Sunday, March 1, 2020

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Labor leader: DNC should not change rules to help Sanders avoid a contested convention

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PST

Labor leader: DNC should not change rules to help Sanders avoid a contested conventionThe head of the nation's third-largest labor union said that the Democratic Party should not change its rules to award Bernie Sanders or any other candidate the nomination if they finish the primary with the most delegates but less than a majority.

New coronavirus cases in Northern California raise alarm

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:14 AM PST

New coronavirus cases in Northern California raise alarmThree students at the University of California, Davis, are under observation for possible exposure to coronavirus.

Peace, but not at our cost: Afghan women fear Taliban return

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:06 AM PST

Peace, but not at our cost: Afghan women fear Taliban returnAs US troops prepare to leave Afghanistan, opening the door for a potential Taliban comeback, women across the war-torn country are nervous about losing their hard-won freedoms in the pursuit of peace. The Taliban's fall transformed women's lives, much more so in urban areas like Kabul than in conservative rural Afghanistan. Under the Taliban, women were barred from seeking education or work -- rights that Afghan female professionals are fiercely protective of today.

Buttigieg ‘Assessing at Every Turn’ After South Carolina Finish

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:45 AM PST

Buttigieg 'Assessing at Every Turn' After South Carolina Finish(Bloomberg) -- Pete Buttigieg said Sunday he's assessing his candidacy "at every turn" but didn't signal he planned to drop out of the 2020 Democratic primary race. The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press" after a fourth-place finish in South Carolina on Saturday. Buttigieg picked up no delegates from the state after gaining 8.2% support, and did especially poorly -- 3% -- among African-American voters, a key Democratic constituency. "Every single day, we do a lot of math on this campaign," Buttiegieg said, according to a transcript provided by the network. "So we'll be assessing at every turn, not only what the right answer is for the campaign, but making sure that every step we take is in the interest of the party and that goal of making sure we defeat Donald Trump." Another Democratic candidate who came up short in South Carolina, billionaire Tom Steyer, ended his bid Saturday night. To contact the reporter on this story: Ros Krasny in Washington at rkrasny1@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: James Ludden at, Ros KrasnyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

Traveling during the coronavirus outbreak? Here’s what you need to know

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:56 PM PST

Traveling during the coronavirus outbreak? Here's what you need to knowWith COVID-19 spreading around the globe, the U.S. State Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued these travel advisories.

New coronavirus case confirmed at Tenerife hotel on lockdown

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:45 AM PST

New coronavirus case confirmed at Tenerife hotel on lockdownAn Italian national staying at a hotel in Tenerife which has been placed on lockdown after four cases of the coronavirus were detected has tested positive for the virus, regional health authorities confirmed on Saturday. The Italian national, part of the same group as the four original cases at the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel, has been in isolation in a hotel room since Feb. 24 and will be taken to hospital, the Canary Islands' regional health authorities said, adding the Italian was "in good state of health". It brings the total number of active cases in the Canary Islands to six - five in Tenerife and one in La Gomera.

Attacks on Indian reporters highlight growing intolerance

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:58 AM PST

Attacks on Indian reporters highlight growing intoleranceReporting in India has never been without its risks, but journalists say attacks on the press during last week's deadly communal riots between Hindus and Muslims in New Delhi show the situation is deteriorating. One reporter was shot and survived, another had his teeth knocked out, and many more said Hindu mobs demanded proof of religion and tried to keep them from documenting vandalism and violence that included people attacking one another with axes, swords, metal pipes and guns. Authorities have yet to provide an official account of what sparked the 72-hour clash that left 42 people dead and hundreds wounded, though tensions between Hindus and Muslims have been building for months over a new citizenship law.

'No fear': Pilgrims in Saudi defy coronavirus risks

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

'No fear': Pilgrims in Saudi defy coronavirus risksCleaners scrub and sterilise the floors of Mecca's Grand Mosque after fears of coronavirus led Saudi Arabia to suspend pilgrim visas, but worshippers appear unfazed -- confident of God's protection. Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest sites, on Thursday suspended entry by foreigners for the year-round "umrah" pilgrimage, an unprecedented move that has left tens of thousands in limbo. Saudi Arabia has so far reported no coronavirus cases but there are mounting concerns over a spike in infections across the Middle East.

