Thursday, March 12, 2020

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

After his epic crash, Sanders has to decide whether to fight on

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:29 PM PDT

After his epic crash, Sanders has to decide whether to fight onSanders no longer has a viable path to the nomination. He has hinted that he may not battle Biden to the bitter end.

Cough? Fever? Coronavirus symptoms are not enough, Americans find, as strict rules limit who gets tested

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

Cough? Fever? Coronavirus symptoms are not enough, Americans find, as strict rules limit who gets testedMcNamara told Yahoo News he doesn't intend to keep pushing health officials to be tested for COVID-19.

National security adviser O'Brien blames China for coronavirus spread

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PDT

National security adviser O'Brien blames China for coronavirus spreadNational security adviser Robert O'Brien defended President Trump's response to the coronavirus and blamed the Chinese government for covering up the initial outbreak of an illness the World Health Organization declared Wednesday is now a pandemic.

Gunfire, burning vehicles in Mexican city; officials deny gang leader held

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:27 PM PDT

Gunfire, burning vehicles in Mexican city; officials deny gang leader heldGunmen blocked roads with burning vehicles and exchanged fire with security forces in a central Mexican city on Tuesday, while security officials denied that a wanted gang leader had been captured. The brazen skirmishes in the city of Celaya in Guanajuato state sparked rumors on social media that security forces had closed in on Jose "El Marro" Yepez, the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima criminal cartel, and possibly arrested him. The cartel is believed to be behind the massive theft of gasoline from illegal taps on pipelines belonging to national oil company Pemex, a criminal racket that had grown significantly in recent years.

Philippine leader takes 'precautionary' virus test

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:43 AM PDT

Philippine leader takes 'precautionary' virus testPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte was tested for the new coronavirus on Thursday, officials said, as key government buildings were being disinfected over an exposure scare. The Philippines has seen a jump this week in cases, including people who recently attended events with Senate lawmakers and government officials, potentially exposing them. In response, the Senate building and Philippine central bank were undergoing cleaning, and several officials announced they would isolate themselves as a precaution.

Putin Saw a World in Turmoil and Decided It Needs More Putin

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:21 AM PDT

Putin Saw a World in Turmoil and Decided It Needs More Putin(Bloomberg) -- Vladimir Putin changed his mind and backed a plan to allow him to run for two more presidential terms because of the current turbulent period in the world, his spokesman said, in the Kremlin's first public explanation of a move that would let him rule until 2036."The situation in the world has become less stable," spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call Thursday. He cited the coronavirus pandemic, the risks of "global recession," numerous "acute regional conflicts" and western sanctions as among the factors that led to Putin's decision."In these difficult years, the stability of the authorities, the firmness and consistency of government have huge significance," he told reporters. "In such hard years, some countries have taken decisions to allow the incumbent president to remain on his path into the future."Putin has had a hand in some of the latest turmoil, setting off a price war in the oil market by refusing last week to agree to deepen output cuts in a deal with other major producers and fueling a crisis earlier this year with Turkey over the civil war in Syria. Peskov didn't explain why the Russian leader felt the current instability will continue to be a factor requiring his continued rule four or more years from now.Putin had previously said he would respect term limits, meaning he would have had to step down in 2024, even as he left the door open to take another role to retain control. But Tuesday he reversed himself and backed a constitutional amendment that would exempt him from the restrictions. While Putin had been widely expected to find a way to extend his 20-year rule, he had previously suggested he would likely step down as president.'Our Advantage is Putin'Under the new plan, Putin, 67, would be allowed to run for up to two more terms, opening the way for him to remain president until 2036, when he would be 83. Peskov said Putin hasn't yet announced whether he will run again in 2024."I doubt these arguments will be seen as convincing," said Mikhail Vinogradov, a St. Peterburg political analyst. "Now it's coronavirus, but there was a time when the Icelandic volcano erupted and they suspended air service. These things happen but it's no reason to change the constitution."The amendments were approved by parliament this week and are expected to go to a national vote next month after Putin signs them and the Constitutional Court signs off. They would take effect immediately."Today, with the challenges and threats that are out there in the world, it's not oil and gas that are our advantages," Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin told members of the State Duma Thursday. "Our advantage is Putin and we should defend him."Despite the apparent alarm about coronavirus, Peskov said the Kremlin isn't currently considering changes to its plans for the constitutional vote next month or the May 9 festivities to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The government Wednesday recommended canceling public events because of the risk of spreading the virus."The Putin regime is a classic personalistic autocracy of the Latin American or Asian type, which always uses current circumstances to justify cracking down," said Andrei Kolesnikov, analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center. "They assume that an authoritarian system deals with crises more confidently."(Updates with parliament speaker quote in ninth paragraph)To contact the reporters on this story: Andrey Biryukov in Moscow at;Evgenia Pismennaya in Moscow at epismennaya@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Gregory L. White at, Tony HalpinFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

