Sunday, September 6, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

'The Gotaway': Online video produced and posted by the Border Patrol spreads fear of migrants

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:55 PM PDT

'The Gotaway': Online video produced and posted by the Border Patrol spreads fear of migrantsAccording to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official, "The Gotaway" video was produced "in an effort to highlight criminal apprehensions across the Southwest border."

Typhoon unleashes rain, strong winds in southern Japan

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:53 PM PDT

Typhoon unleashes rain, strong winds in southern JapanThe second powerful typhoon to slam Japan in a week unleashed fierce winds and rain on southern islands on Sunday, blowing off rooftops and leaving homes without power as it edged northward into an area vulnerable to flooding and mudslides. Weather officials warned that the rainfall from what could be a record storm would be fierce. Several rivers on the main southwestern island of Kyushu were at risk of overflowing, officials said.

Judge temporarily bans Detroit police from chokeholds, rubber bullets against protesters

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:53 PM PDT

Judge temporarily bans Detroit police from chokeholds, rubber bullets against protestersU.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson partially granted a restraining order late on Friday after activist group "Detroit Will Breathe" alleged that the police had responded to peaceful demonstrations with "beatings, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, sound cannons, flash grenades, chokeholds, and mass arrests without probable cause." The group said such police tactics were violations of "First and Fourth Amendment rights", which include the practice of free speech, according to filings made in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

Florida man pushed his wife into I-75 traffic after beating her, FHP says

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:24 PM PDT

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie says Kyle Rittenhouse showed 'incredible restraint' in Kenosha shooting

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:51 PM PDT

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie says Kyle Rittenhouse showed 'incredible restraint' in Kenosha shootingMassie said the 17-year-old charged with two homicide counts after shooting protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, acted in self-defense.

11 freshmen at Northeastern were dismissed for violating COVID-19 rules. Their $35,000 tuition won't be reimbursed.

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:21 PM PDT

11 freshmen at Northeastern were dismissed for violating COVID-19 rules. Their $35,000 tuition won't be reimbursed.The students were dismissed after they were reportedly caught gathering without masks or socially distancing in a room designated for two people only.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz prevented from entering mail facility

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz prevented from entering mail facilityThe entrance to the parking lot was blocked by a Postal Service police car with caution tape. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was stopped by USPS police and told she could not go inside of two mail sorting facilities, according to MSNBC. At 4 a.m., Wasserman Schultz was supposed to be on a tour of the Royal Palm Processing and Distribution Center in Opa-Locka, Florida, but the entrance to the parking lot was blocked by a Postal Service police car and caution tape.

Video shows car plowing through protesters in Times Square

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

Video shows car plowing through protesters in Times SquareWhen asked if there was a crime committed, Shea said, "Well, that's what we want to see as part of the investigation. We'd like to interview both sides."

Why a herd immunity approach to COVID-19 could be a deadly disaster

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:30 AM PDT

Why a herd immunity approach to COVID-19 could be a deadly disasterSince the coronavirus pandemic began, herd immunity has been floated as a possible solution, but the controversial strategy is considered downright dangerous by many experts.

El Salvador granted favours to jailed gang leaders, report says

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

El Salvador granted favours to jailed gang leaders, report saysThe jailed leaders were asked to reduce violence and support the president, a media report says.

Pope set to make first trip since pandemic to saint's town

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:28 AM PDT

Pope set to make first trip since pandemic to saint's townPope Francis is next month set to make what would be his first visit outside Rome since Italy was put under lockdown in early March when it became the first country in Europe to feel the full brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. The encyclical is expected to stress the value of brotherly relations during and after the pandemic, a theme Francis evoked repeatedly during the pandemic. The encyclical will be entitled in Italian "'Fratelli tutti' sulla fraternita' e l'amicizia sociale."

No sign of end to Far East anti-Kremlin rallies after nearly two months

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:08 AM PDT

No sign of end to Far East anti-Kremlin rallies after nearly two monthsWeekly rallies against the Kremlin in Russia's Far East showed no sign of ending after nearly two months, with around 10,000 people taking to the streets on Saturday in one of the longest-lasting movements of provincial discontent of the Putin era. Residents of Khabarovsk started holding weekly rallies after the July 9 detention of Sergei Furgal, the region's popular governor, over murder charges he denies.

