Sunday, August 2, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Joe Biden buries the hatchet and looks to bring in Kamala Harris as running mate

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

Joe Biden buries the hatchet and looks to bring in Kamala Harris as running mateOn Friday night, supporters of Joe Biden received an urgent message from his campaign email address. But it wasn't from the Democrat presidential nominee. It was from Kamala Harris. Underneath a picture of herself, the California senator wrote: "I know Joe's heart, and I've seen first-hand his compassion and dedication to public service. He'll be a president for all of us, and I'm giving everything I've got to help him succeed this year." It was a further signal, if one were needed, that Ms Harris, 55, is now a clear favourite to become Mr Biden's running mate. He has said he will make a decision next week. But the message was also clearly intended to defuse a vicious behind-the-scenes battle that has reached fever pitch in recent days. With so much on the line, the knives have been out for Ms Harris within the Democratic party. Anonymous briefings, some emanating from people in 77-year-old Mr Biden's own camp, have attempted to portray her as disloyal, ruthlessly ambitious, opportunistic, untrustworthy and intent on becoming president herself. As one Democrat donor put it: "She would be running for president the day of the [Biden] inauguration. For me, loyalty and friendship should mean something." Read more: Who will be Joe Biden's running mate? The runners and riders

Court overturns Boston Marathon bomber's death sentence

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

Court overturns Boston Marathon bomber's death sentenceA federal appeals court Friday threw out Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's death sentence in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, saying the judge who oversaw the case did not adequately screen jurors for potential biases. A three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a new penalty-phase trial on whether the 27-year-old Tsarnaev should be executed for the attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 others. "But make no mistake: Dzhokhar will spend his remaining days locked up in prison, with the only matter remaining being whether he will die by execution," Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson wrote in the ruling, more than six months after arguments were heard in the case.

Former U.S. Ambassador Labels Pompeo Speech on China a ‘Psychotic Rant’ in Interview with Chinese Propaganda Outlet

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:28 PM PDT

Former U.S. Ambassador Labels Pompeo Speech on China a 'Psychotic Rant' in Interview with Chinese Propaganda OutletCharles "Chas" Freeman, a veteran U.S. diplomat who served in East Asia and as ambassador to Saudi Arabia, slammed a speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a "psychotic rant" in an interview Wednesday with a Chinese propaganda outlet.In his July 23 speech at the Nixon Presidential Library, Pompeo said, "Securing our freedoms from the Chinese Communist Party is the mission of our time, and America is perfectly positioned to lead it because our founding principles give us that opportunity."The U.S. is upping its hostility toward China "as outlined in Pompeo's psychotic rant of last Thursday," Freeman told Chinese state news agency Xinhua on Wednesday. "China policy is now made by notable anti-China elements, who will have agreed with the many falsehoods and distortions of Pompeo's rhetoric."Freeman has a long history of service in the State Department, and he was President Nixon's Chinese interpreter during his visit to China in 1972. The former diplomat drew controversy in 2009 when he was nominated to be chairman of the National Intelligence Council, after Freeman wrote in an email leaked to the Weekly Standard that China was too restrained in its crackdown of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests."The Politburo's response to the mob scene at 'Tian'anmen' stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action," Freeman wrote at the time. "I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be."

Unsealed documents resurface accusations in Ghislaine Maxwell case

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:00 AM PDT

Unsealed documents resurface accusations in Ghislaine Maxwell caseThe judge in the case of Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with recruiting teenage girls for financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse, said Friday that her attorneys can't identify accusers.

Democratic congressman calls out maskless GOP colleagues after positive coronavirus test

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

Democratic congressman calls out maskless GOP colleagues after positive coronavirus testRep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) on Saturday announced he is the latest member of Congress to test positive for COVID-19. The 72-year-old congressman, who said he currently has no symptoms and feels fine, had been isolating after coming into contact with Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), who tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this week.Grijalva did not call Gohmert out by name, but said that this week has revealed the consequences of the actions of Republican lawmakers who have gone to work at the Capitol without wearing a mask and taking the virus seriously, something which Gohmert has been accused of throughout the pandemic.> Grijalva added: "Numerous Republican members routinely strut around the Capitol without a mask to selfishly make a political statement at the expense of their colleagues, staff, and their families."> > — Manu Raju (@mkraju) August 1, 2020Three lawmakers, including Grijalva, were self-isolating after exposure to Gohmert. One of the others, Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) has since tested negative for the virus.More stories from 5 brutally funny cartoons about Bill Barr's brand of justice The housing crisis is here Could America split up?

