Wednesday, March 4, 2020

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Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Biden pulls off historic Super Tuesday comeback

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:55 PM PST

Biden pulls off historic Super Tuesday comebackJoe Biden appeared to pull off one of the greatest comebacks in political history Tuesday, racking up convincing wins in at least eight of the 14 states holding primaries and staying close in others.

8% of Iran's parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaos

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:02 PM PST

8% of Iran's parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaosIran appears to have the highest number of government officials infected with the novel coronavirus.

Defense contractor charged with giving up military secrets

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PST

Parents charged with murder after 6-year-old kept in closet dies

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:24 AM PST

Parents charged with murder after 6-year-old kept in closet diesA mother, father and grandmother admitted that a 6-year-old and his 7-year-old brother were kept in a closet because they were "stealing food."

Shocking: Why Israel Was Able to Win so Greatly During the Six-Day War

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PST

Shocking: Why Israel Was Able to Win so Greatly During the Six-Day WarAn astounding victory.

Coronavirus live updates: 9th US. death is confirmed as WHO rejects pandemic

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:41 PM PST

Coronavirus live updates: 9th US. death is confirmed as WHO rejects pandemicThe coronavirus death toll jumped to nine in the U.S., but Surgeon General Jerome Adams says not to panic. And WHO has not declared a pandemic yet.

Putin says Russia targeted from abroad by fake news on coronavirus

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:07 AM PST

Putin says Russia targeted from abroad by fake news on coronavirusRussia has been targeted from abroad by foes spreading fake news about the coronavirus to sow panic, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Putin's remarks came as Russia's communications regulator said it had shut down access to some social media posts containing falsehoods about the virus outbreak. A Russian cyber security company, Group-IB, on Monday identified what it said were thousands of fake news posts on messaging services and social networks such as Russia's VK alleging that thousands of Muscovites have caught the virus.

Trump to Host AG Barr, Rand Paul and Mike Lee in Bid for GOP ‘Unity’ on FISA Reform

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:26 AM PST

Trump to Host AG Barr, Rand Paul and Mike Lee in Bid for GOP 'Unity' on FISA ReformPresident Trump is hosting both critics and proponents of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act at the White House on Tuesday in an attempt to find common ground among his own party with several of FISA's surveillance powers set to expire this month."There are lots of strong views about what should happen, so it's time that everyone start talking among themselves to see if there's any chance of unity among Republicans prior to March 15th," a White House official told The Wall Street Journal. The meeting will include FISA-critics Mike Lee (R., Utah) and Rand Paul (R., Ky.), as well as attorney general William Barr, who told Republicans last week that they should fully reauthorize FISA absent major reforms.Barr's comments angered some Republicans, with both Trump allies and civil-liberties advocates supporting "significant reforms.""Given the tremendous abuses in 16-17, a clean reauthorization is totally unacceptable," one House aide told National Review last week. House Republicans also sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi warning Democrats not to slip FISA reauthorization into a coronavirus budget bill.While reports suggest that the White House is internally divided on FISA, Paul said last week that he had spoken to Trump, who "is urging FISA reform NOW." Ahead of the meeting, Paul tweeted an ACLU article Monday titled "Barr Helped Build America's Surveillance State."> No surprise that A.G. Barr supports reauthorizing Patriot Act without legislative reforms. To protect all Americans from domestic surveillance we absolutely must block the FISA court from spying on Americans! >> > -- Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 2, 2020Lee also made his case ahead of the meeting, penning a Fox News op-ed in which he argued that "FISA must be reformed now.""While the threat of foreign espionage is very real, abuse of government's surveillance powers is all too common," Lee wrote. ". . . We believe that serious reform is necessary."

Full coverage: Biden wins big on Super Tuesday

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:45 PM PST

Full coverage: Biden wins big on Super TuesdayRiding a wave of momentum, former Vice President Joe Biden scored a series of impressive primary victories on Super Tuesday, while Bernie Sanders won four states, including California.

What’s next for Pete Buttigieg?

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:50 PM PST

What's next for Pete Buttigieg?Pete Buttigieg went from relative unknown to one of the Democratic party's young stars over the course of his presidential campaign. What's next for him now that he's bowed out of the race?