AOC takes down Ted Cruz over coronavirus comment

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:22 PM PST

AOC takes down Ted Cruz over coronavirus commentNew York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has delivered an online lesson to Republican Sen. Ted Cruz after he questioned her authority to comment on matters of science.

Pompeo savaged by Democrats on Capitol Hill over coronavirus, Iran

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

Pompeo savaged by Democrats on Capitol Hill over coronavirus, IranSecretary of State Mike Pompeo faced intense criticism Friday from Democrats on Capitol Hill, who questioned him on the Trump administration's response to the growing coronavirus threat, as well as the persistent threat from foes like Iran.

Coronavirus: who is most at risk of dying?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST

Coronavirus: who is most at risk of dying?The World Health Organization raised its global risk assessment to its top level Friday, with the global health crisis edging closer to a pandemic. Among those infected with the virus, older adults with preexisting heart conditions or hypertension face a sharply higher risk, according to preliminary statistics, including from a study covering more than 72,000 patients in China. Among a subset of 44,700 infections confirmed through lab tests as of mid-February, more than 80 percent were at least 60 years old, with half over 70, said the study, that was published in the official China CDC Weekly.

Trump says he's ordering 'a lot of different elements of medical' to deal with coronavirus

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:00 PM PST

Trump says he's ordering 'a lot of different elements of medical' to deal with coronavirusIt's unclear what Trump meant by "elements of medical," but his comments came as the White House faces a firestorm over its response to coronavirus.

South Carolina blows up the 2020 primary

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:55 PM PST

South Carolina blows up the 2020 primaryIf there was a best case scenario for Joe Biden, this was it.

Could This Be the Navy's New Super Bomber? (Wait, What?)

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:00 PM PST

Could This Be the Navy's New Super Bomber? (Wait, What?)While bombers could certainly contribute to searches for adversary shipping, quite likely potential targets will more often be relayed to them by other maritime surveillance assets.

'Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!': Surgeon general says they won't protect from coronavirus

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PST

'Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!': Surgeon general says they won't protect from coronavirusThe surgeon general has a message for people who want to run out and stockpile masks to combat coronavirus – don't.

Australia's first coronavirus death confirmed as former Diamond Cruise passenger

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

Australia's first coronavirus death confirmed as former Diamond Cruise passengerA former passenger on the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was quarantined off Japan for coronavirus died in a hospital in Perth early on Sunday, a health official said, becoming Australia's first death from the virus. "Our condolences are with his family and unfortunately he's the first death we've had from coronavirus in Australia," Andrew Robertson, the chief health officer of Western Australia state, told journalists. The man's widow also caught the virus, but is in stable condition, the health official said.

Need a New Roof? These Are the 6 Most Popular Materials

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PST

White supremacist was out of prison 86 days when stabbed man to death

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

Trump Team Testing ‘Off-the-Shelf’ Drugs to Cure Coronavirus

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

Trump Team Testing 'Off-the-Shelf' Drugs to Cure Coronavirus(Bloomberg) -- The Trump administration is testing existing "off-the-shelf" drugs to combat the coronavirus, a cabinet official said Saturday.A national lab in Tennessee recently made "an important discovery" involving existing drugs, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland."The scientists at our Oak Ridge National Laboratory were able to look at the protein strains and determine -- perhaps, it's still early -- that we can find some off-the-shelf drugs that can help us not only cure the disease but stop the spread of the infection," Brouillette said.Brouillette was responding to a question about what his agency is doing to help combat the virus, which has caused markets to plunge and killed nearly 3,000 people across the globe. In the U.S., where 22 cases have been reported, the virus has killed one person -- a woman from Washington state -- and more cases are likely, President Donald Trump said Saturday.In addition to the laboratory tests, Brouillette said he's harnessing the power of his agency's "super computers" as well as artificial intelligence capabilities to assist organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and the World Heath Organization to conduct modeling on the virus."We want to know how far is this going to spread and at what point might it peak," he said.To contact the reporter on this story: Ari Natter in Washington at anatter5@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Jon Morgan at, Matthew G. Miller, Virginia Van NattaFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