If Biden doesn't win election in a landslide will Americans go to war?

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:46 AM PDT

If Biden doesn't win election in a landslide will Americans go to war?Should Americans be prepared for battle depending on the presidential election results? New York Post columnist Miranda Devine offers insight.

Congresswoman blocked from touring mail facility by Postal Service police

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:38 PM PDT

Congresswoman blocked from touring mail facility by Postal Service police"If DeJoy thinks he can just throw a bed sheet over what's going on behind these doors, he is sadly mistaken," the congresswoman said.

Why Trump should wait until after the election to announce a COVID-19 vaccine

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:32 PM PDT

Why Trump should wait until after the election to announce a COVID-19 vaccineIn recent days, experts have become increasingly convinced — and alarmed — that President Trump is pushing to cut corners and rush the release of a COVID-19 vaccine before Nov. 3 to improve his chances in the election.

Facebook takes down Patriot Prayer to stop 'violent social militias'

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 02:01 AM PDT

Facebook takes down Patriot Prayer to stop 'violent social militias'Facebook has removed an American far right organisation called Patriot Prayer which is based in Portland and its founder Joey Gibson from its platform.The group has organised pro-gun rallies in support of Donald Trump and far right protests in liberal areas which have been attended by both far right groups such as Proud Boys and counter-protesters.

Rwanda's president says 'Hotel Rwanda' hero must stand trial

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

Rwanda's president says 'Hotel Rwanda' hero must stand trialRwanda's president says that the man portrayed as a hero in the film "Hotel Rwanda" will stand trial for allegedly supporting rebel violence. President Paul Kagame, appearing on national television Sunday, did not explain how Paul Rusesabagina was brought to Rwanda where he has been held in custody for more than a week. Rusesabagina is credited with saving 1,200 lives during Rwanda's 1994 genocide by letting people shelter in the hotel he was managing during the mass killings.

Armed guards provided for threatened lesbian couple

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:03 PM PDT

Armed guards provided for threatened lesbian coupleTheir love story made headlines as they fought to get protection from their own families.

Rival groups square off at Kentucky Derby, Rochester police use tear gas

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:09 AM PDT

Rival groups square off at Kentucky Derby, Rochester police use tear gasArmed police supporters and anti-racism demonstrators clashed in Louisville on Saturday before the Kentucky Derby horse race, while Rochester police used tear gas to disperse protesters, as discord in cities across the United States continued to simmer. In the afternoon, hundreds of protesters marched toward the Churchill Downs track in Lousiville chanting "No Justice, No Derby" - a nod to activists' calls to cancel the annual race, which was being held without spectators because of the coronavirus.

