Sunday, November 25, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Here Are The Other Mall Shootings That Happened During Black Friday

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:56 PM PST

Here Are The Other Mall Shootings That Happened During Black FridayIn the hours before Black Friday, chaos broke out at a crowded mall in Hoover,

Climate change could cost US 'hundreds of billions' a year: study

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 01:40 PM PST

Climate change could cost US 'hundreds of billions' a year: studyTampa (AFP) - Climate change is already hurting the global economy and will cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars annually unless drastic action is taken to cut carbon emissions, a major US government report warned on Friday.

Rain breaks, easing search for remains of California wildfire

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 09:45 PM PST

Rain breaks, easing search for remains of California wildfireThe so-called Camp Fire all but obliterated the mountain community of Paradise, 175 miles (280 km) northeast of San Francisco, on Nov. 8, killing at least 85 people and destroying nearly 14,000 homes. The death toll was increased late Saturday night by one, according to the Butte County Sheriff's Office. Some 475 people from Paradise and surrounding communities remain unaccounted for, according to the Butte County Sheriff's Office.

Brexit Deal Bigger Threat Than Corbyn, DUP's Foster Tells Times

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 11:18 PM PST

Brexit Deal Bigger Threat Than Corbyn, DUP's Foster Tells TimesKey PointsMay's Brexit agreement would gradually create differences between Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K., said Foster, whose DUP provides May's Conservatives with the seats in the House of Commons they need to govern."In year five or ten we would be different.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Body Was Drained Of All Blood Before Medical Expert Dismembered Him, New Report Claims

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 03:04 AM PST

Jamal Khashoggi's Body Was Drained Of All Blood Before Medical Expert Dismembered Him, New Report ClaimsJamal Khashoggi's body was brought to a sink and drained of blood immediately after he was murdered so he could be more easily dismembered, a gruesome new report claims. The murder of the Washington Post journalist has still been shrouded in some mystery as his body has never been found, but a new report from Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News claims that one of the members of the team of Saudi agents that killed Khashoggi had a very detailed plan to dismember and dispose of the body.

Before Mars landing, a nail-biting 'six and a half minutes of terror'

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 06:04 PM PST

Before Mars landing, a nail-biting 'six and a half minutes of terror'"There is very little room for things to go wrong," said Rob Grover, head of the entry, descent and landing team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. If successful, the entry, descent and landing of the Mars InSight -- designed to be the first mission to listen to the interior of another planet and reveal how rocky planets formed -- will add another success to NASA's record when it comes to sending spacecraft to Mars.

Immigration agents arrest man who left church after a year

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 12:43 PM PST

Immigration agents arrest man who left church after a yearRALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — An immigrant who sought refuge from deportation in a North Carolina church for 11 months was detained Friday at a scheduled appointment with immigration officials, prompting more than a dozen supporters to block a law enforcement van and wind up under arrest themselves.

Inside North Korea: How Kim Jong-un is carefully crafting a personality cult to keep grip on power

