Sunday, April 22, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

NYT Reporter Hits Back At Trump, Says She Knows Who The 'Drunk/Drugged-Up Loser' Is

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 07:26 PM PDT

NYT Reporter Hits Back At Trump, Says She Knows Who The 'Drunk/Drugged-Up Loser' IsNew York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted on Saturday that a source

Suspect in Ocala, Florida school shooting: ‘I want to be put away’

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 09:23 AM PDT

Suspect in Ocala, Florida school shooting: 'I want to be put away'As students around the country rallied against gun violence on Friday, one student was injured in a shooting at a Florida high school. The suspect spoke to local NBC reporter Matt Lupoli.

'Overwhelmed' Letter Carrier Allegedly Held Onto 17,000 Pieces Of Mail

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 08:48 AM PDT

'Overwhelmed' Letter Carrier Allegedly Held Onto 17,000 Pieces Of MailAn "overwhelmed" New York City postal worker stashed more than 17,000 pieces

Hundreds of planes in US and EU to undergo emergency inspections after fatal explosion on Southwest flight

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:12 AM PDT

Hundreds of planes in US and EU to undergo emergency inspections after fatal explosion on Southwest flightEmergency inspections will be carried out on hundreds of aircraft worldwide after an explosion aboard a Southwest Airlines flight led to the death of a passenger. The announcement by the Federal Aviation Administration comes after a woman was almost sucked out of a window on a flight from New York to Dallas on Tuesday, after "an engine failure due to a fractured fan blade". Metal fatigue was believed to have led to a piece of a fan blade coming loose, according to investigators, which then smashed through the engine casing.

Korean Air boss apologises as hot-tempered daughters resign

Posted: 22 Apr 2018 03:35 AM PDT

Korean Air boss apologises as hot-tempered daughters resignKorean Air Chairman Cho Yang-ho on Sunday apologised for the "immature" behaviour of his two daughters and said they would both immediately resign from their company posts following separate controversies. Cho Hyun-min, the younger daughter who is marketing executive at the South Korean flag carrier, is under police investigation for assault after she was accused of throwing water into a man's face at a business meeting. Four years ago her older sister Cho Hyun-ah made global headlines for angrily kicking a cabin crew member off a plane after being served macadamia nuts in a bag rather than a bowl -- an incident quickly dubbed "nut rage".

Chemical weapons inspectors collect samples from Syria site

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:21 AM PDT

Chemical weapons inspectors collect samples from Syria siteBEIRUT (AP) — Chemical weapons inspectors collected samples from Syria's Douma on Saturday, two weeks after a suspected gas attack there followed by retaliatory strikes by Western powers on the Syrian government's chemical facilities.

How can Starbucks ensure its racial-bias training actually helps a divided America?

