Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

FBI agent who helped launch Russia investigation says Trump was 'compromised'

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:31 AM PDT

FBI agent who helped launch Russia investigation says Trump was 'compromised'Peter Strzok, a decorated counterintelligence agent who was fired by the bureau he loved when his texts emerged, is telling his story in a new book.

Officer shoots 13-year-old boy with autism after mom calls 911 for help, Utah cops say

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

Officer shoots 13-year-old boy with autism after mom calls 911 for help, Utah cops say"He's a small child. Why didn't you just tackle him?"

A prototype of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines' futuristic-looking flying wing aircraft just took its first flight in Germany – take a look at the Flying-V

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:05 PM PDT

A prototype of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines' futuristic-looking flying wing aircraft just took its first flight in Germany – take a look at the Flying-VFlying wing aircraft have long been the domain of the military but airlines and aircraft manufacturers are turning to them for the future of flight.

Op-Ed: School custodians like me are considered essential workers. We're not treated like it

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:05 AM PDT

Op-Ed: School custodians like me are considered essential workers. We're not treated like itWorkers such as janitors and instructional aides are considered "critical" to reopening schools and addressing remote learning in the COVID-19 era. Why are so many losing their jobs?

Nebraska police officer dies 2 weeks after he was shot

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

Nebraska police officer dies 2 weeks after he was shotA Nebraska police officer who was shot two weeks ago while attempting to arrest a 17-year-old on an assault charge died Monday, authorities said. Luis "Mario" Herrera, a 23-year veteran of the Lincoln Police Department, was shot while serving a warrant Aug. 26, The Lincoln Journal Star reported. "Sadness does not begin to describe fully our community's sense of loss with the passing of Investigator Mario Herrera," Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird said in a brief statement.

American Airlines shows support for Black staff, passengers with Black Lives Matter pins

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

American Airlines shows support for Black staff, passengers with Black Lives Matter pinsAmerican Airlines has become the latest major airline to support its employees wearing Black Lives Matter pins on the job.

Senate Republicans are apparently struggling to find 51 GOP votes for a COVID-19 relief bill

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:49 AM PDT

Senate Republicans are apparently struggling to find 51 GOP votes for a COVID-19 relief billThe Senate is getting back to work Tuesday after its August recess, and along with averting a government shutdown at the end of September, their agenda includes trying to pass a COVID-19 economic relief package. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have agreed on a tentative plan to avoid a shutdown, but coronavirus relief talks are at an impasse. The House passed a $3.4 trillion package in May and the White House doesn't want the price tag to top $1 trillion, maybe $1.5 trillion."Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other top Senate Republicans have been scrambling to round up votes for a narrow economic stimulus package they could put on the floor and hammer Democrats for opposing," Politico reports, but their "gambit may fall short," since "McConnell doesn't even have 51 votes for the Republican proposal, according to GOP senators and aides, let alone the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster."Some Senate Republicans want the narrow $500 billion bill to include language related to "school choice," while others say they are alarmed at the sharply rising federal deficit and believe the U.S. economy will recover without any extra aid.McConnell said last week he doesn't "know if there will be another package in the next few weeks or not," adding, "It's harder to do now because we've moved closer and closer to an election." But "the inability to get 51 GOP votes would be a big defeat for the White House and Senate GOP leadership," Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer argue at Politico's Playbook newsletter. They are also "skeptical of all the 'we-decided-not-to-shut-it-down' talk" from Pelosi and Mnuchin, pointing out that nobody actively plans to shut down the government, and "we don't think we've seen the last frame of this movie yet — nor do many in the Capitol and White House."More stories from theweek.com Trump supporters caravan south of Portland, head to Salem, attack counter-protesters Are the troops turning on Trump? Why kids are obsessed with cars, trucks, and other vehicles

A French man chased a fly around with an electric swatter and accidentally blew up his own house

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

A French man chased a fly around with an electric swatter and accidentally blew up his own houseThe man, in his 80s, was slightly burned and his home is uninhabitable. The fate of the fly is unknown.

Trump disputes Atlantic report that he called service members ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

Trump disputes Atlantic report that he called service members 'losers' and 'suckers'President Trump on Monday denied reports that he repeatedly mocked deceased American service members and skipped a visit to a veterans' cemetery out of concern that the rainy weather would mess up his hair.

