judge's order."We're not going to be enforcing the curfew tonight," Suarez said. "In order to not create confusion, we're not going to enforce the curfew until there is clarity."Florida has been particularly hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, the state reported over 4,000 new coronavirus cases, and 87 deaths. Almost 16,000 Floridians have died in the state since the pandemic began earlier this year.Still, the state has charged ahead with reopenings with few mandatory guardrails for residents against the virus.Last month, DeSantis announced that the state would allow bars and restaurants to open at full capacity, and would override local regulations and ordinances attempting to limit capacity. While it provided some avenues for counties and cities to still set restrictions, his order included a prohibition on local governments issuing any coronavirus rules that prevented people from working.The governor has also refused to implement a mask mandate, and has seemed to support large, in-person outdoor events, attending a Trump rally last week and allowing professional sports teams to hold games with thousands of fans.After DeSantis issued his order, Tootsie's immediately stopped following the curfew, a lawyer for the club, James Benjamin, told the Miami Herald. It allowed the club's late-night workers to earn a living, he said, but a club manager was given a $500 citation by county police for staying open one night.Friday's ruling came just days after Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Giménez had already pushed the evening curfew back from 10 p.m. to midnight.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Kansas City protests continue after officer in violent arrest of pregnant woman remains on the job

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 01:50 PM PDT

Kansas City protests continue after officer in violent arrest of pregnant woman remains on the jobDeja Stallings says she was just trying to protect a friend when she was arrested during a demonstration in Kansas City, Missouri two weeks ago. During the arrest, Stallings was thrown to the ground and kneed in the back by a police officer who remains on the job.

French premier joins nationwide tributes to beheaded teacher

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:26 AM PDT

French premier joins nationwide tributes to beheaded teacherFrance's prime minister joined demonstrators on Sunday who rallied together across the country in tribute to a history teacher who was beheaded near Paris after discussing caricatures of Islam's Prophet Muhammad with his class. The demonstrations came hours after U.S. President Donald Trump sent France a message of solidarity in the wake of the attack. Samuel Paty was beheaded on Friday in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine by a 18-year-old Moscow-born Chechen refugee who was shot dead by police.

Amphibious assault vehicles that sink are 'death traps' for the troops inside, Marine veterans say after fatal accident

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 05:30 AM PDT

Amphibious assault vehicles that sink are 'death traps' for the troops inside, Marine veterans say after fatal accident"They are death traps and need to be updated if not completely eradicated from the Marine Corps," a veteran injured in an AAV accident told Insider.

California: GOP can no longer deploy "unauthorized" drop boxes

Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

California: GOP can no longer deploy "unauthorized" drop boxesBut the state GOP said Padilla and Becerra "didn't know the facts and didn't bother to learn them before accusing us" of wrongdoing.

Italy daily COVID-19 cases hit record high as govt eyes new measures

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

Italy daily COVID-19 cases hit record high as govt eyes new measuresItaly registered 11,705 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, the health ministry said, up from the previous record of 10,925 posted the day before, as the government prepares fresh measures to battle a second wave of the disease. Italy was the first country in Europe to be hit hard by COVID-19 and has the second-highest death toll in the region after Britain, with 36,543 fatalities since the outbreak flared in February, according to official figures. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is due to announce further measures later on Sunday.

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