Thursday, September 3, 2020

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

12-year-old displaying Trump sign punched several times by woman, Colorado police say

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

12-year-old displaying Trump sign punched several times by woman, Colorado police say"The suspect then attempted to take the banner but was unsuccessful."

Nancy Pelosi got her hair done in San Francisco, and the salon owner is mad

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:20 AM PDT

Nancy Pelosi got her hair done in San Francisco, and the salon owner is madHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) got her hair washed and blow-dried at a salon in San Francisco on Monday, and the salon's owner sent security camera footage to Fox News on Tuesday, calling the visit to her business "a slap in the face." California allows only outdoor hair cuts, owner Erica Kious told Fox News, and she will have to shut down her salon in 30 to 60 days if she can't re-open, saying the $12,000 loan she got from the federal Paycheck Protection Program will carry her only so far. She accused Pelosi of hypocrisy.The footage showed Pelosi walking through a room with her face mask around her neck, followed by the masked stylist who rented a chair in the salon. "This business offered for the speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business," Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said in a statement. "The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment."More stories from 7 scathing cartoons about Trump's divisive Kenosha response Attorney General Barr won't agree it's illegal to vote twice, as Trump urged, claims ignorance of state laws 3 times as many officers have died from COVID-19 as guns this year, police groups say

Former bodyguard of Kim Jong-il claims he is 'a dead man' if deported to South Korea

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:45 PM PDT

Former bodyguard of Kim Jong-il claims he is 'a dead man' if deported to South KoreaA man who claims to be the former bodyguard of Kim Jong-il, the late North Korean leader, has said he fears for his life if he is deported by to South Korea after Canada denied his asylum application. "The situation is bleak," Lee Young-guk, 57, told the Toronto Star. "(The North Korean regime) tried to kidnap me when I was in South Korea. If Canada returns me there, I'm a dead man." Mr Lee, who published a book "I was Kim Jong-il's bodyguard" claims he began a ten-year stint in the security team of current leader Kim Jong-un's late father in 1978, after which he became a military adviser from 1988 to 1991. According to his account, he escaped twice, and the first time he was captured and sent to the Yodok concentration camp for five years, where he personally buried more than 300 inmates who died. In 2000, he managed to flee to Seoul, the South Korean capital, via China – a common, but dangerous, route for defectors. But in 2016 he left South Korea for Canada, arriving in Toronto with his wife and two children and claiming asylum on the basis that he was facing threats for his outspoken criticism of the North while the two countries were trying to stabilise their relations. He also alleges that he faced two kidnapping attempts in South Korea, in 2004 and 2007, although he only chose to report them in 2014, long after the five-year statutory time limit for prosecution. Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board said it rejected his claim as it lacked credibility. It accused him of playing down his role as a military adviser under Kim's authoritarian rule and questioned why he had waited so long to report the kidnappings. "There is no serious possibility that the claimants would be persecuted or would be subjected, on a balance of probabilities, to a danger of torture or to a risk to life or a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment in South Korea," said Brenda Lloyd, the asylum adjudicator. Mr Lee told the Star he was disappointed and would appeal, arguing that: "In a dictatorial system, if you don't follow what the government tells you to do, your whole family and you get punished and destroyed." The case arises at a time when North Korean defector groups are facing increasing pressure from the South Korean government, keen to reconcile with Pyongyang, to tone down their activities. In July, Human Rights Watch accused Seoul of trying to intimidate defector activists who were sending leaflets across the border that strongly criticised the North's leadership and rights record. The South Korean government suddenly imposed new red tape on these groups with the threat of increased inspections. "The recent controversy regarding cross-border leaflets should not override the need to support and protect a diverse civil society that presses North Korea to respect human rights," said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director. Seoul has denied that it acted in an effort to restore damaged bilateral ties after the collapse of international talks to end Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme. Jack Kim of HanVoice, a Toronto-based advocacy group for human rights in North Korea, told the Star that Mr Lee's case highlighted the complex dynamics between North and South and defectors, who were often caught in the middle of rapidly shifting politics. North Korean refugees also faced discrimination, he said, adding: "It is likely there are agents of the north in the country. It is hard to quantify how many there are, but there is a subjective fear North Koreans do have."

U.S. imposes sanctions on several companies over sales of Iranian petrochemicals

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

25 more endangered children located as sex trafficking busts continue in 2 states

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

25 more endangered children located as sex trafficking busts continue in 2 statesOperations in Ohio and Indiana seek missing children who may be victims of sex trafficking.

