Saturday, July 22, 2017

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

New Trump communications chief Scaramucci apologizes ‘for the 50th time’ for past insults

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:56 PM PDT

New Trump communications chief Scaramucci apologizes 'for the 50th time' for past insultsThe White House's newly appointed director of communications, Anthony Scaramucci, apologized for his past harsh statements about President Trump during a surprise appearance at Friday's press briefing.

Ex-CIA Director Hayden: Russia election meddling was ‘most successful covert operation in history’

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:20 PM PDT

Ex-CIA Director Hayden: Russia election meddling was 'most successful covert operation in history'Michael Hayden, former head of the NSA and CIA, called Russia's interference in the 2016 election the "most successful covert influence operation in history."

Ohio treasurer and Senate candidate takes on Anti-Defamation League over far-right ‘witch hunt’

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:25 PM PDT

Ohio treasurer and Senate candidate takes on Anti-Defamation League over far-right 'witch hunt'Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, a candidate in next year's Republican Senate primary, sided Thursday with two prominent right-wing nationalist commentators over the Anti-Defamation League, which put them on a watch list of what it called "alt-lite" figures.

Dali exhumed to test if fortune teller is his daughter

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 05:34 PM PDT

Dali exhumed to test if fortune teller is his daughterForensics experts exhumed Salvador Dali's remains from a tomb in his Spanish hometown on Thursday, nearly three decades after his death, in order to test a fortune teller's claims that she is the only daughter of the surrealist. Working behind closed doors, they removed a slab weighing more than a tonne which covers the tomb of the artist at the Dali Theatre-Museum in Figueras in northeastern Spain where he was born. "The biological specimens have been taken from Salvador Dali's remains," Catalonia's High Court of Justice said in a statement around 11:50 pm (2150 GMT).

Man Fatally Stabs Dog That Sided With Girlfriend in Arguments: Cops

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:36 AM PDT

Man Fatally Stabs Dog That Sided With Girlfriend in Arguments: CopsCops in Florida say Mike Lado was angry the dog, Blue, showed favoritism toward his live-in girlfriend.

Trump Issues Statement On Sean Spicer Resignation

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:25 AM PDT

Trump Issues Statement On Sean Spicer ResignationDeputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads a statement from President Trump change from Sean Spicer to Anthony Scaramucci.

Republicans Bashed This Budget Scorekeeper. Now Every Former Director Is Speaking Up

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:35 AM PDT

Republicans Bashed This Budget Scorekeeper. Now Every Former Director Is Speaking UpEvery former director of the Congressional Budget Office has signed a letter urging Congress to "respect" CBO.

OJ Simpson wins parole after he tells hearing in Nevada: 'I've basically lived a conflict-free life'

