Monday, March 19, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Rep. Trey Gowdy To Trump's Lawyer: If You Have An Innocent Client, 'Act Like It'

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 10:42 AM PDT

Rep. Trey Gowdy To Trump's Lawyer: If You Have An Innocent Client, 'Act Like It'Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) pushed back against President Donald Trump's lawyer

Rubio: McCabe "should have been allowed to finish through the weekend"

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 11:10 PM PDT

Rubio: McCabe "should have been allowed to finish through the weekend"In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) tells Chuck Todd that he would have done things differently when it came to Fmr. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Final Victims Recovered From Florida Bridge Wreckage

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 02:09 AM PDT

Final Victims Recovered From Florida Bridge WreckageFollowing an around-the-clock rescue effort at the site of a collapsed

Vladimir Putin wins re-election for fourth term

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 09:28 AM PDT

Vladimir Putin wins re-election for fourth termThe result of Russia's presidential election was known before any ballots were cast, with the only variable how many citizens would show up to cast votes. Many in the opposition abstained from voting, instead observing polling places for irregularities.

Cirque du Soleil star plunges to death during Florida show

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 04:01 PM PDT

Cirque du Soleil star plunges to death during Florida showThe incident occurred on Saturday night when Yann Arnaud, 38, fell during a performance of the show VOLTA, according to Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group. Arnaud had been performing in Cirque shows for 15 years and was considered one of the company's most experienced entertainers, president and CEO Daniel Lamarre said in a telephone interview. "We were very surprised, considering his experience, that something like that happened," said Lamarre, speaking from Tampa, where he had flown to be with the show's cast.

Washington DC legislator apologises for posting video blaming recent snowfall on 'Rothschilds controlling the climate'

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 08:05 AM PDT

Washington DC legislator apologises for posting video blaming recent snowfall on 'Rothschilds controlling the climate'A Washington DC lawmaker has apologised after he posted a video in which he embraced a conspiracy theory saying a famous family of Jewish billionaires controls the weather. As snow fell on the nation's capital last week, DC Council member Trayon White Sr on his official Facebook page published a video shot through the windshield of a car driving through downtown Washington. The video shows snowy skies as Mr White narrates and insists that the Rothschilds were intentionally controlling the climate to gain greater control of US cities.

Senators want CIA to lift veil on nominee's black site past

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 12:30 PM PDT

Senators want CIA to lift veil on nominee's black site pastWASHINGTON (AP) — Gina Haspel's long spy career is so shrouded in mystery that senators want documents declassified so they can decide if her role at a CIA black site should prevent her from directing the agency.

The Children Of Eastern Ghouta Are Living In Their Own Tombs

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 06:01 AM PDT

The Children Of Eastern Ghouta Are Living In Their Own TombsThe people of eastern Ghouta are living in their own tombs. That's what it

Treasure hunters and FBI search for lost Civil War gold in Pennsylvania

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 09:43 AM PDT

Treasure hunters and FBI search for lost Civil War gold in PennsylvaniaA story that $55 million in Union gold was lost during the Civil War has long been dismissed as a myth — but this week, a team of FBI agents joined the search in rural Pennsylvania.

NBC/WSJ Poll shows trouble for GOP in key suburban districts

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 10:53 PM PDT

NBC/WSJ Poll shows trouble for GOP in key suburban districtsPresident Trump's job approval is up to 43 percent in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, but Republicans are seeing their 2018 prospects worsen.

Bridge Design Team Had Meeting On Crack Hours Before Deadly Florida Collapse

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 04:15 PM PDT

Bridge Design Team Had Meeting On Crack Hours Before Deadly Florida CollapseFlorida International University's bridge design team met hours before the

Russian spy may have been poisoned via air vents in his BMW, intelligence officials believe 

