Saturday, March 28, 2020

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New Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: 59 percent of Americans say Trump's Easter timeline is 'too soon' to restart economy

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PDT

New Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: 59 percent of Americans say Trump's Easter timeline is 'too soon' to restart economyA large majority of Americans disagree with President Trump that the nation's battle against the coronavirus is winding down and that normal economic activity should resume sooner rather than later, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

In shadow of coronavirus, Congress contemplates 'one of the biggest rule changes in the last century'

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:43 PM PDT

In shadow of coronavirus, Congress contemplates 'one of the biggest rule changes in the last century'The pandemic has left multiple members of Congress in quarantine and led to restrictions on movement that could prevent the House from voting.

A Wuhan seafood vendor believed to be one of the first coronavirus patients says 'a lot fewer people would have died' if the Chinese government acted sooner

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:45 AM PDT

A Wuhan seafood vendor believed to be one of the first coronavirus patients says 'a lot fewer people would have died' if the Chinese government acted soonerWei Guixian, a 57-year-old seafood vendor in Wuhan, China, was among the first 27 people to be diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Coronavirus response coordinator questions report that had predicted 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. from the pandemic

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:21 PM PDT

Coronavirus response coordinator questions report that had predicted 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. from the pandemicAt a press briefing, Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, questioned a report that had predicted 2.2 million people in the United States would die due to the coronavirus.

Alabama girl, 4, missing for nearly two days, found safe

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:43 PM PDT

Alabama girl, 4, missing for nearly two days, found safeEvelyn Vadie Sides and her dog have been reunited with worried loved ones.

South Korea virus test-kit makers approved to export to US

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:07 AM PDT

South Korea virus test-kit makers approved to export to USThe companies won pre-approval under emergency use authorisation from the US Food and Drug Administration that allows for the products to be sold in America, South Korea's foreign ministry said, without naming the firms. The US has more confirmed cases of the coronavirus than anywhere else in the world. South Korean President Moon Jae-in said earlier this week that his US counterpart Donald Trump had asked for test kits, although the White House has not confirmed the request.

Responding to coronavirus crisis, India slashes rates

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:13 PM PDT

Responding to coronavirus crisis, India slashes ratesThe Reserve Bank of India slashed interest rates on Friday, following other central banks that have taken emergency measures to counter the economic fallout from the fast-spreading coronavirus pandemic. The six-member monetary policy committee (MPC) met earlier in the week to arrive at the decision. "The MPC noted that macroeconomic risks both on the demand and supply side brought on by the pandemic could be severe," Governor Shaktikanta Das said via video conference.

Coronavirus: India defiant as millions struggle under lockdown

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PDT

Coronavirus: India defiant as millions struggle under lockdownThe government defends strict lockdown measures that have left millions stranded and without food.

Trump demands appreciation from governors for coronavirus response

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

Trump demands appreciation from governors for coronavirus responsePresident Trump used his daily coronavirus to attack Democratic governors who in his estimation had shown insufficient gratitude for his administration's response to the pandemic.

Tycoons Putin Tapped for Russia Virus Aid Won’t Feel Much Pain

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:59 AM PDT

Half the residents who tested positive for the coronavirus in a Washington nursing home did not yet have symptoms, but they were highly contagious

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PDT

Half the residents who tested positive for the coronavirus in a Washington nursing home did not yet have symptoms, but they were highly contagiousHalf of COVID-19 cases at a care home were asymptotic. That may mean up to half of contagious patients may not be caught, per a new CDC report.

Syria, UAE leaders discuss coronavirus, a thaw in relations

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PDT

Stay In the Lines With These Neat Science Coloring Pages

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Africa lockdowns begin as coronavirus cases rise above 1,000

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:08 AM PDT

Africa lockdowns begin as coronavirus cases rise above 1,000Uganda, Eritrea and Angola announced their first cases, meaning 42 of Africa's 54 countries are now affected.

273 Americans stuck in Central America flown back to U.S. on ICE deportation flights

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:47 PM PDT

273 Americans stuck in Central America flown back to U.S. on ICE deportation flightsAmericans were brought back on the return legs of three ICE removal flights to Central America, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.

