Thursday, August 6, 2020

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

'Blatant disrespect of Black women': Women leaders criticize treatment of Black women being considered as Biden VP pick

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

'Blatant disrespect of Black women': Women leaders criticize treatment of Black women being considered as Biden VP pickSen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Karen Bass, Susan Rice, Rep. Val Demings and Stacey Abrams have all been floated as possible running mates for Biden.

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden says Trump deployed 'secret police' in Portland to provoke violence for campaign ads

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden says Trump deployed 'secret police' in Portland to provoke violence for campaign adsSen. Ron Wyden argues that President Trump sent federal agents to Portland in order to "create images of chaos for his own political gain."

Satellite imagery shows scale of destruction after explosion at Beirut port

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

Satellite imagery shows scale of destruction after explosion at Beirut portSatellite imagery from Planet Labs, Inc. and Maxar Technologies shows the damage sustained by yesterday's explosions at the Port of Beirut in Lebanon.

Baltimore is investigating after officials removed 5 approved Black Lives Matter murals

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

Baltimore is investigating after officials removed 5 approved Black Lives Matter muralsThe city department blamed a "miscommunication" for the error, but also said a staff member accused of problematic behavior is under investigation.

Poll: Most Black Americans Want Police to Remain in Their Areas

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:04 AM PDT

Poll: Most Black Americans Want Police to Remain in Their AreasMost black Americans say they want police to continue their current presence in local areas, even as protests against racism and police brutality sweep the nation, and calls to reform and even defund police departments persist.Close to two-thirds, 61 percent, of black Americans said they want the police presence in their area to remain the same, while 20 percent said they would like to see police spend more time in their neighborhood, according to a new Gallup poll. Another 19 percent said they would like to see the police presence in their area decrease.Among the general population, 67 percent of Americans say they want the police presence near them to remain the same, with 71 percent of white Americans saying so. A majority of other minority communities also said they do not want to see fewer police officers patrolling their neighborhoods, with 59 percent of Hispanics preferring the current police presence.Black Americans said they observe police in their neighborhoods slightly more than other groups, 32 percent saying they see police officers often or very often in their area, above the national average of 24 percent of all Americans who say the same. About 27 percent said they rarely or never see police in their neighborhoods. Only 22 percent of white Americans said they see police often or very often around where they live.Of black Americans who see police frequently in their areas, only about a third say they think police should curtail their time in the neighborhood, similar to the overall percentage who say so.Despite most black Americans approving of the level of police presence in their neighborhoods, less than one in five say they are very confident that they would be treated with courtesy and respect during an encounter with police. Meanwhile, over half, 56 percent, of white Americans say they are confident in the same.The Gallup poll was taken after weeks of unrest in metropolitan areas around the country over police tactics involving interactions with minority communities, particularly black Americans. Protests and riots broke out in May in many cities following the police custody death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck as he pleaded for air.Calls to defund police have been particularly prevalent in Portland, Ore. and Seattle, Wash., both of which are predominantly white cities.The survey was conducted online from June 23 to July 6.

North Korea's escalating virus response raises fear of outbreak

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:57 AM PDT

North Korea's escalating virus response raises fear of outbreakNorth Korea is quarantining thousands of people and shipping food and other aid to a southern city locked down over coronavirus worries, officials said, as the country's response to a suspected case reinforces doubt about its longstanding claim to be virus-free. But amid the outside skepticism and a stream of North Korean propaganda glorifying its virus efforts, an exchange between Pyongyang and the United Nations is providing new clarity - and actual numbers - about what might be happening in the North, which has closed its borders and cut travel - never a free-flowing stream - by outsider monitors and journalists. In late July, North Korea said it had imposed its "maximum emergency system" to guard against the virus spreading after finding a person with Covid-19 symptoms in Kaesong city, near the border with rival South Korea. State media reported that leader Kim Jong-un then ordered a total lockdown of Kaesong, and said the suspected case was a North Korean who had earlier fled to South Korea before slipping back into Kaesong last month. North Korea's public admission of its first potential case and the emergency steps it took prompted immediate outside speculation that Pyongyang may be worried about a big outbreak after months of steadfastly claiming it had no cases. Foreign experts are highly skeptical over the North's assertion of no cases, in large part because of its long, porous border with China, where the virus emerged, and its history of hiding past disease outbreaks.

