Friday, March 27, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Florida man whose 'game changer' coronavirus treatment was touted by Trump is a believer, but warns: Don't try this at home

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:44 AM PDT

Florida man whose 'game changer' coronavirus treatment was touted by Trump is a believer, but warns: Don't try this at homeDespite warnings from experts that existing evidence of hydroxychloroquine's effect on coronavirus symptoms is limited and largely anecdotal, President Trump's promotion of the prospective treatment has prompted stockpiling and fatally misinformed attempts to self-medicate. 

U.S. files drug trafficking charges against Venezuelan president

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT

U.S. files drug trafficking charges against Venezuelan presidentThe U.S. and President Nicolás Maduro have long been at odds over the country's extensive corruption.

Turkey could impose stay-at-home order if coronavirus outbreak worsens

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:13 AM PDT

Turkey could impose stay-at-home order if coronavirus outbreak worsensTurkey could order the public to stay at home if coronavirus infections continue to spread, the government said on Thursday as it clamped down further on medical equipment leaving the country. The government announced such a measure for people older than 65 over the weekend, but not for the general public as some other countries have done. Istanbul's mayor urged national authorities to do so on Thursday, saying nearly a million people were still using public transport in the country's largest city.

South Africa begins 'unprecedented' military-patrolled lockdown

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:41 PM PDT

South Africa begins 'unprecedented' military-patrolled lockdownSouth Africa came under a nationwide military-patrolled lockdown on Friday, joining other African countries imposing strict curfews and shutdowns in an attempt to halt the spread of the coronavirus across the continent. Some 57 million people are to be restricted to their homes during South Africa's three-week total lockdown which began at midnight. Kenya, Rwanda and Mali are some of the African countries that have imposed restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus, which has been confirmed to have infected 3,203 people and killed 87.

Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PDT

Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the borderWearing face masks, protesters blocked the US southern border, telling Americans to 'stay home'

US couple, adopted daughter, caught in India virus lockdown

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PDT

US couple, adopted daughter, caught in India virus lockdownA Georgia couple who traveled to India to adopt a child have had to delay bringing their new daughter back to the United States after Indian authorities locked down the country because of the coronavirus. India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on Tuesday announced a three-week lockdown in the country of 1.3 billion people, meaning that citizens and visitors alike may only leave their homes or hotels for food, medicine or other essential needs. The order is meant to keep the virus from surging and overwhelming an already strained health care system, but it has also left Mike and Whitney Saville of Auburn, Georgia, with little hope of getting back home with their daughter Grace anytime soon.

Fox News Doc: NYC Is ‘Second Wuhan,’ Shut It Down and ‘Loosen Things Up Elsewhere’