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:00 PM PST

Inside North Korea: How Kim Jong-un is carefully crafting a personality cult to keep grip on powerThe tiny five-year-olds, dressed in pink tutus and bright, sequined shirts, were angelic as they sang in perfect chorus at the end of a half hour performance at the Changgwang kindergarten in downtown Pyongyang. Singing in harmony and clapping in unison, the smiling infants performed their catchy melody: "Our father is General Kim Il Sung…our home is our party…We envy nothing in the world." Visitors to the modern and well-equipped boarding school leave with an image of idyllic childhood after seeing pupils light up at the chance to show the few foreigners allowed to enter the country their high-tech game machines, sports classes, ballet performances, and immaculate artwork. But the demonstrations also offer an insight into one of the more chilling aspects of North Korean life: a conditioning from infancy to express fawning devotion to the ruling Kim family. Three generations of the dynasty, from current leader Kim Jong-un, to his father Kim Jong-il, and war hero grandfather, Kim Il Sung, are venerated as deities and their personality cults permeate daily life with a suffocating effect. Kim Jong-il greets residents at one of Pyonyang's subway entrances Credit: Eddie Mulholland But while the two elder Kims are omnipresent - their portraits adorning the walls of every household, factory, school, even metro carriages - the young, current leader has so far resisted self-aggrandising monuments. However, in a move seen as an attempt to cement the 35-year-old as life-long ruler and to head off any possible leadership challenge, he is rapidly creating his own generational chapter of family mythology through tales of his own benevolence, superhuman talents and exemplary feats. According to some of the most outlandish claims, he learned to drive at age three and became a competitive sailor at nine. Last year, state-run media reported his ability to change the weather as he ascended the country's sacred Mount Paektu through snow in black, leather shoes. Wedding groups gather at the Korean Revolution Museum to lay flowers at the statues of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il Credit: Eddie Mulholland In drip feed of carefully controlled state-published images of the leader, Kim is frequently photographed imparting his wisdom to officials scribbling in notebooks or to emotionally-overcome workers. On visits around Pyongyang last week the Telegraph learned of his "expert instructions" on the design of the natural history museum and on how to improve football boots. At the maternity hospital, Mun Chang-un, a guide, attributed the introduction of the epidural injection to the leader's sage advice.   Portraits of North Korea's former leaders even make their way into the subway carriages Credit: Eddie Mulholland The sculpting of future generations to ensure their unwavering faith in the wisdom of the country's past and current "great leaders" is a top priority for the regime to keep its grip on power.  In Changgwang, some 800 children living apart from their working parents, sing of their wish for Kim Jong-un to visit. In a history class, one boy sprang from his seat. "I will uphold highly the great, respected Kim Jong-un," he said to joyful clapping from his classmates.  At the school's entrance, a floor to ceiling painting in soft pastels of Kim Il Sung surrounded by children, some sitting on his lap, frames him as a modern-day Jesus.   "Let the little children come to me..the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," says Jesus in the Gospel of St Matthew.  "Young people are the successors to the revolution, a shock brigade in building a thriving nation and masters who will shoulder the future of Kim Il Sung's nation," states the red book of Kim Jong Un Aphorisms, volume 1, page 52.  North Korea claims to be a non-religious state, but it has simply replaced religion with Kim family worship.  Citizens bow deeply to imposing wax sculptures of "Eternal President" Kim Il Sung, while the party faithful proudly wear a red lapel pin depicting him and his son. The absence of Kim Jong-un billboards and portraits is noticeable and unexplained, although he is still officially idolised.  Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung look down upon the population across the capital Credit: Eddie Mulholland He could be taking things slowly while moulding his own cult-like image around that of his grandfather, the most popular of the Kims, suggested Robert Kelly, a political science professor at South Korea's Busan university. "He is famously styling himself after Kim Il Sung, with the hair and the weight." He added: "It seems like the propaganda apparatus didn't really miss a beat. Kim Jong-un has been given all the relevant titles, he's been given the same majesty and superstitious exaggeration." Objects Kim once touched are revered – a hospital bed he sat on, a chair he used when addressing textile workers, now encased in a plastic box. Every factory has its own story of his concern to improve workers' lives.  At the model Jangchon vegetable farm on the city's periphery, deputy manager Kim Yong-ho, 53, spoke of his joy when the "great Marshall" visited. "I felt really proud to have met such a great man as the leader of our country! He is like the sun to us," he said.   Such is the depth of mass indoctrination that even the most innocuous everyday occurrences prompt spontaneous gratitude to the leader.  Student Kim Song-gwang won an orange balloon after kissing a dolphin during a Sunday afternoon performance at the aquarium. "I am really impressed by the love and care of our great Marshall Kim Jong-un that we are enjoying ourselves in this wonderful location," he said, when asked about the event.  Portraits sit above the sofa at the home of Kim Chun-Son. All portraits must be sanctioned by the state before being hung  Credit: Eddie Mulholland But unlike his father and grandfather, Kim faces the challenge of keeping his people isolated from the global internet age to sustain his legendary status.  As a result, the flow of outside information is still deeply curtailed. Most citizens may only access the state intranet and its heavily censored content, while calls or emails to foreigners must be officially registered.  Foreign news is highly restricted. One educated Pyongyang resident recounted the details of the June Singapore summit between Kim and Donald Trump, the US president, but had not heard of the Thai cave rescue which gripped the world for two weeks. Pornography and Bibles are considered to be "evil methods of infiltration", used to "destabilise society." Individualism is discouraged, dissent is punished. In one of the more bizarre restrictions, men and women may not dye their hair, and should choose from approved styles, including the "butterfly", "seagull" and "coiled bundle." Korea experts question how long Kim can maintain such draconian control? Although popular for improving the economy and securing the North's nuclear weapons, Kim still faced future challenges to his power, said Andrei Lankov, a professor at Seoul's Kookmin university.  "In order to keep the country stable they have to keep it isolated. If they open it, it will be suicidal for the elite and even for many common people because if you have revolution in North Korea it's going to be very messy and bloody," he said.  Visitors to the Changgwang Kindergarten are presented with an idyllic image of childhood in North Korea Credit: Eddie Mulholland "Basically, you cannot maintain such a level of ideological mobilisation forever. Information is getting in. Kim Jong-un is now taking it very seriously, he is doing what he can to prevent people from learning too much about the outside world. But he cannot fully stop it." In a sign that the secluded society is slowly opening up, Oh Song Chong, 25, the soldier who was shot while made a daring defection across the border last year, told Japan's Sankei Shimbun paper this week that "probably 80% of my generation is indifferent and has no loyalty," to Kim.  "I actually think that most North Koreans think the ideology is kind of bunk," said Robert Kelly. "My sense is that it serves two purposes. Firstly, it's a mobilisation tool and the second is that without the Kim cult then North Korea just becomes a poorer version of South Korea." For now, the regime's imperative remains shaping the minds of schoolchildren.  At the Mangyongdae schoolchildren's palace, a surreal after-school club that hosts regular performances for tourists, students sang and executed flawless dance routines in praise of the nation's achievements.  Ri Jin-hyang, a 12-year-old guide, wearing the red scarf of the Children's Union, a political organisation linked to the ruling Workers' Party, was unsure what to reply when asked what she knew about the UK.  But her response on America was immediate and scripted to perfection. "The US is the country that invaded us," she said.

