Saturday, October 3, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Democrats, preferring to risk COVID than losing to Trump, are shifting away from voting by mail

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:53 PM PDT

Democrats, preferring to risk COVID than losing to Trump, are shifting away from voting by mailAs President Trump has waged a war on the legitimacy of voting by mail, many Democrats have decided to cast their ballots in person.

Five North Carolina police officers resign after Black man’s overdose death in custody

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:55 PM PDT

Five North Carolina police officers resign after Black man's overdose death in custodyHarold Easter lay collapsed on the floor of an interview room for nearly eight minutes before an officer arrived

U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits to sexual texting with California strategist

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:24 PM PDT

U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits to sexual texting with California strategistDemocrat Cal Cunningham said he is not dropping out of his race against North Carolina Republican incumbent Thom Tillis.

Beto O'Rourke says Texas is "Biden's to lose" in presidential race

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:16 AM PDT

Beto O'Rourke says Texas is "Biden's to lose" in presidential raceO'Rourke said he'd like to see the Biden campaign to make more appearances in the state.

Mexico deploys military to block migrant caravan

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

Mexico deploys military to block migrant caravanMexico on Friday ordered the military to deploy along its southern border to block a migrant caravan that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador suggested was linked to the US election.

Steve Daines got influx of cash after vote to extend an investor visa program “rampant” with fraud

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Steve Daines got influx of cash after vote to extend an investor visa program Montana GOP senator met with investor and visa proponent at private resort — then his vote made donations flow

'It’s a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights Covid

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:27 AM PDT

'It's a hoax. There's no pandemic': Trump's base stays loyal as president fights CovidNews that the president has contracted coronavirus prompted alarm, confusion and schadenfreude among Trump supportersSean Patterson is not worried that Donald Trump has been hospitalized with coronavirus because he believes what the president tells him."It's a hoax. There's no pandemic. As Trump said, how many millions die of flu?" said the 56-year-old truck driver outside the early voting station in St Joseph, Missouri – a stronghold for the president.But then Patterson pauses and contemplates the possibility that Trump really does have Covid-19."If he's sick, then they planted it when they tested him. It's what they did to me when I went to hospital for my heart beating too fast. Two weeks later I got a cold," he said. "It's political. I don't trust the US government at all. Who are they to mandate personal safety? I listen to Trump."At the end of a tumultuous week even by the standards of one of the most turbulent presidencies of modern times, the disturbing if not entirely unpredictable news that the president has contracted coronavirus prompted alarm, confusion and schadenfreude in the heart of Trumpland.St Joseph, a former frontier city where the outlaw Jesse James met his bloody end, voted overwhelmingly for the president four years ago. The polls say Missouri will go his way again next month. But with Trump struggling in key swing states, the news he has fallen sick to Covid-19 jolted an election already battered days earlier by the most undignified presidential election debate in history.Trump's persistent interruptions and disruptions, including mocking Biden for wearing a mask in other situations, tested the faith of more than a few of his supporters. Now his contraction of coronavirus has raised further doubts after Trump repeatedly undermined medical advice as the Covid-19 death toll surged past 200,000.> He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying.> > Karen WhiteHis family openly defied regulations requiring masks at the debate. The president attended an election rally in Wisconsin the next day and failed to wear a mask. Several of his officials, including advisor Hope Hicks and former top aide Kellyanne Conway, have also tested positive.Even some Trump supporters despaired at his cavalier attitude to the pandemic and his ability to turn a medical emergency into a political fight and loyalty test. "I agreed with the president that it was wrong to shut down the country because of coronavirus," said Karen White, an office manager who voted for him in 2016. "The damage to our economy was just too great. But he was wrong to question masks. I wish he hadn't done it. He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying."Others were more sanguine. "It doesn't worry me that he's infected because I'm not surprised," said Martin Rucker, a 63-year-old African American public servant on his way to vote early at the county courthouse in central St Joseph. "He didn't take precautions to stop getting it and now he has it. It was predictable."Some of the more conspiratorially minded were, like Patterson, suspicious of whether the president actually has coronavirus but for different reasons."When I first heard, I did wonder if he made it up to get out of the next debate or win sympathy," said Amy Grant, a 26 year-old shopworker. "Before it would have been impossible to think a president would make up getting ill but now anything seems possible. He probably didn't but I'm not completely sure."Some Democrats were fearful at the prospect of Trump dying or being forced out of the race because they view the president as Biden's best hope of election. Without Trump, a more measured and reasoned Republican candidate might prove a stronger challenge to Biden, a lacklustre campaigner who would probably not be so far ahead in the polls if not for the pandemic.Other critics of the president privately wished the president ill, saying he has a lot of blood on his hands for playing politics with the pandemic and encouraging Republican governors, with the power to impose social distancing and mask orders, to do the same even as the virus ravaged the midwest.Trump set the tone for Missouri's governor, Mike Parson, who consistently resisted making masks obligatory in public spaces on the grounds that the government shouldn't tell people what to do. Parson refused to wear one in shops because he said "there was a lot of information on both sides" about whether they are effective.Parson tested positive for coronavirus last month and has been in quarantine. Coronavirus may well cost Trump the election as his approval ratings plunged over the past few months, but some of those who have stuck with him this far are not ready to abandon him now he is sick."I will vote for him again," said White. "I still think he's better for the country. If Biden becomes president he will be under the control of the socialists."Patterson too will remain loyal even though, while he defends Trump on coronavirus, he was horrified by Tuesday's debate."It's a crying shame what we've reduced ourselves to. Gone are the days when two men could have a civilised debate about their policies," he said. The Democratic candidate's campaign said it will suspend attack adverts against Trump after he was taken to the Walter Reed Medical Center.Jan, a bookkeeper who declined to give her last name, would like to think that Trump's handling of the pandemic, and what she called his childish behaviour at the debate, will cost him power."Trump thinks he's better than everyone else. It was a matter of time before he got coronavirus because he doesn't believe in masks and he doesn't understand the function of masks," she said. "But I think he could win again. There's a lot of stupid people in this country. Maybe they want a despot to rule them."Rucker, the public servant, said Trump's behaviour at the debate will have shocked a lot of Americans, but he doubts it will have any real impact on the election. "It was very unprofessional but again I'm not surprised," he said.Rucker is not worried though. He thinks Trump's handling of coronavirus, if it doesn't cost him his life, will lose him the election and that even if he then refuses to accept defeat and tries to stir up violence, it won't go anywhere."I don't think he'll win again. He's so divisive. I believe in the US to endure," he said.