U.S. Navy Coronavirus Quarantine Could Get Ugly

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

U.S. Navy Coronavirus Quarantine Could Get UglyThe U.S. Navy's new plan to preemptively self-quarantine ships in the Pacific region, where they will remain at sea for 14 days over fears about the 2019 novel coronavirus, sparked concerns of disastrous consequences mirroring the explosion of cases on a cruise ship off Japan.It was almost fitting that, hours after the plan went public, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Friday it had confirmed two more cases of the deadly disease in Americans who were rescued from the Diamond Princess cruise ship.As of Friday, there were 62 confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S. One of those cases—a severely ill person in northern California who had not traveled abroad—marked the first infection of unknown origin on American soil, while 14 patients came through the American health system after traveling to China or having close contact with someone who had. The rest, aside from the 44 cases from the cruise ship, were repatriated individuals who fled the vicinity of the virus's origin in China on State Department-chartered planes.In the case of the Diamond Princess, a man boarded the ship carrying the virus, then disembarked in Hong Kong, and—after a controversial quarantine that one expert called "the stupidest idea ever"—ultimately helped transmit it to hundreds of people.The Coronavirus Stock Market Rollercoaster Isn't Stopping Anytime Soon"It's a cold virus, and colds are readily transmissible from person-to-person," explained Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an adjunct professor of epidemiology at the University of California Los Angeles who previously worked for the CDC and who described the cruise quarantine as "a disaster."After the quarantine, the Diamond Princess was the largest single outbreak outside China until this week's developments in South Korea and Italy. The cruise company has said it was following recommendations from Japanese health authorities.The saga made it all the more remarkable when, on Thursday evening, the U.S. Navy signaled it would self-quarantine ships and monitor sailors who've traveled to higher-risk areas in the Pacific Fleet for symptoms of the virus "out of an abundance of caution." Navy spokesman Lt. James Adams told CNN that there were "no indications that any U.S Navy personnel have contracted Coronavirus Disease 2019." (One U.S. military member in South Korea has previously been reported to have the virus.)"The health and welfare of our sailors, civilians and their families is paramount and our efforts are directed at detection and, if required, prevention of the spread of this illness," Adams said.Adams did not immediately respond to requests for further comment on details about or the wisdom of a seaborne quarantine from The Daily Beast. But experts' takes on the plan ranged from cautious optimism to profound skepticism."If your goal is to spread the virus, that's probably a very good thing to do," deadpanned Dr. Timothy Brewer, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at UCLA who has served as an adviser for the World Health Organization, CDC, and National Institutes of Health. "I mean, seriously.""There are two possibilities, right? Either someone is infected on some of those ships, or not. If nobody is infected, they're going to spend 14 days sitting out on the open ocean and nothing happens," said Brewer. "On the other hand, if somebody is infected and contagious, you have a bunch of people in a confined space who can't get away from each other. That's actually how you maximize transmission.""The Diamond Princess is a perfect example of that," said Brewer. "It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If I had to guess, it's because they feel like they have to do something and they don't know what to do."Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, had a more tempered response, suggesting the plan "isn't unreasonable" if officials are careful to screen people with fever or upper respiratory symptoms. "I don't think it's a terrible idea, but they have to do it right," he said.Klausner, meanwhile, pointed out that, "for the Diamond Princess, there was chaos that I would not expect on a U.S. Navy vessel.""With the Navy, there's normally an onboard medical facility, and they can have on board testing and devices," said Klausner. "I would expect it would be a lot more organized."Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

France closes Louvre as virus cases mount in Europe

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:43 AM PST

France closes Louvre as virus cases mount in EuropeFrance's famed Louvre museum, the world's most visited, closed Sunday as coronavirus cases mounted across Europe and beyond, with the global death toll nearing 3,000. The virus has now infected more than 88,000 people and spread to more than 60 countries around the world, well beyond the epicentre in China where it first emerged late last year. It has rumbled global markets and prompted unprecedented measures from governments scrambling to contain the outbreak, which the World Health Organization has warned could grow into a pandemic.

