Saturday, August 17, 2019

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

How Israel's Travel Ban on Reps. Omar and Tlaib Is Uniting Democrats — Including Their Critics

Posted: 15 Aug 2019 03:45 PM PDT

How Israel's Travel Ban on Reps. Omar and Tlaib Is Uniting Democrats — Including Their CriticsLawmakers who had criticized Omar months earlier leapt to her and Tlaib's defense

Epstein girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pictured at burger bar in first public sighting since financier’s death

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 08:55 AM PDT

Epstein girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pictured at burger bar in first public sighting since financier's deathThe "missing" former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein and the woman accused of recruiting young women for him – claims she has strongly denied – has been spotted eating at a fast food restaurant in Los Angeles.In the days since the death of the disgraced financier, accused of sex trafficking young girls, much attention has focused on the whereabouts of socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late press baron Robert Maxwell, and Epstein's longtime confidante. Reports suggested she was living in France or elsewhere in Europe, or even in Massachusetts.The matter now seems to have been at least party cleared up after a tabloid newspaper published a picture of her taken in an unlikely location."Well, I guess this is the last time I'll be eating here," the 57-year-old is said to have remarked after being snapped at an In-N-Out restaurant in Los Angeles, according to the New York Post.The newspaper claimed Ms Maxwell was enjoying a burger, fries and a shake, while she sat reading The Book of Honour: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives, a 2000 nonfiction bestseller by journalist Ted Gup.While Ms Maxwell has never been charged with any crimes relating to Epstein's alleged actions in Florida and New York, this week one of his accusers filed a lawsuit against her, alleging she conspired with members of the disgraced financier's household staff "to make possible and otherwise facilitate the sexual abuse and rape" the alleged victim she said she endured in 2002 at the age of 15.Three years ago, she was sued for defamation by another of Epstein's alleged victims, Virginia Giuffre, for calling allegations against her "obvious lies". The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. Ms Giuffre had said that she was groomed from the age of 15 by Ms Maxwell and forced to have sex with Epstein and several powerful men, all of whom have denied the allegations.The public sighting of Ms Maxwell comes as two women who said they were recruited 15 years ago to provide massages to Epstein, only to be later sexually molested by him at his Manhattan mansion, filed a $100m (£82.3m) lawsuit against the financier's estate. The lawsuit filed on Thursday night in Manhattan is at least the second against the estate over the 66-year-old's alleged misconduct, following his 10 August 10 death of an apparent suicide. Lawyers who represented Epstein did not immediately respond on Friday to requests for comment. The plaintiffs, identified as Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2, said they now live in Okinawa, Japan, and Baltimore. > Jeffrey Epstein's gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death> > — New York Post (@nypost) > > August 15, 2019Prior to his death, Epstein had pleaded not guilty in July to charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls from 2002 and 2005. Prosecutors said he recruited and paid girls to give him massages, which became sexual in nature. Attorney general William Barr said the government will continue its investigation into any possible co-conspirators.He has also ordered a probe into how Epstein was able to kill himself, while supposedly being under a routine of close monitoring at the New York jail where he was being held awaiting trial. There has been a flood of conspiracy theories about Epstein's death since he was found a day after fresh documents about the accusations against him were unsealed by a court. Among those to spread such theories has been Donald Trump, who was once a regular associate of Epstein, and who in 2002 told a magazine he was "a terrific guy". An autopsy of Epstein found that his neck had been broken in several places, two law enforcement sources said. Epstein had been alone in his cell when he was found hanging there. He had previously been on suicide watch.Additional reporting by Reuters

Mexico to deport U.S. citizen suspected of supporting 'violent jihad'

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:20 PM PDT

Mexico to deport U.S. citizen suspected of supporting 'violent jihad'Mexican authorities arrested a U.S. citizen suspected of supporting militant Islamists in an example of Mexico's security cooperation with the United States even as the two neighbors grapple with sharp disagreements over trade and migration. The unidentified American man sought by Interpol was under investigation for supporting terrorist groups and will be deported to the United States later on Friday, the Mexico's attorney general's office said in a statement. The man was detained at a migrants office near Mexico's border with Guatemala in the town of Huehuetan with the help of officials from Mexico's National Migration Institute.

