Saturday, August 22, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

'I trusted them.' Some 'Build the Wall' donors feel cheated by Bannon. Some don't care.

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

'I trusted them.' Some 'Build the Wall' donors feel cheated by Bannon. Some don't care.More than 250,000 people gave money to the We Build the Wall campaign, which raised millions for private construction of a border wall. According to federal prosecutors, they were defrauded by campaign leaders, including Steve Bannon.

Fact check: If the vice president becomes president, House speaker doesn't become new VP

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

Fact check: If the vice president becomes president, House speaker doesn't become new VPIf Joe Biden is elected but unable to serve a full term, Kamala Harris would become president. Nancy Pelosi, as speaker, wouldn't automatically be VP.

Double tragedy for Larry King as his son and daughter die in the space of 3 weeks

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 03:12 AM PDT

Double tragedy for Larry King as his son and daughter die in the space of 3 weeksThe 86-year-old TV host is mourning the recent loss of both his son Andy and daughter Chaia.

Mail-delivery concerns put spotlight on ballot deadlines

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:46 AM PDT

Mail-delivery concerns put spotlight on ballot deadlinesU.S. Postal Service warnings that it can't guarantee mailed ballots will arrive on time have put a spotlight on the narrow time frames most states allow to request and return those ballots. Georgia voters can request a ballot by mail until four days before the Nov. 3 election, with completed ballots due by 7 p.m. on Election Day. New Jersey ballots mailed on Election Day must be received within 48 hours of polls closing.

Tropical Storm Laura shifts south, leaving most of Florida outside the projected path

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:42 AM PDT

Tropical Storm Laura shifts south, leaving most of Florida outside the projected pathThe race to become Tropical Storm Laura goes to tropical depression 13, a system pointed toward the Bahamas and South Florida as a Category 1 hurricane late in the weekend.

Lori Loughlin, US actress, jailed over college admissions scandal

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

Lori Loughlin, US actress, jailed over college admissions scandalThe star from US sitcom Full House was handed a two-month sentence after agreeing a plea deal.

Plane carrying dissident in coma leaves Russia for Germany

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:58 PM PDT

Plane carrying dissident in coma leaves Russia for GermanyA plane carrying a Russian dissident who is in a coma after a suspected poisoning left for a German hospital Saturday following much wrangling over Alexei Navalny's condition and treatment. The plane could be seen taking off from an airport in the Siberian city of Omsk just after 8 a.m. local time. Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, confirmed the departure on Twitter.

Iran agrees inspection deal with UN nuclear watchdog at two nuclear sites

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:46 AM PDT

Iran agrees inspection deal with UN nuclear watchdog at two nuclear sitesIran has offered to allow UN nuclear inspectors to visit two controversial nuclear sites as part of its diplomatic charm offensive to have the international arms embargo against Tehran lifted, The Daily Telegraph can reveal. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN-sponsored body responsible for monitoring Iran's nuclear activities, has been highly critical of the Iranian regime over its refusal to cooperate with inspectors over claims that it has undertaken illicit activities at two nuclear facilities. The IAEA took the unprecedented step earlier this year of issuing a special report publicly rebuking Iran for its non-cooperation on a number of key nuclear issues, and denying inspectors access to two key Iranian nuclear installations at Marivan and Amad, which inspectors believe have been used for developing and storing nuclear material and form part of Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons programme. Iran has consistently refused to allow the IAEA access to the sites despite signing the 2015 nuclear deal with the US and other major world powers.

Michigan Gov. Whitmer says state will continue to show support for Flint residents with proposed $600M water deal

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:29 AM PDT

Michigan Gov. Whitmer says state will continue to show support for Flint residents with proposed $600M water dealA proposed $600 million deal between the state of Michigan and residents of the impoverished, majority-Black city of Flint who were harmed by lead-tainted water is a step toward making amends for a disaster that upended life in the city, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Thursday.