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 04:40 PM PDT

How can Starbucks ensure its racial-bias training actually helps a divided America?After a racial incident that garnered national attention last weekend, Starbucks has required racial-bias training for all its employees. This move has the potential to positively impact America, but the company has an uphill climb. Here's what happened. On April 12 a patron at a Philadelphia Starbucks captured a video of two black men being arrested, seemingly for doing nothing. The store manager called the police, saying the men had not bought anything and refused to leave. It turns out they'd only been in the store for two minutes and were waiting for a friend to order. The video quickly went viral, getting millions of views on Twitter and YouTube.  Starbucks first issued a terse, three-sentence apology that immediately sparked more backlash. Then, on Tuesday, the company said it would close all 8,000 of its nationwide stores on the afternoon of May 29, and give mandatory racial bias training to its 175,000 employees. SEE ALSO: The largest protests in American history are happening now. Expect them to get bigger. Considering the nearly ubiquitous place that Starbucks holds in America, experts agreed that such a training could have a wide-reaching social effects. If it's handled correctly.  @Starbucks The police were called because these men hadn't ordered anything. They were waiting for a friend to show up, who did as they were taken out in handcuffs for doing nothing. All the other white ppl are wondering why it's never happened to us when we do the same thing. — Melissa DePino (@missydepino) April 12, 2018 The challenges and opportunities of anti-discrimination training  In their press release announcing the training, Starbucks said that in the weeks before May 29, it would develop a program that promised to address "implicit bias, promote conscious inclusion, prevent discrimination, and ensure everyone inside a Starbucks store feels safe and welcome." The release also listed a number of notable people who would assist in developing the program, like former Attorney General Eric Holder and NAACP President Sherrilyn Ifill. However, experts agree that it's a long road between one afternoon of training and an impactful change in behavior. And some were critical that it took a viral incident for Starbuck to address the issue, calling it reactive instead of proactive.  "I think that anytime that you do racial-bias training, being proactive is the best approach," Matthew Kincaid, founder of Overcoming Racism, a consulting organization that trains corporations and schools on eliminating racial bias, said. "They should invest in doing this as part of the onboarding training. They are acting reactively rather than doing something proactively and creating a culture."  Kincaid said that many employees might be turned off by the mandatory nature of the training, and may feel like they're getting blamed for something that happened in another store.  Many also question the efficacy of taking just five weeks to develop a plan for so many employees, and wonder about the consistency of such a broad training.  "The quality control is the question," Dr. Bryant Marks, Morehouse College psychology professor and founding director of The National Training Institute on Race & Equity, said. "I don't know how they're going to standardized the experience." Starbucks to Close All U.S. Stores for Racial-Bias Education | Starbucks Newsroom He said the best way to train so many people at once would be through video, but that might have an adverse effect on engagement. He added that it's better to have a trained professional lead a video than a sub-par leader initiate a live session, but either way, he said, it would be tough for the company to make sure the message was received equally by everyone. All agreed, however, that if Starbucks is committed to educating its employees on bias and discrimination, the company will have to be in it for the long haul. "This would have to be the beginning of an ongoing body of work." Marks said. "One training is good for raising awareness, but it's only the beginning of changing a culture. " The debate on implicit bias training On top of Starbucks' decision to provide training is the question of the type of training it plans to provide. The implicit bias program that Starbucks is enacting, the company hopes, would target biases that people act upon without active awareness. Implicit biases include things like associating black people with "criminality" or mischaracterizing the age and size of black people.   But there's an ongoing debate among psychologists and sociologists about the ability of this type of training to actually affect people's behavior. There are even some studies that say implicit bias training has an "often weak" result. Marks approves of Starbucks' approach toward implicit bias training, because the situation that arose seems to have been caused specifically because of the Starbucks manager's unconscious bias towards to the two men. Though, of trainings, he said that what's most needed is a skilled leader.  "Any trainer worth their salt is going to acknowledge the levels on which bias can occur," he said. Starbucks could have chosen other forms of training. Kincaid's Overcoming Racism program, for instance, specializes in training that helps inform people how to act on their behavior rather than merely pointing out that they have it. "Racial-bias training helps us understand and recognize the biases that we have, but it doesn't help us promote actions," Kincaid said. "Anti-racism training helps us act against a system that ultimately hurts all of us. People understanding bias makes people more aware of that, but it doesn't change the system and people's thoughts and action." His consultation consists of understanding not only a specific person's biases, but also understanding the underlying systemic bias and how to personally address it. Starbucks would not offer Mashable further clarification as to how the company determined the best and most consistent course of action for the training.  Kincaid believes that a single training could not illicit the type of change that Starbucks claims to want to make. A shift in the company's culture would be needed, not only externally to customers, but also internally, regarding staffers' attitudes toward each other. And it will take some time. "I don't believe that anti-racism or racial-bias training actually changes people's behavior in the long term," Kincaid said. "What does change people's behavior is changing the culture of an institution. When we belong to organizations, we adapt to the culture of that organization. I think Starbucks has to be very thoughtful about the policies that make this a place where something like this could happen." But according to Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, what happened in Starbucks "wasn't just racist, it was anti-black." She thinks whatever training happens should address that specifically.  "Not all trainings are created equal," she said. "And not all trainings are going to do the thing you want them to do. What is key is having an important conversation on historical anti-black racism." This has been a very public affair for Starbucks, and one thing is sure: The ramifications of the company's decision is something others are keeping an eye on. "I think the incident has a lot of CEOs across the country giving some deep thought to their training and their culture," Dr. Marks said. "And I think it's a watershed moment that could have a lasting impact." Starbucks as America's problematic third place In sociological disciplines, there is the notion of a "third place." The idea is that you have a place at home and a place at work, and a healthy civic system would have a third place where people can gather and constructively interact, like a church or the shopping malls of yore.  Many have thought for a while that Starbucks has become America's third place; it's a semi-neutral gathering place where people meet and interact. In fact, the company says on their website that it hopes to be a "third place between work and home." It would be hard to argue that the coffee chain has not made progress toward this goal, what with the number of stores, convenient locations, and relatively low-priced offerings.  But that's only part of the story. As Cullors said, "For a lot of us, the way we know gentrification is happening is a Starbucks comes to their community." Even in real estate terms there's something known as a "Starbucks Effect," meaning that proximity to a Starbucks raises value on homes. Historically working class or poorer neighborhoods are the ones that tend to feel this effect, with those raised values driving people out of their established communities.  Also Starbucks has stated they want to create a "community" atmosphere & purchases aren't required to sit, use WiFi, etc. Employees have been on Twitter for days confirming this. — Nina Parker (@MzGossipGirl) April 19, 2018 Many, including Cullors, believe that the company should be more engaged with the communities they enter. Starbucks should put money into building up those neighborhoods, serving as a part of rather than a symbol against them. The arrest of two black men only served to underscore this divide between what Starbucks wants to create and the reality of its place within some communities. Still, some are finding positives in the event. Cullors thought it was important that the woman who took the original video was white. "She was protesting what was happening," she said. "There's something about bearing witness, and in that witnessing disrupting what you're seeing. It was an amazing ally moment. We need more of that from white people." Even though this training might be a public relations reaction to bad press, it's still a chance for a company that wants to be an integral part of American lives to positively impact its employees and customers.  But Starbucks needs to follow through on its intentions. "Starbucks could become a conduit for this conversation, but it has to be in the heart of Starbucks and not something that comes with negative press," Kincaid said. "This work is being done, there are those out here who are having the conversation proactively. I really hope that this incident can be used to elevate the many warriors in this battle against racism all across the country."