9 products to help you sleep better, all on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:00 AM PST

9 products to help you sleep better, all on sale for Black Friday and Cyber MondayContrary to what you believed when you pulled those all-nighters in college, clocking in at least eight hours of sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your wellbeing. A good night's sleep can reduce stress, bolster your immune system, and lower your risk of serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. But, who can score some quality beauty sleep when your partner is snoring all night long, or when you're tossing and turning in itchy, uncomfortable sheets? SEE ALSO: All the best Black Friday 2018 sales, right in one place Not only will the products below help you have a good night's sleep, but you can still get them at a Black Friday discount and save an extra 20% when you use the BFSAVE20 coupon code. 1. Anti-Snoring Jaw Strap Sound asleep.Image: Royal BoudoirMore times than not, that disruptive snoring noise comes from when people breathe through their mouths, not their noses. Royal Boudoir's comfortable strap will gently keep your mouth closed as you sleep — and snoring at bay.  A set of two jaw straps normally costs $40, but you can currently buy them for $13. Best of all, you can use the code BFSAVE20 for an additional 20% off. Image: Royal Boudoir Anti-Snoring Jaw Strap: 2-Pack — $10.40 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 2. Anti-Snoring Device In your nose?Image: RAWtronicsDon't love the idea of wearing a jaw strap while you sleep? Try RAWTronics' snoring device instead. Made of an FDA-approved plastic, this accessory fits comfortably in your nostrils and helps air move through the nose and throat. Like the jaw strap, you can get an extra discount when you use the BFSAVE20 coupon code. Image: RAWtronics Anti-Snoring Device: 2-Pack (White) — $9.60 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 3. Bamboo Comfort 4-Piece Luxury Queen Sheet Set For sleeping.Image: Bamboo ComfortYou spend a good chunk of your life in bed, so why not invest in some quality sheets? This set is made with organic, hypoallergenic bamboo fibers that will keep you cool while you sleep. A queen sheet set is already on sale for $40, but you can score an extra 20% off with the code BFSAVE20. Image: Bamboo Comfort Bamboo Comfort 4-Piece Luxury Queen Sheet Set — $32 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 4. Manta Sleep Mask and Blackout Stickers Goodnight.Image: Manta SleepAnyone who can only sleep in a pitch black environment needs Manta's sleeping set. The sleeping mask boasts memory foam eyecups and an adjustable over-ear band, offering a cozy, customizable fit. Plus, the accompanying sticker books let you cover up any lights on your electronics that might keep you up at night. Get a great deal on this game-changer with the code BFSAVE20. Image: Manta Sleep Manta Sleep Mask & Blackout Stickers — $24 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 5. GO2SLEEP: AI-Powered Device For Restful Sleep Want to get an inside look at your sleep patterns? Let technology do the legwork for you with GO2SLEEP. Simply slip the sensory ring on your finger, and GO2SLEEP's artificial intelligence technology will track your sleeping patterns, body movements, and sleep debt. GO2SLEEP's gadget usually goes for $129, but you can get it for $88 and save an additional 20% with the  BFSAVE20 coupon code. Image: SLEEPON GO2SLEEP: AI-Powered Device For Restful Sleep — $70.60 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 6. Comfort In A Bag Bamboo Pillows Go to sleep.Image: Home ComfortLosing sleep over flat pillows? Give these bamboo pillows a try. These hypoallergenic pillows are specially designed to stay plump and fluffy as you clock in some serious R&R. A set of two is currently on sale for $50, but you can get an extra 20% off with the code BFSAVE20. Image: Home Comfort Comfort In A Bag Bamboo Pillows: 2-Pack — $40 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 7. Yaasa ONE Mattress Sleep is good.Image: Yaasa StudiosA quality mattress is at the foundation of every good night's sleep. While you've probably heard of brands like Casper and Leesa, you might want to give Yaasa's ONE mattress a try. Perfect for back, side, and stomach sleepers, Yaasa's cooling infinity foam will offer a comfortable night's sleep. Yaasa's mattress is already on sale for $549, but you save even more with the code BFSAVE20. Image: Yaasa Studios Yaasa ONE Mattress — $439.20 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 8. Serenity 15-lb Weighted Blanket Hug this blanket.Image: SerenityIf you spend your nights tossing and turning over a looming deadline, try Serenity's weighted blanket. Clocking in at 15 pounds, these blankets are known to aid in releasing certain hormones to help you de-stress and relax. The Serenity blanket normally costs $209, but you can save 20% with the code BFSAVE20. Image: Serenity Serenity Weighted Blanket — $167.20 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details 9. Yaasa Studios Infinity Blanket Speaking of innovative blankets, Yaasa's Infinity Blanket uses FDA Determined Celliant® technology to reportedly help increase blood flow, strength, and endurance. Save an extra 20% when you use the  BFSAVE20 coupon code. Image: Yaasa Studios Yaasa Studios Infinity Blanket — $107.20 with promo code BFSAVE20 See Details

California wildfire that killed at least 85 people fully contained

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 08:06 AM PST

California wildfire that killed at least 85 people fully containedThe deadliest wildfire in California history that destroyed the mountain town of Paradise and killed at least 85 people was 100 percent contained on Sunday, according to state fire officials. The number of people still missing from the Camp Fire north of San Francisco dropped to 249 on Sunday, the Butte County Sheriff's Office said. The Camp Fire that started on Nov. 8 destroyed nearly 14,000 homes and burned nearly 154,000 acres (62,000 hectares) - an area five times the size of San Francisco.