Biden asks Americans to judge Trump 'by the facts:' Unemployment, coronavirus cases, and its death toll

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:27 PM PDT

Biden asks Americans to judge Trump 'by the facts:' Unemployment, coronavirus cases, and its death tollJoe Biden is focusing on the devastating numbers that have come out of the Trump presidency over the past few months.The former vice president officially accepted the Democratic party's nomination on Thursday at the final night of the Democratic National Convention. And in making his fullest case for his election yet, he asked everyone to judge President Trump purely "by the facts."Biden started his speech with a slew of broad promises: that he would choose "hope over fear, fact over fiction, fairness over privilege," and "work hard for those who did not support me." But "no rhetoric is needed" to display just how different he is from the president is up against, Biden continued. "Just judge this president by the facts," namely the 5 million Americans infected with coronavirus, 170,000 who have died from it, and the more than 50 million people who have filed for unemployment over the past few months.> Biden: "No rhetoric is needed. Just judge this president by the facts. 5 million Americans infected by Covid-19. More than 170,000 Americans have died, by far the worst performance of any nation on Earth. More than 50 million people have filed for unemployment."> > -- Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 21, 2020Biden went on to list ways he would combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including through a national mask mandate, "not as a burden but as a patriotic duty to protect one another." > In outlining his COVID-19 plan, Joe Biden vows to take "the muzzle off our [health] experts," so the public can get "unvarnished truth."> > "We'll have a national mandate to wear a mask -- not as a burden but as a patriotic duty to protect one another."> > -- ABC News (@ABC) August 21, 2020More stories from Small-time scams are dissolving America from the inside The blocks behind Elizabeth Warren during her DNC speech held a secret message for sharp-eyed viewers The DNC's stirring eulogy for Joe Biden

Bolivia probes alleged Morales affair with minor

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:47 PM PDT

Bolivia probes alleged Morales affair with minorBolivia's justice ministry has filed a criminal complaint against 60-year-old former president Evo Morales over an alleged sexual relationship with a minor, Deputy Minister Guido Melgar said Thursday.

Bannon's Chinese host an irritant to Communist Party

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:38 AM PDT

Bannon's Chinese host an irritant to Communist PartyThe self-exiled Chinese tycoon on whose 150-foot (45-meter) yacht President Donald Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was arrested is a high-profile irritant to the ruling Communist Party. Guo Wengui left China in 2014 during an anti-corruption crackdown led by President Xi Jinping that ensnared people close to Guo, including a top intelligence official. Chinese authorities have accused Guo of rape, kidnapping, bribery and other offenses.

Why Lori Loughlin will spend 2 months in prison for the college admissions scandal while Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

Why Lori Loughlin will spend 2 months in prison for the college admissions scandal while Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 daysFelicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin have both pleaded guilty in the college-admissions scandal, but their roles in the scheme are quite different.

Protesters hold seventh anti-Kremlin march over detained governor

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 01:50 AM PDT

Protesters hold seventh anti-Kremlin march over detained governorAround 1,500 people marched through the streets of the Russian far eastern city of Khabarovsk on Saturday, marking the seventh consecutive weekend of protests after the region's governor was detained in early July. Residents of Khabarovsk, 6,110 km (3,800 miles) east of Moscow, have protested since the detention of Sergei Furgal, the region's popular governor, on July 9 in connection with murder charges which he denies. People marched on Saturday with posters reading "Freedom to Furgal" and "Belarus - Khabarovsk is with you" - a sign of support for opposition rallies in Belarus protesting against the alleged rigging of its presidential election.