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 06:47 AM PDT

Russian spy may have been poisoned via air vents in his BMW, intelligence officials believe Sergei Skripal and his daughter may have been exposed to the nerve agent used in their attempted assassination through the Russian spy's car ventilation system, intelligence sources have told a US television channel. ABC News said sources had told it that intelligence officials "now have a clearer picture of just how the attack was conducted". Agencies reportedly now believe the toxin - identified as a fourth generation nerve agent called Novichok - was used in a "dust-like powdered form" and that it circulated through the vents of Colonel Skripal's BMW. ABC News, citing three intelligence officials, said that the Novichok agent had been delivered in a powdered form. "It is a Cold War substance, something they [Russia] claimed never to have," an intelligence official told ABC News. Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned  The US news channel said that claims that Skripal was angry - he allegedly had been shouting and "acting incoherently" - in a pizza restraunt before his collapse was consistent with the early stages of exposure to a nerve agent. Boris Johnson has claimed that Britain has evidence from within the last decade that Russia has been "creating and stockpiling" the Novichok nerve agent used in the attack. Moscow has long insisted that the production of chemical agents stopped in 1992 and that its stockpile of material was completely destroyed by 2017. But Mr Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said the UK had evidence "within the last 10 years" that Russia had been making such nerve agents and investigating how to use them for assassinations. Mr Johnson's claims came in response to comments made by Vladimir Chizhov, Russia's ambassador to the European Union, who insisted "Russia had nothing to do" with the poisoning of the former double agent and his daughter. Mr Chizhov also risked the further worsening of relations between the UK and Russia as he suggested that the nerve agent identified in Salisbury may have come from the UK Government's nearby Porton Down defence laboratory. Mr Johnson said Russia's response to the incident was "not the response of a country that really believes itself to be innocent" as he detailed the UK's belief that Moscow had been making chemical agents in recent years. He told the Andrew Marr Show on BBC One: "I might just say in response to Mr Chizhov's point about Russian stockpiles of chemical weapons, we actually have evidence within the last 10 years that Russia has not only been investigating the delivery of nerve agents for the purposes of assassination but has also been creating and stockpiling Novichok itself." He continued: "Listening to the Russian response, listening again to the response of the Russian ambassador to the EU, with his satirical suggestion that this was done by UK agents from Porton Down, this is not the response of a country that really believes itself to be innocent. "This is not the response of a country that really wants to engage in getting to the bottom of the matter." Mr Chizhov had earlier suggested that Russia had never actually made the Novichok agent, telling the same programme: "No. Actually, Russia has stopped production of any chemical agents back in 1992. "So you cannot even talk about any chemical agents produced by Russia. All that had been produced previously was produced by the Soviet Union. "In 1992, the then president Boris Yeltsin signed a decree stopping all production and according to the international convention of prohibition of chemical weapons last year in 2017 Russia destroyed all its stockpiles. "There is only one country today which hasn't done so, which is still retaining its chemical stockpiles, and that is the United States of America." Salisbury spy attack timeline He then appeared to suggest that the nerve agent may have come from Porton Down. He said: "But when you have a nerve agent or whatever you check it against certain samples that you will retain at your laboratories and Porton Down as we now all know is the largest military facility in the United Kingdom, that has been dealing with chemical weapons research and it is actually only eight miles from Salisbury." Asked if he was actually suggesting that Porton Down may have been responsible for the nerve agent, he replied: "I don't know. I don't know." Theresa May told MPs in the House of Commons on Monday that Mr Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok "a military-grade nerve agent developed by Russia". Russian spy poisoning | Read more The Prime Minister then said on Wednesday that there was "no alternative conclusion other than that the Russian state was culpable" for the poisoning as she expelled 23 Russian diplomats "identified as undeclared intelligence officers" in retaliation. Russia responded on Sunday by expelling 23 UK diplomats. Mr Johnson confirmed that experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will come to the UK on Monday to begin the process for the testing of samples of the nerve agent found in Salisbury.

6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass Killings

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 08:03 AM PDT

6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass KillingsIn the wake of the tragic murder of 17 innocent students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students, educators, politicians, and activists are searching for solutions to prevent future school shootings. Are there ways to reduce gun violence and school shootings? -"Mass shooting" typically refers to mass killings perpetrated by a firearm or firearms.