New Taiwan passports to emphasize distinction with China

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:55 AM PDT

New Taiwan passports to emphasize distinction with ChinaTaiwan plans to issue new passports emphasizing its independent identity and downgrading connections with China. The foreign ministry on Wednesday released images of the new document that features "Taiwan" in large capital letters on its cover and minimizes the English wording "Republic of China," the island's official name according to its constitution. Taiwan was handed over from Japanese to Chinese rule in 1945.

Typhoon Maysak: Ship with crew and thousands of cattle missing

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:10 AM PDT

Typhoon Maysak: Ship with crew and thousands of cattle missingOne sailor is rescued from a ship with 43 crew and 6,000 cattle thought sunk in the East China Sea.

Video shows police put hood on Black man killed by asphyxiation

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:07 PM PDT

Video shows police put hood on Black man killed by asphyxiationA Black man who had run naked through the streets of a city in New York died of asphyxiation after a group of police officers put a hood over his head, then pressed his face into the pavement for two minutes, according to video and records that were released Wednesday by the man's family.

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst promoted a far-right conspiracy theory that falsely claims coronavirus cases are inflated by healthcare providers

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst promoted a far-right conspiracy theory that falsely claims coronavirus cases are inflated by healthcare providersSen. Joni Ernst questioned whether the confirmed number of COVID-19 cases in the US are being overcounted.

Biden says police officers who shot Jacob Blake and killed Breonna Taylor should be charged: 'Let's make sure justice is done'

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

Biden says police officers who shot Jacob Blake and killed Breonna Taylor should be charged: 'Let's make sure justice is done'At a campaign event on Wednesday, Joe Biden was asked whether he thought charges should be filed against the officers involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake and in the death of Breonna Taylor.The former vice president and Democratic Party candidate said that he felt that there was a minimum need for the officers to be charged in both cases so that the judicial system can work as designed.

Pakistan backlash grows over Charlie Hebdo cartoons

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:48 AM PDT

Pakistan backlash grows over Charlie Hebdo cartoonsAnti-France demonstrators rallied Thursday in Pakistan and the foreign minister lodged a diplomatic complaint as the backlash grew against a French magazine republishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Three waves are headed west in the Atlantic. Two could merge into tropical depression

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:32 AM PDT

Three waves are headed west in the Atlantic. Two could merge into tropical depressionAs the Atlantic basin inches toward peak hurricane season, the National Hurricane Center is tracking three tropical waves, a tropical storm and a tropical depression.

Lebanese army finds more explosive chemicals outside Beirut port after huge blast

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

Lebanese army finds more explosive chemicals outside Beirut port after huge blastLebanon's army said on Thursday it had found 4.35 tonnes of ammonium nitrate near the entrance to Beirut port, the site of a huge blast last month caused by a large stockpile of the same highly explosive chemical. The authorities said it was caused by about 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate that had been stacked in unsafe conditions in a port warehouse for years. Lebanon's government quit amid public anger in a nation already brought to its knees by an economic crisis.

Critics fear NYPD Asian hate crime task force could have unintended consequences

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

Critics fear NYPD Asian hate crime task force could have unintended consequences"Law enforcement has been one of the biggest perpetrators of violence against Asian Americans and communities of color and continues to be one of the biggest perpetrators of violence," an activist said.

Colombia arrests 3 Venezuelans tied to anti-Maduro plot

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

Colombia arrests 3 Venezuelans tied to anti-Maduro plotThe three were arrested in simultaneous raids by heavily-armed security forces early Wednesday in the capital of Bogota, a person in contact with the men at the time of their arrest told AP. The person, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the continuing investigation, said the three were picked up on charges of providing military training for illicit and "terrorist" activities, which carries a prison penalty of 20 to 30 years. The third, Rayder Ruso, is a civilian who has long sought Maduro's armed overthrow.

"It was lawful.': Pompeo defends controversial RNC speech

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

"It was lawful.': Pompeo defends controversial RNC speechPompeo's RNC speech broke diplomatic protocol and perhaps the State Department's own policy against engaging in partisan political activity.