A US Marine is dead and 8 service members are missing after an amphibious assault vehicle sank off the coast of California

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

A US Marine is dead and 8 service members are missing after an amphibious assault vehicle sank off the coast of CaliforniaThe US Marine Corps said the accident took place during a routine training exercise near the island of San Clemente.

Transcript: Mark Meadows on "Face the Nation"

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

Transcript: Mark Meadows on "Face the Nation"The following is a transcript of an interview with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that aired Sunday, August 2, 2020, on "Face the Nation."

Trump says he doesn’t think Herman Cain got coronavirus at the president’s Tulsa rally

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

Trump says he doesn't think Herman Cain got coronavirus at the president's Tulsa rallyBefore leaving the White House on Friday, President Trump praised Herman Cain and said he doesn't believe the 2012 Republican presidential candidate got the coronavirus at Trump's June 20 rally in Tulsa, Okla. Cain died on Thursday after contracting COVID-19. Earlier at a White House briefing, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany referred to Cain's website regarding speculation that he may have gotten coronavirus from the rally, saying, "We'll never know."

As COVID-19 sweeps across the South, the Army finds it’s not immune

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

As COVID-19 sweeps across the South, the Army finds it's not immuneThe U.S. Army is facing a significant COVID-19 challenge as infection rates soar across the south and southeast, where most of the service's installations are located. And now the disease is having a major impact on the Army's second-largest installation.

Crashed plane packed with cocaine was bound for Australia, police say

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

Crashed plane packed with cocaine was bound for Australia, police sayThe overloaded plane - which had over 500kg of cocaine on board - crashed shortly after take-off.

Bass addresses past remarks praising Scientology

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

Bass addresses past remarks praising ScientologyThe top-tier contender to be Joe Biden's running mate said in a statement she was trying to find an "area of agreement" with the church.

Police killings marked with backyard barbecues, secretive rituals, ex-captain alleges

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:25 PM PDT

Police killings marked with backyard barbecues, secretive rituals, ex-captain allegesSome officers involved in fatal shootings reportedly marked those incidents with backyard barbecues and were initiated into a "secretive clique."

A Summer Camp Took Almost Every Precaution. The Majority of Kids Still Got COVID-19.

