Monday, August 3, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

A pastor who told congregants not to be afraid of the coronavirus was hospitalized with COVID-19

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT

A pastor who told congregants not to be afraid of the coronavirus was hospitalized with COVID-19Charles Pope, a pastor in Washington, D.C., tested positive for COVID-19 after advising worshippers not to fear the virus.

Florida man once bitten by alligator is chomped by 8-foot shark while on vacation

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:41 PM PDT

Florida man once bitten by alligator is chomped by 8-foot shark while on vacationJustin Stuller is now sporting two dozen stitches and a small limp after tangling with an eight-foot lemon shark in the Florida Keys.

‘Murder hornets’ trapped in US for first time as officials race to eradicate colonies before breeding season

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:38 AM PDT

'Murder hornets' trapped in US for first time as officials race to eradicate colonies before breeding seasonAs the US grapples with the world's worst coronavirus outbreak, a new threat is emerging as Asian giant hornets – known as "murder hornets" due to their lethal sting to humans – are gaining a foothold in the country.After they were first found in Washington State in May this year, the 2-inch (5cm)-long hornets have now been trapped for the first time – giving officials an indication – firstly that their traps work, and secondly of where nests could be situated.

U.S. coronavirus 'extraordinarily widespread,' White House experts say

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

U.S. coronavirus 'extraordinarily widespread,' White House experts sayThe United States is in a new phase of the novel coronavirus outbreak with infections "extraordinarily widespread" in rural areas as well as cities, White House coronavirus experts said on Sunday. Coronavirus cases continue to surge in some parts of the country and the public health officials are trying to work with governors to tailor responses for each state. "We are in a new phase," said Dr. Deborah Birx.

Annual Sturgis rally expecting 250K, stirring virus concerns

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:48 AM PDT

Annual Sturgis rally expecting 250K, stirring virus concernsSturgis is on. The message has been broadcast across social media as South Dakota, which has seen an uptick in coronavirus infections in recent weeks, braces to host hundreds of thousands of bikers for the 80th edition of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. More than 250,000 people are expected to rumble through western South Dakota, seeking the freedom of cruising the boundless landscapes in a state that has skipped lockdowns.

Ningaloo Reef: Woman injured by humpback whale at Australian tourist spot

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:06 AM PDT

Ningaloo Reef: Woman injured by humpback whale at Australian tourist spotThe woman is in a "serious but stable condition" after being hit by the whale during a group swim.

Editorial: California faces an eviction catastrophe. Newsom, lawmakers need to act now

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT

Editorial: California faces an eviction catastrophe. Newsom, lawmakers need to act nowAs the downturn continues and tenant protections expire, we could see a tidal wave of evictions and a surge in homelessness even as the pandemic rages on.

After Missing for 9 Days, Teenager Found Safe Near Washington State Mountain Pass

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

After Missing for 9 Days, Teenager Found Safe Near Washington State Mountain PassAuthorities located 18-year-old Gia Fuda just before they were about to start winding down their rescue efforts

Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Czar: Time to ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