China's Wuhan, where the coronavirus emerged, begins to lift its lockdown

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:25 AM PDT

China's Wuhan, where the coronavirus emerged, begins to lift its lockdownThe Chinese city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus outbreak first emerged, began lifting a two-month lockdown on Saturday by restarting some metro services and reopening borders, allowing some semblance of normality to return and families to reunite. After being cut-off from the rest of the country for two months, the reopening of Wuhan, where the epidemic first erupted in late December, marks a turning point in China's fight against the virus, though the contagion has since spread to over 200 countries. Among those on the first high-speed trains allowed into the city on Saturday morning was Guo Liangkai, a 19-year-old student whose one-month work stint in Shanghai stretched to three months due to the clamp down on movement.

Coalition Out of Crisis: Why Gantz Threw in with Netanyahu

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:28 PM PDT

Coalition Out of Crisis: Why Gantz Threw in with NetanyahuAfter more than a year of bitter political dispute and maneuvering, Israel is about to have a coalition government. It took three elections and an unprecedented public-health crisis to get the country to this point.Benny Gantz, a former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces and the leader of the opposition Blue and White Party, was faced with a choice this week. He could join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or he could stick to the commitment he'd made to his supporters to bring Bibi down. As the country dealt with the coronavirus pandemic, Gantz's continued refusal to join a coalition would likely have plunged it into the agony of a fourth election in less than two years. He chose to throw in with Netanyahu.The price of that decision, which Gantz described as a patriotic duty at a time of national distress, was the destruction of the Blue and White. The year-old political alliance had presented the most potent challenge to Netanyahu's grip on power in more than a decade, propelling Gantz to the brink of becoming his successor.In the new coalition, Gantz will reportedly serve as foreign minister, with Netanyahu continuing as prime minister. The agreement calls for him to switch places with Netanyahu after 18 months, ending the latter's run as the country's longest-serving prime minister. But this will not be a broad unity coalition with Netanyahu's Likud and its right-wing and religious-party allies; rather, Gantz will take only part of his faction into the new government.Gantz took his decision in the midst of a tense and complicated squabble. The Knesset that was elected earlier this month struggled to organize itself in the absence of a governing majority for either Netanyahu or Gantz. Netanyahu and his bloc had 58 seats in the 120-seat parliament, leaving him three short of the votes he needed to continue in power. Gantz had the endorsement of 61 members, but that included the 15 seats held by the Arab Joint List, an alliance of four parties comprising Islamists, Palestinian nationalists, and Communists. A number of Knesset members from the Blue and White refused to serve in a government that depended on the votes of an alliance with the declared intent of ending Israel's status as a Jewish state. Thus Gantz, too, lacked the votes to create a government.A similar impasse after the two previous elections, held in April and September 2019, had led to the March 2 general election. On both sides of the political divide, there were some who were prepared to take their chances a fourth time in order to get a decisive result. But fate in the form of the coronavirus pandemic intervened.Netanyahu, as the head of a caretaker government, embraced the crisis as only an experienced policymaker and wartime leader could. Some of his leftist critics decried the emergency measures he ordered to contain the coronavirus contagion, charging him with exploiting the crisis to bolster his political standing and to distract the country from the fact that he is still facing trial on three corruption charges. Indeed, some regarded his decision to close the courts, one result of which was to postpone the start of his trial, as an assault on democracy. But polls show that most Israelis believe he is once again demonstrating his competence in dealing with an emergency.The incumbent prime minister knew that, though his opponent couldn't form a government, Gantz did have the votes to effectively prevent Netanyahu from remaining in power. The critical factor was the position of Speaker of the Knesset, which has been held by a Netanyahu loyalist. A coalition of the Blue and White, smaller leftist parties, and the Joint List could have elected a new Speaker, and the Knesset could then have passed a law banning anyone under indictment from serving as prime minister. To members of the opposition, this was Gantz's golden opportunity to take Netanyahu down. Indeed, the Blue and White — a diverse alliance including former members of the once-dominant Labor Party, a right-wing faction led by former general and Likud defense minister Moshe Ya'alon, the left-leaning Yesh Atid Party, and Gantz's own centrist faction — was united by only one common purpose: pushing Netanyahu out the door.Though Gantz entered politics as a much-needed fresh face a year ago, after three bruising election campaigns he is now widely seen as lacking the energy and political skills that Netanyahu possesses. Moreover, Gantz had campaigned on a promise not to form a government that would be dependent on the anti-Zionists of the Joint List, and his flirtation with that alliance in the weeks since the last election had soured voters on the Blue and White. Going to a fourth election was therefore a big risk for the party, with polls suggesting not a big or even a narrow win but in fact a decisive defeat. The electorate leans right to begin with, on top of which it was most likely to want a familiar steady hand to lead the country through the pandemic crisis. Thus Gantz came to the conclusion that joining the prime minister was the only reasonable choice.But if he thought he could bring all of his party with him into Netanyahu's cabinet, he was dead wrong. Leaders of the factions within the opposition regarded Gantz's decision as a betrayal, not only of them personally but of the million Israelis who voted for them. Much of Israel's left-leaning mainstream media, especially columnists in Haaretz, the newspaper that dubs itself Israel's version of the New York Times, echoed this sentiment, lambasting Gantz for his cowardice and for just being too exhausted to carry on the fight.So what becomes of the Blue and White? Some factions will stay in the opposition, and since they will have more Knesset seats than Gantz's own faction, they will likely retain the Blue and White label. But in effect, this split spells the end of the party that had presented the most formidable challenge that Netanyahu has faced since 2009. Moreover, given that the factions disagree on most policy questions, the ability of the party, or what's left of it, to serve as an effective opposition is questionable.The exact terms of Gantz's deal with Netanyahu have yet to be formalized. Gantz signaled his deal with the prime minister by having himself elected Speaker of the Knesset with Likud support — presumably only until the final bargain is sealed. In doing so, he prevented the Blue and White from wielding any remaining leverage to block the coalition. The arrangement hinges on a rotation of the office of prime minister after 18 months and on allowing Gantz's allies to lead the ministries of defense and justice. Having one of Gantz's allies in the latter post will ensure that, once the national coronavirus lockdown has been lifted and the courts reopened, Netanyahu's trial will go forward.As things stand, it appears that Netanyahu's rule will end either with a conviction or with the prime minister's scheduled handing over of the office to Gantz — whichever comes first. Still, many in the Likud as well as Blue and White believe that if Netanyahu is acquitted, he will find a way to renege on his deal with Gantz. Indeed, it may be that Gantz suspects the same thing.Gantz has gone from the savior of Israel's left-wing opposition to its bête noire. But he understood that the political stalemate could not go on: It was preventing the country from passing a budget that was needed, most urgently, to provide relief to citizens in the face of the pandemic and to shore up the economy. Dragging out the stalemate was neither rational policy nor good politics. Deciding to end it may have cost Gantz a political future, since it's unlikely he will be able to reassemble another formidable coalition. Whether or not he really does become prime minister in September 2021, Gantz decided that destroying his party was not too high a price to pay for saving his country from further chaos in the midst of a pandemic.