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

A Summer Camp Took Almost Every Precaution. The Majority of Kids Still Got COVID-19.As state officials across the country scramble to solidify plans to reopen schools in the fall, a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzing the transmission rate at a Georgia overnight camp suggests that the spread of the coronavirus among students is inevitable. The study, released Friday, analyzed 597 children and staff who attended the overnight camp between June 21 and June 27. At the end of the week, 76 percent of campers who were tested came back positive—despite the organizers following most state guidelines set by the governor and the CDC. The camp, however, didn't require campers to wear masks, only the staff, or open windows and doors for increased ventilation, per CDC guidelines. And it allowed attendees to engage in outdoor and indoor activities—like singing and cheering—that also contributed to the high transmission rate, the report stated.Sick Schoolkids Could Send Florida Off a Coronavirus Cliff"These findings demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 spread efficiently in a youth-centric overnight setting, resulting in high attack rates among persons in all age groups, despite efforts by camp officials to implement most recommended strategies to prevent transmission," the report said, noting that the median age for the campers was 12 and the gender split was even.The report said it only took two days for a teenage staff member at the camp to develop chills and leave the camp. The next day, she tested positive for the coronavirus—prompting the camp to immediately begin sending attendees home before closing its doors on June 27.The study noted that test results were only available for 344 of 597 attendees and thus likely underestimated the total spread at the camp.  "Given the increasing incidence of COVID-19 in Georgia in June and July some cases might have resulted from transmission occurring before or after camp attendance," the study added. "Finally, it was not possible to assess individual adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures at [the] camp... including physical distancing between, and within, cabin cohorts and use of cloth masks, which were not required for campers."The report adds to the evidence suggesting children of all ages are susceptible to coronavirus, which has killed at least 150,000 Americans and infected over 4.5 million.Which Country Gets High Marks for Reopening Schools?While the report focused on one overnight camp that didn't adopt every measure it could to prevent an outbreak, the high transmission rate among a group of children will have implications for the ongoing push for schools to reopen in the fall. In Indiana, at least one student has already tested positive for the coronavirus after the first day of school. According to the Indianapolis Star, the student only attended some classes at Greenfield-Central Junior High School before being sent home and immediately isolated. Across town, an Avon High School staff member also tested positive for COVID-19 but had not yet been at school. And in Arizona, one teacher died and two more were infected after sharing a classroom to hold online classes.On Friday, however, the head of the CDC pushed for a reopening, saying it was in the "public health interest" to get students back in school."I don't think I can emphasize it enough as the director for the Centers for Disease Control, the leading public health agency in the world—it is in the public health interest [in] these K through 12 students to get the schools back open for face-to-face learning," Dr. Robert Redfield said in testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis."I want these kids back in school. I want it done smartly, but I think we have to be honest that the public health and interest of the students in the nation right now is to get a quality education and face-to-face learning. We need to get on with it."Redfield's comments came after the CDC issued guidance last week on reopening schools, suggesting that schools practice "cohorting," in which a group of students stays together throughout the school day to minimize exposure to the virus. CDC's Redfield Pleads Ignorance on Messy Coronavirus Hospital Data SchemeNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who oversees one of the largest public school systems in the country, used that recommendation as the crux of his school reopening plan presented on Friday. He said he believed a weekly "blended approach" of in-class and online lessons will minimize the transmission rate. "The whole idea of this plan is to limit the amount of movement in the school, limit the amount of people coming into contact with each other," de Blasio said, adding that schools will not re-open unless COVID-19 infection rates remain below 3 percent. Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has taken a more hard-line approach, establishing early guidelines that would force teachers, employees, and students exposed to the virus to go into "modified quarantine." After 10 to 14 days of self-isolation, they would be able to return to school if they don't have any symptoms—but students would still not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. The Utah guidelines also say that if a student tests positive in a class, the entire class must self-isolate and switch to online learning. There are also benchmarks in place that would require entire schools to quarantine and revert to virtual learning. "This will allow children to stay in the educational system, get the classroom setting they need, but also remain safe," Utah's state epidemiologist Angela Dunn said Thursday. "We as a state and communities have to address the availability of broadband. We have to think of it as an essential utility, and not all of our families have access to broadband."In Chicago, officials are preparing to allow half of the student population to be at school at any given time, and make all attendees wear masks and have their temperature taken before class. In Hawaii, the state Department of Education has offered schools three different models that include options for full-time school, a blended rotation, or remote learning. But at least ten of the largest school districts in the most virus-stricken states are only preparing to offer online classes, including Los Angeles Unified, Miami-Dade, and Clark County, Nevada.  "In many respects, unfortunately, though this may sound a little scary and harsh—I don't mean it to be that way—is that you're going to actually be part of the experiment of the learning curve of what we need to know," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said to educators in a Tuesday virtual town hall."Remember, early on when we shut down the country as it were, the schools were shut down, so we don't know the full impact, we don't have the total database of knowing what there is to expect."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Texas will now allow people taking the bar exam to bring their own menstrual products

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:19 AM PDT

Texas will now allow people taking the bar exam to bring their own menstrual productsThe Texas Board of Law Examiners will allow test-takers to bring their own menstrual products after previously forbiding them over security concerns.

A man pulled out a gun and fired 4 'warning shots' in a Miami hotel lobby after telling guests they weren't social distancing

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:37 AM PDT

A man pulled out a gun and fired 4 'warning shots' in a Miami hotel lobby after telling guests they weren't social distancingThe guest Douglas Marks claimed wasn't social distancing told police he said, "Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions."

Letters to the Editor: The cult of Trump is starting to inflict casualties. Just ask Louie Gohmert

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Letters to the Editor: The cult of Trump is starting to inflict casualties. Just ask Louie GohmertRep. Louie Gohmert is remaining stridently anti-mask even after being diagnosed with COVID-19, because he things that's what Trump wants.