GPS monitoring violates some sex offenders’ rights, NC Supreme Court rules

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 01:42 PM PDT

GPS monitoring violates some sex offenders' rights, NC Supreme Court rulesSex offenders have rights, too, and in some cases the state has been violating those rights, the NC Supreme Court ruled on Friday.

Rival rallies as Hong Kong's divisions deepen

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 04:43 AM PDT

Rival rallies as Hong Kong's divisions deepenTen weeks of demonstrations have plunged the international finance hub into crisis, with communist-ruled mainland China taking an increasingly hardline tone, including labelling the more violent protester actions "terrorist-like". Democracy activists are billing the weekend rallies as a way to show Beijing and the city's unelected leaders that their movement still enjoys broad public support, despite increasingly violent tactics deployed by a minority of hardcore protesters that have cast a shadow. On Tuesday, protesters blocked passengers from boarding flights at the city's airport and later assaulted two men they accused of being Chinese spies.

Appeals court sides with Trump administration on asylum rules

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 05:37 AM PDT

Appeals court sides with Trump administration on asylum rulesActing CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan weighs in on a federal appeals court's decision to limit the number of people who can cross the border and claim asylum.

Air Purifiers That Will Actually Help You Breathe Better

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 08:43 AM PDT

Air Purifiers That Will Actually Help You Breathe Better

Greenland's government tells President Donald Trump the island is 'not for sale'

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:26 AM PDT

Greenland's government tells President Donald Trump the island is 'not for sale'After Trump reportedly floated the idea of buying the island, Greenland's Foreign Ministry tweeted "We are open for business, not for sale."

Jeffrey Epstein investigators remain puzzled by his apparent suicide days later

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 09:10 AM PDT

Jeffrey Epstein investigators remain puzzled by his apparent suicide days laterJeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide in a New York City jail cell has left federal investigators with more questions than answers about how the accused child sex trafficker managed to seemingly escape facing justice one final time. The federal Bureau of Prisons has attempted to understand in recent days how Epstein managed to take his own life at the Metropolitan Correctional Centre, despite guards being assigned to check his cell every 30 minutes. Officials are also working to learn why Epstein's cellmate was moved out of their cell the day before the disgraced financier was found unresponsive on Saturday morning and later pronounced dead. Attorney General William Barr has described "serious irregularities" at the prison where Epstein was held and reports have suggested the guards watching over him fell asleep for about three hours at the time of his death. But the Justice Department has not released additional details about the missteps that led to his death before he was set to stand trial over new trafficking and conspiracy charges. The department's Inspector General has launched an investigation into the death, along with the FBI. The lack of details has led to an emergence of unfounded conspiracy theories alleging Epstein was killed by the "deep state," or that the multi-millionaire fled to a secretive island and was replaced by a body-double. Those claims were given a megaphone by the White House when Donald Trump retweeted posts on Twitter suggesting there was a link between Epstein's death and Bill Clinton. Still, investigators remained focused on discovering the most rudimentary facts surrounding his apparent suicide, CNN reported on Friday.That includes a question of whether a prison staff member first found Epstein unresponsive while delivering breakfast to the prisoners, or if someone was already providing aid when he was discovered. The Bureau also wants to know whether the guards documented their checks during the time of Epstein's death, the outlet reported, and whether there is surveillance footage from inside the jail that matches those logs.There are other confounding factors to Epstein's death that may add fuel to the fire of conspiracy theories that has already been stoked by the president, including that his cellmate was moved out of their shared space a day before his death. He had also reportedly been found unresponsive weeks earlier after an apparent suicide attempt and was placed on suicide watch. The New York Medical Examiner's Office has not yet released its comprehensive autopsy results, and did not return requests for comment.However, Epstein was no longer on suicide watch at the time of his death, according to officials. The Bureau reportedly believed he had faked the initial suicide attempt.Members of Congress have requested details into the Justice Department's handling of Epstein's death and provided the department with a deadline of next week.