Sean Hannity Isn't A Journalist And Fox News Isn't News

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 05:00 AM PDT

Sean Hannity Isn't A Journalist And Fox News Isn't NewsEarlier this week, Fox News declared its "full support" for Sean Hannity after

AP PHOTOS: Former first lady Barbara Bush through the years

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 01:43 PM PDT

AP PHOTOS: Former first lady Barbara Bush through the yearsBarbara Bush was a deeply rooted member of one of America's most recent political families. She also shared a distinction with one of its first.

Video shows bullet-ridden vehicle after police shooting

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 12:42 PM PDT

Video shows bullet-ridden vehicle after police shootingDiante Yarber was driving the Ford Mustang when Barstow police officers shot in the vehicle and killed him.

These Are The Students Walking Out Of School To Protest Gun Violence

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 10:14 AM PDT

These Are The Students Walking Out Of School To Protest Gun ViolenceStudents around the country walked out of class on Friday to bring attention

Ohio Police: 2-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shot Dead By Mom

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:51 PM PDT

Ohio Police: 2-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shot Dead By MomA gun being handled by a young mother in a town outside Cleveland accidentally

A New Book on Leonardo da Vinci Studies All of His Paintings and Sketches

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 02:22 PM PDT

A New Book on Leonardo da Vinci Studies All of His Paintings and Sketches

Lockheed Martin Wants to Merge an F-22 and F-35 Into 1 Fighter for Japan. It Won't Happen.