Trump's Coronavirus Testing Czar: Time to 'Move On' From HydroxychloroquineAssistant Secretary for Health Adm. Brett Giroir pushed back against President Donald Trump's obsession with unproven anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine on Sunday, stating unequivocally that he "can't recommend" the drug as a coronavirus treatment and that it's time to "move on" from it.Over the past week, the president and his allies have renewed their embrace of the controversial medication after a fringe group of doctors touted it as a coronavirus "cure" in a viral video. Trump continued to endorse the video even after finding out that Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of the most outspoken members of the group, claimed that "alien DNA" was in medicine and some female medical problems are caused by demon sex.Giroir, however, refused to back the president's support for hydroxychloroquine during a Meet the Press interview while pointing to a plethora of studies that show the drug is largely ineffective in treating COVID-19.Demon Sperm Doc's Old Colleagues Warn of Horrible Side Effects of Chloroquine"Look, I know you're not a political person, but the president continues to advocate for hydroxychloroquine," NBC News anchor Chuck Todd asked on Sunday. "Is that a danger to public health?"The coronavirus testing czar noted that the anti-malarial drug at first "looked very promising" as a coronavirus treatment before explaining that a number of randomized clinical trials since then have now revealed there "is no benefit." "At this point in time, we don't recommend that as a treatment and there's no evidence to show that it is," he added.Todd, meanwhile, wondered aloud if Giroir was "concerned" that the administration's "mixed messaging" on the drug is "going to continue to sort of create this fog" about the drug's efficacy."So hydroxychloroquine needs to be prescribed by a physician," the HHS official replied. "There may be circumstances, and I don't know what they are, where a physician may prescribe it for an individual.""But I think most physicians and prescribers are evidence-based and they're not influenced by whatever's on Twitter or anything else and the evidence just doesn't show that hydroxychloroquine is effective right now," he continued. "I think we need to move on from that and talk about what is effective."Giroir went on to say that the most effective methods of stemming the spread of the virus are social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand-washing while touting advances in therapeutics and potential vaccines.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Bower Studios and West Elm Reprise a Partnership With This New Collection

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

Rep. Raúl Grijalva tests positive for COVID-19, is symptom-free

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:58 AM PDT

Rep. Raúl Grijalva tests positive for COVID-19, is symptom-freeRep. Raúl Grijalva has tested positive for COVID-19 after days in D.C. that included a hearing with Rep. Louie Gohmert, who also tested positive.

'A courageous trailblazer': The US Navy's first Black female fighter pilot has earned her 'Wings of Gold'

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

'A courageous trailblazer': The US Navy's first Black female fighter pilot has earned her 'Wings of Gold'"Very proud of LTJG [Madeline] Swegle," a senior Navy official wrote when she graduated. "Go forth and kick butt."

Judge starts new injunction barring Lee statue removal

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

Judge starts new injunction barring Lee statue removalA judge dismissed a legal challenge Monday preventing Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's administration from removing an enormous statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, but immediately imposed another injunction in a different lawsuit. The new 90-day injunction bars the state from "removing, altering, or dismantling, in any way" the larger-than-life statue or its massive pedestal while the claims in a lawsuit filed by a group of Richmond property owners are litigated. Richmond Circuit Court Judge W. Reilly Marchant wrote that "the public interest does weigh in favor" of a temporary injunction.

Mexico crime: Mexican police seize alleged oil theft crime boss The Sledgehammer

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

Mexico crime: Mexican police seize alleged oil theft crime boss The Sledgehammer"The Sledgehammer" is caught after releasing a bizarre, tearful video declaring war on security forces.

Russia says suspected mercenaries detained by Belarus were going to Latin America

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT

Russia says suspected mercenaries detained by Belarus were going to Latin AmericaA Russian diplomat said on Monday a group of more than 30 suspected Russian mercenaries detained in Belarus last week were only passing through Minsk and were on their way to an unnamed Latin American state. Belarusian authorities have said they suspect the men entered their country to plot "acts of terrorism" and destabilise it before an Aug. 9 presidential election. The Russian state says it does not use mercenaries.

Connie Culp, 1st US partial face transplant recipient, dies

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

Connie Culp, 1st US partial face transplant recipient, diesConnie Culp, the recipient of the first partial face transplant in the U.S., has died at 57, almost a dozen years after the groundbreaking operation.

Emeritus Pope Benedict, 93, 'extremely frail' after visiting dying brother

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:25 PM PDT

Emeritus Pope Benedict, 93, 'extremely frail' after visiting dying brotherFormer Pope Benedict XVI became seriously ill after visiting his sick brother in Germany in June and is "extremely frail", according to a report in the German Passauer Neue Presse newspaper on Monday. Benedict, 93, is suffering from erysipelas of the face, a virus that causes a rash and episodes of severe pain, the newspaper reported, citing the former pontiff's biographer, Peter Seewald. "According to Seewald, the Pope emeritus is now extremely frail," the report said. "His thinking and his memory are quick, but his voice is hardly audible at the moment." Mr Seewald reportedly visited Benedict in Rome on Saturday to present him with his biography. "At the meeting the emeritus Pope, despite his illness, was optimistic and declared that if his strength increased again he would possibly take up his pen again," the paper said. Benedict visited his sick brother, Georg, in Germany in June, marking his first trip out of Italy since his shock resignation in 2013. Georg Ratzinger died two weeks later, aged 96.

