Monday, April 2, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Gov. 'Moonbeam' Brown's Office Uses Trump's Own Words To Defend Pardons

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:09 PM PDT

Gov. 'Moonbeam' Brown's Office Uses Trump's Own Words To Defend PardonsTurns out President Donald Trump's timing was off for his vicious dig at

Trump Threatens ‘No more DACA Deal’ in Sunday Tweets

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:57 AM PDT

Trump Threatens 'No more DACA Deal' in Sunday TweetsPresident Trump claimed people are coming through Mexico to take advantage of DACA, or Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, when speaking to reporters and later threatened to end the Obama-era policy in a tweet.

Sacramento Sheriff's Vehicle Hits Activist At Stephon Clark Protest

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 06:51 AM PDT

Sacramento Sheriff's Vehicle Hits Activist At Stephon Clark ProtestA vigil for Stephon Clark, the young black father shot to death by police last

4-story hotel collapses in central India, killing 10

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 02:46 AM PDT

4-story hotel collapses in central India, killing 10NEW DELHI (AP) — A four-story rickety hotel building collapsed in central India, killing at least 10 people and injuring three, police said Sunday.

Paddleboarder Critically Injured In Shark Attack Near Hawaii Beach

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:40 PM PDT

Paddleboarder Critically Injured In Shark Attack Near Hawaii BeachA 25-year-old man paddleboarding off a beach in Hawaii was rushed to a local

'Affluenza' Texan, who killed 4 driving drunk, released from jail

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:51 AM PDT

'Affluenza' Texan, who killed 4 driving drunk, released from jailA Texan who was dubbed the "affluenza teen" was released from jail on Monday after serving nearly two years for killing four people while driving drunk and later fleeing to Mexico with his mother, law enforcement officials said. The case made headlines worldwide after lawyers for Ethan Couch, now 20, argued that his wealthy upbringing impaired his ability to tell right from wrong. Couch was released a few days before his 21st birthday and will remain under strict probation supervision, the county sheriff's office has said.

Chinese space station falling back to Earth

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 09:04 AM PDT

Chinese space station falling back to EarthTiangong-1, China's first space station, is spinning out of control and, experts say, will crash to earth soon. The chances of getting hit by the 19,000 pound object? About one in a trillion.

Boat carrying Rohingya stops on Thai island: official

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:10 AM PDT

Boat carrying Rohingya stops on Thai island: officialA boat carrying dozens of Rohingya refugees trying to reach Malaysia briefly stopped on a Thai island, an official said Sunday, as fears grow about overcrowded camps for the stateless minority fleeing violence in Myanmar. Nearly 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have sought shelter in southern Bangladesh since Myanmar launched a brutal crackdown on insurgents in August that the US and UN have called ethnic cleansing. An agreement to repatriate Rohingya from Bangladesh to Myanmar's Rakhine state has yet to see a single refugee returned.

Humana soars Walmart talks, Trump slams Amazon (again), Alibaba expands

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:22 AM PDT

Humana soars Walmart talks, Trump slams Amazon (again), Alibaba expandsHumana, Amazon, Alibaba and Apple are the companies to watch.

Will New Census Question Impact the Partisan Makeup of Congress?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:01 PM PDT

Will New Census Question Impact the Partisan Makeup of Congress?The Trump Administration's proposal that adds a citizenship question to the 2020 Census has Democrats worried about how it will affect their voting demographics.

Sacramento Erupts In Protest After Stephon Clark Autopsy Report

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:18 AM PDT

Sacramento Erupts In Protest After Stephon Clark Autopsy ReportSACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Protests engulfed downtown Sacramento on Friday night

Hearts ache, anger surges after Siberian mall fire kills 64

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:38 PM PDT

Hearts ache, anger surges after Siberian mall fire kills 64KEMEROVO, Russia (AP) — Trapped inside a movie theater at a burning shopping center, 11-year-old Vika Pochankina made a panicked phone call to her aunt. "I'm suffocating. Tell Mama that I loved her," the girl said.

