Sunday, October 25, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Why is QAnon more obsessed with an imaginary sex-trafficking ring than with Jeffrey Epstein’s real one?

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:31 PM PDT

Why is QAnon more obsessed with an imaginary sex-trafficking ring than with Jeffrey Epstein's real one?Epstein's long history of sexual misconduct, on private islands, in his Florida mansion, aboard yachts and and his private jet, with a who's who of powerful "elites" including former President Bill Clinton (who denies having had a close relationship with Epstein or any knowledge of his crimes), is probably the closest real-world analogue of the imaginary global sex-trafficking ring at the core of the QAnon conspiracy. 

Harry Reid says that Biden should spend 'no more than three weeks' testing Republican cooperation before eliminating the Senate filibuster

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:07 AM PDT

Harry Reid says that Biden should spend 'no more than three weeks' testing Republican cooperation before eliminating the Senate filibusterThe former Democratic senator from Nevada and Senate Majority Leader insisted that GOP obstruction should not be tolerated.

Far-right extremist shot at Minneapolis' police precinct to spark violence during Floyd protests, FBI says

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:43 AM PDT

Far-right extremist shot at Minneapolis' police precinct to spark violence during Floyd protests, FBI saysA far-right extremist has been accused of opening fire on Minneapolis' third police precinct and sparking violence during May's George Floyd protests.Ivan Harrison Hunter, a 26-year-old from Texas, was charged Friday with one count of interstate travel to participate in a riot. An admitted member of the "Boogaloo Bois," Hunter opened fire on the precinct and later looted it and helped set it on fire, the FBI said in a sworn affidavit released Friday.The Minneapolis police's third precinct was just a block from where Floyd was killed, and became the center of protests against police violence that devolved into the destruction of the precinct and buildings around it. Hunter is one of several far-right extremists accused of intentionally ramping up that violence. Armed with a mask and tactical gear, Hunter fired 13 rounds at the precinct while officers were inside and ran away shouting "Justice for Floyd," the FBI alleges. He later bragged about "help[ing] the community burn down that police station" on Facebook.Hunter admitted he was member of the Boogaloo movement, a collection of far-right, anti-government extremists intent on sparking a second civil war. He was in contact with other self-described Boogaloo Bois who arranged a trip to Minneapolis. He also texted with Steven Carrillo, another Boogaloo member who later shot and killed a sheriff's deputy in California.More stories from Trump loses on the merits Who won the final 2020 debate? Call it a draw. Get ready for Trump TV, America

A white woman yelled 'f--- Black Lives Matter' at a Starbucks barista after she told her to wear a mask

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

A white woman yelled 'f--- Black Lives Matter' at a Starbucks barista after she told her to wear a maskAn unnamed white woman yelled at barista Alex Beckom when she told her she had to put on a mask in Starbucks. A video of the encounter went viral.

Family of hiker missing for 2 weeks in Mount Rainier pushes for active search

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:09 PM PDT

Family of hiker missing for 2 weeks in Mount Rainier pushes for active searchSam Dubal, 33, went missing while on an overnight trip that began Oct. 9. His family is pleading for three more days of searching.

JetBlue bans white man, donning Burger King crown, after racist scene on New York-bound flight

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:12 AM PDT

Evo Morales leaves Argentina for Venezuela: report

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

Evo Morales leaves Argentina for Venezuela: reportBolivia's former president Evo Morales left Argentina for Caracas late Friday in an official Venezuelan aircraft, the official Argentine news agency Telam said.

Democrats planning 30-hour 'digital filibuster' to try to stop Amy Coney Barrett being confirmed

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

Democrats planning 30-hour 'digital filibuster' to try to stop Amy Coney Barrett being confirmedSenators including Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer will deliver messages as part of a campaign of protest against the woman set to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court

‘Catastrophic’ shark attack critically injures Australian spearfisher, officials say

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT

'Catastrophic' shark attack critically injures Australian spearfisher, officials sayHe had to be airlifted from the Great Barrier Reef to a hospital for emergency surgery.

Singapore Airlines doesn't want to dethrone its original world's longest flight even though the new one is three miles longer – here's how the two will differ

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:45 AM PDT

Singapore Airlines doesn't want to dethrone its original world's longest flight even though the new one is three miles longer – here's how the two will differThe new Singapore-New York route is one of the few new international routes to launch during the pandemic, but the airline is keeping it low-key.