Labor Day Fun as Coronavirus Rages Could Doom the Fall

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

Labor Day Fun as Coronavirus Rages Could Doom the FallAs millions of Americans prepare to travel for Labor Day, health experts fear the holiday weekend will cause a COVID-19 spike in areas that are already hot spots—and could determine how the deadly virus spreads in the coming months. To date, 186,834 have died and 6,153,735 more have been infected with the coronavirus, numbers that will only increase as the United States heads into fall—and with it, flu season. In anticipation of the potentially devastating combination of COVID-19 and the flu, epidemiologists and state officials are pleading with Americans to stay home and avoid large gatherings despite pandemic fatigue. "We don't want to see a repeat of the surges that we have seen following other holiday weekends," White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Thursday, referring to the surge in new cases after Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. "We don't want to see a surge under any circumstances, but particularly as we go on the other side of Labor Day and enter into the fall."'Increasingly Alarming': Coronavirus Is Swamping Campuses Weeks After ReopeningAccording to an NBC News analysis, the United States saw more than 276,093 new cases of coronavirus in the two weeks after the Fourth of July holiday weekend. After Memorial Day, more than a dozen states and Puerto Rico recorded their highest daily case averages and hospitalization rates. Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, stressed the case increase is common after holiday weekends as people are more likely to spend time with large groups without masks and ignore social distancing. "We're going to have the 'careful' people and the 'carefree' people—and I'm afraid we're going to have too many carefree people this Labor Day weekend taking advantage of the last bit for the summer," Schaffner said. "They're going to be doing it without masks, not social distancing, they will be enjoying a lot of adult beverages in close quarters, and I think it's going to be an accelerant for new cases."One major concern, he told The Daily Beast, is that some local officials—especially in Tennessee—have allowed mask mandates and other social-distancing measures to expire."We have to maintain mask-wearing over the long haul. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm worried for sure. We're definitely going to see an increase and we're going to see new hot spots emerge," Schaffner added. "Have fun, be careful, please wear the masks and when you do something fun with relatives and neighbors—please do it in small groups."Some state officials have been dedicated to ensuring cases continue to decline, warning residents and incoming visitors about travel restrictions and health guidelines. In July, the United States saw a daily case rate of about 70,000. That eye-popping number has since fallen to 40,000 and hospitalizations rates are down 37 percent."We have to go into the fall with decreasing cases like we're doing now. We can't risk a lack of personal responsibility," Adm. Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said in a Tuesday call to reporters, according to CNBC. "Why are we seeing this success? Because the national strategy is working."Ex-Iowa Health Spox: I Was Ousted for Releasing COVID-19 InfoWhile several states hit hardest over the summer—including California, Texas, and Florida—are seeing a hopeful decline in cases, others in the Midwest are in the midst of a COVID-19 surge. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield has warned that America's heartland "is getting stuck" as cases start to plateau."I think new cases may be accentuated in the Midwest because of the recent spread of cases, but I also think it would be naive to think every place across the country won't get an uptick from Labor Day," Schaffner said. To combat the potential uptick in Minnesota, Gov. Tim Walz on Thursday urged residents to continue to follow health guidelines during Labor Day, stressing the holiday weekend could be a tipping point for the state, which is already in a "precarious situation." Despite calls from Republicans to fully open the state, Walz said federal health officials have told him there are troubling warning signs in Minnesota, similar to those in Arizona before its massive outbreak. As a result, he's refused to loosen restrictions before the summer holiday. "Six months ago it was my hope that we would be back to doing all of those things we talked about—going to the State Fair, watching high school football, gathering to watch the Gophers on Saturday," Walz said. "Well, the virus has not allowed us to do that, and we have to remain vigilant. We have got to stick with this."In Massachusetts, officials are reminding the public about travel orders that the state has instituted for all visitors. Travelers from 34 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico must also self-quarantine for two weeks after arriving in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.In California, where a dangerous heat wave is expected to hit over the weekend as the state battles wildfires and consistently high COVID-19 case rates, officials are worried about large crowds. A Santa Cruz county spokesperson confirmed to The Daily Beast that to help mitigate the spread, all of the beaches in the area will only be open for four hours on Saturday and Sunday, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. "This is not a Labor Day weekend that will be full of celebrations," Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said this week. "You need to cancel all plans for gatherings."The White House is also concerned about the inevitable surge of new cases after Labor Day. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, whose state saw a positive rate of 6.5 percent after the Fourth of July, said Vice President Mike Pence asked state leaders to encourage residents to be safe during the upcoming long weekend. "They have grave concern about Labor Day coming up," DeWine said Tuesday. "We can get together. We can have fun, but we have to be very, very careful."Even Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who has controversially been one of the leading voices in favor of reopening the country, is begging residents to celebrate safely this weekend. On Friday, Kemp and his wife embarked on a statewide tour to encourage "four things for fall" that will stop the spread of the deadly virus.Kemp did a similar tour just before the Fourth of July weekend. "One, continue to socially distance yourself. Number two, if you can do that, wear your mask. Continue to wash your hands, clean surfaces, and use those best practices that we have talked about during the entire pandemic," Kemp said Friday. "And finally, please follow and let's enforce the existing guidelines that we have that was developed by our public health officials in the executive orders that we have."Coronavirus Is Surging So Much in South Carolina They're Building Tent HospitalsState officials are also worried about the potential surge in COVID-19 cases at colleges that are opening up after the holiday weekend, as universities are already struggling to contain their outbreaks. Dr. Helmut Albrecht, chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and Prisma Health, told The Daily Beast that administrators at his university are already dealing with over 1,000 positive cases and are "worried" about the holiday weekend. He believes that given the current trajectory of cases—and the inevitable partying that will happen over Labor Day weekend—the university may soon become overwhelmed with sick students and administrators."The students are a real problem for the community. They can be asymptomatic and if they are‚ they will not curb their social mobility at all," Albrecht said. "And with all these parties that will be happening this weekend... we're worried. If we have thousands next week, we will be overwhelmed, and we're not prepared for what may happen."But despite the many pleas from state officials to heed caution this weekend to prevent another wave of COVID-19 cases, Americans are still taking risks, and even traveling across the country to soak up the last days of warm weather. "Florida this year is claiming the lion's share (plurality) of Labor Day flight reservations, with 12 percent of all plans including a destination in the Sunshine State," according to the travel site TripIt, which noted that Labor Day flight bookings are only around a third of 2019's numbers. The surge in flights to the Sunshine state—particularly Orlando, Tampa, and Fort Lauderdale—comes as the Florida Department of Health on Friday reported over 640,000 total coronavirus cases in the state.A spokesperson for the Transportation Security Administration told The Daily Beast that 887,698 travelers passed through airport checkpoints on Thursday—a tenfold increase from April 14. In comparison, approximately 2,110,000 travelers went through the airport on the same date last year. But for Matthew Meltzer, a freelance travel writer who is flying from Kentucky to Miami this Labor Day weekend to visit friends, traveling to a city still besieged with COVID-19 cases is worth it. "I understand there's a lot of cases, but it's just a risk you run," Meltzer told ABC News. "Life is full of risks."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Sudan declares state of emergency amid flooding as River Nile swells to highest level in almost a century