Hotel deals and what's open in Las Vegas over Labor Day

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT

Hotel deals and what's open in Las Vegas over Labor DayResorts, casinos and restaurants are open but bars are not. Vegas still manages to draw some of its fans despite the pandemic

Former top NRA official skewers the gun group in upcoming book for 'appealing to the paranoia and darkest side of our members'

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

Former top NRA official skewers the gun group in upcoming book for 'appealing to the paranoia and darkest side of our members'The book says NRA chief Wayne LaPierre "couldn't run an organization on a fiscally sound basis to save his life" and appeals to "the extreme fringe."

NSA surveillance exposed by Snowden ruled unlawful

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

NSA surveillance exposed by Snowden ruled unlawfulWhistleblower Edward Snowden tweets he feels vindicated by the ruling from the US Court of Appeals.

Martha McSally down 17 points in new Fox News poll showing Democrats surging in key states

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

Martha McSally down 17 points in new Fox News poll showing Democrats surging in key statesPolls show Trump and GOP senators losing in Arizona, Wisconsin and North Carolina — states Trump won in 2016

Taco Bell is removing even more favorites from its menu. Here’s what you’ll miss

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

Taco Bell is removing even more favorites from its menu. Here's what you'll missThe changes are part of the company's "2020 menu revamp," which took effect on Aug. 13 when Taco Bell said goodbye to several popular items.

Savannah church separates from United Methodist Church in support of LGBTQ

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

Savannah church separates from United Methodist Church in support of LGBTQA Georgia congregation said Thursday that it has finalized its split from the United Methodist Church after the denomination's divisive vote last year to strengthen bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ pastors.

A Black man pinned to the ground by NY police died two months before George Floyd

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

A Black man pinned to the ground by NY police died two months before George FloydDaniel Prude died in March, two months before George Floyd's very similar death in Minneapolis, yet it didn't become public until now.

DC task force targets monuments, prompting fierce blowback

Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:29 PM PDT

DC task force targets monuments, prompting fierce blowbackA task force commissioned by the Washington, D.C., government has recommended renaming, relocating or adding context to dozens of monuments, schools, parks and buildings because of their namesakes' participation in slavery or racial oppression. Among the targets are the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial.

Nate Silver's analysis of Biden's Electoral College chances renews calls to repeal it altogether

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

Nate Silver's analysis of Biden's Electoral College chances renews calls to repeal it altogetherDemocratic presidential nominee Joe Biden could earn an even bigger popular vote margin than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 and still lose to President Trump.That's the reality FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver revealed in a Wednesday tweet, in which he showed how winning the popular vote would affect Biden's chances of winning the Electoral College. Silver's analysis showed Biden needs a very solid popular vote just to have a good chance of winning, once again renewing arguments against the Electoral College's entire existence.The New York Times' Jamelle Bouie took a constitutional approach to his thread tearing apart the Electoral College.> my stated position on the framers and the electoral college is that "intent" doesn't really factor into it and that the EC was a last-minute kludge by exhausted delegates meant to guarantee the election of george washington and nothing else.> > — b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) September 2, 2020MSNBC's Chris Hayes forecast a dark future if the system wasn't abolished.> Wildly perverse and utterly indefensible system that will sooner or later lead to deep crisis if not changed.> > — Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 2, 2020And The New Yorker's Evan Osnos argued the Electoral College doesn't exactly fit into America's vision of democracy.> If I read about this system in, say, Turkmenistan, I'd pity them.> > — Evan Osnos (@eosnos) September 2, 2020Silver's analysis stems from the fact that Biden will likely pull big margins of victory in states that are already solidly blue, as well as the fact that the winner of most states' popular votes get all their Electoral votes no matter how close that popular margin was.More stories from Attorney General Barr won't agree it's illegal to vote twice, as Trump urged, claims ignorance of state laws 7 scathing cartoons about Trump's divisive Kenosha response 7 trials suggest common steroids can reduce coronavirus death risk

Hong Kong court says media tycoon Jimmy Lai not guilty of criminal intimidation in 2017 case

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:25 AM PDT

Hong Kong court says media tycoon Jimmy Lai not guilty of criminal intimidation in 2017 caseA Hong Kong court declared media tycoon and pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai not guilty of criminal intimidation on Thursday, ending one several cases against him after his high-profile arrest last month under a new national security law. Lai, who is a key critic of Beijing, had used foul language when confronting a reporter from Oriental Daily News, a major competitor to Lai's tabloid Apple Daily.