Mormon church warning: Beware of those fancy coffee drinks

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 08:59 AM PDT

Mormon church warning: Beware of those fancy coffee drinksThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has issued a warning to members that coffee is prohibited no matter how fancy the name, that vaping is banned despite the alluring flavors and that marijuana is outlawed unless prescribed by "competent" doctors. The article says it aims to clear up issues that could be confusing for young people within the religion's "Word of Wisdom," a set of rules about what foods and drinks are good for members and what substances they should avoid. The rules prohibit alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs and coffee and tea.

Here’s what the NRA’s Marion Hammer says about Florida’s proposed assault weapons ban

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 02:21 PM PDT

Here's what the NRA's Marion Hammer says about Florida's proposed assault weapons banFlorida National Rifle Association lobbyist Marion Hammer warned state economists Friday that a proposed assault rifle ban would be devastating to gun manufacturers lured to the state over the last eight years.

Rhode Island Prison Officer Resigns After ICE Protesters Allege He Drove a Truck Into Them

Posted: 15 Aug 2019 05:55 PM PDT

Rhode Island Prison Officer Resigns After ICE Protesters Allege He Drove a Truck Into Them'It was a shocking escalation of violence,' says a witness

Smiling cops take selfie near where dead baby was just found. Missouri city apologizes

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 02:33 PM PDT

Smiling cops take selfie near where dead baby was just found. Missouri city apologizes"The photos were by no means meant to take away from the extremely serious nature of the incident," city officials say.

X-Ray Scans Uncover da Vinci's Hidden Painting in All Its Glory

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 06:30 AM PDT

X-Ray Scans Uncover da Vinci's Hidden Painting in All Its GloryThe breakthrough confirm's Leonardo's legacy: "Always adjusting, always seeking more."

Bill Maher Mocks Fox News’ Sean Hannity For Claiming He’s Causing a Recession

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:58 PM PDT

Bill Maher Mocks Fox News' Sean Hannity For Claiming He's Causing a RecessionHBOLast week on Real Time, host Bill Maher devoted the lion's share of his opening monologue to President Trump's bizarre hospital visit in El Paso, Texas, where none of the mass-shooting victims treated there wished to meet with him. He also focused on Tucker Carlson's divorced-from-reality claim that white supremacy is a "hoax."On Friday night, the comedian sank his teeth into Trump once more, this time focusing on a jab the president threw at the HBO host during a recent rally in Pittsburgh. "You have one guy on television: 'I'm telling you he's not leaving—he's going to win and then he's not leaving, so in 2024, he won't leave, I'm telling you.' This is a serious person," Trump said on Tuesday. "These people have gone stone cold crazy." The comment came on the heels of Trump tweeting the following about Maher:Cue Maher: "Trump has been tweeting about me and talking about me at his rallies, so my anxiety level is very high. I'm hoping he'll get distracted by his new plan—I'm not making this up—he wants to buy Greenland… and name it 'New Ivanka.'"Yes, the news broke this week that Trump had apparently asked his aides if the country of Greenland could be purchased by the U.S."He had two Nuremberg rallies this week, and the highlight for me is at the one last night, he told a protester, 'You have a weight problem!' That's like mocking virgins at Comic-Con, isn't it?" cracked Maher. (It later emerged that it wasn't a protester at all but rather a supporter.) Maher also unpacked the perilous state of the U.S. economy, which may be headed toward a recession. "Trump, the financial genius, is driving the economy over the cliff," Maher explained. "His new slogan is: Make America Atlantic City Again. Did you see what happened in the stock market this week? I spent more time gasping for breath than Jeffrey Epstein." Bill Maher Exposes Fox News' Tucker Carlson For Claiming White Supremacy Is a 'Hoax'Later on during the panel portion, where he was joined by The Daily Beast's Betsy Woodruff and Rick Wilson, Maher defended his position of wishing for a recession to get rid of Trump. "I've been saying for about two years that I hope we have a recession, and people get mad at me. Sean Hannity thinks I'm actually causing a recession. I do not have this power but he seems to be wanting to blame it on me, like I'm a genie and could make this happen," said Maher, before pivoting to Trump's anti-environment moves, including rolling back the Endangered Species Act. "[Recessions] don't last forever. You know what lasts forever? Wiping out species—and people."  What Maher seemed to conveniently overlook is how an economic recession would wipe out many, many people. Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Tennessee executes Stephen Michael West by electric chair