AP: Trooper's mic records talk of beating, choking Black man

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT

AP: Trooper's mic records talk of beating, choking Black manIn graphic, matter-of-fact chatter picked up on his body-camera mic, a Louisiana State trooper implicated in the death of a Black man can be heard talking of beating and choking him before "all of a sudden he just went limp." It is the most direct evidence to emerge yet in the death last year of Ronald Greene, which troopers initially blamed on injuries from a car crash at the end of a chase. Master Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, who died last week in a single-car crash, is heard recounting the May 2019 arrest of Greene in rural north Louisiana on audio provided to the AP through an intermediary who asked not to be identified because the case remains under investigation.

Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits he sent sexual messages to woman who is not his wife

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham admits he sent sexual messages to woman who is not his wifeCunningham admitted to sending sexual text messages to a woman who is not his wife but said he will not drop out of the race against Sen. Thom Tillis.

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tests positive for coronavirus

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:03 AM PDT

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tests positive for coronavirusThe news comes hours after President Donald Trump tested positive for the virus.

Firefighter's girlfriend watched live video as he saved home surrounded by flames

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:41 PM PDT

Firefighter's girlfriend watched live video as he saved home surrounded by flamesGrant Newnom successfully fought off the flames surrounding the house in Santa Rosa, California, for hours, at times with nothing more than a garden hose.

Joyce Echaquan death: Canada PM Trudeau decries 'worst form of racism'

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:27 PM PDT

Joyce Echaquan death: Canada PM Trudeau decries 'worst form of racism'PM Justin Trudeau joins the outcry over the treatment of Joyce Echaquan in a Quebec hospital.