Badass Midwest Women Show Dems Are Ready to Take Trumpland

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:48 PM PDT

Badass Midwest Women Show Dems Are Ready to Take TrumplandWith the 2020 Democratic convention receding into our DVRs, all that's left is a day or so of people whose job it is to analyze politics telling news consumers What It All Means, and who hammered or eviscerated our weird dumb president the hardest. But Democrats also made their case to women by speaking to women and allowing women to speak for themselves. In particular, this Midwestern native noticed an awful lot of keynotes from "flyover country." This can only bode well for the Democrats. One of the political media's more irksome tics is the way they treat every place in the middle of the country like it's a faraway land of simple white folk chewing long stalks of wheat as they drive their tractors to church, their equally white wives baking pies for the weekly minivan council meeting. For meals, corn dogs we grew ourselves, and farm-fresh cheese curds. Coastal media condescension about the Midwest is an infuriatingly durable tradition. Biden's Big Tent Trumps GOP's Sweaty Clown CarBut at this convention, the Democratic Party presented a more evolved and diverse picture of the Midwest and, in so doing, likely did itself well by Midwestern women—voters it desperately needs, especially since Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania handed Trump the presidency in 2016. Front and center on the final night of the convention were Tammys Baldwin and Duckworth, United States senators representing Illinois and Wisconsin, respectively. Both are Midwestern women who have shattered boundaries while remaining popular back home. Baldwin is the first openly gay person elected to the Senate. In politically polarized Wisconsin, she's massively popular and seems to rise above the nastiness that characterizes much of the state's politics. Duckworth was the first Thai-American to serve in Congress and became the first senator to ever give birth in office. (That prior to 2018, not a single member of the upper chamber of the legislature had given birth is quite a testament to the age and maleness of the Senate.) Oh, and did I mention she lost both of her legs serving her country? Groundbreaking Midwestern women were featured throughout the convention. Michigan's governor, Gretchen Whitmer, got her own keynote, and Michigan state rep. Mari Manoogian made appearances on two separate nights. Each woman was elected as a confident Democrat in a state Trump won in 2016. Viewers also heard from Wisconsin's Gwen Moore (an early highlight), Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar, and Illinois natives Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. The convention also elevated the voices of non-politicians, many of whom were from the Midwest, but all of whom brought something unique. These "real people" interstitials were some of the most effective moments of the convention. But the pols had their moments, too. Baldwin urged viewers to "always look forward and never look back." Duckworth argued passionately for veteran access to health care. Michelle Obama's speech, the oratory equivalent of being sat down by your mother and told she's very worried about you because she loves you very much, was arguably the highlight of the whole convention. Klobuchar will make a fine campaign surrogate among centrists. All of them were confidently themselves, confident in the diversity of background and experience they each brought to the table. It's as if the Democrats, by featuring these women, asked: You think anti-Trumpism won't fly in the Midwest? And answered: Yes, it will.Of course, we won't know if this particular voter outreach will translate to election returns until at least November 3rd. But for now, Democrats, this Wisconsin native sees you. Now if only the political media will learn that only the town assholes hang out at Midwestern small-town diners, not everybody from the Midwest is white, and we don't actually spend that much time eating corn dogs. At least the Democrats seem to get it. Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Senegal port seeks removal of 2,700 tonnes of chemical that caused Beirut blast

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:23 AM PDT

Senegal port seeks removal of 2,700 tonnes of chemical that caused Beirut blastThe port of Senegal's capital Dakar on Thursday said it had requested the removal of around 2,700 tonnes of highly explosive ammonium nitrate stored in its complex - the same volume of the chemical that caused Beirut's devastating port blast this month. The unidentified owner of the stockpile has found a warehouse to store the industrial chemical outside the city, according to the general directorate of the port, which sits next to Dakar's densely populated downtown. "He is currently working with the environment ministry to obtain approval to urgently remove this cargo," it said in a statement that did not say how long the port had stored the goods destined for Mali. The port strictly adheres to international rules for the management and storage of dangerous materials, it said. Beirut's port had held 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate for six years without safety measures, before they detonated on August 4, killing more than 150 people, injuring thousands and leaving about a quarter of a million people homeless. "The dramatic situation that Beirut has just experienced" prompted the High Commander of Dakar's port to take journalists on a tour of the port's facilities to show that security measures are up to standard, the statement said. The Beirut blast should be a wake-up call for countries on the dangers of ammonium nitrate, experts say. Commonly used in fertilisers and as an industrial explosive, it is considered relatively safe if handled properly, but has caused some of the world's deadliest industrial accidents.

QAnon: Senior Republican says there is 'no place' for right-wing conspiracy theory in GOP

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

QAnon: Senior Republican says there is 'no place' for right-wing conspiracy theory in GOPHouse minority leader Kevin McCarthy has condemned the QAnon, saying there is "no room" for the conspiracy theory in the Republican party.In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Mr McCarthy, Republican representative for California's 23rd district, was asked whether he was worried about candidates who have won primaries who were affiliated with groups like QAnon.

5 killed in California wildfires that continue to destroy homes

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:42 AM PDT

5 killed in California wildfires that continue to destroy homesAt least five people have died in dozens of wildfires that are raging throughout Northern California.