Cokie Roberts: Nancy Pelosi will be next speaker because she's a 'master politician'

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:58 AM PST

Cokie Roberts: Nancy Pelosi will be next speaker because she's a 'master politician'The "This Week" Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics.

John Kasich Says He's 'Very Seriously' Considering Challenging Trump In 2020

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:58 AM PST

John Kasich Says He's 'Very Seriously' Considering Challenging Trump In 2020Outgoing Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Sunday acknowledged he's "very seriously"

Theresa May Bets the House on Campaign to Win Brexit Deal Vote

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 05:56 AM PST

Theresa May Bets the House on Campaign to Win Brexit Deal VoteTheresa May staked her authority on a campaign to persuade Parliament against the odds to endorse her Brexit deal, as she refused to rule out quitting as U.K. prime minister if she fails. May backed that view and announced she will personally lead a "campaign" lasting "a few weeks" to win support for her agreement among politicians and voters.

Police face-off with tribe in missionary killing

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:25 PM PST

Police face-off with tribe in missionary killingIndian officers had a nervous long-distance face-off with the tribe who killed an American missionary, in their latest bid to locate his body on a remote island, police said Sunday. The police team, who took a boat just off Indian-owned North Sentinel island on Saturday, spotted men from the Sentinelese tribe on the beach where John Allen Chau was last seen, the region's police chief Dependra Pathak told AFP. Using binoculars, officers -- in a police boat about 400 metres from the shore -- saw the men armed with bows and arrows, the weapons reportedly used by the isolated tribe to kill Chau as he shouted Christian phrases at them.

Zimbabwe's Mugabe no longer able to walk, president says

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:30 AM PST

Zimbabwe's Mugabe no longer able to walk, president saysHARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe's 94-year-old former president Robert Mugabe is no longer able to walk as his health declines, his successor said Saturday.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Burns Fox News On Twitter For Being 'Obsessed' With Her

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 02:25 PM PST

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Burns Fox News On Twitter For Being 'Obsessed' With HerFox News' "The Story" took aim again at the clothing of Rep.-elect Alexandria

Memories of my father: Why the Jaguar XJ6 means everything

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:13 AM PST

Memories of my father: Why the Jaguar XJ6 means everythingFor some of us, the old family car is purely a memory. For others, those memories bring back powerful emotions. Chris Jordan is one such person, as the Jaguar XJ6 was more than just a car. Here is his remarkable story

Death toll in California fire rises to 87

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:16 PM PST

Death toll in California fire rises to 87The death toll in northern California's so-called "Camp Fire" rose to 87, officials said late Saturday, adding that the blaze was almost fully under control. Cal Fire, the state fire authority, said in its latest bulletin that the fire - which broke out on November 8 - was 98 percent contained. More than 153,000 acres have been torched, with nearly 14,000 homes and hundreds of other structures destroyed by the powerful blaze, California's deadliest and most destructive fire ever.

27 supporters arrested when man detained after leaving sanctuary in Durham to meet with immigration officials

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 05:05 AM PST

27 supporters arrested when man detained after leaving sanctuary in Durham to meet with immigration officialsAfter living almost a year in a Durham church, an undocumented man was arrested Friday by immigration officers when he left the church to meet with officials with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in Morrisville.

Judge Rejects Trump's Request To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Trump Foundation

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 11:39 AM PST

Judge Rejects Trump's Request To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Trump FoundationThe New York State Supreme Court has rejected a motion to dismiss a lawsuit

Kit Harington, Hit By Alleged Nude Photo Leak, Denies He Had Affair With Russian Model

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 02:09 AM PST

Kit Harington, Hit By Alleged Nude Photo Leak, Denies He Had Affair With Russian ModelKit Harington denied having had an affair with Russian model, Olga Vlaslova. Game of Thrones fans were all over the place when the news broke that Olga Vlaslova alleged that she and Harington had slept together while he was engaged to Leslie, and even after their marriage. Vlaslova alleges that she met Harington in Luxembourg and that they then slept together.