China threatens countermeasures as Taiwan prepares for U.S. visit

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:09 PM PDT

China threatens countermeasures as Taiwan prepares for U.S. visitChina on Thursday threatened to take countermeasures over a trip to Taiwan by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, as the Chinese-claimed island geared up for its highest-level U.S. official visit in four decades. The visit, which begins on Sunday, adds to tensions between Beijing and Washington over everything from trade and human rights to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a daily briefing in Beijing that any attempt to deny or challenge the "one China" principle, which states that Taiwan is part of China, would end in failure.

A nuclear sea-launched cruise missile will help deter nuclear aggression

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

A nuclear sea-launched cruise missile will help deter nuclear aggressionA Pentagon official argues a nuclear sea-launched cruise missile is a measured response to a growing threat from America's adversaries.

At least 3 cruise ships are battling coronavirus outbreaks as the industry's return hits a rocky start

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

At least 3 cruise ships are battling coronavirus outbreaks as the industry's return hits a rocky startThe US isn't allowing sailing from its ports until October, but many ships in Europe have resumed sailings after a months-long pause.

A Florida woman was kicked off an American Airlines flight for wearing a 'F--- 12' face mask

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:39 AM PDT

A Florida woman was kicked off an American Airlines flight for wearing a 'F--- 12' face maskArlinda Johns told local news that she put on a new mask when she was told her mask was offensive. She was later escorted off the flight.

MS-13 gang members charged with sex trafficking, other charges in abuse of 13-year-old runaway

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:19 PM PDT

MS-13 gang members charged with sex trafficking, other charges in abuse of 13-year-old runawayFederal prosecutors allege that gang members beat the girl, raped her and prostituted her in Virginia and Maryland.

Joshua Wong and other Hong Kong activists charged over banned June 4 vigil

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT

Joshua Wong and other Hong Kong activists charged over banned June 4 vigilTwo dozen people in Hong Kong, including pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, have been charged with participating in an illegal assembly at a vigil on June 4 commemorating the crackdown on protesters in and around Beijing's Tiananmen square in 1989. It was the first time the vigil had been banned in semiautonomous Hong Kong, with police citing coronavirus restrictions on group gatherings in refusing permission for it to take place. The anniversary struck an especially sensitive nerve in the former British colony this year, falling just as China prepared to introduce national security legislation later that month in response to last year's often violent pro-democracy demonstrations.

Latin America now has world's highest coronavirus death toll

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

Latin America now has world's highest coronavirus death tollThe region has now recorded more than 206,000 deaths, approximately 30% of the global total.

Esper says he underestimated how much racial injustice affects service members

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

Esper says he underestimated how much racial injustice affects service membersDefense Secretary Mark Esper called George Floyd's death a wake-up call for military leadership.

The story of how Manhattan Project workers tried to stop the atomic bombs 75 years ago

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:00 AM PDT

The story of how Manhattan Project workers tried to stop the atomic bombs 75 years agoManhattan Project scientists sent petitions to the president to stop the atomic bombs, but they were never delivered.

A woman allegedly smashed a police officer's head into concrete after being told to wear a mask

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

A woman allegedly smashed a police officer's head into concrete after being told to wear a maskA woman in Australia allegedly smashed a police officer's head into concrete after being told to wear a mask. The officer was left concussed.

Portland's Black police chief says violent protesters have 'taken away from' the Black Lives Matter movement

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:24 AM PDT

Portland's Black police chief says violent protesters have 'taken away from' the Black Lives Matter movementWhile the protests in downtown Portland have largely been peaceful, there have been violent offshoots in other parts of the city this week.

