Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Former counterterrorism chief: Trump defeat may prompt right-wing terror attacks

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

Former counterterrorism chief: Trump defeat may prompt right-wing terror attacksThe former head of the National Counterterrorism Center said he would not be surprised if right-wing domestic terrorist groups stage attacks in the United States around this November's presidential election.

A 19-year-old who admitted to blackmail, revenge porn, and bullying won his primary race for the Kansas House and is now running unopposed

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

A 19-year-old who admitted to blackmail, revenge porn, and bullying won his primary race for the Kansas House and is now running unopposedAaron Coleman, a 19-year-old who admitted to blackmail, revenge porn, and bullying, has won his primary race for the Kansas House of Representatives.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speech

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:22 PM PDT

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speechThe Democratic National Convention formally nominated Joe Biden as its presidential candidate on Tuesday night, but the roll call of states and territories also included the votes for runner-up Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a prominent Sanders supporter, seconded his nomination, and this is how NBC News recapped her short nominating speech: "In one of the shortest speeches of the DNC, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez did not endorse Joe Biden." After being criticized for political illiteracy, NBC News deleted the tweet and issued a clarification about how conventions work.> Editor's note and clarification (1/2): > > This tweet should have included more detail on the nominating process.> > We have deleted the tweet to prevent its further spread, but it can be seen here for the record.> > — NBC News (@NBCNews) August 19, 2020The framing had already spread by that point:> now the misleading headline gets picked up by the partisan FB pipeline.> > — Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) August 19, 2020And Ocasio-Cortez — who tweeted her congratulations to Biden and said she "deeply look[s] forward to fighting for our future together and reclaiming our democracy in November" right after her speed aired — was not impressed with NBC's "clarification."> You waited several hours to correct your obvious and blatantly misleading tweet.> > It sparked an enormous amount of hatred and vitriol, & now the misinfo you created is circulating on other networks.> > All to generate hate-clicks from a pre-recorded, routine procedural motion.> > — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 19, 2020"This is completely unacceptable, disappointing, and appalling," Ocasio-Cortez added. "The DNC shared the procedural purpose of my remarks to media WELL in advance. @NBC knew what was going to happen & that it was routine." And she finished with a question: "So @NBCNews how are you going to fix the incredible amount of damage and misinformation that you are now responsible for? Because a 1:15am tweet to slip under the radar after blowing up a totally false and divisive narrative across networks isn't it."More stories from Joe Biden is already planning a failed presidency 5 brutally funny cartoons about Trump's assault on the Post Office Why the children of Boomers feel betrayed

Former CIA officer charged with providing secrets to China in a case out of a 'spy novel'

Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

Former CIA officer charged with providing secrets to China in a case out of a 'spy novel'The Justice Department is accusing a former CIA officer of providing secrets to China.

Austrian Airlines fires a flight attendant for chanting anti-Semitic slogans at a far-right rally

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:26 AM PDT

Austrian Airlines fires a flight attendant for chanting anti-Semitic slogans at a far-right rallyThe ousted flight attendant, Christina Kohl, is running for a seat on the Vienna municipal council on a far-right ticket.

Hiker rescued in New Mexico after being lost in the woods for two weeks

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

Hiker rescued in New Mexico after being lost in the woods for two weeksThe man suffered from chronic back pain and again injured his back while hiking and could not stand or walk," the Santa Fe Fire Department said.

Disapproval of Trump COVID response hits new high — and many aren’t hopeful, poll says

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

Disapproval of Trump COVID response hits new high — and many aren't hopeful, poll saysA majority of people said they were embarrassed by the response to the pandemic.

