Thursday, March 29, 2018

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Yahoo! News: Weight Loss News

Stephon Clark's Brother Shuts Down City Hall Meeting As Protests Continue

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:33 PM PDT

Stephon Clark's Brother Shuts Down City Hall Meeting As Protests ContinueProtesters took over parts of Sacramento, California, on Tuesday, still

Trump eyes having the U.S. military pay for his border wall

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 04:40 PM PDT

Trump eyes having the U.S. military pay for his border wallPresident Trump has figured out who's going to pay for his wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. Hint: It's not Mexico.

Pulse gunman intended to attack Disney World, was deterred by police presence

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Pulse gunman intended to attack Disney World, was deterred by police presenceOmar Mateen visited Disney World with his wife, Noor Salman, in the days before the Pulse massacre, planning to hide a gun in a baby stroller, according to prosecutors during the trial of Salman.

Celerie Kemble Lights Up Arteriors

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 05:00 AM PDT

Celerie Kemble Lights Up Arteriors

‘Time to join the NRA.’ Calls to repeal the Second Amendment set off commenters

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 02:43 PM PDT

'Time to join the NRA.' Calls to repeal the Second Amendment set off commenters"Everyone has an opinion, thankfully we have the constitution." "I can think of fewer things that would create a state of open rebellion in the United States." Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens's call for a repeal of the Second Amendment has Newsroom readers up in arms. In a New York Times op-ed piece, Stevens said March for Our Lives protesters asking for gun law reform should ask for more: "They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment." The vast majority of the thousands of Newsroom comments on the Yahoo News report show strong opposition: "I have never owned a gun in my life, but fully understand the importance of the Second Amendment." President Trump, meanwhile, completely dismissed Stevens's call to repeal, tweeting, "The Second Amendment will never be repealed!" The Second Amendment says: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Stevens called for the repeal in order to weaken the National Rifle Association. The NRA answered back with its own statement: "We will unapologetically continue to fight to protect this fundamental freedom." What do you think? Join the conversation in Newsroom.

6 Fired At Howard University For Misconduct Involving Need-Based Tuition Funds

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 03:40 PM PDT

6 Fired At Howard University For Misconduct Involving Need-Based Tuition FundsHoward University President Wayne Frederick confirmed Wednesday that financial

Teenager photographed hugging policeman during Ferguson protests feared dead after family car crash

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:13 AM PDT

Teenager photographed hugging policeman during Ferguson protests feared dead after family car crashA teenager who gained international attention when he was photographed hugging an officer during protests against police racism is feared dead after his family's car plunged from a cliff. Authorities believe 15-year-old Devonte Hart was with his parents and four siblings when their vehicle drove off a California road and landed upturned on the rocks below. Friends described married couple Jennifer and Sarah Hart as loving parents, though neighbours recently contacted social services over concerns they were abusing their children.

Kansas to audit water park where boy decapitated

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 02:24 AM PDT

Kansas to audit water park where boy decapitatedTOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas agency plans to conduct a full audit of a water park's inspection records before it reopens this spring, a state official said Wednesday, after criminal charges were filed over the decapitation of a 10-year-old boy on the world's tallest waterslide there in 2016.

Canada teen scores lottery win of $1,000, every week, for life

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 04:20 PM PDT

Canada teen scores lottery win of $1,000, every week, for lifeTurning 18 is the moment when most teenagers begin to wonder how they will pay their way in the world, but for one lucky Canadian woman, paying the bills will never be a problem. Charlie Lagarde never dreamed she'd strike lucky when she hit the legal age to buy a lottery ticket in Canada by spending C$4 on a winning scratch card. The Quebec teenager wound up winning a lifetime of weekly payments of $1000. Ms Lagarde was given the choice of receiving either C$1m (£550,000) in one go or in weekly installments of $1000 - meaning should could be paid up to $4m if she reaches the average Canada life expectancy for a woman of 83. After consulting with a financial adviser, Ms Lagarde opted for weekly payments so as to avoid tax. Patrice Lavoie, a spokesman for the lottery corporation, told the Canadian Press: "It's without taxes so it's equivalent to a salary of more than $100,000 a year, so it's a great start in life for that young lady." "That was her first lottery ticket ever and she fell upon a winning ticket." Ms Lagarde claimed her prize on Monday at the lottery corporation's head office in Montreal, surrounded by friends and family. She said she wants to use the money to travel and her studies. "I want to study photography. One of my dreams would be to work for National Geographic," she told the lottery officials.