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

Sudan declares state of emergency amid flooding as River Nile swells to highest level in almost a centuryA three-month state of emergency has been declared in Sudan as it is engulfed by deadly floods that are quickly spelling out a humanitarian disaster. The heavy rainfall, which started at the end of July, has already killed almost 100 people and caused the total or partial collapse of over 100,000 homes, according to the state news agency. With above-average rainfall forecast to continue until the end of the month, UN agencies are warning of catastrophic consequences. Much of the flooding is caused by heavy seasonal rains in neighbouring Ethiopia, which cause the River Nile to rise. By late August the Nile had risen around 17.5 metres, the highest in almost a century. The floods have already contaminated or put out of use over 2,000 water sources, according to the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, leading to concerns over the ability to enact coronavirus prevention measures. Sudan has more than 13,000 coronavirus infections, including 833 deaths. The agency also warned that Sudan's aid stocks have been "rapidly depleted" and that its humanitarian plan for the country is less than 44 per cent funded. The rates of floods and rain this year are already higher than the 1988 record which saw over a million people displaced from their homes, according to the Sudanese Irrigation Ministry. The UN's refugee agency also raised concerns with an estimated 125,000 refugees and internally displaced people affected. In North Darfur, in particular, 15 people have so far died and a further 23 are missing. Lina Al-Sheikh, the Labor and Social Development Minister said that more than 500,000 people across the country had so far been affected.

FHP clears biker accused of leaving woman to die after she fell on I-95, lawyer says

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT

2 more in Louisiana die from heat-related illness after Hurricane Laura

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

2 more in Louisiana die from heat-related illness after Hurricane LauraThe current known deaths blamed on the hurricane, which came ashore Aug. 27, in the state is now 22. Five have died in Texas.

CBS News Battleground Tracker: National, Wisconsin contests steady amid protests

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

CBS News Battleground Tracker: National, Wisconsin contests steady amid protestsNew CBS News poll finds Biden's margins over Trump are the same nationwide and in battleground state of Wisconsin.

30 college towns that could face economic ruin if schools don't reopen or have to close again this fall

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:45 AM PDT

30 college towns that could face economic ruin if schools don't reopen or have to close again this fallVirtual classes and closures may affect the economies of towns with especially large student populations.