Syrian refugee hailed as hero in Germany after saving woman from rapist

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

Syrian refugee hailed as hero in Germany after saving woman from rapistA Syrian refugee has been hailed as a hero in Germany after he stopped a man raping a woman. The 30-year-old Syrian, named only as Faner O under German privacy laws, intervened after he saw a woman being attacked by a man in the early hours of Sunday morning. With the help of another passerby, he overpowered the rapist and held him until police could reach the scene. The rape victim, who has not been named, is understood to be a trainee police officer. Faner O, who fled to Germany from his native Syria four years ago, works as a car mechanic in the west German city of Wuppertal. He was driving home in the early hours of Sunday morning when he saw a woman being pursued by a man. "It was around half past three in the morning. I had just dropped a friend off and was driving home to my wife and daughter, when I saw a woman walking along Friedrich-Engels-Allee and a man in a red T-shirt running after her. Then they disappeared into the bushes," he told Bild newspaper. Concerned, Faner O stopped his car and followed them into the bushes, where he found the man pinning the woman to the ground. "He had one hand over her mouth and was choking her with the other. She was resisting, but he was very strong." The would-be rapist fled but Faner O gave chase. A 20-year-old passerby who had heard the sounds of struggle came to his help, and together they were able to overpower the perpetrator. The rapist has not been named but is understood to be a 20-year-old Afghan migrant known to local police in connection with similar incidents. The woman suffered only minor injuries, according to local police. "She fought hard and cried out for help. This alerted witnesses who rushed to her aid and drove off her attacker. They then gave chase and were able to seize him after a short pursuit. They held him until officers arrived," police said in a statement. Faner O said he was not afraid during the encounter. "At that moment I was only thinking of helping the woman," he told Bild. "If something like that happened to my daughter, I'd want some one to help her."

Teen ‘mastermind’ accused of crippling Twitter hack is linked to deadly home robbery

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

Teen 'mastermind' accused of crippling Twitter hack is linked to deadly home robberyA Florida teenager who is accused of participating in last month's Twitter bitcoin scam, which saw several of the world's highest-profile accounts hacked, has reportedly been linked to an attempted robbery that ended in a lethal shooting.An investigation by the Tampa Bay Times has found that 17-year-old Graham Ivan Clark, who is credited by police as one of the "masterminds" of the scam, has also been named in the case of a burglary seven months ago that saw one teenager killed and another wounded.

'They're dying … it is what it is': key takeaways from Trump's shocking interview