Posted: 15 Aug 2019 07:30 PM PDT

Tennessee executes Stephen Michael West by electric chairStephen Michael West was sentenced to death for the 1986 stabbing deaths of Wanda Romines, 51, and her 15-year-old daughter, Sheila Romines.

Sen. Bernie Sanders to Israel: Ban U.S. congresswoman — then don’t take U.S. money.

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:38 PM PDT

Sen. Bernie Sanders to Israel: Ban U.S. congresswoman — then don't take U.S. money.Sen. Bernie Sanders has suggested Israel should now decline the billions of dollars it receives in U.S. aid in the wake of its ban on Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the country.

Activist emerges as new leader of Moscow election protests

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:09 PM PDT

Activist emerges as new leader of Moscow election protestsAfter a monthlong hunger strike, it's a struggle for Lyubov Sobol to even raise her hands. Every gesture is difficult for the frail 31-year-old political activist. This summer's wave of anti-government protests in Moscow propelled her to the forefront of Russia's opposition movement.

Yemen rebel attack sparks fire in Saudi gas plant: Aramco

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 08:17 AM PDT

Yemen rebel attack sparks fire in Saudi gas plant: AramcoAn attack claimed by Yemeni rebels sparked a fire in a Saudi gas plant Saturday but caused no casualties or disruption to production, state-owned energy company Saudi Aramco said. "Saudi Aramco's response team controlled a limited fire this morning at the Shaybah natural gas liquefaction facility," the energy giant said. The Huthi rebels have carried out a spate of cross-border missile and drone attacks targeting Saudi air bases and other facilities in recent months in what it says is retaliation for the Saudi-led air war in Yemen.

Unprecedented heatwave 'kills thousands of fish' in Alaska

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 04:52 AM PDT

Unprecedented heatwave 'kills thousands of fish' in AlaskaClimate change and warming rivers may have caused the mass death of salmon in parts of Alaska, scientists say.Large numbers of salmon died prematurely in some Alaskan rivers in July according to local reports, and scientists believe the cause could be the unprecedented heatwave that gripped the state last month."Climate change is here in Alaska. We are seeing it. We are feeling it. And our salmon are dying because of it," said Stephanie Quinn-Davidson, a biologist specialising in salmon and the director of the Yukon Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, in a Facebook post.> 200 miles of river. Dead chum consistently along entire stretch. None had spawned. 850 counted, many more missed. Likely ruled out mining, disease/parasites. All signs point to heat stress. Sad to see. Hoping this is not the new normal. climatechange salmon yukonriver alaska> > — Steph Quinn-Davidson (@SalmonStephAK) > > July 29, 2019

Shell Union Workers Had to Choose Between Attending President Trump's Speech or Losing Pay: Reports

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 08:06 AM PDT

Shell Union Workers Had to Choose Between Attending President Trump's Speech or Losing Pay: Reports"No yelling, shouting, protesting or anything viewed as resistance will be tolerated at the event"

Philly Mayor Peddles False Narrative for Gun Control After a Man with a Long Criminal History Shoots Six Police Officers

