Saturday, September 12, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Biden campaign jumps on Woodward interview to pin COVID deaths on Trump's 'playing it down'

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:48 AM PDT

Biden campaign jumps on Woodward interview to pin COVID deaths on Trump's 'playing it down'As the revelations by journalist Bob Woodward of how President Trump misled the American people about the severity of the coronavirus reverberated this week, the Biden campaign did its best to keep the story alive with scathing digital advertising.

A CDC study found that people who tested positive for the coronavirus were twice as likely to have eaten at a restaurant beforehand

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

A CDC study found that people who tested positive for the coronavirus were twice as likely to have eaten at a restaurant beforehandEating at a restaurant or drinking at a bar could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 more than other social activities, a new study found.

Portland mayor bans cops from using tear gas after months of protests and criticism

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

Portland mayor bans cops from using tear gas after months of protests and criticismThe mayor of Portland ordered the city's police to stop using tear gas for crowd control after months of criticism and protest.

Disabled Iraq War veteran faces five years in prison for marijuana possession after judge denies release

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

Disabled Iraq War veteran faces five years in prison for marijuana possession after judge denies releaseAlabama judge denies Sean Worsley's motion over his past criminal record

Venezuela: President Maduro says US spy seized near oil sites

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT

Venezuela: President Maduro says US spy seized near oil sitesThe marine working for the CIA had weapons and large amounts of cash, the Venezuelan president says.

Tucker Carlson Calls Climate Change ‘Systemic Racism in the Sky’

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:27 PM PDT

Tucker Carlson Calls Climate Change 'Systemic Racism in the Sky'In a segment on the raging West Coast wildfires, Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried to make the baffling argument that Democratic leaders' warnings about climate change are "like systemic racism in the sky." He extended the bizarre metaphor, lamenting that there was supposedly no explanation for how climate change causes more wildfires (there is!) and mocking Democrats for not explaining science to him: "You can't see it, but rest assured, it's everywhere, and it's deadly. Like systemic racism, it is your fault. The American middle class did it. They caused climate change. They ate too many hamburgers. They drove too many SUVs. They had too many children." > Tucker Carlson argues that climate change is like "systemic racism in the sky" in that it doesn't exist but liberals want you to believe its there.> > — nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) September 12, 2020Carlson's show is part of the primetime Fox News lineup that makes up the most-watched television in America, averaging 3.5 million viewers per night alongside Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, according to Nielsen Media Research.Scientists agree the rising average year-round temperatures brought about by human activity are causing more fires along the West Coast. Climate change, specifically drought spanning multiple years, has accelerated the rate at which wildfires appear and their intensity, according to a joint report released earlier this year by scientists from Columbia University, the University of Colorado, and the University of Idaho. The blazes in Washington, Oregon, and California have collectively already burned more than four million acres—three million in California and one million in Oregon—the most of any recorded fire season in either state. Experts say the West's yearly wrestling match with wildfire is just beginning. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has warned residents that the peak of the conflagration is yet to come, and Oregon Governor Kate Brown told Oregonians to prepare for what "could be the greatest loss of human lives and property due to wildfire in our state's history." More than 100,000 people have already been evacuated from their homes in Oregon, and at least five have died. In California, 20 people have died from the fires. > This is hands down the most concussed defense of climate change denial I've ever heard: "A climate change denier is anyone who thinks the ruling class has done a poor job"> > — nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) September 12, 2020Speaking before an image of Newsom, Carlson defended climate change denial as a matter of political power and wealth rather than one of science."What is a climate change denier? A climate change denier is anyone who thinks the ruling class has done a very poor job running their state, running their country, or protecting the people they were hired to protect and watch over," he said. "So are we climate change deniers if we point out that the state of California has failed to implement meaningful deforestation that might have dramatically slowed the spread of these wildfires? Does that make us deniers?"Carlson willfully misunderstands forest management in the same way President Donald Trump does. Both have blamed the state, run by a Democratic governor, for inadequate forest management, but the California government manages less than 3 percent of the state's forested land. The federal government, by contrast, oversees over half of all California's forested acres. Despite the imbalance, Trump has threatened to withhold disaster funding from California over the fires.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

U.S. weekly jobless claims losing momentum labor market recovery showing signs of fatigue

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:16 PM PDT

U.S. weekly jobless claims losing momentum labor market recovery showing signs of fatigueThe number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits hovered at high levels last week, suggesting the labor market recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic was stalling.