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:53 AM PDT

'They're dying … it is what it is': key takeaways from Trump's shocking interviewPresident floundered in conversation with Axios, claiming Covid-19 was 'under control' and attacking mail-in votingDonald Trump stumbled through his second damaging interview in as many weeks, floundering in a conversation with the news website Axios over key issues he is tasked with responding to as president.It's been just over two weeks since the president made a series of shocking statements in a one-on-one interview with Fox News, but he packed another host of extraordinary claims into a 37-minute interview released on Monday night by Axios.Here are the eight most glaring things Trump said to reporter Jonathan Swan. 'It is what it is'In a lengthy discussion about the US's poor response to coronavirus, Trump described the pandemic as "under control".Swan responded: "How? A thousand Americans are dying a day.""They are dying. That's true. And you – it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can. It's under control as much as you can control it." 'You can't do that'The president then appeared unable to distinguish between different measurements of coronavirus deaths.Trump brandished several pieces of paper with graphs and charts."United States is lowest in numerous categories. We're lower than the world. Lower than Europe.""In what?" Swan asked. As it becomes apparent that Trump is talking about the number of deaths as a proportion of confirmed Covid-19 cases, Swan said: "Oh, you're doing death as a proportion of cases. I'm talking about death as a proportion of population. That's where the US is really bad. Much worse than Germany, South Korea."Trump responded: "You can't do that." 'He didn't come to my inauguration'Trump downplayed the work of the congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis, whose funeral was held last week in Atlanta, Georgia. Instead of Lewis's legacy, Trump focused on Lewis in relation to himself."I never met John Lewis, actually," Trump said. "He didn't come to my inauguration. He didn't come to my State of the Union speeches, and that's OK. That's his right."Lewis's fight for racial equality includes having his skull broken by state troopers during the 1965 Bloody Sunday march in Alabama. As a congressman he worked across the aisle. 'I did more for the black community than anybody'Swan pressed for an analysis of systemic racism. Trump said: "I have seen where there is a difference and I don't want there to be a difference."When asked why black men are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police, the president spoke about how many white people are killed by the police.Then said: "I did more for the black community than anybody with a possible exception of Abraham Lincoln, whether you like it or not."When asked whether he did more than Lyndon B Johnson, who signed into law the Civil Rights Act in 1964 (and the Voting Rights Act in 1965), Trump didn't really answer the question. 'I do wish her well'Trump stood by a 21 July comment where he said "I wish her well" of Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime associate of Jeffrey Epstein who faces federal charges for allegedly enabling the disgraced financier's sex trafficking of minor girls.Asked for his thoughts on Maxwell, Trump said, "Yeah, I wish her well. I'd wish you well. I wish a lot of people well." Promotes Epstein conspiracy theoryHe also promoted the conspiracy theory that Epstein was murdered when he died in a New York jail last August. This has been disputed by the attorney general, William Barr."Her boyfriend died in jail and people are still trying to figure out how did it happen, was it suicide, was he killed?" Trump said. "I do wish her well. I'm not looking for anything bad for her." 'Lots of things can happen'Trump again attacked mail-in voting, which is expected to occur at higher rates in the November election because of the pandemic."It could be decided many months later," Trump said. "Do you know why? Because lots of things will happen during that period of time. Especially when you have tight margins, lots of things can happen. There's never been anything like this … Now, of course, right now we have to live with it, but we're challenging it." 'I have heard that, but it has never reached my desk'Trump said reports that Russia had been offering bounties to the Taliban for attacks on US forces in Afghanistan were "fake news". When Swan asked whether Trump had ever discussed the bounties with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, Trump said he had not.When Swan asked Trump about Russia supplying weapons to the Taliban, the president asserted: "I have heard that, but it has never reached my desk."

N. Korea's escalating virus response raises fear of outbreak

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:27 PM PDT

N. Korea's escalating virus response raises fear of outbreakNorth Korea is quarantining thousands of people and shipping food and other aid to a southern city locked down over coronavirus worries, officials said, as the country's response to a suspected case reinforces doubt about its longstanding claim to be virus-free. In late July, North Korea said it had imposed its "maximum emergency system" to guard against the virus spreading after finding a person with COVID-19 symptoms in Kaesong city, near the border with rival South Korea. State media reported that leader Kim Jong Un then ordered a total lockdown of Kaesong, and said the suspected case was a North Korean who had earlier fled to South Korea before slipping back into Kaesong last month.

Milwaukee mayor: Biden won't accept nomination here

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

Milwaukee mayor: Biden won't accept nomination hereMilwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has confirmed that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden will not travel to the Wisconsin city to accept his party's White House nomination because of concerns over the coronavirus. (Aug. 5)

5 science-backed benefits of vitamin B12 and how to get enough of it in your diet

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

5 science-backed benefits of vitamin B12 and how to get enough of it in your dietThere are many health benefits of vitamin B12 from red blood cell production to growing healthy hair and nails.