Sen. Murkowski Says Confirming Supreme Court Nominee in 2020 Would Be ‘Double Standard’

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

Sen. Murkowski Says Confirming Supreme Court Nominee in 2020 Would Be 'Double Standard'Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recent health problems have revealed a rift among Senate Republicans over what to do if a Supreme Court seat becomes vacant before the end of President Trump's first term.While Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has indicated his intent to fill any Supreme Court vacancies in 2020, other Republicans are more hesitant.Senator Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska), expressed concern that confirming a Trump nominee before the end of the president's term would create a "double standard" after Republicans in 2016 declined to appoint then-president Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, to fill the seat vacated by conservative justice Antonin Scalia's death."When Republicans held off Merrick Garland it was because nine months prior to the election was too close, we needed to let people decide. And I agreed to do that. If we now say that months prior to the election is OK when nine months was not, that is a double standard and I don't believe we should do it," Murkowski told The Hill. "So I would not support it."Republicans, who control 53 Senate seats, wouldn't be able to confirm a justice with more than three defections of a confirmation vote if all 47 Democratic senators stay unified.When Scalia died in mid-February of 2016 and Obama nominated Garland one month later, McConnell and then-Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) blocked Garland from even getting a hearing.McConnell has said confirming another Trump nominee would be different because Republicans control both the White House and the Senate, while in 2016 Democrats controlled only the White House. For his part, Grassley, who now serves as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said he would likely maintain Republicans' 2016 position if the situation arises, though he stressed that the decision is ultimately up to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.).Graham told The Hill that while he'd be willing to fill a vacancy, his decision would depend upon what his Republican colleagues think. Senate Republican whip John Thune (S.D.) said he would support filling a vacancy before the election but was less certain about a course of action should Trump lose the election. Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) expressed support for confirming a Trump nominee in 2020.Graham expects Trump to release a list of conservative nominees in the coming weeks, which he would pick from should a Court vacancy occur this year or in Trump's second term, if he wins reelection. "I don't know. We'll see," he said. "I hope everybody stays healthy on the Supreme Court and we don't have to worry about it."