Latino Voters May Defy the GOP’s Conventional Wisdom

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

Latino Voters May Defy the GOP's Conventional WisdomFor Latino voters across the country, the issue of lax border policy versus Trump's hawkish stance on illegal immigration isn't settled. Rather, it is possible that the rise of the Latino Republican will defy the conventional wisdom of many GOP strategists and pundits: that restrictionist border policy, or anything deviating from the status quo before Trump — what amounts to de facto open borders — could alienate Latino voters. It is possible that Latinos in border states such as California and Texas are getting behind Trump because of his hardline stance on this issue, which is directly related to GOP's messaging on law and order.Historically, there has never been any consensus among Latinos on the issue of illegal immigration. In fact, for many Latinos, especially workers in the agricultural industry, hardline stances were quite common. Caesar Chavez is one of the most admired populist figures in American history, and he had no tolerance for illegal immigration. The leader of the United Farm Workers union, Chavez described illegal immigrants as "wetbacks" who threatened unionized workers. "As long as we have a poor country bordering California," he said in 1972, "it's going to be very difficult to win strikes." Chavez believed that illegal immigrants would drive down wages and weaken union negotiating power. How did Chavez respond when U.S. government failed to secure the border in the late '70s? Armed with bats, chains, and barbed wire, Chavez and his fellow union members (all of whom were Latino) set up tents along the border of California and Mexico and proceeded to attack Mexican nationals who tried to make a run for it. The line was a hundred miles long. The effort was a success, according to Chavez. He didn't hesitate in declaring it so.In 1994, 30 percent of California Latinos voted in favor of Proposition 187, also known as the "Save Our State" Initiative. Prop 187 was ultimately ruled unconstitutional. Its provisions would have banned illegal immigrants from California's public-school system and required providers of non-emergency health care to verify the legal status of a person seeking assistance. There was backlash against the proposition, especially among Latinos. Over 70,000 Latino immigrants protested in Los Angeles. But that 30 percent was not at all insignificant. Several academic studies, which investigated why Latinos would vote for the proposition, were published years later.Even today, there is still no consensus among Latinos. In 2018, for example, 58.5 percent of Latino voters said they supported Trump's immigration policies even though they disliked the president. Over 50 percent of respondents want stronger immigration laws, while only 18.3 percent said that current immigration law was too strict. Furthermore, in a recent Washington Post survey, 69 percent of Latinos favored shutting down almost all immigration amid the coronavirus pandemic. There is also the issue of law and order, which is high among Latinos' concerns in the aftermath of this summer's riots. In an early-June poll conducted by ABC News/Ipsos, 54 percent of Latino Democrats supported sending in the military to restore order in cities, and 60 percent of all Latino voters were amenable to military presence. What do these figures have to do with Trump's immigration policies? Upholding law and order in cities is not entirely different from upholding law and order on the border, and Latinos who support law-enforcement agencies and the military intervening in cities might prefer that the border be secured and that immigrants enter the country legally. As stated earlier, historically, this was the case in California.The idea that all immigrants, Latinos, and blacks are guaranteed to vote for Democrats in the long term is a delusion, as is the idea that all Latino voters are driven away from the GOP because of Trump's immigration policy and his "xenophobic" rhetoric. Now more than ever, citizens are privy to the media's hysteria about white supremacy, and Trump's past comments about illegal immigrants seem completely irrelevant during a pandemic, recession, and season of rioting. If Republicans want to be the party of law and order that broadly appeals to all demographics, then perhaps they shouldn't be equivocal on the issue of illegal immigration.

McCarthy slams Pelosi on COVID relief

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:01 PM PDT

McCarthy slams Pelosi on COVID reliefHouse Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy harshly criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her negotiating position on COVID relief, saying the Democrats' plan "mentions cannabis more than it mentions jobs." (Oct. 1)

Fox host Chris Wallace blames Trump for "awful" debate: He bears "responsibility" for what happened

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:41 PM PDT

Fox host Chris Wallace blames Trump for "awful" debate: He bears "responsibility" for what happened"I was really hoping for the debate that America wanted to see, which was a serious exchange of views"

Third-party candidate backs Graham in tightening SC race

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:02 PM PDT

Third-party candidate backs Graham in tightening SC raceU.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is getting campaign support from a third-party candidate, potentially bringing with him a narrow margin of conservative backers who could propel Graham over his Democratic challenger in a tightening race. Bill Bledsoe, who had been running as the Constitution Party candidate seeking to block Graham from a fourth term, dropped out to endorse Graham, the Republican's campaign told The Associated Press on Thursday. "I appreciate Dr. Bledsoe's support," Graham said in a statement.