Relatives await bodies after fire kills 68 at Venezuela jail

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:07 AM PDT

Relatives await bodies after fire kills 68 at Venezuela jailVALENCIA, Venezuela (AP) — Tormented relatives of 68 people killed in a fire at a Venezuelan police station jail waited Thursday for officials to turn over the remains of their loved ones and demanded accountability from officials.

YouTuber ImJayStation Streams Arrest at Disney Park After Claiming His Bag Disappeared at Security Checkpoint

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 06:23 AM PDT

YouTuber ImJayStation Streams Arrest at Disney Park After Claiming His Bag Disappeared at Security CheckpointImJayStation, aka Jason Ethier, was arrested at Epcot Center on Sunday.

Southern Baptist Leader Resigns Over 'Morally Inappropriate Relationship'

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:03 PM PDT

Southern Baptist Leader Resigns Over 'Morally Inappropriate Relationship'A leading figure in America's largest Protestant denomination has resigned

Pentagon confirms Qaeda higher-up killed in Libya strike

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:25 PM PDT

Pentagon confirms Qaeda higher-up killed in Libya strikeA senior Al-Qaeda operative and another jihadist were killed in a US air strike in Libya, the Pentagon confirmed Wednesday. The March 24 strike near Ubari in southern Libya killed "two Al-Qaeda terrorists, including Musa Abu Dawud, a high-ranking Al-Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) official," the US military's Africa Command said in a statement.

City on edge for funeral of man killed by Sacramento police

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:42 AM PDT

City on edge for funeral of man killed by Sacramento policeCalifornia's capital city is on edge for the funeral of a 22-year-old unarmed black man killed by Sacramento police in his grandparents' backyard. The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to give the eulogy for Stephon ...

2019 Cadillac XT4 Is A Smaller, More Affordable Luxury SUV

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:15 PM PDT

2019 Cadillac XT4 Is A Smaller, More Affordable Luxury SUVStandard turbo engine and lower entry price should help the newest Cadillac's appeal.

Leaked Memo: EPA Shows Workers How To Downplay Climate Change

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 09:53 AM PDT

Leaked Memo: EPA Shows Workers How To Downplay Climate ChangeThe Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday evening sent employees a list

Donald Trump hails progress with Kim Jong-un as North Korean leader's trip to China confirmed

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:31 PM PDT

Donald Trump hails progress with Kim Jong-un as North Korean leader's trip to China confirmed  Donald Trump has hailed progress in the North Korean standoff after the regime's leader Kim Jong-un backed denuclearisation during a surprise visit to China.  The US president said there was a "good chance" Mr Kim would "do what is right" for humanity and expressed optimism for the pair's much-anticipated talks.  It came after Mr Kim met Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, during a three-day diplomatic trip to Beijing – his first meeting with a foreign leader since taking power in 2011.  Mr Kim said he supported US-North Korea summit and wanted to see the "denuclearistion" of the Korean peninsula, according to a Chinese state media outlet.  Reacting to the news, Mr Trump revealed Mr Xi had sent a personal message briefing him on the meeting and struck an upbeat note on Wednesday morning.  Timeline of Kim Jong-un in Beijing Mr Trump tweeted: "For years and through many administrations, everyone said that peace and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was not even a small possibility. "Now there is a good chance that Kim Jong Un will do what is right for his people and for humanity. Look forward to our meeting!" He added that Mr Xi had said Mr Kim "looks forward" to meeting the US president, adding: "In the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all cost!" Chinese President Xi Jinping, second from right, and his wife Peng Liyuan, right, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, second from left, and his wife Ri Sol Ju Credit: AP   The developments are a marked contrast to the war of words that Mr Trump got into with Mr Kim last year as North Korea carried out a series of missile tests.  Then the US president dubbed the North Korean leader "little rocket man" and threatened "fire and fury", while Mr Kim called Mr Trump a "dotard" – someone who is old and senile.  Mr Kim's visit to Beijing was confirmed with photographs and official statements after much speculation when a dark green armoured train was spotted rolling through the city's suburbs.  Beijing has traditionally been the closest ally of North Korea, but ties have been frayed by the regime's pursuit of nuclear weapons and China's backing for tough UN sanctions.  That friction had opened the door to Mr Trump who was poised to become the first foreign leader to hold talks with Mr Kim before this visit took place.  Reports from state media in China and North Korea quoted both leaders talking up the closeness of relations between their countries.    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, right, and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, left, shake hands at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing Credit: AP According to North Korea's official KCNA news agency, Mr Kim said: "There is no question that my first foreign visit would be to the Chinese capital. "This is my solemn duty as someone who should value and continue the DPRK-PRC relations through generations".  DPRK are the initials for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.  Mr Xi said: "Both Comrade Chairman and I have personally experienced and witnessed the development of China-DPRK relationship." "This is a strategic choice and the only right choice both sides have made based on history and reality.... This should not and will not change because of any single event at a particular time.  Xinhua, China's official news agency, talked about the "friendship" or "friendly" relations between both countries no fewer than 21 times in its report about the visit.  The North Korean leader also told Mr Xi his nuclear-armed regime was "committed to denuclearisation", according to Xinhua.  Kim in Beijing Mr Kim said: "The issue of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula can be resolved, if South Korea and the United States respond to our efforts with goodwill, create an atmosphere of peace and stability while taking progressive and synchronous measures for the realisation of peace."  He was also quoted as saying: "The DPRK is willing to have dialogue with the United States and hold a summit of the two countries."  The ones we haven't seen yet: of the unofficial banquet on Monday night— Oliver Hotham (@OliverHotham) March 28, 2018 Analysts had earlier suggested Beijing had been sidelined by Pyongyang's approaches to Seoul and Washington, but Mr Kim's visit means China has reclaimed its leading role on the world stage. Deng Yuwen, an independent Chinese international relations scholar, said North Korea needed to turn to its old ally ahead of the US summit, as Kim will be sceptical that Mr Trump will guarantee the security of his regime. "North Korea needs the big brother to protect it at a crucial moment," Deng told AFP. Chinese President Xi Jinping, fourth from left, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, second from right, meet at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Credit: AP Mr Kim had not met Mr Xi since the young North Korean leader took over after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, in 2011. Speculation had been rife in recent days that the North Korean leader had travelled to China.  After a dark green armoured train was spotted rolling through Beijing's suburbs on Monday, the motorcade was later seen heading towards a location where Mr Xi typically hosts foreign dignitaries. Mr Kim is set to meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in in April before a proposed  Trump summit in May.  Memorable diplomatic meetings As diplomatic momentum builds towards the much anticipated meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Kim, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold talks with the US president in April.  The Japanese leader is finalising details for a summit with Mr  Trump on April 18 to discuss strategy, a ruling party official told Reuters on Wednesday. The meeting between Mr Abe and the U.S. leader is expected to be held at Trump's Mar-a-Largo retreat in Florida, according to the source. Kim Jong-un's father, Kim Jong-il, met then-president Jiang Zemin in China in 2000 before a summit between the two Koreas in June that year. That visit was seen at the time as reaffirmation of close ties with Beijing.