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

Fox News Doc: NYC Is 'Second Wuhan,' Shut It Down and 'Loosen Things Up Elsewhere'With President Donald Trump looking to restart the American economy by Easter, despite the coronavirus pandemic continuing to spread across the nation, Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel suggested on Wednesday that the president could re-open the rest of the country while locking down New York City, which he called the "second Wuhan."On Fox's early afternoon talk show Outnumbered, co-host Melissa Francis claimed that Trump's suggestion that his administration may soon end social-distancing guidelines amid the crisis was simply the president "trying to put out aspirational ideas that maybe we can get to."She went on to surmise that the president likely wasn't talking about a "total reopening" because places like New York have been hit particularly hard. However, she said, Trump setting Easter as a "beacon of hope" is "meaningful" for religious people such as herself."What are your thoughts on maybe getting everyone's hopes up?" Francis asked Siegel. "Or is this a good idea?"Siegel, a member of Fox News' "Medical A-Team," said the president "has an idea that might be useful here," adding that the focus should largely be on New York City while lessening restrictions in other parts of the country."Let's find out everybody in New York who actually has this," he said. "Let's focus on New York. Maybe, with the weather warming up, we can loosen things in areas like Montana or North Dakota where people are living far apart to begin with.""Maybe reinvigorating business would be the right thing to do," Siegel continued. "With this being such an epicenter here, I think we have to look at it like—and please excuse this—the second Wuhan. New York is the second Wuhan."Pointing out that Wuhan—the Chinese city where the virus reportedly originated—ended up being quarantined and locked down while the rest of China "went about its business," the physician said he would "like to see that here.""I want us to focus on New York and loosen things up elsewhere," said Siegel, who recently said the "worst-case scenario" for coronavirus was "it could be the flu."Anchor Harris Faulkner, meanwhile, provided Siegel with a chance to amend his remarks. Considering that other parts of the country have now experienced spikes in confirmed cases, Faulkner asked if "there was a chance" that people have fanned out from New York and that "we'll see other hot spots" as the virus moves across the country. "Yeah, I think that's a really fair point," he replied. "It's sounding like L.A. may become another hot spot. I'm glad you gave me a chance to restate that.""It's hot spots I want focused on, more than just New York," Siegel concluded. "New York, L.A., Seattle, San Francisco. But maybe not Billings, Montana. We should look at each case differently and that will help our economy."As of publication, per the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, there have been 55,000+ confirmed cases of coronavirus nationwide resulting in over 800 deaths. Governors and mayors across the country have instituted shelter-in-place orders in an effort to stem the spread of the virus and "flatten the curve."The Fox News doc endorsing Trump's possible plan to reopen the economy comes on the heels of several other Fox personalities pushing the president to quickly bring to an end social-distancing restrictions.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Catholics allowed to eat meat on Lenten Fridays

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:18 AM PDT

Catholics allowed to eat meat on Lenten FridaysSome bishops this year are telling parishioners that they've sacrificed enough as the coronavirus pandemic denies people of gatherings, outside entertainment and everyday conveniences.

Tehran says missing former U.S. agent left Iran years ago

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:54 AM PDT

Tehran says missing former U.S. agent left Iran years agoTehran said on Thursday that a former FBI agent who disappeared in Iran 13 years ago had left the country a long time ago, despite his family saying a day earlier that he had died in Iranian custody. Robert Levinson went missing on Iran's Kish Island in the Gulf in March 2007. The case is another irritant in the already hostile relationship between Washington and Tehran.

China threatens to strike back after Taiwan deal

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

China threatens to strike back after Taiwan dealChina has denounced a U.S. act that increases American support for Taiwan internationally.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos says he spoke directly to WHO and hinted Amazon might deliver COVID-19 test kits globally

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:32 AM PDT

Billionaire Jeff Bezos says he spoke directly to WHO and hinted Amazon might deliver COVID-19 test kits globallyJeff Bezos suggested Amazon will start delivering COVID-19 testing kits, something it has already promised to do in the UK.

China Supplied Faulty Coronavirus Test Kits to Spain, Czech Republic

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PDT

China Supplied Faulty Coronavirus Test Kits to Spain, Czech RepublicThe majority of rapid test coronavirus test kits supplied by China to Spain and the Czech Republic are faulty, local news outlets reported.Up to 80 percent of the 150,000 portable, quick coronavirus test kits China delivered to the Czech Republic earlier this month were faulty, according to local Czech news site The tests can produce a result in 10 or 15 minutes but are usually less accurate than other tests. Because of the high error rate, the country will continue to rely on conventional laboratory tests, of which they perform about 900 a day.The country's Health Ministry paid $546,000 for 100,000 of the test kits, while the Interior Ministry paid for the other 50,000.Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Jan Hamacek downplayed the discovery that many of the tests were faulty, blaming it on a possible wrong methodology and saying the kits can still be used "when the disease has been around for some time," or when "someone returns after quarantine after fourteen days.""In my opinion, this is not about some scandalous revelation that it is not working," Hamacek said.Meanwhile, Spain, which has more than 56,000 infected people and more than 4,000 coronavirus deaths, the second-highest number of fatalities in the world after Italy, found that the rapid coronavirus test kits it purchased from Chinese company Bioeasy only correctly identified 30 percent of virus cases, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais.The director Spain's Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simón, said Spain tested 9,000 of the test kits and will return them based on their high error rate.Studies performed on the tests which discovered the high error rate caused the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology to recommend officially that the tests not be used.The Chinese embassy in Spain claimed the Bioeasy products are not included in the products China has been supplying to countries where the virus has broken out.