Chicago Police Are Retiring at ‘Unheard of’ Rate

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT

Chicago Police Are Retiring at 'Unheard of' RatePolice officers in Chicago have been retiring at twice the average rate recently, sounding alarms among local officials that the city could soon be short of officers if the trend continues.Michael Lappe, vice president of the board of trustees for the Policemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, said at least 110 officers are set to retire over the next two months, an "unheard of" number, the Chicago Sun Times reported."We're seeing double the average number of retirees each month," he said. "The average is about 24 a month."There have been 335 police retirements through the end of July this year, compared with 475 for all of 2019 and 339 for all of 2018. While Lappe cited a change in health insurance benefits as a major cause of the influx, police union president John Catanzara said the mayor's lack of support for police officers is at fault. Catanzara has fought with Democratic mayor Lori Lightfoot over police reform and union contract negotiations — officers are currently working under a contract that expired in 2017 — for months."I have no doubt that it's going to continue, and I can clearly see a smaller spike within the upper ranks [of] lieutenants and above," Catanzara said. "Who wants to stay in this environment? If you have the ability to leave, there is no incentive to stay anymore.""The mayor doesn't back us," he said. "If you have the financial ability to do so, I don't blame a single soul for leaving."At least 30 police officers have been injured in the city recently as a result of protests and rioting. After looting earlier this month injured 13 officers and led to the arrest of more than 100 people, Chicago 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale said, "I think the mayor has lost the confidence and the control of this city.""We're way short of officers now, and I'm afraid, as people go to retire, we're going to be even further short of officers on the street," Beale told the Sun Times. "We're working officers double-time, triple-time. It's only a matter of time before officers are totally burned out."The department continues to add officers, with some cadets finishing training and others entering the police academy next week, a police spokesman told the paper. Yet Lappe said his worry is that a large, continued increase in retirements will harm the pension system's financial health.

Donald Trump hits back at Michelle Obama, calling her convention speech 'extremely divisive'

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:51 AM PDT

Donald Trump hits back at Michelle Obama, calling her convention speech 'extremely divisive'Donald Trump has lashed out at Michelle Obama after she criticised him in her Democratic convention speech, accusing the former first lady of pushing an "extremely divisive" message . The US president criticised the wife of his predecessor for pre-recording her address after she had said that he was "clearly in over his head" in the White House in an address that dominated TV news headlines. While Mr Trump continually criticises Barack Obama, the former US president, he has only rarely rebuked his wife Mrs Obama since taking office in January 2017. The trigger was Mrs Obama herself launching a fierce attack on Mr Trump, including singling him out as the "the wrong president for our country". She has rarely issued public criticism of him in the last three and a half years. Asked to respond to the speech, Mr Trump said: "She was over her head and frankly she should have made the speech live which she didn't do, she taped it.

TV networks are reportedly afraid of giving the RNC too much airtime, so they cut the DNC's time short too

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

TV networks are reportedly afraid of giving the RNC too much airtime, so they cut the DNC's time short tooMajor broadcasters only offered the Democratic National Convention an hour of airtime for a different reason than they usually do, The Daily Beast reports.Most presidential election years, TV networks limit the parties' conventions' airtime to an hour, saying viewers would lose interest if they were longer. But this year, they told Democrats they could only have an hour of airtime because they feared giving Republicans more time than that, multiple sources told The Daily Beast.Democratic officials recently met with broadcast executives to discuss their plans for airing this year's DNC. "The executives stressed that they could not broadcast two hours each night in part because they then would have to give the same airtime to [President] Trump," The Daily Beast writes. "We don't know what that content is going to be," one executive reportedly told the Democrats.At the time of the meetings, Democrats were able to show executives exactly who would be speaking each night at their virtual convention. Meanwhile the Republican National Convention schedule is still up in the air, at least publicly.Regardless of the time limit, the first night of this year's DNC had a far lower viewership than 2016's. About 26 million people tuned in last election, while just 18.7 million did Monday night, according to Nielsen.More stories from Joe Biden is already planning a failed presidency 5 brutally funny cartoons about Trump's assault on the Post Office Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speech

Prosecutor faces scrutiny from voters, panel over Smollett

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

Prosecutor faces scrutiny from voters, panel over SmollettChicago's top prosecutor isn't clear of the yearlong scrutiny of her office's handling of the Jussie Smollett case, even though a special prosecutor this week concluded that nothing she or her staff did qualified as criminal. While stopping short of alleging criminal behavior, special prosecutor Dan Webb said Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx and her staff abused their discretion and misled the public before and after tossing charges that accused the former "Empire" actor of staging a racist, anti-gay attack against himself in January 2019. Webb restored the charges against Smollett earlier this year, but no trial date has been set as the pandemic has stalled Illinois court proceedings.

James Comey, who led controversial FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's emails, wears 'Elect More Women' T-shirt

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:56 PM PDT

James Comey, who led controversial FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's emails, wears 'Elect More Women' T-shirtThe former FBI director posted a photo of himself wearing a T-shirt with the message "Elect More Women."

Pelosi: Democrats willing to cut COVID-19 bill in half to get a deal

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:41 PM PDT

Pelosi: Democrats willing to cut COVID-19 bill in half to get a deal U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday that Congressional Democrats are willing to cut their COVID-19 relief bill in half to get an agreement on new legislation with the White House and Republicans.