Student arrested after repeatedly going to high school on online days, NY school says

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

Student arrested after repeatedly going to high school on online days, NY school saysThe student argues he should be able to attend classes at school every day.

Biden: 'I hope I don't take the bait' in debate with Trump

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

Biden: 'I hope I don't take the bait' in debate with TrumpJoe Biden has said he'd "beat the hell out of" President Donald Trump over his comments about women if they were in high school. When Biden and Trump meet in their first presidential debate later this month, Biden says he has one goal: "I hope I don't take the bait." "I hope I don't get baited into a brawl with this guy, because that's the only place he's comfortable," Biden said Thursday during a fundraiser.

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi voices optimism about passing coronavirus aid bill

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi voices optimism about passing coronavirus aid billU.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday said she was optimistic about Congress passing coronavirus relief legislation before the Nov. 3 presidential election. The U.S. Senate on Thursday killed a Republican bill that would have provided around $300 billion in new coronavirus aid, as Democrats seeking far more funding - around $3 trillion - prevented it from advancing. Pelosi said she was proud to see Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer "reject that terrible skinny bill to a massive problem that we have."

Oxford and AstraZeneca are resuming coronavirus vaccine trials after a participant fell ill

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

Oxford and AstraZeneca are resuming coronavirus vaccine trials after a participant fell illTrials have resumed in the UK after an independent review board concluded it was safe to do so after a participant fell ill earlier this week.

Why a visit by a Saudi official to New Jersey is now part of the 9/11 investigation

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:57 AM PDT

Why a visit by a Saudi official to New Jersey is now part of the 9/11 investigationPreviously secret FBI documents give a look at how the 9/11 hijackers made North Jersey their home, and possible links to a mosque in Jersey City.

‘Are you out of your mind?’: US Navy cancels New York 9/11 flyover tribute amid public outrage

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:24 AM PDT

'Are you out of your mind?': US Navy cancels New York 9/11 flyover tribute amid public outragePlanned tribute branded as 'tone deaf', 'insensitive', and 'verging on completely tasteless'

Rough arrest of Black teen in southern Louisiana prompts internal police probe

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:25 AM PDT

Rough arrest of Black teen in southern Louisiana prompts internal police probeOne Lafayette officer was put on leave and two more taken of regular duties, following bowling alley confrontation.

Navalny’s No. 2 Suspects ‘Putin’s Chef’ Ordered Novichok Hit on Opposition Leader