Navarro Throws Another White House Health Expert Under Bus Over Hydroxy

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

Navarro Throws Another White House Health Expert Under Bus Over HydroxyWhite House trade adviser Peter Navarro publicly bashed yet another White House public-health expert on Monday while touting an unproven anti-malarial drug, saying he took "exception" to coronavirus testing czar Brett Giroir dismissing hydroxychloroquine as an effective coronavirus treatment.Days after CNN cut short a Navarro interview after he kept repeating the racist phrase "China virus," the network invited him on for yet another contentious segment that featured the combative Trump aide disseminating coronavirus disinformation.Navarro, who has been an outspoken proponent of hydroxychloroquine and has repeatedly attacked top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci for warning about the drug's lack of efficacy, doubled down on his embrace of the drug while taking aim at Giroir."One of the president's chief advisers on the coronavirus pandemic, Adm. Giroir, he said given five studies now that have found the drug hydroxychloroquine—that there's no proof that it helps with COVID-19 patients," host Jim Sciutto noted. "I just wonder, given your past public support for it, is it time for the administration to focus on proven treatments for COVID rather than one that has not been proven?"Navarro—who recently groused that the government is "sitting on millions of doses" of the drug—shot back that he takes "exception to Giroir's analysis, adding that the HHS official "hasn't looked at the data" within the past two weeks."It's his job to look at data," Sciutto interjected.After demanding that CNN bring on a couple of doctors who claim the drug is beneficial for COVID-19 patients—CNN had actually interviewed one of them hours earlier—Navarro brushed off the large number of experts criticizing hydroxychloroquine."My view of this now is doctor's opinions are a dime a dozen and some doctors say it doesn't work," he exclaimed. "You've got some doctors who say it does."The CNN host, meanwhile, retorted that this isn't a "both sides thing," prompting Navarro to insist that is exactly what it is."No, it is a both sides. It is—it is both sides," he declared.Sciutto went on to note that several high-quality double-blinded clinical trials show that there is no benefit to the drug and that the FDA has revoked emergency use of hydroxychloroquine due to concerns over potentially deadly side effects."This hasn't passed muster so why all the focus on that drug," the CNN anchor wondered aloud. "Why not focus on things that work like remdesivir?"Undeterred, Navarro claimed that there is now a study that shows hydroxychloroquine "works better" than remdesivir—even though White House coronavirus coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said just last week that randomized trials have shown the anti-viral drug efficacy as a treatment. She also reiterated that there appears to be no benefit to hydroxychloroquine.Team Trump has suddenly rallied back around the controversial malaria drug after a fringe doctor—who believes that demon sperm causes female medical problems and "alien DNA" is being used in medication—proclaimed it a coronavirus "cure" in a viral video last week. Despite that doctor's bizarre past claims, President Donald Trump has called her "spectacular," "very respected," and an "important voice."Chris Wallace Confronts Trump Campaign Spox Jason Miller: Admit 'You're Losing'Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

New York City has already had more shootings in 2020 than in the whole of 2019

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:33 AM PDT

New York City has already had more shootings in 2020 than in the whole of 2019New York City has recorded more shootings so far in 2020 than the whole of last year, authorities have confirmed.There were 777 shootings between January and 2 August 2020, compared with 776 in 2019, according to figures compiled by the New York Post, and later confirmed by New York Police department (NYPD).

An Arizona congressman who tested positive for the coronavirus criticized Republican lawmakers for refusing to wear masks in the Capitol

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:35 AM PDT

An Arizona congressman who tested positive for the coronavirus criticized Republican lawmakers for refusing to wear masks in the CapitolArizona Democrat Rep. Raúl Grijalva tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday but is currently asymptomatic.

Portland police declare unlawful assembly during protest

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:57 PM PDT

Portland police declare unlawful assembly during protestThe Portland Police Bureau declared an unlawful assembly Saturday night when people gathered outside a police precinct in Oregon's largest city and threw bottles toward officers, police said. Until that point, federal, state and local law enforcement had been seemingly absent from the protests Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The demonstrations — that for weeks ended with tear gas, fireworks shot towards buildings, federal agents on the street and injuries to protesters and officers — have recently ended with chanting and conversations. Activists and Oregon officials urged people at Saturday night's protest in Portland to re-center the focus on Black Lives Matter, three days after the Trump administration agreed to reduce the presence of federal agents.

Biden VP contenders Karen Bass and Susan Rice scramble to explain previous comments

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:19 AM PDT

Biden VP contenders Karen Bass and Susan Rice scramble to explain previous commentsFox News contributor Rachel Campos- Duffy weighs in on how prior remarks by Karen Bass and Susan Rice will affect the Biden campaign.

Verdict looms in killing of Lebanon ex-PM Hariri

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:58 AM PDT

Verdict looms in killing of Lebanon ex-PM HaririA UN-backed tribunal will give its verdict Friday on the 2005 murder of former Lebanese premier Rafic Hariri, but questions will remain over a long and costly trial whose suspects remain at large. Four alleged members of the Shiite Muslim fundamentalist group Hezbollah are on trial in absentia at the court in the Netherlands over the huge Beirut suicide bombing that killed Sunni billionaire Hariri and 21 other people. The judgment harks back to an event that changed the face of the Middle East, with Hariri's assassination triggering a wave of demonstrations that pushed Syrian forces out of Lebanon after 30 years.