Trump tweets blame in all directions over ventilators for coronavirus, except at himself

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:37 AM PDT

Trump tweets blame in all directions over ventilators for coronavirus, except at himselfHours after a Fox News interview in which he downplayed a national shortage of hospital ventilators to treat patients infected with the coronavirus, President Trump fired off a number of tweets Friday blaming General Motors and its CEO, Mary Barra, for not manufacturing more of them.

A Connecticut doctor has been charged after authorities said he deliberately coughed on his coworkers

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:02 PM PDT

A Connecticut doctor has been charged after authorities said he deliberately coughed on his coworkersPeople across the United States have been arrested and charged in recent days after allegedly violating social distancing measures.

In Iran, false belief a poison fights virus kills hundreds

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:04 PM PDT

In Iran, false belief a poison fights virus kills hundredsStanding over the still body of an intubated 5-year-old boy wearing nothing but a plastic diaper, an Iranian health care worker in a hazmat suit and mask begged the public for just one thing: Stop drinking industrial alcohol over fears about the new coronavirus. The boy, now blind after his parents gave him toxic methanol in the mistaken belief it protects against the virus, is just one of hundreds of victims of an epidemic inside the pandemic now gripping Iran. Iranian media report nearly 300 people have been killed and more than 1,000 sickened so far by ingesting methanol across the Islamic Republic, where drinking alcohol is banned and where those who do rely on bootleggers.