A developer used a tool from the AI company Elon Musk cofounded to create an app that lets you build websites simply by describing how they work

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:50 AM PDT

A developer used a tool from the AI company Elon Musk cofounded to create an app that lets you build websites simply by describing how they workHere's how Debuild CEO Sharif Shameem used OpenAI's GPT-3 tools to build a program that can automatically generate websites.

Black teenager attacked by corrections deputy

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

Black teenager attacked by corrections deputyA now-viral video shows a Florida deputy attacking a teenager who is currently in custody at a juvenile detention center. WWSB ABC7 reports Sarasota County deputy Neil Pizzo was placed on administrative leave following the incident. In a surveillance video, the deputy is seen choking 17-year-old Terrence Reed.

Search for missing livestock ship crew off Japan resumes

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:46 PM PDT

Search for missing livestock ship crew off Japan resumesJapanese coast guard ships resumed searching on Tuesday for a livestock ship and its 40 missing crew members off Japan's southern islands after the efforts were suspended due to a typhoon. The Gulf Livestock 1 sent a distress signal early Sept. 2 while it was sailing in stormy conditions in the East China Sea as a typhoon passed the area. Two survivors were rescued and the body of a third crew member was recovered before a second typhoon halted the search.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe faces new charge while on temporary release says Iran state media

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:31 AM PDT

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe faces new charge while on temporary release says Iran state mediaAn Iranian court issued a new unspecified charge against British aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe on Tuesday, Iranian state media reported. The British-Iranian dual national has been detained in Tehran since 2016 on sedition charges, but was temporarily released from Evin Prison prison in March amid the coronavirus outbreak after serving nearly all of her five-year sentence. She is barred from leaving the country. "The branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary court summoned Nazanin Zaghari and her designated lawyer this morning and informed her of a new indictment," an unnamed official told the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) news website. Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a project manager with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was arrested during a holiday in April 2016 and accused of plotting the "soft toppling" of Iran's clerical establishment. Her family and employer deny the accusations against her. They say the 41-year-old from Hampstead, north London, was in Iran with her young daughter Gabriella to visit family. "Our colleague is innocent and remains unlawfully held hostage for crimes she has not committed," said Antonio Zappulla, Thomson Reuters Foundation CEO. "We had desperately hoped there might be an end in sight to her trauma," he said in a statement. "Instead, she now faces a new charge – details of which remain hidden – following a secret appearance at the country's revolutionary court today." Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn Tulip Siddiq tweeted that she had spoken with Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe and could "confirm that she was taken to court this morning and told she will face another trial on Sunday." Her husband Richard Ratcliffe, who has campaigned relentlessly for her release, believes his wife's release is contingent on the UK paying Iran money owed on a cancelled 1970s weapons deal. "The failure to resolve this issue has resulted in Nazanin being taken hostage, and other people being taken hostage," Mr Ratcliffe said in a BBC Panorama documentary broadcast last month. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has acknowledged that he is seeking to pay a debt to the Iranian government, in a letter reported in the Guardian on Friday to lawyers acting for families of dual nationals detained in Iran, including Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe. The debt derives from Chieftain tanks ordered by the shah of Iran. When the Shah was overthrown in 1979, Britain did not deliver the 1,500 tanks to the new Islamic republic nor return the money. International arbitration in 2008 found that the UK owed the debt, thought to be worth about £400m. Neither the UK nor Iran acknowledges a link between the payment of the debt and freeing of British prisoners in Iran. Mr Ratcliffe said last month he feared his wife, who was due for release in March 2021, could face a second trial. "Behind closed doors, they keep saying there's a second court case, they keep talking about running it," he told ITV. Amnesty International condemned the reports of a new charge against Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe. "Nazanin has already been convicted once after a deeply unfair trial, and there should be no question of her being put through that ordeal again," said Kate Allen, the advocacy group's UK director. "As a matter of absolute urgency the UK government should make fresh representations on Nazanin's behalf, seeking to have any suggestion of a second trial removed."