After rough night at the polls, Sanders presses on, but focuses on defeating Trump

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:00 AM PDT

After rough night at the polls, Sanders presses on, but focuses on defeating TrumpSpeaking Wednesday in his hometown of Burlington, Vt., one day after he suffered a series of losses in the Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders vowed to continue his campaign for now, but outlined his ultimate goal — ousting President Trump.

Seattle lab only uncovered extent of Washington coronavirus outbreak after breaking government rules

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PDT

Seattle lab only uncovered extent of Washington coronavirus outbreak after breaking government rulesWith the comparatively small number of coronavirus tests being conducted in the US hampering efforts to track the spread of the virus, The New York Times reports that "local officials across the country were left to work blindly as the crisis grew undetected and exponentially" — partially due to existing red tape and regulations.In Washington state, believed to be the location of the start of the US outbreak, the first patient identified had, predictably, visited Wuhan in China and then reported respiratory problems. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made an exception to its strict testing criteria to confirm the diagnosis.

Trump suspends travel from Europe for 30 days as coronavirus cases continue to grow

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:43 PM PDT

Trump suspends travel from Europe for 30 days as coronavirus cases continue to growPresident Trump announced Wednesday that he was set to suspend travel to the United States from Europe for a period of 30 days in an effort to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Democratic lawmakers call on Republicans to apologize for 'bigoted' coronavirus language

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

Democratic lawmakers call on Republicans to apologize for 'bigoted' coronavirus languageRep. Judy Chu said, "insisting on identifying the virus by region, as Leader McCarthy and Rep. Gosar have done, only creates fear and hostility."

Ilhan Omar announces new marriage, months after affair claim

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

Ilhan Omar announces new marriage, months after affair claimU.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has announced her remarriage, just four months after her marriage fell apart following an allegation she was having an affair with her political consultant. Omar posted the news of her new marriage Wednesday night on Instagram, with a photo that showed her and a bearded man smiling and displaying wedding rings. Omar's post didn't identify the man and a spokesman didn't immediately respond to messages.

U.S. probe into Mexican drug cartel yields 750 arrests

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:59 PM PDT

U.S. probe into Mexican drug cartel yields 750 arrestsAgents also seized more than 20 kilograms of drugs and $20 million in cash from the cartel, the Justice Department said.

House Speaker Pelosi to unveil coronavirus aid package for workers

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:18 PM PDT

House Speaker Pelosi to unveil coronavirus aid package for workersSpeaker Nancy Pelosi is moving swiftly toward House passage of a coronavirus aid package possibly this week as Congress rebuffs President Trump's proposed payroll tax break and focuses instead on sick pay and other resources to more immediately help workers hit by the crisis.

Some in Wuhan told to go back to work as new coronavirus cases subside in China

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:21 PM PDT

Some in Wuhan told to go back to work as new coronavirus cases subside in ChinaBEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Some vital industries in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic, were told they can resume work on Wednesday, a day after President Xi Jinping visited there for the first time since the outbreak began. The city of 11 million has been in lockdown since late January but Xi's visit signaled the tide was turning in the government's favor as it fights to contain a virus that as of Tuesday had infected 80,778 people in China and killed 3,158. The lifting of some restrictions in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in December, comes as the vast majority of new cases are now being reported outside China.