Venezuela’s Dollar Lifeline at Risk From Anti-Virus Lockdown

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PDT

Venezuela's Dollar Lifeline at Risk From Anti-Virus Lockdown(Bloomberg) -- Business closures and lockdowns in the U.S., Europe and Latin America are putting at risk billions of dollars in remittances on which Venezuela's economy depends.Venezuelan families get nearly $4 billion per year from relatives abroad, but that figure is projected to slump as migrants lose their jobs amid the coronavirus pandemic. That would bring additional misery to a country that has also been hit by a crash in crude prices as well as its own outbreak of the virus.Mariang Stefanie Escala, 29, earned 34,000 pesos ($8) a day as a waitress in a Bogota restaurant until March 19, when the managers told her they were closing due to a lockdown announced by the mayor's office.Escala sent 300,000 pesos per month to her family in the Venezuelan city of Puerto la Cruz, but now doesn't even have enough to pay her own rent or electricity bill."There are a lot of Venezuelans in the same situation," she said, in a phone interview.Venezuela is undergoing the deepest depression in the history of the Americas, made even worse by U.S. sanctions. The inflow of dollars from the 5 million Venezuelans who left the country in recent years is a lifeline for about a third of the households left behind.Now Venezuelan migrants in countries such as Colombia, Peru and Spain risk being thrown out of work amid the global downturn."The economies of the countries where Venezuelans are living and sending remittances from are losing dynamism and, adding the exceptional situation of the coronavirus, impediments to sending money build up," said Francisco Rodriguez, a Venezuelan economist who teaches at Tulane University.Rodriguez estimates remittances will drop 60% this year. Other economists, such Ecoanalitica director Asdrubal Oliveros, estimate a less dramatic drop of 30%, depending on how severely the global crisis affects employment.A quarter of Venezuelans -- about 7 million -- face regular food shortages, according to the United Nations Food Program.President Nicolas Maduro ordered a nationwide lockdown on March 17 to curb the spread of the virus, which has so far infected at least 106 people in Venezuela and more than 490,000 worldwide.(Updates with latest numbers of infected people in the 11th paragraph.)For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

S.African police fire rubber bullets at shoppers during lockdown

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:02 AM PDT

S.African police fire rubber bullets at shoppers during lockdownSouth African police enforcing a coronavirus lockdown on Saturday fired rubber bullets towards hundreds of shoppers queueing outside a supermarket in Johannesburg, an AFP photographer said. Police arrived in 10 patrol vehicles and started firing rubber bullets towards the shoppers.

Neanderthals didn't just hunt mammoths. They actually knew how to fish, researchers discover.

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PDT

Neanderthals didn't just hunt mammoths. They actually knew how to fish, researchers discover.A new study suggests that Neanderthals were skilled fishermen and that seafood was a key ingredient in their diets.

Turkey replaces transport minister: Official Gazette

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

Turkey replaces transport minister: Official GazetteTurkish Transport Minister Mehmet Cahit Turhan has been removed from his post by President Tayyip Erdogan, according to a decree published on the Official Gazette early on Saturday. Adil Karaismailoglu has been appointed as the new minister, the decree said. Turhan, a former head of Turkey's Railroads Directorate and chief adviser to the president, was appointed minister by Erdogan on in July 2018.

Coronavirus highlights a US presidential succession problem, and it's not Pelosi at 80

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT

Coronavirus highlights a US presidential succession problem, and it's not Pelosi at 80The longest serving senator is right after House speaker in the line of White House succession, and hasn't always been up to the job. We need a fix.

The mistakes that turned New York into an epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:00 AM PDT

The mistakes that turned New York into an epicenter of the coronavirus epidemicCaught between a mayor's indecision and a president's inattention, the nation's largest city was left dangerously exposed to the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus lockdown in India: ‘Beaten and abused for doing my job’

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

Coronavirus lockdown in India: 'Beaten and abused for doing my job'India's last-mile delivery executives are struggling to function as the country goes in lockdown.

Without any interventions like social distancing, one model predicts the coronavirus could have killed 40 million people this year

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:05 PM PDT

Without any interventions like social distancing, one model predicts the coronavirus could have killed 40 million people this yearThe researchers warned that governments and individuals must take immediate steps like lockdowns and staying home to stem the impacts of the pandemic.

China sends medical aid to Pakistan to combat virus outbreak

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:51 AM PDT

China sends medical aid to Pakistan to combat virus outbreakChina sent a plane loaded with medical personnel and supplies Saturday to help Pakistan fight the spread of the coronavirus in one of the world's most populous nations. Iran is battling the worst outbreak in the region and state TV said Saturday another 139 people had died from the virus. China has sought to portray itself as a global leader in the fight against the outbreak, which began a few months ago in its Wuhan province.