Coronavirus: Man planning to bomb Missouri hospital killed, FBI says

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:43 AM PDT

Coronavirus: Man planning to bomb Missouri hospital killed, FBI saysThe suspect wanted to bomb a facility treating coronavirus cases to cause severe harm, the FBI says.

'Go home!' South Africa has 1st deaths as lockdown begins

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:13 AM PDT

'Go home!' South Africa has 1st deaths as lockdown beginsSouth Africa announced its first deaths from the coronavirus Friday as the country's cases rose well above 1,000 and a three-week lockdown began, with military patrolling and police screaming at the homeless on quiet streets. "People are just doing as they please," Soweto resident Mothibedi Mohoje said. South Africa's 1,170 cases are the most in Africa, with the total across the continent now above 3,500.

Trump and Kushner can still benefit from the $2.2. trillion coronavirus bill, despite Democratic safeguards

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:57 AM PDT

Trump and Kushner can still benefit from the $2.2. trillion coronavirus bill, despite Democratic safeguardsDemocrats insisted on, and Republicans agreed to, language in a $2.2 trillion coronavirus financial rescue package that bars participation in a $500 billion loan program by any company controlled by the president, top White House officials, members of Congress, or their spouses, children, or children-in-law. But "even the fine print in a near-final 880-page version of the bill has fine print," The New York Times reports, and that provision, meant to block President Trump from profiting off the massive bill, is no exception."It turns out that the provision might not preclude funds from going to companies owned by the family of Mr. Trump's son-in-law and White House adviser, Jared Kushner, while Mr. Trump's companies would not be barred from benefiting from other elements of the bill intended to help broad swaths of American business," the Times reports. Trump hotels, for example, will be eligible for the $350 billion in small-business loans or grants, thanks to lobbying by the hotel industry, and "the Trump Organization could also benefit from the $15 billion change to the tax code won by restaurants and retailers."As for Kushner, the Times explains:> While the provision expressly bars such funds from going to companies controlled by "the spouse, child, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law" of the president and other officials, in order for the prohibition to kick in, the person in question would have to "directly or indirectly" own or control 20 percent or more of a company. Mr. Kushner rarely owns that much in his family firm's various real estate projects, according to a person familiar with the family's business arrangements. The ownership is usually divided between Mr. Kushner, his three siblings, his two parents and various outside investors. [The New York Times]The various members of the Trump and Kushner families are presumably too wealthy to qualify for the $1,200 direct payments in the legislation, at least. Read more about the fine print at The New York Times.More stories from Trump has never been worse — but his approval is surging. Why? 5 cartoons about Dr. Fauci's impossible task Coronavirus stimulus might be delayed another day after 1 congressman threatens to disrupt unanimous vote

Immigration chief on thin ice for adopting Obama’s stance during crisis

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:40 AM PDT

Handful of GOP senators threaten to delay Senate coronavirus bill over unemployment payments

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:38 PM PDT

Handful of GOP senators threaten to delay Senate coronavirus bill over unemployment payments"Republicans right now are holding up COVID relief package because the unemployment insurance is TOO GENEROUS," Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, tweeted.

New Zealand falls silent on day one of coronavirus lockdown

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PDT

Two Grand Princess cruise passengers with coronavirus die; 103 have tested positive for COVID-19

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:03 PM PDT

Two Grand Princess cruise passengers with coronavirus die; 103 have tested positive for COVID-19Two passengers who had been on Princess Cruises' Grand Princess, which docked in California, have died due to complications from the coronavirus.