Narendra Modi lays Ayodhya temple foundation, delighting Hindus and dismaying Muslims

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:57 AM PDT

Narendra Modi lays Ayodhya temple foundation, delighting Hindus and dismaying MuslimsNarendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, has invigorated his Hindu support base after laying the foundation stone of a controversial new temple on a site contested by Muslims. In November, after a decades-old legal battle, India's highest court ruled a temple could be built in the city of Ayodhya, where a mosque had stood until it was destroyed by Hindu mobs in 1992. Mr Modi made its construction a key pledge as part of his Hindu nationalist campaign, which saw him re-elected with a landslide victory last year. Many Hindus believe the deity Ram was born at the temple site in Ayodhya, and soil was gathered from more than 2,000 holy sites for its building work. Calling it the "dawn of a new era", Mr Modi said: "India is emotional as decades of wait has ended. For years, our Ram Lalla [the infant Lord Ram] lived beneath a tent; now he will reside in a grand temple."

'No such thing happened': Former acting AG Sally Yates says Obama, Biden did not urge Flynn inquiry

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:00 PM PDT

'No such thing happened': Former acting AG Sally Yates says Obama, Biden did not urge Flynn inquiryYates was dismissed for refusing to defend President Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban days after he was inaugurated.

U.S. Representative Maloney declares victory in New York Democratic primary

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:11 PM PDT

U.S. Representative Maloney declares victory in New York Democratic primaryU.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney, who has represented a New York City district in Congress since 1993, declared victory in a hard-fought Democratic primary on Tuesday, defeating progressive challenger Suraj Patel. Maloney announced the win in New York's 12th congressional district after the New York State Board of Elections certified the results from the June 23 primary. The conclusion of the race was delayed more than a month as election officials struggled to count thousands of mail-in ballots during the coronavirus pandemic.

China sentences 3rd Canadian to death on drug charges

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:27 AM PDT

China sentences 3rd Canadian to death on drug chargesChina has sentenced a third Canadian citizen to death on drug charges amid a steep decline in relations between the two countries. The Guangzhou Municipal Intermediate Court announced Xu Weihong's penalty on Thursday and said an alleged accomplice, Wen Guanxiong, had been given a life sentence. Death sentences are automatically referred to China's highest court for review.

Op-Ed: U.S. leaders knew we didn't have to drop atomic bombs on Japan to win the war. We did it anyway

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

Op-Ed: U.S. leaders knew we didn't have to drop atomic bombs on Japan to win the war. We did it anywayWe've been taught that the U.S. had to drop atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II. Historical evidence shows Japan would have surrendered anyway.

Germany is showing 'very concerning' signs of a second coronavirus wave, the country's doctors' union has warned

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:53 AM PDT

Germany is showing 'very concerning' signs of a second coronavirus wave, the country's doctors' union has warnedThe Robert Koch Institute, Germany's epidemiology institute, has called the uptick in new coronavirus cases 'very concerning.'

I tried making Guy Fieri's signature recipes for a week, and I didn't love my whole trip to Flavortown

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

I tried making Guy Fieri's signature recipes for a week, and I didn't love my whole trip to FlavortownThe Food Network star's known for eating comfort food on "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives," and I tried some of his favorite recipes and meals for a week.

Pakistani court sparks outrage by ruling 14-year-old Christian girl must stay married to alleged abductor

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:24 AM PDT

Pakistani court sparks outrage by ruling 14-year-old Christian girl must stay married to alleged abductorA Pakistani court has sparked outrage by ruling a 14-year-old Christian girl was legally married to a Muslim man who allegedly abducted her at gunpoint. In a case that has renewed focus on the persecution of Pakistan's Christian minority, the Lahore High Court ruled on Tuesday that Maira Shahbaz had willingly converted to Islam and married Mohamad Nakash. The girl and her family claim that she was kidnapped in April by Mr Nakash and two accomplices from near her home in the city of Faisalabad. If the ruling is not reversed, Ms Shahbaz will have to return to Mr Nakash's home from the shelter she was temporarily placed in. Around 1,000 Christian and Hindu women are abducted each year in Pakistan and typically forced to convert to Islam, according to the Movement for Solidarity and Peace. Mr Nakash, who is already married, tried to claim Ms Shahbaz was 19-years-old but this was discounted by the victim's family who produced birth certificates and school records to show she was a minor. After this evidence was provided last week, a local court ruled Ms Shahbaz should be removed from Mr Nakash's house and placed in a girls' shelter, pending further investigation. However, that decision was reversed on Tuesday by a court with a greater jurisdiction in Pakistan. The victim's lawyer, Khalil Tahir Sandhu, claimed 150 of Mr Nakash's associates arrived at the court. "It is unbelievable. What we have seen today is an Islamic judgement. The arguments we put forwards were very strong and coherent," Mr Sandhu told the Independent Catholic News (ICN). "With this ruling, no Christian girl in Pakistan is safe," echoed Pakistani Christian advocate, Lala Robin Daniel.