Louis DeJoy's GOP campaign donations scandal, explained

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:15 AM PDT

Louis DeJoy's GOP campaign donations scandal, explainedPresident Trump's new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, has been in hot water lately. First, the North Carolina businessman and Trump donor set in motion sweeping policy changes within the USPS in the crucial months leading up to a presidential election that is expected to see unprecedented levels of mail-in voting. He suspended those changes after reports of delays and management problems within the postal service, but Democrats say he has yet to provide the House Oversight Committee with documents related to his proposed changes. He also apparently doesn't know how much it costs to mail a postcard.That's all bad, but it's not illegal. The latest scandal, unearthed by The Washington Post, regards DeJoy's financial contributions to GOP politicians. In short: "He may have violated campaign finance laws," says the Post's Paul Waldman.Five of DeJoy's former employees told the Post they were often encouraged or pressured to make contributions to Republicans running for office, for which they were reimbursed with bonus payments made through the company, New Breed Logistics. DeJoy "asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses," David Young, DeJoy's longtime director of human resources, told the Post. The paper tallied about $1 million in donations made by New Breed employees during DeJoy's tenure."With the facts presented, it's a run-of-the-mill but very illegal corporate straw donor scheme," Adav Noti, a former top lawyer with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and now with the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, told the Post's Amber Phillips.If the allegations are true, what will happen to DeJoy? As Phillips explains, chief executives have faced prison time in similar circumstances, but that's unlikely in this case thanks to statute of limitations laws, and because the Justice Department "has a long-standing policy of not opening election-related investigations this close to an election."Read more about the allegations at The Washington Post.More stories from theweek.com Trump supporters caravan south of Portland, head to Salem, attack counter-protesters Senate Republicans are apparently struggling to find 51 GOP votes for a COVID-19 relief bill Are the troops turning on Trump?

Colorado school officials called the sheriff and suspended a 12-year-old Black boy after he showed a toy gun in his Zoom class

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:12 AM PDT

Colorado school officials called the sheriff and suspended a 12-year-old Black boy after he showed a toy gun in his Zoom classIsaiah Elliott's parents say the school went straight to the sheriff's office before asking them if the "Zombie Hunter" gun was real or fake.

Landmark graft trial puts Mexican justice to test

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:41 PM PDT

Landmark graft trial puts Mexican justice to testA widening corruption scandal has given Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador an opportunity to burnish his anti-graft credentials, but experts say the landmark case is in danger of being politicized.

Trump is a looming presence over congressional race, strategists say

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

Trump is a looming presence over congressional race, strategists sayThe campaign to win control of Congress is turning into a referendum on President Trump. While Republicans are hitching their fortunes to their party's leader, Democrats are positioning themselves as a bulwark against him.

Palestinians set to soften stance on UAE-Israel normalisation: draft statement

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:22 AM PDT

Palestinians set to soften stance on UAE-Israel normalisation: draft statementThe Palestinian leadership has watered down its criticism of the normalisation deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates before an Arab League meeting in Cairo on Wednesday at which the accord will be debated. A draft resolution presented by the Palestinian envoy, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, does not include a call to condemn, or act against, the Emirates over the U.S.-brokered deal. Announced on Aug. 13, the accord was the first such accommodation between an Arab country and Israel in more than 20 years, and was forged largely through shared fears of Iran.

South Africa's Clicks beauty stores raided after 'racist' hair advert

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

South Africa's Clicks beauty stores raided after 'racist' hair advertThe advert showed African hair labelled dry and dull while white hair was described as fine and flat.

California fires bring more chopper rescues, power shutoffs

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

California fires bring more chopper rescues, power shutoffsHelicopters rescued more people from wildfires Tuesday as flames chewed through bone-dry California after a scorching Labor Day weekend that saw a dramatic airlift of more than 200 people and ended with the state's largest utility turning off power to 172,000 customers to try to prevent more blazes. Three early morning helicopter flights pulled another 35 people from the Sierra National Forest, the California National Guard said. California has already set a record with 2 million acres (809,000 hectares) burned this year, and the worst part of the wildfire season is just beginning.

China stops renewing press credentials for foreign journalists at US news organisations

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:22 AM PDT

China stops renewing press credentials for foreign journalists at US news organisationsChina has refused to renew press credentials for foreign journalists working at US news organisations, the latest salvo in a fast-escalating diplomatic spat with Washington. The Chinese government has instead issued letters – rather than processing press cards – in a move that Beijing explicitly said is "reciprocal" to how the US government is handling visas for Chinese journalists, many of whom work for state media. So far, five journalists with four US news outlets have been impacted, including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Bloomberg and Getty Images. Those affected include American and European journalists based in China, including at least one British citizen – Jeremy Page of the WSJ, who previously reported for the Times of London. Beijing and Washington have sparred over a wide range of issues, including trade, coronavirus, human rights and espionage. The two countries have also been at loggerheads over access and treatment of journalists. China has expelled 17 foreign journalists this year, including as punishment for those outlets' coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. The journalists forced out of China worked for the WSJ, New York Times and Washington Post. Though primarily American citizens, Australian and Singaporean nationals working for those outlets have also had their press credentials revoked. The US has also taken a series of actions this year, including mandating Chinese state media outlets to register as foreign agents. In response to Beijing issuing punitive short-term visas to American journalists in China in recent years, Washington in May began limiting visas for Chinese state media employees to 90 days. The initial period expired in August, though has been reportedly extended for an additional 90 days.