Federal agent accused of falling in love with terrorism suspect, impeding investigation

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:51 AM PST

Federal agent accused of falling in love with terrorism suspect, impeding investigationA US special agent stands accused of falling in love and providing top-secret information to her boyfriend, thereby compromising an FBI counterterrorism investigation, it has been reported. Leatrice Malika De Bruhl-Daniels was considered an exemplary employee in the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and the agency assigned her to a station in the United Arab Emirates, where she met Nadal Diya, who was under investigation for possible terrorism charges. The agency claims Ms De Bruhl-Daniels fell in love with and decided to help the suspect, using her position to inform him of investigations about him.

6 rebels, 1 soldier killed in Kashmir, sparking protests

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:09 AM PST

6 rebels, 1 soldier killed in Kashmir, sparking protestsSRINAGAR, India (AP) — Six rebels and an army soldier were killed in a gunbattle in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Sunday, officials said, sparking violent protests by residents seeking an end to Indian rule over the disputed region and leaving a teenage boy dead and 20 people injured.

EU's only Plan B is preparing no-deal Brexit: official

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 06:36 AM PST

EU's only Plan B is preparing no-deal Brexit: officialThe European Union has no plan to address a possible rejection of Sunday's Brexit deal in the British parliament other than its current planning for Britain leaving without a deal, a senior EU official said. Asked after the treaty was endorsed at a summit about what the EU was doing to prepare for possible new negotiations, the official said: "The only Plan B that is going on is preparedness planning. This work continues." The official added that those no-deal preparations were not discussed by leaders on Sunday and nor was there any discussion among the leaders or with British Prime Minister Theresa May of "what if" questions relating to the British parliamentary vote, expected to take place days before an EU summit on Dec. 13-14.

The Ross Family's Thanksgiving Day Parade Celebration In New York City Is Pure Joy

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:31 AM PST

The Ross Family's Thanksgiving Day Parade Celebration In New York City Is Pure JoyDiana Ross sparkled at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City

Oldest known production VW Beetle has been restored

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 04:55 PM PST

Oldest known production VW Beetle has been restoredWhen Ondrej Brom purchased an old Volkswagen Beetle rotting underneath a tree, he had no idea it was the oldest surviving production example

Anti-gay marriage groups win Taiwan referendum battle

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 01:34 PM PST

Anti-gay marriage groups win Taiwan referendum battleVoters in Taiwan backed anti-gay marriage referendums Saturday in what LGBT activists said was a major blow to the island's reputation as a rights trailblazer. The result came at the end of a dramatic evening which saw Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen resign as leader of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after it suffered major defeats in key mid-term polls, a significant blow to her prospects for re-election in 2020. As well as voting for seats from village to city level, there were 10 referendums on the ballot, including pro- and anti-gay marriage proposals.