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 07:20 PM PDT

OJ Simpson wins parole after he tells hearing in Nevada: 'I've basically lived a conflict-free life'OJ Simpson, 70, granted parole Former NFL star expected to be free in October Simpson was convicted in 2008 of armed robbery He has served nine years of his 33 year sentence Tearful Simpson tells of missing family occasions "I thought I was a good guy who got along with anybody" Simpson's daughter Arnelle: "We just want him home Social media reacts to decision OJ Simpson last night shed tears of joy as he was granted parole by a panel in Nevada, having served almost nine years for armed robbery. Simpson, 70, struggled to compose himself as the four-person panel delivered their verdict, before looking up to smile at his daughter Arnelle and friend Bruce Fromong – who both spoke to defend the fallen sports star. He is set to walk free in October, cutting short the 33-year sentence imposed for the robbery at a Las Vegas hotel. He and five accomplices stormed a hotel room to seize memorabilia items which Simpson said belonged to him. He was convicted in 2008 exactly 13 years after he was cleared of killing Nicole Brown Simpson, his former wife and her friend Ron Goldman. At the hearing,  which took place at the Lovelock Correctional Facility, a medium security prison in the Nevada desert he told the board he had basically lived a conflict-free life". Simpson appeared as inmate No. 1027820, dressed in blue jeans and a blue button-down shirt, in a stark hearing room. Displaying contrition, Simpson told the hearing:  "I've done it as well and as respectfully as anybody can. I think if you talk to the wardens they'll tell you. Confident but emotional OJ Simpson testifies in bid for new trial 01:24 "I've not complained for nine years. All I've done is try to be helpful… and that's the life I've tried to live because I want to get back to my kids and family." Simpson's daughter, Arnelle, 48, pleaded with the board to release him. "We just want him home". Simpson's case was helped by Mr  Fromong, one of the robbery victims, who pleaded on Simpson's behalf."I don't feel he is a threat to anyone out there. He is a good man. I know he does a lot for other people. I feel that nine and a half, to 33 years, is way too long.  OJ Simpson, in Nevada "And I feel that it is time to give him a second chance. It's time for him to go home to his family and his friends. This is a good man who made a mistake." Mr Fromong turned to Simpson, sitting behind him in his denim prison shirt and jeans, wiping away tears. "I mean that, buddy," he added. Simpson told the panel he is planning to reunite with his two youngest children, Sydney and Justin, in Florida. "I could easily stay in Nevada but I don't think you guys want me here," he said, laughing. 9:58PM OJ Simpson "can never walk away from the popular belief that he's as guilty as Hell" The Telegraph's Tim Stanley believes that OJ will never escape the stigma surrounding the deaths of  his former wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ron Goldman. "It's hard to recall the hero worship of OJ Simpson in the Seventies or the way the trial transformed his reputation in the black community - for a brief moment, he had his own pivotal, if contested, role in the civil rights movement. But the glory faded. What is left is the brutal sense of justice deferred but won. OJ can never walk away from the popular belief that he was as guilty as Hell." Read more here 9:28PM Simpson faces huge financial claims  Simpson  is likely to remain shackled to a multimillion-dollar wrongful death civil judgment stemming from the 1994 killing of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman, Reuters reports Their families should be able to stake their claim to at least a portion of Simpson's future earnings, whether he writes a book, appears on a reality television show or sells autographs, legal experts said. Simpson was acquitted of the murders two decades ago during the so-called "trial of the century," though his reputation - built atop a Hall of Fame football career as well as years as a popular pitchman and actor - suffered permanent damage. Nicole Brown Simpson Despite the not guilty verdict, a civil court jury found him liable for the deaths and awarded $33.5 million in damages to the victims' families. That judgment, which was renewed in court two years ago for another decade and enlarged to about $58 million, remains largely unpaid. And David Cook, a longtime attorney for the Goldman family, said he would not abandon efforts to collect. "The good news for Mr. Simpson is he's probably going to get out on October 1," Mr Cook told Reuters before the parole decision. "And the bad news is I'm good for another 10 years ... ready to pick up where we last left off." In most states, creditors can seek wage garnishment to recoup some of what they are owed from a debtor's income. In Florida, the state where Simpson said he planned to live if granted parole, the garnishment is limited to 25 percent. 8:59PM Simpson going to Florida  Simpson is planning to go to Florida, but he remains the responsibility of the Nevada department of parole, said Shawn Arruti, Nevada Division of Parole and Probation. Florida, which can undertake "courtesy supervision" is free to impose its conditions in addition to those already demanded by Nevada. 8:53PM Simpson will transfer to another institution before parole release Warden Isidro Baca, Nevade Department of Corrections,  explains: "He will move to one of the other institutions which does releases. It would be for a short time. He would then transport out. Al the release planning is done at Lovelock." Simpson will know ahead of time when he will be released - but the date will not be made public. 8:06PM OJ due to walk free in October Despite being granted parole, OJ Simpson will remain in prison until October. He broke down in tears after the four strong Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners voted unanimously to free the former NFL star  and actor. 7:58PM OJ gets parole "It was a serious crime, you deserved to be sent to prison'" says Nevada Parole Commissioner, Tony Corda. "You have complied with the rules of the prison and you have programmed in an acceptable manner. You are a low risk offender according to our guidelines and you have community support." The other three commissioners concur, 7:43PM OJ's conduct in court 'disgraceful and appalling' Jeffrey Toobin, CNN's legal analyst and author of  "The Run of His Life: The People v OJ Simpson", is not convinced OJ's show of contrition. Even his apology, Toobin says, was a justification for what happened in the hotel room. He questions questions how he can reconcile his claim to have led a "conflict-free life" and being a wife beater. 7:33PM Jean Casarez CNN correspondent recalls evidence in the original case Ms Casarez says that OJ was in charge of events in the Las Vegas hotel room. He could see a gun was being pointed at Bruce Fromong. OJ was convicted of kidnapping, robbery and conspiracy. 