New fighting flares over Nagorno-Karabakh as Aliyev warns against Russian involvement

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:36 AM PDT

New fighting flares over Nagorno-Karabakh as Aliyev warns against Russian involvementNew fighting erupted between Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces on Sunday over the mountainous enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh as both sides blamed each other for blocking a peaceful settlement to the conflict. Armenia accused Azeri forces of shelling civilian settlements. Baku denied killing civilians and said it was ready to implement a ceasefire, provided that Armenian forces withdrew from the battlefield.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s family launch operation to get her out of New York prison

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

Ghislaine Maxwell's family launch operation to get her out of New York prisonGhislaine Maxwell's family have launched "Operation GGO" – a "get Ghislaine out of jail" campaign, complaining that her human rights have been violated in a New York prison. The heiress, on remand for child sex trafficking charges linked to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, has been the victim of "cruel" and "vindictive" treatment by the US authorities, it is claimed. Brian Basham, a public relations veteran and close friend of the family, has alleged that Ms Maxwell has lost 25lbs while in jail and that when she complained, the prison authorities simply removed her scales to prevent her from recording any further weight loss. Ms Maxwell, a vegan, was not being fed a proper diet and went 20 hours without food in recent days, he said. He also complained that she was forced to wear clothes made of paper and was refused permission to wear a bra because of fears she is a suicide risk. Prison guards, he said, have stopped talking to her and she is in isolation in a cell 9ft by 7ft. Letters from family have not reached her, Mr Basham has alleged. Epstein killed himself in a New York jail last year while awaiting trial. Mr Basham has now offered his services to the family for free to secure her bail before a trial on six counts relating to child sex trafficking and procurement charges and perjury due to take place next summer.

Texas boy, 3, dies after accidentally shooting himself in the chest at birthday party

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:18 AM PDT

Texas boy, 3, dies after accidentally shooting himself in the chest at birthday partyThe Montgomery County Sheriff's Office said its "thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of this tragic accident."

Dead animal, brick with a name left at congressman's house

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:28 PM PDT

Dead animal, brick with a name left at congressman's houseAn upstate New York congressman said he and his family were threatened with a dead animal and a brick bearing a family member's name at his home Friday. The brick and the animal were found at Republican Rep. Tom Reed's house after 10:30 a.m., according to the Corning Police Department, which said it was working with state police and federal agencies to investigate, according to WIVB-TV. Neither Reed nor police specified what kind of animal it was or provided other details.

Ethiopia blasts Trump remark that Egypt will 'blow up' dam

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:10 AM PDT

Ethiopia blasts Trump remark that Egypt will 'blow up' dam

Ethiopia on Saturday denounced "belligerent threats" by President Trump over the huge dam it has nearly completed on the Blue Nile River. This comes a day after Trump said downstream Egypt will "blow up" the project it has called an existential threat.

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee dies at 78

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:32 PM PDT

Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee dies at 78Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee, who transformed the South Korean firm into a global tech titan, died at the age of 78 on Sunday, the company said.

Man who bought guns used in 2015 San Bernardino massacre gets 20 years

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

Man who bought guns used in 2015 San Bernardino massacre gets 20 yearsThe man who bought two rifles that terrorists used to kill 14 people in a 2015 attack in San Bernardino, Calif., was sentenced Friday to 20 years in prison.

Mark Kelly says it's not him dressed as Adolf Hitler for Halloween in yearbook photo

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:02 PM PDT

Mark Kelly says it's not him dressed as Adolf Hitler for Halloween in yearbook photoAccording to Kelly's campaign, the story injects a false but new line of attack against by allies of his Republican opponent.

Biden says he won't return Trump's attacks on his children because 'it's crass' to target a political opponent's family

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:42 PM PDT

Biden says he won't return Trump's attacks on his children because 'it's crass' to target a political opponent's family"Look, I'm running against Donald Trump, not his children," Biden said in an interview with "Pod Save America."

Over 52 million Americans have already voted. How does it break down by party?

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:56 PM PDT

Over 52 million Americans have already voted. How does it break down by party?"We can be certain this will be a high-turnout election."