Large asteroid will fly close to, but won't hit, Earth next month: NASA

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:48 AM PST

Large asteroid will fly close to, but won't hit, Earth next month: NASAA large asteroid will fly close to, but won't hit, Earth next month, according to NASA data. CNN reports that the asteroid, predicted to be between 1.1 and 2.5 miles wide, is scheduled to fly past Earth on April 29.

Tulsi Gabbard may have just qualified for the next Democratic debate thanks to American Samoa

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:14 PM PST

Tulsi Gabbard may have just qualified for the next Democratic debate thanks to American SamoaBy securing a delegate in American Samoa, Tulsi Gabbard may have qualified for the next Democratic debate under DNC rules.

Harvey Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencing

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PST

Harvey Weinstein's accusers outraged that rapist producer still in hospital as he awaits sentencingHarvey Weinstein's accusers are furious that the former Hollywood mogul remains in a New York hospital a week after he was immediately ordered to jail following his conviction on rape and sexual assault charges. Images have surfaced that allegedly show Weinstein watching television while sitting in a leather chair next to a wheelchair.Weinstein was brought to the Bellevue Hospital Center on 24 February after he was found guilty of third-degree rape and a criminal sex act in the first degree, based on two assaults in the New York area

Anti-virus measures take drastic turns in Saudi, Iran, Italy

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:08 AM PST

Anti-virus measures take drastic turns in Saudi, Iran, ItalySaudi Arabia banned citizens from performing the Muslim pilgrimage in Mecca, Italy ordered schools to close nationwide and Iran canceled Friday prayers for a second week as nations scrambled Wednesday to control the coronavirus outbreak. From religion to sports, countries were taking drastic and increasingly visible measures to curb the new coronavirus that first emerged in China and was spreading quickly through Europe, the Mideast and the Americas.

Coronavirus claims three more lives in Seattle-area as outbreak goes cross-country

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PST

Coronavirus claims three more lives in Seattle-area as outbreak goes cross-countryA North Carolina resident tested positive after returning from a trip to Washington state, where the individual was exposed, and apparently infected, during a visit to a nursing facility at the center of a recent surge in cases in suburban Seattle. The total number of people diagnosed with the coronavirus in the greater Seattle area rose to 27 on Tuesday, including nine deaths, up from 18 cases and six deaths tallied on Monday, the state Department of Health reported. President Donald Trump told reporters his administration may cut off overseas travel from the United States to areas abroad with high rates of coronavirus, but said officials were not weighing any restrictions on domestic travel.