Pete Buttigieg will not quit Democratic race despite Joe Biden surge

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:44 AM PST

Pete Buttigieg will not quit Democratic race despite Joe Biden surge* Moderate finishes distant fourth in South Carolina * Former VP is clear leader in moderate challenge to SandersPete Buttigieg will not drop out of the race to be the Democratic presidential nominee, despite finishing well behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in the South Carolina primary on Saturday."Every day we are in this campaign is a day that we have reached the conclusion that pushing forward is the best thing we can do for the country and for the party," he insisted on NBC's Meet the Press.The South Carolina result firmly established Biden as the frontrunner for the centrist wing of the Democratic party, which is attempting to fend off Vermont senator Sanders, a self-declared socialist, heading into the key Super Tuesday contests next week.The billionaire Tom Steyer, who had the third most support in South Carolina with 11%, dropped out on Saturday night. Buttigieg had an even worse performance, getting 8% of the vote to Biden's 48% and Sanders' 20%.Some observers and party figures have called for other moderates – including Minnesota Amy Klobuchar and the billionaire former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg – to get out of the race, in order to clear the field for Biden in an attempt to deny Sanders the nomination.But Buttigieg, who has pitched himself as the best moderate candidate, told NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday he would not quit."I think the most important thing right now is to look at what we can do to make sure that we put forward a campaign that is going to end the Trump presidency," Buttigieg said."Everywhere I go, Americans are focused on ensuring that we not only get better policies, that we turn the page on all of the things that this president is doing and has done to our country, to our democracy, but also that we turn the page on the tone in our politics and that we move on from this divisive and toxic season in American public life and that continues to be my focus, as it has every day since the campaign began."On Sunday Biden's campaign said the former vice-president had raised $5m in donations in the past 24 hours, a record for most online donations in one day for his campaign.He also picked up a string of endorsements, including from former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe and former Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.Speaking to CNN's State of the Union, Biden said he hadn't had any conversations with other candidates about the need for them to drop out and back him."I think it's going to be a decision for the rest of the field to make as they move forward," he said. "I think everyone knows it's going to be much more difficult to win back the Senate and keep control of the House if Bernie's at the top of the ticket. But that's a judgment for them to make and I think that will work itself out in the near term."

At least 3,200 Amazon delivery drivers will be laid off by the end of April as the company keeps cutting ties with contractors

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PST

At least 3,200 Amazon delivery drivers will be laid off by the end of April as the company keeps cutting ties with contractorsAmazon is cutting ties with some of its third-party delivery partners, resulting in thousands of layoffs in recent months.

Trump targeted Central American migrants. But now, violence and fear are driving more Mexicans to the US.

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

Trump targeted Central American migrants. But now, violence and fear are driving more Mexicans to the US.While the Trump administration has focused on curbing Central American migrants, more Mexicans than ever are trying to cross the US Southern border.

Ireland Was Neutral in World War II, so Why Did the Nazis Attack It?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:00 PM PST

Ireland Was Neutral in World War II, so Why Did the Nazis Attack It?An interesting story.

Serbia passes law in response to missing babies scandal

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST

Serbia passes law in response to missing babies scandalSerbian lawmakers on Saturday approved a long-awaited law that aims to shed light on the fate of hundreds of children whose parents fear might have been stolen from birth clinics throughout the Balkan country. Two lawmakers abstained. The high number of absent lawmakers was unrelated to the bill, but an ongoing boycott of parliament sessions by opposition parties and other reasons.

Man whose son was found encased in cement sentenced to 72 years in prison

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:01 PM PST

Man whose son was found encased in cement sentenced to 72 years in prisonA Colorado man whose seven-year-old son was repeatedly abused before being found encased in concrete in a Denver storage unit has been sentenced to 72 years in prison for the death.Leland Pankey received the sentence on Friday, with one count of child abuse landing him 48 years in prison and 24 years for tampering with the body.

Malaysia and India aim to repair soured ties that hit palm trade

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PST

Malaysia and India aim to repair soured ties that hit palm tradeMalaysia and India will work on improving ties that soured under former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and badly affected palm oil trade between the countries, officials from both nations said on Sunday. India is the world's biggest palm oil importer but its purchases from Malaysia, the second-biggest palm exporter behind Indonesia, dropped drastically in recent months after attacks on India's policies by Mahathir.