China seeks to increase influence in South China Sea by reclassifying international shipping lanes

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:31 AM PDT

China seeks to increase influence in South China Sea by reclassifying international shipping lanesChina has quietly changed how it identifies a vast stretch of international waters in a shipping regulation, indicating it as a "coastal" region, rather than "offshore," as authorities seek to exert even greater control over the South China Sea. The amended regulation, first drafted in the 1970s, went into effect on Saturday, and establishes a "navigation area" from China's Hainan island in the south, all the way down to the disputed Paracel Islands, which sit east of Vietnam's coastline. The revision, however small, allows Beijing yet another avenue to justify its claims in the region. "The move is pretty consistent with the broader, general patterns of China seeking 'creeping jurisdiction' using domestic laws to assert its claims and extend control in the South China Sea," said Collin Koh,a research fellow at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. "With those domestic laws and regulations being implemented quietly without fanfare, the less likely it'll attract undue external attention, so that over time a fair accompli is created - in other words, for Beijing to change facts on the ground." The risk, in the long run, is that this area of ocean already flanked by Chinese military interests and installations, could turn a navigational zone to a "future security alert zone," he said. The change comes as China has displayed increasing swagger in the South China Sea, where Beijing and a number of Southeast Asian countries all lay claim to the rocks, reefs and waters.

Judge rejects Trump restrictions on coronavirus sick leave for employees

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

Judge rejects Trump restrictions on coronavirus sick leave for employeesA U.S. judge on Monday voided parts of a Trump administration rule that restricted paid sick leave and emergency family leave for potentially millions of workers affected by the coronavirus. Ruling in a case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, U.S. District Judge Paul Oetken in Manhattan said the Department of Labor overstepped its authority in denying eligibility for benefits to several groups of workers. The rule was adopted in April to implement the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which made as many as 61 million employees eligible for up to two weeks of paid sick leave and 12 weeks of mostly paid emergency family leave.

Hydroxychloroquine not effective, time to 'move on:' White House coronavirus testing chief Giroir

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

Hydroxychloroquine not effective, time to 'move on:' White House coronavirus testing chief Giroir"I think most physicians and prescribers are evidence-based and they're not influenced by whatever is on Twitter," Adm. Brett Giroir said.

Shoprite: Africa's biggest supermarket considers pulling out of Nigeria

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:45 AM PDT

Shoprite: Africa's biggest supermarket considers pulling out of NigeriaShoprite is the latest high-profile South African retailer to struggle in the Nigerian market.

Searching has ceased for the eight service members who went missing after an amphibious assault vehicle sank off the coast of California

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:12 AM PDT

Searching has ceased for the eight service members who went missing after an amphibious assault vehicle sank off the coast of CaliforniaOne marine was already found dead, and the eight remaining service members are now also presumed deceased.

Public transportation may not be a major source of coronavirus transmission

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

Public transportation may not be a major source of coronavirus transmissionAt first glance, taking public transportation seems like a particularly risky activity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, but in several major cities where ridership has rebounded, there haven't been any outbreaks linked to subways, buses, or commuter railways, The New York Times reports.In Paris, contact tracers have not found public transportation to be linked to any of the city's 386 coronavirus clusters between early May and mid-July. The same goes for Tokyo's famously busy system, and an Austrian study also did not tie any outbreaks to public transportation in the country.The findings are encouraging, but come with some caveats: Ridership still falls short of pre-pandemic levels in most places, and those cities where passengers are taking public transportation in more significant numbers have mandated masks, disinfected trains and buses, and ramped up service to avoid overcrowding. Of course, that will likely be the blueprint for many cities going forward, at least while the pandemic continues.The trickier aspect might have to do with contact tracing. Experts warn that it's challenging to trace an outbreak to public transportation because there's little chance people will remember their precise train car, and it's even more difficult to track down who else was in the same space.A lot remains unknown, but the Times reports that riding public transportation probably falls somewhere in between walking outdoors and dining indoors on the safety scale. Read more at The New York Times.More stories from The most damning inside portrait of the Trump administration yet Why Democratic voters might stay home on Election Day 5 brutally funny cartoons about Bill Barr's brand of justice