U.S. warship passes through the sensitive Taiwan Strait amid heightened tensions

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:44 AM PDT

U.S. warship passes through the sensitive Taiwan Strait amid heightened tensionsA U.S. warship passed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, the U.S. and Taiwan militaries said, following heightened tensions between China and Taiwan that have seen Taiwanese air force jets scramble to intercept Chinese fighters.

A massive stockpile of 39 million N95 masks is being sold to American hospitals and local governments — about 27 million more than the US emergency stockpile

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:14 AM PDT

A massive stockpile of 39 million N95 masks is being sold to American hospitals and local governments — about 27 million more than the US emergency stockpileThe Service Employees International Union said in a statement Thursday, circulating on Twitter, that it had found 39 million masks for hospitals.

China cuts international flights, bars foreign residents

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:06 PM PDT

China cuts international flights, bars foreign residentsChina will drastically cut its international flight routes and bar entry to returning foreigners based in the country to stem the spread of the coronavirus, authorities said Thursday. Foreigners living in China with valid visas and resident permits will be blocked from returning to the country after midnight Saturday, the foreign ministry said in a statement. "The suspension is a temporary measure that China is compelled to take in light of the outbreak situation," it added.

Iran's army sets up hospital in capital as virus toll climbs

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:29 AM PDT

Iran's army sets up hospital in capital as virus toll climbsIran announced another 144 deaths from the coronavirus on Friday and said thousands more were in critical condition as the military completed work on a 2,000-bed field hospital in an exhibition center in the capital. Iran has reported nearly 2,400 deaths among more than 32,000 cases. In Yemen, meanwhile, the U.S. Agency for International Development began scaling back aid efforts in areas controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels over their resistance to allowing measures that ensure aid goes to those who most need it.

Trump Promises GOP Convention Will Be Held This August

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:35 PM PDT

Trump Promises GOP Convention Will Be Held This August(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said that the Republican National Convention would go forward as planned this August even as the coronavirus has caused the cancellation of large-scale events all across the U.S.The Democrats are scheduled to hold their convention, in Milwaukee from July 13 to 16. The Republican convention is to be held from Aug. 24 to 27, and the president told Sean Hannity on Fox News Thursday night that "We're quite a bit later than them, which I think is good."Trump said there was "no way" he would cancel the convention. "It's going to be incredible."He added that by the end of August "we're going to be in a great space," though he did not specify why he thought that. He said that he might have a rally in Milwaukee. His campaign has not held any rallies because of the virus.The Democratic National Committee has been looking at contingency options for its party gathering amid a growing concern that the coronavirus crisis will not have abated by then."As we navigate the unprecedented challenge of responding to the coronavirus, we're exploring a range of contingency options to ensure we can deliver a successful convention without unnecessary risk to public health," Katie Peters, communications director for the DNC's convention committee, said in a statement earlier this week.Peters added it is a "very fluid situation" with the Democratic convention more than three months away.A convention is the only mechanism the parties have to nominate a presidential pick. If the pandemic persists, they would have to change the rules in order to hold a different type of forum.CNN announced Thursday night that former Vice President Joe Biden, the leading Democratic candidate, will take part in a network town hall on the coronavirus on Friday night.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

Netanyahu rival voted in as speaker, paving way for unity government

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

Netanyahu rival voted in as speaker, paving way for unity governmentBenny Gantz's appointment leaves the door open to a unity government between his centrist Blue and White party and Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party.

Nigeria needs 120 bln naira for coronavirus battle, turns to private sector

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:27 AM PDT

Nigeria needs 120 bln naira for coronavirus battle, turns to private sectorNigeria has appealed to private companies to make voluntary contributions towards the 120 billion naira ($330 million) that the government says it needs to fight the coronavirus epidemic. "So far, the federal government has made giant strides in the fight but it is clear that the private sector needs to step in and support efforts already being made," Central Bank Governor Godwin Emefiele said. The crash in oil prices, which have fallen by nearly two- thirds this year due in large part to a coronavirus-induced demand collapse, has seriously battered Nigeria's finances.