Stock markets are headed for a 40 percent plunge, says economist who predicted financial crisis

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

Stock markets are headed for a 40 percent plunge, says economist who predicted financial crisisThe end of a very rough week for U.S. markets brought a worrying prediction.While one expert warned fallout from the global coronavirus outbreak could be "worse than the financial crisis" of 2008, the economist who correctly predicted that very crisis is now saying the idea of a major global recession "doesn't sound too farfetched."Nouriel Roubini, a New York University business professor and market prognosticator who foretold the housing bubble burst, told Yahoo Finance on Friday to expect "severe" consequences as the coronavirus continues to rattle markets. How severe? He told Der Spiegel it could be worse than investors even believe at this point, predicting "global equities to tank by 30 to 40 percent this year."He said people "prefer to believe in miracles," (not necessarily referencing President Trump's prediction the coronavirus will "disappear ... like a miracle,") and don't realize the "simple math" tells us that realistically, a squeezed Chinese economy will mean downturns around the globe. "This crisis will spill over and result in a disaster," said Roubini.Roubini, who is often nicknamed Dr. Doom for his frequent pessimistic predictions, also saw doom and gloom for Trump's future as president as a result of any economic strife. Asked by Der Spiegel, Roubini said Trump would likely try to benefit politically from the outbreak, but "will lose the election, that's for sure." Pointing to past incumbent presidents getting ousted amid geopolitical tensions that damaged the economy, he said "The Democratic field is poor, but Trump is dead. Quote me on that!"Though the week just saw a 3,500-point drop for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Roubini warned: "It is far from being over." Read more at Der Spiegel.More stories from A coronavirus recession would likely end Trump's presidency If democratic socialism is so bad, why is Norway so great? SNL's Democratic presidential candidates take over Mike Pence's coronavirus press conference