Nigeria protests: Police chief deploys 'all resources' amid street violence

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

Nigeria protests: Police chief deploys 'all resources' amid street violenceThe shooting of unarmed protesters this week sparked the worst street violence in two decades.

Poland's president has coronavirus, apologizes to contacts

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

Poland's president has coronavirus, apologizes to contactsPresident Andrzej Duda apologized "to all those who are exposed to quarantine procedures ... If I had had any symptoms, please believe me, all meetings would have been canceled."

Black contractor braves threats in removing Richmond statues

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:07 AM PDT

Black contractor braves threats in removing Richmond statuesDevon Henry paced in nervous anticipation, because this was a project like nothing he'd ever done. An accomplished Black businessman, Henry took on a job the city says others were unwilling to do: lead contractor for the now-completed removal of 14 pieces of Confederate statuary that dotted Virginia's capital city. "You did it, man," said Rodney Henry.

British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert detained in Iran moved out of desert prison

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert detained in Iran moved out of desert prisonKylie Moore-Gilbert, the British-Australian academic who has been detained in Iran for the past two years, has been moved from the notorious desert prison of Qarchak to an unknown location. Her move was first reported by the Iranian Association of Human Rights Activists, who said that she was moved, along with all of her belongings, on Saturday. A source close to the case confirmed the move, but did not know any further details. There has been no official word from the Iranian government. Dr Moore-Gilbert, a lecturer in Islamic Studies, was arrested for espionage after attending a conference in Qom in 2018. She was charged in a secret trial and given 10 years imprisonment. Both Dr Moore-Gilbert and the Australian government reject the charges, which they say are politically motivated. Iran's Revolutionary Guards claim that someone she interviewed for a research project flagged her as suspicious so they stopped her from returning to Melbourne. Qarchak prison, in the desert on the eastern outskirts of Tehran, has a reputation for being the most dangerous of the country's women's prisons. Dr Moore-Gilbert had been moved from Evin prison in Tehran to Qarchak in August, which activists at the time believed to be a "punishment". It was not immediately clear where Dr Moore-Gilbert has been taken. Just 11 days prior to her movement she had been transferred to Ward Eight (formerly known as the Mothers' Ward) of Qarchak, alongside at least 15 other political prisoners. While those campaigning for her release see her move as a sign of hope, not knowing where the mystery location she has been sent to or the reason behind the move, gives little to base it on.

France recalls envoy after Erdogan jibe at Macron

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT

France recalls envoy after Erdogan jibe at MacronFrance on Saturday said it was recalling its envoy to Turkey for consultations after comments by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggesting French counterpart Emmanuel Macron needed a mental health check-up that Paris condemned as unacceptable.

Nearly 9,000 flee homes in Philippines as Molave intensifies into typhoon

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:00 PM PDT

Hotels are trying to attract families with gourmet cooking classes, cabana classrooms, and yoga breaks as kids continue with remote schooling across the US

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 05:53 AM PDT

Hotels are trying to attract families with gourmet cooking classes, cabana classrooms, and yoga breaks as kids continue with remote schooling across the USHotels are beckoning families with "schoolcation" packages that tap into their newfound flexibility to travel during the school year.

Trump targets Kamala Harris in sexist rant against the Democratic vice-presidential nominee

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

Trump targets Kamala Harris in sexist rant against the Democratic vice-presidential nominee"We're not going to have a socialist president, especially a female socialist president ... we're not gonna' put up with it," Trump said.

‘Black Guy’ label for student in yearbook was created by employee, Indiana school says

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

'Black Guy' label for student in yearbook was created by employee, Indiana school saysThe school has said it was a "truly reprehensible error."

Letters to the Editor: How Pope Francis' support for civil unions gives cover to mariage equality opponents

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Letters to the Editor: How Pope Francis' support for civil unions gives cover to mariage equality opponentsMarriage equality opponents may now argue in court that same-six civil unions are just as good legally as marriages. Of course, they are not.