Two Costa cruise ships to anchor with sick crew in Miami for 'life-critical' care

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:03 PM PDT

Two Costa cruise ships to anchor with sick crew in Miami for 'life-critical' careOn Thursday, two Costa Cruises ships, the Costa Magica and the Costa Favolosa, were anchored near the port of Miami with ill passengers on board.

Auschwitz: Women used different survival and sabotage strategies than men at Nazi death camp

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:15 AM PDT

Auschwitz: Women used different survival and sabotage strategies than men at Nazi death campNearly all the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp in occupied Poland, were murdered – either sent to the gas chambers or worked to death. Life expectancy in many of these camps was between six weeks and three months. Over a million of the Auschwitz dead were Jews, and scholars have concluded that more than half of them were women.While male and female slave laborers in Auschwitz faced the same ultimate fate, my research on gender and the Holocaust finds that some of their behaviors and responses to captivity differed. Methods of sabotageGender has been long overlooked in Holocaust research. Writing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, early scholars such as Joan Ringelheim and Sybil Milton had to fight for their legitimacy in a field that insisted that separating stories of Jewish men and women under the Nazi regime was a blow to their joint fate or to Jewish solidarity.Today, however, the topic is being explored in depth, allowing us to better understand not only how Jews died during the Holocaust, but also how they lived.During the late 1980s, I conducted a study of Jewish men and women who had been part of Auschwitz's "Canada Commando," the forced labor detail responsible for sorting through the possessions inmates had brought with them to the camp and preparing those items for reshipment back to Germany for civilian use. Since the barracks were the only place in the camp where one could find almost unlimited food and clothing, this forced labor troop was named after Canada – a country seen as a symbol of wealth.Examining the behavior of the men and women of the Canada Commando, I noted an interesting difference. Among the items of clothing sorted there were fur coats. While both male and female prisoners in the Canada Commando tried to sabotage this work, acts punishable by death, their methods differed. Male prisoners would usually rip the lining and seams of the coat to shreds, keeping only the outer shell intact. At first use, the coat would come apart, leaving the German who wore it coatless in the winter.The few surviving women in the commando whom I interviewed did not use this tactic. Rather, they told me, they decided together to insert handwritten notes into the coat's pockets that read something along the lines of: "German women, know that you are wearing a coat that belonged to a woman who has been gassed to death in Auschwitz." The women, in other words, chose psychological sabotage. The men, physical. Coping with hungerOne of the most central experiences of all camp prisoners during the Holocaust was hunger. While both men and women suffered from hunger during incarceration, male and female prisoners used disparate coping methods.While men would regale each other with tales of the fantastic meals they would enjoy once liberated, women would often discuss how they had cooked they various dishes they loved before the war, from baking fluffy cakes to preparing traditional Jewish blintzes. Cara de Silva's 1996 book, "In Memory's Kitchen," movingly documents how this phenomenon played out among women prisoners in the Terezin camp. The differences between men's and women's coping methods may have derived from the gendered behavior in their lives before the war, in which men ate and women cooked – at least in the middle and lower classes. In the case of women, this may also have been a female socialization process meant to solve two dilemmas simultaneously: the psychological need to engage – at least verbally – with food, and the educational need to prepare the young girls in the camp for culinary and household tasks after the war. Under normal circumstances, mothers would have taught their daughters by example – not story. Motherhood under Nazi ruleVarious historical studies make mention of motherly sacrifices during the Holocaust, such as women who chose to accompany their children to death so that they would not be alone during their last moments on Earth. Some mothers, however, acted otherwise, as documented by the Polish non-Jewish Auschwitz survivor Tadeusz Borowsky in his book "This Way to the Gas Ladies and Gentlemen." During the "selections" at Auschwitz – when prisoners were sent either to live or die – prisoners arriving were usually divided by sex, with the elderly, mothers and small children being separated from men and older boys. The mothers with small children, along with the elderly, were automatically sent to death.Borowsky writes about a number of young mothers who hid from their children during the selection, in an attempt to buy themselves a few additional days or possible hours of life.If a German soldier found a small child alone at a "selection," Borowsky writes, he would take the child up and down the rows of prisoners while screaming, "This is how a mother abandons her child?" until he tracked down the hapless woman and condemned them both to the gas chambers. At first, the female Auschwitz survivors I've interviewed said they'd never heard of any such thing. Eventually, however, after I returned to the question several times via different topics, a few women admitted to hearing that a handful mothers who arrived in Auschwitz with small children did indeed try to hide to save their own lives.Historians are not judges. I do not mention the actions made in mortal fear to condemn these women but rather to contribute, 75 years later, to our understanding of Jewish life and death under Nazi terror. Doing requires relinquishing preconceived notions about both men and women, mapping out a broader canvas of the grim reality at Auschwitz. [You're smart and curious about the world. So are The Conversation's authors and editors. You can get our highlights each weekend.]This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.Read more: * How will generations that didn't experience the Holocaust remember it? * How women wage war – a short history of IS brides, Nazi guards and FARC insurgentsJudy Baumel-Schwartz does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Ann Coulter misread my chart on the dangers of the coronavirus, then tweeted about it — and it shows how easily misinformation can spread in a crisis