Posted: 15 Aug 2019 02:14 PM PDT

Philly Mayor Peddles False Narrative for Gun Control After a Man with a Long Criminal History Shoots Six Police OfficersAll eyes were on North Philadelphia last night after a gunman fired on police serving a narcotics warrant. At around 4:30 p.m., the suspect barricaded himself in a North Philadelphia home and began a standoff that would last for almost eight hours. During the ordeal, six officers were shot and two were trapped inside the house. Thankfully, the injuries to the police officers were not life-threatening and the two officers trapped inside were evacuated by a SWAT team several hours before the suspect, Maurice Hill, surrendered.After visiting the wounded police officers in the hospital, the mayor of Philadelphia, Jim Kenney, spoke to reporters and called for gun control. "Our officers need help. They need help. They need help with gun control. They need help with keeping these weapons out of these people's hands," Kenney said. "This government, on the federal and state level, don't want to do anything about getting these guns off the street and getting them out of the hands of criminals.""It's aggravating. It's saddening," he said. "It's just something we need to do something about. And if the state and federal government doesn't want to stand up to the NRA and some other folks, then let us police ourselves," Kenney said."That argument is B.S. Any evidence that Hill is an NRA member?" Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, told me. "Hill is a threat to everyone around him not because he may or may not be an NRA member but because he has embarked on a life of crime. That is what the problem is. It is not the NRA's advocacy. And the mayor knows that.""The lies about cops told by Warren, Harris, and DeBlasio lead to actions like these," Johnson said. "It's not the NRA."Indeed it is not. Maurice Hill has a long and extensive criminal history. Before last night, he had been arrested nearly a dozen times since turning 18 and convicted six times on charges that involved illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault. He has been in and out of prison; the longest sentence handed him came in 2010, when a federal judge gave him a 55-month term. In 2008, he was convicted of escaping, fleeing from police, and resisting arrest. Along the way, he has beaten criminal charges on everything from kidnapping to attempted murder. Hill has also spent time in federal prison. In 2008, he pleaded guilty to federal firearms violations after he was caught with a Smith & Wesson .357 and later a Taurus PT .45 semiautomatic. His prior felony convictions should have barred him from owning those weapons. "There are plenty of laws. It's not a lack of gun laws," Johnson added. "Hill is not in the business of obeying laws.""That is just Kenney deflecting and pivoting to his DNC talking points," Gregg Richman, a candidate for common-pleas judge in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County, told me. "It wasn't a gun-control issue that caused this. It was the failure of this administration along with the DA's policies of letting serious criminals back on the streets," Richman said. "This is not about guns but failure of the leaders to support law enforcement."Jeffrey Roorda, author of The War on Police, a former police officer and the business manager of the St. Louis Police Officers Association, agrees. "Violence, especially deadly assaults on police, are out of control in cities like Philadelphia and St. Louis where the voters have elected so-called reform-minded prosecutors," he told me. "The truth is that these prosecutors' sick brand of reform amounts to an amnesty program for deadly criminals who prey on communities of color and target cops for violence," Roorda says. "We need elected officials who will support cops and their efforts to remove dangerous criminals, like the Philadelphia shooter, from the streets before they go on shooting sprees."On Kenney's watch, Philadelphia has been plagued with gun violence. The homicide rate is the highest it has been in over a decade; in 2018, the rate increased 11 percent from the previous year. Kenney, and most other liberals advocating gun control, are ignoring the facts: The overwhelming majority of gun-related crimes are committed by people who own guns illegally. Crafting legislation that affects legal owners will have no impact on this.Kenney and other Democratic politicians such as Julián Castro, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Elizabeth Warren have all used this incident to push for additional gun-control laws. The press, meanwhile, has sought to cast the fight as just another "active shooter" in America. But the standoff in Philadelphia was no such thing. Americans watching cable news last night watched a career criminal resisting arrest and trying to murder police in the process. Our response to this event should reflect that fact. The mayor needs to look in the mirror.