D.C. Police Release Bodycam Footage Showing Moment Deon Kay Was Killed by Cop

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

D.C. Police Release Bodycam Footage Showing Moment Deon Kay Was Killed by CopThe Metropolitan Police Department on Thursday released bodycam footage of an officer fatally shooting 18-year-old Deon Kay seconds after arriving at the scene in Washington, D.C.Officers say the Black teen "brandished a firearm" during the Wednesday encounter, prompting one cop to shoot him in the chest. He was later pronounced dead at a local hospital, spurring immediate protests across the nation's capital that continued into Thursday outside the mayor's home. Officials revealed Thursday the officer who shot Kay is Alexander Alvarez, who joined the MPD in 2018.The body-camera footage, which was released less than 24 hours after the incident, comes amid months of nationwide demonstrations against police brutality and racial injustice since the police-killing of George Floyd in May. On Wednesday, some of the demonstrations in D.C. turned violent as residents demanded the termination of MPD Police Chief Peter Newsham and the release of the body-camera footage.'I'm Sad, I'm Mad': L.A. Reels After Deputy Kills Black Man During Bike Violation Stop"What I know is our officer was trying to take guns off the street and what I know is he encountered somebody with a gun...Now the rest of the investigation has to happen," D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a Thursday press conference, after offering her condolences to Kay's family.Newsham said Thursday the shooting occurred shortly before 4 p.m. in the 200 block of Orange Street SE after officers saw a "livestream video on social media of the man with a gun and knew him from previous contacts." The police chief described Kay as a "validated" gang member in the area who had previous encounters with authorities.When officers arrived at the scene, they approached a parked car and two individuals inside "fled on foot." In the body-camera footage video released Thursday, Alvarez is seen running after the two individuals, yelling "don't move" at least three times. The entire deadly episode lasts approximately seven seconds."One of those men brandished a firearm from his waistband as he was fleeing," Newman said. "As a response, an MPD officer just distanced his service weapon, firing a single shot." The footage shows Kay holding a firearm in his right hand before he's shot. Officials say Kay threw the gun nearly 100 feet away, though it's unclear from the footage if the teenager threw the gun before or after being shot. The other man who fled the scene hasn't been located, Newsham said.When asked about Kay's alleged gun found about 98 feet away, Newsham said "that does seem like a long way to throw a weapon."> UPDATE - The rally has begun and is now heading NB on 16th St NW> > — Justin Finch (@JustinNBC4) September 3, 2020After the shooting, the footage shows the officer searching for the gun before describing what happened to others at the scene. Two others were arrested in the incident: Marcyelle Smith, 19, who was allegedly carrying a pistol without a license, and 18-year-old Deonte Brown, who allegedly didn't have a permit. Two guns were ultimately recovered at the scene, police said.On Thursday, MPD released two versions of the bodycam footage, a 4-minute-and-19-second video that includes narration from the police department and slowed-down footage of the shooting. The second version is nearly 11 minutes long and does not appear to be edited.Alvarez and the other officer involved have been placed on administrative leave in accordance with MPD policy. Newsham said it's too early in the investigation to tell if anyone will be terminated for the Wednesday incident. He added that this is the first time Alvarez has been involved in a shooting.Right-Wing Goons Hype Kenosha Vigilantes. Locals Tell Them to Get Lost.Defending his officers, Newsham stressed on Thursday that "when cops respond to these situations and they fear for their lives they are put under a lot of stress." When asked if the shooting was justified, the police chief said: "There's no way we can make this determination at this point."Shortly after the shooting, Black Lives Matter DC and dozens of residents arrived at the scene to protest and demand answers from police. On Thursday, protesters stood outside Bower's home, chanting "say his name" while others held a banner reading "Fire Newsham.""I need my son back," Kay's mother, Natasha Kay told The Washington Post on Wednesday evening. "I want my son back."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

The body-shaming Chadwick Boseman experienced is a reminder to think twice before commenting on a celebrity's weight loss

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:22 AM PDT

The body-shaming Chadwick Boseman experienced is a reminder to think twice before commenting on a celebrity's weight lossChadwick Boseman was mocked online for his weight loss related to cancer, showing how harmful online comments about weight can be.

Louisiana governor saw the impact of Hurricane Laura. It's 'probably worse' than Hurricane Rita, he says.

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:18 AM PDT

Louisiana governor saw the impact of Hurricane Laura. It's 'probably worse' than Hurricane Rita, he says.With 600,000 Louisianans still without clean water following Hurricane Laura, nine parishes are now eligible for FEMA help.