Cory Booker Could Have Been the Nominee

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:50 AM PDT

Cory Booker Could Have Been the NomineeWith decisive victories in Michigan and Missouri on Tuesday, Joe Biden widened his lead over Bernie Sanders in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. With looming primary contests in Biden-friendly, delegate-rich Florida, Ohio, and Illinois, Sanders could be forced to concede sooner than he'd like.A number of factors have aided Biden's ascent. The dearth of debates before the Super Tuesday primaries helped to shield him from voters. Moderate Democrats and the party establishment coalesced around him after South Carolina, fearful of losing the House with a Sanders-led ticket. And as the race narrowed, Sanders struggled to win votes outside his base of young progressive supporters.One move that almost certainly had no bearing on Biden's step to the cusp of the nomination Tuesday? New Jersey senator Cory Booker's endorsement, which he offered Monday over Twitter.In one sense, the contrast between Booker and Biden could not be clearer. Booker, for all of his insipid theatrics as a senator — from the "I am Spartacus" gambit to the "tears of rage" performance — is a young, capable politician in control of his faculties. He is also a black man in a party eager to project diversity. Biden, by contrast, is an old white man who can hardly finish a paragraph without slurring his speech or succumbing to some cringe-inducing gaffe that betrays his cognitive decline.In another sense, though, both Booker and Biden are ostensible "moderates" at a moment in which — if recent electoral results are to be believed — a significant faction of Democratic voters are hankering for a centrist figurehead.Why did Booker fail where Biden succeeded? The Occam's-razor explanation is probably the right one: Biden was Barack Obama's vice president, while Booker has been an unremarkable senator with few legislative achievements.But even with his inherent advantages, the former vice president's vulnerabilities would be insurmountable in a normal primary cycle. His mental lapses — mistakenly declaring his candidacy for the Senate, calling the most popular rifle in America the "AR-14," failing to remember the preamble to the Declaration of Independence — are less anomalous mistakes than a window into a receding mind, one that is poorly equipped to lead the free world, the current president's relative fitness (or lack thereof) notwithstanding.If Biden was eminently beatable, could Booker have beaten him? On paper, the New Jersey senator figured to be well primed to challenge Biden for the "moderate" vote. His heterodox views on school choice and relatively pro-business Senate record could have enamored him to centrist Democrats, who were resigned to a choice between an enfeebled septuagenarian, a small-time mayor, and a lamp-throwing senator with narrow appeal. But Booker, no doubt wary of being attacked as a moderate, Wall Street–friendly candidate in a field whose progressive wing included class warriors such as Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, chose to tack left, taking positions that made him appear unelectable to lunch-bucket Democrats more interested in lowering health-care costs than in upending the patriarchy.Last year Booker wrote "An Open Letter to Men on Abortion" for GQ, exhorting men "to acknowledge that they benefit from abortion rights and reproductive health care" and waxing poetic about his efforts "to be the best ally and partner I can be" in the fight for legal abortion. Normal people — whose votes Booker, even in a Democratic primary, would presumably need — do not use the word "ally" that way. They almost certainly never make consecutive use of the words "reproductive health care" in casual conversation. That language appeals to Wesleyan professors and wine-track moms in the suburbs, sure. But Elizabeth Warren already had a stranglehold on such voters, who in any event, are not the ones fueling Biden's rise. Meanwhile, the voters who did eventually flock to Biden were likely also put off by Booker's proposal to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings into the United States, an idea that polls terribly across almost every demographic in America, including self-described moderate Democrats.In short, Booker ran as a progressive and willingly forfeited the moderate voters he needed to win the nomination. The shame for Democrats it that unlike Biden, he is lucid and presentable. Had he focused his campaign on winning over Biden voters — "O'Biden-Bama" Democrats, as the former vice president has called them — he could well have been standing in the position of the doddering old warhorse he just endorsed.