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

Ann Coulter misread my chart on the dangers of the coronavirus, then tweeted about it — and it shows how easily misinformation can spread in a crisisWhile the chart shows that the coronavirus is deadlier than the flu for most age groups, the conservative pundit claimed it showed the exact opposite.

Blood Plasma Treatment for Coronavirus Set to Get Its First Trial Run in New York

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Blood Plasma Treatment for Coronavirus Set to Get Its First Trial Run in New YorkDoctors are eager to start infusing sick coronavirus patients with plasma from people who have recovered from the disease

Don’t Worry, America, Jared Kushner Is Going to Save You From COVID-19

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 01:05 AM PDT

Don't Worry, America, Jared Kushner Is Going to Save You From COVID-19Wednesday, during the latest installment of his daily briefings that have become must-see TV, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke with Jared Kushner. You know Kushner—the president's son-in-law. The president's son-in-law is a member of the president's COVID-19 taskforce, but he is not a doctor or an elected official. In fact, Jared has no experience handling pandemics, or any medical background whatsoever. Jared Kushner doesn't know about science or medicine but Cuomo must appeal to him for help from the federal government.And that's not the only place the president's son-in-law has popped up the last few days.  One of the biggest questions we've all been puzzling over is, why won't the president invoke the wartime Defense Production Act to force companies to make ventilators? He "signed two executive orders citing provisions of the Defense Production Act" but then refused to use those provisions. Later it was revealed that Trump refused to use the wartime law "reportedly after corporations successfully lobbied his top adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner." Meanwhile, Cuomo holds continual pressers that have the same refrain again and again: "We need the federal help, and we need the federal help now."Trump to New York: You've Been Mean to Me, Drop DeadAs the pandemic fills New York City's morgues, the president has decided to bring in the very best and smartest people. For Donald Trump, that's his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. And it just makes sense, since Jared has already brought peace to the Middle East and innovated America within an inch of its life with his office of American innovation. Now it's time for the young slumlord to once again fail upwards. This time, hundreds of thousands of American lives are at stake, but I mean, Jared did go to Harvard (via a $2.5 million donation), so…First, Jared explained to his father-in-law that the media was making too much of the whole pandemic thing. "Mr. Kushner's early involvement with dealing with the virus was in advising the president that the media's coverage exaggerated the threat," according to The New York Times. Sounds like Kushner agreed with Lou Dobbs—you know, Fox Business Channel's Lou Dobbs, who's in quarantine right now because he was exposed to liberal hoax COVID-19.But wait, there's more. It turns out that Jared is as good at handling a pandemic as he is at Middle East peace. First, he asked his brother's wife's dad for advice on handling the outbreak. Dr Kurt Kloss (father of model Karlie) wrote on Facebook, "If you were in charge of Federal response to the Pandemic what would your recommendation be. Please only serious responses. I have direct channel to person now in charge at White House and have been asked for recommendations." I mean it makes sense, since he's a doctor and Facebook is a highly regarded and peer-reviewed medical journal.Then Jared got going on what he does best, innovation. You'll recall that error-filled Oval Office address, followed by the error-filled Rose Garden address, and the promise, as the Times reported, that "Google had developed a coronavirus testing website that did not exist. Mr. Kushner was deeply involved in both efforts, and had sold his father-in-law on the website as a smart concept." This fiasco ended with Dr Deborah Birx holding a large poster board of a Google testing site that doesn't exist. But that was a week ago. Since that innovation, we learn that Trump has pivoted to an Easter society-restart date. and Jared may have had his hand in that too. As Vanity Fair reported, "Jared is bringing conspiracy theories to Trump about potential treatments," leading Trump to think he can ignore the person who actually knows about pandemics and public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci.But Jared's not the only one in the Trump family hoping to use the pandemic to grow their brand. Ivanka is trying her hand at being a coronavirus lifestyle influencer. When she came into contact with the Australian minister Peter Dutton and was sent home to isolate, Ivanka then suggested a faux -out with her children: "Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out!" she suggested on Tuesday, alongside a photo, taken a few years ago, of her hanging out with the children in a tent made out of sheets. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional)! A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!"  The irony is that Ivanka's dad is famous for putting immigrant children in tent cities in the hopes of owning the libs. But Ivanka's COVID-influencer lifestyle seems to have ended. She tested negative (there seem to be unlimited COVID-19 tests for the royal family) and is back at work in the White House doing whatever it is she does.One might find the fact that one in 1,000 people in the New York City metro area are infected with COVID-19 terrifying. But not me. No, I have confidence that the president's son-in-law will handle this with his usual competence. I mean, we have peace in the Middle East now so... Wait, we don't? Oh well then. I would say we're all in a lot of trouble. But if we survive, just think about how good this will be for the Trump brand and for Ivanka's 2024 run. If we don't die, that is.  Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Federal prisons struggle to combat growing COVID-19 fears

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:29 AM PDT

Federal prisons struggle to combat growing COVID-19 fearsWhen a federal correction officer geared up for duty recently at a Florida prison complex, he added an N95 mask amid coronavirus fears. At other federal prisons, though, he would have been told to wear one. Together, these accounts detail a scattershot policy on COVID-19 safety at the federal Bureau of Prisons amid the growing pandemic.

Pelosi reacts to coronavirus stimulus deal, hints at possible voice vote

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:48 PM PDT

Pelosi reacts to coronavirus stimulus deal, hints at possible voice voteThe chamber has adjourned until Thursday and it is likely there would be no action until then.

Japan, spared mass outbreak so far, now sees 'national crisis' after Tokyo surge

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:45 PM PDT

Japan, spared mass outbreak so far, now sees 'national crisis' after Tokyo surgeJapan, so far spared the mass spread of coronavirus that has hit Europe and North America, took urgent new steps on Thursday to respond to what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described as a "national crisis" following a surge of cases in Tokyo. With 47 new cases reported in the capital, Abe banned entry from 21 European countries and Iran, and set up a new crisis task force - a preliminary step toward declaring a state of emergency, although his government said none was planned. "In order to overcome what can be described as a national crisis, it is necessary for the state, local governments, medical community, and the people to act as one and press ahead with measures against coronavirus infections," Abe said at a task force meeting.