Bloomberg: Guns for Me, but Not for Thee

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:44 PM PST

Bloomberg: Guns for Me, but Not for Thee'How do you justify pushing for more gun control when you have an armed security detail that is likely equipped with the same firearms and magazines you seek to ban the common citizen from owning? Does your life matter more than mine or my family's or these people's?" a Virginian named Clarke Chitty asked Democratic Party presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg during a recent Fox News town hall.It's an outstanding question. And Bloomberg's answer is pretty straightforward: Yes, his life is worth more than yours."Look, I probably get 40 or 50 threats every week, OK, and some of them are real. That just happens when you're the mayor of New York City or you're very wealthy and if you're campaigning for president of the United States," Bloomberg replied. "You get lots of threats. So, I have a security detail, I pay for it all myself, and . . . they're all retired police officers who are very well trained in firearms."In the United States, our rights aren't -- or shouldn't be -- meted out according to status. But you'll notice Bloomberg doesn't really answer the question, anyway. I suspect millions of Americans who aren't as famous or rich (very rich, in this case) live in situations in which their property and safety are threatened to the same extent. Not that it matters. Does Bloomberg propose that everyone undergo a government risk assessment before being allowed to practice constitutional rights?Probably, right?More importantly, Clarke Chitty, one suspects, has zero interest in stripping away Bloomberg's constitutional right to own a firearm, or to hire professional armed bodyguards to protect him from legitimate threats. The former mayor of New York City, on the other hand, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in efforts to pass laws and regulations that would leave Americans like Clarke Chitty defenseless.It's this kind of arrogance that brought about District of Columbia v. Heller, the case affirming that the Second Amendment is an individual right. One of the first plaintiffs in that effort, Shelly Parker, was an African-American resident of Washington, D.C., who had gotten fed up with the crime near her Capitol Hill home. She attempted to rally her neighbors to clean up the neighborhood, provoking the ire of local drug dealers, who began vandalizing her property and threatening her life. "In the event that someone does get in my home," she explained, "I would have no defense, except maybe throw my paper towels at them." It would have been illegal for Parker, neither wealthy nor famous, to obtain a gun to protect herself. She was also in danger.Or take Otis McDonald, the retired 76-year-old of McDonald v. City of Chicago, a case that affirmed that the right of individual gun ownership extended to the states. By 2010, the neighborhood McDonald had lived in since 1971 had become infested with gangs, drug dealers, and widespread criminality. His home had been broken into on five separate occasions, so he had a legitimate reason to worry about his safety. Someone like Bloomberg might have suggested that Otis keep some paper towels handy, but McDonald wanted a handgun. At the time, Chicago had a handgun ban in place, ensuring that only criminals could own them. I suspect that McDonald was in as much jeopardy as Bloomberg.To top it off, Bloomberg then blatantly lied to the Fox crowd, claiming that "the Supreme Court said you can have reasonable restrictions, and the only restrictions which I am in favor of is to prevent us from selling guns to people with psychiatric problems, criminals, or people that are minors, OK?"Not really. If Bloomberg had any practical hope of overturning the Second Amendment, he would certainly do it. As it is, Bloomberg bankrolls major anti-gun efforts that go much further policy-wise than keeping guns out of the hands of children and people with serious psychiatric problems -- both of which are already illegal, and supported by nearly everyone.Bloomberg, the presidential candidate, supports banning "assault weapons," the most popular rifles in the country, which account for a sliver of the gun crimes in the country. Bloomberg supports stripping gun companies of "immunity" in civil lawsuits that would allow activists to hold manufacturers responsible for all criminality -- a blatant attempt to put them out of business. Bloomberg supports "red flag" laws, which strip away due process for gun owners. Bloomberg supports raising the age of gun ownership from 18 to 21. Bloomberg supports federal efforts requiring every gun buyer to obtain a permit. Bloomberg wants to create a positon for a federal gun czar to implement all these restrictions on the federal level. In other words, Bloomberg supports every single active effort to restrict gun ownership that exists.Well for you, not him.

Biden wins Virginia, North Carolina, continuing streak of wins in South

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:13 PM PST

Biden wins Virginia, North Carolina, continuing streak of wins in SouthJoe Biden's momentum in the Democratic presidential primary showed no signs of slowing on Super Tuesday.

'They are defeated': With U.S. deal, Taliban claim victory over America

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:17 AM PST

'They are defeated': With U.S. deal, Taliban claim victory over America"Even if we don't say that the U.S. is defeated in Afghanistan, it's an open secret now that they are," a member of the Taliban's Haqqani network said.

Baby dinosaur skull held ‘evidence of DNA’ from 75 million years ago, NC State says

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PST

Baby dinosaur skull held 'evidence of DNA' from 75 million years ago, NC State saysSounds like "Jurassic Park," but we're far from cloning dinosaurs

Ireland's national airline just completed giving its planes and staff uniforms a completely new look. Take a look at before and after.

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:42 AM PST

Ireland's national airline just completed giving its planes and staff uniforms a completely new look. Take a look at before and after.Irish flag carrier Aer Lingus began its rebranding campaign in 2018 to transform the airline into a major European player in the airline industry.

Laura Bassett says she has been target of harassment after accusing Chris Matthews of inappropriate comments

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PST

Laura Bassett says she has been target of harassment after accusing Chris Matthews of inappropriate commentsLaura Bassett has opened up about the harassment she's received after publishing an op-ed in which she accused Chris Matthews of making inappropriate comments.On Friday, Bassett published a column in GQ where she recalled that the former MSNBC host had first behaved inappropriately towards her when she was a guest on his show in 2016.

AP Exclusive: Death row inmate slips through legal system

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:03 AM PST

AP Exclusive: Death row inmate slips through legal systemDavid Martin was sentenced to die six years ago. Martin was sentenced to die in 2014 for fatally shooting 21-year-old Jeremy Cole during a robbery in northeastern Ohio two years earlier. When the state Supreme Court upholds a death sentence, it automatically sets an execution date, which in Martin's case is May 26, 2021.