Guyana election: Top court orders partial recount of votes

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PDT

Guyana election: Top court orders partial recount of votesThe ruling is a victory for the opposition which accuses the government of fraud in last week's vote.

Saudi Arabia's crown prince responds to coronavirus by getting rid of enemies

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:32 AM PDT

Saudi Arabia's crown prince responds to coronavirus by getting rid of enemiesWhat has allowed the prince such a free hand? Certainly he has benefited from the unalloyed support of his father, but he also has innumerable enablers.

Italy to close all stores except for grocery stores, pharmacies, and those selling 'essentials' in a bid to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

Italy to close all stores except for grocery stores, pharmacies, and those selling 'essentials' in a bid to prevent the spread of the coronavirusItaly has been the hardest-hit country outside China, with nearly 12,500 cases of COVID-19 and more than 800 deaths.

House votes to tighten oversight of federal surveillance

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:19 PM PDT

House votes to tighten oversight of federal surveillanceCongress has taken a first step toward addressing errors made by the FBI during its investigation of the Trump campaign and Russia, with the House passing legislation Wednesday that would impose new restrictions on the federal government's surveillance tools. The legislation is a compromise that reflects angst in both parties about the way the surveillance powers have been used, but also a reluctance to strip those powers from the government's arsenal. The bipartisan bill, negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, would renew several provisions the FBI sees as vital to fighting terrorism even as it aims to ensure stricter oversight of how the bureau conducts surveillance.

Body found is missing toddler Evelyn Boswell, Tennessee authorities confirm

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

Body found is missing toddler Evelyn Boswell, Tennessee authorities confirmEvelyn's body, dressed in the "exact clothing" she was described as wearing when reported missing, was discovered on the Boswell family's property.

Princess Cruises suspends voyages for 60 days over coronavirus

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:03 AM PDT

Princess Cruises suspends voyages for 60 days over coronavirusUS cruise line Princess Cruises announced on Thursday it was suspending voyages worldwide for 60 days in response to the coronavirus pandemic. "In proactive response to the unpredictable circumstances evolving from the global spread of COVID-19 and in an abundance of caution, Princess Cruises announced that it will voluntarily pause global operations of its 18 cruise ships for two months," the company said in a statement. Princess, owned by travel colossus Carnival Corporation, has seen two of its vessels hit by the virus and quarantined: the Diamond Princess, which docked in Japan, and the Grand Princess, which docked in California.

Philippines' Duterte announces 'lockdown' of Manila to fight coronavirus

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:29 AM PDT

Philippines' Duterte announces 'lockdown' of Manila to fight coronavirusPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday announced a halt on domestic land, sea and air travel to and from Manila, as well as community quarantine measures, in what he called a "lockdown" of the capital to arrest the spread of coronavirus. Duterte approved a resolution to allow a raft of containment measures including bans on mass gatherings, a month of school closures and quarantining in communities where cases are detected, as well as stopping domestic travel in and out of Manila.

MSNBC Contributor Dr. Jason Johnson Out at The Root After Misogynistic Anti-Bernie Screed