ACLU Staffer Attacks University for Accepting ‘Provocateur in Training’ Nick Sandmann

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT

ACLU Staffer Attacks University for Accepting 'Provocateur in Training' Nick SandmannAn ACLU Kentucky communications associate criticized Transylvania University on Saturday for accepting Nick Sandmann, the high school student who sued major news outlets for their coverage of a controversial interaction he and several of his classmates had with a Native American activist."Does anyone else think it's a bit of a stain on Transylvania University for accepting Nick Sandman [sic]? I'm sure it's a "both sides" defense, but it's pretty counter to their mission and another instance of there not actually being equal sides to an issue," ACLU's Samuel Crankshaw said in a Facebook post first uncovered by Jonathan Turley."I think TU should accept anyone willing to have an open mind and engage in debate, regardless of their views. That's how we all learn," he continued. "But this kid clearly is a provocateur in training with no intention of learning. He exists only to troll, intimidate and play victim."An assistant professor and diversity scholar at the university, Dr. Avery Tompkins, commented on the post calling Sandmann's "public behavior and rhetoric atrocious and uninformed" and saying he would closely monitor Sandmann at the school."We can't not admit academically qualified students due to their political and personal views. If he ends up in my Intro class, fine. He might learn something that is actually based on research and evidence," he said.Tompkins said Sandmann is part of organizations with "anti-intellectualist views" and would likely "view me as part of some liberal brainwashing machine, but signing up for Transy and my class means he is required to learn that information, even if he disagrees."The professor continued: "If he were to cause problems by being disruptive, trolling, or engaging in unethical behavior of any kind, I would immediately document it (just like I would for any student doing the same thing)…and he would just be putting himself in a position for me to file a conduct report." The university said in a statement to National Review Tuesday that it would be reviewing the situation and that "Transylvania, like nearly every campus, is composed of those holding the full range of viewpoints.""There are two things that, as a university, we are not able to discuss: our students (without their permission) and personnel matters," the statement said. "In response to posts on social media and other websites over the Labor Day weekend, we reiterate that point. A review of the situation will be conducted expeditiously by the appropriate university officials."Crankshaw also accused Sandmann and his attorney of using their platforms to promote the QAnon conspiracy theory and criticized the teen for defending Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who allegedly shot and killed two people in Kenosha, Wis. while trying to defend local businesses from looters. "Having experienced the incredibly high standards Transy requires for admission and then holds its students to, this seems like a slap in the face. I hope some time in a real classroom changes him, but his twitter and public persona suggest otherwise," he concluded.Crankshaw defended his comments in a statement to National Review, saying, "The views I expressed on my Facebook page are my personal views that I shared on my personal time. I have a First Amendment right to express them just as Nick Sandmann has a First Amendment right to express his.""I will continue to express my views on my personal time," he added.ACLU Kentucky's deputy director Amber Duke defended Crankshaw's right to post his views on his personal accounts."These were personal views expressed on personal time on a personal Facebook account. The views in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the ACLU of Kentucky," Duke said. "As a stalwart defender of the First Amendment, the ACLU of Kentucky respects its employees' freedom to express themselves on their own time."Sandmann sued multiple major news outlets for defamation after he and his Covington Catholic High School classmates were portrayed as racist aggressors who harassed Nathan Phillips, an elderly Native American man, near the Lincoln Memorial on January 18 of last year. Video of the incident shows Phillips loudly beating a drum while a smirking 16-year-old Sandmann stood inches away.Though media reports said the students, who were attending the annual anti-abortion March for Life and wore "Make America Great Again" caps, initiated the confrontation, longer footage of the incident later revealed that Phillips approached Sandmann.

An influencer who traveled to Rwanda to work with gorillas says she was locked up for 4 days after a false-positive COVID test

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:30 AM PDT

An influencer who traveled to Rwanda to work with gorillas says she was locked up for 4 days after a false-positive COVID testCharly Jordan said she was quickly taken to a hotel to isolate when her test came back after a few days.