Cathay Pacific CEO resigns after Beijing pressure

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 04:00 AM PDT

Cathay Pacific CEO resigns after Beijing pressureThe CEO of Cathay Pacific Airways, one of Hong Kong's most prominent companies, resigned Friday following pressure by Beijing on the carrier over participation by some of its employees in anti-government protests. Rupert Hogg became the highest-profile corporate casualty of official Chinese pressure on foreign and Hong Kong companies to support the ruling Communist Party's position against the protesters.

Taliban chief's brother killed in Pakistan blast: militant sources

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:33 PM PDT

Taliban chief's brother killed in Pakistan blast: militant sourcesThe Afghan Taliban leader's brother was among four people killed in a blast at a mosque in southwestern Pakistan Friday, insurgent sources and a Pakistani official told AFP. The Taliban have not officially commented, but an unofficial statement circulating among Taliban fighters on WhatsApp and seen by AFP confirmed the claim. The blast comes at a delicate moment as a deal between the insurgents and Washington to end America's war in Afghanistan is believed to be imminent.

Treasure hunter finds GoPro camera near waterfall containing man's final moments alive

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 08:57 AM PDT

Treasure hunter finds GoPro camera near waterfall containing man's final moments aliveVideo of the final moments of a man who drowned at a waterfall have been discovered two years later - by a diver who spotted his GoPro deep underwater.Richard Ragland got into difficult and drowned at Foster Falls State Park in Tennessee in 2017 just a few days before his 23rd birthday, and, ever since, his parents have sought the closure of knowing about his last few hours alive.Now, they've had that breakthrough, after YouTuber Rich Aloha - a diver and self-described treasure hunter discovered Mr Ragland's GoPro, complete with a working memory card filled with videos.It's filled with happy videos of Mr Ragland fooling around with friends, as they film themselves in the water using selfie sticks.Mr Aloha describes himself as a treasure hunter who was diving in the area where Mr Ragland drowned.He spotted the GoPro camera, and found a memory card inside and retrieved the footage.He had heard of Mr Ragland from park rangers, and told local media: "I was going through the footage and I said: 'Oh my God, this is the guy'"Using Google, he spent time tracking down the family to hand over the memory card.Mr Ragland's mother, Robin McCrear, told Atlanta's WSB TV: "For him to go through his efforts to do his research, make numerous phone calls, he didn't give up until he got in touch with us and that means the world to us."

Dr. Cyril Wecht weighs in on the troubling circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's death

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 01:01 PM PDT

Dr. Cyril Wecht weighs in on the troubling circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's deathThe velocity needed to break Jeffrey Epstein's hyoid bone and cervical vertebrae rules out the 'leaning into' suicide scenario, says forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht.

Greyhound riders are being asked for immigration papers at South Florida bus terminals

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 03:00 AM PDT

Greyhound riders are being asked for immigration papers at South Florida bus terminalsFederal immigration agents are beefing up their efforts to apprehend undocumented immigrants in South Florida as part of a nationwide effort to "keep communities safe."

American Airlines reviewing rare mix-up of Charlotte passenger boarding wrong plane

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 11:52 AM PDT

American Airlines reviewing rare mix-up of Charlotte passenger boarding wrong planeA flight from Charlotte to Asheville was delayed for almost an hour and a half Wednesday after a man boarded the wrong plane, an American Airlines spokeswoman said Friday.

Store clerk found guilty of murder for chasing, fatally shooting teen who stole $2 drink

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 09:14 AM PDT

Store clerk found guilty of murder for chasing, fatally shooting teen who stole $2 drinkThe former convenience store employee was accused of gunning down a teenager that stole a beer from a Tennessee convenience store.