Police in Portland arrest 9 in clash near precinct station

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 02:03 AM PDT

Police in Portland arrest 9 in clash near precinct stationProtesters and police in Portland clashed before dawn Saturday after about 200 people marched to a police precinct station in yet another night of violence for Oregon's largest city. Demonstrators hurled bottles and rocks at officers and pointed lasers at them, damaging police cars and causing minor injuries for several officers, Portland police said in a statement. Three were charged with assault on a police officer.

CDC: Rhode Island provided childcare to 19,000 kids this summer, and only 30 tested positive for the coronavirus. Here is the 4-step plan they followed.

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

CDC: Rhode Island provided childcare to 19,000 kids this summer, and only 30 tested positive for the coronavirus. Here is the 4-step plan they followed."Schools are able to open safely in communities with low transmission. It's more of a challenge in communities that have more widespread transmission"

Lukashenko says he will close Belarus factories that are seeing protests: RIA

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:53 AM PDT

Lukashenko says he will close Belarus factories that are seeing protests: RIABelarus President Alexander Lukashenko said on Saturday he would close factories that have seen worker protests, the Russian RIA news agency reported, his latest attempt to quell a wave of opposition rallies since contested elections this month. Lukashenko also suggested he would fire the workers concerned. "If a factory is not working then let's put a lock on its gate from Monday, let's stop it," RIA cited Lukashenko as saying in the town of Grodno near the border with Poland.

California wildfires destroy numerous redwood trees and historic buildings at Big Basin state park

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:09 AM PDT

California wildfires destroy numerous redwood trees and historic buildings at Big Basin state parkA beloved California state park filled with enormous redwood trees has been at least partially destroyed by wildfires, according to state officials and activist groups.Big Basin Redwoods State Park, just northeast of Santa Cruz, suffered significant damage from raging wildfires in the region. According to the LA Times, it is California's oldest state park.

Ohio University's identity crisis shows the struggles of regional public universities

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:07 PM PDT

Ohio University's identity crisis shows the struggles of regional public universitiesThe coronavirus pandemic has hastened a reckoning for nonflagship public campuses in Ohio and across the Midwest: Who should they serve?

Maybe Trump shouldn't have set the bar so low for Joe Biden's DNC speech

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:20 PM PDT

Maybe Trump shouldn't have set the bar so low for Joe Biden's DNC speechOne of the biggest bits of drama in the otherwise tightly scripted Democratic National Convention was whether the new nominee, Joe Biden, would fumble his big acceptance speech with an embarrassing gaffe or a "senior moment." And why would people think that? Well, President Trump and his campaign have been predicting as much for weeks. They even spent a lot of money on an online ad this week claiming Biden is in "cognitive decline."The DNC appeared unsure, too, prefacing his speech with repeated mentions of Biden's history of stuttering — including a story about his mother threatening to assault a teacher-nun who mocked her son's stutter in class and this moving video from a young Brayden Harrington.But Biden rose to the occasion. And his speech looked even better, it was widely noted, because Trump and his allies had set such a low bar for him to clear.> No one helped Biden tonight more than Trump and his campaign, who spent the last few months setting the expectations so stupidly low by painting Biden as a bumbling idiot suffering from dementia.> > — Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) August 21, 2020> Probably not an awesome idea to make the bar so low it's "can Joe Biden talk without drooling"> > — The Calamari Comeback Kid (@TylerDinucci) August 21, 2020> Republicans set the bar so low that if Biden was able to just say his name, it'd have been a success. Instead, he gave the best speech of his entire career. The GOP will have no - and I mean *no* - strategy moving forward.> > — Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) August 21, 2020Some people were still not impressed that Biden could read a speech without stumping, but that isn't all he did, of course.> As expected, Joe Biden cleared the absurdly low bar that Trump set for him. But he's done a whole lot more here. He's made a case for character and renewal, earnest hope and unity, when that is so needed. How refreshing to hear a man vow to serve those who won't vote for him.> > — Aaron Astor (@AstorAaron) August 21, 2020Maybe the Trump team will learn the art of expectations-setting before the debates. But for now, Biden can finally say: Thanks, Trump.More stories from Small-time scams are dissolving America from the inside The blocks behind Elizabeth Warren during her DNC speech held a secret message for sharp-eyed viewers The DNC's stirring eulogy for Joe Biden

Georgia officer fired after using stun gun on Black woman

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

Apple helped build a top secret iPod for the government that only 4 people at the company even knew existed, former engineer says

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

Apple helped build a top secret iPod for the government that only 4 people at the company even knew existed, former engineer saysApple helped the Department of Energy build a top secret iPod back in 2005, but it's unclear what it was for.