Catholic priest says Democrats are going to hell — and Texas bishop backs him up

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

Catholic priest says Democrats are going to hell — and Texas bishop backs him up"Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell," the priest said.

At least 11 dead in massacres in Colombia

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:02 PM PDT

At least 11 dead in massacres in ColombiaAt least 11 people were killed in three separate group killings in Colombia, police said Monday, one of the deadliest days since FARC guerrillas signed a peace accord with the government in 2016.

Why Trump’s generals are remaining silent on story of fallen soldiers

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:14 PM PDT

Why Trump's generals are remaining silent on story of fallen soldiersConservative columnist David Frum wonders why none of President Donald Trump's generals are racing to defend him

Fresh fire hits stricken oil supertanker off Sri Lanka

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

Fresh fire hits stricken oil supertanker off Sri LankaFire fighters are again battling flames aboard a fully loaded oil supertanker off Sri Lanka, the island's nation's navy said on Monday, four days after fire first broke out on the New Diamond. "Fresh flames have risen in the funnel section of the MT New Diamond Supertanker and fire fighters are battling the fire using foam to contain the blaze," said the Navy spokesman Captain Indika de Silva, adding that the fire had not reached the oil cargo of around 2 million barrels. A fire first broke out last Thursday in the engine room and spread to the bridge of the very large crude carrier, chartered by Indian Oil Corp for importing oil from Kuwait.

Sudan floods: Nile water level threatens ancient pyramids

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:01 AM PDT

Sudan floods: Nile water level threatens ancient pyramidsThe record-breaking Nile level could inundate precious relics as the country is hit by heavy rains.

Sicilian mafia boss serving life sentence 'eats guard's finger' in jail fight

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

Sicilian mafia boss serving life sentence 'eats guard's finger' in jail fightA Sicilian mafia boss serving a life sentence bit off and swallowed a prison guard's finger during an altercation, an Italian news report said on Tuesday. Guiseppe Fanara, 60, who was serving a life sentence at Rome's Rebibbia prison, attacked seven guards in June when they came to inspect his cell, the daily Il Messagero reported. Mr Fanara, from Sicily's notorious Cosa Nostra clan, was nine years into his sentence under Italy's tough "41-bis" penal code reserved for mafia members. The harsh prison regime isolates mobster bosses entirely to prevent them from running their clans from behind bars. "During the altercation he (Fanara) bit off the agent's little finger on his right hand," the paper said. "The finger disappeared, leading a Rome prosecutor to conclude it had been eaten," it added. The prisoner then charged the six other guards, using a broomstick as a weapon, allegedly shouting "I'll slit your throats like pigs!" Mr Fanara has since been transferred to Sardinia's high-security Sassari prison, the paper said, adding he was facing new charges including aggravated assault and resisting arrest. Earlier this year Italy decided to release elderly and infirm mobster bosses - including some belonging to the influential Cosa Nostra. That decision sparked an outcry, forcing the justice ministry to backpedal and review the release decision.

I was a casket bearer at Dover. I never thought a U.S. president would insult the fallen.

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:15 AM PDT

I was a casket bearer at Dover. I never thought a U.S. president would insult the fallen.The fallen service members I helped receive and carry during the journey to their final resting place were selfless and heroic, not losers or suckers.

Citing pandemic, the Archdiocese will livestream the Mass for Our Lady of Charity

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

Citing pandemic, the Archdiocese will livestream the Mass for Our Lady of CharityThe novel coronavirus pandemic has caused hundreds of event cancellations across South Florida since March, but it won't prevent the celebration of Mass for Our Lady of Charity, the patron saint of Cuban Catholics, from happening this week.

COVID-19 Update: SF beach parking closed due to crowds, CA $300 weekly unemployment benefit to begin

Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:00 PM PDT

COVID-19 Update: SF beach parking closed due to crowds, CA $300 weekly unemployment benefit to beginParking lots at San Francisco's Ocean Beach will be closed Sunday after more than 1,000 people crowded at the beach Saturday for a Burning Man event.

Detained Belarus opposition figure resists 'forced expulsion'

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

Detained Belarus opposition figure resists 'forced expulsion'Belarus on Tuesday said it had detained a leading opposition figure, Maria Kolesnikova, as she tried to flee across the Ukrainian border but Kiev said she was being held after resisting a forced deportation.