15 Home Decor Styles We’re Shopping at the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:45 AM PDT

Teens with nearly $2 million in narcotics arrested at border, feds say

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:45 PM PDT

Teens with nearly $2 million in narcotics arrested at border, feds sayThe 18-year-olds, who were not immediately identified, were caught after others loaded up the vehicle and then slipped away, authorities said.

Foggy glasses? Mask acne? How to solve 5 pandemic annoyances – without taking off the mask

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

Foggy glasses? Mask acne? How to solve 5 pandemic annoyances – without taking off the maskWorried about foggy glasses, mask acne or dry hands? Don't take off the mask, but here's how to cope with some of those pandemic annoyances.

Trump visits Iowa as officials warn storm destroyed corn crops

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

Trump visits Iowa as officials warn storm destroyed corn cropsU.S. lawmakers and state officials from Iowa said on Tuesday that much of the state's corn crop will not be harvested following a fierce windstorm last week, as President Donald Trump visited to review the damage. The destruction from the Aug. 10 derecho storm compounded troubles for a U.S. agricultural economy already battered by extreme weather, the U.S.-China trade war and disruptions to labor and food consumption from the COVID-19 pandemic. "It's amazing, it's big," Trump told local and federal officials at a briefing about the damage, a day after approving disaster aid for the state.

Designer Deluged With Orders for Michelle Obama’s ‘VOTE’ Necklace

Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:48 PM PDT

Designer Deluged With Orders for Michelle Obama's 'VOTE' NecklaceWhen Michelle Obama's stylist called Chari Cuthbert a few weeks ago to order a custom necklace with charms spelling out the word VOTE, the designer was overjoyed."But we had no idea where she was going to wear it," Cuthbert told The Daily Beast. "We just knew that she wanted it."Michelle Obama Writes the Five-Word Epitaph for Trump's Presidency: 'It Is What It Is'It wasn't until Monday afternoon that Cuthbert learned that the former first lady was wearing the $430 ByChari gold chain—a literal statement necklace—for her Democratic National Convention speech."There was a snippet from her DNC speech on CNN and my mom sent it to me," Cuthbert said. "I couldn't believe it. Out of respect, I didn't post it or anything, because I didn't want to take advantage."Hours later, as Cuthbert watched the convention, her phone began blowing up. People were tagging her on social media and calling to ask if Obama was sporting one of her creations."It was surreal," she said. "I sat at my desk and cried.""Michelle Obama! If you talk about your ideal dinner guest, she is it for me. And to see her wearing my necklace, it's insane," the designer said, choking up.Cuthbert said her company—which consists of five female employees—had seen what she humbly called "a significant uptick in sales" in the hour after the speech."My finance guy just texted me a bunch of exclamation points, so I assume that's a good thing," she said. "He said, I'm so happy for you, this is everything you've worked for."Cuthbert, 36, was born in Miami to Jamaican parents. In 2012, the self-taught artist quit her office job and moved to Hawaii with $100 to start her business. Four years later, she relocated to Los Angeles.That was 2016. Cuthbert said she usually avoided mixing politics and business but decided to make a VOTE necklace and post it on the ByChari Instagram page.Cuthbert is not sure if Obama or her stylist saw it then or just came up with the idea for a VOTE necklace on their own this time around. What they certainly didn't know was that Cuthbert had a plan to use the VOTE necklace to promote political activism and was in the process of making a bunch of them to give to celebrities to wear ahead of the election."I'm wearing mine right now," she said.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

China record floods wet feet of Leshan Giant Buddha

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:17 PM PDT

China record floods wet feet of Leshan Giant BuddhaMore than 100,000 people are also evacuated as the worst flooding in decades hits the region.

Barr to announce milestone of 1,000 arrests in Operation LeGend nationwide

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

Barr to announce milestone of 1,000 arrests in Operation LeGend nationwideOperation LeGend was launched last month and brought more than 200 federal agents to Kansas City to help stem violent crime.

We now have the best evidence yet that everyone develops long-term coronavirus immunity after infection — and it's not just about antibodies

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:52 PM PDT

We now have the best evidence yet that everyone develops long-term coronavirus immunity after infection — and it's not just about antibodiesResearch shows that COVID-19 patients — including those with asymptomatic or mild cases — develop T cells that can fight the virus if it returns.