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

MSNBC Contributor Dr. Jason Johnson Out at The Root After Misogynistic Anti-Bernie ScreedWeeks after being benched by MSNBC after making misogynistic comments about Bernie Sanders supporters, Dr. Jason Johnson is out at digital outlet The Root, The Daily Beast has confirmed.The political commentator appears to have removed the affiliation from his Twitter bio, and his contact information no longer appears on The Root's authors page. Sources at The Root confirmed that he is no longer employed by the site.Johnson, who served as politics editor of the influential African-American-focused news and culture website owned by G/O Media, drew widespread outrage last month after claiming "racist white liberals" support Sanders, who has done "nothing for intersectionality." "I don't care how many people from the island of misfit black girls you throw out there to defend you," he added in the Feb. 21 appearance on SiriusXM's The Karen Hunter Show.His comments, particularly those about black women who support Sanders, resulted in calls for his firing as a paid contributor for MSNBC, where he had become a fixture of Democratic primary analysis. "I hope we can have political disputes without engaging in open racism and sexism," Sanders' national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray tweeted about Johnson. "This misogynoir is disappointing, but not surprising from [him]."In a statement on Twitter, the political commentator apologized, saying his comments were "harmful and unnecessary."Several days later, The Daily Beast reported that MSNBC had quietly benched Johnson. After making nearly 40 on-air appearances in the first two months of 2020, including post-game coverage of the several Democratic primary debates and votes, the Morgan State University professor was nowhere to be found during MSNBC's coverage of the Nevada caucuses. He has yet to return to MSNBC's air.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Dem Senator Calls for Probe into Agencies’ Cooperation with GOP Hunter Biden Requests, Suggests Political Bias

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:51 AM PDT

Dem Senator Calls for Probe into Agencies' Cooperation with GOP Hunter Biden Requests, Suggests Political BiasSenator Chris Murphy is seeking an investigation into several federal agencies over concerns they acted with political bias in acquiescing to Republican requests involving Hunter Biden and Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where he was a board member.Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, voiced concerns that the agencies are cooperating with GOP investigations into Democratic 2020 presidential front runner Joe Biden's son and Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings in a letter to be sent Wednesday to inspectors general for the State Department, Treasury Department, Department of Homeland Security and the National Archives. He has asked for a response by March 23."These agencies said 'no' to every document request related to the investigation of President Trump, but they may be willing to cough up anything that Senate Republicans are asking them to produce on the Biden family," Murphy told Politico, adding that it appears to be a "really concerning double standard.""Our responsibility is to make sure that the official letters of the government aren't used to destroy people's political opponents — that seems to be a theme in this administration," Murphy continued. "I expect Democrats are going to have to spend time explaining why it's illegitimate for Senate Republicans to use their position to try to destroy the Bidens."Earlier this month, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson the Republican chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee announced plans to issue the first subpoena related to the committee's probe of Hunter Biden and his position on the board of Burisma, which paid him up to $50,000 a month. The younger Biden obtained the lucrative position in 2014 while his father was vice president and in charge of tackling Ukrainian corruption and left the board in April of last year.The committee is scheduled to vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena former Ukrainian embassy official Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a consultant for the Washington-based Blue Star Strategies, a firm Burisma hired to combat accusations of corruption within the energy company.Internal State Department email exchanges reported last year showed that Blue Star leveraged the Biden name to secure a meeting between the gas company and State Department officials and then brought his name up again during that meeting. The meetings were part of a longstanding campaign to rehabilitate Burisma's reputation in Washington following a corruption probe.Along with Republican Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Johnson have also asked the State Department to release any records on Hunter Biden, and the Secret Service has already turned over travel documents from Biden's time as vice president. The chairmen have also asked the National Archives and Records Administration for records related to probing Ukraine's involvement in the 2016 election.

A 7-Eleven owner has been charged after selling bootleg hand sanitizer that chemically burned at least 4 children, police say

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:20 PM PDT

A 7-Eleven owner has been charged after selling bootleg hand sanitizer that chemically burned at least 4 children, police sayThe 7-Eleven owner created the bootleg sanitizer by mixing commercial sanitizer with water. It burned four children.

The US's top infectious-diseases expert said 'it would be nice' if Trump hadn't scrapped the NSC's global-health unit

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:00 PM PDT

The US's top infectious-diseases expert said 'it would be nice' if Trump hadn't scrapped the NSC's global-health unitDr. Anthony Fauci said that the bottom line for the coronavirus outbreak in the US is that "it's going to get worse."