Matt Barnes Launches Scholarship Fund For Stephon Clark's Sons

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:41 AM PDT

Matt Barnes Launches Scholarship Fund For Stephon Clark's SonsEx-NBA player Matt Barnes announced that he will be launching a scholarship

Erdogan calls Netanyahu 'terrorist' as insults fly after Gaza deaths

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 11:13 AM PDT

Erdogan calls Netanyahu 'terrorist' as insults fly after Gaza deathsTurkish President Tayyip Erdogan called his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu a "terrorist" on Sunday, escalating an exchange of insults that started after he criticized Israel's lethal military response to a demonstration on the Gazan border. Israel has defended the killing of 15 Palestinians during Friday's demonstration and Netanyahu tweeted that the Israeli army "will not be lectured by those who have indiscriminately bombed civilian populations for years", referring to Turkey. Erdogan told supporters on Sunday: "We don't have the shame of invading on us, Netanyahu.

New York killer who massacred 10 in 1984 freed from prison

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:44 PM PDT

New York killer who massacred 10 in 1984 freed from prisonNEW YORK (AP) — A man who killed 10 people in 1984 in one of New York City's most notorious massacres has been released from prison.

Howard students demand change amid embezzlement scandal

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:20 AM PDT

Howard students demand change amid embezzlement scandalStudent protesters at Howard University are entering their fifth straight day occupying the school's administrative building. It started after an anonymous blog post alleged that nearly a million dollars in financial aid money was misused. Jan Crawford reports.

Bahrain makes largest oil discovery in its history

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:10 PM PDT

Bahrain makes largest oil discovery in its historyBahrain on Sunday announced it has discovered the largest oil and gas field in the history of the small kingdom, which unlike its Gulf neighbours is not energy-rich. "The new resource is forecast to contain highly significant quantities of tight (light crude) oil and deep gas, dwarfing Bahrain's current reserves," said the country's Higher Committee for Natural Resources, which is chaired by Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad. The find in the Khaleej al-Bahrain, off the west coast, was "the largest discovery of oil in the country's history", it said in a statement.

McMullin: Trump using DACA as bargaining chip is 'terrible politics'

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:31 AM PDT

McMullin: Trump using DACA as bargaining chip is 'terrible politics'President Trump's Easter morning attack on Dreamers and recent tirade against Amazon has sparked controversy.

Why A War Between America and China Is Very Possible: Here Is How It Would Go Down

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:07 AM PDT

Why A War Between America and China Is Very Possible: Here Is How It Would Go DownPotentially, victory could cement the US-led alliance system, making the containment of China considerably less expensive. Assuming that the war began with an assertive Chinese move in the East or South China Sea, the United States could plausibly paint China as the aggressor, and establish itself as the focal point for balancing behavior in the region. Chinese aggression might also spur regional allies (especially Japan) to increase their defense expenditures.

'Walking Dead' Delivers A Carol Easter Egg On Easter

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:34 PM PDT

'Walking Dead' Delivers A Carol Easter Egg On EasterIn many ways, "The Walking Dead" is a perfect show for Easter. People are

Full Johnson Interview: Russia is an 'Unfriendly Adversary'

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:02 PM PDT

Full Johnson Interview: Russia is an 'Unfriendly Adversary'In an interview with Meet the Press, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) says that Russia's actions have resulted in an unhealthy relationship with the world.

Studies link legal marijuana with fewer opioid prescriptions

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:08 AM PDT

Studies link legal marijuana with fewer opioid prescriptionsNEW YORK (AP) — Can legalizing marijuana fight the problem of opioid addiction and fatal overdoses? Two new studies in the debate suggest it may.

U.S. top court will not revive verdict against Palestinian Authority, PLO

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:29 AM PDT

U.S. top court will not revive verdict against Palestinian Authority, PLOBy Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Palestinian Authority and Palestine Liberation Organization gained a legal victory at the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday as the justices refused to consider reinstating a $655.5 million jury award won against them by 11 American families over militant attacks in Israel. The court declined to hear the families' appeal of a lower court's 2016 ruling throwing out the jury award that was secured in a lawsuit brought under the Anti-Terrorism Act, a law allowing American victims of international terrorism to seek damages in U.S. courts. The families had looked to hold the Palestinian Authority and PLO liable for six shootings and bombings between 2002 and 2004 in the Jerusalem area that killed 33 people, including several Americans, and wounded more than 450.