Texas Officer Fatally Shoots Unarmed Man Walking With Pants Down

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:55 AM PDT

Texas Officer Fatally Shoots Unarmed Man Walking With Pants DownAn unarmed black man who was shot dead by a Texas police officer last Thursday

Rick Santorum tries to correct his 'CPR' gaffe by digging an even deeper hole

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 11:38 AM PDT

Rick Santorum tries to correct his 'CPR' gaffe by digging an even deeper holeSentient mayonnaise blob Rick Santorum was back on CNN on Wednesday trying to walk back some controversial comments he made about the Parkland shooting survivor teens and still somehow wound up doubling down on his original comments.  Santorum faced backlash after, over the weekend, he said students taking part in the March For Our Lives would be better off "maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that." Speaking to CNN's Chris Cuomo on Wednesday, Santorum said, "I did misspeak in using the term CPR." But that was the extent to which Santorum made any sense.  Here is more from Santorum's line of thinking: Right, okay, Rick, you just described the organizations behind March For Our Lives, so I'm not sure I see where you're going. Or like March For Our Lives? But go on.  You mean the huge rallies across the country in support of bringing an end to gun violence are avoiding the issue of gun violence in schools and not unifying? Rick. Your sweater vest is too tight. After Cuomo called out Santorum and his ilk for "going after these kids, who are survivors, in the interest of political expediency," Santorum tried to wriggle free from everything he had previously said through several minutes of sparring with Cuomo. But he stood by his point that there were better ways for the students to help prevent school violence. Like take CPR, I guess? WATCH: In the farms of the future, tractors will no longer require human drivers

Michigan build-your-own AR-15 class provokes backlash

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:55 PM PDT

Michigan build-your-own AR-15 class provokes backlashMARSHALL, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan gun store owner shrugged off criticism and went ahead with a class that teaches people how to build their own AR-15 semi-automatic rifles like those used in many mass shootings, including last month's massacre at a Florida high school.

Kenya expels opposition firebrand, again

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Kenya expels opposition firebrand, againAn outspoken member of the opposition alliance was Wednesday expelled from Kenya for the second time in two months, his lawyer told AFP. Miguna Miguna, a firebrand member of the National Super Alliance (NASA) coalition, was forced onto an international flight to Canada last month. The High Court on February 26 ordered immigration authorities to allow him to return to the country and he arrived back on Monday.