7:23PM Parole Board has gone into recess Connie Bisbee, the board chairwoman says it will retire to consider its decision. 7:19PM Everybody makes mistakes, OJ made his Mr Fromong says he asked for a sentence of one to three years. The penalty was far too long. This is a good man, he made a mistake. If he called me tomorrow to say I am getting out would you pick me up. I would be there 7:14PM Bruce Fromong , robbery victim giving evidence I want to make this clear: OJ never pulled a gun on me. There was a coward in that room, a man named McClinton – he held a gun on me. Not OJ. After I had testified in court, OJ passed me in the corridor. I said I was sorry I did not take the opportunity to call him. And he said: 'Bruce, I cannot tell you how sorry I am.' He put his hand out, and I shook it. We all make mistakes. OJ made his. By all accounts he has been a model inmate. During the trial I recommended he serve one to three years. I have known OJ for a long time. I don't feel he is a threat to anyone out there. He is a good man. I know he does a lot for other people. I feel that nine and a half, to 33 years, is way too long. And I feel that it is time to give him a second chance. It's time for him to go home to his family and his friends. This is a good man who made a mistake. And if he called me tomorrow and said: 'Bruce, I'm getting out – will you pick me up?' I would be there. I mean that buddy. 7:11PM Bruce Fromong speaks Bruce Fromong, the victim of the robbery, is speaking. He describes himself as a friend of Simpson. He was misguided, by himself and Tom Riccio. He thought there would be thousands of photos. His wife's wedding ring. Thomas Riccio had never met me. He went down, got OJ, and I started to tell him that that wasn't there. But when OJ got there he was already worked up - he had people with him hollering and screaming. There were a lot of people in that small room. A lot of things happened very quickly. Unfortunately, if OJ said: 'We need to talk a minute' none of this would have happened. 7:08PM OJ summing up statements I'm not making excuses. I will honour what the jury said. I will be no problem. I've done my time. OJ Simpson in 1968, aged 32 I just want to get back to my family and friends - and believe it or not, I do have some real friends! I did my time and I want to get back to my family. I made my peace with Bryan many years ago. I am sorry it happened. I am sorry to Nevada. I thought it was worth it, but it wasn't worth it. 7:02PM Simpson's lawyer summing up Malcolm LaVergne is explaining the circumstances of the theft. Mr Simpson couldn't care less about some signed football. But these were intimate family photos that were taken from him - literally stolen. With his mother, with other celebrities. They probably have no value to other people. But they are valuable to Mr Simpson.   6:59PM Malcolm LaVergne reads out letter in support Mr LaVergne, Simpson's lawyer, reads out a letter in support of the former sports star. The letter is from a teacher. I want to tell you how much I enjoy teaching the inmates. OJ Simpson with his lawyer, Malcolm LaVergne Mr LaVergne says Simpson is "in a position of power" and used that for good. He uses that clout to obtain funding for books and education in this prison. Some of those men, as Mr Simpson said, really are going to get out and have a better life as a result of his efforts. Frankly if I was in his position, I'd use that clout to say: 'Get me out of jail'. But he doesn't do that.   6:52PM Arnelle Simpson tearful in court OJ's eldest daughter chokes back tears. As a family, we know he is not the perfect man. But the last nine years he has been the perfect inmate, and made the best of the situation, which is truly amazing to me. The choices he made nine years ago were clearly inappropriate. As a family, we were all together nine years ago to celebrate a wedding. My father took the wrong approach. He did not make the right decision that day, but his intentions were not.... He made the wrong decisions at the wrong time. As a family we stay strong, and I am grateful to God for giving us the strength to stay strong no matter what. And a lot of that is because of him. On behalf of my family: we just want him to come home. We really do. I know in my heart he is humbled by the situation. This has been hard, really hard. There is no right or wrong way to handle this. But I know he is remorseful. He is truly remorseful. We want him home so we can move forward as a family. 6:48PM OJ Simpson's daughter Arnelle to testify OJ Simpson's eldest daughter, Arnelle, 48, is now speaking on her father's behalf. As you know I am here on behalf of my family for the purpose of expressing what we believe is the true character of my father. No one really knows what we have been through in the last nine years. 6:42PM OJ: "I'm a pretty straight shooter" Simpson is asked if he can stand parole conditions. He replies, with perhaps not the best choice of phrase: "I'm a pretty straight shooter." OJ Simpson in Nevada on Thursday He says he has no concerns about dealing with the public, if free. 6:40PM OJ is asked why it is better to be in the community rather than prison I have four kids. My reputation has always been that I am open to the public; I'm open to everyone. I am at a time in my life that I want to be with my family. I have had countless media requests, but I am not interested. I have done my times as well and as respectfully as anyone here. I have not complained for nine years. All I have done is tried to be helpful, to tell people in here to bide their time and not do anything to aggravate their situation. 6:36PM OJ: "I was a pretty good guy" Simpson, 70, gets a touch tearful as he tells of missing family occasions, and says he thought of himself as "a good guy" - although he admits he had "fidelity issues".  If I had made a better judgement back then none of this would have happened. I am not making excuses. But I should never have allowed these alleged security guys to get involved. 6:27PM OJ took "alternatives to violence" class OJ says he took a class in conflict resolution while in prison. I've been asked many times to mediate, to stop guys punching each other. A guy came to me and said: 'OJ, I understand you are a Baptist.' I am a better person. 6:25PM "I'm in jail for taking property which was legally declared mine" OJ is spelling out why he should be released. He says that the property which he was sentenced for stealing was legally declared his. I'm in jail for taking property which was legally declared mine. 6:24PM Going over what happened in 2008 OJ is currently explaining what happened in Vegas in 2008.  A parole commissioner began by asking Simpson what he was thinking at the time of the robbery of sports memorabilia at a Las Vegas hotel. After the question Simpson took a deep breath and said it could be a lengthy response. He said he wasn't interested at first in memorabilia but saw that some of the items two collectors were selling belonged to him. 6:21PM OJ pictured in 2013 OJ Simpson in 2013 6:16PM "We have that you are 90 years old" Bisbee had Simpson's age wrong - but about two decades. We're happy to confirm The Juice is 70-years-old, not 90. That got the first laugh of the hearing. 