Tenant arrested for allegedly decapitating landlord with a sword over rent dispute

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

Tenant arrested for allegedly decapitating landlord with a sword over rent disputeA Connecticut man allegedly decapitated his landlord after he was told he needed to move out over overdue rent, police said.Jerry David Thompson was arrested and charged with murder for allegedly beheading his landlord, Victor King, who rented him out a room in his home in Hartford, Connecticut.

UK lobbies US to support controversial new nuclear warheads

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:48 AM PDT

UK lobbies US to support controversial new nuclear warheadsLetter from defence secretary seen by Guardian draws Britain into debate pitting Trump administration against many DemocratsThe UK has been lobbying the US Congress in support of a controversial new warhead for Trident missiles, claiming it is critical for "the future of Nato as a nuclear alliance".A letter from Britain's defence secretary, Ben Wallace, seen by the Guardian, urged Congress to support initial spending on the warhead, the W93.The letter, sent in April but not previously reported, draws the UK into a US political debate, pitting the Trump administration against many Democrats and arms control groups over whether the the $14bn W93 programme is necessary. The US navy already has two warheads to choose from for its submarine-launched Trident missiles.The close cooperation on the W93 casts further doubt on the genuine independence of the UK deterrent – parliament first heard about it when US officials accidentally disclosed Britain's involvement in February – and the commitment of both countries to disarmament.The UK is also supporting the administration's efforts to speed up work on the warhead and its surprise $53m request for initial weapon design work in the 2021 budget, two years ahead of the previous schedule.Sceptics believe the rush is intended to lock in funding before the election. A Biden administration would be likely to review or even cancel the W93 programme."These are challenging times, but it is crucial that we demonstrate transatlantic unity and solidarity in this difficult period," Wallace told members of the House and Senate armed services committees. "Congressional funding in [2021] for the W93 program will ensure that we continue to deepen the unique nuclear relationship between our two countries, enabling the United Kingdom to provide safe and assured continuous-at-sea deterrence for decades to come."The British intervention comes as the initial funding for the warhead hangs in the balance. It was approved by the House and Senate armed services committees but blocked at least temporarily, by a House energy and water subcommittee last month.Congressional staffers said they could not recall such a direct UK intervention in a US debate on nuclear weapons."We've never had a letter of this sort before, so it was a little bit surprising that this is the issue that they chose to weigh in on," a committee aide said. The UK insists its Trident nuclear deterrent is autonomous, but the two countries share the same missiles and coordinate work on warheads. The current UK Trident warhead, the Holbrook, is very similar to the W76 warhead, one of two the US navy uses in its own Trident II missiles.The US and UK versions of the W93 are also expected to resemble each other closely. Both countries will use the same new MK7 aeroshell, the cone around the warhead that allows it to re-enter the earth's atmosphere, which will cost another several hundred million dollars.Little has been disclosed about the W93, but it is thought to be based on a design that was tested during the cold war but not made part of the US stockpile at the time. It will potentially be the first new warhead design in the US stockpile since the cold war and is expected to be of considerably higher yield than the current W76, which is already six times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima 75 years ago next week.The demand for funding for the W93 is particularly controversial in the US as the W76 and a higher-yield submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warhead, the W88, have already been subject to multibillion-dollar upgrades."This is excess on top of excess," Kingston Reif, director for disarmament and threat reduction policy at the Arms Control Association, said. "We already have two SBLM warheads. The W76 just went through a major life extension programme and is slated to be good into the early 2040s, and the W88 is going through a major alteration."The US can continue to assist the UK's arsenal without rushing the development of an unnecessary, at least $14bn new-design, third SLBM warhead," Reif added.The total cost of the US nuclear weapons modernisation programme is expected to be far in excess of $1tn.The US and Russia, which is also upgrading its arsenal and developing new weapons, together account for more than 90% of all the nuclear warheads on the planet, and both countries are putting increasing emphasis on them in their rhetoric and defence postures.Under Donald Trump, the US has now left three nuclear agreements and his administration is reluctant to extend the last major arms control deal with Russia, the 2010 New Start treaty, which is due to expire in February.The bonfire of nuclear accords, combined with the huge amounts spent on weapons like the W93, are a threat to the 1968 nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the fundamental bargain by which countries without nuclear arms pledged not to acquire them on condition the recognised nuclear powers (the US, UK, France, Russia and China) took steps to disarm, under article six of the treaty."When I look at something like the W93, it's not, in and of itself, a violation of article six," said Daniel Joyner, a University of Alabama law professor specializing in nuclear treaties. "It's just a further data point to evidence, the current non-compliance of the US and UK with article six."In his letter to the congressional committees, Wallace wrote: "Your support to the W93 program in this budget cycle is critical to the success of our replacement warhead programme and to the long-term viability of the UK's nuclear deterrent and therefore, the future of Nato as a nuclear alliance."Alexandra Bell, a former state department official and now senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said the US-UK special relationship had shown greater solidarity in promoting new weapons than in arms control."The UK is noticeably missing when it comes to emphatic support for New Start extension, but yet at the same time it feels comfortable directly telling members of Congress what they should do about our own modernization plans," Bell said. "I think that's weird."Asked about the purpose of Wallace's letter, a UK defense ministry spokesman said: "The UK's existing warhead is being replaced in order to respond to future threats and guarantee our security. We have a strong defence relationship with the US and will work closely with our ally to ensure our warhead remains compatible with the US's Trident missile."According to official figures, the US W76 warhead is viable until 2045 at least - and the UK version is expected to last until the late 2030's, so there is no urgent technical need for replacement.Greg Mello, executive director of the Los Alamos Study Group, said nuclear weapons hawks at the Pentagon, the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Los Alamos National Laboratory were pushing to lock in spending in case there is a change of administration."They would like to get this program endorsed by Congress this year, and they're very close to it," Mello said. "Once it is a programme of record, it will take more for a future administration to knock it out."