China Readies Deal With Washington’s Closest Latin American Ally

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PST

Amid coronavirus outbreak, these airlines will waive flight-change fees

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PST

Amid coronavirus outbreak, these airlines will waive flight-change feesFollowing the COVID-19 outbreak, airlines including American, Delta, JetBlue and United are taking measures to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Michael Bloomberg publicly wishes for contested convention: 'I don't think I can win any other way'

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:41 PM PST

Michael Bloomberg publicly wishes for contested convention: 'I don't think I can win any other way'Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, weighs in on his first primary contest Tuesday as 14 states go to the polls.

Senate Republicans promise to release Biden probe ahead of election to 'answer questions' for primary voters

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PST

Senate Republicans promise to release Biden probe ahead of election to 'answer questions' for primary votersSenate Republicans allege their probe of the Biden family has nothing to do with the 2020 election — and also that it totally does.After former Vice President Joe Biden rounded up several Super Tuesday states and secured a delegate lead in race for the Democratic nomination, Senate Homeland Security Chair Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) delivered an update on his party's investigation into Biden's son Hunter Biden. Johnson said he'd release an "interim report" on the probe within the next one to two months, apparently to help Democratic primary voters make their choice, Politico's Andrew Desiderio reports.Senate Republicans have been probing Hunter Biden's work in Ukraine ever since the impeachment trial of President Trump ended without a conviction. This probe and its subsequent report aren't intended to influence the election, Johnson said before pulling a total 180 and saying "if I were a Democrat primary voter, I'd want these questions satisfactorily answered before I cast my final vote."> "These are questions that Joe Biden has never adequately answered," Johnson tells us.> > — Andrew Desiderio (@AndrewDesiderio) March 4, 2020Just on Tuesday, Johnson told his committee he was considering subpoenaing documents related to Hunter Biden's work on the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, Reuters reported. That suggestion came without any clear reason, except the fact that the former vice president had just won South Carolina's Democratic primary.More stories from The anybody-but-Bernie comeback It's 2020 and women are exhausted Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel are nervous at how much Trump thinks he's nailed the coronavirus response

Can We Please Be Sober-Minded about the Coronavirus?

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:58 AM PST

Can We Please Be Sober-Minded about the Coronavirus?From one week to the next, the novel coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, went from a supposedly contained outbreak to a potential pandemic.While the virus was spreading through East Asia to the Middle East and Western Europe, World Health Organization officials lauded the Chinese government's "extraordinary" efforts to contain the epidemic. Now, South Korea has confirmed over 4,000 cases, airlines have suspended travel to Milan, the vice president of Iran has contracted the virus, and a senior Iranian official died from it.American officials got off to an inauspicious start in addressing the crisis, with diagnostic tests initially limited to some 100 public-health labs. After the Food and Drug Administration expanded testing to other qualified labs, many reported inconclusive results from official diagnostic kits. A University of California–Berkeley lab was barred from testing a patient who did not meet the Centers for Disease Control criteria, which allowed testing only on patients who had traveled to China within two weeks of developing symptoms. That patient later tested positive. The FDA finally expanded diagnostic capabilities on February 29, but not before more than 70 cases had been confirmed in the U.S.While federal agencies grappled with byzantine testing regulations, the White House delivered overly optimistic assurances to try to assuage panicked investors. The president himself said we had it "totally under control," even as the CDC warned Americans to brace for domestic outbreaks.The White House's messaging did not fool investors. Stocks plummeted more than ten percent into "correction" territory, and banks slashed their U.S. economic-growth projections to zero for the second quarter. The sell-off receded slightly Monday after the Federal Reserve indicated it would cut interest rates — a welcome move — yet uncertainty persists as the number of cases in the U.S. grows.The coronavirus may not prove as threatening as first feared, but one way to ensure that it isn't is for American officials to take it seriously. Foolish happy talk aside, the administration has, by and large, acted appropriately. The targeted travel restrictions can at least slow the influx of infected people while researchers work to develop treatments and vaccines. In addition to providing resources to those researchers and streamlining the testing process, federal agencies should promptly disseminate the number of cases and work with localities to quarantine patients as warranted.To hear the Democrats tell it, Trump has already stumbled into a debacle. They've hit him for alleged cuts to the CDC, but Congress has in fact increased funding to the agency during Trump's presidency. The cool-headed analysts at the New York Times also chimed in. Readers of Gail Collins — who titled a column "Let's Call It Trumpvirus" — can be forgiven for thinking the president concocted the virus in the West Wing. Paul Krugman absurdly said Trump's fear of "scary brown people" left the government ill-prepared to combat the crisis.We know it's too much to ask that the president be sober-minded and judicious in his public statements, and that the press and opposition tone down their opportunism and hysteria, but it's what the public deserves.