Supreme Court sides mostly with Republicans in last-minute voting cases

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:30 AM PDT

Supreme Court sides mostly with Republicans in last-minute voting casesMore rulings on election procedures with mail-in ballots in key battleground states are expected before Nov. 3

‘Urban Warfare’ as Europe’s Second Wave Spins Out of Control

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

'Urban Warfare' as Europe's Second Wave Spins Out of ControlROME—A few hours after the regional governor of the Italian region of Campania where Naples is located announced he would be locking down the entire province to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Neapolitans took to the streets Friday night to defy the order. The situation quickly turned into what one police official likened to urban warfare with protesters lighting dumpsters and ducking teargas being lobbed by police. All the while, the mostly maskless, yelling crowd undoubtedly spread coronavirus even more.Europe is very much out of control when it comes to its second wave, with every single nation in the 27-member zone struggling in a race against time as hospitals fill up and death tolls—which are substantially less than the first wave so far— continue to rise. Millions of people are facing harsh new restrictions as governments play what amounts to whack-a-mole to try to stop the spread of the virus they thought just a few months ago they had defeated. Improved testing in many countries has painted a clearer picture of just how widespread the pandemic is, but because of the number of new infections, systems to contact trace have been overwhelmed, making the spread impossible to control.The U.S. is in Denial Over the Coronavirus Pandemic as Europe Struggles With Second WaveFrance has expanded its Draconian curfew that has stifled Parisian nightlife and put a massive dent in the hospitality sector economy of one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Now 46 million French people will have to be home by 9 p.m. In Wales, a two-week "firebreak" started Friday, meaning everyone but essential workers has to be home by 6 p.m. The Czech Republic has just reached the dubious honor of having the most cases per capita in Europe with 1,148 cases per 100,000 residents, with Belgium and the Netherlands close behind. Ireland is under a six-week lockdown and Slovakia has vowed to test every single citizen to try to mitigate the spread. The Polish president has just tested positive and Germany reached 10,003 COVID-related deaths as the infection rate continues to rise. Filming of Mission Impossible 7 with Tom Cruise has been suspended in Venice as cases there reach record levels. And the Italian government is facing calls by 100 top scientists to mandate strict new measures in the next two or three days, or the outcome could be catastrophic.And it is still only October.Europe's problems are dire, and citizens are angry that their governments have not been able to come up with any better plan than locking down, which puts already weak economies that were so badly hurt in the first wave of the pandemic at even greater risk of collapse. Ludovic Subran, the chief economist at Allianz warned last week of a high risk serious recession across Europe as new restrictions are put in place. "We see an elevated risk of a double dip recession in countries that are once again resorting to targeted and regional lockdowns," he said, adding that the European Union's first bailout $880 billion won't likely go to growth but be used by many countries like Italy, Spain and Greece to just stay afloat.On Saturday, the group Save Our Rights U.K. is holding a massive demonstration in London to protest not only restrictions being enforced by the British government, but the overall handling of the pandemic, pointing to contact tracing and other means to track the spread of the coronavirus as an affront to privacy. "We believe that the coronavirus regulations that are in place are not proportionate and appropriate, and are causing more harm than good," Louise Creffield, the group founder told the Guardian. "We are very concerned with protecting people's human rights: right to privacy, family life, bodily autonomy, medical freedoms, and so on. We are not just concerned with lockdowns per se, we are concerned with the infringements with our privacy by having this track and trace everywhere."Similar sentiments are now common across Europe, where pandemic fatigue is now evident. And with lack of a feasible containment plan anywhere, the people are angry, desperate and increasingly ambivalent about what is really at stake: thousands of lives.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Former home of Jennifer Dulos goes on the market for $1.75M

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

Former home of Jennifer Dulos goes on the market for $1.75MThe former home of Jennifer Dulos, the Connecticut mother of five who prosecutors say was killed by her estranged husband last year, is going on the market for $1.75 million. The 10,000-square-foot, six-bedroom house in Farmington, Connecticut is being listed as part of the sell-off of the estate of Fotis Dulos, Jennifer Dulos' estranged husband, The Hartford Courant reported Saturday. Fotis Dulos, a luxury home builder, took his own life in January while facing a murder charge.

Looters raid Nigeria food warehouse as unrest spreads

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

Looters raid Nigeria food warehouse as unrest spreadsSeveral thousand people ransacked and looted a government food warehouse in central Nigeria on Saturday in the latest in two weeks of unrest sweeping over Africa's most populous country.

Hurricane force gusts prompt extremely critical fire risk in California

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:28 PM PDT

Hurricane force gusts prompt extremely critical fire risk in CaliforniaMeanwhile, record shattering cold brings heavy snow and wind chills below zero to Colorado.