Sen. Thom Tillis’ Opponent Confirms Extramarital Sexting

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 07:22 AM PDT

Sen. Thom Tillis' Opponent Confirms Extramarital SextingThe U.S. Senate race in North Carolina has been thrown into turmoil: The incumbent, Thom Tillis, has COVID-19 and his opponent, Cal Cunningham, has been caught sending extramarital texts.The Democrat's romantic messages to public relations strategist Arlene Guzman Todd were initially exposed by the National File, a right-wing website.But in a statement to the Raleigh News & Observer, Cunningham confirmed their accuracy."I have hurt my family, disappointed my friends, and am deeply sorry. The first step in repairing those relationships is taking complete responsibility, which I do. I ask that my family's privacy be respected in this personal matter," he said.He also said he has no intention of dropping out of the race, where he has been leading Tillis in the polls."I remain grateful and humbled by the ongoing support that North Carolinians have extended in this campaign, and in the remaining weeks before this election I will continue to work to earn the opportunity to fight for the people of our state," he said.At Least 7 Who Attended Rose Garden Event Have COVIDMeanwhile, Tillis' campaign has been upended by Friday night's news that he has contracted the coronavirus. He is one of seven people who tested positive after attending last weekend's Rose Garden ceremony for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. The others are President Trump, first lady Melania Trump, former adviser Kellyanne Conway, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), the president of Notre Dame University, and a White House journalist.Cunningham said that because he recently shared a debate stage with Tillis, he planned to get tested for the virus, too.National File did not say how it obtained the text messages between Cunningham, a married father of two, and Guzman Todd, who is also married.By the standards of recent scandals, they are on the tame side, with Cunningham writing, "Would make my day to roll over and kiss you about now," and Guzman Todd writing, "The only thing I want on my to-do list is you."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

An Arkansas man was sentenced to more than 100 years in prison for a fatal shooting over unwanted mayonnaise on his hamburger order

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

An Arkansas man was sentenced to more than 100 years in prison for a fatal shooting over unwanted mayonnaise on his hamburger orderAccording to local news outlet, 35-year-old Andra Crockett was sentenced up to 130 years in prison for the 2019 shooting.

Former aide to Chinese vice president named in anti-graft probe

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:05 PM PDT

'Give me a f---ing break': Melania Trump lashed out at critics of her visit to the US-Mexico border, according to audio obtained by her former adviser

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:22 PM PDT

'Give me a f---ing break': Melania Trump lashed out at critics of her visit to the US-Mexico border, according to audio obtained by her former adviserMelania Trump's ex-friend and adviser shared audio of her complaining about criticism of her border visit and her duties as first lady.

Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis throws presidential campaign into uncertainty

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis throws presidential campaign into uncertaintyAmong the questions that have immediately emerged, the most serious revolved around what happens to the nation's government if a nominee for president is incapacitated or dies so close to an election.

What impact will Trump's positive COVID test have on voters?

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

What impact will Trump's positive COVID test have on voters?Pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz weighs in on challenges for president's campaign on 'The Daily Briefing'

17-foot white shark caught off Nova Scotia declared a 3,541-pound ‘Queen of the Ocean’

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT

17-foot white shark caught off Nova Scotia declared a 3,541-pound 'Queen of the Ocean'She is more than 50 years old and covered with scars and scratches.

More wildfire evacuations ordered as Northern California braces for powerful winds

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:23 PM PDT

More wildfire evacuations ordered as Northern California braces for powerful windsThe length of containment lines dug around wildfires in the state is so massive they could stretch from San Diego to New York City, a fire official said.

Louisville cops repeatedly told Breonna Taylor was not receiving suspicious packages tied to drug investigation, report says

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

Louisville cops repeatedly told Breonna Taylor was not receiving suspicious packages tied to drug investigation, report saysLouisville police officers carried out a no-knock raid at the home of Breonna Taylor despite the fact that they were repeatedly told there were no packages, "suspicious or otherwise," delivered to the residence that could be tied to their drug investigation, according to a new report. The 26-year-old EMT was fatally shot March 13 after three Louisville Metropolitan Police officers burst into ...

Royal Navy diving contract with Chinese-linked firm is 'maritime version of our 5G'