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:14 PM PDT

Navalny's No. 2 Suspects 'Putin's Chef' Ordered Novichok Hit on Opposition LeaderMOSCOW—Tears of joy ran down Lyubov Sobol's face when news came through that Alexei Navalny had awakened after more than two weeks in a coma. The 32-year-old blond lawyer, who cultivates a nerdy look with her dark-rimmed glasses, spent a decade fighting Russia's state corruption at Navalny's side. His partial recovery doesn't make her work any less dangerous.In an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast, Sobol revealed who she suspects of poisoning Navalny and why. With Navalny in a hospital in Berlin, Sobol is the de facto leader of the Russian opposition. In spite of the arrests, blackmail, and violent attacks, she has not left Russia, she says, because this fight is her life.Navalny hired Sobol when she was a teenager in law school, as the first employee for his nonprofit group, the Anti-Corruption Foundation. Together they have produced dozens of video investigative reports about high-profile, outrageous cases of corruption by President Vladimir Putin's closest allies. These reports have touched his inner circle: the petroleum kingpins Igor Sechin and Gennady Timchenko, and the Kremlin-linked catering magnate Yevgeny Prigozhin, known as "Putin's chef." More than 36 million people watched Navalny's investigation into the former president and prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, alleging he had secret real-estate holdings valued at $85 million in 2017. "We showed millions of Russians how corrupt our prime minister was and Putin replaced Medvedev, we demonstrated ex-Prosecutor General Yuriy Chaika's corruption and Putin fired him; Putin tried to change a lot, except for himself," Sobol said.Navalny Had Many Enemies in the Kremlin—but Who Wanted Him Dead?Putin's opposition has suffered countless violent attacks. Activists have been jailed, tortured and assassinated; but today one man's attacks on the group stand out, Sobol said."Navalny's poisoning does not look like a Chechen attack; it has the handwriting of secret services," she said. "Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is extremely dangerous, has the Kremlin's license for persecutions, for murder both inside Russia and in other countries, including Africa and Syria."Sobol does not have any hard evidence to link Prigozhin to the attack on Navalny."It was wrong for Interpol to drop the extradition notice for Prigozhin. The world's leaders should realize that Prigozhin's hands are absolutely free now to interfere in the U.S. presidential election in November. He has millions of corrupt dollars to spend on the interference."Sobol says Prigozhin once attacked her family: Somebody stabbed her husband, a sociologist, Sergei Mokhov, with a syringe. The attacker injected a cocktail of chemicals that made him lose consciousness. "Poisonings are Prigozhin's style, he waited for two months after our very popular investigation into his financial schemes—more than four million people watched it. Then, he conducted an attack on my husband," Sobol said.Prigozhin is not known to be under investigation for any crime in Russia and his company has sued Navalny's group for slander related to other accusations."If not for the quick ambulance pickup and the hospital around the corner from our house, my husband would have been dead," Sobol said.Protests are all but banned in Russia. People who gather in the street are punished with high fines and time behind bars. Putin regularly talks about the West financing Russian opposition: "Countries that conduct an independent policy or that simply stand in the way of somebody's interests get destabilized," he said in 2014.Some voices in Russia's liberal circles say it's time for a female leader to take on Putin. Yulia Navalny, whose prominence has risen since she took control of the situation when her husband was poisoned, is one potential candidate. Sobol is another.   "Women's rights, gender equality become acute issues on Russia's agenda. People feel a lot of sympathy and support for Navalny's wife Yulia, who managed to win the battle with authorities, demonstrate incredible courage, and move her husband to Germany," Alisa Ganiyeva, an influential member of Moscow's literary circles, told The Daily Beast. "And Lyubov Sobol is a vivid example of a woman's significant transformation from a lawyer, an assistant into an independent political figure and influencer." Navalny's family is now with him in Germany, where doctors believe Putin's nemesis has been poisoned with the military-grade Novichok nerve agent.While he recovers in hospital, the political battles around Navalny's poisoning continue. The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee is calling for President Trump to investigate Navalny's poisoning. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is demanding Russian authorities "investigate this crime to the last detail and do so in full transparency."Before the poisoning, French President Emmanuel Macron was planning to reset relations with the Kremlin and visit Moscow. Those plans are now reportedly under threat.Moscow denies there was a poisoning and the foreign ministry has complained about Germany's "unfounded allegations and ultimatums."In the future, Sobol thinks, Russia should move away from having a single all-powerful leader. "It is important to understand that both Russians and Belarusians are tired of authoritarian leaders. People organize protests and movements on the horizontal level," she said. "Only this summer, we saw giant rallies in the Russian Far East, in Khabarovsk and in Bashkiria—activists realized that their leaders get arrested or attacked, so communities organize, communicate on social media, and plan strategies and rallies."Police often raid Navalny's anti-corruption group, and confiscate office and film equipment. Sobol says she spends all her spare money on fines for organizing rallies. She and her colleagues get arrested every few months, and now they have seen their boss attacked with a chemical weapon.And yet still Sobol stepped forward to fill Navalny's position as the face of the opposition. "We, Navalny's team, are like water: They squash us in Moscow, we open headquarters all across Russia. They arrest some of us, others immediately fill the gaps," Sobol said."I am never going to escape abroad—people recognize me in the streets. I am in charge of YouTube channels watched by more than six million people. And I am planning to run for Parliament next year."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

This Scandinavian Villa Was Designed to Blend Into Nature

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

Tom Ridge: Whistleblower allegation against Trump should outrage all Americans

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT

Tom Ridge: Whistleblower allegation against Trump should outrage all AmericansThe allegations should make anyone who had the responsibility to brief a U.S. president furious, and it should make all Americans shudder.