Senator says Trump administration mulling use of oil reserve to help crude producers

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PDT

Senator says Trump administration mulling use of oil reserve to help crude producersSen. John Thune said on Wednesday he believes the Trump administration is evaluating use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and other measures, to help oil producers deal with the plunge in crude prices due to the coronavirus and a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Weinstein’s 23-Year Sentence Signals Shift in #MeToo Justice

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT

Weinstein's 23-Year Sentence Signals Shift in #MeToo Justice(Bloomberg) -- Harvey Weinstein's 23-year prison sentence was met with gasps in a New York courtroom Wednesday morning.Now, as Weinstein plans his appeal and Los Angeles County begins extradition proceedings for its own prosecution, lawyers and victims' advocates say the harsh punishment signals an important shift in the legal landscape for sexual assault cases.For the MeToo movement, Weinstein's conviction last month for forcing oral sex on a young production assistant in 2006 and raping an aspiring actress in 2013 was already a vindication, after decades in which the powerful producer's attacks were an open secret in Hollywood. That and the tough sentence mean there's hope that jurors will listen to women, even when their allegations are old, and that judges will send a stern message when juries find the witnesses credible."The work of the last two years has shifted our culture," said Fatima Goss Graves, chief executive officer of the National Women's Law Center. "This sentence is an indication that the usual ways of doing business and the usual ways of treating survivors can change."Goss Graves said the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund saw an uptick in interest following last month's verdict, a testament to its weight."People were watching this not just because they cared about the silence breakers," she said, referring to Weinstein's accusers, "but because they wondered what would it mean for them."Some hope the impact of the verdict and sentence will trickle down to other sexual assault cases, but are cautious. Weinstein's case got attention for the defendant's fame and the volume of allegations against him -- and for something else."These beautiful, high-profile women were probably the only ones with enough credibility and social power to get this going," said Louise Fitzgerald, who specializes in the psychological effects of sexual harassment. "Will a waitress who's a single mom get the same attention? Will a Hispanic farm worker raped by her supervisor have the same credibility?"Fitzgerald, a professor emeritus of gender studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, also warned that the outcome of the Weinstein trial won't solve an entrenched problem."I think it will always be difficult for rape victims to come forward," she said. "But I do think this signals that justice is possible and will encourage them to do so."Read More: Weinstein Plans His Appeal as Verdict Opens Door to Women"It's a lot of time," said Frank Perrone, a former prosecutor in New York City's Queens district attorney's office. "It's a death sentence for Harvey Weinstein."That's what Weinstein's lawyers told New York State Supreme Court Justice James Burke in asking for five years, given a client who is 67 and in poor health. (Weinstein complained of chest pains after the sentencing and was sent to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, where he had a heart blockage cleared last week.) They noted that he was cleared of the more serious of two rape charges as well as two counts of predatory sexual assault."Mr. Weinstein really never had a fair shake from day one, and I'm not here to say that he's a victim, and I'm not here to say poor Harvey," Donna Rotunno, his lead lawyer, said. "What I am here to say is that we were looking for fairness and we didn't get it."Perrone said any surprise should be over the verdict rather than the sentence."This was going to be a very difficult case for jurors to decide," he said. That was especially so "on these charges, where there was substantial evidence presented that in some instances there were relationships" that continued between Weinstein and his victims.But "it seems like they really did take a look at the individual charge, at the evidence that was presented," Perrone said of the seven men and five women on the jury.Read More: Weinstein Jury Stuck on Gravest Charge, Told to Keep TryingLisa Linsky, the former chief of the Westchester County district attorney's Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Bureau, said the sentence shows that a judge will take into account the stories of other women who come forward to report abuse, and lets the powerful know they can be held accountable."This should give other crime victims the courage to report their offenders," she said.After the sentencing Wednesday, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. left court with the six accusers from the trial and actor Rosie Perez, who testified to back up Annabella Sciorra. They were greeted with cheers and applause from supporters as they walked past a throng of photographers and camera operators.The women's testimony "took down a predator and put him behind bars, and gave hope to survivors of sexual violence all across the world," Vance told a group of reporters.As for the Los Angeles case, Perrone said he thinks Weinstein will go to trial and won't take a plea deal, because it could undermine his effort to avoid prison. If he struck a deal with the L.A. prosecutors and then managed to get his New York conviction overturned, Perrone said, "he may have just agreed to spend two or three years in California" -- behind bars.The case is People v. Weinstein, 450293/2018, New York State Supreme Court (Manhattan).Read MoreWeinstein Stuns Courtroom With Bizarre Rant Before SentenceProducer's Life in Prison Is Hospital Jails and TV FightsWeinstein Is Convicted of Rape in Case That Sparked MeTooFrom Cannes to Con: A Harsh New Life Behind BarsThree Accusers Could Send Producer to Jail for Life'Trial of the Century' Gets Its Own Podcast(Updates with Rotunno quote)\--With assistance from Bob Van Voris and Olivia Raimonde.To contact the reporters on this story: Rebecca Greenfield in New York at;Chris Dolmetsch in Federal Court in Manhattan at;Patricia Hurtado in Federal Court in Manhattan at pathurtado@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: David Glovin at, Peter Jeffrey, Joe SchneiderFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