California requires ethnic studies for university system

Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:40 PM PDT

Italian police hunt tourist who posed for selfie on Pompeii ruins

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Italian police hunt tourist who posed for selfie on Pompeii ruinsItalian police are searching for a tourist who climbed on top of the ruins of Pompeii to take a selfie. Massimo Osanna, until recently the head of the archeological site and now director- general of Italy's heritage sites, called the young woman's behaviour "deplorable". Officials said she not only risked damaging the 2,000-year-old site but had also put herself in danger. Police are trying to identify the name, age and nationality of the woman from images she posted on social media as well as CCTV footage. She was also photographed by other tourists, who were appalled to see her clamber onto the ruins of Pompeii's thermal baths. If found and prosecuted, she faces a prison sentence of up to a year and a fine of up to €3,000 (£2,715). The visitor's behaviour prompted outrage among many Italians, who are wearily familiar with tourists treating their cultural heritage with a cavalier attitude, from skinny-dipping in Baroque fountains to clambering over classical statues. "It is never nice to wish ill towards someone but in this case it is impossible not to hope that the Carabinieri will identify her and apply the law severely," said an editorial in Corriere della Sera newspaper. Tourists are regularly caught chipping off bits of mosaic or pocketing lumps of masonry at Pompeii, which was buried by the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in AD 79. Bad behaviour by tourists is not confined to the ancient Roman site. Two weeks ago, an Austrian tourist accidentally snapped off the toes of a 200-year-old sculpture after lounging on it for a photograph. Security video footage from a museum in Possagno in northern Italy showed the 50-year-old nonchalantly resting on the statue of a woman by the 18th century sculptor Antonio Canova before realising with embarrassment that he had broken its toes:

U.S. sailing near Taiwan 'extremely dangerous' says China

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

U.S. sailing near Taiwan 'extremely dangerous' says ChinaChina has told the U.S. Navy that its recent sailing near Taiwan is "extremely dangerous."

Cindy McCain makes the jump her husband flirted with in 2001

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:40 PM PDT

Cindy McCain makes the jump her husband flirted with in 2001Before his rivalry with President Trump — and even before his loss to Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election — there was a time when Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was seen as such a "maverick" that it seemed conceivable he might jump to the Democrats. He met secretly with Senator Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) in 2001 to plot the move. "He was furious over the way the party establishment had treated him in the 2000 race for the Republican presidential nomination against the eventually victorious George W. Bush," Philip Shenon reported in 2017. "We came very close," Daschle said.McCain probably never would've been a good fit with Democrats — his "Bomb, bomb Iran" hawkishness would've been anathema to a party base that had turned decidedly anti-war by 2004. But he nearly chose Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) as his running mate when he won the Republican nomination in 2008. (Whatever you think of Lieberman, the choice would've spared America from the proto-Trumpism of Sarah Palin.) And his final great act on the public stage was to cast the deciding vote to save ObamaCare from a Republican repeal bill in 2017.Given that legacy — and given the clear disdain President Trump and Sen. McCain had for each other — it was no surprise Tuesday when Cindy McCain honored her late husband's legacy by participating in a Democratic National Convention video about the two men's friendship."They would just sit and joke," she said of the relationship between the two men. "It was like a comedy show, sometimes, to watch the two of them."It wasn't an endorsement. But it wasn't not an endorsement, either. Instead, Cindy McCain's video offered more reassurance to any wavering Republican voters out there that it is okay to vote for Biden. It has been two years since John McCain died. Thanks to his wife, he remains a thorn in President Trump's side.More stories from Joe Biden is already planning a failed presidency 5 brutally funny cartoons about Trump's assault on the Post Office Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speech

First night of virtual Democratic convention draws 19.7 million viewers on 10 U.S. TV networks

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

First night of virtual Democratic convention draws 19.7 million viewers on 10 U.S. TV networksFormer first lady Michelle Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders, a former presidential contender, were among the key speakers rallying support for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris. Obama and Sanders also spoke on the first night of the 2016 convention, which nominated Hillary Clinton for president.

Virginia state senator faces felony charges after protesters topple Confederate statue

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:19 AM PDT

Virginia state senator faces felony charges after protesters topple Confederate statueSen. Louise Lucas is among six others charged in the June incident.

Hundreds of thousands of bikers converged at the massive Sturgis Rally, one of the biggest gatherings during the pandemic. Mapping their phone data shows where they traveled across the US.