Berlusconi responding to virus drugs but in "delicate" phase

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:45 AM PDT

Berlusconi responding to virus drugs but in "delicate" phaseFormer Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi is responding "optimally" to COVID-19 treatment but is the most vulnerable type of patient and is in "the most delicate phase" of the virus, his personal doctor said Sunday. Dr. Alberto Zangrillo repeated Sunday that he nevertheless remained "cautiously optimistic" about Berlusconi's recovery.

Chris Stirewalt reacts to Biden answering reporter questions: ‘Shamefully embarrassing’

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

Chris Stirewalt reacts to Biden answering reporter questions: 'Shamefully embarrassing'Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt weighs in on former Vice President Joe Biden delivering remarks on 'the economic crisis that has been worsened' by Trump and answering reporter questions.

'Hands off the children': masked men arrest protesting Belarusian students

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:25 AM PDT

'Hands off the children': masked men arrest protesting Belarusian studentsUp to 30 people were detained for taking part in unsanctioned protests, Russian news agency TASS quoted the Minsk police as saying. Draped in red-and-white opposition flags, students staged protests in several places in the capital, including outside the Minsk State Linguistic Institute where police had arrested five people on Friday, local media footage showed. Elsewhere masked men dragged away students who had gathered at an eatery in Karl Marx Street in the centre of Minsk, while some of the protesters shouted "tribunal!", according to footage shown by news outlet TUT.BY.

A massive wave capsized a cargo ship loaded with 6,000 cattle off the coast of Japan, said surviving crew member

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:26 AM PDT

A massive wave capsized a cargo ship loaded with 6,000 cattle off the coast of Japan, said surviving crew memberThe Gulf Livestock 1, with 43 crew onboard, sent a distress signal from the East China Sea on Wednesday night after it was caught up in Typhoon Masak.

German foreign minister raises spectre of Nord Stream 2 sanctions over Navalny poisoning

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:55 PM PDT

German foreign minister raises spectre of Nord Stream 2 sanctions over Navalny poisoningGermany could drop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as punishment for the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Berlin said for the first time on Sunday as it threatened the Kremlin with sanctions. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that "I hope... that the Russians do not force us to change our position on Nord Stream," in comments made to Bild newspaper. Mr Maas said that Berlin "would be compelled" to raise the issue of sanctions with its allies if Russia did not take steps towards investigating Mr Navalny's poisoning in the coming days. " If the Russians don't take part in solving the case then it is a further indication that they were involved," Mr Maas said. "If they don't go beyond smoke and mirrors we'll have to assume that Russia has something to hide." British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said that "The use of chemical weapons in this kind of context is pure gangsterism and Russia does have responsibility never to use it as a government, and second of all to make sure no-one else can use it within its territory." Nord Stream 2 is a new pipeline that would allow more Russian gas to flow to Europe via Germany, and is of strategic importance to Russia. But cancelling the project would be an ultima ratio for Germany, given its own financial interest in seeing the project through. There is little over 100 kilometres of the multi-billion euro pipeline still to be laid, but nothing has happened on the project since the US - which is opposed to it - threatened the companies involved with severe sanctions last December. And since a German army laboratory confirmed on Wednesday that Mr Navalny had been the victim of an assassination attempt with the nerve gas Novichok, domestic pressure has grown on the German government to cancel the gas line. Even within the ruling Christian Democratic Union party, influential foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen said that "if the project were to be completed that would give Putin the ultimate proof that he can carry on with his politics as normal. A European decision should be: stop Nord Stream 2." Mr Maas made clear though that he wanted to avoid hitting the gas line if at all possible. "Those calling for a stop need to know what the consequences are," he said. "There are more than 100 companies from 12 European countries involved, and roughly half of them are German." There are also indications that Chancellor Angela Merkel has shifted her stance after saying last week that the pipeline should remain "decoupled" from Navalny. The statement came in for criticism from sections of the media. Asked at Friday's press conference if she would repeat the statement, her spokesman, Stefan Seibert, declined to comment. Mr Navalny is currently lying in an artificially induced coma in Berlin's Charité hospital. Doctors say that his condition is improving but that he will have a long road to recovery.