Wisconsin voter purge case appealed to state Supreme Court

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

India cancels almost all visas, closes Myanmar border, as regional coronavirus cases rise

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:34 AM PDT

India cancels almost all visas, closes Myanmar border, as regional coronavirus cases riseIndia said on Wednesday it will suspend the vast majority of visas to the country in a wide-reaching attempt to prevent the spread of coronavirus, as cases across the region continued to rise. The virus has hit Europe and the United States far harder than China's most immediate neighbors in South Asia, where no one has yet died. "All existing visas, except diplomatic, official, U.N./international organizations, employment, project visas, stand suspended till 15th April 2020," India's Health Ministry said in a statement.

Bernie Sanders supporter ‘put in headlock’ after confronting MSNBC anchor over coverage

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:51 AM PDT

Bernie Sanders supporter 'put in headlock' after confronting MSNBC anchor over coverageA podcaster and radio host who supports Bernie Sanders says he intends to press charges after a filmed confrontation with an MSNBC anchor, during which he claims he was put in a headlock.Jack Allison, who co-hosts morning show JackAM and pop culture podcast Struggle Session, approached journalist Chris Jansing on 10 March while filming on his phone, asking her: "Why did your network not find it newsworthy to report on an anti-semitic attack at the Jewish candidate's rally on Friday?"

Pro-gun worker who Biden said was 'full of ****' speaks out on Fox News

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:28 PM PDT

Pro-gun worker who Biden said was 'full of ****' speaks out on Fox News"I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful. I didn't try to raise any feathers. And he kind of just went off the deep end," Wayne said.

A family in Italy says it was trapped at home with the body of a coronavirus victim more than 36 hours

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:15 AM PDT

A family in Italy says it was trapped at home with the body of a coronavirus victim more than 36 hoursA woman died at home on Saturday in Naples, Italy, from the coronavirus. A local funeral home refused to take the body.

Global stocks plunge after Trump announces coronavirus response package

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:09 PM PDT

Global stocks plunge after Trump announces coronavirus response packageGlobal stocks and US stock market futures dropped late Wednesday with futures for the three major US indexes falling by more than 4.5%.

George Pell: Court reserves ruling in cardinal's sexual abuse case

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:49 PM PDT

George Pell: Court reserves ruling in cardinal's sexual abuse caseCardinal George Pell is seeking to quash his convictions for sexually abusing two boys in Australia.

Suit filed over Sandy Hook-inspired law limiting gun rounds

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:42 AM PDT

Suit filed over Sandy Hook-inspired law limiting gun roundsGun rights supporters are suing Connecticut officials over part of a 2013 state gun control law passed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, saying it unconstitutionally bans people from loading more than 10 rounds of ammunition into their firearms. The lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court cites the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the ability of people to better defend themselves with more bullets in their guns. "Law abiding gun owners in Connecticut are left more susceptible to harm or death by being limited in their means of self-defense," Holly Sullivan, president of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, said in a written statement.