Coronavirus: Victoria declares state of disaster after spike in cases

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Coronavirus: Victoria declares state of disaster after spike in casesThe Australian state's premier says "we must go harder" after a surge in new coronavirus infections.

A Black Lives Matter mural is set to be removed in Tulsa after the city received a request for a pro-police painting

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

A Black Lives Matter mural is set to be removed in Tulsa after the city received a request for a pro-police painting"Allowing one group to paint messages on the street means everyone would be able to do so," Tulsa City attorney said, adding that murals shouldn't be allowed for safety reasons.

Less than half of US colleges are now planning for in-person classes

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:45 AM PDT

Less than half of US colleges are now planning for in-person classesThe Chronicle of Higher Education's reopening tracker finds just 49% of schools are planning on in-person instruction in the fall, versus 65% in June.

Hurricane Heads for Florida—Just as Coronavirus Deaths Hit New Record

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

Hurricane Heads for Florida—Just as Coronavirus Deaths Hit New RecordAs Florida struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic that has killed at least 7,000 residents, state officials are now scrambling to deal with another dueling disaster gaining momentum: Hurricane Isaias. "It's just another thing to add to the torture," Inez Cruz, a teacher in Palm Beach County, told the Washington Post. "It's another worry on top of what we already had."While Isaias weakened to a tropical storm on Saturday afternoon, the National Hurricane Center said the natural disaster is expected to regain hurricane strength as it approaches Florida. It is estimated to make landfall in southeast Florida late Saturday or early Sunday as a Category 1 storm after drawing strength from the warmer waters in the Gult Stream. After battering Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the center of the now Category 1 hurricane hit the Bahamas Saturday afternoon. Maximum sustained winds increased to 8o mph, snapping trees and knocking out power. Estimations, however, show the hurricane's forward motion has slowed to 12 mph as it continues to move northwest. President Donald Trump on Saturday approved an emergency declaration for affected Florida counties to allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide relief efforts if needed. "The situation remains fluid and can change quickly," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a Saturday press conference.But the duel emergencies bearing down on Florida are complicating each other. State-run coronavirus testing sites have been shut down in areas likely to be hit by the hurricane and, while normal protocol would call for mass evacuations and community shelters, hurricane evacuation centers are ripe for coronavirus outbreaks.On Friday, Florida set a record for single-day deaths for the fourth consecutive day. The Florida Department of Health on Saturday reported 179 deaths overnight, bringing the state's death toll to 7,022. There were 9,642 new infections, adding to a state-wide total of 480,028. Saturday's tally was slightly lower than Friday's, which saw a record-breaking 257 deaths. 'Pro-Life' Group Plans 1,300-Person Conference in Virus' Deadly PathThe state has, however, reported less than 10,000 positive cases for the last seven days, following several record-high days in early July. Florida now has the second-highest number of cases in the country, behind California, with a positive test rate of about 12 percent. But state officials are now shifting their attention away from the pandemic, and toward the incoming natural disaster. Officials in Palm Beach County on Friday ordered all city recreation facilities, including beaches, to be closed, and opened six emergency evacuation shelters for residents who live in mobile homes or low-income housing. "It's certainly unprecedented," Palm Beach County Commissioner Dave Kerner said on Friday. "It's the first time any of us in the [Emergency Operations Center] are aware of, that we've had two separate standing states of emergency for two separate issues. But we're laser-focused on both. We'll work hard to take whatever is thrown at us."He said that shelters will have a strict mask mandate and social distancing rules, and residents will be screened before entering.  "I hope this storm doesn't present a bump in the road in terms of our community response," he said, adding that law enforcement would be present in shelters to enforce the rules. "We're starting to see the effects of robust mask-wearing and social distancing, so I'll be reminding my constituents to remain vigilant and cognizant that this is going on in a pandemic, and we don't want to retreat from the progress we've made."In Miami, Mayor Carlos Giménez also closed beaches and marinas and put nearly two dozen evacuation centers on standby, but said they would be configured to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Trump has also reportedly canceled a campaign event scheduled for Saturday in Miami-Dade at his Doral golf resort."We still don't think there is a need to open shelters for this storm, but they are ready," Giménez told the Associated Press on Friday, adding that the shelters would give every individual about 40 square feet of space. DeSantis Says Florida Has a COVID-19 'Blip.' Nurses Say It's Far Worse.The shelters will also not serve cafeteria food to abide by social distancing. Infected evacuees will be isolated in rooms separate from the general population. On Friday, DeSantis declared a state of emergency for counties along the state's east coast, urging residents to remain vigilant and prepare emergency kits with a week's worth of supplies. A hurricane watch has also been put into effect from Hallandale Beach to Boca Raton, as well as a storm-surge watch from Jupiter to Ponte Vedra Beach.Stressing that the state is "fully prepared," the Republican governor added that some state-run coronavirus testing sites would be closed. "Our sites, because they're outdoors with tents, if it were to get 40-, 50-mile-per-hour winds, it would just collapse," he said Friday, adding that the state is prepared to open shelters and has created a reserve of PPE for the hurricane season. "Safety is paramount for that."DeSantis said Florida had built a stockpile of 22 million gloves, 20 million masks, 10 million gowns, 1.6 million face shields, 270,000 coveralls and 20,000 thermometers for impacted areas.He said Trump approved his emergency declaration request after attending a roundtable on coronavirus and storm preparedness in Tampa on Friday evening. "I want Floridians to know, the state of Florida is fully prepared for this and any future storm during this hurricane season," DeSantis said.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Court orders release of teen detained for not doing schoolwork

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:57 PM PDT

Court orders release of teen detained for not doing schoolworkThe teen's case gained national attention and drew condemnation from education and juvenile justice advocates.

New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Majority of Democrats want Biden to pick a Black woman for vice president

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:49 AM PDT

New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: Majority of Democrats want Biden to pick a Black woman for vice presidentAs Joe Biden prepares to announce his vice presidential pick, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds that most Democrats believe he should tap a Black woman to join him on the ticket.

Fact check: Cleveland Clinic never told employees cloth face masks 'don't work'

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

Fact check: Cleveland Clinic never told employees cloth face masks 'don't work'The clinic instructed workers not to wear cloth masks in its facilities in favor of masks with more protection, but it still endorses cloth mask use.

Washington State Trapped Its First 'Murder Hornet'

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

Washington State Trapped Its First 'Murder Hornet'Trapping Asian giant hornets is a crucial component for catching and killing the invasive species

Egypt tells Elon Musk its pyramids were not built by aliens

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

Egypt tells Elon Musk its pyramids were not built by aliensEgypt invited the billionaire to visit, after he appeared to tweet support for conspiracy theorists.