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

Hundreds of thousands of bikers converged at the massive Sturgis Rally, one of the biggest gatherings during the pandemic. Mapping their phone data shows where they traveled across the US.Over the past week, there has been an average of 100 new COVID-19 cases per day in South Dakota, a rate that has steadily risen since last month.

He turned his concrete patio in East L.A. into an edible garden with fruit trees

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

He turned his concrete patio in East L.A. into an edible garden with fruit treesHis terraced backyard in East L.A. is primarily concrete but Ken Sparks has managed to transform the hardscape into something alive and soft with chickens, a butterfly garden and a surplus of organic vegetables that he has planted in raised beds installed on top of concrete.

Fired Air Force General Created Toxic Work Environment: Report

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

Fired Air Force General Created Toxic Work Environment: ReportMaj. Gen. Dawn Dunlop's lawyer, Gary Myers, told Air Force Times that the IG reports have been an awakening for the general.

Arizona Teachers Waged a Sickout Over Coronavirus Concerns, and Organizers Say Other School Districts Could Be Next

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

Arizona Teachers Waged a Sickout Over Coronavirus Concerns, and Organizers Say Other School Districts Could Be NextArizona teachers in a district of 4,500 students have called out, fearing the risk of COVID-19 is still too high. Other school districts could be next

Gaza's power plant shuts down amid Israel-Hamas standoff

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:45 AM PDT

Gaza's power plant shuts down amid Israel-Hamas standoffGaza's sole power plant shut down Tuesday, leaving the territory's 2 million residents with only around four hours of electricity a day after Israel cut off fuel supplies in response to incendiary balloons launched by Palestinian militants. Tensions have risen in recent weeks between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic militant group that has ruled Gaza since 2007.

Trump slams New Zealand's 'big surge' of 13 COVID-19 cases. More than 400 US counties reported more than that in a day

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:54 AM PDT

Trump slams New Zealand's 'big surge' of 13 COVID-19 cases. More than 400 US counties reported more than that in a day"Big surge in New Zealand ... it's terrible," Trump said. New Zealand has 13 new cases and prime minister Jacinda Ardern has something to say.

Pakistan's PM Khan plays down differences with ally Saudi Arabia

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:04 AM PDT

Pakistan's PM Khan plays down differences with ally Saudi ArabiaPakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has played down differences with longtime ally Saudi Arabia after his army chief visited Riyadh in a bid to ease a row over policy towards the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir. The dispute, brought on by Pakistani demands for Saudi Arabia to take a firmer line against India for what Pakistan says are its human rights violations in Kashmir, has threatened Riyadh's financial support for Islamabad. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had no differences, Khan said in a late Tuesday interview, backing away from criticism by his foreign minister this month who suggested Saudi Arabia was indifferent on Kashmir.

China Looks to Leverage Coronavirus Vaccine Access to Secure Strategic Concessions from Other Nations

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

China Looks to Leverage Coronavirus Vaccine Access to Secure Strategic Concessions from Other NationsTop Beijing officials are promising certain countries, with whom they have strategic partnerships, early access to China's imminent coronavirus vaccines as they seek to repair their global image following criticism over their failure to contain the initial outbreak of the virus.The countries China is working with to produce vaccines and provide early access include Russia, Pakistan, the Phillippines, Brazil, and Indonesia. The details of China's negotiations with the countries remain unknown but are believed to be related to recognition of Beijing's territorial claims in the South China Sea.China's Foreign Ministry has struck a deal with the Philippines to provide them with priority access to a coronavirus vaccine developed in China, the Wall Street Journal reported.Meanwhile, China's Sinovac Biotech Ltd., which is ostensibly privately owned, has reached an agreement with Brazil and Indonesia to cooperate in producing hundreds of millions of doses of its vaccine for use in those countries.In Pakistan, the China National Pharmaceutical Group has agreed to conduct clinical trials in the country, and Pakistan will receive doses for about one-fifth of its 220 million population.Russia's health ministry must still approve a deal to produce a vaccine in Russia that was developed by China's military and the China-based CanSino Biologics Inc.Of the six global vaccine candidates in the final phases of clinical trials involving people, three are being developed in China. Last month, the U.S. began the world's largest vaccine study involving 30,000 volunteers, who will test doses of a vaccine developed by the National Institutes of Health and Moderna.China was swiftly criticized by the U.S., Britain, and other western countries for allowing the coronavirus outbreak which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan to spill across the country's borders and infect the rest of the world, causing a global pandemic.The pandemic damaged ongoing trade negotiations between the U.S. and China as the Trump administration laid the blame on Beijing for the global crisis."They could have stopped the plague. They could have stopped it. They didn't stop it," Trump said last month.