The college student who licked an airplane toilet said she'd 'pull up' and cough on Dr. Phil, who called her 'spoiled and entitled'

Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PDT

The college student who licked an airplane toilet said she'd 'pull up' and cough on Dr. Phil, who called her 'spoiled and entitled'Ava Louise, who said she'd "rather die hot than live ugly" and who posted a TikTok of herself licking an airplane toilet, also criticized boomers.

Fact check: Could your December cough actually have been coronavirus? Experts say more research is needed

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PDT

Fact check: Could your December cough actually have been coronavirus? Experts say more research is neededA handful of widely circulated Facebook posts have asserted that people in the United States contracted the coronavirus as early as last fall.

Cruise-ship workers say they have so much sex that their ships are like college dorms

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:37 AM PDT

Cruise-ship workers say they have so much sex that their ships are like college dormsSex among cruise ship workers is pervasive, current and former cruise ship employees told Business Insider.

Russia is reportedly reviewing legislation that could put coronavirus quarantine breakers in jail for up to 7 years

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

Russia is reportedly reviewing legislation that could put coronavirus quarantine breakers in jail for up to 7 yearsAfter preaching calm, the Kremlin sounds like it's ready to take the coronavirus pandemic a lot more seriously, The Guardian reports.There was a healthy amount of skepticism over the low coronavirus numbers Russia had been reporting in recent weeks, which seems to have been validated after Russian President Vladimir Putin changed his tune Wednesday, delaying a public vote (which was mostly a formality) on constitutional amendments that will allow him to remain in power until 2036, requesting people to remain at home, and announcing a week-long holiday during which workers will receive their salaries.Moscow's Mayor Sergei Sobyanin told Putin on Tuesday that the government was underestimating the number of coronavirus cases in the country, arguing "a serious situation is developing" and Russia's health care system could be overwhelmed as the spread accelerates. Before that the Kremlin's message was mainly to avoid panic.The Russian parliament is reportedly prepared to get tough if they have to, as well. Parliament said Wednesday it will review legislation that could put quarantine breakers in prison for anywhere between three and seven years, while anyone found guilty of infecting others could face terrorism charges. Read more at The Guardian.More stories from Elton John to host 'Living Room Concert for America' with stars performing from home What Trump's coronavirus briefings are really about TSA to receive 1.5 million expired N95 masks that had been sitting in a warehouse

'You Must Wash Properly.' Newspaper Ads From the 1918 Flu Pandemic Show Some Things Never Change

Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

'You Must Wash Properly.' Newspaper Ads From the 1918 Flu Pandemic Show Some Things Never ChangeMedicine has advanced, but the core messages from a century ago are similar to today

New Jersey’s Surging Infections on Track to Match New York’s

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:02 PM PDT

U.S. car sales in states with coronavirus lockdown orders to drop 80%: Analysts

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:58 PM PDT

U.S. car sales in states with coronavirus lockdown orders to drop 80%: AnalystsVehicle sales in U.S. states that implemented lockdown orders to curb the spread of coronavirus will drop 80% or more, analysts said on Wednesday.

Police kill suspected militant, arrest 2 in Indonesia raid

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PDT

U.S. insisting that the U.N. call out Chinese origins of coronavirus

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:41 PM PDT

U.S. insisting that the U.N. call out Chinese origins of coronavirusExclusive: A Security Council resolution on the coronavirus stalls over attempts to single out China as the country of origin.

China's factories reopen, only to fire workers as virus shreds global trade

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:44 PM PDT

China's factories reopen, only to fire workers as virus shreds global tradeShi Xiaomin, who used to export suits and blazers by the thousands to South Korea, the Netherlands and the United States, was luckier than many other Chinese factory owners. When his factory in the eastern city of Wenzhou reopened last month after an extended shutdown due to the coronavirus outbreak, the local government sent a bus to a nearby province to ferry back more than 20 of his stranded workers. Early in the outbreak, China imposed tough travel restrictions and factory suspensions to curb the spread of the virus, squeezing labor supplies and sending exporters scrambling to fulfill orders.

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