China's Military Has Surpassed US in Ships, Missiles and Air Defense, DoD Report Finds

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 03:38 AM PDT

China's Military Has Surpassed US in Ships, Missiles and Air Defense, DoD Report FindsChina's military is already superior to the U.S. in several respects and is aiming for total dominance.

Iran hails support for nuclear deal against US

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:14 AM PDT

Iran hails support for nuclear deal against USIran's President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday hailed the show of unity by parties to a 2015 nuclear deal, after they defeated US efforts to restore international sanctions.

Weeks after Sturgis motorcycle rally, first COVID-19 death reported

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

Weeks after Sturgis motorcycle rally, first COVID-19 death reportedThe man, in his 60s with underlying conditions, was hospitalized and in the ICU after returning from Sturgis, officials said.

Toronto crash: Passengers ignored safety commands, report finds

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

Toronto crash: Passengers ignored safety commands, report findsA report reveals how passengers ignored safety advice after a plane collided with a fuel tanker.

High-flying drone drops weed over Tel Aviv

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:50 AM PDT

High-flying drone drops weed over Tel AvivA drone dropped packets of what looked like cannabis over a main square in Tel Aviv on Thursday after activists seeking to legalize the drug in Israel promised free weed from the air on social media. Police said they arrested two men who operated the quadcopter that flew over Rabin Square, a site often used for street protests and political rallies. "The time has come," the Green Drone pro-legalization group said on its Telegram web messaging channel.

Firefighter who vanished may have been violently kidnapped in Mexico, L.A. mayor says

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:36 AM PDT

Firefighter who vanished may have been violently kidnapped in Mexico, L.A. mayor says"This is somebody who has put his life on the line for us."

Bindi Irwin reflects on the moment she discovered she was pregnant

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

Bindi Irwin reflects on the moment she discovered she was pregnant"Discovering that I was going to become a mother will forever be a moment where time stood still," the daughter of the late Steve Irwin wrote.

'You matter to us': Delta Air Lines upgrades Black traveler harassed by white flyer

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT

'You matter to us': Delta Air Lines upgrades Black traveler harassed by white flyerDemetria Poe is applauding Delta Air Lines for "taking a stance" against racism and discrimination after she was harassed by her seatmate on a flight.