15 best hangover helpers to give your drinking buddy

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 07:00 AM PST

15 best hangover helpers to give your drinking buddyEven the best of us have experienced a night of drinking that we regretted the next morning. The awful feeling of being hungover is something that you have to suffer through, but there are things out there that can help. So if you're looking to build the perfect hangover kit for your buddy, definitely take a look at a couple of these necessary items. Who knows? Maybe you might want to grab some of these things for yourself too. 1. Gatorade Image: gatorade / amazonHydrates and restore electrolytes with a small jug of gatorade. This miracle drink will help get your hungover buddy off their feet and feeling a little more energized to get to the bathroom in time to puke. Price: $12.99 on Amazon 2. Fancy CBD gumdrops Image: lord jonesSure, the price for a package of nine Lord Jones CBD Gumdrops is high, but with 20mg of CBD in each gumdrop you're bound to feel better. Price: $60 on Lord Jones 3. Advil Image: advil / amazonA hangover headache is easily one of the worst feelings in the world. The non-stop pounding doesn't seem to go away no matter how much rest you get. At least Advil exists  to help ease it a little. Price: $13.94 on Amazon 4. A heating pad Image: Scentsibledesigns/etsyA microwaveable heating pad is perfect for anyone who finds their muscles sore after a night of heavy drinking, or someone prone to migraines. Scentsible Designs' rice-filled heat wraps are easy to use all over your body and you can opt to make them scented or unscented. Price: $15 on Etsy 5. A relevant sleep mask Image: The sleep cottage / amazonSome people prefer to sleep a hangover off, and you can help them do this by getting them a proper sleep mask.  Price: $14 on Amazon 6. Advanced Care Pedialyte  Image: pedialyte advanced care/amazonAs awful as Pedialyte tastes it is unfortunately a necessary evil when it comes to combating a hangover. By giving someone a big bottle (or two) of Pedialyte Advanced Care you're providing them with intense hydration and an easier recovery. Price: $23.96 on Amazon 7. A complete breakfast Image: SOPA Images / Getty imagesGiving your friend a free meal after a night of hard drinking is easily one of the best things you could ever do for them. Only get them a full meal if they can stomach it.  8. Icepack Image: djo / amazonDid your friend accidentally trip and fall last night, and woke up the next day with aching pain somewhere on their body? Getting them an ice pack will definitely come in handy, whether that pain be from a minor drunken injury, or a hangover headache that just won't quit. Price: $9.57 on Amazon 9. Coconut water Image: Vita coco/amazonGet your pal a 12-pack of Vita Coco's organic coconut water for a big boost of potassium, electrolytes, and anti-oxidants sure to expedite anyone's hangover recuperation.  Price: $18.99 on Amazon 10. Alka-Seltzer Image: alka seltzer / amazonStomach pains can be the bane of anyone's existence, especially for those suffering from a hangover that just won't quit. Settle your buddy's stomach by getting them some Alka-Seltzer to relive any and all nausea and save them several trips to the bathroom.   Price: $7.98 on Amazon 11. Hangover prevention supplements Image: hangover heaven/amazonHangover Heaven is a highly-rated hangover prevention supplement meant to curb whatever hangover you might have after a late night out. Of course, these won't really help you once you're in the throughs of a hangover, but at least you'll have them for next time! Price: $34.99 on Amazon 12. Netflix Gift Card Image: netflix  / amazonEveryone loves Netflix, and sometimes it's the only way to get through a bad hangover.  Price: $30 on Amazon 13. Calming rain music Image: ryan jud/amazonAmbient rain music isn't the most desired for, well, anyone probably, but if you're in the midst of a painful hangover headache, soothing music can help relax and calm you. It may even lull you into a much needed nap. Price: $9.49 on Amazon 14. An IV Hangover Therapy session Image: hangover clubBook your friend an appointment at the Hangover Club to get an IV drip full of all the nutrients they need to stop their hangover dead in its tracks. Seriously.  Or, if you're feeling extra generous, have the IV drip sent straight to their home.  Price: $119 and up at the Hangover Club 15. Seamless gift card Image: seamlessThe last thing anyone wants to do when they're hungover is leave their bed, let alone cook for themselves. So, why not give your hangover-prone friend a Seamless gift card? They'll be able to restore and fortify themselves with good food, so they'll live to rage once again!  Price: Up to you on Seamless! WATCH: A 'hangover cure' from a former Tesla employee could save your morning after

The Latest: Walmart shooting suspect not expected to survive

Posted: 25 Nov 2018 12:00 AM PST

The Latest: Walmart shooting suspect not expected to surviveOCALA, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on a fatal shooting at a Florida Walmart store (all times local):

Shelling kills five in Idlib: Syrian Observatory

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:22 AM PST

Shelling kills five in Idlib: Syrian ObservatoryBEIRUT (Reuters) - Government shelling killed three children and two women on Saturday in Syria's rebel-held Idlib province, where Russia and Turkey agreed on a buffer zone, a monitoring group said. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said shells hit Jarjanaz village which lies on the inner edge of the 15-20 km (9-13 mile) deep zone. The deal to create the demilitarized zone, running along the contact line between insurgent and government territory, staved off an army offensive against Idlib. ...