Costco crook's getaway habit helped cops nab him red-handed

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 04:07 AM PDT

Costco crook's getaway habit helped cops nab him red-handedCaught in the act. Two thieves were busted right as they tried to leave a Seattle Costco with the stolen goods in their hands.

Turkey-backed forces capture Syrian Kurdish town of Afrin

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 10:30 AM PDT

Turkey-backed forces capture Syrian Kurdish town of AfrinISTANBUL (AP) — Turkish military and allied Syrian forces marched into the center of the northern Syrian town of Afrin Sunday, raising their flags and shooting in the air in celebration nearly two months after launching their offensive on the Kurdish enclave. The advancing troops faced little resistance from the Kurdish militia that retreated and vowed to turn to guerrilla tactics.

Four Injured After Two Trains Collide in Kentucky

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 01:20 AM PDT

Four Injured After Two Trains Collide in KentuckyResidents near the scene were evacuated "out an abundance of caution"

Putin says 'nonsense' to think Russia would poison spy in Britain

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 02:28 PM PDT

Putin says 'nonsense' to think Russia would poison spy in BritainRussian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday it was nonsense to think that Moscow would have poisoned former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, who are critically ill in a British hospital. Britain has said that Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by the Soviet-era 'Novichok' nerve agent, and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Sunday that Russia has been stockpiling it and investigating how such weapons could be used in assassinations.

Nigeria skips African summit in blow to free trade deal

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 06:02 AM PDT

Nigeria skips African summit in blow to free trade dealNigerian President Muhammadu Buhari will not attend the African Union summit in Rwanda this week, an official statement said Sunday, in a blow to plans to launch a major free trade treaty across 54 countries. The meeting in Kigali is intended to formally launch the African Continental Free Trade Area Treaty, which Nigeria's cabinet endorsed last Wednesday. Buhari was scheduled to leave Abuja on Monday ahead of Wednesday's launch but pulled out to allow for more consultations.

$456M Powerball ticket sold in Lancaster County

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 08:30 AM PDT

$456M Powerball ticket sold in Lancaster CountyA ticket sold in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania won the $456.7-million Powerball jackpot.

Adrian Lamo, Hacker Who Turned In Chelsea Manning, Dies at 37

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 10:02 AM PDT

Adrian Lamo, Hacker Who Turned In Chelsea Manning, Dies at 37Adrian Lamo, the computer hacker who reported Chelsea Manning to authorities

Military-style squads swoop on kissing students on Chinese college campus

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 05:09 AM PDT

Military-style squads swoop on kissing students on Chinese college campusAChinese college has come under fire for deploying squads dressed in military uniforms to crack down on couples who kiss and cuddle on campus. The student patrols wear camouflage and helmets, and perform intimidating night-time drills marching around Binzhou Vocational College, in the eastern Shandong province, according to videos shared on Chinese social media. A college official said the squads were responsible for clamping down on a range of "inappropriate behaviour", including smoking and dropping litter.  But many in China were outraged that they have also been given powers to warn couples against showing public affection, and to threaten them with being named and shamed for their behaviour. Many in China - particularly older generations - are deeply conservative, and public affection is rare in the country. But an adventurous generation of young, mainly urban Chinese are pushing back the frontiers of what is accepted, and attitudes are far removed from the puritan days of radical Communist Party rule that their parents lived under. An adventurous generation of young, mainly urban Chinese are pushing back the frontiers of what is accepted Credit: ChinaFotoPress/Getty The campus crackdown comes amid a wider war on immoral living that has been launched since President Xi Jinping assumed leadership of the Party in 2012. Crass and vulgar comment has been targeted on the Chinese Internet, while authorities have sought to curb news reports which promote "Western values". Strict regulations on gluttony and "improper sexual relations" have also been rolled out for the Communist Party's 88 million members. But Binzhou Vocational College's student squads sparked a backlash on social media after a video went viral showing a trio of men wearing helmets and military attire confronting a couple who were embracing. The Paper, a Shanghai-based news portal, quoted a college employee saying that the patrol had only sought to give the couple a warning, but that the male student "threw a fit". There were many comments on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, expressing anger that touchy-feely couples were being intimidated by the military-style squads. "What a freak school!" said one. "The headmaster obviously doesn't have a happy marriage." Another said: "College students can get married, so why can't they have romantic relationships?" Media reports said the school had warned in an online post that "serious offenders" could have their names released and face public criticism on the campus. It comes after another college in the city of Rizhao - which is also in Shandong province - came under fire last year for rolling out a campaign against kissing, cuddling and "uncivilised" behaviour.  The Shandong Foreign Languages Vocational College set up a designated room where students could see photographs of their peers who been involved in "uncivilised behaviour", such as holding hands. Additional reporting by Christine Wei