It Doesn’t Matter Who Is Pushing for Masks, This GOP Governor’s Answer Is No

Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:13 AM PDT

It Doesn't Matter Who Is Pushing for Masks, This GOP Governor's Answer Is NoOklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt hasn't been willing to order masks statewide in his conservative stronghold no matter who's come calling. He hasn't been willing to take further steps requiring face coverings as a public health measure even as local mayors have hoped to see more action from the governor. When the head of a House subcommittee charged with monitoring COVID response scolded him for his approach, he didn't budge. Even after some Republican governors relented and ordered facial coverings as the coronavirus ravaged their states, Stitt hasn't moved.  Not even reports from the White House Coronavirus Task Force that have recommended in recent weeks that the state implement a mask requirement has changed his mind. "I'm not going to mandate something statewide," Stitt said during a press conference Tuesday, saying the decision should be left to the local level. "Every community is different." That lack of follow-through from the governor has disappointed some elected officials in the state as they try to contain the coronavirus through a patchwork of local mask requirements. As of Monday, 17 cities and towns had mask ordinances according to the Oklahoma State Medical Association. "It really is much less effective than if the governor would take action,"said John Browne, the Democratic mayor of McAlester, Oklahoma. "Because I can have a mask requirement in my town and the town next door not have it. So you're not getting the benefit that you would get if everyone were following the same rules." The push for a statewide mask order has continued as documents from the White House Coronavirus Task Force have shown the state's coronavirus situation at an alarming level. In the most recent report published online and dated Aug. 23, the task force said the state had the "12th highest rate in the nation," for new cases out of 100,00 population as well as the "8th highest rate in the nation," when it came to positive COVID-19 tests. "With the continued geographic expansion of COVID-19 spread, a mask mandate needs to be implemented statewide (in counties with greater than 20 cases) to decrease community transmission," the report says. "Bars must be closed and indoor dining must be restricted in yellow and red zone counties and metro areas." In earlier reports dating back to Aug. 2 the task force had also recommended statewide mask action, saying bluntly in the Aug. 16 report "mask mandate needs to be implemented statewide to decrease community transmission." Those reports, which the state began posting online late last month, were only made public by the state after Stitt caved to outcry from officials, according to The Oklahoman. "We're a very red state and you have the Trump administration and the White House task force that are recommending that we have a mask mandate, so I don't understand it politically," said Dr. Dale Bratzler, the chief COVID officer for the University of Oklahoma who supports a statewide mask order.  "I don't think there's any good political reason not to have a mandate. I just don't get it." An email seeking comment for this story from Stitt's office was not returned this week. Oklahoma was also highlighted as a place of concern by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis on Monday. In a scathing statement paired with the weeks of state by state reports from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, the head of the select subcommittee, said "the President and his enablers kept these alarming reports private while publicly downplaying the threat to millions of Americans." The committee's press release went on to note that from June 23 on Oklahoma was among 14 states in a dangerous "red zone," category that avoided ordering masks across their respective states. "When people are giving you guidance and you're not following it, what kind of message are you sending to your residents?" said Breea Clark, a Democrat serving as the mayor of Norman where a mask requirement is in place, told The Daily Beast. "You know, I'm asking people to wear masks, but if the governor can't follow guidance from the White House, why would my residents follow guidance from their mayor?" Stitt's approach has been problematic at times throughout the pandemic. In mid-March, the governor was called out for posting a photo with his family at a busy restaurant even as the coronavirus was in the early stages of causing problems in the United States. By late April and early May, he was at the forefront of Republican governors rushing to begin reopening from the pandemic. And in June, despite well-founded  fears about the president holding an indoor rally, he enthusiastically embraced President Donald Trump campaigning in his state. By July, the governor announced he had tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the first governor in the nation to publicly announce a positive test. On Tuesday, Stitt donned a mask while he wasn't speaking at the press conference, and urged people to "wash your hands, watch your distance and wear a mask." Some in Oklahoma, like Bixby mayor Brian Guthrie didn't take issue with Stitt's lack of action on a statewide mask order, with the Republican saying "I can stand behind him on his decision," because of how the virus is impacting parts of the state differently. And the mayor of Midwest City, where an indoor mask order is in place locally, said he could see both sides of the situation facing the governor. "I just don't know to be honest with you, I just don't know," Republican Matt Dukes said when asked if he wanted to see a statewide mask order. "I'm not trying to dodge the question, I just don't really know how much more effective it would be than doing it at a local jurisdictional level." Mask mandates, though initially resisted by Republican governors, have become more widely accepted throughout the summer. States led by conservative governors like Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi eventually conceded to statewide mask orders as the virus situations in their states grew more concerning. But even after the president publicly came around on wearing a mask in public, that messaging has become more difficult for GOP officials following the largely maskless crowd that Trump invited to the lawn of the White House for his GOP nomination speech last week. As a part of their investigation into the guidance Oklahoma received from the Trump administration, Clyburn wrote to Stitt on July 29  that the governor "appears to be following the contradictory public messaging coming from the Administration." In subsequent letters to Clyburn, Stitt defended his approach emphasizing in one "we believe strongly in providing local municipalities with data that enable them to make the right decisions for their residents." But that deference to localities is leading to clear concern for some cities who have taken the extra step of a mask requirement, even as many others haven't. "The communities that are trying to be safe and protect its citizens is having an extra difficult time doing that because of the lack of participation of other cities and towns," Anadarko mayor Kyle Eastwood said. Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

A new interactive map lets you track where your city or town was located on Earth 750 million years ago

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:06 AM PDT

A new interactive map lets you track where your city or town was located on Earth 750 million years agoA computer scientist's map lets you go back in time to see how chunks of land have moved and changed over hundreds of millions of years.

Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse has become a potent symbol for the right, and experts say Trump's refusal to disavow him makes things worse

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:56 AM PDT

Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse has become a potent symbol for the right, and experts say Trump's refusal to disavow him makes things worsePresident Donald Trump suggested the shooter was "trying to get away" from people attacking him when he opened fire, while others, too, defended him.

Nepal police fire tear gas to stop religious rally amid COVID-19 surge

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

Nepal police fire tear gas to stop religious rally amid COVID-19 surgePolice in Nepal used tear gas and water cannon on Thursday to break up a religious rally that defied a government ban on public gatherings imposed to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the ban, about 2,000 residents poured into a major thoroughfare of Lalitpur, near Nepal's capital Kathmandu, to pull a chariot of the rain god, Rato Machhindranath, a ritual that has been celebrated for countless generations. Authorities imposed temporary curbs in Kathmandu and surrounding areas in August to help contain coronavirus contagion and asked residents to observe festivals at home.

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