New York passes bill to strip all guns from domestic abusers

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:22 AM PDT

New York passes bill to strip all guns from domestic abusersNew York's governor has condemned the Trump administration's inaction on gun control as the state passed legislation banning anyone convicted of domestic violence from owning a firearm. The law will require domestic abusers to hand over any rifles, shotguns and other firearms and comes after 17 people were killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Florida. It extends gun restrictions from a 2012 bill which prohibits abusers from owning handguns.

Elon Musk makes light of Tesla's woes in April 1 Twitter prank

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:00 PM PDT

Elon Musk makes light of Tesla's woes in April 1 Twitter prankElon Musk, the flamboyant boss of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter on April Fool's day to joke the electric car-maker, which has been rocked by bad news, was going bankrupt. "Despite intense efforts to raise money, including a last-ditch mass sale of Easter Eggs, we are sad to report that Tesla has gone completely and totally bankrupt. It has lost about a quarter of its share value since the end of February, and is also currently under investigation by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) following a fatal accident involving one of its cars in California on March 23rd.

Sinclair Broadcasting Orders Local Anchors To Record Bizarre 'Hostage' Video

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 09:03 PM PDT

Sinclair Broadcasting Orders Local Anchors To Record Bizarre 'Hostage' Video> How America's largest local TV owner turned its news anchors into soldiers

What's Turkey Trying to Achieve in Syria?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:03 PM PDT

What's Turkey Trying to Achieve in Syria?What's Turkey Trying to Achieve in Syria? With the Islamic State's surviving fighters relegated to small pockets of the most austere bastions of the Syrian desert, the Turkish army likely sees an opportunity to capture Syria's northern border, in order to project power, consolidate territory and expand its own sphere of influence throughout the near abroad. Turkey's latest Syrian military incursion, dubbed "Operation Olive Branch," was launched in mid-January against the People's Protection Units (YPG) in the border city of Afrin, one of Syria's autonomous cantons.

Turkey orders arrest of cleric Gulen over killing of Russian envoy

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:09 AM PDT

Turkey orders arrest of cleric Gulen over killing of Russian envoyTurkey has ordered the arrest of the Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen and seven others over the 2016 assassination of the Russian envoy to Turkey, the Haberturk newspaper said on Monday, a day before Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the country.

The 10 Most Popular Instagram Recipes From March 2018

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 02:45 AM PDT

The 10 Most Popular Instagram Recipes From March 2018March is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb. But in the world

German minister wants to rebuild trust with Russia after spy standoff

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:03 AM PDT

German minister wants to rebuild trust with Russia after spy standoffGerman Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wants to resume dialogue with Russia and gradually improve ties after diplomatic expulsions over a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in England that Britain blames on Russia, he said on Sunday. Conservative German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Maas have joined the United States and other European countries in standing with Britain in a major standoff over the attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Maas, a member of the Social Democrats (SPD) who are split on how tough to be on Moscow, told Bild am Sonntag much trust had been lost in the last few years due to Russia's behavior.