South Carolina Win Gives Joe Biden a $hot in the Arm

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:09 PM PST

South Carolina Win Gives Joe Biden a $hot in the ArmCOLUMBIA, South Carolina — Joe Biden bet the balance of his five-decade political career on winning South Carolina — and hit the jackpot.After months of drooping poll numbers, tortured debate performances, and awkward exchanges on the stump, the state's voters came to his rescue in Saturday's Democratic primary in a big way, handing him a victory that creates some much-needed forward motion to the former frontrunner's 2020 chances — and sets up a showdown with the current frontrunner, Bernie Sanders.The former Vice President was expected to win South Carolina, but experts said he likely needed a convincing victory in the state he had staked his candidacy on following disappointing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire. His win was called as soon as polls closed at 7 p.m. on Saturday and as the night progressed it appeared that he was on track to win just shy of 50 percent of the vote in the state — nearly 30 points higher than Sanders. Biden, in a fit of optimism, even mused on primary eve about what a "significant" victory in the state could do for his campaign.There's an Unexpected Feeling at a Biden Rally: HopeHe was well on his way there when House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), an elder statesman whose endorsement of Biden carried tremendous weight in the state, at the Carolina Volleyball Center, brought a smiling Biden, his wife, Jill, and his daughter, Ashley, onto the stage. "Those of you who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign," Biden said. His campaign, of course, had experienced every one of those in recent weeks, all the while assuring supporters, donors, and reporters — basically anyone else who would listen — that South Carolina was their firewall. And it held. It held bigtime, not a joke. "This campaign is taking off," Biden said. "This is the moment to choose the path forward for our party. This is a moment and it's arrived. Maybe sooner than anyone guessed it would, but it's here. And the decisions Democrats make all across America next few days will determine what this party stands for, what we believe, and what will get done.""If Democrats nominate me, " he continued. "I believe we can beat Donald Trump."The celebratory mood may be short lived, however. Biden now must face Super Tuesday's gauntlet of Mike Bloomberg's hundreds of millions and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) movementum in the most important day of the Democratic primary so far.Sanders, who was blown out by 47 points here in the 2016 primary, was trounced again, trailing Biden by nearly  30 points with 86 percent of the vote reported. But, the Vermont Independent was undeterred and in a speech to supporters in Virginia Beach, he reminded them of their recent victories — and told them not to be discouraged by the defeat. "There are a lot of states [in] this country nobody wins them all," he said.  "I want to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory tonight. And now we're on to the Super Tuesday at Virginia." But shortly after acknowledging Biden's win,  he took a dig at his now-closest rival for the nomination. "In order to defeat Trump, we are going to need the largest voter turnout in the history of this country," he said. "And in my view, old fashion politics, the same old same old type of politics, that doesn't excite anybody that doesn't energize anybody not is not going to be the campaign that beats Trump." Sanders' supporters were less charitable. "I mean, yeah that sucks," Mathew Newbill, a young Sanders supporter from  Chesapeake, Virginia. "I really think Biden's a garbage candidate."But like Sanders, he was sure that his candidate would rebound.  "So, really all it can do is hurt Bernie a little bit," he said. "But it probably won't do much for Biden's campaign at all." In South Carolina, Voters Blame Media for Amplifying Biden's MisstepsBiden fended off a determined effort from billionaire Tom Steyer who came into South Carolina with little to show for the millions in advertising he'd poured into other early voting states. But Steyer's focus was clearly on South Carolina, where he hoped his support for reparations and approach to race issues would resonate more than in the overwhelmingly white states of Iowa and New Hampshire.It did not and Steyer, who spent upwards of  $13 million in the Palmetto State, according to, dropped out shortly after it became clear he would not make the 15 percent threshold needed to earn delegates. It wasn't lost on some in the crowd what they had done today, resurrecting a campaign that had bet its future on the state's diverse Democratic base. What happened in the other states didn't really matter to voters here said Clint Scoville, a Biden supporter in his 50's. Biden may not have had a whole lot of ads, he said, but people already felt comfortable with him. "I'm thinking if he probably had not won South Carolina I think that he wouldn't be able to get any financial support," Scoville said. "I think the financial support would have dried up on him."His campaign is already trying to build off Saturday's win  ahead of the Democratic delegate gold mine awaiting Tuesday. A source familiar with his high-dollar fundraising efforts said the reaction was "badass" on Saturday night, with new potential donors coming forward to offer help to the campaign. And before the results were announced, a Biden-supporting super PAC revealed that it was putting another $1.2 million in advertising in southern states, including North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama and Texas.Black Voters Speak, and Time's Up for the Moderate Democrats They RejectedOther efforts, aimed more at weakening Sanders than boosting any specific candidate, may also end up benefiting Biden. Big Tent Project, a dark money group  formed by moderate Democrats, plans to drop $4 million in digital ads in several Super Tuesday that, among other things, paint Sanders as a "socialist" who will ultimately lose to President Donald Trump. Biden himself campaigned in Raleigh, North Carolina at Saint Augustine University, an HBCU, before heading back for his party in Columbia Saturday night. As Biden sat on a stool on stage and waited to speak, a woman could be heard saying "we believe in you Joe!" "The full comeback starts in South Carolina and then goes here on Tuesday," Biden said. He later added: "I promise you this. If North Carolina stands with us on Tuesday, there will be no stopping us from there (to the nomination) and we will win the presidency." Sunday's schedule takes him to a church service in Selma, Alabama and then to Norfolk, Virginia for a rally alongside Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) who endorsed him Friday. A pair of events await in delegate rich Texas on Monday followed by Biden appearing in California on the biggest day of the election season yet. Saturday's victory also marks a historic night for Biden's long simmering presidential ambitions. Despite running for president three times, the Delaware Democrat had never stayed in the race long enough to win a presidential primary or caucus as a candidate.Biden had long claimed his support with black voters shows he is the most electable general election candidate. And though his overall electability argument still appears to have taken a hit from his lack of success in the first two voting states, South Carolina's more diverse Democratic electorate didn't flee his side even as his chances at becoming president appeared to be dwindling.Celebrity Endorsements 2020: All the A-Listers Backing Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg and MoreThe former Vice President's sometimes awkward style of campaigning, the type of style where he'd give wandering answers that went in often unpredictable directions, caused some voters to come away disappointed in states like Iowa and New Hampshire. Then came Saturday, and South Carolina.Anne Weaver, a 60-year-old Democratic voter, proudly pointed to her Obama/Biden pin as she left the Biden victory party, but was just as joyful about the Biden pin just above it. A night like this "was always going to happen here," she said, as she mused that Steyer and Bloomberg should drop out because "they're wasting their money." "It's going to be him and Sanders, obviously," she said. "Everyone else is just muddying the water." Elizabeth Adams, a 50-year-old Biden supporter stood lingering on the edge of the crowd, considering if the win tonight will give Biden the push he needs for Super Tuesday. "I'm hoping it will," Adams said. —with additional reporting from Sam Stein, Jackie Kucinich, Hanna Trudo Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Pope Francis cancels planned retreat due to 'cold'