6:14PM Just like 1995 Turned on the tv and thought it was 1995 all over again. #OJSimpsonParole— Brant Weems (@weembra) July 20, 2017 6:11PM And again...  OJ Simpson 6:09PM Here he is... thinner and grayer than when he was last seen four years ago Simpson has just sat down for the video conference from the prison near Lovelock, Nevada. He's currently being questioned.  The Juice laughed as the parole commissioner told him that he was getting the same hearing as anyone else would. He chuckled after the comment from Connie Bisbee, chairwoman of the Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners, and said, "Thank you, ma'am." OJ Simpson at his parole hearing.  6:06PM Media frenzy Simpson's friends and family have entered a hearing room in the Nevada prison. There is heavy security around the prison, according to reporters. Authorities set up a checkpoint on a single road leading to Lovelock Correctional Center to screen vehicles. The parking lot is filled with network media satellite trucks and tents set up to shade reporters from intense sun. Dozens of reporters also have set up outside the parole board building in Carson City. 6:02PM It seems like the whole of the US will be watching RT if you're sitting by the TV watching the #OJSimpsonParole hearing like...— GetNThaGame™ (@_GetNThaGame) July 20, 2017 5:52PM Who makes the final decision? Simpson needs four votes to win parole. If he's successful he'd be released from prison in October. A decision should come within 30 minutes unless the four members are not in unanimous agreement. In that case, two other parole board members will be asked to weigh in. Three votes would get him another hearing in six months. 5:50PM Will OJ speak during the hearing? Yes. The Juice will appear via video link where four parole board commissioners will question him and hear testimony from others via livestream from a hearing room in Carson City, Nevada. The hearing is expected to last 45 to 60 minutes. 5:47PM Life on the inside Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center where OJ has been serving his sentence. Credit: AP 5:44PM What's happening at the moment? We're just minutes away from the parole hearing beginning. Simpson's supporters have apparently arrived at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada where the incarcerated former football star will ask a parole board for his freedom via video link. They include Simpson's attorney, Malcolm LaVergne, daughter Arnelle Simpson, sister Shirley Baker and close friend Tom Scotto. 5:39PM The moment The Juice was found not guilty of murder in 1995 The moment OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder 01:27 5:37PM Civil action Brown's family never accepted the not guilty verdict and brought a case against Simpson for wrongful death. In 1997, he was found liable in civil court for the deaths and ordered to pay $33.5 million to survivors including his children and the Goldman family. The Goldmans believe Simpson got away with murder in Los Angeles and some legal observers said that the sentence handed down in Las Vegas was not simply about the robbery. A Goldman family spokesman said Ron Goldman's father and sister, Fred and Kim, will not be part of Simpson's parole hearing, but feel apprehensive about "how this will change their lives again should Simpson be released". 5:30PM Here's a reminder of the famous glove moment OJ Simpson looks at a new pair of Aris extra-large gloves that prosecutors had him put on during his double-murder trial in Los Angeles in 1995. Credit: AFP 5:27PM Trial of the century broadcast live on television Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman were found dead outside her home in 1994. They had been stabbed to death. Simpson was questioned and later ordered to turn himself into police. However, he fled and the ensuing low-speed police chase – during which a convoy of vehicles followed Simpson in a white Ford Bronco down Interstate 404 – was broadcast live on television. It set the scene for an extraordinary court case which gripped America. Some 100 million viewers were watching when a jury finally found Simpson not guilty of the killings at the end of an eight-month trial in October 1995. Although the prosecution had an overwhelming amount of DNA evidence, the defence was able to argue that mistakes made by investigators may have contaminated the crime scene. Simpson was also unable to fit his hand inside one glove found at the scene and another found near his home. 5:25PM From sporting star to claims of domestic violence Simpson was an American football star who broke records during his prime playing as a running back for the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers in the 1970s. That success meant he was in demand after retiring, becoming a familiar figure on television as well as acting in films. His sporting achievements saw him inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. By then he had met and married his second wife, Nicole Brown. They had two children together before she filed for divorce in 1992 after he was investigated a number of times for domestic violence. OJ Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson pictured in 1993.  Credit: AP 5:21PM Why is he in prison? Simpson's final downfall came in 2008, 13 years to the day after he was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife. The star was convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges for assembling a gang of five men a year earlier for help seizing game balls, plaques and photos from a hotel and casino complex in Las Vegas.  Simpson always insisted he was merely reclaiming mementos that had been stolen from him. He was sentenced to spend 33 years in prison with a possibility of parole after nine years – a stiff sentence his supporters said was payback for the not guilty verdict in the murder trial. 5:10PM Will he get parole? Stay tuned to find out. We will bring you all the action as it happens.  By most accounts, Simpson has a clean prison record and a good chance of release. At today's hearing, he is expected to reiterate that he has stayed out of trouble, coaches in the prison gym where he works and counsels other inmates. 5:05PM Parole hearing of the century Simpson is serving his sentence at the Simpson Lovelock Correctional Centre in Nevada, where he is known as inmate 1027820.  In 2013, his good behaviour in prison helped win him parole for the less serious convictions. That leaves the Nevada Parole Board of Commissioners to consider the more serious offences of assault with a deadly weapon and four weapons charges. All of this is happening in less than an hour's time. 5:03PM Here's a reminder of the key moments in OJ's life OJ timeline