Supreme Court allows Trump to return immigrants to Mexico while they await asylum

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

Supreme Court allows Trump to return immigrants to Mexico while they await asylumIn a brief, unsigned order, the court said enforcement can go on while the justices decide whether to hear an appeal of lower court rulings that declared the program illegal.

Philippine capital on lockdown to contain coronavirus

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PDT

Philippine capital on lockdown to contain coronavirusPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday announced strict immigration curbs and a halt on domestic land, sea and air travel to and from Manila, in what he called a "lockdown" of the capital to arrest the spread of coronavirus. Duterte approved a resolution allowing a raft of measures including bans on mass gatherings, a month of school closures and community quarantining, and threatened to jail local officials who defied government orders. The firebrand leader, who underwent a test himself on Thursday due to possible exposure, said the measures would include banning foreigners traveling from countries with domestic transmissions from entering the Philippines.

US bill forcing women to see baby on ultrasound before having abortion passes – despite walkout protest by female senators

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:43 PM PDT

US bill forcing women to see baby on ultrasound before having abortion passes – despite walkout protest by female senatorsThe entire female body of the Utah Senate staged a walkout in protest of an abortion bill mandating women to be shown the foetus on an ultrasound before being allowed to have the procedure.All six female members of the Senate refused to vote on the bill and left the room, leaving only male peers to vote on Wednesday.

Fox News Host: 2 People Died in Florida From Coronavirus, but They Were Old So No Biggie

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:28 PM PDT

Fox News Host: 2 People Died in Florida From Coronavirus, but They Were Old So No BiggieFox News anchor Ed Henry appeared a bit cavalier when discussing recent deaths from the novel coronavirus on Tuesday, highlighting how two people who died in Florida were both elderly and had recently traveled abroad so, in the end, it's nothing "scary" for viewers at home.Speaking with Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) on America's Newsroom, Henry noted at the outset that Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis had recently declared a state of emergency to deal with the viral outbreak.Pointing out that Scott himself is a former governor, Henry said that people may tend to "have fear" when they hear the term "state of emergency" but it is sometimes just about a governor "asserting power so they can respond quickly."Henry, meanwhile, said he needed to add some "important context" having Scott discuss the emergency action in Florida."There have been 18 cases of COVID-19, two people, sadly, have died, but both of those residents were elderly and had traveled internationally," the anchor declared. "So when you hear the context, it's not quite as scary."White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Promises 'Healthy' Trump Will Be 'Just Fine'The notion of a Fox News host shrugging off deaths of coronavirus victims because of their age wasn't lost on critics of the network who have observed that many Fox personalities have downplayed the growing crisis or blamed it on Democrats playing politics. Henry's dismissiveness also rings as tone-deaf considering the Fox audience's median age is 65—part of an age group that is at the highest risk of complications from the virus."Dear old folks watching this show, (which is essentially everyone watching this show) don't worry, the coronavirus is only coming for you," Media Matters reporter Lis Power, who first spotted the moment, mocked in response on Twitter. "Sincerely, Ed."But it isn't just liberal detractors who have taken issue with the way President Donald Trump and Fox News have soft-pedaled the virus outbreak. During his Monday night monologue, Fox News host Tucker Carlson took aim at those who have been "minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem."Stephen Colbert Unloads on Trump Over Coronavirus: 'You're a Monster'Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Why Did the USS Thresher Sink? Finally, the Navy Is Being Forced to Tell Us

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

Why Did the USS Thresher Sink? Finally, the Navy Is Being Forced to Tell UsThe submarine mysteriously went down in 1963, killing everyone on board. Thanks to a lawsuit, we're about to learn why.

Fauci says the worst of the coronavirus is yet to come

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

 Fauci says the worst of the coronavirus is yet to comeDr. Anthony Fauci addressed members of Congress about the coronavirus on Wednesday and said that the worst of the coronavirus impact is yet to come.

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