At least 20 people dead in clashes between militants and Indian army in Kashmir

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:10 PM PDT

At least 20 people dead in clashes between militants and Indian army in KashmirIndian security forces killed at least three civilians and wounded about 70 in restive Kashmir on Sunday when hundreds of people tried to prevent them from carrying out operations against suspected militants, police and residents said. At least 17 other people, including 13 suspected militants, were killed in gunbattles during the day in southern Kashmir, police officials said, the worst violence in the region this year. When hundreds of people came out on the streets of Kachdoora village in Shopian district to try to halt a gunbattle between militants and security forces, troops used tear gas and pellet guns to disperse the crowd. They later opened fire. Locals said that after the protests, the security forces called off the operation. Police said five militants and three soldiers were killed in the fighting. Muslim separatists have been waging a violent campaign against Indian rule since the late 1980s in Indian-held Kashmir. Indian government forces fire live rounds, teargas shells and metal pellets at Kashmiri Muslims during the funeral of Zubair Ahmad Turray, a rebel commander, killed in a gun battle with Indian armed forces on April 1, 2018 in Shopain  Credit: Getty Images Fighting also broke out in two other villages in the region on Sunday. SP Vaid, the state director general of police, said the army received information on Saturday night about militants hiding in an area near Dragad village, about 30 miles south of Kashmir's capital of Srinagar and also in Shopian district. "In Dragad, 7 bodies of militants were recovered including top commanders. They were killed in a gunbattle," Mr Vaid said, adding that the owner of the house in which the militants were trapped was also killed. Women wail as they watch the body of Zubair Ahmed Turay, a suspected militant, being carried away during his funeral procession Credit: Reuters Another militant was killed in Dialgam village in Anantnag district, about 37 miles south of Srinagar, while one was caught alive, he said. Authorities have directed schools and colleges in Kashmir to remain closed on Monday to prevent any recurrence of violence, and restrictions have been imposed in several areas. Train services to south Kashmir have been suspended as a precautionary measure, a railways official said, and internet services in five districts have also been blocked. In south Kashmir's Pulwama district the local administration has imposed restrictions on the movement of people and vehicles to prevent any violence. 

North Carolina officer shoots, kills man during traffic stop

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:15 PM PDT

North Carolina officer shoots, kills man during traffic stopWINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — A white North Carolina police officer shot and killed a black passenger who refused orders not to reach for a gun after a late-night traffic stop led to a physical struggle, authorities said Saturday.

Kellyanne Conway Is Biggest White House Leaker, Says Author Of New Book

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 06:55 PM PDT

Kellyanne Conway Is Biggest White House Leaker, Says Author Of New BookThe author of the latest book on President Donald Trump's White House claims

US, S. Korea begin low-key army drills amid diplomatic thaw

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:19 PM PDT

US, S. Korea begin low-key army drills amid diplomatic thawThe United States and South Korea kicked off a low-key joint military drill Sunday as a diplomatic thaw over North Korea gathered pace. The annual Foal Eagle drill -- a series of field training exercises involving some 11,500 American and 290,000 South Korean troops -- began early Sunday, Seoul's defense ministry spokesman said. The deployment of such powerful weapons at past drills has frequently drawn an angry response from the North.

Even The Pagani Huayra BC Is Being Recalled

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:13 PM PDT

Even The Pagani Huayra BC Is Being RecalledThe Italian automaker can't escape the regulatory clutches of the NHTSA.

Get Ready, Russia: The Navy Wants to Build 3 Nuclear Attack Submarines Per Year

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:24 AM PDT

Get Ready, Russia: The Navy Wants to Build 3 Nuclear Attack Submarines Per YearThe Navy hopes to increase its current submarine construction op-tempo and build as many as three Virginia-class submarines per year to more rapidly address the services' attack submarine deficit. The previous status quo had been for the Navy to drop from building two Virginia-Class boats per year to one in the early 2020s when construction of the new Columbia-Class nuclear armed submarines begins. The service then moved to a plan to build two Virginia-class submarines and one Columbia-class submarine concurrently, according to findings from a Navy assessment.

Frank Stallone 'Deeply Ashamed' For Berating Parkland Survivor

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 11:55 PM PDT

Frank Stallone 'Deeply Ashamed' For Berating Parkland SurvivorActor Frank Stallone apologized on Sunday, saying he was "deeply ashamed" for

Last eastern Ghouta rebels poised to surrender: Syrian state media

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:39 PM PDT

Last eastern Ghouta rebels poised to surrender: Syrian state mediaBy Suleiman Al-Khalidi AMMAN (Reuters) - The group in control of the last rebel bastion near Damascus appeared on Sunday to have agreed a deal for its fighters to make peace with the government or quit the eastern Ghouta enclave, Syrian state media said. Jaish al Islam, most of whose members are drawn from the area, has been defending the city of Douma against a months-long onslaught by government forces. If confirmed, its surrender or departure for rebel-held areas in northwest Syria would herald an end to large-scale conflict in the enclave.