San Francisco crash: one dead after vehicle ploughs into people after fight

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 12:05 PM PDT

San Francisco crash: one dead after vehicle ploughs into people after fightOne person was killed and three others seriously injured in San Francisco after a fight escalated into a driver ploughing into a group of five people, police said. The driver got into a physical altercation with the group before running his vehicle into them and driving away, a San Francisco police official said. A police spokeswoman said the department did not have any additional information on the suspect.

Parkland Survivor Slams Fox News Host: ‘Coming From A 14-Year-Old, Please Grow Up’

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 11:30 PM PDT

Parkland Survivor Slams Fox News Host: 'Coming From A 14-Year-Old, Please Grow Up'Lauren Hogg, a teen survivor of last month's mass shooting at a Florida high

Pope visits retired pontiff after doctored letter scandal

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Pope visits retired pontiff after doctored letter scandalPope Francis met Tuesday with Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI in the first known contact between the two, following a major gaffe by Francis' communications chief over his misrepresentation of a letter from the retired pontiff.

Jeb Bush Takes Apparent Swipe At Donald Trump Over His Children's Love

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 01:28 AM PDT

Jeb Bush Takes Apparent Swipe At Donald Trump Over His Children's LoveJeb Bush appeared to mock President Donald Trump over his relationship with

Orlando Nightclub Shooter's First Target Was Disney World, Prosecutors Say

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 09:46 AM PDT

Orlando Nightclub Shooter's First Target Was Disney World, Prosecutors SayOmar Mateen killed 49 people at Pulse Nightclub

California county votes to join Trump's 'sanctuary' lawsuit

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 06:31 PM PDT

California county votes to join Trump's 'sanctuary' lawsuitSANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — In a dramatic one-two punch, leaders in California's Orange County voted Tuesday to condemn the state's sanctuary law that limits police cooperation with federal immigration authorities and to join a Trump administration lawsuit that seeks to overturn it.

'Roseanne' Reboot Snags More Viewers Than 1997 Season Finale

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PDT

'Roseanne' Reboot Snags More Viewers Than 1997 Season Finale"Roseanne" is loud, proud and raking in the ratings.

Planes Captured on Video After Collision at Israeli Airport

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 01:20 PM PDT

Planes Captured on Video After Collision at Israeli AirportNo one was injured as they planes hit each other while on the ground at Ben Gurion Airport.

China and Russia accused of waging 'war on human rights' at UN

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:31 AM PDT

China and Russia accused of waging 'war on human rights' at UNThe UN Human Rights Up Front initiative was established in 2014, after a series of UN failures in preventing or sounding the alarm over atrocities. China and Russia are leading a stealthy and increasingly successful effort at the United Nations to weaken UN efforts to protect human rights around the world, according to diplomats and activists. The two countries have used the UN budget panel, known as the fifth committee, to cut funding for human rights monitors and for a senior post in the secretary general's office which is supposed to ensure that human rights – one of three pillars of the UN's function – are not forgotten in its day-to-day work.

The Latest: French boo far-right Le Pen at memorial march

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 11:16 AM PDT

The Latest: French boo far-right Le Pen at memorial marchPARIS (AP) — The Latest on anti-Semitism in France (all times local):

Stock markets pause for breath after sell-off

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Stock markets pause for breath after sell-offStock markets got a reprieve from heavy selling pressure Wednesday in a patchy session marked by lots of volatility, traders said.

PHOTOS: Most popular dog breeds of 2017 announced

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 10:40 AM PDT

PHOTOS: Most popular dog breeds of 2017 announcedAmerican Kennel Club unveils the list. Here are the top 10 for 2017.

White House Hires Former Disney Channel Star As Press Assistant

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 07:47 AM PDT

White House Hires Former Disney Channel Star As Press AssistantPresident Donald Trump's TV star-run administration has hired former Disney