Keys candidate pulls out win in District 120 GOP primary, but there could be a recount

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:09 PM PDT

Keys candidate pulls out win in District 120 GOP primary, but there could be a recountAlthough he trailed way behind candidates Rhonda Rebman Lopez and Alexandria Suarez in Miami-Dade County, where about half the district's voters live, he had enough support in the Keys to pull through by about 100 votes. Late Tuesday, Mooney, a real estate agent and elected member of the Islamorada Village Council, had 4,613 votes to Rebman Lopez's 4,506 and Suarez's 3,977. All of the Keys is in the district, which includes some of South Dade, where Rebman Lopez and Suarez were in a tight battle among mailed-in, early and Election Day votes.

Golden State Killer faces his victims in court on first day of hearings

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

Golden State Killer faces his victims in court on first day of hearingsFormer Police Officer Joseph James DeAngelo, also known as the Golden State Killer, faces his victims in court Tuesday on the first of four days of hearings before he is sentenced to life in prison.

Savannah Chrisley reveals she's set to undergo 3rd endometriosis surgery

Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

Savannah Chrisley reveals she's set to undergo 3rd endometriosis surgery"I'm insanely self conscious and just feel like my body has given up on me," Chrisley said.

Ohio University's identity crisis shows the struggles of regional public universities

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Ohio University's identity crisis shows the struggles of regional public universitiesThe coronavirus pandemic has hastened a reckoning for nonflagship public campuses in Ohio and across the Midwest: Who should they serve?

San Francisco blanketed in smoke as California fires rage

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:49 AM PDT

San Francisco blanketed in smoke as California fires rageThousands of people were under orders to evacuate in areas surrounding the San Francisco Bay Area Wednesday as nearly 40 wildfires blazed across the state amid a blistering heat wave now in its second week. Smoke blanketed San Francisco. Police and firefighters went door-to-door before dawn Wednesday in a frantic scramble to warn residents to evacuate as fire encroached on Vacaville, a city of about 100,000 between San Francisco and Sacramento.

'Go away!' Workers heckle Belarus leader as support collapses around him

Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

'Go away!' Workers heckle Belarus leader as support collapses around himThe workforce at state-run enterprises in Belarus has long been a pillar of support for the country's beleaguered president. Now that's changing.

De Blasio’s Wife Employs Six Undisclosed Taxpayer-Funded Staffers: Report

Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:19 AM PDT

De Blasio's Wife Employs Six Undisclosed Taxpayer-Funded Staffers: ReportNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's wife, Chirlane McCray, employs at least six staffers whose salaries are paid by taxpayers but are not listed on her official staff roster.The city's first lady's office officially includes eight staffers who all together receive a collective $1.1 million in salaries, The City reported. However, McCray's staff numbered a total of 15 people for much of this year, but the recent departure of a staff member brought the total down to 14 people.The unlisted staffers include several who make six-figure salaries, including communications advisor Felicia Lee, whose $140,000 salary is paid by New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and director of policy Grace Choi, who makes $130,000 paid by the city's Department of Social Services. A social media manager whose salary is paid by the city's Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, as well as two other low-level staffers paid by the mayor's office, were also not listed on McCray's official staff roster. A second speechwriter was also put on a different payroll.Additionally, McCray in February hired a videographer with a $70,000 salary that was paid by the Department of Health. The videographer filmed her "Baking with the First Lady" clip that was posted in April as the pandemic ripped through New York City and residents observed stay at home orders.McCray, who has said she is considering running for Brooklyn borough president, is a highly involved volunteer for New York City and is not paid by the government. She runs the ThriveNYC program, which works to enhance mental health services for New Yorkers.The news of McCray's undisclosed staffers comes as her husband's administration prepares to lay off 22,000 city workers in October due to the fiscal crisis in the city caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

He was 19 and threw himself over a grenade in Vietnam. He now will be buried at Arlington

Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

He was 19 and threw himself over a grenade in Vietnam. He now will be buried at ArlingtonThe body of a local war hero who dove on a grenade in Vietnam to save his friends will be re-interred in November at Arlington National Cemetery.

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