Navy's new attack submarine named Colorado joins the fleet

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 02:25 PM PDT

Navy's new attack submarine named Colorado joins the fleetGROTON, Conn. (AP) — The U.S. Navy's newest attack submarine, the USS Colorado, joined the fleet Saturday in a ceremony at Connecticut's Naval Submarine Base.

Lindsey Graham Warns Trump: Firing Mueller Would Be ‘Beginning Of The End’

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 07:17 PM PDT

Lindsey Graham Warns Trump: Firing Mueller Would Be 'Beginning Of The End'> "As I said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of

Jim Carrey's portrait of 'monstrous' Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets ripped apart on Twitter

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 08:38 AM PDT

Jim Carrey's portrait of 'monstrous' Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets ripped apart on TwitterActor Jim Carrey is being slammed on social media for sharing a portrait of a person many assumed to be White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. SEE ALSO: Basically just four minutes of Jim Carrey falling down repeatedly Carrey shared the sketch on Twitter on Saturday with the caption, "This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!" This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous! — Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 17, 2018 A Carrey spokesperson confirmed to Mashable that the "sketch" was Carrey's handiwork, but could not confirm that the person portrayed was Sanders.  Meanwhile, Twitter users — particularly supporters of the Trump administration — did as they always do, cracking back on Carrey for his portrayal of Sanders and his criticism of Christians.  Oh Jim, can't you see, you're overacting again! POS — Jlk4USA (@Jlk4USA) March 19, 2018 Sad hollywood stoops so low, have they no sense of Dignity�� — Kixspot! #1 in kix! (@Dcxtech01) March 18, 2018 @JimCarrey You are a DISGRACE Jim Carrey No woman should be TREATED like these, you do not Represent America or Canada. You are a Loser a bully You are a little Boy in a Mans Body. Shame on you! @GovMikeHuckabee @PressSec @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @SenTedCruz @LouDobbs — RedRisingUSA (@RedRisingUSA) March 19, 2018 That's not to say Carrey doesn't have his supporters, but the criticism has been swift and vicious since he posted it — even though it's hardly Carrey's first foray into political controversy. Carrey's Twitter feed is full of politically-motivated paintings, including several related to the recent deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that take on Sen. Marco Rubio and President Trump.  Mashable has reached out to Carrey's publicist for more information.  WATCH: 'Eternal Sunshine' as an 8-bit movie is unforgettable

The Latest: Police say all victims found in bridge collapse

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 08:23 PM PDT

The Latest: Police say all victims found in bridge collapseMIAMI (AP) — The Latest on the deadly pedestrian bridge collapse in Miami (all times local):

China makes 'silver fox' top diplomat, promoted to state councilor

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 05:05 AM PDT

China makes 'silver fox' top diplomat, promoted to state councilorBy Christian Shepherd BEIJING (Reuters) - China appointed Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday as one of its five state councilors, giving him the country's top diplomatic post in a vote of confidence for his strong defense of China's interests amid a host of overseas challenges. State councilors, who report to the Cabinet, are more senior than ministers and it is unusual, though not unprecedented, for an individual to hold both positions. Wang's elevation was approved by China's largely rubber stamp parliament in a vote on Monday.