New York's 2nd coronavirus case — a 50-year-old male attorney — works at a law firm near Grand Central Terminal. Here's what we've learned about the patient.

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:24 PM PST

New York's 2nd coronavirus case — a 50-year-old male attorney — works at a law firm near Grand Central Terminal. Here's what we've learned about the patient.Business Insider confirmed the identity of the patient, a married father of four with a child who attends SAR, a private Jewish school in the Bronx.

Chris Matthews: High profile hosts come out in support of disgraced commentator after sexual harassment allegations

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:45 PM PST

Chris Matthews: High profile hosts come out in support of disgraced commentator after sexual harassment allegationsSome women in media who know or have worked with the now-former host of MSNBC's Hardball, Chris Matthews, have come to his defence since his abrupt retirement from the network over sexual harassment allegations.Mr Matthews resigned on air Monday night. He opened the show, announced his retirement, and when the show went to commercial and returned, Mr Matthews was no longer behind the desk.

Hillary Clinton Ordered To Show Up in Court Over Email Server Controversy

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PST

Hillary Clinton Ordered To Show Up in Court Over Email Server ControversyIt just won't go away.

Missing toddler's mother denied request for lowered bond

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 12:37 AM PST

Missing toddler's mother denied request for lowered bondA Tennessee mother accused of lying to authorities about her missing 15-month-old daughter has been denied a bond reduction. Bond for Megan Boswell, 18, will remain at $25,000, news outlets reported. Sullivan County General Session Court Judge Klyne Lauderback rejected her attorney's request to drop the bond to $10,000 on Monday.

Italian tourists in India quarantined with coronavirus

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PST

Italian tourists in India quarantined with coronavirusTwo groups of Italian tourists were under quarantine in India Wednesday, with 16 testing positive for the new coronavirus, prompting authorities to tighten controls. Italy is a hotspot of the virus with 79 deaths and over 2,500 infected, while India's case total stands officially at just 29 -- including the Italians and their Indian driver. Confirming the new cases, Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said Wednesday that passengers on all international flights would now be screened.

Seattle feels like 'ghost town,' business owners say as they face life in coronavirus hot spot

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:34 PM PST

Seattle feels like 'ghost town,' business owners say as they face life in coronavirus hot spotAs the death toll in Washington climbed, Seattle's mayor declared a civil emergency and businesses braced for economic fallout.

Protesters rush stage during Joe Biden speech on Super Tuesday; Jill Biden shoves one away

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PST

Protesters rush stage during Joe Biden speech on Super Tuesday; Jill Biden shoves one awayTwo protesters climbed onto the riser as Joe Biden began to speak before they were grabbed and removed. Biden's wife, Jill, shoved one of them away.

'We fell well short': Warren team considers ending campaign

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PST

'We fell well short': Warren team considers ending campaignWarren is spending Wednesday with her campaign team to "assess the path forward," an aide said.

Top NIH Dr. Anthony Fauci says the coronavirus outbreak could be 'one of those things we look back on and say boy, that was bad'

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PST

Top NIH Dr. Anthony Fauci says the coronavirus outbreak could be 'one of those things we look back on and say boy, that was bad'In an interview with Politico, public health legend Dr. Anthony Fauci said he doesn't think "we are going to get out of this completely unscathed."

However Bloomberg fares on Super Tuesday, Democrats should adopt his plan to tax the rich

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PST

However Bloomberg fares on Super Tuesday, Democrats should adopt his plan to tax the richThe best ideas to make America more equitable come from Mike Bloomberg, a self-made billionaire whose tax plan is both workable and constitutional.