Amal Clooney to represent Reuters reporters detained in Burma

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 06:43 AM PDT

Amal Clooney to represent Reuters reporters detained in BurmaProminent human rights lawyer Amal Clooney has joined the legal team representing two Reuters reporters jailed in Burma, who are accused of possessing secret government papers, her office said on Thursday. A court in Yangon has been holding preliminary hearings since January to decide whether Wa Lone, 31, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, will be charged under the colonial-era Officials Secrets Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison. The journalists had been working on a Reuters investigation into the killing of 10 Rohingya Muslim men in western Burma's Rakhine state during an army crackdown that began in August, which has sent nearly 700,000 people fleeing to Bangladesh. Lawyers for the two reporters on Wednesday asked the court to throw out the case, saying there was insufficient evidence to support charges against the pair in Burma, also known as Myanmar.  "Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo are being prosecuted simply because they reported the news. I have reviewed the case file and it is clear beyond doubt that the two journalists are innocent and should be released immediately," Amal Clooney was quoted as saying in a statement released by her office. "The outcome of this case will tell us a lot about Myanmar's commitment to the rule of law and freedom of speech," said Clooney, who is married to actor George Clooney. Zaw Htay, spokesman for Myanmar's civilian government, declined to comment. Wa Lone, one of the imprisoned journalists, pictured before a court hearing in Yangon, Myanmar in March Credit: Reuters Government officials have previously denied the arrests represent an attack on press freedom, which rights advocates say is under growing threat in the Southeast Asian country. Myanmar's ambassador to the United Nations, Hau Do Suan, said last month that the Reuters journalists were not arrested for reporting a story, but were accused of "illegally possessing confidential government documents". Gail Gove, chief counsel of Reuters, said retaining Clooney would strengthen the company's international legal expertise and broaden efforts to secure the release of the reporters. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been in custody since their arrest on Dec. 12. The pair have told relatives they were arrested almost immediately after being handed some rolled up papers at a restaurant in northern Yangon by two policemen they had not met before, having been invited to meet the officers for dinner. The district court in northern Yangon will hear arguments from prosecutors and defence lawyers on the motion to dismiss the case on April 4. Detained Reuters journalist Kyaw Soe Oo, holding his daughter, pictured before a court hearing in Yangon, Myanmar, in March.  Credit: Reuters  

GOP Food Stamp Plan Would Shift Some Funds From Benefits To Training

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 02:36 PM PDT

GOP Food Stamp Plan Would Shift Some Funds From Benefits To TrainingWASHINGTON ― A long-awaited Republican food stamp plan would partially shift

Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters on Gaza border for Palestinian protests: Israeli army chief

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 06:12 AM PDT

Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters on Gaza border for Palestinian protests: Israeli army chiefBy Jeffrey Heller and Nidal al-Mughrabi JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - The Israeli military has deployed more than 100 sharpshooters on the Gaza border ahead of a planned mass Palestinian demonstration, Israel's top general said in an interview published on Wednesday. Organizers said they expect thousands in Gaza, including entire families, to answer their call to gather in tent cities in five locations along the sensitive border from Friday in a six-week protest for a right of return of Palestinian refugees to what is now Israel. Citing security concerns, the Israeli military enforces a "no go" zone for Palestinians on land in Gaza adjacent to Israel's border fence.

2019 Toyota RAV4: See The Changes Side By Side

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 09:00 PM PDT

2019 Toyota RAV4: See The Changes Side By SideHow does the look of the new RAV4 compare to the FT-AC concept? See for yourself.

Arizona Police Department Equip Patrol Bikes with AR-15s

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 11:12 AM PDT

Arizona Police Department Equip Patrol Bikes with AR-15sArizona Police Department Equip Patrol Bikes with AR-15s Despite the hot-button issues associated with the high-powered rifles in today's political climate, Tempe, Arizona police officials opt to mount AR-15s on half of the departments patrol bikes Assault

The Latest: Neighbors reported family before cliff crash

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 05:36 PM PDT

The Latest: Neighbors reported family before cliff crashMENDOCINO, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on a family who died when their SUV plunged off a cliff in California (all times local):

Clear Furniture Is the Answer to a Clutter-Free Small Room

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 02:41 PM PDT

Clear Furniture Is the Answer to a Clutter-Free Small Room

Tiffany Haddish Explains Why, Unlike Most Celebs, She Rewears Her Clothes

Posted: 29 Mar 2018 09:40 AM PDT

Tiffany Haddish Explains Why, Unlike Most Celebs, She Rewears Her ClothesWhen you're a celebrity, there's a lot of pressure to look a certain way and,

It would be 'almost impossible' to repeal Second Amendment, say experts - as Trump wades into debate

Posted: 28 Mar 2018 12:23 PM PDT

It would be 'almost impossible' to repeal Second Amendment, say experts - as Trump wades into debatePresident Donald Trump has been quick to show his disdain over a suggestion from a former Supreme Court justice that the Second Amendment of the US Constitution – the right to keep and bear arms – should be repealed. Retired Justice John Paul Stevens has become the latest prominent figure to call for the repeal of the amendment, citing the sweeping movement started by student survivors of the Parkland, Florida school shooting on Valentine's Day in which 17 people were killed. Justice Stevens argues that the time is now to push on beyond the gun controls being sought and get rid of the whole amendment.

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