Virginia business owner reacts to employee's house arrest for defending shop from robber

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:56 PM PDT

Virginia business owner reacts to employee's house arrest for defending shop from robber	Worker arrested after defending himself from armed robbery; Arlington Smoke Shop owner Jowan Zuber speaks out.

Republican senator gives Trump 'big stick' to carry as election nears

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:58 AM PDT

Republican senator gives Trump 'big stick' to carry as election nearsRepublican Senator Lamar Alexander, who ran unsuccessfully for the White House in 1996 and 2000, handed Donald Trump a 5-foot walking cane after a White House event on Tuesday, saying the Republican president might just need a "big stick" this fall. Alexander, a former Tennessee governor, presented Trump with the decades-old "mountain man stick" after the president signed into law a major bipartisan conservation bill. Sporting his trademark flannel pattern on a face mask, Alexander told Reuters he was given the stick made by a craftsman in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park when he walked across his home state during a gubernatorial race in 1978.

'Hoping it goes well': Students among first to return offer lessons for reopening schools

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:52 AM PDT

'Hoping it goes well': Students among first to return offer lessons for reopening schoolsThousands of students are headed back to school this week, whether in-person or online.

Trump’s Debate Moderator Wish List Is Stacked With Fox News Stars and Pushovers

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

Trump's Debate Moderator Wish List Is Stacked With Fox News Stars and PushoversThe Trump campaign released a list of suggested moderators for this year's presidential debates and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is loaded with many of the president's favorite right-wing pundits and Fox News personalities.As the president pushes for more debates against former Vice President Joe Biden, his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday sent the presiding commission a letter requesting a fourth debate and an early September start to the events due to early mail-in voting.Calling the current timetable "an outdated dinosaur," Giuliani wrote that by the time the first debate—currently scheduled for Sept. 29—occurs, "as many as eight million Americans in 16 states will have already started voting." Therefore, per Giuliani, even if the commission won't approve an additional debate, the campaign wants to move the final debate scheduled for Oct. 22 to the first week of September, before the first ballots are sent out.The letter concluded with a list of 24 names the Trump campaign submitted for "consideration as moderators" since Biden has "confirmed he is indeed available to leave his basement for the fall debate." (Team Trump has repeatedly implied that the vice president is looking to "weasel" out of the debates.)A large portion of the names would be familiar to the most devoted of Fox News viewers. While the president didn't include his close confidants like Sean Hannity or Lou Dobbs, and left off the denizens of his favorite morning show Fox & Friends, the campaign included several pundits and personalities featured across his favorite Fox programming.Rachel Campos-Duffy, a Fox News contributor and former Real World cast member, made the cut despite her role as a sycophantic pro-Trump commentator across Fox's opinion shows. Campos-Duffy is married to former Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), a current CNN contributor who now serves as an official Trump surrogate.Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo also made the list. As a friend of the president's, dating back to their time as New York media icons, Bartiromo has morphed into one of the more overtly pro-Trump hosts on that network. She is one of the president's go-to interviewers as she will often lob softball questions and sing his praises during their on-air chats. The former CNBC reporter has also made a habit—much like Dobbs and Hannity—of railing against a so-called "deep state" plot against Trump.Other Fox names on the list came from the network's ostensible "hard news" side. Anchors like Bret Baier, Shannon Bream, Bill Hemmer, and Harris Faulkner all made the cut. Faulkner was accused of being deferential to Trump during a 2018 chat—which included the question "What do you love about being president?"