Bid to prosecute Aung San Suu Kyi in Australia rejected

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 06:51 PM PDT

Bid to prosecute Aung San Suu Kyi in Australia rejectedMyanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi has immunity from prosecution, Australia's attorney general said Sunday after a legal bid was launched to hold her responsible for "crimes against humanity". A group of five Australian lawyers have filed a private application in the Melbourne Magistrates Court seeking to prosecute her over the treatment of the Muslim-minority Rohingya. Nearly 700,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar's troubled Rakhine state for Bangladesh since authorities launched a brutal crackdown six months ago that the UN has called "ethnic cleansing".

Russia Feared Hitler's Panzer Tanks. But They Might Have Feared Who Led Them Even More.

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 06:25 AM PDT

Russia Feared Hitler's Panzer Tanks. But They Might Have Feared Who Led Them Even More.Using speed and daring, Panzer leader Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz achieved multiple victories on the Eastern Front in World War II. Russia Feared Hitler's Panzer Tanks. Strachwitz attended the Volksschule and the Gymnasium of Oppeln.

Here Are The 4 Best Movies Netflix Adds This Week

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Here Are The 4 Best Movies Netflix Adds This WeekFor the week of March 19, Netflix is adding four noteworthy movies, two of

Vehicle used to pick up Yulia Skripal from airport seized for forensic tests

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 06:21 AM PDT

Vehicle used to pick up Yulia Skripal from airport seized for forensic testsThe vehicle used to pick up Yulia Skripal from Heathrow when she arrived in the UK from Moscow has been seized by the military for forensic testing. The development suggests that detectives believe the Novichok nerve agent used to poison both the 33-year-old and her father, Russian spy Sergei Skripal, a fortnight ago may have been unwittingly carried over by her from Russia the previous day. Barely 24 hours later, the pair were found on a bench in the centre of Salisbury in a catatonic state. Miss Skripal was picked up from the airport on Saturday March 3 by Ross Cassidy, one of Col Skripal's closest friends, who drove her back to her father's house in Salisbury. Intelligence officers have suggested that the toxin may have been hidden in her luggage, either impregnated in an item of clothing or cosmetics or else in a gift, meaning Miss Skripal was deliberately targeted to get at her father. Mr Cassidy confirmed when contacted by The Telegraph that his pick-up truck had been seized at the concrete plant in Amesbury where he works. Ross Cassidy, a close friend of Sergei Skripal, who is understood to have picked Yulia Skripal up from Heathrow Meanwhile, police investigating the murder of Russian businessman Nikolai Glushkov said they had found no evidence of forced entry into his home. The 68-year-old was found apparently strangled at his terraced house in Clarence Avenue, New Malden on March 12,  prompting fears that a new Moscow-sponsored attack had been carried out on UK soil. The former Aeroflot deputy director, a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin, was granted asylum in the UK after fleeing Russia in 2006.  His death was initially treated as unexplained but four days later, following a post-mortem examination, Scotland Yard launched a murder inquiry. Mr Glushkov, who was close friends with Putin critic Boris Berezovsky, was wanted over fraud allegations in his native Russia. He was also outspoken after Mr Berezovsky died in 2013, refusing to accept that his friend had taken his own life. Sergei Skripal with his daughter Yulia Credit: Social media Counter-terrorism police are leading the investigation into Mr Glushkov's death but have stressed that there is no evidence to link it with the attempted murder of Col Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury. On Monday officers were carrying out house-to-house inquiries near his Clarence Avenue home and appealing for witnesses to come forward. Metropolitan Police Commander Clarke Jarrett said: "I would urge anybody who may have information to get in touch if they have not already done so. We will have officers in Mr Glushkov's local neighbourhood today so please come and speak to us if you think you may have seen or heard anything suspicious last Sunday or Monday. "The investigation is progressing; we have taken a number of statements and have over 400 exhibits which are being processed. We have found no sign of forced entry thus far, but the forensic examination at Mr Glushkov's home continues and we expect to be there for some time. "I must stress that there is nothing we have found in our investigation so far to suggest any link to the attempted murders in Salisbury and I would like to reassure the public in New Malden that there are no wider public health concerns in relation to this investigation." Officers at the cordon near the tent covering the bench where Sergei Skripal and his daughter were found poisoned Credit: REUTERS/Peter Nicholls The bodies of Russian dissidents who have died in the UK are likely to be exhumed in the wake of Boris Johnson's disclosure that the Kremlin has spent a decade developing nerve agents for assassination purposes. The remains of at least two Russians who died suddenly and mysteriously are expected to be re-examined. Neither was tested for nerve agent poisoning after their deaths. Yesterday, the Foreign Secretary accused Putin's regime of breaking international law in developing Novichok for use by hit squads. Today, inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will visit the defence laboratory at Porton Down to collect nerve agent samples used in the attack for independent testing. The tests are expected to last at least two weeks. Mr Johnson said the Government had proof that Novichok was being stockpiled by Russia. The Skripals remain in a critical and life threatening condition.