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:58 AM PST

Pope Francis cancels planned retreat due to 'cold'Pope Francis said Sunday he would not be taking part in a planned six-day spiritual retreat south of Rome after coming down with a "cold". The 83-year-old pontiff suffered two coughing spells that forced him to turn away from the crowd and cover his mouth with his fist on a windy and cloudy day on Saint Peter's Square. The pope will be staying home while the rest of Italy battles Europe's worst outbreak of the novel coronavirus that has spread from China to every continent except for Antarctica.

'Do not travel': Americans urged to avoid Italy, South Korea amid coronavirus outbreak

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

'Do not travel': Americans urged to avoid Italy, South Korea amid coronavirus outbreakThe Trump administration is urging Americans to avoid travel to parts of Italy and South Korea amid growing concern about the spread of coronavirus.

After chemical attack and kidnapping, migrant mom tries again to enter U.S.

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

After chemical attack and kidnapping, migrant mom tries again to enter U.S."They're putting us at risk," the asylum-seeker said. "After all we've been through."

Billionaire Tom Steyer shakes up primary with slavery reparations plan

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

Billionaire Tom Steyer shakes up primary with slavery reparations planFor centuries, South Carolina's Charleston was the largest port of entry for the transatlantic slave trade. Now, billionaire presidential candidate Tom Steyer is shaking up the state's Democratic primary by advocating slavery reparations for African-Americans.

This Is How Russia Would Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:41 PM PST

This Is How Russia Would Survive a Nuclear ApocalypseWell, some in Moscow would at least survive.

As first U.S. patient dies, more coronavirus cases in Washington

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:55 AM PST

As first U.S. patient dies, more coronavirus cases in WashingtonHealth officials have confirmed that a man in Washington state has died of COVID-19, and that there are two other "presumptive positive" cases.

Trump calls coronavirus 'hysteria' the Democrats' 'new hoax'

Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:13 PM PST

Trump calls coronavirus 'hysteria' the Democrats' 'new hoax'President Trump said Friday that criticism from Democrats over his handling of the coronavirus epidemic sweeping the globe is "their new hoax."

Democrats Biden, Sanders brawl as U.S. Super Tuesday contests loom

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PST

Democrats Biden, Sanders brawl as U.S. Super Tuesday contests loomJoe Biden, fresh off his first victory in the 2020 Democratic U.S. presidential race, traded barbs with front-runner Bernie Sanders on Sunday before the Super Tuesday contests that could reshape the campaign to pick the party's challenger to Republican President Donald Trump. Strong support from African-American voters carried Biden to a resounding victory Saturday in South Carolina's nominating contest, leading the former vice president to assert himself as a viable moderate alternative to self-described democratic socialist Sanders, an independent U.S. senator from Vermont. Sanders' surging campaign and calls for a political revolution have rattled a Democratic Party establishment worried that he is too far to the left to beat Trump in the Nov. 3 U.S. election.