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

Royal Navy diving contract with Chinese-linked firm is 'maritime version of our 5G'The Royal Navy diving contract with a Chinese-linked firm is the "maritime version of our 5G", the Defence Chairman has warned. Tobias Ellwood raised security concerns after JFD, an underwater capability which is a customer of Chinese owned SMD, a supplier of subsea equipment, announced it had been awarded a contract for the management and availability of the Royal Navy's in-service life-support diving equipment, to help safeguard the lives of divers worldwide. Tobias Ellwood, chairman of the Defence Select Committee, said: "It's the maritime version of our 5G. "We are falling into China's trap by becoming subservient in so many aspects of our life, including military." This follows already strained relations with Beijing after Boris Johnson bowed to the demands of backbench MPs in July and banned Huawei from the 5G network, with the agreement to strip out all of its existing infrastructure over the next few years. Huawei is viewed as a security threat because of laws in China that oblige private companies to hand over data to the government if required, and a US embargo on secure American-made chips being sold to the firm has increased the perceived danger. China previously warned that Britain would "bear the consequences" if it treated the country as a hostile provider, and was further disgruntled after Britain offered three million Hong Kong residents a home in the UK following its decision to impose strict security laws on the former colony. Dr Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, said: "Given growing concerns about the aims of the Chinese Communist Party, it seems extraordinary that a company ultimately owned by the Chinese state can be involved in the supply chain for a Royal Navy contract. The British state should be mitigating risks, not taking unnecessary ones." In a statement released by JFD, which has done business with the Royal Navy for more than 20 years, it said that among the equipment suite it will be servicing is its Shadow rebreather, a system designed and manufactured by JFD, as well as provision for recompression chambers, enclosed mine lifting bags (EMLB), parachute lift bags and surface-supplied diving equipment. On its website SMD lists JFD as its customer for its remotely operated vehicles (ROV) systems which are used underwater for submarine rescue, torpedo recovery and range maintenance and distressed aircraft and vessel recovery. Mr Ellwood has previously warned that nuts and bolts from China should not be involved in UK military equipment and earlier this year announced his committee had launched an inquiry into the UK's defence supply chain. "We need indigenous capabilities and not be at the beacon call of China," Mr Ellwood said. "They won't attack directly and this affects our ability to have sovereign equipment. "This is the wrong move." It is understood that the Ministry of Defence conducts "thorough checks of all companies" that it does business with.

US Army discontinues Rapid Equipping Force

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

US Army discontinues Rapid Equipping ForceThe counterinsurgency remnant will disband.

Utah police say a woman associated with QAnon kidnapped her own son with the help of a friend

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:00 PM PDT

Utah police say a woman associated with QAnon kidnapped her own son with the help of a friendTwo women with ties to QAnon are in police custody after allegedly kidnapping a child. Police say they are part of the sovereign citizen movement.

25th amendment: What happens if Trump withdraws from election after Covid diagnosis?

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:31 AM PDT

25th amendment: What happens if Trump withdraws from election after Covid diagnosis?How party national committees, state laws, and Supreme Court would intervene if president too ill to compete

17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnon

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

17 Republican Members of Congress Vote Against Condemning QAnonSeventeen Republican lawmakers declined on Friday to support a measure in the House of Representatives that condemned the pro-Trump QAnon movement as a "collection of unfounded conspiracy theories."The resolution, which passed nearly unanimously, urged the FBI and intelligence agencies to focus on the threats from fringe conspiracy groups, which have grown in mass as the election has neared. All told, 371 members voted in favor of the resolution—including 225 Democrats and 146 Republicans—and 18 members voted against it. Of those 18, 17 were Republican and one was an independent: Rep. Justin Amash, a libertarian from Michigan.The resolution, which doesn't carry any legal force, comes as Republican House nominee and Georgia QAnon believer Marjorie Taylor Greene is poised to win a seat in the chamber in November.The conspiracy theory, which the FBI considers a potential source of domestic terrorism, has allegedly inspired murders, a terrorist incident, and multiple child kidnappings. But President Donald Trump has praised its adherents, who believe he's engaged in a shadow war against a pedophile-cannibal cabal of Satanists that controls the world. In August, Trump called them "people that love our country."> The resolution threatens protected speech (absurd as that speech may be), and its prescriptions for addressing QAnon aren't appropriate for what we know about them & may make things worse. These are conspiracy theorists who believe in a deep state that's fighting against them,…> > — Justin Amash (@justinamash) October 2, 2020The resolution condemning QAnon was cosponsored by two Democrats and three Republicans. One of the resolution's Republican cosponsors, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), was attacked by the Trump campaign after he criticized QAnon, while Democratic cosponsor Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) has faced death threats from QAnon supporters after a Republican ad falsely accused him of supporting pedophiles.The 17 Republicans who voted against the bill were Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Brian Babin (R-TX), Rob Bishop (R-UT), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Michael Burgess (R-TX), Buddy Carter (R-GA), Warren Davidson (R-OH), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Drew Ferguson (R-AL), Bill Flores (R-TX), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Joseph Kelly (R-PA), Steve King (R-IA), Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), Scott Perry (R-PA), Tom Tiffany (R-WI), and Daniel Webster (R-FL)In a tweet after the vote, Amash defended his opposition to the resolution, saying that its sections urging law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor conspiracy theory extremists would only confirm QAnon believers' fears about a "deep state.""The resolution threatens protected speech (absurd as that speech may be), and its prescriptions for addressing QAnon aren't appropriate for what we know about them & may make things worse," Amash tweeted.> The resolution threatens protected speech (absurd as that speech may be), and its prescriptions for addressing QAnon aren't appropriate for what we know about them & may make things worse. These are conspiracy theorists who believe in a deep state that's fighting against them,…> > — Justin Amash (@justinamash) October 2, 2020Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Activists seek justice on anniversary of Khashoggi killing