Jeremy Corbyn Facebook account deleted as anti-Semitism row escalates

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 05:31 AM PDT

Jeremy Corbyn Facebook account deleted as anti-Semitism row escalatesJeremy Corbyn's personal Facebook page appears to have been deleted after it emerged he was a member of five groups which contained anti-Semitic postings. The link for the Labour leader's personal Facebook page now says "sorry, this content isn't available right now" following mounting criticism of his handling of anti-Semitism in the party. The message that now greats visitors to Jeremy Corbyn's Facebook page Mr Corbyn belonged to a group containing posts about the Rothschilds, a Jewish family often criticised in anti-Semitic conspiracy claiming that Jews control world finance. Members compared Israel and the Nazis, and one comments about 'Antichrist Zionist Rothschild Jews'. Another group, Labour For Democratic Socialism, includes discussions of Holocaust denial and the Rothschilds. My Corbyn has strenuously denied that he was aware of the posts. It comes after twelve senior staff working for Mr Corbyn were alleged to have been members of Facebook groups containing anti-Semitic content. Mr Corbyn was an active user of his Facebook account before he became Labour leader. Mr Corbyn still has his official page on Facebook, which he posted his Easter greeting message. Leading members of the Labour party have accused Mr Corbyn of letting the country down. Lord Levy, Lord Winston and Lord Blunkett insisted Mr Corbyn and his supporters had encouraged "endemic" anti-Semitism in Labour.The anti-Semitism row continues to engulf the Labour party. anti-semitism - epstein puff Christine Shawcroft, a close ally of Mr Corbyn, was forced to step down as chair of Labour's disciplinary panel on Thursday. She had claimed that concerns about anti-Semitism were politically motivated and an attempt to undermine the Labour leader. Last week, an official complaint made against Mr Corbyn by members of the Jewish community was dismissed by the Labour Party. The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism submitted the complaint last Wednesday, alleging the Labour leader's failure to stamp out hatred during the last three years had brought his party into disrepute. Less than 24 hours after its receipt was acknowledged, sources at the party close to Mr Corbyn said that it had been decided it did not cross the threshold for investigation. Mrs Shawcroft was replaced on Labour's ruling body by Eddie Izzard, the comedian. Labour and anti-Semitism | Read more In a statement, Izzard said the party must now rebuild relations with the Jewish community. "Although this isn't the manner in which I had hoped to join the NEC I'm honoured to step up and represent Labour members at the heart of our party," he said. "This is a very important time for the Labour Party and we must stamp out completely the stain of anti-Semitism from a minority of members. It has no place in our party. "I have campaigned against hate my whole life and will continue to do so wherever it rears its ugly head. "We must make amends and repair the damage with the Jewish community as Jeremy Corbyn has promised to do. "We must get past this, for the good of the people Labour seeks to represent. "We must unite our party around the platform of hope that Jeremy Corbyn has built so that we can kick out this terrible Tory government and build a Britain for the many not the few."  

Tokyo leads Asian stocks lower in light holiday trade

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:20 AM PDT

Tokyo leads Asian stocks lower in light holiday tradeTokyo stocks drifted lower on Monday in thin holiday trade, pulling down markets in China and South Korea, with the majority closed for the Easter holiday.

2018 White House Easter Egg Roll

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:30 AM PDT

2018 White House Easter Egg RollPresident Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are hosting Monday's festivities on the South Lawn for a crowd of nearly 30,000 adults and children. That's larger than last year, Trump's first year in office, when the White House said it expected 21,000 attendees.

Q&A: Things to know about US-South Korea war drills

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:28 AM PDT

Q&A: Things to know about US-South Korea war drillsSEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Another spring on the Korean Peninsula, another round of war games by the U.S. and South Korean militaries.

Older Ford Mustang Hits 150 MPH, Colorado Police End Pursuit

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 02:28 PM PDT

Older Ford Mustang Hits 150 MPH, Colorado Police End PursuitObviously, don't try this at home – or on the highway.

Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Share First Public Video With Stormi

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:10 AM PDT

Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott Share First Public Video With StormiKylie Jenner and Travis Scott celebrated Easter alongside the

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