NY Times reporter criticized for penning 'attack on white women' in essay about racism

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:35 AM PDT

NY Times reporter criticized for penning 'attack on white women' in essay about racismAn African-American New York Times reporter is being criticized for his essay about the potentially racist challenges he faces from white women while navigating the city's sidewalks, notes The Hill.

Powerful earthquake hits Greece and Turkey

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:17 AM PDT

Powerful earthquake hits Greece and TurkeyA deadly 6.7-magnitude undersea quake hit the Greek holiday island of Kos and the Turkish resort of Bodrum on Friday, injuring hundreds in areas abuzz with nightlife.

After Woman’s Mysterious Death At Mexico Resort, Tourists Report Similar Incidents

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:01 AM PDT

After Woman's Mysterious Death At Mexico Resort, Tourists Report Similar IncidentsTwenty-year-old Abbey Conner died after drowning in chest-high water at a luxury Mexican resort this year.

The Latest: Venezuela UN diplomat calls on Maduro to resign

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 08:45 PM PDT

The Latest: Venezuela UN diplomat calls on Maduro to resignCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The Latest on Venezuela's political crisis and the opposition's general strike (all times local):

Audi voluntarily recalls up to 850,000 diesel vehicles

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:26 AM PDT

Audi voluntarily recalls up to 850,000 diesel vehiclesGerman luxury carmaker Audi, a Volkswagen subsidiary, issued a voluntary recall of up to 850,000 diesel vehicles Friday, saying it would help reduce engine emissions. "Audi aims to maintain the future viability of diesel engines for its customers and to make a contribution towards improving air quality," the Bavaria-based manufacturer said in a statement. Vehicles with affected engines would receive a free software upgrade that "will further improve their emissions in real driving conditions beyond the current legal requirements," Audi added.

Freshen up: the best water-based moisturizers for summer

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:32 AM PDT

Freshen up: the best water-based moisturizers for summerAlong with warmer weather, summer brings with it the ideal opportunity to switch up your beauty regime. Trade in heavier creams and lotions for one of these innovative water- or gel-based formulas, which are designed to cool and soothe the skin while also providing long-lasting hydration. Having already sold out twice at Sephora since it launched in April this year, Tatcha's The Water Cream is one of the beauty emporium's best-selling moisturizers ever.

Saudi king overhauls security services following royal shakeup

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 02:14 PM PDT

Saudi king overhauls security services following royal shakeupBy Hadeel Al Sayegh DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi King Salman on Thursday decreed the consolidation of counter-terrorism and domestic intelligence under a new body, in a major overhaul of the security apparatus weeks after the interior minister was ousted from the royal succession. The string of late night royal decrees also ordered a shakeup of senior personnel, replacing the head of the elite royal guard and elevating the head of the newly created Presidency of State Security, Abdulaziz bin Mohammed al-Howairini, and his deputy to the rank of ministers. The moves inside the world's biggest oil exporting nation centralizes authority in security matters to the king and his young son, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has made a rapid rise to the pinnacle of power at the expense of his cousin, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef.

Arizona Senate Candidate: John McCain Should 'Step Away as Quickly as Possible' After Cancer Diagnosis

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:23 PM PDT

Arizona Senate Candidate: John McCain Should 'Step Away as Quickly as Possible' After Cancer Diagnosis"I hope that Senator McCain is going to look long and hard at this"

Our Home Editor's Favorite Dorm Decor From Etsy

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 06:21 PM PDT

Our Home Editor's Favorite Dorm Decor From Etsy

Visa issues take spotlight after Burundi teens exit event

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:08 PM PDT

Visa issues take spotlight after Burundi teens exit eventWASHINGTON (AP) — The big controversy leading up to the FIRST Global international robotics competition in Washington was whether a team of girls from Afghanistan would be able to participate, after their initial visa applications were denied.