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

Activists seek justice on anniversary of Khashoggi killingThe activists denounced the journalist's slaying, which cast a shadow over the reputation of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and criminal proceedings in Saudi Arabia as inadequate. "Justice has still not materialized," journalist Turan Kislak, who was a friend of Khashoggi's, said. Last month, a court in Saudi Arabia issued final verdicts convicting eight unnamed Saudi nationals in Khashoggi's 2018 killing.

Lawsuits challenge Virginia's sexual orientation protections

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

Lawsuits challenge Virginia's sexual orientation protectionsConservative legal group Alliance Defending Freedom claims the new state law infringes on their clients' religious freedoms.

Zimbabwean shoppers rush into S.Africa as borders open

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 03:57 AM PDT

Zimbabwean shoppers rush into S.Africa as borders openZimbabwean street vendor Memory Chauke did not get very far when she hopped over a fence into neighbouring South Africa on the first day its borders reopened after a six-month closure due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Bay Area food banks remove letter from Pres. Trump found in donation boxes

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 12:52 PM PDT

Bay Area food banks remove letter from Pres. Trump found in donation boxes"It's wholly inappropriate and a potential violation of law for public officials to use public resources for political purposes and to attempt to influence the outcome of an election."

Sturgeon faces backlash after saying it may have been better if Eat Out to Help Out had not happened

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

Sturgeon faces backlash after saying it may have been better if Eat Out to Help Out had not happenedNicola Sturgeon is facing a backlash from Scotland's crisis-hit hospitality industry after she suggested a popular discount scheme credited with saving businesses and livelihoods should have never been set up. The First Minister questioned whether the Eat Out to Help Out initiative, which saw diners across the UK receive discounts for dining in at pubs and restaurants in August, had contributed to a surge in coronavirus cases. However, representatives of businesses north of the border said the UK Government subsidy scheme, which cost taxpayers £522m, had been a huge success and accused Scottish ministers of failing to listen to their concerns. Stephen Montgomery, spokesman for the Scottish Hospitality Group, said much of the cost of the scheme had been offset by increased tax receipts through VAT and alcohol duty and that it was seen within the industry as a lifeline.

Pictures show ‘lethargic’ president return to White House as he’s said to have ‘mild symptoms’

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:24 PM PDT

Pictures show 'lethargic' president return to White House as he's said to have 'mild symptoms'White House official confirms president experiencing mild symptoms after testing positive

Rogue pilots trafficked a billion dollars in cartel drugs across US while no one watched

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

Rogue pilots trafficked a billion dollars in cartel drugs across US while no one watchedA California man led a billion-dollar drug ring for the Sinaloa Cartel using U.S. pilots and exploiting security gaps at non-commercial airports.

Official: Mexican prison was controlled by Jalisco cartel

Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:00 PM PDT

Official: Mexican prison was controlled by Jalisco cartelMexico's top security official announced Thursday what many Mexicans had suspected: the Jalisco drug cartel had long controlled the infamous "Puente Grande" federal prison where convicted drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán staged his first escape in 2001. The prison had become known for such lax standards that it earned the nickname "Puerta Grande," or "Big Door." Public Safety Secretary Alfonso Durazo said "it was a myth that it was a high-security prison."

Ancient Egyptian mummies unearthed after more than 2,600 years

Posted: 03 Oct 2020 05:27 AM PDT

Ancient Egyptian mummies unearthed after more than 2,600 yearsA sealed door was also unearthed where it is expected more mummies may lie behind, said Khaled el-Anany the first Minister of Antiquities and Tourism.

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