Teachers Union president on school health precautions: Where’s your plan Sec. Betsy DeVos?

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:53 AM PDT

Teachers Union president on school health precautions: Where's your plan Sec. Betsy DeVos? Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers president, joins Dana Perino on 'The Daily Briefing.'

Obama is now on a head-on collision course with Trump to save the 2020 US election

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

Obama is now on a head-on collision course with Trump to save the 2020 US electionBack in February 2008, congressman John Lewis had some bad news for Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign.It was true that just a few months earlier, the civil rights hero had backed her bid to become the nation's first woman president. But now, painfully and after no small consideration, he was having to take that endorsement back.

Florida couple busted for breaking COVID-19 quarantine insists they were just walking the dog

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 09:40 PM PDT

Florida couple busted for breaking COVID-19 quarantine insists they were just walking the dogCalifornia, which has been hard hit by the pandemic, reported its first teen fatality, while Jim Jordan sparred with Dr. Anthony Fauci at House hearing.

A protester says California police forced her to drink cold water to lower her temperature so she could be put in jail

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

A protester says California police forced her to drink cold water to lower her temperature so she could be put in jail14 protesters have accused jail staff in Sacramento of unhygienic practices, citing clogged toilets, cramped cells, and no sanitation.

'Back To The Future' With Biden’s female VP Pick

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

'Back To The Future' With Biden's female VP PickA woman VP or president is long overdue.

Russia and Belarus at odds over arrest of suspected mercenaries

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:38 AM PDT

Russia and Belarus at odds over arrest of suspected mercenariesA dispute between Moscow and Minsk over the detention of more than 30 men who Belarus accused of being Russian mercenaries deepened on Saturday, as the two sides contradicted each other about the group's plans. The arrests this week, shortly before an Aug. 9 presidential election in Belarus, could further strain relations between Minsk and its traditional ally Russia, which soured after the neighbours failed to agree on an oil supply contract for this year. Russia said on Thursday that the men, who it described as employees of a private security firm, had stayed in Belarus after missing their connecting flight to Istanbul.

Hong Kong 'seeking arrest' of fleeing activists

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

Hong Kong 'seeking arrest' of fleeing activistsSix activists, including some now in the UK, are reportedly wanted under the new security law.

Rosa Parks letter honouring Martin Luther King put up for auction

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT

Rosa Parks letter honouring Martin Luther King put up for auctionA hand-written letter by Rosa Parks honouring Martin Luther King has been put up for sale. Priced at $54,000 (£41,273), the letter was written by Ms Parks 13 years after he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. The document links two of the icons of the Civil Rights Movement. Ms Parks was a black woman who was arrested and briefly jailed in December 1955 for refusing to surrender her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Then a 42-year-old seamstress, Ms Parks was the first person to challenge the state's segregation laws. After being released on bail, she was fined $10 and ordered to pay $4 court costs.

James Clyburn: Trump doesn't plan to 'give up the office'

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

James Clyburn: Trump doesn't plan to 'give up the office'Rep. James Clyburn defended his recent comments saying President Trump "thinks that the American people will be duped by him, like the people of Germany was duped by Adolf Hitler."

‘Deadly heatwave’ forecast for southwestern US, forecasters warn

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

'Deadly heatwave' forecast for southwestern US, forecasters warnAn "excessive heat warning" has been issued by the US National Weather Service for parts of Arizona, Nevada and California, including Las Vegas and Phoenix.Temperatures are expected to climb to 50C (122F), which the weather service said amounts to "dangerously hot conditions".

Murphy says New Jersey's COVID-19 figures are 'setting off alarms'

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:44 PM PDT

Murphy says New Jersey's COVID-19 figures are 'setting off alarms'        New Jersey's coronavirus caseload and the rate of transmission have climbed higher and are "setting off alarms," Gov. Murphy said.

Kamala Harris is reportedly losing favorite status in the tumultuous Biden veepstakes. Here's why.

Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

Kamala Harris is reportedly losing favorite status in the tumultuous Biden veepstakes. Here's why.Skepticism around Harris from Biden's inner circle of family and elder statesmen like Chris Dodd all goes back to her big debate moment.

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