Fukushima Robot Finds Nuclear Fuel Debris ‘Hanging Like Icicles’

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:07 PM PDT

Fukushima Robot Finds Nuclear Fuel Debris 'Hanging Like Icicles'Authorities deployed a robot to enter areas deadly to human beings.

NASA's Next Great X-Plane Will Try to Revolutionize Electric Flight

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:19 AM PDT

NASA's Next Great X-Plane Will Try to Revolutionize Electric FlightThe X-57 Maxwell is a whole new way of thinking about efficient aviation.

5 Small-Cap Stocks with Big Dividends

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:00 AM PDT

5 Small-Cap Stocks with Big DividendsWhen most investors think of the best dividend stocks, they often think of Johnson & Johnson (ticker: JNJ) or Procter and Gamble Co. ( PG). Remember, small-cap dividend stocks come with more risk to cyclical trends in the economy or disruption to revenue. The best part for income investors, however, is that the reliable revenue stream from Extended Stay properties mean this $4 billion company can provide reliable dividends.

'No more woe is me': Senator McCain vows quick return to Washington

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 04:27 PM PDT

'No more woe is me': Senator McCain vows quick return to WashingtonBy Richard Cowan and David Schwartz WASHINGTON/PHOENIX, Ariz. (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain promised on Thursday he would return rapidly to Washington despite his newly diagnosed brain cancer, flashing the fighting spirit that has defined him since he was held in captivity as a Navy pilot during the Vietnam War. McCain, a veteran senator and former Republican presidential candidate known as a strong and sometimes fiercely independent voice on defense and security issues, was found to have an aggressive form of brain tumor, glioblastoma, after surgery last week for a blood clot above his left eye. The news, issued by his office late on Wednesday, drew a wave of support from across the political spectrum, and raised questions about how long McCain would be absent from the Senate, where Republicans have a narrow majority and are eager to notch up some legislative successes for President Donald Trump.

5-Year-Old Girl Fined Nearly $200 for Holding Lemonade Stand

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:42 AM PDT

5-Year-Old Girl Fined Nearly $200 for Holding Lemonade Stand"Have I done a bad thing?"

Police Dispatcher Asks Cops to Help Him Propose During Traffic Stop

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 02:51 PM PDT

Police Dispatcher Asks Cops to Help Him Propose During Traffic StopA Texas woman was shocked when a police officer pulled her over.

A tenderloin gets an assist from dark brown sugar, paprika

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 06:35 AM PDT

A tenderloin gets an assist from dark brown sugar, paprikaAs its name implies, the tenderloin is one of the most tender cuts of pork, and comes from the full loin. It's mild in flavor and takes well to rubs, marinades and sauces. Tenderloins range in weight from 10 ounces to 1 1/2 pounds. I prefer the smaller 10-12 ounce tenderloins and look for those when I am shopping for meat.

Pressure mounts on Jeff Sessions amid claim he discussed campaign with Russian ambassador to the US 

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:20 PM PDT

Pressure mounts on Jeff Sessions amid claim he discussed campaign with Russian ambassador to the US Pressure on Jeff Sessions, the under fire US Attorney General mounted amid claims that, despite his denials,  he discussed the election campaign last year with the Russian ambassador to Washington. Within hours or Donald Trump's press secretary, Sean Spicer, resigning, the position of another key member of his administration was looking increasingly vulnerable. The Washington Post reported that the US intelligence agencies intercepted communications between Sergey Kislyak and Moscow, detailing two conversations with Mr Sessions regarding the election. At the time Mr Sessions was an Alabama senator and one of the first members of Congress to back Donald Trump's bid for the White House. The latest allegations come within days of the president rounding on his Attorney General in an interview with the New York Times for recusing himself from a Justice Department inquiry into reported links between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mr Sessions had to step aside after it emerged that he had failed to disclose the meetings with Mr Kislyak. The last month, appearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, he described his meetings with the ambassador as little more than "an encounter". During heated exchanges, he angrily denied trying to work with the Russians to influence the outcome of the election. Jeff Sessions hits out at Russia collusion accusations 01:19 "The suggestion that I participated in any collusion or that I was aware of any collusion with the Russian government to hurt this country, which I have served with honour for over 35 years, or to undermine the integrity of our democratic process, is an appalling and detestable lie," he said. But according to the Washington Post Mr Kislyak painted a very different picture. One intelligence official told the paper that the intercepts suggest the two men had "substantive discussions" on a range of issues including US-Russian relations should Mr Trump win the election. "If these reports are corroborated they are clearly damaging to Jeff Sessions, in fact devastating," Dick Blumenthal, a Democrat senator from Connecticut, said on CNN. "They demonstrate he was clearly untruthful in his confirmation hearing," he added. Responding to the allegations, Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said: "Obviously I cannot comment on the reliability of what anonymous sources described in a wholly uncorroborated intelligence intercept that the Washington Post has not seen and that has not been provided to me." 