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 05:09 PM PDT

Lockheed Martin Wants to Merge an F-22 and F-35 Into 1 Fighter for Japan. It Won't Happen.The most likely scenario is that the F-22/F-35 hybrid will remain in the realm of fantasy. Lockheed Martin Wants to Merge an F-22 and F-35 Into 1 Fighter for Japan. Reuters is reporting that Lockheed Martin is pitching an F-22 and F-35 combination to Japan to meet Tokyo's requirement for a next-generation air superiority fighter.

Death of Gaza teenager at border protest sparks condemnation

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 01:57 PM PDT

Death of Gaza teenager at border protest sparks condemnationThe death of a Palestinian teenager during protests along Gaza's border with Israel sparked condemnation and international calls for restraint on Saturday. Rescue services and relatives said Mohammed Ayoub, aged 15, was killed by Israeli gunfire on Friday. The Israeli army said Saturday it was opening an investigation into the death of the young Palestinian, who was killed during demonstrations that have brought thousands of Palestinians to the border for four consecutive Fridays.

Southwest giving passengers $5,000 checks on accident flight

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 01:24 PM PDT

Southwest giving passengers $5,000 checks on accident flightSouthwest Airlines Co confirmed Friday it has sent $5,000 checks to passengers aboard a flight that made an emergency landing this week after an engine failed, killing a passenger. The airline confirmed news reports from passengers it had sent the checks along with $1,000 travel vouchers. The CFM56 jet engine on Southwest flight 1380 blew apart over Pennsylvania on Tuesday, about 20 minutes after the Dallas-bound flight left New York's LaGuardia Airport with 149 people on board.

13 Billboards Call Out How Much Money Politicians Got From The NRA

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 06:21 PM PDT

13 Billboards Call Out How Much Money Politicians Got From The NRAOn the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School mass shooting in

Vive la France: Trump hosts glitzy White House state dinner

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:11 PM PDT

Vive la France: Trump hosts glitzy White House state dinnerWASHINGTON (AP) — Now it's President Donald Trump's turn to pull off the ultimate charm offensive.

Jeb Bush eulogizes mother, Barbara Bush, at funeral

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:16 AM PDT

Jeb Bush eulogizes mother, Barbara Bush, at funeralJeb Bush, the former Florida governor, delivered a eulogy Saturday at a private funeral service for his mother, Barbara Bush. The service was held at the nation's largest Episcopal church, in Houston.

39 Spinach And Artichoke Recipes Beyond Dip

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 03:09 PM PDT

39 Spinach And Artichoke Recipes Beyond Dip

R. Kelly's Lawyer, Publicist And Assistant Flee From Singer Amid Scandals

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:40 PM PDT

R. Kelly's Lawyer, Publicist And Assistant Flee From Singer Amid ScandalsSinger R. Kelly's scandals may be too much for the people he employs. Since

The Latest: Police got earlier call on suspect in stabbing

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:11 AM PDT

The Latest: Police got earlier call on suspect in stabbingVENTURA, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on a man charged with stabbing a father to death at a Southern California restaurant (all times local):

German neo-Nazis mass for festival on Hitler's birthday

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 01:29 PM PDT

German neo-Nazis mass for festival on Hitler's birthdayHundreds of neo-Nazis were massing Friday on Adolf Hitler's birthday for a two-day festival in a remote eastern German town where citizens and anti-fascist groups staged spirited counter-protests. Many of the mostly male right-wing extremists wore T-shirts with slogans such as "Keepers of the Race", "White is my favourite colour" and "Adolf was the best" while the event was guarded by a group called "Aryan Brotherhood". Hundreds of armoured police ringed the site of the "Schild und Schwert" (Shield and Sword, or SS) festival near the Polish and Czech borders that was expected to also attract eastern European extremists.