House returns from recess to vote on additional $25 billion for United States Postal Service

Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:52 AM PDT

House returns from recess to vote on additional $25 billion for United States Postal ServiceHouse Republican leaders told members to vote against the legislation, which they called a "conspiracy theory bill."

Northern Cyprus set to reopen Cypriot ghost town on ceasefire lines

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:24 AM PDT

Northern Cyprus set to reopen Cypriot ghost town on ceasefire linesNorthern Cyprus is almost ready to begin reopening the town of Varosha, the breakaway state's premier said on Friday, a former resort area fenced off and abandoned in no-man's land since a 1974 Turkish invasion that split the island. Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister Ersin Tatar said the revival of Varosha, now an eerie collection of derelict hotels, churches and residences, would bring trade and tourism benefits. The move is likely to anger Greek Cypriots, 39,000 of whom once lived in Varosha before fleeing advancing Turkish forces 46 years ago, and stoke tensions between the two sides.

Lebanon's Beirut blast shattered taboos around Hezbollah

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:28 AM PDT

Lebanon's Beirut blast shattered taboos around HezbollahHezbollah's emphatic defence of the political status quo in Lebanon has exposed it since the deadly Beirut blast to levels of public contempt and anger it was once shielded from.

Trump: U.S. would retaliate if reports of bounties on U.S. troops were true

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:41 PM PDT

Trump: U.S. would retaliate if reports of bounties on U.S. troops were truePresident Trump on Thursday promised to retaliate if other countries were found to have offered bounties for attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but he gave no further information whether his stance toward U.S. intelligence reports outlining the bounties had changed.

At least 5 dead in California fires; tens of thousands forced to flee

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:13 PM PDT

At least 5 dead in California fires; tens of thousands forced to flee"We are experiencing fires the likes of which we haven't seen in many, many years," Gov. Gavin Newsom said.

Sarah Cooper lip syncs to Trump at DNC – and speaks out in support of Biden

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

Sarah Cooper lip syncs to Trump at DNC – and speaks out in support of BidenThe lip-synching comedian and viral star Sarah Cooper made an appearance at the DNC and did what she does best – poked fun at Donald Trump.On a night when comedy at times mixed uneasily with the sombre tone of the final night of the convention as a result of the lengthy tributes paid to Joe Biden's late son, Beau, who died from a rare cancer in 2015, Cooper managed to find the perfect words.

PNG demands China explain COVID-19 vaccine trial on miners

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:21 PM PDT

PNG demands China explain COVID-19 vaccine trial on minersPapua New Guinea blocked the arrival of a flight carrying workers from China after a Chinese mine operator said its employees were given a coronavirus vaccine in a possible unauthorized trial, authorities said Friday. The Pacific nation's pandemic response controller, David Manning, banned COVID-19 vaccine trials after Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Ltd. said it vaccinated Chinese employees. Pharmaceutical companies in China and other countries are racing to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus.

Exclusive: British Islamic State twin sister alive with young son in Syrian detention camp

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:10 AM PDT

Exclusive: British Islamic State twin sister alive with young son in Syrian detention campA woman from Manchester who joined Islamic State as a teenager alongside her twin sister is alive and being held with her young son in a controversial camp run by Syrian Kurdish forces, sources in north-east Syria have confirmed to The Telegraph. Salma and Zahra Halane were 16 when they fled their home in Chorlton in June 2014 to travel to Syria, but their fate has not been known since IS lost the last of its territory in fighting against Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in March 2019. Zahra was recently caught trying to escape from the sprawling Al Hol camp, where she had lived for 16 months, and was transferred last week from a women's prison to a new high-security extension to Roj camp, where humanitarians worry the most dangerous IS supporters are being moved, sources in the camps said. Salma's whereabouts is unknown but she is also believed to be alive. Dubbed the "terror twins" in the media, Zahra and Salma remain committed IS supporters, according to women in Al Hol. The fact that their presence went unreported and that at least one of them attempted to escape illustrates the danger of leaving tens of thousands of jihadists under the guard of a militia in a war-torn country, experts say. The Halane twins, who moved to Manchester at a young age from Denmark, crossed into Syria in July 2014, shortly after IS declared a caliphate. The twins, whose elder brother had reportedly travelled to Syria the year before, moved to Raqqa, the caliphate's capital, and soon married Islamic State fighters. Their youth and apparent enthusiasm for life under IS attracted widespread attention, and their journey to jihad was later copied by the Bethnal Green trio - teenage girls from an academy in London of whom only Shamima Begum is known to have survived.