The states with and without travel restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:21 AM PDT

The states with and without travel restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemicSome US states require travelers to get tested for the coronavirus and self-quarantine for 14 days, while others have no travel restrictions in place.

Fox host Lou Dobbs says 'I don't know why anyone' would vote for Sen. Lindsey Graham

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

Fox host Lou Dobbs says 'I don't know why anyone' would vote for Sen. Lindsey GrahamThe conservative commentator slammed the South Carolina senator for what he feels is a lack of oversight regarding anti-conservative bias.

I’ve never endorsed a candidate for president before. This year, I must | Opinion

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

I've never endorsed a candidate for president before. This year, I must | OpinionAllow me, please, a point of personal privilege.

Hungary's coronavirus daily tally tops 3,000 for first time

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:49 AM PDT

Hungary's coronavirus daily tally tops 3,000 for first timeHungary reported 3,149 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday, its highest single-day tally and jumping above 3,000 for the first time, the government said. Although coronavirus cases have been rising sharply since late August, Hungary's nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban is seeking to avoid a repeat of the spring lockdown that sent the economy crashing by 13.6% in the second quarter. Hungarian schools are operating as normal, and apart from closing borders to foreigners, the government has not imposed significant limitations on events.

Tanks sent to tourist island of Zanzibar as Tanzania's strongman leader eyes indefinite rule

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:11 AM PDT

Tanks sent to tourist island of Zanzibar as Tanzania's strongman leader eyes indefinite ruleZanzibar is best known by holidaymakers for its sandy white beaches and winding medieval passageways. But where once there were tourists, tanks and soldiers now line the cobbled streets in the iconic district of Stone Town as the East African nation lurches towards a general election on Wednesday that could spell the end of what's left of democracy on the mainland of Tanzania. The archipelago has been a hotbed of government opposition ever since it joined the adjacent territory of Tanganyika in 1964, creating Tanzania. Tanzania's strongman John Magufuli, who is running for national re-election on Wednesday, is the greatest barrier to free and fair elections that Zanzibar has ever faced, opposition leaders claim. According to his critics, he is leading Tanzania away from one of Africa's most inclusive and peaceful democracies towards a totalitarian state. Opponents accuse him of shooting opposition figures, muzzling the independent press and replacing the judiciary with government stooges. His announcement in June that Tanzania is "Covid-19 free" and a goat, pawpaw and papaya had tested positive for the virus raised eyebrows around the world.

Police chief: Illinois officer who shot Black couple in car fired

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Police chief: Illinois officer who shot Black couple in car fired

A police officer who shot a Black couple inside a vehicle — killing a 19-year-old man and wounding his girlfriend — has been fired, the police chief announced Friday.

Scott Peterson, who killed pregnant wife, faces death penalty at resentencing

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

Scott Peterson, who killed pregnant wife, faces death penalty at resentencing"At this point in time, we are on track to retry" the death penalty case, a prosecutor told a judge in California on Friday.

Pentagon condemns Turkish missile system test, warns of 'serious consequences'

Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

Pentagon condemns Turkish missile system test, warns of 'serious consequences'The Pentagon on Friday strongly condemned the test of a Russian-made S-400 missile defense system by NATO ally Turkey and warned of "serious consequences."

Two Notre Dame students killed, 1 injured after being hit by car

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:56 PM PDT

Two Notre Dame students killed, 1 injured after being hit by carA vehicle is believed to have hit the three students, who were walking in the street, and then crashed into a house.

Ireland's beloved wild dolphin Fungie mysteriously vanished for more than a week, and people fear he may have died

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:19 AM PDT

Ireland's beloved wild dolphin Fungie mysteriously vanished for more than a week, and people fear he may have diedFungie hasn't been seen in Dingle Bay, County Kerry, since October 12, prompting fears he is dead or gone somewhere else.

Stimulus checks could take weeks or months to arrive as Pelosi and Mnuchin remain locked in negotiations

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 04:14 AM PDT

Stimulus checks could take weeks or months to arrive as Pelosi and Mnuchin remain locked in negotiations"It'd take a colossal get-together, just a huge get-together, to put a stimulus package together, and I don't see it happening."

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