Philippine capital returning to lockdown as virus surges

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:57 PM PDT

Philippine capital returning to lockdown as virus surgesThe Philippine president has agreed to place the capital and outlying provinces back under a lockdown after medical groups warned that the country was waging "a losing battle" against the coronavirus amid an alarming surge in infections. Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said Monday that metropolitan Manila, the capital region of more than 12 million people, and five densely populated provinces will revert to stricter quarantine restrictions for two weeks starting Tuesday. President Rodrigo Duterte relaxed the country's lockdown on June 1 in an effort to restart the stalled economy.

A cartel war has transformed once-tranquil Guanajuato into one of Mexico's deadliest states

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:00 AM PDT

A cartel war has transformed once-tranquil Guanajuato into one of Mexico's deadliest statesHomicides soar as two gangs battle it out in the Mexican state of Guanajuato.

Two sisters who hadn't seen each other in more than 50 years were reunited by coronavirus

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:58 PM PDT

Two sisters who hadn't seen each other in more than 50 years were reunited by coronavirusOne long-lost sister was being treated for her COVID-19 infection at a rehab center while the other worked as a medical aide.

Mysterious seeds sent from China to the US identified by the USDA

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

Mysterious seeds sent from China to the US identified by the USDAThe mysterious seed packs from China that hundreds of Americans received in the mail have been identified, according to the US Department of Agriculture.Federal officials warned those who received the seeds not to plant them over fears that some may be invasive species and could destroy native plants and insects.

U.S. Congress in position to spend big on coronavirus relief: Fed official

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

U.S. Congress in position to spend big on coronavirus relief: Fed officialThe U.S. Congress is in position to spend big on coronavirus relief efforts because the nation's budget gap can be financed without relying on foreign borrowing, given how much Americans are saving, a top Federal Reserve official said on Sunday. "Those of us who are fortunate enough to still have our jobs, we're saving a lot more money because we're not going to restaurants or movie theaters or vacations," Neel Kashkari, president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, told CBS' "Face the Nation." The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives approved a $3 trillion relief bill in May, while Senate Republicans, many of whom have expressed concerns about mounting debt, countered by proposing a $1 trillion aid package last week.

Nancy Pelosi Tears Into Dr. Birx: ‘I Don’t Have Confidence’ in Her

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

Nancy Pelosi Tears Into Dr. Birx: 'I Don't Have Confidence' in HerHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) didn't mince words on Sunday morning, declaring that she has no "confidence" in White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, whom she blamed for President Donald Trump peddling coronavirus disinformation.Last week, during a closed-door meeting with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Politico reported that the speaker tore into Birx. "Deborah Birx is the worst. Wow, what horrible hands you're in," she reportedly exclaimed.Pelosi also accused Birx of "spreading disinformation" while simultaneously praising top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci—who has found himself in Team Trump's crosshairs of late—as a "hero."Asked whether her reported comments were accurate, Pelosi doubled down on her Birx criticism during an appearance on ABC's This Week."I think the president has been spreading disinformation about the virus and she is his appointee so, I don't have confidence there, no," the House leader huffed.At the end of a contentious CNN interview that included host Dana Bash pressing her on why the administration's coronavirus response "failed so badly," Birx was asked to react to Pelosi's harsh remarks."I have tremendous respect for the speaker," Birx deflected. "And I have tremendous respect for her long dedication to the American people."The White House coronavirus task force member then turned her attention to The New York Times, which recently published a deep-dive into the administration's "failure" in containing the pandemic and reported that Birx was only giving good news to Trump."And I think it was unfortunate that The New York Times wrote this article without speaking to me. I could have brought forth the data," she complained, defending her record. "I provide data every single day with an analysis. The day that they are talking about that I was 'Pollyannish.'""It said there was improvement in the New York metro, but ongoing cases in Boston and Chicago, a new outbreak in Houston and full logarithmic spread, and new concerning outbreaks in Baltimore, New Haven, and Washington, D.C," she continued. "This was not a Pollyannish view. I have never been called Pollyannish or non-scientific or non-data-driven. And I will stake my 40-year career on those fundamental principles of utilizing data to really implement better programs to save more lives."Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Scientists and environmental groups 'alarmed' by huge rise in Amazon wildfires