The 2021 visa lottery winners have been announced. Egypt, Iran and Russia top the list

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

The 2021 visa lottery winners have been announced. Egypt, Iran and Russia top the listThe U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs published its Visa Bulletin for September 2020, announcing the results for fiscal year 2021 of the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, which makes available up to 55,000 permanent resident visas, known as green cards, each year.

Saudi-led coalition downs Houthi missile fired towards Najran: Saudi TV

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:21 AM PDT

Stephen Miller reportedly wanted to separate every migrant family that crossed the border

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT

Stephen Miller reportedly wanted to separate every migrant family that crossed the borderMany of the Trump administration's most powerful officials voted in favor of separating migrant children from their parents in 2018, NBC News reports.Family separation at the border hit its peak in the summer of 2018 after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions launched the U.S.'s "zero tolerance policy" that prosecuted all immigrants crossing the border, including parents who were then separated from their children. Trump's senior adviser Stephen Miller is known as the architect of that plan, but reportedly had the support of other top officials, two officials tell NBC News.A month after zero tolerance went into effect, families were still not being split up, and Miller was "furious about the delay," NBC News writes. So he led a meeting with Sessions, former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and more officials, where he asked them to vote in favor of pushing the policy along. "If we don't enforce this, it is the end of our country as we know it," Miller reportedly said. The zero tolerance policy ultimately resulted in the separation of nearly 3,000 children from their families, but Miller actually proposed a policy that would split every migrant family at the border, even those who arrived legally and sought asylum. That would've ripped 25,000 more children from their parents. Nielsen reportedly tried to present a moral case against family separation, but when it came down to a vote, "a sea of hands went up" in favor of Miller's expediency, NBC News continues.Among those invited to the meeting were Vice President Mike Pence, then-Chief of Staff Mark Kelly, and then-White House Counsel Don McGahn. Read more at NBC News.More stories from Trump initially responds to Biden's acceptance speech with brevity and correct grammar Unearthed clip shows Stephen Bannon joking about 'Build the Wall' fraud in 2019 Joe Biden's speech even wowed his critics: 'Biden crushed expectations'

Southwest is turning down $2.8 billion in CARES Act aid to avoid the federal government's 'onerous' conditions

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT

Southwest is turning down $2.8 billion in CARES Act aid to avoid the federal government's 'onerous' conditionsEven as bookings stay low, Southwest said it can raise enough cash to endure the crisis — and avoid dealing with the strings attached to federal help.

Furloughed workers trapped in desperate limbo as aid runs out, waiting for jobs that may never return

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

Furloughed workers trapped in desperate limbo as aid runs out, waiting for jobs that may never return"I've been told many times since June that I could get called back 'any day now,'" said one furloughed worker. "My entire life is on hold and I have to remain available."

Trump tries to blame California wildfires on state ignoring his 'raking' leaves theory of forest management

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

Trump tries to blame California wildfires on state ignoring his 'raking' leaves theory of forest managementDonald Trump threatened to withhold emergency funding from California because the state had ignored his "raking" theory of forest management to prevent wildfires.As firefighters battled hundreds of wildfires across Northern California, Mr Trump told a campaign rally in Pennsylvania that the state should pay for the damage because they ignored his recommendations after previous fires.

Sen. Cassidy tests positive for virus, has COVID-19 symptoms

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

Sen. Cassidy tests positive for virus, has COVID-19 symptomsU.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy announced Thursday that he has tested positive for the coronavirus and is experiencing some COVID-19 symptoms. The Republican senator, 62, who is running for reelection on Nov. 3, is experiencing "mild symptoms that began this morning," from COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus, his spokesperson Cole Avery said. Cassidy is at least the 13th member of Congress known to have tested positive for the coronavirus and only the second senator.

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