Europe Reaches Libya Breakthrough With Naval Mission Deal

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PDT

Severe weather to slam U.S. midsection, tornadoes possible

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:51 AM PDT

Severe weather to slam U.S. midsection, tornadoes possibleThere will be two rounds of severe weather. The second, later Saturday, will be the most significant.

Gazprom: 20 workers isolated at gas field for Nord Stream over coronavirus

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:35 AM PDT

Gazprom: 20 workers isolated at gas field for Nord Stream over coronavirusRussian gas giant Gazprom said on Thursday 20 workers have been quarantined at Bovanenkovo gas field, which feeds the Nord Stream pipeline, after contact with a person who has coronavirus, while shifts were suspended and local airport shut. Gas production at the field, also a key source of wider Russian gas supplies to Europe, has been unaffected, Gazprom said. The outbreak of the coronavirus has forced many Russian commodity-producing companies to put in place measures, including longer shifts, at far-flung mines.

Mexican governor prompts outrage with claim poor are immune to coronavirus

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PDT

Mexican governor prompts outrage with claim poor are immune to coronavirusMiguel Barbosa's comments reflect almost conspiratorial response of many Mexican politicians to pandemic * Coronavirus – latest updates * See all our coronavirus coverageA Mexican state governor has prompted incredulity and outrage by claiming that poor people are immune to Covid-19, as the government attempts to promote physical distancing and cancels non-essential services.Miguel Barbosa, the governor of Puebla, was apparently commenting on reports that a significant proportion of Mexico's coronavirus cases is made up of wealthy people who had travelled abroad.Officials say three-quarters of Mexico's 475 confirmed cases are related to international travel, including several people who reportedly caught the virus on skiing trips to Italy or the US."Most of them are wealthy people," Barbosa said. "If you are rich you are at risk. If you are poor you are not. The poor, we're immune."default His comments set off a firestorm in a country, where nearly half of the population are poor and the majority work in the informal economy.They also reflected the almost conspiratorial response of many Mexican politicians toward Covid-19, which threatens to wreck the government's agenda of mega-projects and expanding social programmes.The country's president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whose administration has promised to "put the poor first", has responded with breezy optimism to the crisis. He told reporters on Tuesday that Mexico would be past the "worst of it" within a month.López Obrador has resisted stiffer measures such as quarantine and border closures, on the grounds that poor Mexicans are unable to afford not to work."The economy is in a nosedive and his base, the poor, is getting the short end of the stick," said Esteban Illades, the editor of Nexos magazine, of the president's motives. "A weak economy means his legacy is compromised."Mexico has entered phase II of the coronavirus pandemic, meaning community spreading has started. There have been six deaths in the country so far.Covid-19 has struck at a tough time for Mexico. The economy slumped in 2019 and forecasts for 2020 suggested continued stagnation even before the pandemic.López Obrador swept to power with an overwhelming majority in 2019, but recent polls suggest his support is slipping. One survey showed his approval rating below 50% for the first time.The president's supporters have rallied around him and tried to downplay the dangers of the coronavirus.Analysts say the pandemic is the most recent in a string of crises, including outbreaks of drug violence and growing fury over gender-based violence, which López Obrador and his supporters see as personal attacks rather than issues requiring urgent attention and resources."They're looking at how coronavirus will affect their so-called 'fourth transformation", as the president refers to his administration, "and how their dreams of transforming the country are now on the backburner," Illades said. "It happens every presidential term. Reality always gets in the way of dreams."