U.S. Navy Nightmare: All Russian Warships Armed With Hypersonic Missiles

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PST

U.S. Navy Nightmare: All Russian Warships Armed With Hypersonic MissilesCould it happen?

Donna Brazile tells RNC chair to ‘go to hell’ during Fox News interview

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PST

Donna Brazile tells RNC chair to 'go to hell' during Fox News interviewFormer interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile clapped back at Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel Tuesday, responding to her comment about the Democratic primary being "rigged" against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Man who filmed infant sex abuse sentenced to life in prison

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 09:49 AM PST

Swathes of NW Syria uninhabitable for years: report

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:19 PM PST

Swathes of NW Syria uninhabitable for years: reportFighting in northwest Syria has rendered large parts of the region uninhabitable for civilians now crammed into an ever-shrinking area where conditions are dire, says a report released Wednesday. The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative's Signal Program analysed satellite imagery of towns and camps in Idlib province, where the Syrian regime has been pressing a devastating offensive since December. "In the areas examined, the researchers estimate that nearly one-third of buildings have been significantly damaged or destroyed," said a statement released with the report, which Harvard produced with Save the Children and World Vision.

Coronavirus death toll jumps to 107 in Italy, all schools shut

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 06:11 AM PST

Coronavirus death toll jumps to 107 in Italy, all schools shutItaly closed all schools and universities and prepared other emergency measures on Wednesday to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus in Europe's worst-hit country as the death toll and number of cases jumped. The total number of dead in Italy rose to 107 after 28 people died of the highly contagious virus over the past 24 hours, the Civil Protection Agency said. Education Minister Lucia Azzolina said schools and universities all over the country would be closed from Thursday until at least March 15.

Rep. Jim Clyburn urges Democrats to 'sell Joe Biden to people who may be wavering'

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PST

Rep. Jim Clyburn urges Democrats to 'sell Joe Biden to people who may be wavering'Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) is receiving credit for reviving former Vice President Joe Biden's presidential campaign, and he's "satisfied" with the way Biden has capitalized on his support.Clyburn gave a passionate endorsement of Biden ahead of Saturday's South Carolina primary, which Biden handily won. Since then, Biden has racked up several key endorsements, with three ex-Democratic candidates — former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) — announcing on Monday night they are backing him.Clyburn told MSNBC's Brian Williams on Tuesday if Biden keeps receiving endorsements, raising money, and making speeches that connect with voters, "he is going to be very successful and he will be our nominee and I really deeply feel he will be the next president of the United States." He encouraged Democrats across the country to "go out and sell Joe Biden to people who may be wavering. This country is a great country, it does not need to be made great. Our challenge it seems to me is to make this country's greatness accessible and affordable for all Americans."Biden can do that, he continued, because he has "proposals to make health care accessible and affordable, housing accessible and affordable, education accessible and affordable. You name it, he has proposals people believe in." No one is "interested in getting anything for free," Clyburn said, an apparent dig at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). "They want to be able to afford it and have access to it. So if we get that message out, I believe we will be successful in November."More stories from The anybody-but-Bernie comeback It's 2020 and women are exhausted Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel are nervous at how much Trump thinks he's nailed the coronavirus response

Jeff Sessions comeback? Here are the congressional races to watch Super Tuesday

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:07 PM PST

Jeff Sessions comeback? Here are the congressional races to watch Super TuesdayJeff Sessions is vying in Alabama to try to regain his old Senate seat. That primary is among several congressional races to watch on Super Tuesday.

China is recording so few new coronavirus infections that South Korea looks like the new center of the epidemic

Posted: 04 Mar 2020 03:30 AM PST

China is recording so few new coronavirus infections that South Korea looks like the new center of the epidemicThe coronavirus is spreading in several new hot-spot countries — notably South Korea and Iran — but slowing almost to a standstill in China.

Super Tuesday: Mike Bloomberg 'didn't realise' Elizabeth Warren is still in Democratic race

Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PST

Super Tuesday: Mike Bloomberg 'didn't realise' Elizabeth Warren is still in Democratic raceFormer New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared to belittle Senator Elizabeth Warren's campaign during a campaign visit to Texas.While walking through a neighbourhood with a press gaggle, Mr Bloomberg was asked if a "third place finish would be good" on Super Tuesday.

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