Beijing to impose restrictions on all US diplomats in China

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

Beijing to impose restrictions on all US diplomats in ChinaBeijing will impose "reciprocal restrictions" on all American diplomats on Chinese soil in response to curbs on its embassy personnel in the United States, China's foreign ministry said Friday.

Some Tesla Model Y owners say they've found parts in their cars that look like 'someone made a run to Home Depot'

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:12 AM PDT

Some Tesla Model Y owners say they've found parts in their cars that look like 'someone made a run to Home Depot'In online forums, Tesla owners posted photos of cooling systems that appear to be held on with plastic straps and faux wood.

Joe Biden brings beer to fire station: I keep my promises

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

Joe Biden brings beer to fire station: I keep my promisesDemocratic presidential nominee Joe Biden visits volunteer fire station in Shankesville, Pennsylvania.

Virginia lawmakers push to expand police decertification law

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

Virginia lawmakers push to expand police decertification lawA white Virginia state trooper yells an expletive-laden threat at a Black motorist who refuses to get out of his car during a traffic stop. Smiling for the driver's cellphone camera, the trooper remarks, "Watch the show, folks," then yanks the man out of his car by his neck. The video sparked outrage in Virginia, but under current state law, the trooper's conduct — unless he's later convicted of a crime — is not grounds for disqualifying him from working in law enforcement.

California closures include Highway 1, 8 L.A. County parks, 29 state parks and 18 national forests as flames persist and weekend begins

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

California closures include Highway 1, 8 L.A. County parks, 29 state parks and 18 national forests as flames persist and weekend beginsMillions of acres shut down, along with 30 miles of Highway 1 near Big Sur

Russian Dissident Survives Suspected Assassination Attempt in Finland

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

Russian Dissident Survives Suspected Assassination Attempt in FinlandA suspected assassin has reportedly been detained in connection with an attack against a Russian exile. Musa Lomaev says he survived what appears to be the latest in a string of brazen attacks, two of them fatal, against dissidents in Europe who have railed against the brutal Kremlin-backed ruler Ramzan Kadyrov.Kadyrov, a ruthless strongman who has previously discussed his willingness to die for Russian President Vladimir Putin, has repeatedly been accused of ordering torture, the detention of gay men, and assassination attempts on his critics. Although he has always denied those allegations, he is also known to make frequent and violent threats against anyone who dares to criticize him.Four of the Russian exiles who have been targeted in Europe this year have one main thing in common—they had been vocally critical of the notorious ruler of Chechnya, a republic of south eastern Russia. Two of them, Imran Aliyev and Mamikhan Umarov, were killed. A third, Tumso Abdurakhmanov, was able to overpower his would-be attacker in Sweden, and survived.Russian Teen Forced to Rape Himself on Camera for Criticizing 'Putin's Soldier'On Friday, Finnish authorities reportedly arrested a suspect in connection to another possible assassination attempt on Lomaev, a fourth Chechen blogger. According to Finnish station Radio Liberty, Lomaev claims a suspect was detained on Thursday after, he says, a price-tag of $500,000 was placed on his head.Lomaev runs a YouTube channel where he posts videos criticizing the Kadyrov regime, and says that he escaped Russia after being kidnapped and tortured in 2004 by the police, who accused him of carrying out terrorist acts against the government. As yet, there are no further details on the reported attempt on his life.Earlier this year, the Financial Times reported the assassination of Chechen blogger Mamikhan Umarov. He was reportedly killed two days after posting a video on YouTube goading Kadyrov into murdering him, in which he said: "Come and stop me!... Send your toughest guy, I'll tear him a new one." He was shot three times on the outskirts of Vienna, and two Russians were later detained.Kadyrov tried to deflect accusations of his government's involvement by claiming western intelligence services were killing Chechen exiles in an attempt to damage his image. "Don't become puppets, take care of your families. Otherwise the same fate awaits you, and they will blame Kadyrov and his team," he wrote, according to the FT.'Putin's Soldier' Ramzan Kadyrov Threatens Vengeance Against Mike PompeoEarlier in the year, in January, the 44-year-old blogger Imran Aliev was murdered in a hotel room in Lille, France—he had received a reported 135 stab wounds. French police investigating the murder later identified a man who traveled with the victim from Belgium, then fled to Russia after the killing, as the chief suspect.A police official told Business Insider at the time, "We have also collected intelligence about the man that indicates he works closely with Kadyrov, which continues to confirm our suspicion that this was a politically motivated murder linked to Aliev's dissident activities."Tumso Abdurakhmanov, who survived his attack, posted a video of himself standing over the bloodied body of his hammer-wielding assassin. When questioned, the man told Abdurakhmanov, "They have my mother." The head of the Chechen parliament had previously declared a "blood feud" against Abdurakhmanov.Chechnya became one of world's worst human rights violators under Kadyrov, who used Kremlin money to rebuild the republic and has largely been given the freedom to rule how he wants as long as he remains loyal to Putin. Kadyrov previously said he's "ready to die" for Putin and has described himself as Putin's "foot soldier."Earlier this week, The Daily Beast reported that a teenager in Chechnya was forced to strip naked and make a horrific "apology" video after daring to criticize the Kadyrov regime.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