My Son Suddenly Stopped Talking And I Wasn't Sure If He'd Ever Speak Again

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 05:30 AM PDT

My Son Suddenly Stopped Talking And I Wasn't Sure If He'd Ever Speak AgainAt the age of 3, my son suddenly stopped speaking ― for hours, then days, then

As U.S., North Korea plan to meet, Iran warns against Trump deals

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 07:47 PM PDT

As U.S., North Korea plan to meet, Iran warns against Trump dealsBy Michelle Nichols NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. push to change the Iran nuclear deal was sending a "very dangerous message" that countries should never negotiate with Washington, Iran's foreign minister warned as U.S. and North Korean leaders prepare to meet for denuclearization talks. Speaking to reporters in New York on Saturday, Mohammad Javad Zarif also said that for French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel "to try to appease the president (Donald Trump) would be an exercise in futility." Trump will decide by May 12 whether to restore U.S. economic sanctions on Tehran, which would be a severe blow to the 2015 pact between Iran and six major powers.

North Korea Says It Has Suspended Missile Testing and Plans to Close Nuclear Site

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 04:04 PM PDT

North Korea Says It Has Suspended Missile Testing and Plans to Close Nuclear SiteThe news came days before North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is set to meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in

NASA Releases Astounding Video Of The Lagoon Nebula To Celebrate Hubble's Birthday

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 08:08 PM PDT

NASA Releases Astounding Video Of The Lagoon Nebula To Celebrate Hubble's BirthdayEver wanted to zoom near that central bulge in the Milky Way in the

AP PHOTOS: Prince Charles' life as a man and future monarch

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 02:38 PM PDT

AP PHOTOS: Prince Charles' life as a man and future monarchLONDON (AP) — It may not be his crowning achievement yet, but Prince Charles received recognition for his future role as Britain's king when leaders of the 53-nation Commonwealth confirmed Friday that Queen Elizabeth II's eldest son would succeed her as the group's chief.

Man jailed for 50 years for stealing $1.2m-worth of fajitas

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:15 PM PDT

Man jailed for 50 years for stealing $1.2m-worth of fajitasA former youth offenders' centre employee in Texas has been convicted of stealing more than $1.2m (£860,000) worth of fajitas. Gilberto Escamilla, 53, was jailed for 50 years after authorities discovered he was ordering the Mexican food to the Darrel B Hester Juvenile Detention Centre in Cameron County and selling it on for personal profit. Suspicions were raised after a driver from a food company called the centre's kitchen to tell them an 800-pound (363kg) delivery of fajitas had arrived.

Is an Adjustable Bed Frame Right for You?

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 11:19 AM PDT

Is an Adjustable Bed Frame Right for You?No longer relegated to hospital rooms, adjustable beds, also known as power beds and power bases, have migrated to residential bedrooms. Several mattress companies—from bed-in-a-box brands such a...

Arizona Republicans seek law change in case John McCain seat in play

Posted: 22 Apr 2018 04:00 AM PDT

Arizona Republicans seek law change in case John McCain seat in playJohn McCain, a six-term Arizona senator, was diagnosed last summer with an aggressive form of brain cancer. Arizona lawmakers are debating legislation that would keep John McCain's Senate successor off the ballot in November's midterm elections, should the seat become open before the end of next month. The bill, which could come up for a vote this week, would change the state's process for replacing members of Congress who resign or die in office.

Australian dog receives police honours for keeping lost child safe

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:38 AM PDT

Australian dog receives police honours for keeping lost child safeA deaf and partially blind dog that kept a lost three-year-old girl safe in Australian bushland overnight was awarded police honours Saturday after leading rescuers to the child. Emergency services began a search on foot and from the air for Aurora Friday after the young girl wandered off into bushland on a rural property in Queensland state. Seventeen-year-old blue heeler Max stayed with the child through a rainy night before leading family and rescuers to her Saturday morning after more than 15 hours in the wild.

Explainer: If Trump revives Iran sanctions, they'll take time to come back

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 10:18 AM PDT

Explainer: If Trump revives Iran sanctions, they'll take time to come backBy Arshad Mohammed WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reports of the Iran nuclear deal's imminent demise might just be premature. President Donald Trump will decide by May 12 whether to restore U.S. economic sanctions on Tehran, which would be a severe blow to the 2015 pact between Iran and six major powers. Under the deal, Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions.