AP names Nancy Benac as White House news editor

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 07:12 AM PDT

AP names Nancy Benac as White House news editorWASHINGTON (AP) — Nancy Benac, a veteran Washington journalist who has covered the presidency and national political campaigns, has been named White House news editor at The Associated Press.

Saudi Crown Prince Must Answer For Atrocities In Yemen

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 01:22 PM PDT

Saudi Crown Prince Must Answer For Atrocities In YemenSaudi Arabia's much-discussed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is coming to

President says Zimbabwe to hold elections in July

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 05:35 AM PDT

President says Zimbabwe to hold elections in JulyZimbabwe's first presidential and parliamentary elections since the end of former strongman Robert Mugabe's long rule will take place in July, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said on Saturday. The polls will be the first major test of the new leader, who took power in November after a de facto military coup forced the 94-year-old Mugabe to resign. "As a nation, party and government, we are looking forward to very peaceful, transparent and harmonised elections in July this year," Mnangagwa told reporters after a meeting with South Africans President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday night.

China promotes foreign minister, names new defence chief

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 09:57 PM PDT

China promotes foreign minister, names new defence chiefChina on Monday elevated the status of its current foreign minister and selected a new defence minister as the country deals with rocky relations with the United States and expands its military. The rubber-stamp National People's Congress endorsed the appointment of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, 64, as state councillor, making him a ranking member of the country's "cabinet".

This reunion between cat and owner might be the most heartwarming thing you'll read all day

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 09:42 AM PDT

This reunion between cat and owner might be the most heartwarming thing you'll read all dayThere's nothing more heartbreaking than a missing pet—but there's also nothing more heartwarming than a reunion. Get the tissues ready, this one is a doozy.  Twitter user @ngvhi hopped online to share the most beautiful story about how she was reunited, five years later, with her sweet cat and first pet. Meet Panther.  SEE ALSO: We're calling 'fake news' on the report that 'Black Panther' caused a surge in black cat adoptions hi I can't believe this is real because I am still in shock but my first pet ever my cat panther just came home today after going missing FIVE YEARS AGO. FIVE. YEARS. AGO. — nguhi (@ngvhi) March 16, 2018 "Sometime after Panther went missing he apparently turned up in a shelter in the next city 15 mi away," she wrote. "Days before he was going to be euthanized he was adopted! And lived with a women [sic] for a little while in yet another city."  Apparently the woman who adapted Panther kept him until she couldn't any longer, and ultimately gave him to her parents—who just so happened to be @ngvhi's neighbor. So, for over a year, Panther (whose name changed to Charlie) was literally living his best indoor cat life right next door. "These happen to be the neighbors that bought a Siberian husky that quickly turned out to be too much to handle. I started taking care of him until they asked if I wanted to fully adopt him," she continued. Yep that's right, this story also involves a doggo. The neighbors took in her cat, unknowingly, and she ended up with their dog.  of course I said yes which is why last year I adopted my beautiful baby boy trotsky. ALL WHILE UNBEKNOWNST TO ME MY LONG LOST CAT PANTHER WAS LIVING INDOORS. I took their dog and they took my cat. — nguhi (@ngvhi) March 17, 2018 One day, her neighbors called to ask if they had seen a missing Charlie—aka Panther. When Charlie/Panther did turn up, Trotsky the husky (which, side note, is a perfect name) didn't freak out. "HE ALREADY KNEW HIM. THEY'D LIVED TOGETHER BEFORE," @ngvhi wrote.  "Our neighbors were as flabbergasted as us and insisted we keep him because he really was ours. we (I was overruled) decided to give him back since he was comfortable there and we already have a dog and cat," she tweeted.  "It was heartbreaking but I can't even be sad bc today was truly surreal. They've given me permission to visit my beautiful boy whenever I'd like. How is it possible that they gave me this dog I adore and have fostered my first best friend." you know how you lose a person or pet and you wish you had one more day with them just to let them know how much you love them and how much they mean to you? I just had that day with Panther. I never would have guessed that 5 years later I'd get to kiss his little head again ❤️ — nguhi (@ngvhi) March 17, 2018 "You know how you lose a person or pet and you wish you had one more day with them just to let them know how much you love them and how much they mean to you?," she wrote. "I just had that day with Panther. I never would have guessed that 5 years later I'd get to kiss his little head again." this is surreal I'd just accepted he'd died and he's sitting next to me purring like it's nothing ��❤️ my heart is so full!! — nguhi (@ngvhi) March 17, 2018 Mashable has reached out to @ngvhi for more information but until then, cue all of the tears and all of the feelings.  �� WATCH: We're calling 'fake news' on the report that 'Black Panther' caused a surge in black cat adoptions