South Dakota governor says study blaming motorbike rally for 260,000 coronavirus infections ‘completely false’

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 02:42 PM PDT

South Dakota governor says study blaming motorbike rally for 260,000 coronavirus infections 'completely false'State has reportedly seen 126 per cent increase in cases over last two weeks

Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari executed over 2018 security guard killing

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

Iranian wrestler Navid Afkari executed over 2018 security guard killingIran executed a wrestler after authorities accused him of murder during anti-governemtn protests, defying a global campaign for him to be spared the death penalty. Navid Afkari was convicted of stabbing a security guard to death during anti-government protests in 2018. But 27-year-old Greco-Roman wrestler, a national champion, insists he was forced into a confession after being tortured by security services clamping down during unrest in 2018 over economic hardship and political repression. An international union representing 85,000 athletes had called on Tuesday for Iran's expulsion from world sport if it executed Mr Afkari. US President Donald Trump also appealed to Iran, saying the wrestler's "sole act was an anti-government demonstration on the streets". The International Olympic Committee said the execution of Mr Afkari was "very sad news", adding in a statement that IOC President Thomas Bach had written this week to Iranian leaders asking for mercy for him. "It is deeply upsetting that the pleas of athletes from around the world and all the behind-the-scenes work of the IOC... did not achieve our goal," their statement said.

The USPS is accused of 'confusing' voters by mailing all Americans 'postcards with misinformation' about voting

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

The USPS is accused of 'confusing' voters by mailing all Americans 'postcards with misinformation' about votingThe same postcard about absentee voting was sent to all Americans despite differences in how states are choosing to conduct their November election.

Pringles tube tries to wake from 'recycling nightmare'

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:56 AM PDT

Pringles tube tries to wake from 'recycling nightmare'Kellogg's redesigns the snackfood container that was dubbed the "number one villain" for recycling.

Farmers hold out at seized Mexican dam as tensions build

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

Farmers hold out at seized Mexican dam as tensions buildHundreds of farmers continued to hold a remote dam in northern Mexico on Friday as time was running out for the country to catch up on payments and avoid breaching a 1944 water treaty with the United States. Mexico's National Water Commission warned that farmers who took over a dam in the border state of Chihuahua earlier this week damaged the facility's controls, with just about six weeks to go before an Oct. 24 deadline for handing over a massive amount of water that Mexico owes the United States. Asked if Mexico could still meet the deadline with one of its main dams seized by protesters who are blocking any further releases, Blanca Jimenez, the head of the National Water Commission, said that "the situation looks very complicated."

Woman convicted of stealing hunter’s dog during a bear hunt, Tennessee officials say

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:10 PM PDT

Woman convicted of stealing hunter's dog during a bear hunt, Tennessee officials sayThe woman says she was trying to care for the dog.

Egypt brokers negotiations for Israel-Hamas prisoner swap

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

Egypt brokers negotiations for Israel-Hamas prisoner swapEgypt is brokering negotiations on a proposed prisoner swap between Israel and the Hamas rulers of Gaza, taking advantage of a renewed truce between them, a Hamas source said Saturday.