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT

Scientists and environmental groups 'alarmed' by huge rise in Amazon wildfires"It's a terrible sign," said Ane Alencar, science director at Brazil's Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM).

Iran has been covering up its coronavirus death toll, according to BBC investigation which says the true figure is almost 3 times higher

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:34 AM PDT

Iran has been covering up its coronavirus death toll, according to BBC investigation which says the true figure is almost 3 times higherBoth coronavirus deaths and cases are significantly higher than Iran is publicly reporting, according to government figures seen by the BBC.

Masks on as German children start new schoolyear under virus cloud

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

Masks on as German children start new schoolyear under virus cloudThousands of children in northern Germany became the first in Europe to begin a new school year on Monday after months of curtailed hours over the coronavirus pandemic. The rest of the country was watching anxiously as 150,000 children returned to school in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany's first state to restart full-time classes after the summer holidays, with infection numbers on the rise again. Education ministers of Germany's 16 states had agreed for schools to reopen full-time after the summer break, after offering only partial hours in the weeks when the lockdown was eased.

Spanish police launch investigation after DJ filmed spitting beer in to a crowd

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:44 AM PDT

Spanish police launch investigation after DJ filmed spitting beer in to a crowdPolice have launched an investigation after a video emerged of a DJ spitting beer onto dancers at a beach club in a Spanish resort as the country battled to reduce a spike in coronavirus cases. Video film showed a man spraying the crowd with beer then offering some dancers drinks from the same bottle at the club in Torremolinos, a destination popular with British tourists near Malaga in southern Spain. Many people dancing do not appear to be wearing masks according to the images which were shared widely on social media. One member of the Spanish DJ duo called Les Castizos was said to be the person who spat the beer at the crowd during part of their act. Police said they were investigating the pair for alleged "behaviour which does not abide by the measures of protection and security against coronavirus". Torremolinos council has closed the beach bar Kokun Ocean Club for 15 days after the video emerged.

Portland, America's 'whitest' big city, is an unlikely hub of Black Lives Matter

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:30 AM PDT

Portland, America's 'whitest' big city, is an unlikely hub of Black Lives MatterPortland, Ore., where more than 72% of the population is white, has been transformed into a national center of the movement for racial justice.

Man arrested in connection with pro poker player's death

Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:16 PM PDT

Biden urged not to debate Trump so president doesn't have another platform to 'lie'

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:43 AM PDT

Biden urged not to debate Trump so president doesn't have another platform to 'lie'Republican strategist Joseph Pinion and Democratic political analyst Kelly Hyman react.

Homeland Security official reassigned after intelligence reports on journalists covering protests

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:34 AM PDT

Homeland Security official reassigned after intelligence reports on journalists covering protestsA US intelligence official with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been reassigned following revelations that his office compiled "intelligence reports" on journalists and analysed communications between protesters amid ongoing demonstrations in Portland, Oregon.Brian Murphy was removed from his post following a report in The Washington Post revealing that the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis sent open source intelligence reports to federal law enforcement agencies containing information from two reporters who had published leaked unclassified government documents while covering Black Lives Matter protests.

Dr. Birx: Before schools can reopen, coronavirus outbreaks must get under control

Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

Dr. Birx: Before schools can reopen, coronavirus outbreaks must get under controlBirx endorsed a recommendation from CDC Director Robert Redfield that schools in areas with a 5% positivity rate or higher stick to distance learning.

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