Bizarre Email Is Latest Clue in Saga of Doomsday Couple With Missing Kids

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PST

Bizarre Email Is Latest Clue in Saga of Doomsday Couple With Missing KidsThe latest clue in the investigation of doomsday couple Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell is a weird email sent in her previous husband's name shortly before he was shot dead.Investigators want to question Vallow and Daybell about the June 29 message as they try to put together pieces of a puzzle that includes two dead spouses, two missing children, and an obsession with the apocalypse and near-death experiences, KSL-TV reported.Vallow's 17-year-old, Tylee Ryan, and adopted 7-year-old, J.J., have been missing since September—and the search for them has also raised questions about the deaths of Vallow's ex, Charles Vallow, and Daybell's wife, Tammy.Doomsday Mom Told Her Husband's Kids Their Dad Was Dead Via Text MessageCharles Vallow, 62, was killed by his wife's brother, Alex Cox, during what was initially described as a domestic dispute on July 11 in Chandler, Arizona.Two weeks earlier, Charles wrote an email to another brother-in-law, Adam Cox, in which he claimed that Lori had created an email account in his name and used it invite Daybell, who lived in Idaho, to visit him in Arizona."I would gladly fly you down here early next week," the bogus invite read. "You could stay in our guest room like before. I hate to take you away from your family, but I would definitely make it worth your time."When Charles got wind of the email, he questioned Lori about it but got no answers."I'm not sure of the relationship with her and Chad Daybell but they are up to something… She will not explain it…" he wrote to Adam Cox, according to KSL."I am going to send it to Chad Daybell's wife. Her name is Tammy and I found her email address on their website too… I've got her cell number too."It's not clear if Charles ever contacted Tammy. And three months after he was killed, she was dead, too. Weeks later, Lori and Chad—who bonded in a doomsday prepper group—got married.Sgt. Jason McClimans of the Chandler, Arizona, Police Department called the email "suspicious.""It draws various questions that we would need to ask Lori and Tylee and possibly Chad to get to the bottom of it," he said.Crazy Custody Battle With Doomsday Mom's Niece Airs Claims of Cults, Child-Stealing, and Attempted MurderThere's no shortage of questions police want to ask Lori, 46, and Chad, 51, starting with the location of Tylee and J.J., the only other witnesses to Charles' death.Idaho police say Lori refused to cooperate with search for the children, lied about their whereabouts, and took off for Hawaii with Chad when they started investigating.A judge ordered her arrested for desertion and contempt, and she is being extradited from Hawaii to Idaho to face those charges. Her new husband has reportedly already returned to Idaho.Police have reopened the investigation into Tammy Daybell's Oct. 19 death and exhumed her body, and they are taking another look at Charles Vallow's killing and the unexplained December death of Alex Cox. They are also investigating an October incident in which someone driving Charles' car took a shot at Brandon Boudreaux, the estranged husband of Lori's niece.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Coronavirus: Mike Pence admits US could see more deaths, after Trump calls crisis a ‘hoax’

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PST

Coronavirus: Mike Pence admits US could see more deaths, after Trump calls crisis a 'hoax'Mike Pence has admitted that the United States could see more deaths from the coronavirus.Speaking on CNN's State of the Union the vice-president, who has been put in charge of administration efforts to protect Americans from the deadly virus, acknowledged there could be more "sad news", but insisted the risk to most people was still low.

Nuke the Nukes: The Air Force Wanted to Attack Russian Nuclear Bombers with Nuclear Weapons

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:22 AM PST

Nuke the Nukes: The Air Force Wanted to Attack Russian Nuclear Bombers with Nuclear WeaponsWhat could go wrong? Well, a lot.

Virus fears keep hundreds of cruise passengers at sea

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:21 PM PST

Virus fears keep hundreds of cruise passengers at seaOperators of a British cruise ship that was turned away from its destination due to fears of the new coronavirus said Saturday they have chartered planes to ferry passengers home — but don't yet have permission to dock anywhere. The Braemar, which had been scheduled to disembark its hundreds of passengers in the Dominican Republic on Friday, was still cruising through the Caribbean more than a day later, with no immediate word on where it might wind up. Olsen Cruise Lines issued statements insisting that nobody aboard had symptoms consistent with the COVID-19 illness.

'Not gone as smoothly as we would have liked': CDC fixes coronavirus testing kit glitch

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:38 AM PST

'Not gone as smoothly as we would have liked': CDC fixes coronavirus testing kit glitchA CDC addresses a glitch in coronavirus testing kits and will significantly expand testing as heath agencies prepare for more U.S. cases.

As riots engulf India's capital, two friends cross religious divide to document violence

Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:00 AM PST

As riots engulf India's capital, two friends cross religious divide to document violenceAt least 30 people were killed and more than 200 injured in sectarian riots engulfing the Indian capital.

Trump says U.S. considering restrictions at Mexican border over coronavirus

Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:24 AM PST

Trump says U.S. considering restrictions at Mexican border over coronavirusThe United States is considering shutting the country's southern border with Mexico to control the spread of the new coronavirus, President Donald Trump said on Saturday, as his administration announced new limits on travelers who have visited Iran and recommended against travel to hard-hit areas of Italy and South Korea. Mexico's government said on Friday it had detected three cases of coronavirus infection in three men who had all recently traveled to Italy, making the country the second in Latin America to register the fast-spreading flu-like illness.

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