Cuomo Says Ventilator Needs Not Based on ‘Feelings’ After Trump Attack

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PDT

Cuomo Says Ventilator Needs Not Based on 'Feelings' After Trump AttackNew York Gov. Andrew Cuomo hit back at Donald Trump on Friday after the president said he "felt" that New York, the struggling epicenter of the coronavirus, did not need the 30,000 ventilators officials have demanded.With 519 deaths and 44,635 confirmed cases, of which 6,481 require hospitalization, the coronavirus pandemic has put New York's medical facilities on the brink. Cuomo has been practically begging for ventilators for days, slamming the federal government for initially sending 400 from the national stockpile when the state needed 30,000. The Trump administration later sent 4,000 more.In an interview on Fox News on Thursday night, Trump said he doubted that states, including New York, actually needed the amount of equipment they were asking for."I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they're going to be. I don't believe that you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," he said.Then, on Friday, he wrote a series of frenzied tweets, saying General Motors, which reportedly had a plan to make ventilators that was rejected by the federal government, must immediately open a plant for production. "START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!!" he tweeted. (Despite his tweets, Trump had still not implemented the Defense Production Act, which forces companies to manufacture supplies, White House officials told The Daily Beast.)In a Friday briefing at the Javits Center, which is being converted into a massive emergency hospital, Cuomo did not name-check Trump but said equipment needs were not based on "feelings.""Look I don't have a crystal ball, everybody is entitled to their own opinion but I don't operate here on opinion," he said. "I operate on facts and on data and on numbers and on projections."He said experts' projections for New York predict that the state will hit its apex for hospitalization rates in 21 days. The state is building a stockpile of resources for when that apex hits and the entire system is stressed, Cuomo said. That includes 3,000 ventilators that would be distributed to hospitals as needs arise—a fraction of the total 30,000 needed across the state."Those are numbers, not 'I feel, I think, I believe, I want to believe.' Make the decisions based on the data and the science," he said. "I hope we don't need 30,000 ventilators, I hope some natural weather change happens overnight and kills the virus globally. That's what I hope. But that's my hope, that's my emotion, that's my thought. The numbers say you may need 30,000."Health-care workers say ICU and emergency rooms in New York are "under siege" and running desperately low on personal protective gear and medical equipment, including ventilators."We have never seen anything like this, and we are so unprepared for the need that seems to grow daily," an NYU Langone doctor told The Daily Beast on Thursday. "Honestly, I'm terrified."The U.S. now has more coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world, with 86,012 positive diagnoses, according to Johns Hopkins University's tracker.Cuomo announced on Friday that the state was building another four emergency hospitals in convention centers, university stadiums, and shipping terminals, on top of four makeshift facilities already being built, to meet the 140,000 beds needed."We are doing things that have never been done before," he said.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

American Airlines flight attendant dies of coronavirus, elevating fears in the industry

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

American Airlines flight attendant dies of coronavirus, elevating fears in the industryPaul Frishkorn, a Philadelphia-based flight attendant, has died from coronavirus, fueling fears in a profession on the front lines of the pandemic.

Indian authorities send buses to take unemployed to villages

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PDT

Indian authorities send buses to take unemployed to villagesAuthorities sent a fleet of buses to the outskirts of India's capital on Saturday to meet an exodus of migrant workers desperately trying to reach their home villages during the world's largest coronavirus lockdown. Thousands of people, mostly young male day laborers but also families, fled their New Delhi homes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day lockdown that began on Wednesday and effectively put millions of Indians who live off daily earnings out of work. Modi said the extreme measure was needed to halt the spread of the coronavirus in India, which has confirmed 775 cases and 19 deaths, and where millions live in cramped conditions without regular access to clean water.

California Gov. Newsom commutes sentences for 21, including killers

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:21 PM PDT

California Gov. Newsom commutes sentences for 21, including killersFourteen of the commuted cases involved murder or related charges.

Dozens Clash on Hubei Border After China Lifts Virus Quarantine

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:36 AM PDT

Hedge funds are pouncing on companies infected by coronavirus

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:30 PM PDT

Hedge funds are pouncing on companies infected by coronavirusHedge funds have lost billions of dollars as coronavirus has stalled the economy and sent Wall Street into a tailspin. US-based hedge funds are aiming to persuade clients that the current economic crisis and the uncertainties in fact present a unique investment opportunity, according to letters sent to clients viewed by AFP. In their discussions with current investors and potential new clients, some of these funds are emphasizing that stocks, corporate bonds and commodities have not been as cheap since the 2008 global financial crisis, according to sources close to the institutions.

U.S. coronavirus cases surge past 100,000 as doctors protest over medical shortages

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PDT

U.S. coronavirus cases surge past 100,000 as doctors protest over medical shortagesThe sum of known coronavirus U.S. cases soared well past 100,000, with more than 1,600 dead, as weary doctors and nurses protested at shortages of scarce medical supplies that some have to keep under lock and key or even buy on the black market. American healthcare workers in the trenches of the pandemic appealed on Friday for more protective gear and equipment to treat a surge in patients that is already pushing hospitals to their limits in virus hot spots such as New York City, New Orleans and Detroit. Nurses at Jacobi Medical Center in New York's borough of the Bronx protested outside the hospital on Saturday, saying supervisors asked them to reuse personal protective equipment, including masks.