FTC Investigating Claims Of Amazon's Deceptive Bargain Prices

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:19 AM PDT

FTC Investigating Claims Of Amazon's Deceptive Bargain PricesThe FTC is probing claims made in a nonprofit report that says Amazon is misleading consumers about price bargains. Could this put the Amazon acquisition of Whole Foods in question?

Beyond the Moon: The Planned Apollo Missions That Could Have Been

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:19 AM PDT

Beyond the Moon: The Planned Apollo Missions That Could Have BeenThe Apollo program flirted with the idea of flying far beyond the moon.

Iraqi Forces Carry Out Revenge Killings Against ISIS Suspects

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 02:33 PM PDT

Iraqi Forces Carry Out Revenge Killings Against ISIS SuspectsAs Iraqi forces gain upper hand, Sunni Muslims become the victims of further sectarian crimes.

Berlin reviews Turkish arms requests as crisis deepens

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:04 AM PDT

Berlin reviews Turkish arms requests as crisis deepensBy Orhan Coskun and Michelle Martin ANKARA/BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany said on Friday it was reviewing applications for arms projects from Turkey, accusing its NATO ally of ramping up covert operations as an attempt by a Turkish minister to calm a deepening bilateral crisis fell flat. While one minister in Berlin compared Ankara's behavior over the detention of six rights activists to the authoritarian former communist East Germany, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told Germany to "pull itself together". Bilateral tensions were already high after bitter recriminations during a referendum in April on extending Erdogan's powers and a pullout of German troops from a Turkish air base that began this month.

New York Couple Pleads Guilty to Enslaving Korean Children for 6 Years

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 04:10 PM PDT

New York Couple Pleads Guilty to Enslaving Korean Children for 6 YearsThe children have been reunited with their parents

The Galaxy Note 8’s secret weapon might be…a Bluetooth headset?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:00 PM PDT

The Galaxy Note 8's secret weapon might be…a Bluetooth headset?

Samsung's second-worst-kept secret of the year will launch on August 23rd, the company has now confirmed. That was a date that was first mentioned in Galaxy Note 8 rumors earlier this year.

However, we already think we know everything about the new flagship, which should be a Galaxy S8 variation featuring a few extra tricks. The Galaxy Note 8 will have a dual camera lens on the back and a built-in stylus, as well as stylus-centric features baked into Android.

A new report indicates there may be one thing that'll differentiate the Galaxy Note 8 from the Galaxy S8: a new Bixby accessory.

Samsung is working on a Bluetooth headset, ETNews reports, and development may be done in time for the Galaxy Note 8's launch. The device might be released alongside the Galaxy Note 8 in September, and it may be bundled with the phablet. Samsung, however, hasn't decided on how to sell it. It's likely that it'll be available as a standalone product in the future, regardless of how Samsung commercializes it at launch.

The headset is supposed to help users communicate with Bixby, and features proprietary noise canceling technology, the report notes.

A Samsung representative did confirm the existence of the product, and the fact that it's made for easier interaction with Bixby, but said the company could not disclose any release date information about the product.

It's unclear how much it'll cost, and there are no images of this Bixby headset for the Galaxy Note 8.

This Mercedes G-Wagen/E-Class mash-up is the off-roader we've always wanted

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:00 PM PDT

This Mercedes G-Wagen/E-Class mash-up is the off-roader we've always wantedNo, this is not some sham or gimmick of a rendering—this Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain 4x4² is very real and it comes straight from the brilliantly twisted mind of a Mercedes-Benz engineer. The Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain was revealed last year as the brand's answer to the Audi and Volvo soft-roading wagons of the world. It's currently sold exclusively in Europe with a choice of diesel engines.

How many nukes are in the world and what could they destroy?