—though she was a bit more aggressive in her most recent interview, in which Trump made bizarre claims about Black Lives Matter and Abraham Lincoln. Baier, meanwhile, is a centerpiece of the network's "hard news" operation and has often pushed back on the president's attacks on his fellow news-side and polling colleagues.The campaign also included Fox Business Network hosts like Dagen McDowell, Charles Payne, and Gerry Baker, all of whom wear their conservative politics on their sleeves and repeatedly boost the president's policies and positions. Additionally, the list included Fox Business correspondent Susan Li, who most recently came under fire for a segment—during Baier's show—in which she tied historic stock-market gains to violence against Black men.Outside of the Fox News bubble, Team Trump requested several high-profile conservative pundits and CPAC fixtures. Talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt, a former MSNBC host and conservative intellectual turned unapologetic Trump booster, was included on the list, as was right-wing radio talker Larry Elder, who regularly appears on Hannity's show. Other names on the president's wish list, such as Christian Broadcasting Network star David Brody and The Hill's populist conservative commentator Saagar Enjeti, have sat down for friendly interviews with Trump in the past. And New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who has found his reliably pro-Trump op-eds routinely quoted on the president's Twitter feed, is also on the campaign's want list.The Trump campaign also highlighted several CNBC stars who are friendly to his politics: Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen, who was recently called out on-air by his colleague for his seemingly blind devotion to Trump; and Rick Santelli, the godfather of the Tea Party movement, who infamously suggested in March that everyone in the U.S. should deliberately infect themselves with the coronavirus in order to lessen the outbreak's impact on the stock market.But aside from the usual gaggle of Fox News stars and conservative pundits, the Trump campaign included some eyebrow-raising names like Today show host Hoda Kotb and respected broadcast journalists like CBS News reporters Norah O'Donnell and Major Garrett, Univision's Ambrosio Hernandez, Bloomberg's Kevin Cirilli, and ABC News' Tom Llamas and David Muir. O'Donnell, in particular, is already likely to moderate a debate should her network be tapped to host one. Same goes for Muir, who in May was roundly criticized for his interview with the president, in which Trump effectively steamrolled the ABC anchor who failed to push back on the president's numerous lies and mischaracterizations about a deadly pandemic.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

Ex-UAW chief says GM bribery claims are 'utterly baseless'

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

A white woman spent years posing online as a Native American scientist and professor, and was caught after claiming the woman contracted coronavirus and died

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:40 AM PDT

A white woman spent years posing online as a Native American scientist and professor, and was caught after claiming the woman contracted coronavirus and diedBethAnn McLaughlin admitted Tuesday that she created the @Sciencing_Bi account on Twitter, which had been active from 2016 until July 31.

Nearly 100 people in Ohio got sick after one man infected with the coronavirus attended a church service

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

Nearly 100 people in Ohio got sick after one man infected with the coronavirus attended a church serviceExperts have said that singing and loud speech can fuel virus spread. Gov. Mike DeWine used this case as a warning to Ohio's religious institutions.

Sturgeon: I would 'very possibly' have joined in protest against my own exams policy

Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

Sturgeon: I would 'very possibly' have joined in protest against my own exams policyNicola Sturgeon has been accused of hypocrisy after admitting she "very possibly" would have joined in protests against her own exams policy, had it affected her while she was at school. The First Minister, who is under mounting pressure over a results day "debacle" which saw 124,000 grades arbitrarily downgraded, said she would have felt "aggrieved" if her own results had been reduced under a system put in place on her watch. Pupils from the poorest parts of Scotland were more than twice as likely to see their Highers grade lowered than those from the richest areas, under a "moderation" process brought in following the cancellation of this year's exam diet due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Teengagers angry at the way they have been judged are planning to hold a protest outside the SQA offices in Glasgow on Friday.

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