Hotel fire kills at least three in Philippine capital

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 04:21 AM PDT

Hotel fire kills at least three in Philippine capitalA fire at a hotel in the Philippine capital killed three people on Sunday and injured nearly two dozen, police and rescue officials said, with two people listed as missing. The fire broke out at the Manila Pavilion Hotel where about 20 people earlier listed as trapped had been evacuated safely, Johnny Yu, chief of the Manila Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, said. Two employees of a casino at the hotel were missing and rescue operations were ongoing, Manila Police District spokesman Erwin Margarejo told Reuters.

Ex-politburo member faces second graft trial Vietnam

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 04:37 AM PDT

Ex-politburo member faces second graft trial VietnamA former politburo member went on trial in Vietnam Monday in his second corruption case this year, as the communist state continues its public crackdown on powerful figures in politics and business accused of graft. Dinh La Thang, who was also the former head of state-run oil giant PetroVietnam (PVN), is already serving a 13-year jail term for a previous conviction for corruption. The new trial sees him accused of approving a $35 million investment of state funds in Ocean Bank in 2008 without the authorisation of PVN's board or the Prime Minister.

Runaway teen found in Mexico with 45-year-old man

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 03:25 PM PDT

Runaway teen found in Mexico with 45-year-old manAmy Yu, 16, was reunited with her family Sunday in Allentown, Pennsylvania, after being found with 45-year-old Kevin Esterly in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. CBS News correspondent Meg Oliver reports.

Report: Trump Demanded Nondisclosure Pacts So Staffers Can Never Spill

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 06:45 AM PDT

Report: Trump Demanded Nondisclosure Pacts So Staffers Can Never SpillPresident Donald Trump has pressured senior White House staff members to sign

The California Special Ford Mustang GT Returns

Posted: 18 Mar 2018 10:50 AM PDT

The California Special Ford Mustang GT ReturnsThe West coast state edition pony car is back, this time with a newly refreshed fascia.

Michigan shipwreck hunters find schooner that sank in 1873

Posted: 17 Mar 2018 11:42 AM PDT

Michigan shipwreck hunters find schooner that sank in 1873SOUTH HAVEN, Mich. (AP) — Michigan shipwreck hunters have found the remains of a schooner that sank in Lake Michigan in 1873 during a storm.