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 08:12 AM PDT

How many nukes are in the world and what could they destroy?Tensions over nuclear weapons have been raised further after North Korea claimed to have successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile.  This latest move comes amid increasing concern over North Korea's military capabilities, with the new US administration upping its rhetoric in response.  While the Pyongyang regime increases the frequency with which it is conducting missile tests, Donald Trump's defence secretary Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis has warned North Korea of an "effective and overwhelming" response if Pyongyang used nuclear weapons. Elsewhere, rhetoric hints at a return of the expansion of nuclear arsenals across the world. In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin told a meeting of defence chiefs that strengthening nuclear capability should be a key objective for 2017. Donald Trump then took to Twitter to respond, vowing to do the same. The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 22, 2016 Such rhetoric has led to concerns about the world's nuclear capacity and the unpredictability of those in charge of the warheads. It seems the world is a long way from "coming to its senses" - with millions of kilotons already in military service around the world. Between them, the world's nuclear-armed states have around 15,000 warheads - the majority of which belong to the US and Russia. It is estimated that just under 10,000 of these are in military service, with the rest awaiting dismantlement, according to the Arms Control Association.  Putin says Russia should strengthen its nuclear arsenal 00:51 Which countries have nuclear weapons? There are five nuclear-weapon states in the world: China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States. These are officially recognised as possessing such weapons by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This treaty acknowledges and legitimises their arsenals, but they are not supposed to build or maintain them forever. Indeed, they have committed to eliminate them.  There are also four other countries that have nuclear weapons: Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea. These countries didn't sign the Treaty, and together possess an estimated 340 nuclear weapons.  But it's Russia and the US that have by far the most in the world - dominating all other countries by collectively sharing 88 per cent of the world's arsenal of stockpiled nukes. This figure increases to 93 per cent when we consider retired nukes.  How the world's 15,000 nukes are divided How deadly could these nuclear weapons be? The world's current collection of 14,900 nuclear weapons possesses enough power to kill millions of people and flatten dozens of cities.  According to Telegraph research, it is estimated that the US and Russian arsenals combined have power equating to 6,600 megatons. This is a tenth of the total solar energy received by Earth every minute. According to the NukeMap website, the dropping of the B-83, the largest bomb in the current US arsenal, would kill 1.4m people in the first 24 hours. A further 3.7m people would be injured, as the thermal radiation radius reached  Likewise, the "Tsar Bomba" is the largest USSR bomb tested. If this bomb was dropped on New York, it is estimated that it could kill 7.6m people and injure 4.2m more. The nuclear fallout could reach an approximate area of 7,880km on a 15mph wind, impacting millions more people.  Both America and Russia's arsenals are regulated by several treaties that place limits on the numbers and kinds of warheads and delivery systems they have.   If either country were to expand their nuclear capacity even further, as Trump and Putin have hinted at, it could shatter these agreements and plunge the world into a new Cold War. North Korean missile ranges Our figures on nuclear weapons, based on statistics from the Arms Control Association, are mainly estimates because of the secretive nature with which most governments treat information about their arsenals. 

BBQ Power Bowls Are The Perfect Healthy Summer Lunch

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 09:27 AM PDT

BBQ Power Bowls Are The Perfect Healthy Summer LunchAll the best parts of barbecue in one bowl!

How To Become A Navy SEAL: Brutal Military Program Gets First Female Applicants

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 10:46 AM PDT

How To Become A Navy SEAL: Brutal Military Program Gets First Female ApplicantsWomen will have to complete the same strenuous training as male candidates.

Far-right millennials set out to sea to 'defend Europe' from migrants

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 05:48 AM PDT

Far-right millennials set out to sea to 'defend Europe' from migrantsBy Antonio Parrinello and Steve Scherer CATANIA, Italy (Reuters) - A dozen far-right millennials from Europe and North America plan to set sail next week to "defend Europe" from what they call a migrant invasion from Africa, using social media as their weapons. The supporters of the Identitarian movement, which says it wants to preserve Europe's identity, have rented a ship to take them to international waters off the Libyan coast so they can monitor humanitarian rescuers, who they say collude with people smugglers who cram migrants onto dangerous boats. "There is a difference between saving lives and smuggling people to Europe," Martin Sellner, an Austrian who is leading the effort, told Reuters at Catania's port.

Family of missing teen fisherman sues other boy's family

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 11:49 AM PDT

Family of missing teen fisherman sues other boy's familyWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — The mother of a teenager who disappeared with his friend while boating in the Atlantic Ocean filed suit Friday against the other boy's parents and grandfather, alleging they should have prevented them from taking an ill-equipped boat out to sea.

Sprint is just straight-up trolling Verizon now

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:12 PM PDT

Sprint is just straight-up trolling Verizon now

In absence of actually having a good network, Sprint is relying on some top-notch PR to bother Verizon. Sprint already stole away Verizon's signature spokesperson -- Mr "Can You Hear Me Now?" -- and it's now hitting on Verizon's pricing with a savage stunt.

For one day only, Sprint has opened up a "Twice the Price" shop next to a Verizon store in Queens, NY. The concept is a store filled with regular things that are twice the price, just like Verizon's plans are twice the price of Sprint.

It's an incredibly brazen attempt to hit Verizon where it hurts most, and it is kinda funny. Verizon has arguably the best network around: it comes joint-top in most speed tests with T-Mobile, and its coverage is hands-down the best in rural areas and indoors.

But Verizon's pricing is undeniably high. Even the new Unlimited plan, which was meant to be Verizon's answer to T-Mobile One, is $80 a month for the first line.

Now, you can argue that Verizon's plans are still value for money. The Unlimited plan comes with good perks like 10GB of hotspot data, which you pay extra for on T-Mobile (or anyone else), and Verizon does get you more consistent coverage.

But for the average user, Sprint's betting that paying half the price makes up for any shortcomings in service. Sprint doesn't have the money to build out its network to compete with Verizon, so the "Twice the Price" store is going to have to do as a competitive strategy for now.

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