‘It's a steep road ahead’: Sanders admits it's going to be tough to beat Biden but he won't stop trying

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PDT

'It's a steep road ahead': Sanders admits it's going to be tough to beat Biden but he won't stop tryingBernie Sanders is continuing to assess the future of his presidential campaign as he lags behind Joe Biden in delegate count and has to face up to the challenge of running for office during the coronavirus pandemic.Speaking to NPR's Noel King on Morning Edition, Senator Sanders acknowledged that the path ahead would be challenging: "it's going to be a very steep road."

America isn't reopening by Easter. But how long should the coronavirus shutdown optimally last?

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:44 AM PDT

America isn't reopening by Easter. But how long should the coronavirus shutdown optimally last?There will be a real human cost if the U.S. tries to return to normalcy too soon after this period of coronavirus paralysis -- increased deaths, lots more physical pain and suffering, collapsing medical systems. But there are also very steep social and economic costs to locking down much of the country, and those will mount the longer the shutdowns continue.President Trump -- also fretting over the personal political price of the tanking economy, as CBS News reports below -- is pushing for the country to start jumping from isolation to work by Easter, April 12. On Thursday, he proposed reopening in phases.Trump can't compel states and cities to reopen before they are ready. But governors and mayors will have to make cost-benefit decisions about when to start lifting restrictions. Nicholas Kristof and Stuart Thompson at The New York Times worked with epidemiologists to create an interactive model demonstrating "why quickly returning to normal could be a historic mistake that would lead to an explosion of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths."With the 14 day shutdown Trump is promoting, the model predicts 126.5 million Americans infected with the coronavirus by late October and 1.3 million deaths; after 56 days, 19.1 million Americans would contract the virus and 115,700 would die. You can fiddle with the length and severity of social distancing, plus other factors.> Trump wants everyone mingling by Easter. So @NickKristof and I worked with two epidemiologists and two mathematicians to model what could happen. > > New here:> > -- Stuart A. Thompson (@stuartathompson) March 25, 2020The epidemiologists Kristof and Thompson spoke with suggested scenarios in which certain parts of the U.S. opened first or regions shifted between hospital-saving periods of extreme social distancing and virus-feeding normalcy "breaks." Microsoft founder Bill Gates dismissed an incremental, middle-ground approach on CNN Thursday night. "The sooner we take this medicine, which is tough medicine, the sooner we'll be out of it and not have to go back into it again," he told Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. And with cases still rising across the U.S., "the light is not at the end of the tunnel in terms of a mid-April reopening.""By summer, I think the rich countries that have been competently led on this will not have to go back into shutdown," Gates said. "And from the disease point of view, they'll avoid very large numbers of deaths." It's not clear he included the U.S. in that category. More stories from Why Minnesota's coronavirus response is different Trump has never been worse — but his approval is surging. Why? Elton John to host 'Living Room Concert for America' with stars performing from home

Coronavirus cases continue to climb in military as all sailors on USS Theodore Roosevelt to be tested

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

Coronavirus cases continue to climb in military as all sailors on USS Theodore Roosevelt to be testedCoronavirus has infected 23 sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, prompting the Navy to test all 5,000 aboard the aircraft carrier for exposure.

'Each day we get news of another brother or sister who has fallen': United Auto Workers announce death of fourth Fiat Chrysler employee due to the coronavirus

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT

'Each day we get news of another brother or sister who has fallen': United Auto Workers announce death of fourth Fiat Chrysler employee due to the coronavirusThe fourth FCA death comes as some plants among the Detroit Big Three, whose workers are unionized with the UAW, prepare to come back online.

What's essential? In France: pastry, wine. In US: golf, guns

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PDT

What's essential? In France: pastry, wine. In US: golf, gunsThe coronavirus pandemic is defining for the globe what's "essential" and what things we really can't do without, even though we might not need them for survival. Whether it is in Asia, Europe, Africa or the United States, there's general agreement: Health care workers, law enforcement, utility workers, food production and communications are generally exempt from lockdowns. In some U.S. states, golf, guns and ganja have been ruled essential, raising eyebrows and — in the case of guns — a good deal of ire.

AOC believes illegal immigrants deserve coronavirus relief bill money

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:07 PM PDT

AOC believes illegal immigrants deserve coronavirus relief bill money	Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez denounces the massive coronavirus economic stimulus bill, because it leaves out illegal immigrants.

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