British woman Anna Campbell who joined all-female fighting unit killed in Syria

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 04:31 AM PDT

British woman Anna Campbell who joined all-female fighting unit killed in SyriaA British woman fighting with a Kurdish armed unit has died in Syria, her father has said. Anna Campbell, 26, from Lewes, East Sussex, died on March 15 in Afrin while with the Kurdish Women's Protection Units, the YPJ. It is feared she was killed by Turkish airstrikes. Ms Campbell - who had dyed her fair hair black so she would not stand out - is the first British woman to have been killed in Syria with the Kurds and the first Briton to be killed in the battle for Afrin. Seven other Britons have died in the country while fighting alongside the groups. Ms Campbell's father, Dirk, told the BBC she "wanted to create a better world and she would do everything in her power to do that". Anna Campbell, centre, with YPJ fighters stationed in northern Syria Credit: YPJ He added: "I told her of course that she was putting her life in danger, which she knew full well she was doing. I feel I should have done more to persuade her to come back, but she was completely adamant." The YPJ is an all-female brigade of the Kurdish People's Protection Units YPG, which has around 50,000 Kurdish men and women fighting against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in northern Syria. The group has been defending the Kurdish-majority city of Afrin from Turkish forces backed by Syrian rebels after they launched an offensive in mid-January.  Ankara considers the YPG a terrorist group, an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) which has led an insurgency in Turkey for decades.  Ms Campbell had been qualified plumber living in Bristol before she left to join the Kurdish militia in Syria.  Her friends and commanders are thought to have tried to dissuade her from going, saying it was too dangerous.  İngiliz BBC haber kanalı, İngiliz Anna Campbell isimli kadının, Afrin'de terör örgütü YPG'nin kadınlardan oluşan kolu YPJ saflarında öldürüldüğünü duyurdu.— Son Kale Türkiye (@SonKaleTurkiye2) March 19, 2018 He said his daughter was an "incredibly principled, brave, determined, committed woman" whose death had left him "in pieces". "She was determined to live in a way that made a difference to the world and she was determined to act on that and do whatever it took," he told the BBC. "She was prepared to put her life on the line. There aren't many people who do that. "In retrospect I think that I probably should have done more to dissuade her (from going to Syria) but I also knew that she would never have forgiven me if I had actively prevented her from going. "I couldn't affect or try to influence her own perceived destiny. It was the most important thing in life for her." Britons killed after joining Kurdish forces in Syria Macer Gifford, a British volunteer with the YPG, said: "I travelled into Rojava with Anna in May 2017. She was kind, funny and brimming with energy. She had heard about the bravery of the YPJ and they inspired her to come out to fight for democracy, equality and peace in Syria. "She wanted to fight ISIS and to rid Syria of the evil that has ripped the country apart," said Gifford, who uses a pseudonym. "Anna then bravely volunteered to join the defence of Afrin. She bravely fought alongside her YPJ sisters, they opened corridors for civilians to leave and delayed the invaders long enough to save thousands of lives." About | Women's Protection Units (YPJ) Mark Campbell, co-chairman of the Kurdistan Solidarity Campaign, said: "Anna is a woman who seemed to have more humanity in her little finger than the whole of the international community. "She is an inspiration and a hero." He said Ms Campbell, who is no relation to him, was killed alongside two Kurdish women amid the air strikes. He added: "I did not know her but I met with her father this morning. I have the utmost respect and condolences for her family." A Turkish-backed Syrian rebel drives past a burning shop in the city of Afrin, in northern Syria, on Sunday Credit: BULENT KILIC /AFP In a statement, YPJ commander and spokeswoman Nesrin Abdullah said Ms Campbell's death was a "great loss". She said: "Campbell's martyrdom is a great loss to us because with her international soul, her revolutionary spirit, which demonstrated the power of women, she expressed her will in all her actions. "On behalf of the Women's Defence Units YPJ, we express our deepest condolences to (her) family and we promise to follow the path she took up. We will represent her in the entirety of our struggles." Conflict between Turkey and Kurdish groups has been inflamed since January. Over the weekend, Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the country's military had captured the town centre of Afrin, which was previously controlled by the YPG. Video: Afrin is under 'total control', says Erdogan Nearly two months after launching an offensive on the Kurdish territory, he announced that the Turkish flag and that of Syrian opposition fighters had been raised in the town.

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Posted: 19 Mar 2018 10:11 AM PDT

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