Best Cyber Monday Deals on Robotic Vacuums

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 12:10 PM PST

Best Cyber Monday Deals on Robotic VacuumsConsumer Reports is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to helping consumers. When you shop through retailer links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission—100% of the fees ...

A slippery trade: oil slump proves bears right

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 01:03 PM PST

A slippery trade: oil slump proves bears rightCrude prices surged to a four-year high early in 2018 as tensions with Iran and OPEC supply cuts raised concerns that global oil supply was dwindling. While oil majors have gone some way to cleaning up their balance sheets since the 2014 oil price collapse, their shares are still sensitive to moves in the underlying commodity - higher crude spells stronger revenues. Kevin Gardiner, global investment strategist at Rothschild & Co Wealth Management, said he was happy not to have piled into the bullish oil trade, having considered it earlier in the year.

Trump at bay: failure looms as Democrats load 'subpoena cannon'

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 10:00 PM PST

Trump at bay: failure looms as Democrats load 'subpoena cannon'Donald Trump speaks to members of the military from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on Thanksgiving Day. There was golf with Jack Nicklaus, the most successful player of all time. Trump is approaching the midway point in his presidency and, some argue, a point of no return. The recent midterm elections left him wounded, House Democrats are said to be aiming a "subpoena cannon" at every aspect of his life and special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation appears to be nearing its endgame.

Secret Service Cracking Down On Credit Card Skimmers At Gas Stations

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 03:56 PM PST

Secret Service Cracking Down On Credit Card Skimmers At Gas StationsThe U.S. Secret Service has recently started a nationwide initiative to crackdown on credit card skimming devices installed at gas stations. Per a report by NBC News, the crackdown operation — which has been called "Operation Deep Impact," — was launched on Thanksgiving day when the demand for fuel considerably increased during the holiday season. According to a statement released by the government agency, "an estimated 54 million Americans will travel across town or across the country for Thanksgiving, and while doing so, many will buy gas for their cars," the report said.

US man wrote 'God sheltered me' before trip turned deadly

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 11:22 AM PST

US man wrote 'God sheltered me' before trip turned deadlyNEW DELHI (AP) — The young American, paddling his kayak toward a remote Indian island whose people have resisted the outside world for thousands of years, believed God was helping him dodge the authorities.

The Latest: Taiwanese reject gay marriage, new Olympic name

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 06:11 PM PST

The Latest: Taiwanese reject gay marriage, new Olympic nameTAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The Latest on local elections in Taiwan (all times local):

Syria regime shelling kills 9 civilians in Idlib: monitor

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 12:13 PM PST

Syria regime shelling kills 9 civilians in Idlib: monitorSyrian regime shelling killed nine civilians including seven children Saturday in a planned buffer zone around the country's last major rebel bastion, a monitor said. A teacher and four schoolchildren were among the victims after the shelling hit near a school in the northwestern province of Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Regime ally Russia and rebel backer Turkey in September agreed to set up a demilitarised cordon around the region of Idlib to stave off a massive regime offensive.

How to Transport a Christmas Tree Safely

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:58 AM PST

How to Transport a Christmas Tree SafelyThis year, 95 million U.S. households are expected to put up a Christmas tree, according to the American Christmas Tree Association (ACTA), an industry trade group. But before you decide where to...

Wall Street drops, S&P 500 confirms correction

Posted: 23 Nov 2018 11:08 AM PST

Wall Street drops, S&P 500 confirms correctionThe three major U.S. indexes all fell well over 3 percent for the week, with the Dow industrials and the Nasdaq posting their biggest weekly percentage declines since March. The S&P 500 ended about 10.2 percent down from its Sept. 20 closing record high, confirming it had entered a correction. The S&P last entered a correction earlier this year after posting a then record high in late January, and falling more than 10 percent by early February.

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