USC Professor Who Used Chinese Word That Sounds Like English Slur ‘Not Dismissed Nor Suspended,’ Admin Says

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:37 PM PDT

USC Professor Who Used Chinese Word That Sounds Like English Slur 'Not Dismissed Nor Suspended,' Admin SaysThe University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business' dean is on the defensive after receiving widespread backlash for his handling of an incident in which a communications professor at the school used a Chinese word that sounded like a slur in English, a new email obtained by National Review shows.Professor Greg Patton was giving a lecture about the use of "filler words" in speech during a recent online class when he used the word in question, saying, "If you have a lot of 'ums and errs,' this is culturally specific, so based on your native language. Like in China, the common word is 'that, that, that.' So in China it might be 'nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge.'"A group of students who identified themselves as "Black MBA Candidates c/o 2022" complained to university administration in an email, accusing the professor of pronouncing the Chinese word in a way that resembled the N-word "approximately five times" during the lesson in each of his three communication classes and said he "offended all of the Black members of our Class."The incident led the university to assign another instructor to Patton's class while he "agreed to take a short term pause while we are reviewing to better understand the situation and to take any appropriate next steps," according to a statement from USC to Campus Reform.After an online petition to "Re-instate USC Marshall Professor Greg Patton" collected more than 11,000 signatures and a group of more than 100 global alumni signed a letter criticizing the university's treatment of Patton, dean Geoff Garrett sent an email to Marshall staff on Wednesday saying that he wanted to "offer some clarification about the situation," because "some of the reporting about the situation has been inaccurate." The email had two attached letters — one from the dean and another from provost Charles Zukoski on behalf of the dean and the president.In Garrett's letter, dated September 6, he claimed "It was absolutely not my intention to cast any aspersions on specific Mandarin words or on Mandarin generally.""The student complaints we received had nothing to do with the Mandarin language but focused on the use of a polarizing example Professor Patton used when trying to make a reasonable and important point about communication," he continued. "In his apology to students, he noted he could have chosen a better example to illustrate his point."Patton had apologized in an email last month, saying he had received positive feedback on the lesson in years past but accepted blame for failing "to realize all the many different additional ways that a particular example may be heard across audiences members based on their own lived experiences."Garrett went on to say that Patton agreed to not finish out the accelerated course that ended last week and that administration is "following standard university procedures to explore the complaints students have raised." The provost's letter echoed Garrett's: "the course was scheduled to run for three weeks and, after student complaints were lodged, the professor volunteered to step away for the final two weeks. He was not dismissed nor suspended nor was his status changed. We are required to investigate all complaints and have a thorough process for doing so which we began immediately.""The complaints occurred in a course in communication across cultural lines," the provost continued. "Its purpose is to prepare students to be successful in business around the world. There is no intent to impose U.S. cultural norms on communications in other languages and cultures."Zukoski finished by assuring that the university's "internal procedures are fair and appropriate."However, in an initial August 24 email, the dean had apologized for Patton's use of a "Chinese word that sounds very similar to a vile racial slur in English," saying "understandably, this caused great pain and upset among students.""It is simply unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that can marginalize, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students," he wrote. "We must and we will do better."He added that he was "deeply saddened by this disturbing episode that has caused such anguish and trauma."The dean's initial apology was in response to the group of students alleging that Patton had purposely mispronounced the word and that the phrase should always be "identified as a phonetic homonym and a racial derogatory term, and should be carefully used." "Our mental health has been affected," the group wrote. "It is an uneasy feeling allowing him to have the power over our grades. We would rather not take his course than to endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities and by extension creates an unwelcome environment for us Black students."The dean announced his reconsidered stance only after alumni of "more than a dozen nationalities and ethnicities" sent a letter standing behind Patton."Most of us are Chinese, some ethnically, some by nationality, and many others have spent extensive time in China," the letter reads. "Most of us live in China. We unanimously recognize Prof Patton's use of 'nei ge' as an accurate rendition of common Chinese use, and an entirely appropriate and quite effective illustration of the use of pauses. Prof Patton used this example and hundreds of others in our classes over the years, providing richness, relevance and real world impact."The group continued: "We are also deeply disappointed that the spurious charge has the additional feature of casting insult toward the Chinese language, the most spoken in the world, and characterized it and its usage as vile. We feel Marshall should be open to diversity in all areas – not only those areas convenient for the moment. We further suggest that any attempt to degrade this matter and suggest that a Chinese word different in sound, tone, accent, context and language itself is 'exactly like' an offensive US term would be naive, a disgusting and intentional stretch and would further degrade important societal discussion."