Militarized Cops At Tiny Georgia Neo-Nazi Rally Arrest Counterprotesters For Wearing Masks

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 08:59 PM PDT

Militarized Cops At Tiny Georgia Neo-Nazi Rally Arrest Counterprotesters For Wearing MasksNEWNAN, Ga. -- A heavily militarized police force of some 400 officers

The Boldest Looks From Coachella 2018 We've Seen So Far

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 09:58 AM PDT

The Boldest Looks From Coachella 2018 We've Seen So FarCoachella has long been a place for festivalgoers to experiment with style,

15 Last-Minute Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 10:11 AM PDT

15 Last-Minute Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Myanmar evicts kin of officer who told of reporters' setup

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 06:56 AM PDT

Myanmar evicts kin of officer who told of reporters' setupNAYPYITAW, Myanmar (AP) — Myanmar police on Saturday evicted the family of a police officer who had testified a day earlier that he and others were ordered to entrap two Reuters news agency reporters facing charges that could get them up to 14 years in prison, the officer's wife said.

Macron calls Sisi to discuss Syrian crisis

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 11:17 AM PDT

Macron calls Sisi to discuss Syrian crisisFrench President Emmanuel Macron called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Saturday to discuss the Syrian crisis, Sisi's office said. Macron addressed the military strike that France, the United States and Britain launched in Syria a week ago, pointing out that it comes within the framework of international legitimacy, it said in a statement. The three countries launched 105 missiles in retaliation for a suspected poison gas attack in Syria, targeting what the Pentagon said were three chemical weapons facilities.

Jeep Wrangler Scrambler Pickup Caught In Motion On The Highway

Posted: 22 Apr 2018 01:08 AM PDT

Jeep Wrangler Scrambler Pickup Caught In Motion On The HighwayExpected to arrive in showrooms in about a year from now.

Yes, You Can Recycle That. Here's How.

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 01:26 PM PDT

Yes, You Can Recycle That. Here's How.In Westchester County, New York, where Consumer Reports is based, residents line up around the block when the Mobile Shredder comes to town. It's a risk-free way to get rid of all those payroll s...

Tweeters Furious Over Trump Calling Mar-a-Lago The 'Southern White House'

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:24 PM PDT

Tweeters Furious Over Trump Calling Mar-a-Lago The 'Southern White House'Twitter was incensed Saturday after Donald Trump used Barbara Bush's funeral

Iranian Foreign Minister on Americans detained in Tehran

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 11:03 AM PDT

Iranian Foreign Minister on Americans detained in TehranMore from Margaret Brennan's interview with Mohammad Javad Zarif to air Sunday on 'Face the Nation'

Hundreds of opposition protesters arrested in Armenia

Posted: 20 Apr 2018 12:26 PM PDT

Hundreds of opposition protesters arrested in ArmeniaTens of thousands protested in Armenia's capital on Friday against what they say is a power-grab by ex-president Serzh Sarkisian, as police arrested more than 230 people. For the past week, opposition supporters have held mass rallies to denounce Sarkisian's efforts to remain in power as prime minister after a decade serving as president. On Friday, demonstrators waved national flags and held up placards reading "Sarkisian is a dictator" as protests in the impoverished former Soviet country went into their eighth day.

Queen marks 92nd birthday with Commonwealth concert

Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:17 AM PDT

Queen marks 92nd birthday with Commonwealth concertQueen Elizabeth II marked her 92nd birthday on Saturday with traditional gun salutes and a Commonwealth-themed charity concert featuring Tom Jones, Kylie and Shaggy. Horse-drawn guns fired 41 times in Hyde Park and 62 times at the Tower of London, while at Windsor Castle, the band played "Happy Birthday" during the changing of the guard. In the evening, the monarch and her family were due to attend a concert with performers from around the Commonwealth, the 53-nation grouping which held its summit in London this week.

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