Exclusive: China-owned oil tanker changes name in apparent effort to evade U.S. sanctions

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 12:25 AM PDT

Exclusive: China-owned oil tanker changes name in apparent effort to evade U.S. sanctionsSINGAPORE/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - While in the Indian Ocean heading toward the Strait of Malacca, the very large crude carrier (VLCC) Pacific Bravo went dark on June 5, shutting off the transponder that signals its position and direction to other ships, ship-tracking data showed. A VLCC typically transports about 2 million barrels of oil, worth about $120 million at current prices. On July 18, the transponder of the VLCC Latin Venture was activated offshore Port Dickson, Malaysia, in the Strait of Malacca, about 1,500 km (940 miles) from where the Pacific Bravo had last been signaling its position.

Italy's Salvini agrees to let 27 minors off migrant ship

Posted: 17 Aug 2019 09:42 AM PDT

Italy's Salvini agrees to let 27 minors off migrant shipItaly's hard-line interior minister buckled under pressure Saturday and agreed to let 27 unaccompanied minors leave a migrant rescue ship after two weeks at sea, temporarily easing a political standoff that has threatened the viability of the populist government. In recent days, Premier Giuseppe Conte had written to Interior Minister Matteo Salvini demanding that minors be allowed off the boat. After initially refusing, Salvini wrote back Saturday with a three-page missive of his own saying he would do so but made clear it was Conte's choice and that it didn't set a precedent.

Obama told Biden advisers not to let the former Veep ‘damage his legacy’ in his 2020 presidential run

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 05:51 PM PDT

Obama told Biden advisers not to let the former Veep 'damage his legacy' in his 2020 presidential runObama is reportedly concerned that Biden is relying on advisers who are "too old and out of touch with the current political climate,"

Woman survives plunging a mile after parachute fails to open

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 04:49 AM PDT

Woman survives plunging a mile after parachute fails to openA woman cheated death when she fell nearly a mile to the ground after her parachute and emergency back-up apparently both failed to open.Witnesses who saw her plunge nearly 5000ft to the ground said it was a miracle she wasn't killed.She hit a clump of trees, breaking her fall, and escaped with only fractured bones, including broken vertebrae.Police Quebec in Canada are investigating whether there was any criminal negligence.After jumping from the plane at a skydiving centre in Trois-Rivieres, the woman escaped with her life by hitting a wooded area.Denis Demers, who saw her fall, told Radio-Canada: "It's a miracle. I don't know how a person can survive a fall from an airplane like that."He said it appeared that neither the main parachute nor the emergency back-up had opened.Police told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that the 30-year-old parachutist, who has not yet been identified, was an experienced skydiver.She was admitted to hospital but her life was not in danger, they said.Another witness, Oceane Duplessis, said she was getting ready to get on another plane when she saw the woman."We watched all the way to the end. We kept hoping something would happen," she said. "We were very worried. Very."According to, a person without a parachute will fall at a typical speed of 120mph – or 60 metres (196ft) a second.The skydive company, which is reported to be investigating, has been contacted for comment.

California sues over Trump move to block green cards for poor immigrants

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 09:30 AM PDT

California sues over Trump move to block green cards for poor immigrantsCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Friday sued to block the Trump administration's "public charge" rule, which would deny immigrants green cards if they are likely to rely on public benefits.

Here's What to Know About the Mulan Boycott

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 09:36 AM PDT

Here's What to Know About the Mulan BoycottThe actor playing Mulan in Disney's live-action reboot was met with a backlash after voicing support for the Hong Kong police

All The Most Delicious Ways To Use Up Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 07:28 AM PDT

All The Most Delicious Ways To Use Up Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

UK judge to allow firm to try to seize $9 billion in Nigerian assets in gas dispute

Posted: 16 Aug 2019 05:30 AM PDT

UK judge to allow firm to try to seize $9 billion in Nigerian assets in gas disputeA judge in London said on Friday he would grant a firm called Process and Industrial Developments Ltd (P&ID) the right to seek to seize some $9 billion in assets from the Nigerian government over an aborted gas project. The company was awarded $6.6 billion in an arbitration decision over a failed project to build a gas processing plant in the southern Nigerian city of Calabar. The judge's decision, issued on Friday, converts the arbitration award to a legal judgement, which would allow P&ID to try to seize international assets.

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