Hobby Lobby faces renewed calls for boycott following display seemingly endorsing Trump

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

Hobby Lobby faces renewed calls for boycott following display seemingly endorsing TrumpChristian company incited controversy over artifact smuggling in 2017

New virus cases knock hopes of reviving Southeast Asia's holiday hotspots

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:39 PM PDT

New virus cases knock hopes of reviving Southeast Asia's holiday hotspotsBALI, Indonesia/BANGKOK (Reuters) - A spike in coronavirus infections in Indonesia's holiday island of Bali and Thailand's first locally transmitted case in 100 days have dealt further blows to Southeast Asian hopes of reviving vital tourism industries. Plans to reopen Bali to foreign tourists from September have been postponed indefinitely, while Thailand's proposal for the cautious reopening of Phuket island has come into doubt. As well as trying to encourage domestic tourism industries, some Southeast Asian countries have been considering "travel bubbles" with others as a way to get businesses restarted.

Saudi court issues final verdicts in Khashoggi killing

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

Saudi court issues final verdicts in Khashoggi killingA Saudi court issued final verdicts on Monday in the case of slain Washington Post columnist and Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi after his son, who still resides in the kingdom, announced pardons that spared five of the convicted individuals from execution. While the trial draws to its conclusion in Saudi Arabia, the case continues to cast a shadow over the reputation and international standing of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose associates have been sanctioned by the U.S. and the U.K. for their alleged involvement in the brutal killing, which took place inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The Riyadh Criminal Court's final verdicts were announced by Saudi Arabia's state television, which aired few details about the eight Saudi nationals and did not name them.

A California fire that burned more than 7,000 acres was caused by a faulty spinning smoke machine at a gender-reveal party

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:59 AM PDT

A California fire that burned more than 7,000 acres was caused by a faulty spinning smoke machine at a gender-reveal partyA string of fires have hit parts of California in quick succession, so far killing eight people and razing around 3,300 buildings.

Should you book a winter holiday flight now? Here are 3 reasons to do it, 1 reason to wait

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

Should you book a winter holiday flight now? Here are 3 reasons to do it, 1 reason to waitCOVID-19 is making it hard to know whether to book holiday travel this year. Here's some advice to help you decide whether to buy a plane ticket.

'Shots fired' over India and China border dispute

Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:55 AM PDT

'Shots fired' over India and China border disputeIndian and Chinese troops appeared to exchange warning shots along their disputed border in Ladakh on Monday, the first time firearms have been used by soldiers from the neighbouring superpowers since 1975. While no casualties were reported, the clash is likely to further heighten tensions after the two sides were engaged in fatal hand-to-hand combat earlier this year. China claimed on Tuesday that Indian soldiers had opened fire to ward off a unit patrolling in a contested mountainous region. But India, officially, denied they fired shots, countering that China had used their guns to intimidate Indian forces. However, Indian Army sources told The Telegraph a Chinese patrol had advanced towards Indian territory on strategically important mountain tops near Pangong Tso Lake. They claimed Indian units fired warning shots in the air. Zhao Lijian, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, said: "It is the first time since 1975 that peace on the border of the two countries was broken by gunshots." In a statement released on Tuesday, the Indian Government condemned the PLA for "blatantly violating agreements and carrying out aggressive maneuvers" and reiterated its commitment to "protect national integrity and sovereignty at all costs." Years of fragile peace has set a convention that states the two sides do not use guns to avoid escalations of violence in remote terrain.

Rachel Dolezal 2.0 highlights a very specific type of white female privilege

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:33 AM PDT

Rachel Dolezal 2.0 highlights a very specific type of white female privilegeBefore we move on to the next spectacle, we should consider what about our society produces and craves such imposters while ignoring more complex portrayals of Blackness.

Another popular Boeing plane is reportedly being investigated by the FAA after newly discovered production errors ground 8 aircraft

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:23 PM PDT

Another popular Boeing plane is reportedly being investigated by the FAA after newly discovered production errors ground 8 aircraftEight Boeing 787 Dreamliners were grounded after a potentially unsafe combination of two issues stemming from production errors was discovered.

Guns and trucks at Oregon protest to defend Trump's America

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:47 PM PDT

Guns and trucks at Oregon protest to defend Trump's AmericaHundreds of Donald Trump's supporters gathered for a large motorcade in support of the US president and police near Portland, where anti-racism activists have clashed continuously with law enforcement for more than 100 days.

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