'Assassins tried to kill my mother right in front of me, twice'

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:23 PM PDT

'Assassins tried to kill my mother right in front of me, twice'Shuhra Koofi has witnessed two attempts to kill her mother Fawzia Koofi, a longstanding Taliban critic.

Why Pennsylvania is ground zero for mail-in voting debate

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

Armed men arrested after traveling from Missouri to Kenosha to 'see for themselves,' FBI says

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:46 AM PDT

Armed men arrested after traveling from Missouri to Kenosha to 'see for themselves,' FBI saysMichael Karmo and Cody Smith were arrested near Kenosha on gun possession charges.

Almost $100k in damage, 8 arrested after rioting in Lower Manhattan

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

Almost $100k in damage, 8 arrested after rioting in Lower ManhattanPolice have made several arrests following another protest in Manhattan that left several businesses damaged Friday night.

For Lebanese, recovery too heavy to bear a month after blast

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:20 PM PDT

For Lebanese, recovery too heavy to bear a month after blastA month after Beirut's devastating explosion, Ghassan Toubaji still sits under a gaping hole in his ceiling — he can look up through the dangling plaster, wires and metal struts and the broken brick roof and see a bit of sky. Between that and Lebanon's crumbled economy, he can't go back to work. Teams of volunteers, a symbol of the help-each-other spirit that's grown up from the failures of Lebanon's corrupt political class, came by his apartment and assessed the damage.

India crosses four million coronavirus cases with record surge

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:38 PM PDT

India crosses four million coronavirus cases with record surgeIndia's total coronavirus cases surged beyond 4 million with a record rise on Saturday, making it the third country in the world to surpass that mark, following the United States and Brazil. India added 86,432 cases of the new virus on Saturday, a global daily record, according to data from the federal health ministry. The jump to more than 4 million cases comes only 13 days after India reached 3 million cases, accelerating sharply from the more than 100 days it took to increase by the previous 1 million.

A Maine wedding is linked to 147 coronavirus cases and 3 deaths. Infections spilled over into a jail and two nursing homes.

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

A Maine wedding is linked to 147 coronavirus cases and 3 deaths. Infections spilled over into a jail and two nursing homes.The pastor who officiated the wedding said people should have the freedom to not wear a face mask at a sermon that was held on August 30.

Chinese students face increased scrutiny at US airports

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 04:23 PM PDT

Chinese students face increased scrutiny at US airportsAs US-China relations sour further, some young Chinese visitors are being accused of technology theft.

New Trump ads stoke racial bias among white people in Minnesota and Wisconsin

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

New Trump ads stoke racial bias among white people in Minnesota and WisconsinTrump's racially charged Minnesota and Wisconsin TV ads focus on the violent aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd and the shooting of Jacob Blake.

Ohio woman falsely called police on Black man using his phone, said he was carrying a gun

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

Ohio woman falsely called police on Black man using his phone, said he was carrying a gunA woman had called the Ravenna Police Department from a dentist's office across the street and said a man was sitting in a black Mustang with a gun.

Trooper arrested after video shows him ripping off protester’s mask in Tennessee

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:13 PM PDT

Trooper arrested after video shows him ripping off protester's mask in TennesseeHarvey Briggs was fired after video of the incident went viral.

Pope: Gossiping is "plague worse than COVID"

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:53 AM PDT

Pope: Gossiping is "plague worse than COVID"Pope Francis said Sunday that gossiping is a "plague worse than COVID" that is seeking to divide the Catholic Church. Francis strayed from his prepared text to double down on his frequent complaint about gossiping within church communities and even within the Vatican bureaucracy. Francis didn't give specifics during his weekly blessing, but went on at some length to say the devil is the "biggest gossiper" who is seeking to divide the church with his lies.

Four Marines Safe After Super Stallion Helicopter Catches Fire Mid-Flight

Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

Four Marines Safe After Super Stallion Helicopter Catches Fire Mid-FlightFour Marines were able to get out of a heavy lift helicopter safely after it made an emergency landing just miles from their air station.

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