Trump news: President accuses Biden of using performance enhancing drugs for primary debates amid accusations administration siphoned money away from 9/11

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

Trump news: President accuses Biden of using performance enhancing drugs for primary debates amid accusations administration siphoned money away from 9/11Follow the latest updates

Texas police group puts up billboard warning "enter at your own risk," saying Austin defunded police

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

Texas police group puts up billboard warning "enter at your own risk," saying Austin defunded policeTexas Governor Greg Abbott is also calling on every Texan and candidate for public office​ to sign a pledge​ against defunding the state's police departments.

An influencer couple revealed their child's gender on Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

An influencer couple revealed their child's gender on Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the worldAnasala Family, a YouTube family channel with over 7.7 million subscribers, did a gender reveal event on the world's tallest building.

Iran's currency hits new record low against the dollar

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:22 AM PDT

Near-record 319 migrants arrive after crossing Channel, with dozens making landfall

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:10 PM PDT

Near-record 319 migrants arrive after crossing Channel, with dozens making landfallMore than 300 migrants reached Britain on 27 small boats on Friday, with dozens of people landing on beaches, The arrival of 319 more people takes the year's total beyond 6,000 - three times as many as last year. It is understood at least 73 people reached the shores of Kent, with many landing at Kingsdown, near Deal, while a group of 33 arrived on a huge green inflatable boat around 9am. Sea conditions are said to have been ideal for making the perilous journey across the Dover Strait - the world's busiest shipping lane - with good visibility, although it was very cold. Lifeboats from Dover, Dungeness and Walmer had been launched to support Border Force officers. Police tracked down "a number of suspected migrants" at Kingsdown.

US Marshals capture Oklahoma man accused of recording sexual assault of 6-month-old baby and posting it on social media

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:12 PM PDT

US Marshals capture Oklahoma man accused of recording sexual assault of 6-month-old baby and posting it on social mediaBrice Gage Watkins, 22, is facing one count of felony distribution of child pornography and other charges for the alleged sexual abuse of an infant.

This Air Force Unit Has Been Fighting Alongside Army Rangers Since 9/11

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

This Air Force Unit Has Been Fighting Alongside Army Rangers Since 9/11"We fight, bleed and laugh beside [the Rangers]. We win as a team or fail as a team."

Modeler behind Bin Laden raid reveals the process, Navy SEALs' special message of thanks

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

Modeler behind Bin Laden raid reveals the process, Navy SEALs' special message of thanksNearly two decades after the 9/11 attacks, Americans are now learning more about one of the best-kept secrets from the fateful mission to hunt down Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. Senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge speaks with the model maker who built a replica of Bin Laden's hideout to help Navy SEALs prepare for the raid.

Catalans rally for independence despite health warnings

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:37 AM PDT

Catalans rally for independence despite health warningsWearing face masks, thousands of Catalans on Friday staged dozens of small protests calling for the region's independence from Spain despite warnings from health officials to avoid gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic. All rallies respected social distancing and were peaceful except an unauthorized march in the evening in central Barcelona in which a few hundred separatist protesters, some with torches, burned a mannequin with Spain's King Felipe's face and boxes with the logos of Spanish corporations and public institutions. In the morning, unidentified people had set fires at several points of Catalonia's rail network, forcing train cancellations before traffic was resumed four hours later.

A 12-year-old and his grandmother died trying to escape an Oregon fire. Family members say the pair was found a day later in their car.

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:50 AM PDT

A 12-year-old and his grandmother died trying to escape an Oregon fire. Family members say the pair was found a day later in their car.A 12-year-old boy and his grandmother were found dead in their car after the Santiam/Beachie Creek fire tore through Mehama, Oregon.

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